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Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Standard-Based Learning Unit

Unit 4: Forces and Motion
Learning Area: Science, Subject: Science
Level: Secondary 2
Duration: 20 hours
1. Mind Mapping

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Force is a push, pull, upthrust, or gravity

that can change the motion, direction, or
shape of the object. Forces can be
categorized as resultant force, fluid


Forces and

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion


Motion is the change in an object’s

position. It can be described using the
following quantities; distance, it is the total
length traveled by an object independent
of its direction of motion; displacement, it is

2. Learning Standards
SC 2.2 Understanding of characteristics of forces in daily life,
effect of forces on objects, and various types of motion
of objects, which could be applied for useful purposes

3. Indicators
SC 2.2 M.2/1 Predict the motion of objects due to the
resultant force of several component
forces acting on an object along the same plane,
based on empirical evidence.
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

SC 2.2 M.2/2 Draw a diagram depicting the force and

resultant force of several component
forces acting on an object along the same plane.
SC 2.2 M.2/3 Design and conduct an experiment by using
an appropriate method to explain
the factors contributing to liquid pressure.
SC 2.2 M.2/4 Analyze the buoyant force and the floating and
sinking of an object in a liquid,
based on empirical evidence.
SC 2.2 M.2/5 Draw a diagram depicting the force acting on
an object in a liquid.
SC 2.2 M.2/6 Explain the static and kinetic friction, based on
empirical evidence.
SC 2.2 M.2/7 Design and conduct an experiment by using
an appropriate method to explain
the factors contributing to the magnitude of friction.
SC 2.2 M.2/8 Draw a diagram depicting friction and other
kinds of forces acting on an object.
SC 2.2 M.2/9 Realize the benefits of the knowledge of
friction by analyzing problematic
situations and introducing guidelines for decreasing
or increasing friction to
facilitate our daily-life activities.

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

SC 2.2 M.2/10 Design and conduct an experiment by using an

appropriate method to explain
the moment of force when the object is in
rotational equilibrium and make a
calculation by using the equation M = FL.
SC 2.2 M.2/11 Compare the sources of magnetic, electric,
gravitational fields, and directions
of the forces acting on the objects in each of the
fields, based on the
gathered data.
SC 2.2 M.2/12 Draw a diagram depicting the magnetic, electric,
and gravitational forces acting
on an object.
SC 2.2 M.2/13 Analyze the relationships between the
magnitudes of magnetic, electric, and
gravitational forces acting on an object in each of
the particular field as well
as the distance from the source of the force to the
object, based on the
gathered data.
SC 2.2 M.2/14 Explain and calculate the speed and velocity of
the object’s motion by using

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

s s⃗
the equations v = t and ⃗v = t , based on empirical
SC 2.2 M.2/15 Draw a diagram depicting displacement and

4. Contents
Compulsory Details Local-related Content
- A force is a vector quantity. Consider from the
If there are several forces institutional
acting on an object, but the curriculum.
sum of the resultant force is
zero, the motion of the
object will not change.
Conversely, if the sum of
the resultant force is not
zero, the object will move.
- When an object is in a
liquid, there will be forces
act on the surfaces of the

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

object. The force of liquid
that exerted perpendicular
on the surface of the object
per unit area is called the
liquid pressure.
- Liquid pressure depends on
the depth below the liquid
surface. The deeper, the
higher of liquid pressure
because more weight from
the liquid on the top
exerted more pressure at
greater depth.
- When an object is in the
fluid, there is buoyant force
acts on it. Buoyant force is
the upward force that acts
on an object that is in a
fluid. The buoyant force Consider from the
causes objects to float or institutional
sink. If the weight of an curriculum.
object is equal to the

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

buoyant force, the object
will stay suspended in a
liquid. If the weight of an
object is more than the
buoyant force, the object
will sink down.
- Friction is a force that
opposes the motion of
objects in contact. If the
force acts on an object at
rest, it will prevent object
from moving. The force that
acts on an object at rest is
called static friction. The
force that acts on a moving
object, and causes it to slow
down or stop, is called
kinetic friction.
- The magnitude of friction
depends on the type of
surfaces and the mass of an
object which affects the

