Rodulf Steiner Books

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Based on brief, pithy quotations from Rudolf Steiner’s collected works, the
‘spiritual perspectives’ in these volumes present core concepts on various
subjects. These brief extracts do not claim to provide exhaustive treatment
of the subject, but open up approaches to the complexity of Steiner’s
extraordinary world of ideas. Some readers will find these fragments sufficient
stimulus in themselves, whilst others will use the source references as signposts
towards deeper study and understanding.

Rudolf Steiner
On Epidemics
Spiritual Perspectives
‘If we can bring nothing up out of ourselves except fear of the illnesses
which surround us at the seat of an epidemic, and if we go to sleep at night
filled with nothing but thoughts of this fear, then we create unconscious
replicas, imaginations, which are drenched in fear. And this is an excellent
method for nurturing bacteria...’ – Rudolf Steiner

OCT Trans. J. Collis; compiled by M. Gut (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 72pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm;
2011 978 1 85584 262 5; pb; £7.99

Rudolf Steiner
On Fear
Spiritual Perspectives
‘We must eradicate root and branch any fear and dread in our soul
concerning the future that is coming towards us… We must develop
composure with regard to all the feelings and sensations we have about the
future; we must anticipate with absolute equanimity whatever may be
coming towards us, thinking only that whatever it may be will be brought to
us by the wisdom-filled guidance of the universe.’ – Rudolf Steiner

OCT Trans. J. Collis; compiled by M. Gut (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 80pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm;
2011 978 1 85584 263 2; pb; £7.99

Rudolf Steiner
On Meditation
Spiritual Perspectives
‘Meditating is a totally free undertaking; it is the epitome of an autonomous
deed.’ – Rudolf Steiner

OCT Trans. J. Collis; compiled by M. Gut (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 72pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm;
2011 978 1 85584 261 8; pb; £7.99

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Henk van Oort

Anthroposophy A-Z
A glossary of terms
relating to Rudolf Steiner’s
spiritual philosophy

Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy is the

inspiration for many successful initiatives in the
world today, from the international Steiner
Waldorf school movement to biodynamic
agriculture and its increasingly popular
produce. Steiner developed his philosophy in
dozens of books and many thousands of
lectures. His teaching contains dozens of new
concepts and ideas, and as a result he had
often to create his own vocabulary. In this
practical volume – a companion to his
Anthroposophy, A Concise Introduction – Henk
van Oort gives concise definitions of many
terms and concepts in Steiner’s worldview,
from the most commonplace to the more

Anthroposophy A-Z can be used as a reference guide, but also as a gateway into Rudolf Steiner’s
manifold world of spiritual ideas and concepts. Anthroposophy can be seen to be a new
language – a language that can lead to the world of the spirit. It was with this awareness that
Henk van Oort took the initiative to write this glossary. Ultimately, he has written the sort of
inspiring handbook that he wished had existed when he first became acquainted with
anthroposophy over 40 years ago.

HENK VAN OORT, born in 1943, trained as a primary teacher before taking a Masters degree
in English at the Amsterdam University. He has taught for 40 years in primary and secondary
education, including class teaching in a Steiner school, teaching English, and running educational
courses and seminars for teachers and parents. His interest in literature and poetry has led to his
appearance at storytelling and poetry seminars, and his introductory courses to anthroposophy
have proved to be highly successful. Based in Bergen N.H. in the Netherlands, Henk van Oort is
married and the father of three grown-up children. He is the author of Anthroposophy, A Concise

OCT RSP; 144pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; 978 1 85584 264 9; pb; £8.99

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Rudolf Steiner
Sexuality, Love and
From the Perspective of Spiritual

‘Rudolf Steiner presents the human soul

dilemma, split into male and female
attributes… but offers a path of development
which will eventually lead to overcoming these
– what Jung called ‘individuation’, a merging
with the true self or true ego of the human
being.’ – from the Introduction

We live in a sexualized society, surrounded by

sexual imagery and content in almost every
area of life. This presents us with many
challenges, including an increasing blurring
and confusion between love and sex; strife
between men and women over their roles in
society; and a consistent assault on the
innocence of childhood.

Despite the sensibilities of his time, Rudolf Steiner made a huge contribution to our understanding
of the complex theme of sexuality. In this freshly-compiled anthology, Steiner describes the point
in evolution at which human beings split from being androgynous and single-sexed to becoming
male or female. He traces the changing roles of the sexes in society, from the matriarchal past to
today’s patriarchal dominance. The division of the sexes brings suffering, but also the possibility
of achieving higher stages of love. In the distant future, humanity can evolve sexuality into a new
form, with even the possibility of reproduction being metamorphosed.

Refreshingly, Steiner is not judgemental and does not preach asceticism. He recognizes the ‘all-
too-human’ frailty people confront in their personal lives, even in the case of great individuals
such as Goethe. Sex is a necessary stage of human evolution, and the split nature of the human
being is a fact of our age. Its healing will be gradual but, like Amfortas in the Grail story – whose
wounded groin was a metaphor for amorous misadventure – we can all be healed through love
and compassion.

OCT Trans. rvd. C. von Arnim; compiled by M. Jonas (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 256pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm;
2011 978 1 85584 260 1; pb; £13.99

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Rudolf Steiner Press is proud to publish a new series of re-edited,
re-typeset and re-designed editions of the classic, authorized translations of
Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental books.

The Philosophy of Freedom

The Basis for a Modern World Conception
Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive
lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he
did write – belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work –
four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: The
Philosophy of Freedom, Theosophy, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and
Occult Science.

The first of these books deals with fundamental human questions: Are
we free, whether we know it or not? Or, is our sense of freedom merely
an illusion? Rudolf Steiner tackles this age-old problem in a new way. By
taking account of our own activity of thinking, we can know the reasons
for our actions. And if these reasons are taken from our world of ideals,
then our actions are free, because we alone determine them. But this freedom cannot be settled for us
by philosophical argument. It is not simply granted to us. If we want to become free, we have to strive
through inner activity to overcome our unconscious urges and habits of thought. In order to do this
we must reach a point of view that recognizes no limits to knowledge, sees through all illusions, and
opens the door to an experience of the reality of the spiritual world. Then we can achieve the highest
level of evolution, and recognize ourselves as free spirits.

Trans. M. Wilson (GA 4); RSP; 264pp; 22 x 14 cm; 978 1 85584 256 4; hardback; £22.50 JUN

An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of
the World and the Destination of Man
Theosophy focuses on a psychology based not on the usual duality of
body and mind, but on the more ancient division of body, soul and spirit.
Steiner describes in detail the functions and organs of these three aspects
of the human being, and the objective realms to which they belong. Just
as the body derives from and belongs to the material world, so do the
human soul and spirit belong to their own specific realms. These are the
dimensions through which all human beings travel in the life after death,
and in which – after passing the ‘midnight hour’ – we prepare to seek
our destiny, or karma, in a new life. Theosophy features one of the most
comprehensive and condensed of all Steiner’s accounts of these realms,
and of the experiences which our immortal being undergoes in passing
through them. The book ends with a chapter on the modern ‘path of knowledge’, in which Steiner
describes the exercises through which every person can potentially develop the latent powers of per-
ception which are necessary for a knowledge of metaphysical worlds.
Trans. M. Cotterell & A.P. Shepherd (GA 9); RSP; 176pp; 22 x 14 cm; 978 1 85584 254 0; hardback; £16.99 2011

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Each volume of this series is printed in a limited edition of 1,000 copies and
sewn-bound in high-quality cloth, finished with coloured end-papers and a
marker ribbon.

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds

How is it Achieved?
Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental handbook for spiritual and personal
development has grown more modern as time has passed, although
his methods remain clearly distinguishable from the many others now in
circulation. For one thing, Steiner’s path of spiritual growth is based on
the clarity of thought normally associated with scientific research. Rather
than denying clear thinking, his aim is to extend it beyond its present
limitations. Secondly, Steiner recognizes – as in all genuine disciplines
– that the path to spiritual experience is an arduous and dangerous
one, calling for self-control in thought, word and deed. Human beings
comprise a unity, and we cannot develop knowledge without a
corresponding development in feeling and will. Knowledge of the Higher
Worlds begins with the conditions required for personal development, and guides us through the
stages of initiation, its practical aspects and its effects.

Trans. D.S. Osmond & C. Davy (GA 10); RSP; 192pp; 22 x 14 cm; 978 1 85584 255 7; hardback; £17.99 2011

Occult Science
An Outline
The anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner is not a theoretical system, but the
results of research based on direct observation. As Steiner’s research was
so vast and conducted over such a long period of time, no single book
can be said to contain the whole of his spiritual teaching. However, of
all his books Occult Science comes closest. Steiner even referred to it as
‘an epitome of anthroposophical spiritual science’. The book sets out,
in systematic order, the fundamental facts concerning the nature and
constitution of the human being and, in chronological order, the history
of the universe and man.

Whereas the findings of natural science are derived from observations

made through the senses, the findings of spiritual science, or anthro-
posophy, are ‘occult’ inasmuch as they derive from direct observation of realities hidden to everyday
perception. A substantial part of Occult Science is taken up with a description of the preliminary
training which is necessary to make such spiritual observations.
Trans. G & M. Adams (GA 13); RSP; 424pp; 22 x 14 cm; 978 1 85584 259 5; hardback; £26.99 2011

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Rudolf Steiner
Inner Nature of Music
and the Experience of

‘A tone is at the foundation of everything in the

physical world.’

This is one of many astonishing statements

made by Rudolf Steiner in this collection of
seven lectures on the inner realities of music.
These lectures are an unusual treasure as they
are the only two groups of lectures that Steiner
gave primarily on music, other than the lecture
cycle for the tone eurythmy course, Eurythmy
as Visible Music.

In the first group of three lectures, given in

1906, Steiner explains why music affects the
human soul so powerfully. Music has always
held a special position among the arts
because it is the only art form whose
archetype, or source, lies not in the physical world, as with architecture, sculpture and painting,
but purely in the spiritual world—the soul’s true home. Music thus directly expresses through tones
the innermost essence of the cosmos, and our sense of well-being when we hear music comes
from a recognition of our soul’s experience in the spiritual world.

In the remaining lectures, given in 1922–23, Steiner discusses our experience of musical intervals
and shows how this experience has undergone profound changes during the course of evolution.
The religious effects of music in ancient times and the union of music with speech are considered,
as well as the origin of musical instruments out of imaginations that accompanied singing. New
insights are offered on the nature of the major and minor modes and on future directions of
musical development.

OCT Trans. Maria St. Goar (7 lectures, various cities, 1906-1923; selected from GA 283); SB; 108pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm;
2011 978 0 88010 074 8; pb; £11.99

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Peter Selg
Rudolf Steiner’s Intentions for the
Anthroposophical Society
The Executive Council, the School of
Spiritual Science, and the Sections
Written both in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Rudolf
Steiner’s birth and in the context of the long-standing, episodically
erupting and ongoing confusion surrounding the mission and task of
the Anthroposophical Society, Peter Selg seeks to recover what has
perhaps been forgotten or overlooked in Rudolf Steiner’s own words
and life. He does so by describing, clearly and objectively, the histori-
cal background of Steiner’s vision of the ‘civilizational task’ of Anthroposophy and how he had
hoped it might be accomplished.
This book has two parts. First, the author offers a lucid description of the development and
gradual sharpening – in the face of the crisis of Western culture epitomized by World War I and its
aftermath – of the vision of spiritual science as a truly Michaelic task for the Michael Age. In part
two, Peter Selg takes up the events following Rudolf Steiner’s death, outlining deftly and subtly the
struggles and developments that ensued, commenting tactfully on the questions and perspectives
that arose and continue to arise.
Rudolf Steiner’s Intentions for the Anthroposophical Society is a book for all those who care about
the reality and future of Anthroposophy.
OCT Trans. C von Arnim; SB; 96pp; 14 x 21.5 cm; 978 088010 738 9; pb; £10.95

Torin M. Finser, Ph.D.

