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Introductory Intermediate Advanced

Course Title: Angular 8

Expected Accomplishment
Angular provides a robust framework that facilitates the development of richly interactive applications
running on multiple platforms. Gain experience building components, creating directives, modularizing
applications, and building template-driven forms.
Angular 8 comes with many features, here listed out few,
Angular 8 comes with extremely Faster, compiling file size become smaller and making development easier.
 It Supports TypeScript 2.9.
 Introduced New Pipes.
 New Interfaces introduced.
 When you create a new Project, you can create Routing.
 New few Directives are implemented.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
 Create device-independent Angular applications
 Develop Components using TypeScript, Templates, and Decorators
 Consume REST services using Observables
 Modularize applications with the Component Router
 Capture and validate input with template-driven forms

Course outline
 Introduction to new features & next generatiJS
 What’s new in ES6 & 7
 Using let & const
 Using arrow functions
 Template literals
 Class & modules in JS
 Understanding promises & callbacks
 Npm basics & commands
 Typescript fundamentals

 Introduction to Angular
 Difference between AngularJS(1.x) & Angular
 What's new in angular 6
 Environment setup in Angular
 Understanding Angular CLI & its usage
 New commands in cli
 Creating & using components
 Understanding different bindings in Angular
○ Interpolation
○ Property
○ Events
 Different types of components
Introductory Intermediate Advanced

○ Dumb components
○ Smart components
 Component Interactions
○ Input
○ Output
 Pipes
○ Using built in pipes
○ Creating custom pipes

● Forms
○ Template forms
○ Reactive forms
○ Dynamic forms
○ Form validations
○ Custom form validations
● Custom Directives

● Types of Services
○ Promise
○ Observable
● Server communication using http services
● Introduction to new rxjs library
● Data sharing using services
● Authentication example using OAuth 2.0

● SPA using angular router
○ Defining routes & nested routes
○ Passing route parameters
○ Authorization using guards
● Modularity using modules
● Deployment in Angular

Who can benefit?

Application Developers
Web Developers
Product development managers.

Related Training
React on Redux

Course Assessment
Pre & Post Assessment

5 days
Introductory Intermediate Advanced

Lectures, tutorial exercises, animations using computer-based learning programs

Good Knowledge of JavaScript
 CSS3
 JavaScript
 Ajax & basic understanding of REST API’s

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