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

normal force.
- Friction plays an essential
role in daily-life activities.
Some activities require
friction such as opening
screw cap and using Consider from the
adhesive tape in the institutional
bathroom. Some activities curriculum.
do not require friction such
as dragging objects on the
floor and using lubricants in
- Knowledge of friction can
be facilitated in our daily-life
- When a force acts away
from the center of mass of
an object, it is moment of
force, affecting the object
rotates about its center.
- Moment of the force is the
product of the force and the

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

perpendicular distance from
the line of action of the
force to the pivot. When the
sum of moments about the
pivot is equal to zero, the
object will be in rotational
equilibrium in which the
sum of its clockwise
moments about the pivot is
equal to the sum of its
counterclockwise moments
about the same pivot.
- There are many kinds of toy
made up by tools, following
the principle of moment of Consider from the
force. The knowledge of institutional
moment of force can be curriculum.
applied to design and create
- Any object that has mass,
there is gravitational field.
The direction gravitational

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

force pulls towards the
object’s gravitational field.
- A electric field is the area
around a charged object
where an electric charge can
feel a force. The direction of
electric force can either be
attractive or repulsive in an
electric field around a
charged object.
- A magnetic field is the area
around a magnet where a
magnetic object can feel a
magnetic force. The
direction of magnetic force
is attractive to the opposite
poles and repulsive to the
like poles.
- The strength of
gravitational force, electric
force, and magnetic force
that act on an object in the

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

field will be weaker when
the object is getting further
from the object’s
gravitational field, charged
object, or magnet.
- Motion is a movement of an
object when its position
change relative to a
reference point. The motion
can be described using
following quantities: scalar
quantity and vector
quantity, such as distance,
speed, displacement, and
velocity. Scalar quantity is a
quantity described by
magnitude, e.g. distance and
speed. Vector quantity is a
quantity described by
magnitude and direction,
e.g. displacement and

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

- An arrow can be used to
represent the vector
quantity. The arrow length
represents the magnitude.
The arrowhead represents
the direction.
- Distance is a scalar
quantity. It is the total
length traveled by an
- Displacement is a vector
quantiy. It is the distance
measured in a straight,
shortest line from the
beginning point to the end
- Speed is a scalar quantity.
The speed can be
calculated from distance
traveled by an object
divided by time taken by an
object to travel the

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Compulsory Details Local-related Content

- Velocity is a vector quantity.
The velocity can be
calculated from
displacement of an object
divided by time taken by an
object to travel the

5. Compulsory Details/ Summary

A force is a vector quantity. It has both a magnitude and a
direction. The SI unit for force is newton (N). If there are
several forces acting on an object, but the sum of the
resultant force is zero, the motion of the object will not
change. Conversely, if the sum of the resultant force is not
zero, the object will move.
Fluid pressure is the force of liquid exerted perpendicular
on the surface of the object per unit area, which is called the
liquid pressure. Liquid pressure depends on the depth below
the liquid surface. The deeper, the higher of liquid pressure
because more weight from the liquid on the top exerted
more pressure at greater depth. When an object is in the
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

fluid, there is buoyant force acts on it. Buoyant force is the

upward force that acts on an object that is in a fluid. The
magnitude of buoyant force is equal to the weight of the
fluid it displaced. If the weight of an object is equal to the
buoyant force, the object will stay suspended in a liquid. If
the weight of an object is more than the buoyant force, the
object will sink down.
Friction is a force that opposes the motion of objects in
contact. The surfaces of two objects push back against the
direction of motion and prevent the object from moving.
There are two types of friction; static friction, the force that
acts on an object at rest; and kinetic friction, the force that
acts on an object that is moving. Knowledge of friction can
be facilitated in our daily-life activities such as dragging
objects on the floor and using lubricants in machines.
Moment of force is a force acts away from the center of
mass of an object, and made the object rotates about its
center. The moment of force can be counterclockwise or
In this level, there are three types of forces in nature;
gravitational force, a force that acts on an object within its
gratitational field, it causes the pull of gravity that made
objects drop to the ground; electric force, a force that exists

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

between charged objects, the direction of electric force can

either be attractive or repulsive in an electric field; magnetic
force, a force from the magnetic objects, a force acts on the
poles of the magnetic objects in attractive or repulsive
Motion is a movement of an object when its position
change relative to a reference point. The motion can be
described using following quantities: scalar quantity and
vector quantity. Scalar quantity is a quantity described by
magnitude, e.g. distance and speed. Vector quantity is a
quantity described by magnitude and direction, e.g.
displacement and velocity.