A Rosicrucian Path of Leadership
Torin Finser takes on some of our contemporary challenges and
proposes new solutions. Rather than simply ‘kicking the can down the
road’, as often happens with issues such as sovereign debts,
Middle East conflicts and environmental issues, Finser calls for
individual initiative. Drawing on a variety of rich cultural and spiritual
traditions, he makes the case for social change that begins within.
To do so, one must first access resources that support initiative and
innovation. Key questions discussed in this book include:
• How is it possible to live a spiritual life in our materialistic age?
• Can an individual person still make a difference?
• How can we use a whole-systems approach to innovation?
• How can planetary wisdom help us find appropriate leadership styles?
• What are the inner conditions needed to work with the transcendent Self?
• In the swirl of multi-tasking, how can we find moments of solitude and reflection?
Today’s world needs people of initiative – those willing to become the change that is so
desperately needed. This book offers a wake-up call for inspired leadership.

AUG SB; 144pp; 22.5 x 25 cm; 978 088010 734 1; pb; £8.95

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Peter Selg
The Essence Of Waldorf Education
Schools reflect the state of society. If society is materialistic,
competitive, egoistic, technological and without concern for human
values and long-term thinking, our schools will tend to reflect those
values. However, what if education were about something else? What
if education were about the future? What if education were about
nurturing a new generation of human beings who were integrated in
body, soul and spirit, able to think for themselves and have the
capacity to love? Perhaps the world would change. The Waldorf
school, initiated and guided in 1919 by Rudolf Steiner, was conceived
with precisely such an end in view.

In this passionate, inspiring, and moving book, Peter Selg returns to the original impulses behind
the first Waldorf school to show their continuing validity. Waldorf Education is not a theory but a
living reality, and Selg brings this reality to life before us through the biography of the first Waldorf
school. We learn to see this education in a new way – as a healing model of what education
might become if the primary relationship, the inner core of a school, is the free relationship
between teacher and student.

MAY SB; 128pp; 22 x 14 cm; 978 088010 646 7; pb; £8.95


Michael Lipson
Group Meditation
‘This book comes from joy.’ With these words, Michael Lipson
begins his offering, the fruit of many years of study and practice.
Group Meditation is both a practical introduction to the power of
meditation in groups and a challenging review of the meaning of
meditation itself.

Continuing themes he introduced in his earlier book, Stairway of

Surprise, Lipson shows how ordinary capacities such as thinking and
feeling can be intensified without limit in a group setting, so that these capacities transmit the
most intimate truths of nature and being. There are aspects of the world that are too vast to be
borne by one person alone; to approach them, a group is needed. Theme-based meditation, as
Lipson demonstrates, links those practitioners together in a special kind of community that can
endure greater light.

With repeated exercise, either in isolation or in community, attention oriented toward a high
meaning grows more concentrated, more intense. It frees us to drop our self-concern and,
instead, take in the full shock of our shared existence on Earth. It helps us, finally, ‘to be, our-
selves, the news from heaven’.

MAY SB; 128 pp; 18.5 x 14 cm; 978 088010 730 3; pb; £10.95

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Edited by Peter Stebbing;

Paintings by Gerard Wagner
The Goetheanum Cupola Motifs of
Rudolf Steiner
Gerard Wagner’s paintings of Rudolf Steiner’s Goetheanum cupola
sketches bring to life what otherwise would have been lost to the fire
that destroyed that great building. Wagner re-created those archetypal
motifs in new ways over a period of decades.

This book points to the historic and spiritual importance of the first Goetheanum building. Rudolf
Steiner’s lecture on October 25, 1914, and his lecture on the paintings of the small cupola on
January 25, 1920, are published here in English for the first time, along with colour photographs
from 1922. Also included are the little-known coloured etchings of the Goetheanum window
motifs made by Assya Turgenieff with Rudolf Steiner, as well as other centrally important
contributions to an understanding of this new direction in art.

Though the main emphasis is on visual examples, the book achieves something more than simply
cataloguing these works of art. The book conveys, too, a sense of the artistic process itself. Thus,
Gerard Wagner’s observations have a special relevance. In addition to the two lectures by Rudolf
Steiner and the paintings by Wagner, The Goetheanum Cupola Motifs of Rudolf Steiner presents
essays from Peter Stebbing, Louise Clason, Assya Turgenieff and Gerard Wagner.

OCT Trans. P. Stebbing; Foreword S.O. Prokofieff; SB; 248 pp (full colour throughout); 21.5 x 28 cm; 978 088010 737 2; hb; £35

Angela Lord
Rudolf Steiner’s Watercolor Painting
This full-colour book explores the deep meaning of Rudolf Steiner’s
watercolour Easter (or Three Crosses) painted in April 1924. The
reader is led to contemplate the profound mysteries of not only
colours and the sense world, but also the divine, cosmic, human
invisible reality lying behind them and manifested in the unique event
we celebrate as Easter.

At first, the colouring and composition of the painting seem relatively simple. But the longer one
meditates upon it, questions begin to arise: Why did Rudolf Steiner use the rainbow sequence of
colours?; Why are the crosses so small, seen only from a distance?; Who or what are the white
figures ‘below the earth’?; What is the painting really about?

Answering these questions, artist Angela Lord draws on a wide range of anthroposophic and
other sources to illuminate the enormous mystery of Easter itself. She delves into the mysteries
of colours as Steiner uses them—from the polarity of red and black, the contrast of orange and
green, the radiance of yellow and blue and the enigmatic presence of white and violet, to an
experience of the painting as a beautiful rainbow.

OCT SB; 80pp; 21 x 27 cm; 978 088010 723 5; pb; £16.95

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Diana Cohn; Illustrated by Amy Córdova

Roses for Isabella
This morning, Cotacachi, the volcano that watches over my village, is
veiled in clouds of white, as soft as the wool my grandfather spins.
After breakfast, I get ready to walk to school. Mama weaves my hair
into a long braid and ties it with a brightly coloured ribbon.
Papa watches me put my writing book into my schoolbag. He says with
a big smile, ‘Isabella, you are our family’s first writer’.
Roses for Isabella invites us to experience life in Ecuador through the eyes of a young girl who
keeps a journal and loves to write. We learn about Isabella’s parents who work on one of the
hundreds of farms growing beautiful roses that are sold all over the world. But not all of these
farms are fair to workers and kind to the earth. Through Isabella, we learn how her family’s life
changes for the better when her parents find work at a Fair Trade farm.

Written by award-winning author, Diana Cohn and brilliantly illustrated by award-winning artist
Amy Córdova, Roses for Isabella will touch the hearts of children and parents, as well as
introduce them to the cultural traditions of Ecuador.

OCT Afterword by Lynn Lohr; SB; 32pp; 23 x 23.5 cm; 978 088010 731 0; hb; £12.95

Amy Córdova, with Eugene Gollogly

Talking Eagle and the Lady of Roses
The Story of Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe
Long ago, in a small village in old Mexico, a baby boy was born. A
child of the Great Eagle Clan, he was named Talking Eagle. He was
a kind boy and a dreamer of visions, and like the eagle, he could rise
above and see things that others could not. He loved to wander alone
among the hills, and was always the first to greet the dawn, to find the
newborn fawn in its secret resting place and gather the wild and
glorious roses of Castilla that dotted the hillsides near his village.

Many years before, from the faraway land of Spain, men in long robes, who called themselves
Brothers of St Francis, came to the land of the Nahuas. They brought with them the lovely roses of
Castilla, and they told wondrous stories of the Son of the Great Creator, the one they called the
Lamb. The holy stories etched deep and vivid pictures in Talking Eagle’s mind.

This is the traditional story, told simply and elegantly, of how Juan Diego meets the beautiful Lady
on a windswept hilltop in December and carries her message to the disbelieving bishop.

OCT SB; 40pp; 23 x 23.5 cm; 978 088010 719 8; hb; £12.95

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Fundamental and Introductory Works 13

Fundamental and AUDIO CD BOX SET

Knowledge of the
Introductory Works Higher Worlds
by Rudolf Steiner How is it Achieved?
Audio edition (CDs); Trans.
D.S. Osmond & C. Davy (GA
10, unabridged); RSP; 978
1 85584 251 9; £24.99
(incl. vat)

Knowledge of the Knowledge of the How to Know

Higher Worlds Higher Worlds Higher Worlds
How is it Achieved? How is it Achieved? A Modern Guide to
Trans. rvd. D.S. Osmond & Trans. D.S. Osmond & C. Initiation
C. Davy (GA 10); RSP; 224 Davy (GA 10); RSP; 192pp; Trans. C. Bamford (GA 10);
pp; 978 1855841 437; 978 1 85584 255 7; AP; 224pp; 978 0880103
pb; £5.99 hardback; £17.99 725; pb; £12.95
best limited
seller edition

Occult Science Occult Science An Outline of

An Outline An Outline Esoteric Science
Trans. G. & M. Adams (GA Trans. G & M. Adams (GA Trans. C. E. Creeger (Written
13); RSP; 352 pp; 978 13); RSP; 424pp; 978 1 1910, GA13); AP; 480pp;
1855841 369; pb; £12.95 85584 259 5; hardback; 978 0880104 098; pb;
£26.99 £13.95

best limited
seller edition

Theosophy Theosophy Theosophy

An Introduction to the An introduction to the An Introduction to the
Spiritual Processes in supersensible knowledge Spiritual Processes in
of the world and the
Human Life and in the Human Life and in the
destination of man
Cosmos Trans. M. Cotterell & A.P. Cosmos
Trans. C.E. Creeger; (Written Trans. C.E. Creeger; (Written
best 1904, GA 9); AP; 256pp;
Shepherd (GA 9); RSP;
1904, GA 9); AP; 256pp;
seller 978 0880103 732; pb; limited 176pp; 978 1 85584 254
978 0880103 732; pb;
edition 0; hardback; £16.99
£11.95 £11.95

The Philosophy of The Philosophy of Intuitive Thinking

Freedom Freedom as a Spiritual Path
A Philosophy of A Philosophy of A Philosophy of
Spiritual Activity Spiritual Activity Freedom
Trans. M. Wilson (Written Trans. M. Wilson (GA 4); Trans. M. Lipson (Written
best 1894, GA 4) RSP; 264pp; 978 1 85584 1894, GA 4) AP; 288pp;
RSP; 264pp; 978 1855840 256 4; hardback; £22.50 978 0880103 855; pb;
seller limited
829; pb; £10.95 £12.95

The Philosophy of
Spiritual Activity
Trans. W. Linderman
(Written 1894, GA 4); SB;
276pp; 978 088010 156 1;
pb; £19.95

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14 General/Esoteric

A-Z Angels Approaches to

Trans: A. R. Meuss (10 Anthroposophy
General/Esoteric selected lectures); RSP; Trans: S. Blaxland de Lange
192pp; 978 1 85584 060 (2 lectures, Basel, Jan and
by Rudolf Steiner 7; pb; £11.95 Oct 1916, from GA 35)
RSP; 66pp; 978 1855841
512; pb; £7.95

