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1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with the total of ten (10) questions
2. All answers must be written in the space provided
3. Where necessary the following constants may be used
(i)Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s2
(ii)Density of water=1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
SECTION A (15 Marks)

1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer among the given
alternatives and write its letter in the box provided
(i) Joyce a form one student measure the diameter of bob ,the result was 1.95cm,
which pair of devices do you think she use so as to obtain the diameter of bob
A. Vernier caliper and metre rule
B. Spring balance and stop watch
C. Micrometer screw gauge and electronic balance
D. Vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge
(ii) When the velocity of a body is doubled
A. Its K.E. is doubled
B. Its P.E. is doubled
C. Its momentum is doubled
D. Its acceleration is doubled
(iii)You feel more pain if someone with pointed high heel shoes steps on
your foot than when the same person with flat shoes steps on you
A. Pressure exerted is greater with pointed high heel shoes
B. The leather of the shoes has big weight
C. Pressure exerted is greater with flat shoes
D. The flat shoes are not as heavy as the pointed ones
(iv) Which name is given to the process in which a parallel beam of
incident light is reflected as a parallel beam in one direction
A. Diffuse reflection C. Regular deflection
B. Internal reflection D. Regular reflection
(v) A ship sinks lower in fresh water than in sea water. What can you
conclude about the density?
A. Fresh water is denser than sea water
B. The density of the sea water is same as the ship
C. The sea water is denser than the fresh water
D. Sea water and fresh water have same density

(vi) A Barber stand 2m infront of a plane mirror move 1.5m further a way
from the mirror. What is new distance between the barber and the
A. 7m C. 1.5m
B. 3.5m D. 2m
(vii)When a perfume is sprayed out in the room which phenomenon will
take place among of these
A. Osmosis C. Capillarity
B. Diffusion D. Brownian motion
(viii) Samia have two copper cylinder with the same cross section
area, but one is longer than other. Which quantity is the same for
both cylinders?
A. Density C. Volume
B. Mass D. Weight
(ix) The walls of a dam are made thicker at the bottom than at the top
because the
A. Pressure of water at the bottom is greater
B. Pressure of water at the bottom is less
C. Weight of water at the bottom is greater
D. Weight of water at the bottom is less
(x) When buying sugar from a shop you pay for
A. Density C. Volume
B. Mass D. Weight

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

2, Match each item in List A With a correct response in List B by writing a letter of a
correct response below the corresponding item number in the table provided

List A List B
(i) Real weight A. The density of substance must be greater than the density
(ii) Sinking of water
(iii) Upthrust B. The density of balloon are greater than the density of air
(iv) Hydrometer C. Ability of materials to remain at the surface of the liquid
(v) Law of floatation D. Apparent loss weight
E. Always determine the relative density of fluid
F. Is the device used to measure atmospheric pressure
G. Weight of an object in air
H. The density of an object are equal to the density of liquid


List A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

List B
SECTION B (55 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Explain how parallax error occurs and substantiate how you will
avoid it during Measurement?
(b) Why would prefer a micrometer screw gauge than a verniear caliper
in measuring the diameter of small ball
4.(a) Suppose that a ball is dropped from a tower, now use concept of
conservation of energy to explain the rebounds of the ball.
(b) Calculate the height reached by the ball on the rebound when a ball of 0.2
kg was dropped from a height of 20 m when 30 J of energy was lost on impact
with the ground
5. (a) Distinguish between regular and diffuse reflection
(b) With help of aid diagram state laws of reflection
6. (a) Amina measure the weight of her bag ,she observed that when she is on the
earth surface the weight was 60N but when she is on the moon the weight
decrease to 10N, As form one student what cause the weight of her bag differ
(b) John a student of form three he was invited by a physics teacher in form one class
to describe two type of force, what do you think john described these type with its
7. (a) The density of water 1000𝑘g/m3 is what does it imply
(b) Marium measure the relative density of stone which is 11.2, what will be the
density of stone measured by Mariam
SECTION C (30 Marks)

8. (a) Define density and give its SI unit

(b) List three applications of density in real life
9. Mawazo saw a wood floating on water, he decided to call a teacher to explain to
him the condition made a wood to float on the surface of water. Name the
condition a teacher explained to Mawazo
10. (a) Suppose that the school laboratory is made of slippery tiles, convince the
headmaster to replace them by advising him as to why slippery floor is
dangerous in the laboratory
(b) Suppose that a nurse is to be inject a patient using a needle of 0.002m2 cross
section area. What is the minimum force required if the pressure required to be
applied is at least 4000pa.

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