6. Learners’ Key Competencies

1. Communication Capacity
2. Thinking Capacity
1) Measurement skill
2) Identifying skill
3) Observation skill
4) Experimental skill
5) Formulating hypothesis skill
6) Communication skill
7) Calculation skill

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

8) Collaboration skill
9) Controlling variables skill
10) Association skill
11) Knowledge application skill
12) Prediction or deduction skill
13) Inferring skill
14) Interpreting data and making conclusions skill
3. Capacity for Life Skills

7. Desired Characteristics
2.Avidity for learning
3. Dedication and commitment to work

8. Workpiece/Workload (All-inclusive)
- Mind mapping of Forces and Motion

9. Learning Activity

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Lesson Plan 1: Resultant Force

Duration: 4 Hours
Teaching Method: 5Es Instructional Model

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

1. The teacher shows equipment for demonstration

such as a rubber ball. The teacher asks for a volunteer to
come in front of the class and throw the ball above
his/her head. Assign students in the class to observe the
motion of the rubber ball.
2. The teacher asks students using following engaging
question, “How does force affect the motion of the object?”

1. Put students into groups and assign them to study the
meaning of force, the resultant force which is a single force
that acts on an object in the same direction, or in opposite
direction. After that, the representative of each group
comes in front of the class to present the result from
2. Students work on Worksheet 4.1.1: Force
3. Assign students in each group to conduct experiment:
Magnitude and Direction of a Force
4. Students work on Worksheet 4.1.2: Resultant Force
5. Assign students to do Exercise 1.1-1.3 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

1. The teacher checks Worksheet 4.1.1: Force, and
Worksheet and 4.1.2: Resultant Force
2. The teacher checks Exercise 1.1-1.3 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces
and Motion.
3. The teacher evaluates the result of experiment:
Magnitude and Direction of a Force.

Lesson Plan 2: Fluid Pressure

Duration: 4 Hours
Teaching Method: 5Es Instructional Model

1. The teacher shows the video about fluid pressure, and
asks students using following engaging question, “Why is
a ballon getting bigger when it is filled with water?”


Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

1. Put students into groups and assign them to study fluid

pressure from Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary
2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion.
2. Assign students to conduct experiment: Liquid Pressure,
from Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B,
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion. After that, the
representative of each group comes in front of the class to
present the result of the experiment.
3. Assign students to study buoyant force from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.
4. Assign students to conduct experiment: Buoyant Force.
5. Assign students to do Exercise 1.4 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.

1. The teacher checks Exercise 1.4 from Mastering Science
Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and
2. The teacher evaluates the result of experiment: Liquid
Pressure, and Buoyant Force.
3. The teacher evaluates workpiece: Effects of Buoyant
Force on an Object Immersed.
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Lesson Plan 3: Friction Duration:

4 Hours
Teaching Method: 5Es Instructional Model

1. The teacher stimulates students’ interest by asks for
few volunteers to come in front of the class. Then assign
them to fold two towels together, then each of them has
to pull each of towel on the opposite side while the
teacher still grabs the center of two towels around two
inches. After that, the teacher uses following engaging
question, “Why is it very difficult for the students to pull
the towels?”


1. Pair students to their classmate and assign them to

study friction, static friction, and kinetic friction.
2. Assign students to conduct experiment: Friction, from
Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Unit 4: Forces and Motion. After that, the representative of

each group comes in front of the class to present the
result of the experiment.
3. Students work on Worksheet 4.3.1: Friction.
4. Assign students to do Exercise 1.5 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.