According to Luke Anthroposophical Approaching

The Gospel of Compas- Leading Thoughts the Mystery of
sion & Love Revealed Anthroposophy as a Golgotha
Trans. M. Wilson (Written Path of Knowledge, Trans. M. Miller (10 lectures,
Trans. C. E. Creeger, Intro. The Michael Mystery various cities, 1913–1914,
R.McDermott (6 lectures, Trans. G. & M. Adams (GA GA 152); SB; 208pp; 978 0
Basel, 15 – 26 Sept. 1909, 26); RSP; 240pp; 978 1 88010 606 1; pb; £16.95
GA 114) AP; 224pp; 978 85584 096 6; pb; £11.95
0880104 883; pb; £12.95

According to Matthew Anthroposophy The Archangel

The Gospel of Christ’s (A Fragment) Michael
Humanity A New Foundation His Mission and Ours
Trans. C. Creeger, Intro. for the Study of Intro. C. Bamford (various
Richard Smoley (12 lectures, Human Nature GAs and translators); SB;
Berne, 10-12 Sep 1910; Trans. C.E. Creeger & D. 320 pp; 978 0 88010 378
GA 123); AP; 240 pp, 978 Hardorp; (Written 1910, 7; pb; £16.95
0880105 040; pb; £16.95 GA 45); SB; 224pp; 978 0
88010 401 2; pb; £16.95

Ahrimanic Anthroposophy and Aspects of Human

Deception Christianity Evolution
Trans: M. Cotterell Trans: various. (1 lecture, Trans: R. Stebbing (8
(1 lecture, Zurich 27 Oct Norrkoping 13 July 1914, lectures, Berlin May-Jul
1919, GA 193); AP; 20pp; GA 155) AP; 26pp; 1917, GA 176); AP/RSP;
978 0 88010 146 2; bl’t; 978 0880101 493; bl’t; 186pp; 978 0880102 520;
£3.50 £3.50 pb; £8.00

Alchemy Anthroposophy in At Home in the

The Evolution of the Everyday Life Universe
Mysteries Trans. various. (Selected Exploring our
Pocket Library of lectures); AP; 96pp; 978 Suprasensory Nature
Spiritual Wisdom 0880104 272; pb; £7.95 Trans. rvd. H. Collison (5
Trans. rvd C. von Arnim lectures, The Hague, 13-18
(Selections); RSP; 112pp; Nov. 1923, GA 231); AP;
978 1 85584 089 8; pb; 144pp; 978 0880104 739;
£7.95 pb; £11.95

Ancient Myths & the Apocalypse of Atlantis

New Isis Mystery St John The Fate of a Lost
Trans: various (7 lectures, Trans. unknown (12 lectures, Land and its Secret
Dornach 4-13 January Nuremburg, June 1908, Knowledge
1918, GA 180); AP; 180pp; GA 104) AP; 228 pp; 978 Pocket Library of
978 0 88010 377 0; pb; 0880101 318; pb; £16.95 Spiritual Wisdom
£10.95 Trans. rvd C von Arnim
(Selections); RSP; 112pp;
best 978 185584 194 9; pb;
seller £4.99

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Chapters in the Course Freedom and Destiny Soul
of My Life: 1861-1907 Enlightening the Path The Year Participated
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SB; 416pp; 978 0 88010 Trans. by P. Wehrle; com- GA 40); RSP; 64pp; 978 1
600 9; pb; £19.95 piled by E. Fucke (Selected 85584 188 8; pb; £3.99
lectures, various GAs); RSP;
264pp; 978 1 85584 225
0; pb; £12.95 best

Awakening to The Book of Chance, Providence

Community Revelation and Necessity
Trans: M. Spock. (10 and the work of the Trans: M. Spock. (8 lectures,
lectures, Stuttgart & Dornach Priest Dornach 23 Aug to 6 Sept
23 Jan to 4 Mar 1923, Trans: J. Collis (18 lectures 1915, GA 183); AP/RSP;
GA 257); AP; 178pp; 978 + conversations, Dornach, 147pp; 978 0 88010 262
0910142 618; hb; £13.50 Sept 1924, GA 346); RSP; 9; pb; £8.95
296pp (8 colour plates);
978 1 85584 052 2; pb;

Awareness–Life–Form Breathing the Spirit The Change in the

Basic Principles of Meditations for Times Path to
Spiritual-Scientific of Day and Seasons Supersensible
Cosmology of the Year Knowledge
Trans. A. Meuss (Texts, notes Trans. M. Barton (Selected Trans: unknown (1 lecture,
and lectures, 1903-1909, verses from GAs 40, 267 Dornach 27 May 1922, GA
GA 89) Completion Press; & 268); RSP; 128pp; 978 212); SBC; 22pp; 978 0
304 pp, 978 0 95781 185584 144 4; pb; £4.99 91992 418 5; bl’t; £3.50
8934; pb; £14.95

Background to the The Bridge between Christ and the

Gospel of St Mark Universal Human Soul
Trans: E. H. Goddard, D. Spirituality & the Trans: M. Cotterell & C. Davy
S. Osmond. (13 lectures, Physical (4 lectures, Norrköping Jul
Berlin, Munich, Hanover & Constitution of Man 1914, from GA 155);
Coblenz 17 Oct 1910 to 10 Trans. D.S. Osmond (3 RSP; 80 pp; 978 1 85584
June 1911, GA 124); AP; Lectures, 17-19 Dec, 1920, 203 8; pb; £8.95
220pp; 978 0 88010 144 GA 202); SB; 68pp; 978 0
5; pb; £9.95 91014 203 8; pb; £11.95

Becoming the Calendar 1912-1913 Christ and the

Archangel Michael’s Facsimile edition Spiritual World
Companions Intro. & trans. C. Bamford, and the Search for the
Steiner’s Challenge to the Calendar of the Soul trans. Holy Grail
Younger Generation H. and R. Pusch (GA 40); Trans. C. Davy & D. Osmond
Trans. R. Querido (13 SB; 160 pp; 978 0 88010 (6 lectures, Leipzig Dec
lectures, Stuttgart, 3–15 534 7; pb; £19.95 1913 to Jan 1914, GA
Oct. 1922, GA 217); SB; 149); RSP; 144 pp; 978 1
240pp; 978 0 88010 609 85584 202 1; pb; £9.95
2; pb; £16.95

The Bhagavad Gita Calendar of the The Christian

and the West Soul Mystery
The Esoteric Significance
of the Bhagavad Gita & Trans. H. & R. Pusch The Language of Truth
its Relation to the Epistles (Written 1912, GA 40); SB; in the Gospels
of Paul 53pp; 978 0 88010 263 6; Trans. A. Meuss (Notes
(5 lectures, Köln, Dec. hb; £9.95 from 31 lectures, GA 97);
28-Jan. 1, 1913, GA 142, Completion Press; 240 pp,
9 lectures, Helsinki, May 978 0957818 903; pb;
28-June 5, 1913 GA 146); £13.95
SB; 464pp; 978 0 88010
604 7; pb; £22.50

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The Christian The Christmas The Cycle of the

Mystery: Festival in the Year
Early Lectures Changing Course as Breathing Process
Trans. J.H. Hindes (1905 of Time of the Earth
- 1908, GA 97); AP; 288 Trans: E. Katz (1 lecture, Trans: B. D. Betteridge, F. E.
pp; 978 0 88010 419 7; Berlin, 22 Dec 1922, GA Dawson (5 lectures, Dornach
pb; £16.95 125); AP; 22pp; 978 31 Mar to 8 Apr 1923,
0880102 711; bl’t; £3.50 GA 223) AP; 88pp; 978
0880100 816; pb; £11.95

Christian Community Life, The Dead Are

Rosenkreutz Inner Development, With Us
The Mystery, Teaching Sexuality and the Trans. D.S. Osmond (single
and Mission of a Spiritual Teacher lecture from GA 182); RSP;
Master Trans. C. E. Creeger; 56pp; 978 1 85584 104 8;
Trans. rvd C. von Arnim (Lectures and documents, pb; £2.99
(Selections); RSP; 96pp; Dornach 1915, GA 253); AP;
978 1 85584 084 3; pb; 192pp; 978 0880103 558;
£7.95 hb; £16.95

Christianity as Correspondence AUDIO CD

Mystical Fact and Documents The Dead Are
And the Mysteries of 1901-1925 With Us
Antiquity Trans: C. & I. von Arnim. Trans. D.S. Osmond (single
Trans. A. Welburn (10 (GA 262); RSP/AP; 340pp; lecture from GA 182); RSP;
lectures, various cities, 978 0 85440 576 3; hb; 978 1 85584 231 1; £5.99
1913–1914, GA 152); SB; £16.50
240pp; 978 0 88010 436
4; pb; £16.95

Christianity in Cosmic Memory Death as

Human Evolution The Story of Atlantis, Metamorphosis
Trans: F. E. Dawson. (1 Lemuria, and the of Life
lecture, Berlin 15 Feb 1909, Division of the Sexes Trans. S. Seiler; (7 lectures,
GA 109); AP; 24pp; Trans. K.E. Zimmer, Intro. P. various cities, Nov 29, 1917
978 0880100 953; bl’t; Marshall Allen (GA 11); SB; - Oct 16, 1918; GA 182);
£3.50 256pp; 978 0 89345 227 SB; 160pp; 978 088010
8; pb; £16.95 607 8; pb; £13.95

Christmas Cosmic New Year The Destinies of

An Introductory Thoughts for the New Individuals and of
Reader Year 1920 Nations
Trans. rvd. M. Barton; RSP; Trans. P. Clemm; (5 lectures, Trans: A. R. Meuss. (14
176pp; 978 185584 189 5; Stuttgart, December 18, lectures, 1 Sept 1914 to 6
pb; £6.99 1919 - January 4, 1920, Jul 1915, GA 157); RSP;
GA 195); SB; 128pp; 978 0 258pp; 978 0 85440 5;
88010 613 9; pb; £13.95 pb; £12.95

The Christmas Cosmosophy The Driving Force of

Conference for the Volume Two Spiritual Powers in
Foundation of the Trans. A. Meuss (11 lectures, World History
General Dornach, Oct-Nov 1921, GA Trans: D. S. Osmond, J.
208) Completion Press; 224 Collis (7 lectures, Dornach
pp; 978 0 64633 748 7; 11-23 Mar 1923, GA 222);
Society 1923/24 pb; £11.95
Trans: J. Collis, M. Wilson. SBC; 92pp; 978 0919924
(GA 260); AP; 324pp; 978 0 031; pb; £6.95
88010 193 6; hb; £19.95

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Earthly Knowledge An Esoteric AUDIO CD

and Cosmology An Exercise for
Heavenly Wisdom Evolution, Christ & Karmic Insight
Trans: S. Seiler (9 lectures, Modern Spirituality Trans. rvd. P. Wehrle (single
Dornach, Feb 1923, GA Trans. Unknown; (18 lecture from GA 236); RSP;
221); AP; 90pp; 978 lectures, Paris, May 25 - 978 1 85584 220 5; £5.99
0880102 957; hb; £15.95; June 14, 1906, GA 94); SB;
978 0 88010 294 0; pb; 132pp; 978 0 88010 593
£10.95 4; pb; £12.95

Easter Esoteric Exoteric and

An Introductory Development Esoteric
Reader Lectures and Writings Christianity
Trans. rvd. M. Barton; RSP; Intro. S. Usher; (Various Trans: unknown. (1 lecture,
160pp; 978 185584 139 0; lectures, 1904–1923); SB; Dornach 2 Apr 1922, GA
pb; £6.99 208 pp; 978 0 88010 524 211); SBC; 17pp; 978
8; pb; £13.95 0919924 208; bl’t; £2.95

