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Is it more important to be happy or successful?

A-Definition of what is more important to be happy or successful.
B-Thesis statement

A-Paragraph 1
*people who are happy are more successful.
*The advantages of being happier.

B-Paragraph 2
*the person who is happy has better health.
*How our change of mood affects our health

C-Paragrat 3
*The person who is happy is more able to achieve their goals.
*Defended or strengthen the topic sentence

III- Conclusion
*Summarize main points
*Reiterate that happiness is more important than the extinct.
*Tie to opening

"Success is not the key to happiness.Happiness is the key to sucess. If you love
what you are doing, you will be successful Albert schuveitzer" There have
been many discussions, studies and surveys about whether people should mold
themselves to achieve success at all cost or should condition themselves to
value happiness more, even more than their career and other related
achievements or lack thereof. I'm this essay we are going to observe the
importance of being happiness before achieving success.

The people who are happy are more successful, happiness has a profound effect
on brain function and significantly increases individual performance, creating
creates individual and business success. This can improve your relationships:
people like to be around happy people. Happier people give more to other.
Is it more important to be happy or successful?

Heath and happiness are two basic. Pillars that most people agree constitute a
good life. And the turn out to be more intertwine that one might think. The
question of whether one causes the other or whether the two are just correlated
sin difficult to separate, but there is no doubt that there is strong connection
enjoying good health is the best reason to consider yourself a happy person.

When our lives have positive emotions, good relationships, strengths that we put
into practice, and a purpose, we are ready to achieve things. Setting and
achieving goals allows us to put our energy in specific places. It lets us see how
we generate a positive impact. Put effort into the things you think are important.
Put as much effort as possible into everything you try to do, without the need to
be perfect. If something you try to do doesn't turn out well, stay optimistic and
try again. Have confidence in yourself and don't give up on your dreams.

In conclusion, it is important to highlight that happiness is more important than
success, since if you are happy you will be able to follow everything you set
your mind to in life, but if you only have one success and you are not happy,
you will not be complete, you will be missing something and that is happiness.
Do not look on to success to create your happiness, look onto happiness to
create your success.

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