1. The teacher evaluates the result of experiment: Friction.
2. The teacher checks Worksheet 4.3.1: Friction.
3. The teacher checks Exercise 2.1 from Mastering Science
Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and

Lesson Plan 4: Moment of Force

Duration: 2 Hours
Teaching Method: 5Es Instructional Model


Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

1. The teacher shows equipment for demonstration: a

double beam balance, and silver coins, and asks for two
volunteers. Assign one of them to put silver coins on
either side of a fulcrum until the scale is balanced. If it is
not balanced, the teacher may call another student
randomly to add more coins.

1. Put student into groups and assign them to study
meaning, type, and equation of moment of force from
Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning
Unit 4: Forces and Motion, or other resources such as
2. Assign students to conduct experiment: Moment of
Force, from Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary
2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion.
3. Assign students to do Exercise 1.1 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.

1. The teacher evaluates the result of studying meaning,
type, and equation of moment of force.

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

2. The teacher evaluates the result of experiment:

Moment of Force.
3. The teacher checks Exercise 1.1 from Mastering Science
Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and

Lesson Plan 5: Force Field

Duration: 4 Hours
Teaching Method: 5Es Instructional Model

1. The teacher shows online video about Galileo's Famous
Gravity Experiment to the students, and asks students
using following engaging question, “From the video, when
we release a ball and feathers to fall in vacuum at the
same time, these two objects touch the ground at the
same time as well. Why?”

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

1. Each group of student conducts experiment:

Gravitational Field, Electric Field, and Magnetic Field. After
that, the representative of each group comes in front of
the class to present the result of the experiment.
2. Together, students and the teacher discuss the result of
3. Assign students to scan QR Code: Magnetic Field and
Electric Field from Mastering Science Work-Textbook
Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion.
4. Assign students to do Exercise 1.1 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.

1. The teacher evaluates the result of experiment:
Gravitational Field, Electric Field, and Magnetic Field.
2. The teacher checks Exercise 1.1 from Mastering Science
Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Lesson Plan 6: Motion

Duration: 4 Hours
Teaching Method: 5Es Instructional Model

1. The teacher shows equipment for demonstration: a
car toy and a tennis ball. The teacher asks for a volunteer
to come in front of the class and push a car toy to move
in a linear motion on the table and drop the tennis ball
onto the ground. Assign students in the class to observe
the motion of the car toy and the tennis ball. Then, the
teacher and asks students using following engaging
question, “What are the directions of the motion of these
two objects?”
1. Assign students to study motion, distance, and
displacement from Mastering Science Work-Textbook
Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion.

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

2. Assign students to draw a distance from their own

houses to the school, including a reference point (origin
point), the destination, and the total distance.
3. Assign students to do Exercise 2.1-2.2 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.
4. Students work on Worksheet 4.6.1: Speed and Velocity
5. Assign students to experiment: Parachute for a Doll.
6. Assign students to do Thinking Skills Activity from
Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning
Unit 4: Forces and Motion.
7. Assign students to do Fuel-up Test.

1. The teacher evaluates the result of studying motion,
distance, and displacement.
2. The teacher checks Worksheet 4.6.1: Speed and Velocity
3. The teacher checks Exercise 2.1-2.2 from Mastering
Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning Unit 4:
Forces and Motion.
4. The teacher evaluates the result of Thinking Skills
Activity from Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary
2B, Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion.
5. The teacher evaluates the result of Fuel-up Test.
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

10. Assessment and Evaluation

Indicators List Method Tool Criteria
10.1 Precourse
Evaluation - Check the - Pre-test - Authentic
- Pre-test, Pre-test assessment
Learning Unit
4: Forces and
10.2 Midcourse
1) Resultant - Check - Exercise 1.1- - Pass mark: 60%
Force Exercise 1.1- 1.3 - Pass mark: 60%
1.3 - Worksheet: - Pass mark: 60%
- Check 4.1.1
Worksheet: - Worksheet:
4.1.1 4.1.2
- Check
2) Fluid - Check - Exercise 1.4 - Pass mark: 60%
Pressure and Exercise 1.4 - Workpiece - Pass mark:
Buoyant - Check Evaluation Quality level 2