The Easter Festival Esoteric Lessons The Fall of the

in the Evolution of the 1904 – 1909 Spirits of Darkness
Mysteries From the Esoteric Trans: A.R. Meuss (14
Trans: B. Kelly. (4 lectures, School lectures, Dornach, Sep - Oct
Dornach 19-22 Apr 1924, Trans. J.H. Hindes (GA 266); 1917, GA 177); RSP;
GA233a) AP; 64pp; 978 SB; 592pp; 978 0 88010 240pp; 978 1 85584 010
0880102 568; pb £6.50 610 8; pb; £22.50 2; pb; £12.95

The Effects of Evil The Festivals and

Esoteric Trans. M. Barton (10 their Meaning
Development selected lectures); RSP; Trans. rvd M. Barton (30
Intro. C. Bamford; Trans. 224pp; 978 1 85584 046 selected lectures; GA
J. Gates & C. Bamford (10 1; pb; £11.95 various); RSP; 400pp; 978 1
Lectures, the Hague; 20-29 85584 045 4; pb; £15.95
March, 1913, GA 145 +
Berlin 3 Feb, 1913); SB;
224pp; 978 0 88010 420
3; pb; £16.95

Egyptian Myths The Evolution of The Fifth Gospel

and Mysteries Consciousness From the Akashic
Trans: N. Macbeth (12 As Revealed through Record
lectures, Leipzig 2-14 Sept Initiation Knowledge Trans: A. R. Meuss . (13
1908, GA 106) AP; 151pp; Trans. rvd. P. Wehrle, Preface lectures, Oslo, Berlin and
978 0880101 981; pb; M. Steiner (13 lectures, 2 Cologne. Oct 1913 to
addresses, questions and Feb 1914, GA 148); RSP;
£10.95 answers, Penmaenmawr,
18-31 Aug 1923, GA 227); best
264pp; 978 185584 039 3;
RSP; 304pp; 978 185584 seller
pb; £12.95
1291; pb; £13.95

Esoteric Christianity An Exercise for Finding the

and the Mission of Karmic Insight Greater Self
Christian Rosenkreutz Trans. rvd. P. Wehrle (single Meditations for
Trans. rvd. M. Barton (23 lecture from GA 236); RSP; Harmony and Healing
lectures, 1911-1912, GA 48pp; 978 1 85584 154 3; Trans. M. Barton (Selected
130); RSP; 336 pp; 978 1 pb; £2.99 verses from GAs 40, 267
85584 083 9; pb; £14.95 and 268); RSP; 80pp; 978
1855841 376; hb; £8.95

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First Steps in The Four From Jesus to Christ

Christian Religious Temperaments Trans. rvd. C. Davy (11
Renewal Trans. rvd. M. Barton; lectures, Karlsruhe, 4-14 Oct
Preparing the Ground for (single lecture from GA 57); 1911, GA 131); RSP; 208
The Christian Community RSP; 40pp; 978 1 85584 pp; 978 1855841 956;
Trans. M. Post (6 lectures 205 2; pb; £2.99 pb; £10.95
& 2 discussions, Stuttgart,
13-16 June 1921, GA 342);
SB; 328pp; 978 0 88010 best
622 1; pb; £22.50 seller

First Steps in Inner AUDIO CD From Limestone to

Development The Four Lucifer...
Trans. various; (selected Temperaments Answers to Questions
lectures); AP; 96pp; 978 0 Trans. rvd. M. Barton; Trans: A.R. Meuss. (12
88010 464 7; pb; £10.95 (single lecture from GA 57); discussions, Dornach, 17
RSP; 978 1 85584 222 Feb to 9 May 1923, GA
9; £5.99 349) RSP; 256pp; 978 1
85584 097 3; pb; £12.95

The Foundation From Beetroot to From Mammoths

Stone / The Buddhism... to Mediums…
Life, Nature and Answers to Questions Answers to Questions
Cultivation of Trans: A. R. Meuss. (16 Trans: A R Meuss (16
discussions, Dornach, 1 Mar discussions; 30 May 1922
Anthroposophy to 22 Sept 1923; GA 350);
Trans: various (from GA 260 to 25 Jun 1924, GA 353);
RSP; 304pp; 978 1 85584 RSP; 328 pp; 978 1 85584
and 260a); RSP; 144pp;
062 1; pb; £14.95 078 2; pb; £14.95
978 1855840 751; pb;

The Foundation From Comets From Sunspots

Stone Meditation to Cocaine... to Strawberries...
Trans. various (from GA Answers to Questions Answers to Questions
260); RSP; 48 pp; 978 1 Trans. rvd. M. Barton (18 Trans. rvd M. Barton (14
85584 173 4; pb; £3.95 discussions, 19 Oct 1922 to lectures, Dornach, 30 Jun
10 Feb 1923 GA 348) RSP; to 24 Sept 1924, GA 354);
320pp; 978 1 85584 088 RSP; 256pp; 978 1 85584
1; pb; £14.95 112 3; pb; £12.95

Founding a Science From Crystals From the History

of the Spirit to Crocodiles... and Contents of
Trans. rvd M. Barton (14 Answers to Questions the First Section of
lectures, Stuttgart, 22 Aug Trans. rvd M. Barton (10 the Esoteric School
to 4 Sept 1906, GA 95) lectures, Dornach, 2 Aug to 1904–1914
RSP; 176pp; 978 185584 30 Sept 1922, GA 347); Letters, Documents
077 5; pb; £11.95 RSP; 192pp; 978 1 85584 and Lectures
107 9; pb; £11.95 Trans. J. Wood (GA 264);
SB; 464pp; 978 0 88010
640 5; pb; £25.00

The Four Seasons From Elephants to Fruits of

and the Archangels Einstein... Anthroposophy
Experience of the Course Answers to Questions Trans: G. Adams, A. R.
of the Year in Four Trans: A.R. Meuss (10 Meuss. (Summaries of 4
Cosmic Imaginations discussions, Dornach, 7 Jan lectures, & 4 lectures in
Trans. rvd P. Wehrle (5 to 27 Feb 1924, GA 352); full, Stuttgart 29 Aug to 6
lectures, Dornach, RSP; 208pp; 978 1855840 Sept 1921, GA 78); RSP;
best 5-13 Oct 1923; GA 812; pb; £12.95 76pp; 978 0 85440 522 0;
223/229); RSP; 88pp; 978 pb; £6.00
1855840 508; pb; £9.95

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Genesis best Guardian Angels How Do I Find

Secrets of Creation seller Connecting with our the Christ?
Trans. P. Wehrle, Intro. B. Spiritual Guides Trans. M. Barton (single
Urieli (11 lectures, Munich, and Helpers lecture from GA 182); RSP;
16-26 Aug 1910, GA 122); Trans: P Wehle (6 selected 64pp; 978 1855841 932;
RSP; 192pp; 978 1855841 lectures); RSP;144pp; 978 1 pb; £2.99
024; pb; £11.95 85584 073 7; pb; £9.95

The Goddess Guidance in AUDIO CD

From Natura to Esoteric Training How Do I Find
the Divine Sophia From the the Christ?
Pocket Library of Esoteric School Trans. M. Barton (single
Spiritual Wisdom Trans. various; (Selected lecture from GA 182); RSP;
Trans. rvd C. von Arnim lectures and talks from 1903 978 1 85584 230 4; £5.99
(Selections); RSP; 112pp; to 1922, GA 245); RSP;
978 1 85584 094 2; pb; 192pp; 978 1 85584 076
£7.95 8; pb; £11.95

Goethe’s Theory Harmony of the How to Cure

of Knowledge Creative Word Nervousness
Trans. P. Clemm (GA 2); SB; The Human Being & the Trans. rvd. M. Barton; (sin-
156pp; 978 0 88010 623 Elemental, Animal, Plant gle lecture from GA 143);
8; pb; £14.95 and Mineral Kingdoms RSP; 40pp; 978 1 85584
Trans. rvd M. Barton (12 208 3; pb; £2.99
lectures, 19 Oct to II Nov
1923; GA 230); RSP;
240pp; 978 1 85584 098
0; pb; £12.95 seller

The Gospel of The Heart of Peace AUDIO CD

St. John Meditations for How to Cure
Trans. M.B. Monges, Courage & Tranquillity Nervousness
Intro. M. Steiner-von Sivers; Pocket Library of Trans. rvd. M. Barton;
(12 lectures, Hamburg, Spiritual Wisdom (single lecture from GA
5-31 May 1908, GA 103); Trans. M. Barton (Selected 143); RSP; 978 1 85584
SB; 192pp; 978 0910142 verses from GAs 40, 267 221 2; £5.99
137; pb; £13.95 and 268); RSP; 96pp; 978
1 85584 132 1; hb; £9.95

The Gospel of The Holy Grail The Incarnation

St. John and Its The Quest for the of Ahriman
relation to Other Renewal of the The Embodiment of
Gospels Mysteries Evil on Earth
Trans. S. & L. Lockwood &
Pocket Library of Trans. rvd. M. Barton, Intro.
M. St Goar, Intro. S.C. Eas-
Spiritual Wisdom S. Gulbekian (7 lectures,
Trans. rvd C. von Arnim best various GAs); RSP; 128pp;
ton (14 lectures, Kassel, 24
(Selections); RSP; 96pp;
Jun-7 Jul 1909, GA 112);
978 1 85584 074 4; pb;
seller 978 1 85584 178 9; pb;
SB; 320pp; 978 0880100 £9.95
144; pb; £19.95

The Gospel of How Can Mankind The Influence of the

Find the Christ Again?
St Mark The Threefold Shadow- Dead on Destiny
Trans: C. Mainzer, S. C. Existence of Our Time & Trans. rev. M Post;
Easton. (10 lectures, Basel the New Light of Christ (8 lectures, Dornach, Dec
15-24 Sept 1912, GA 139); Trans: F. E. Dawson, G. 2 - 22, 1917; GA 179); SB;
AP/RSP; 211pp; 978 Hahn, O. D. Wannamaker. 184pp; 978 0 88010 614
0880100 823; hb; £15.00; (8 lectures, Dornach 22 6; pb; £16.95
978 0880100 830; pb; Dec 1918 to 1 Jan 1919,
£16.95 GA 187); AP; 179pp; 978
0880100 793; pb; £13.95

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Inner Experiences The Karma of Karmic Relationships

of Evolution Materialism Volume 3
Trans. J. Gates (5 Trans: R. Everett. (9 lectures, Esoteric Studies
lectures, Berlin, October Berlin, 31 Jul to 25 Sept Trans. G. Adams & D.S.
31–December 7 1911; GA 1917, GA 176); AP/RSP; Osmond (11 lectures,
132); SB; 136pp; 978 0 158pp; 978 0854405 909; Dornach, 1 Jul to 8 Aug
88010 602 3; pb; £14.95 hb; £13.95 1924; GA 237); RSP;
978 0 88010 129 5; pb; 184pp; 978 1 85584 216
8; pb; £14.95

The Inner The Karma of Karmic Relationships

Development Untruthfulness Volume 4
of Man Secret Societies, the Esoteric Studies
Trans. M. St Goar; (1 lecture, Media, & Preparations Trans: G. Adams, C. Davy, &
Berlin 15 Dec 1904, GA 53); for the Great War D. S. Osmond (11 lectures,
AP; 22pp; 978 0910142 Dornach, between 5-24
182; bl’t; £3.50 Sept 1924, GA 238); RSP;
Volume 1: Trans. J. 173pp; 978 0854404 124;
Collis, Intro. T. Boardman hb; £14.95
(13 lectures, Dornach, 4-31
Dec 1916, GA 173); RSP;
336pp; 978 1855841 864;
Inner Reading and pb; £14.95 Karmic Relationships
Inner Hearing Volume 5
Achieving Being in the Volume 2: Trans. J. Esoteric Studies
World of Ideas Collis, Intro. T. Boardman Trans: D. S. Osmond (7
Trans. M. Miller (11lectures (12 lectures, Dornach 1-30 lectures, Prague & Paris,
in 2 courses, with 2 between 29 Mar-25 May
Jan 1917, GA 174); RSP;
Christmas lectures, October- 1924, GA 239); RSP;
264pp; 978 1855841 918;
December, 1914; GA 333); 112pp; 978 1 85584 257
pb; £13.95 1; pb; £14.95
SB; 248pp; 978 088010
619 1; pb; £15.95

The Interior of The Karma of Karmic Relationships

the Earth Vocation Volume 6
An Esoteric Study of Trans. Olin D. Wannamaker Esoteric Studies
the Subterranean (10 lectures, Dornach, Trans: D. S. Osmond.
Spheres November 4-27, 1916, GA (9 lectures, various cities 25
Compiled and trans. rvd. P.V. 172); SB; 232pp; 978 0 Jan to 20 Jul 1924, GA 235,
O’Leary (Selected lectures, 88010 086 1; pb; £18.95 236, 240); RSP; 184pp;
various GAs); RSP; 144pp; 978 1 85584 217 5; pb;
978 1 85584 119 2; pb; £14.95

Isis Mary Sophia Karmic Relationships Karmic Relationships

Her Mission Volume 1 Volume 7
and Ours Esoteric Studies Esoteric Studies
Intro. C. Bamford (various Trans: G. Adams, rvd. M. Trans. D.S. Osmond (9
GAs and translators); SB; Cotterell, C. Davy, & D. lectures, Breslau, 7-15
224pp; 978 0 88010 494 S. Osmond. (12 lectures, Jun 1924; GA 239); RSP;
4; pb; £16.95 Dornach, between 16 144pp; 978 1 85584 218
Feb-23 Mar 1924, GA 235); 2; pb; £14.95
RSP; 205pp; 978 0854402
601; hb; £13.95

The Karma of Karmic Relationships Karmic Relationships

Anthroposophy Volume 2 Volume 8
Rudolf Steiner, the Esoteric Studies Esoteric Studies
Anthroposophical Trans: G. Adams, rvd. M. Trans: D. S. Osmond. (6
Society and the tasks Cotterell, C. Davy, & D. lectures, Torquay 12-21
S. Osmond (16 lectures, Aug, London 24-27Aug
of its members
Dornach, between 6 Apr-29 1924, GA 240); RSP;
Trans. M. Barton; RSP;
Jun 1924, GA 236); RSP; 102pp; 978 0854400 188;
192pp; 978 1 85584 219
256pp; 978 0854402 816; hb; £8.00
9; pb; £12.95 hb; £14.95

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General/Esoteric 21

The Knights Love and Its Michaelmas and

Templar Meaning in the the Soul Forces
The Mystery of the World of Man
Warrior Monks Trans: various (Selected Trans: S. & L. Lockwood. (4
Trans. rvd. C. von Arnim; lectures and writings); AP; lectures, Vienna 27 Sept to
Compiled by M. Jonas 256pp; 978 0880104 418; 1 Oct 1923, GA 223)
(Selected lectures, various pb; £16.95 AP; 69pp; 978 0880100
GAs); RSP; 176pp; 978 1 076; pb; £6.50
85584 179 6; pb; £11.95

Learning to See Man as a Picture of The Mission of the

Into the the Living Spirit Folk-Souls
Spiritual World Trans: G. Adams. (1 lecture, in relation to Teutonic
Lectures to the London 2 Sept 1923, GA Mythology
Workers at the 228); RSP; 30pp; 978 Trans. A.H. Parker (11
Goetheanum 0854402 533; bl’t; £2.00 lectures, Christiania, 7-17
Trans. W. Stuber, M. Gardner Jun 1910, GA 121); RSP;
(4 lectures, Dornach, June 192 pp; 978 1 85584 146
28-July 18, 1923, GA 350);
SB; 96pp; 978 0 88010 8; pb; £10.95
281 0; pb; £10.95

Life between Death Manifestations of The Mysteries of

and Rebirth Karma the Holy Grail
Trans: R. M. Querido. (16 Trans: rvd H. Herrmann- From Arthur and
lectures, various cities, 26 Davey. (11 lectures, Parzival to Modern
Oct 1912 to 13 May 1913, Hamburg 16-28 May 1910, Initiation
GA 140); AP; 308pp; 978 0 GA 120); RSP; 240pp; 978 Trans. & compiled by M.
91014 262 5; pb; £19.95 1855840 584; pb; £12.99 Barton (Selected lectures,
various GAs); RSP; 224pp;
best 978 1 85584 234 2; pb;
seller £12.99

Life Beyond Death Materialism and Mystery of the

RSP; (various GAs and the Task of Universe
translators); 256pp; 978 Anthroposophy The Human Being,
1855840 171; pb; £12.95 Trans: M. St Goar. (17 Image of Creation
lectures, Dornach 2 April to Trans. rvd M. Barton (I6
5 June 1921, GA 204); AP/ lectures, Dornach, 9 Apr to
RSP; 352pp; 978 0880101 16 May 1920; GA 201);
769; pb; £26.95 RSP; 240pp; 978 1 85584
069 0; pb; £11.95

Living With the The Meaning of Life Mystics after

Dead and other Lectures on Modernism
Meditations for Fundamental Issues Discovering the Seeds
Maintaining a Trans. J. Collis (7 lectures, of a New Science
Connection to Those various GAs); RSP; 176 pp; Trans. rvd K. E. Zimmer
Who Have Died 978 1 85584 092 8; pb; (GA 7); AP; 208 pp; 978 0
Trans. M. Barton (Selected £10.95 88010 470 8; pb; £13.95
verses from GAs 40, 261,
267 and 268); RSP; 64pp;
978 1 85584 127 7; hb;

The Lord’s Prayer Michaelmas Nature Spirits

An Esoteric Study An Introductory RSP; (various GAs and
Trans. rvd. P. Wehrle, Intro. Reader translators); 208pp;
J. von Halle (4 lectures Trans. rvd. M. Barton; RSP; 978 1 85584 018 8;
from GAs 96 + 97); RSP; 160pp; 978 185584 159 8; pb; £12.95
88pp; 978 1 85584 164 2; pb; £6.99
pb; £7.95 best

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22 General/Esoteric

Necessity and The Principle of The Riddles of

Freedom Spiritual Economy Philosophy
Trans. P. Wehrle; (5 lectures, Trans: P. Mollenhauer. (11 Presented in an
Berlin, 25 Jan to 8 Feb lectures, various cities, Outline of Its History
1916; GA 166); AP/RSP; 1909, GA 109); AP/RSP; Introduction by Fritz C. A.
124pp; 978 0880102 599; 164pp; 978 0880101 622; Koelln (Written 1914, GA
hb; £15.00 pb; £9.95 18); SB; 508pp; 978 0
978 0880102 605; pb; 88010 711 2; pb; £29.95

The New Spirituality A Psychology of Rosicrucian Wisdom

and the Christ Body, Soul, & Spirit best An Introduction
Experience of the Anthroposophy, Trans. rvd J. Collis (14
Twentieth Century seller lectures, Munich, 27 May to
Trans: P. King (7 lectures, Pneumatosophy 6 June 1907, GA 99); RSP;
Dornach 17-31 Oct 1920, Trans: M. Spock (12 184pp; 978 1 85584 063
GA 200); RSP/AP; 128pp lectures, 23 Oct 1909 to 8; pb; £10.95
978 0854406 562; pb; 16 Dec 1911, GA 115); AP;
£7.95 320pp; 978 0 88010 397
8; pb; £16.95

Newborn Might and The Reappearance AUDIO CD

Strength Everlasting of Christ in the Rosicrucian Wisdom
A Christmas Offering Etheric An Introduction
Trans: G. Church. (1 Trans. various, Intro. Trans. rvd J. Collis (14
lecture, Berlin 23 Dec 1913, Stephen Usher (13 lectures, lectures, Munich, 27 May to
GA150); AP; 13pp; 1910-1917; GAs 118, 130, 6 June 1907, GA 99); RSP;
978 0880101 004; bl’t; 182, 186); AP; 256 pp; 978 7 CDs; 978 1855841 345;
£2.95 0880105 194; pb; £13.95 £26.99 (incl. vat)

Original Impulses The Redemption of Rosicrucianism

for the Science of Thinking Renewed
the Spirit A Study in the The Unity of Art,
Christian Esotericism Philosophy of Science & Religion, the
in the Light of New Thomas Aquinas Theosophical Congress
Spiritual Insights Trans. A. P. Shepherd and
of Whitsun 1907
Trans. A. Meuss (20 lectures, Trans. M. Post (13 lectures,
Berlin, Jan-Jun 1907, GA M. R. Nicoll; (3 lectures, various cities, 1907–11,
96); Completion Press; 320 Dornach 22-24 May 1920, GA 284); SB; 424pp + 64
pp, 978 0 95781 891 0; GA 74); AP; 191pp; 978 0 page colour insert; 978 0
pb; £14.95 88010 044 1; pb; £9.95 88010 611 5; pb; £26.95

Polarities in the Reincarnation and Rudolf Steiner

Evolution Karma Speaks to the
of Mankind Trans. various; (5 lectures, British
Trans. anon. (11 lectures, Jan-Mar 1912; GA 135); AP; Lectures & Addresses
Stuttgart 5 Mar to 22 Nov 104pp; 978 0880105 019; in England & Wales
1920, GA 197); RSP/AP; pb; £11.95 Trans: J. Collis (10 selected
200pp; 978 0854406 265; lectures + other assorted
pb; £9.00 material); RSP; 320pp;
978 1 85584 047 8; pb;

Prayers for Parents Religion The Second Coming

and Children An Introductory of Christ
Trans. C. von Arnim (includes Reader Trans. rvd. M. Barton (single
1 lecture, Dornach, 2 Feb Trans. revised M. Barton; lecture from GA 118); RSP;
1915); RSP; 80pp; 978 RSP; 224pp; 978 1855841 56pp; 978 185584 207 6;
1855840 362; pb; £7.95 284; pb; £8.95 pb; £2.99

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AUDIO CD The Significance of Spiritualism,

The Second Coming Spiritual Research Madame Blavatsky,
of Christ for Moral Action and Theosophy
An Eyewitness View of
Trans. rvd. M. Barton (single Trans: A. P. Cotterell. (1
lecture from GA 118); RSP; lecture, Bielefeld 6 Mar Occult History
Various GAs &
978 1 85584 228 1; £5.99 1911, GA 127); AP; 17pp;
translators, Intro C.
978 0880101 011 6;
Bamford; AP; 304 pp;
bl’t; £3.50
978 0 88010 495 1; pb;

Secret Brotherhoods Six Steps in Self- St John’s

and the Mystery of Development An Introductory
the Human Double The ‘Supplementary Reader
Trans. J. Collis, Intro. T. Exercises’ Trans. rvd. M. Barton; RSP;
Boardman (7 lectures, St Trans. M Barton; compiled 112pp; 978 1 85584 174
Gallen, Zurich, Dornach, Nov by Ates Baydur (Selected 1; pb; £5.99
1917); RSP; 240pp; 978 lectures, various GAs); RSP;
1855841 628; pb; £12.99 96pp; 978 1 85584 237 3;
pb; £9.99

Secrets of the Sleep and Dreams The Stages of

Threshold A Bridge to the Spirit Higher Knowledge
Intro. E. R. Smith (8 Intro. M. Lipson; (various Imagination,
lectures, Munich, 24–31 GAs and translators); SB; Inspiration, Intuition
Aug, 1913, GA 147); SB; 240pp; 978 0 88010 512 Trans. rev. L. D. Monges, F.
168pp; 978 0 88010 195 5; pb; £16.95 McKnight (Written 1905,
0; pb; £13.95 GA 12); SB; 72pp; 978 0
91014 237 3; pb; £9.95

The Secret Stream The Spiritual Start Now!