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Indicators List Method Tool Criteria

Force workpiece of Form
effects of
force on an
3) Friction - Check - Worksheet: - Pass mark: 60%
Worksheet: 4.3.1 - Pass mark: 60%
4.3.1 - Exercise 1.4
- Check
Exercise 1.4
4) Moment of - Check - Exercise 1.1 - Pass mark: 60%
Force Exercise 1.1
5) Force Field - Check - Worksheet: - Pass mark: 60%
Worksheet: 4.5.1 - Pass mark: 60%
4.5.1 - Exercise 1.1
- Check
Exercise 1.1
6) Motion - Check - Worksheet: - Pass mark: 60%
Worksheet: 4.5.1 - Pass mark: 60%
4.6.1 - Exercise 2.1 - Pass mark: 60%
- Check - Exercise 2.2

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Indicators List Method Tool Criteria

Exercise 2.1
- Check
Exercise 2.2
8) Presentation - Evaluate the - Presentation - Pass mark:
presentation Evaluation Quality level 2
9) Learners’ - Observe - Observation - Pass mark:
behavior learners’ Form (for Quality level 2
when they behavior learners’
work in group when they behavior
work in group when they
work in group)
10) Performance - Evaluate the - Performance - Pass mark:
performance Evaluation Quality level 2
11) Desired - Observe - Desired - Pass mark:
Characteristics learners’ self- Characteristics Quality level 2
discipline, Evaluation
avidity for Form
learning, and

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Indicators List Method Tool Criteria

to work
10.3 Postcourse
Evaluation - Check Post- - Post-test - Pass mark:
-Post-test test 60%
Learning Unit
4: Forces and

11. Instructional Media/ Learning & Resource Center

11.1 Instructional Media
1) Mastering Science Work-Textbook Secondary 2B, Learning
Unit 4: Forces and Motion
2) Equipment for experiment: Magnitude and Direction of
a Force
3) Equipment for experiment: Resultant Force
4) Equipment for experiment: Liquid Pressure
5) Equipment for experiment: Buoyant Force
6) Equipment for experiment: Friction
7) Equipment for studying the factors affecting friction
8) Equipment for experiment: Moment of Force
9) Equipment for experiment: Parachute for a Doll

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

10) Worksheet 4.1.1: Force

11) Worksheet 4.1.2: Resultant Force
12) Worksheet 4.3.1: Friction
13) Worksheet 4.5.1: Force Field
14) Worksheet 4.6.1: Speed and Velocity
15) Record of Experiment: Magnitude and Direction of a
16) Record of Experiment: Resultant Force
17) Record of Experiment: Liquid Pressure
18) Record of Experiment: Buoyant Force
19) Record of Experiment: Friction
20) Record of Experiment: Moment of Force
21) Handout: Speed
22) QR Code: Buoyant Force
23) QR Code: Magnetic Field
24) QR Code: Electric Field
25) Online video about liquid pressure
26) Online video about Galileo’s gravity experiment
27) Equipment for demonstration
28) Pieces of paper with topics for drawing lots
29) Comb

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

30) Tray
31) Iron powder
32) Two Magnet bars
33) Different sizes of sandbags
34) Pieces of paper with numbers for drawing lots
11.2 Learning & Resource Center
1) Laboratory
2) Library
3) Internet

12. Opinion of the Institutional Executive or the

Assigned Person



Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

................................ )


13. Post-lesson Record

Ÿ Knowledge

Ÿ Learners’ Key Competencies

Ÿ Desired Characteristics

Ÿ Science Capacity

Ÿ Others (Outstanding, or problematic behaviors of each

leaner (If any))

Ÿ Problem/ Obstacles

Ÿ Solutions

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Instruction: choose only one correct answer for each of

the following questions.
1. Which of the following 5. While we drag rice sack on
statement is correct? the floor, what is the factor
1.A force is scalar quantity, affecting on magnitude of
the SI unit is joule (J) friction?
2.A force is vector quantity, 1. The surface area
the SI unit is joule (J) 2. The weight of rice sack,
3.A force is scalar quantity, the surface area
the SI unit is newton (N) 3. The weight of rice sack,
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