Christian Rosenkreutz Foundations A Book of Soul and
and Rosicrucianism Spiritual Exercises
Edited & introduced by C.
of Morality Intro. C. Bamford (various
Trans: M. Gardner. (1912, GAs and translators); SB;
Bamford; Trans. Various
GA 155); AP; 96pp; 978 272pp; 978 0 88010 526
(Selected lectures); AP; 256
0880104 258; pb; £8.95 2; pb; £13.95
pp; 978 0 88010 475 3;
pb; £13.95

Self Knowledge Spiritual Guidance Staying Connected

and the Christ of the Individual How to Continue Your
Relationship with
Experience and Humanity Those who have Died
Trans. M. Bradley, ed. A. Trans: S. Desch. (3 lectures,
Trans: various (Selected
Welburn; (1 lecture, Dornach June 1911, GA 15); AP;
lectures); AP; 288 pp; 978 0
2 Feb 1923); RSP/AP; 96pp; 978 0 88010 364 0;
88010 462 3; pb; £16.95
17pp; 978 0854405 862; pb; £11.95
bl’t; £1.50

Self Transformation The Spiritual Strengthening

(various GAs and Hierarchies & the the Will
translators); RSP; 256pp; Physical World The ‘Review
978 1855840 195; pb; Zodiac, Planets & Exercises’
£12.95 Cosmos Trans. M Barton; compiled
Trans. R. Querido; (10 by Martina Maria Sam
lectures, 1909, GA 110); (Selected lectures, various
SB; 256pp; 978 0 88010 GAs); RSP; 112pp;
601 6; pb; £16.95 978 1 85584 238 0;
pb; £9.99

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The Sun Mystery & The Universal What Is

the Mystery of Death Human Anthroposophy?
and Resurrection The Evolution of Three Perspectives on
Exoteric & Esoteric Individuality
Christianity Self-Knowledge
Ed: S Seiler, Trans. G Church Trans. M. Spiegler, Intro.
Trans. C.E. Creeger, Intro. (4 lectures, Munich and
C. Bamford (12 lectures, C. Bamford; (3 lectures,
various cities, 21 Mar-11 Bern, 1909 & 1916, GA Dornach, Jul 20-22 1923;
Jun 1922, GA 211); SB; 117, 124 & 165); SB; GA 225); AP; 96 pp; 978
232pp; 978 0 88010 608 96pp; 978 0 88010 2896; 0880105 064; pb; £7.95
5; pb; £16.95 pb; £10.95

The Temple Legend Verses and Whitsun &

Freemasonry and Meditations Ascension
Related Occult Trans. G. & M. Adams, Intro. An Introductory
Movements from
the Contents of the
G Adams (various GAs); RSP; Reader
256pp; 978 1 85584 197 Trans. rvd. M. Barton; RSP;
Esoteric School 0; pb; £10.95
Trans. rvd J.M. Wood (20 128pp; 978 1 85584 169
lectures, Berlin, 23 May 7; pb; £5.99
1904 to 2 Jan 1906; GA
93); RSP; 408pp; 978 1
85584 041 6; pb; £15.95

Transforming the A Vision for the The Work of the

Soul Millennium Angel in
Volume 1 Modern Spirituality Our Astral Body
Trans. P. Wehrle (9 lectures, and Cultural Renewal Trans. A. Meuss (single
Berlin, Oct-Dec 1909, GA Compiled and edited by lecture from GA 182); RSP;
58); RSP; 256 pp; 978 Andrew Welburn from the 56pp; 978 1855841 987;
1855841 581; pb; £12.95 work of Rudolf Steiner pb; £2.99
Trans. various (Selected
lectures); RSP; 144pp; 978
1855840 430; pb; £8.95

Transforming the A Way of Self- AUDIO CD

Soul Knowledge The Work of the
Volume 2 And the Threshold of Angel in
Trans. rvd. P. Wehrle (9 the Spiritual World Our Astral Body
lectures, Berlin, Jan-May Trans. C. Bamford (Written
Trans. A. Meuss (single
1910, GA 59); RSP; 232pp; 1912 and 1913, GA
lecture from GA 182); RSP;
978 1 85584 183 3; pb; 16/17); SB; 208pp;
978 1 85584 229 8; £5.99
£12.95 978 0 88010 443 2; pb;

Truth & Knowledge Weekly Meditations Youth and the

Introduction to Rudolf Steiner’s Etheric Heart
The Philosophy of ‘Calendar of the Soul’ Rudolf Steiner speaks
Spiritual Activity with accompanying to the Younger
Trans. R.Stebbing; (Written reflections by Patsy Generation
1891, GA 3); SB; 112pp; Scala Trans. C. E. Creeger (16
978 0 89345 212 4; pb; SB; 128pp; 978 0 88010 lectures, various cities,
£11.95 589 7; pb; £8.95 1920 - 1924, GA 217a);
SB; 256pp; 978 0 88010
616 0; pb; £16.95

Turning Points in A Western Approach

Spiritual History to Reincarnation
Zarathustra, Hermes, and Karma
Moses, Elijah, Edited by René
Buddha, Christ Querido
Intro. E. R. Smith (6 selected Trans: C. E. Creeger.
lectures, 19 Jan 1911 to (Selected lectures and
25 Jan 1912); SB; 220pp; writings); AP; 224pp; 978
978 0 88010 525 5; pb; 0880103 992; pb; £12.95

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A-Z Robert Powell Edward Reaugh

Christian Hermetic Smith
General/Esoteric Astrology David’s Question,
by Other Authors The Star of the Magi “What is Man?”
and the Life of Christ (psalm 8)
AP; 310pp; 978 08801046 AP; 560pp; 978 0 88010
16; pb; £19.95 500 2; pb; £22.00

F. W. Zeylmans Rudolf Grosse Edward Reaugh

van Emmichoven The Christmas Smith
Anthroposophical Foundation The Disciple Whom
Understanding of Beginning of a New Jesus Loved
Cosmic Age Unveiling the Author
the Soul Trans: J. Collis. AP; 158pp;
Trans: F. Schwarzkopf; AP; of St. John’s Gospel
978 0919924 239; pb; AP; 96 pp; 978 0 88010
170pp; 978 088010 019 9;
pb; £8.95 486 9; pb; £7.95

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New Age Living Christ Chakra of the Heart
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Scientist and the Life of Christ Spiritual Exercises of
Trans: D. Stedall; SBC; AP; 310pp; 978 08801046 Rudolf Steiner
104pp; 978 0919924 253; 16; pb; £19.95 Trans: M. Barton. SB;
pb; £13.95 best 208pp; 978 1 85584 053
seller 9; pb; £12.95

Anonymous Beredene Jocelyn Angus Jenkinson

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the River Cosmos Serenity
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Communications of a Conception through the Trials of Life
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in World War I SB; 220pp; 978 0 88010 574; pb; £12.95
Trans: J. Wetzl; AP; 99pp; 633 7; pb; £16.95
978 0 91014 259 5; pb;

Edward Reaugh Ernst Katz Hans Hasler

Smith Core Anthroposophy The Goetheanum
The Burning Bush Teaching Essays of A guided tour through
AP; 800pp; 978 088010 Ernst Katz the building, its
447 0; pb; £20.00 SB; 240pp; 978 0 88010 surroundings and its
722 8; pb; £17.95 history
RSP; 96pp (full colour
thoughout); 978 1 85584
249 6; pb; 12.99

Valentin Tomberg Willi Sucher Veronika van Duin

Christ and Sophia Cosmic Christianity Homemaking &
Anthroposophic and The Changing Personal
Meditations on the Development
Old Testament, New Countenance of
now in Cosmology Meditative Practice
Testament, and for Homemakers
paperback Apocalypse. AP; 172pp; 978 0 88010
369 5; pb; £12.95 RSP; 128pp; 978 1
Trans. R.H. Bruce; SB;
85584 212 0; pb; £9.95
472pp; 978 0 88010 735
8; pb; £26.95

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Athys Floride Henry Barnes Edited by T. H. Meyer

Human Encounters Into the Heart’s Light for the New
and Karma Land Millennium
Trans. C. Bamford; AP; A Century of Letters, Documents
128pp; 978 0 88010 291 Rudolf Steiner’s Work & After-Death
9; pb; £7.95 in North America Communications
Trans: H. Herrmann-Davey,
SB; 688 pp; 978 0 880105 W. Forward & M. Askew.
545; hb; £30 RSP; 400pp (16 b/w plates)
978 1855840 515; hb;

Richard Bunzl Francis Edmunds Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit

In Search of An Introduction to The Lord’s Prayer
Thinking Anthroposophy An Eastern Perspective
Reflective Encounters Rudolf Steiner’s World SB; 192pp; 978 0 88010
in Experiencing the View 596 5; pb; £15.95
World RSP; 200 pp; 978 1855841
RSP; 192pp; 978 1 85584 635; pb; £9.95
201 4; pb; £10.95

Michael Hedley Burton Charles S. Tidball Various authors

In the Light of a Child with Robert Powell A Man Before
A Journey through the Jesus, Lazarus, and Others
52 Weeks of the Year the Messiah Rudolf Steiner
in both Hemispheres Foreword C. Bamford; SB; Remembered
for Children & for the 320 pp; 978 0 88010 558 Trans. various; RSP; 240pp;
Child in each Human 3; pb; £16.95 978 1855840 072; hb;
Being £14.95
AP; 64pp; 978 0 88010
450 0; pb; £10.95

Edward Reaugh ed. Fred Paddock K. F. Althoff

Smith and Mado Spiegler The Magna Charta
The Incredible Judaism and of the
Births of Jesus Anthroposophy Christian Church
AP; 112 pp; 978 0 88010 SB; 128pp; 978 0 88010 SBC; 19pp; 978 0919924
448 7; pb; £7.95 510 1; pb; £13.95 154; bl’t; £1.50

Valentin Tomberg Gerhard Wehr Jörgen Smit

Inner Development Jung & Steiner Meditation
Trans: R. &. P. Bloedon. AP; The Birth of a New Transforming Our
120pp; 978 0880103 633; Psychology Lives for the
pb; £11.95 AP; 340pp; 978 0 88010 Encounter with Christ
496 8; pb; £19.95 Trans. A. Meuss & J. Collis;
RSP; 48pp; 978 185584
149 9; pb; £5.95

ed. Paul V. O’Leary Henry Barnes John Jocelyn

The Inner Life of A Life for the Spirit Meditations on the
the Earth Rudolf Steiner in the Signs of the Zodiac
Exploring the Crosscurrents of our SB; 276pp; 978 0 88010
Mysteries of Nature, Time 552 1; pb; £16.95
Subnature and AP; 256pp; 978 0880103
Supranature 954; pb; £12.95
SB; 304pp; 978 0 88010
595 8; pb; £16.95

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General/Esoteric 27

Robert Powell Judith von Halle Otto Palmer

The Most Holy John Wilkes Rudolf Steiner on
Trinosophia The Representative His Book
And the New of Humanity ‘The Philosophy of
Revelation of the Between Lucifer &
Divine Feminine Ahriman.
AP; 160 pp; 978 0 88010 Trans. M. Spock; SB; 144pp;
RSP; 96pp (full colour
978 0 91014 268 7; pb;
480 7; pb; £12.95 thoughout); 978 1 85584
239 7; pb; £12.99

B. C. J. Lievegoed Johannes Hemleben Bernard Nesfield-

Mystery Streams Rudolf Steiner Cookson
in Europe and the An Illustrated Rudolf Steiner’s
New Mysteries Biography
RSP; 216pp (69 b/w illus); Vision of Love
Trans: J. M. van Houten, P. Spiritual Science and
McCarthy, rvd. G. Church. AP; 978 1855840 935; pb;
£11.95 the Logic of the Heart
87pp; 978 0880100 021; RSP; 352pp; 978 1 85584
pb; £6.95 258 8; pb; £20.00

Peter Selg P. E. Schiller D. von Asten

The Path of the Soul Rudolf Steiner and Sacramental and
after Death Initiation Spiritual
The Community of the The Anthroposophical
Living & the Dead as Path of Inner
Witnessed by Rudolf AP; 20pp; 978 0880101
Schooling. A Survey 219; bl’t; £2.95
Steiner in his Eulogies Trans: H. Barnes
& Farewell Addresses AP; 143pp; 978 0 91014
Trans. M. Saar; SB; 288pp;
978 0 88010 724 2; pb; 296 0; pb; £4.95

Bernard Lievegoed Peter Selg Paul-Eugen Schiller

Phases Rudolf Steiner and The Schiller File
The Spiritual Rhythms the Fifth Gospel Supplements to the
in Adult Life Insights into a New Collected Edition of
RSP; 216 pp; 978 1 85584 Understanding of the Rudolf Steiner Scientific
056 0; pb; £11.95 Christ Mystery Research suggested by
Trans. C. Creeger; SB; Rudolf Steiner
144pp; 978 0 88010 707 Trans. H. Goulden; SB;
best 5; pb; £14.95 196pp (illus.); 978 088010
seller 720 4; pb; £40.00

Warren Lee Cohen Peter Selg Dennis Klocek

Raising the Soul Rudolf Steiner as The Seer’s
Practical Exercises for a Spiritual Teacher Handbook
Personal Development From recollections of A Guide to Higher
RSP; 160pp; 978 1 85584 those who knew him Perception
109 3; pb; £9.95 Trans. C. Creeger; SB; SB; 288 pp; 978 0 88010
104pp; 978 0 88010 706 548 4; pb; £16.95
8; pb; £10.95

Gilbert Childs Stuart C. Easton Edward Reaugh

The Realities of Rudolf Steiner: Smith
Prayer Herald of a The Soul’s Long
RSP; 112pp; 978 1 85584 New Epoch Journey
015 7; pb; £9.95 AP; 376pp; 978 0910142 How the Bible Reveals
939; pb; £11.95 Reincarnation
SB; 304pp; 978 0 88010
535 4; pb; £13.95

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28 General/Esoteric. Education & Child Development

Michael Lipson Peter Selg The Child’s Changing

Stairway of Surprise Unbornness Consciousness
Six Steps to a Creative Human Pre-existence As the Basis of
Life and the Journey Pedagogical Practice
AP; 128pp; 978 0 88010 toward Birth Trans. R. Everett (8 lectures,
507 1; pb; £10.95 Trans. M. Saar; SB; 88pp; Dornach, 1923, GA 306);
978 0 88010 718 1; pb; SB: Foundations of Waldorf
£10.95 Education (vol. 16); 323pp;
978 0 88010 410 4; pb;

David Tresemer with Dr Gilbert Childs Discussions with

Robert Schiappacasse Understand Your Teachers
Star Wisdom Temperament! ‘Foundations of
and Rudolf Steiner A Guide to the Four Waldorf Education’
A Life Seen through Temperaments: Choleric, Intro. C. Giddens (15
the Oracle of the Sanguine, Phlegmatic, discussions, Stuttgart,
Solar Cross Melancholic Aug-Sep 1919, GA 295 +
SB; 396pp (illust.); 978 0 RSP; 160pp; 978 1 85584 3 additional lectures); SB;
88010 574 3; pb; £16.95 025 6; pb; £10.95 224pp; 978 0880104 081;
pb; £13.95

Emil Bock Karin V. Schilling Educating Children

Threefold Mary Where Are You? Today
Trans: C.Marks, Afterword Coming to Terms with Trans. rvd. M. Barton;
M. Debus; SB; 96pp; 978 0 the Death of My Child (single lecture from GA 34);
88010 533 0; pb; £10.95 AP; 88pp; 978 0 88010 RSP; 88pp; 978 1 85584
268 1; pb; £6.50 206 9; pb; £3.99

Margarete van den Georg Kühlewind Education

Brink & Hans Stolp Working with An Introductory
Anthroposophy Reader
Time for Trans. revised C. von Arnim;
Transformation The Practice of
RSP; 224pp; 978 1855841
Through Darkness to Thinking 185; pb; £8.95
the Light Trans: M. Lipson & C.
RSP; 112pp; 978 1 85584 Bamford. AP; 96pp; 978
211 3; pb; £8.95 0880103 619; pb; £9.95

Paul M. Allen, Joan Education for

deRis Allen A-Z
The Time is at Hand!
The Rosicrucian Nature
Education & Child ‘Foundations of
Waldorf Education’
of Goethe’s Fairy Tale
of the Green Snake &
Development Trans. C Hoffman (8
lectures, Stuttgart, Jun
the Beautiful Lily &
the Mystery Dramas of
by Rudolf Steiner 1921, GA 302); SB; 160pp;
Rudolf Steiner 978 0880104 050; pb;
SB; 192pp; 978 0 88010 £13.95
400 5; pb; £16.95

Friedrich Hiebel Balance in Teaching Education as a

Time of Decision ‘Foundations of Force for Social
with Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Education’ Change
Trans. R.M. Querido; (9 Trans: R. F. Lathe, N.P.
Trans. M. St Goar; AP;
lectures, Stuttgart, Sep - Oct Whittaker. (6 lectures,
390pp; 978 0880102 742;
1923, GA 302a); SB; Dornach 9-17 Aug 1919,
pb; £14.50
220pp; 978 0 88010 551 GA 296, & 5 selected
4; pb; £14.95 lectures from GA 192 &
330/331); AP; 288pp; 978
0880104 111; pb; £12.95

to order online:

Education & Child Development 29

The Education of The Kingdom of Rudolf Steiner in the

the Child Childhood Waldorf School
and Early Lectures Introductory talks on Lectures and
on Education Waldorf Education Addresses to Children,
Trans. G. & M. Adams; (1 (7 lectures, Torquay, Parents, and Teachers
essay & 5 selected lectures); England, 1924, GA 311); Trans: C. E. Creeger (1 essay
AP; 128pp; 978 0880104 AP; 160pp; 978 0 88010 & 24 lectures and addresses,
142; pb; £12.95 402 9; pb; £13.95 1919-1924, GA 298); AP;
244pp; 978 0 88010 433
3; pb; £10.95

The Essentials of A Modern Art of Soul Economy and

Education Education Waldorf Education
Trans: unknown. (5 lectures, ‘Foundations of Trans: R. Everett. (16
Stuttgart 8-11 Apr 1924, Waldorf Education’ lectures, Dornach 23 Dec
GA 308); AP; 128pp; 978 Trans. revised J.Darrell & 1921 to 7 Jan 1922, GA
0880104 128; pb; £12.95 G.Adams (14 lectures, Ilkley, 303); AP/RSP; 360pp;
Aug. 1923; GA 307); 978 0 88010 138 7; pb;
AP; 224pp; 978 0 88010 £15.00
511 8; pb; £13.95

Faculty Meetings Practical Advice to The Spiritual Ground

with Rudolf Steiner Teachers of Education
Volumes 1 & 2 Trans. rvd J. Collis (14 ‘Foundations of
Trans: R. Lathe and N. Whit- lectures, Stuttgart, 21 Aug Waldorf Education’
taker. (Volume 1: 1919- to 5 Sep 1919; GA 294); Trans. unknown (9 lectures,
1922, GA 300a-300b; AP; 224pp; 978 0 88010 Manchester College, Oxford,
Volume 2: 1922-1924, GA 467 8; pb £13.95 Aug 16-29 1922; GA 305);
300b-300c); AP; SET of AP; 152pp; 978 0 88010
vols. 1 & 2, 864pp; 978 0 513 2; pb; £13.95
88010 458 6; pb; £35.00

The Foundations of The Renewal of The Spirit of the

Human Experience Education Waldorf School
Trans: R. F. Lathe, N. P. ‘Foundations of Trans. R. F. Lathe, N. P.
Whittaker. (14 lectures, Waldorf Education’ Whittaker; (6 lectures,
Stuttgart 20 Aug to 5 Sept Trans: R.Lathe, N.Whittaker, Stuttgart 24 Aug to 27 Nov
1919, GA 293, & 2 lectures Intro: E.Schwartz (14 lectures,
two introductions to eurythmy 1919, GA 297 & 1 essay,
from GA 66); AP; 352pp; performances, Basel, April 20 Feb 1920, from GA 24); AP;
978 0880103 923; pb; to May 11, 1920; GA 301); 189pp; 978 0880103 947;
£13.95 AP; 288pp; 978 0880104 pb; £10.95
555; pb; £12.95

The Genius of Rhythms of Learning Study of Man

Language What Waldorf General Education
Observations for Education Offers Course
Teachers Children, Parents & Trans. A.C. Harwood; (14
Trans: G. Teutsch, R. Pusch. Teachers lectures, Stuttgart Aug-Sep
(6 lectures, Stuttgart 26 Edited by Roberto Trostli 1919, GA 293); RSP;
Dec 1919 to 3 Jan 1920, Trans: C. Creeger (Selected 192pp; 978 1 85584 187
lectures); AP; 416pp; 978 best 1; pb; £10.95
GA 299) AP; 142pp; 978
0880103 862; pb; £12.95 0880104 517; pb; £19.95 seller

Human Values in The Roots of Waldorf Education &

Education Education Anthroposophy 1
‘Foundations of Trans: unknown. (5 lectures, Public Lectures
Waldorf Education’ Bern, 13-17 Apr 1924, 1921-1922
Intro. C. Bamford; (10 GA 309) AP; 128pp; 978 Trans: unknown. (9 lectures,
Lectures, Arnheim, 1924, 0880104 159; pb; £11.95 1921-22, GA 304); AP;
GA 310); SB; 224 pp; 978 256pp; 978 0880103 879;
0880105 446; pb; £13.95 pb; £10.95

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30 Education & Child Development

Waldorf Education & Willi Aeppli Eugene Schwartz

Anthroposophy 2 The Developing Millennial Child
Public Lectures Child Transforming
1922-1924 Sense and Nonsense Education in the
Trans: N. P. Whittaker, R. F. in Education Twenty-First Century
Lathe, R. Everett (10 lectures AP; 224pp; 978 0 88010 AP; 320 pp; 978 0 88010
1923-24, GA 304a, & 2 491 3; pb; £12.95 465 4; pb; £16.95
lectures from GA 218); AP;
244pp; 978 0 88010 388
6; pb; £12.95

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Education? Gardner The Motherly and
Trans. various, Intro. S.K. Education in Search
Sagarin (3 lectures, various
Fatherly Roles in
GAs and translators) SB;
of the Spirit Education
128pp; 978 0 88010 527
Essays on American Trans: W. N. Weaver, Jr. AP;
9; pb; £9.95 Education 60pp; 978 0880101 998;
AP; 256pp; 978 0880104 pb; £5.95
395; pb; £10.95

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Development Destiny in the Ninth Independence in the
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Trans. J. Darrell; AP; 118pp; SB; 160pp; 978 0 88010
978 0 88010 279 7; pb; 357 2; pb; £13.95

Brien Masters Peter Selg Torin M. Finser,

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Steiner Education Metamorphosis School as a Journey
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SB; 120pp; 978 0 88010
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653; bl’t; £4.95 Parents of Young for Change
Children AP; 192pp; 978 0 88010
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566 8; pb; £16.95