4.A force is vector quantity, the type of surfaces

the SI unit is newton (N) 4. The weight of rice sack,
2. What is the resultant the type of surfaces, the
force? surface area
1. Forces that act on an 6. Which of the following
object to move or change force affecting the fall of an
its direction object?
2. Forces that act on an 5. Buoyant Force
object to move in opposite 6. Electric Force
directions 7. Gravitational Force
3. The sum of all forces 8. Friction
acting on an object to move 7. What is the type of
or change its direction distance and displacement
4. The sum of all forces quantity, respectively?
acting on an object to not 1. Scalar quantity, Scalar
move or change its direction quantity
2. Vector quantity, vector
3. Which of the following quantity
force affecting the float of an 3. Scalar quantity, vector
object? quantity
1. Buoyant Force 4. Vector quantity, scalar
2. Electric Force quantity
3. Gravitational Force 8. What is the type of

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

4. Friction velocity and speed

4. What is the meaning of quantity, respectively?
moment of force? 1. Scalar quantity, Scalar
1. Force quantity
2. The pivot of a beam 2. Vector quantity, vector
3. Distance from the line of quantity
action of the force to the 3. Scalar quantity, vector
pivot quantity
4. The sum of the force 4. Vector quantity, scalar
multiplying with distance quantity
from the line of action of
the force to the pivot 10. Somsri runs from her
house to the bank. She
9. Sompong takes a car ride runs to the north for 30
from house to the school for meters, then runs to the
10 seconds. The distance east for 40 meters. The
between her house and her total time she spent on
school is 200 meters. What is running is 5 seconds. What
the speed at which the car is the velocity at which
runs? she runs from her house
1. 0.2 m/s 3. 20 to the bank?
m/s 5. 0.1 m/s 3. 10
2. 2 m/s 4. 200 m/s

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

m/s 6. 1 m/s 4. 100


Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

Instruction: choose only one correct answer for each of

the following questions.
1. Push the box at rest with 5. Which of the following
a force of 400 N to the statement about force field is
left. What would happen? incorrect?
1. The box is still at rest. 1. Force field can be
2. The box moves to the perceived through sensory
left with the constant perception
Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

speed. 2. The area electric force

3. The box moves to the acts on an object
right with decelerating 3. The area magnetic force
speed. acts on an object
4. The box moves to the 4. If there is force, there
left with accelerating will always be force field.
speed. Read the given statement
2. Push the box with a force and answer question 6-10.
of 20 N to the left, and push Somchai runs from his
the same box with a force of house to the north for 20
10 N to the right at the meters, then walks to the
same time. Find the east for 15 meters. The total
magnitude and direction of time he spent is 50 seconds.
the resultant force in this 6. What is the total distance
experiment? Somchai covered?
1. Box does not move 1.25 m
2. 10 N to the right 2.35 m
3. 10 N to the left 3. 45 m
4. 20 N to the right 4.55 m
3. What is the sum of the 7. What is the displacement
moment of force when the he made?
a force acts through the 1.25 m
pivot? 2.35 m

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion

1. The least 3.45 m

2. The most 4.55 m
3. Unstable 8. What is the average speed
4. Zero at which he runs from his
4. What is not relevant to house to the end?
the friction between the 1.0.4 m/s
car tire and the road 2. 0.5 m/s
surface? 3.0.6 m/s
1. 4.0.7 m/s
car tire
2. 10. If Somchai keeps on
3. running to the west for 15
4. meters, and then the south
9. What is the average for 20 meters, and spent 50
velocity at which he runs seconds more. What is his
from his house to the average velocity?
end? 1. 0 m/s
1.0.4 m/s 2. 0.5 m/s
2.0.5 m/s 3. 0.6 m/s
3.0.6 m/s 4. 0.7 m/s
4.0.7 m/s

Learning Unit 4: Forces and Motion


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