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Heydebrand An Introduction to Ph.D.
Childhood Steiner Education Silence Is Complicity
A Study of the The Waldorf School A Call to Let Teachers
Growing Child RSP; 160pp; 978 1 85584 Improve Our Schools
SB; 144pp; 978 0 88010 172 7; pb; £8.95 through Action
269 8; pb; £10.95 Research
SB; 112pp; 978 0 88010
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Education & Child Development. Picture Books & Readers 31

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through Handwriting
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in the Open Air. A
to the Vimala Welcoming a Soul to
Alphabet Handbook for Parents,
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RSP; 192pp; 978 1 85584
587 3; pb; £13.95 RSP; 288pp + 16pp colour
126 0; pb; £9.95
plates; 978 1 85584 215 1;
pb; £14.95

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Approach Incarnation & Readers
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Wolfgang Schad; Trans. P.
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065 2; pb; £8.95
best Wehrle; RSP; 96pp (full
seller colour throughout); 978 1
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RSP; 272pp; 978 1 85584
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Observed Children Modern World. A 701 3; pb; £10.95
SB; 96pp; 978 0 88010 Handbook for Parents,
594 1; pb; £11.95 Teachers and Carers.
RSP; 232pp + 8pp colour
plates (halftones + 24
colour pictures); 978
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Teaching What is a Waldorf SB; 128pp; 978 0 88010
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SB; 56pp; 978 0 88010
625 2; hb; £11.95 317) RSP; 256pp (15 colour
592 7; hb; £13.95
plates); 978 1 85584 042
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PAGE& Health

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Spirit, Nature & Our Revised by
Special Education Bodies Otto Wolff et al.
Trans. C. E. Creeger (11 Anthroposophical
by Other Authors lectures, 28 Aug 1923–29
Aug 1924, GA 319); SB; Approach to Medicine
320pp; 978 0 88010 641 Volume 1
2; pb; £18.95 Trans: P. Luborsky; AP;
414pp; 978 0 88010 031
1; hb; £26.95

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Diagnosis in Curative Medicine Illness
Education C. E. Creeger (20 lectures, Trans. rvd. C. Fredrickson &
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156pp; 978 0 88010 280 Dornach, GA 312); SB; 978 0880100 540; pb;
3; pb; £13.95 356pp; 978 0 88010 642 £16.95
9; pb; £22.50

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192 5; pb; £10.95

A-Z Nutrition Cookery Book for

Food, Health Patients with Cancer
Medicine & Health and Spiritual or Precancerous
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Trans. and compiled by C. Trans: A. R. Meuss.
von Arnim (Selected lectures, RSP; 72pp; 978 0854407
various GAs); RSP; 192pp; 163; pb £3.50
best 978 185584 210 6; pb;
seller £11.95

Broken Vessels An Occult Udo Renzenbrink

The Spiritual Structure Physiology Diet and Cancer
of Human Frailty
‘Foundations of Trans. unknown (8 lectures, Trans. J. Collis, A. R. Meuss;
Anthroposophical Prague 20-28 Mar 1911, RSP; 68pp; 978 0854407
Medicine’ GA 128); RSP; 208 pp; 668; pb; £5.50
Trans. revised G. Hahn, 978 1855841 413; pb;
Foreword M. Lipson (11 £10.95
lectures, Dornach, Sep 8-18
1924; GA 318) AP; 176
pp; 978 0 88010 503 3;
pb; £16.95

Extending Practical A-Z Robert Zieve, MD

Medicine Healthy Medicine
Fundamental Medicine & Health A Guide to the
Principles based on the Emergence of
Science of the Spirit
by Other Authors Sensible,
Comprehensive Care
with Dr Ita Wegman
Forword D. Klinghardt, MD,
Trans. A. Meuss; (GA 27);
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RSP; 144pp; 978 1855840
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805; pb; £9.95

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Anthroposophical Social Questions & Thinking and the
Threefold Social Order
Medicine Economics Trans: J. Reuter, rev. S. H.
Extending the Art of Seiler. (11 lectures, various
Healing by Rudolf Steiner cities Jan 5 to May 6 1920,
RSP; 240pp; 978 1855841 GA 334); AP; 200pp; 978 0
772; pb; £10.95 88010 358 9; pb; £9.95

William Bento The Challenge of Social and Political

Lifting the Veil of the Times Science
Mental Illness Trans: O. D. Wannamaker. An Introductory
An Approach to (6 lectures, Dornach 29 Nov Reader
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0; pb; £12.95
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309; pb; £13.95

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Medicine, of the Social through Spiritual
Mythology and Question Scientific Knowledge
Spirituality The Individual & Society Trans: unknown. (1 lecture,
Recollecting the Past Trans. P. Wehrle (4 lectures, Dornach 4 Oct 1919, GA
4 Feb to 9 Mar 1919; GA 191); AP; 20pp; 978
& Willing the Future
193); RSP; 112pp; 978 0880100 755; bl’t; £3.50
RSP; 128pp; 978 1855841
1855840 645; pb; £8.95
826; hb; £11.95

Rudolf Hauschka Freedom of Thought Spiritual Science as

Nutrition and Societal Forces a Foundation for
A Holistic Approach Implementing the Social Forms
Demands of modern Trans: M. St Goar, ed.
Trans. M. Spock & M.T. A. Howard. (18 lectures,
Richards; RSP; 248pp; Society Dornach 6-29 Aug & 3-11
Trans. C. E. Creeger (6 Sept, Berlin 17 & 18 Sept
978 1 85584 117 8; pb;
lectures, various cities, May 1920, GA 199); AP; 309pp;
26-Dec. 30, 1919; GA 156); 0 85440 045 1; hb; £20.00
SB; 248pp; 978 0 88010 978 0854400 355; pb;
597 2; pb; £15.95 £14.95

Marsha Post Ideas for a New The Tension between

The Waldorf Book Europe East and West
of Breads Crisis and Opportunity Trans: B. A. Rowley. (10
Edited and introduced for the West lectures, Vienna 1-11 Jun
by Winslow Eliot Trans: J. Collis. (7 lectures, 1922, GA 83); AP; 188pp;
12 Dec 1919 to 22 Feb 978 0880100 717; pb;
Illustrated by
1920, GA 194, 196); RSP; £8.95
Jo Valens
SB; 64pp; 978 0 88010 83pp; 978 1855841 215;
703 7; pb; £10.95 pb; £8.95

Marsha Post & The Renewal of the Towards Social

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The Waldorf School Trans: E. Bowen- Rethinking the Basis
Wedgewood, R. Mariott, of Society
Book of Soups rev. F. Amrine. (24 essays Trans: M. Barton (GA 23);
Illustrated by written 1919-1920, GA 24); RSP; 144pp; 978 185584
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575 0; pb; £10.95 88010 125 7; pb; £8.95

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Social Questions & Economics -Science & Nature 35

What Is Necessary in Siegfried E. Finser Agriculture Course

These Urgent Times Money Can Heal The Birth of the
Trans. R. Bradley (18 Evolving Our Biodynamic Method
lectures, Dornach, 9 Jan–22 Consciousness, The Trans. G. Adams, Intro. E.
Feb 1920, GA 196); SB; Story of RSF and Its Pfeiffer (8 lectures, Kober-
376pp; 978 0 88010 631 Innovations in Social witz, 7-16 Jun 1924, GA
3; pb; £25.00 327); RSP; 176 pp; 978 1
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Path of Discovery Zurich, Nov 1917-Oct 1918,
by Other Authors RSP; 160pp; 978 1 85584 GA 73); Completion Press;
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1; pb; £14.95

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Reimagining the How to Apply the Wisdom to the Cosmos
Trans. by C. von Arnim; com-
Financial World of the Body to Develop
piled by M. Jonas (Selected
SB; 192pp (20 colour Healthy Organizations
lectures, various GAs); RSP;
illustrations); 978 0 88010 SB; 268pp (col. & b/w
256pp; 978 1 85584 223
634 4; pb; £16.95 illust.); 978 0 88010 578 6; pb; £12.95
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Social Art Motherhood, Love and the Art of Joseph Beuys
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Body, Soul and Spirit Trans. by P. Wehrle; RSP; Dornach, 3 Feb to 22 Dec
RSP; 224 pp; 978 1855840 208pp; 978 1 85584 214 1923, Prelude: GA 348,
683; pb; £11.95 4; pb; £11.95 Lectures: GA 351); AP;
144pp (13 b/w illus.); 978
0880104 579; pb; £16.95

Torin Finser A-Z The Boundaries of

In Search of Ethical Natural Science
Leadership Science & Nature Trans. F. Armine, K. Oberhu-
ber; (8 lectures, Dornach, 27
If not now, when? by Rudolf Steiner Feb to 3 Oct 1920, GA 322);
AP;192 pp; 978 0 88010
532 3; pb; £13.95 AP; 127 pp; 978 0 88010
018 2; hb; £15.00

Shannon Agriculture Fourth Dimension

Honeybloom An Introductory Reader Sacred Geometry,
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RSP; 256pp; 978 1 85584 Trans. C.E. Creeger, Intro.
Home 113 0; pb; £8.95 D. Booth (6 lectures, Berlin,
Photography by Mar-Jun 1905 + 2 lectures
Skip Hunt
7 Nov 1905 & 22 Oct 1908,
SB; 90pp (full colour
GA 324a); SB; 256pp;
throughout); 978 0 88010
702 0; pb; £14.95 978 0 88010 472 2; pb;

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1919 to 3 Jan 1920, GA An Introduction to the
320); AP; 208 pp; 978 Method of Biodynamic
0880104 999; pb; £12.95 Gardening
SB; 112pp; 978 0 88010
403 6; pb; £11.95

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pp; 978 088010 715 0; Intro. N. Davidson; AP; 483 8; pb; £12.95
pb; £25.00 432pp; 978 0 88010 490
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1922 to 6 Jan 1923, GA Humanity Richards; RSP; 256pp;
326); AP/RSP; 147pp SB; 260pp; 978 0 88010 978 1 85584 122 2; pb;
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086; pb; £8.95 Life on a a Community Metamorphosis
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24, GA 291); RSP; 224pp; Transformation of
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88010 277 3; pb; £16.95
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RSP; 200pp; 978 1 85584 colours.
236 6; pb; £14.95 MA; 78pp; 978 0854409
068; pb; £8.00

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Intro. M. Howard; (various Elements
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1; pb; £16.95

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4; hb; £6.50;
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lectures, Apr 1921 and The Portal of Initiation
The Soul’s Probation For the Love of
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Threshold, The Souls’ A Celebration of
3; pb; £12.95
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14); SB; 572pp; 978 0 416 6; pb; £14.95
88010 581 1; pb; £22.50

A-Z The Souls’ ed. by Paul

Awakening Matthews
Music & Eurythmy Trans: H. & R. Pusch. (GA With My Heart in My
14); AP; 160pp; 978 0
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RSP; 156pp; 978 1 85584
016 4; pb; £14.95

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Winter Trans: M. Adams. (19 Working Together
lectures, Dornach, Sept on Rudolf
Singing & the 1924, GA 282); AP/RSP;
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Steiner’s Mystery
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Approach to Singing, AP; 144pp; 978 0 91014
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Rudolf Steiner
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Trans. P. Luborsky; RSP;
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Paradise Play – Shep-
herds Play – Kings Play
RSP; 128pp + 8pp colour
plates; 978 185584 184 0;
pb; £7.95

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Images from The Goetheanum by Hans Hasler

Images from The Representative of Humanity by Judith von Halle, John Wilkes
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Front cover image by Albrecht Durer
Printing: Sussex Print Ltd.

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