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Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

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Measuring the stability of soil organic carbon in Arenosols in the Senegalese

Groundnut Basin
Oscar Pascal Malou a, b, c, d, *, Tiphaine Chevallier e, Patricia Moulin a, f, David Sebag c, g,
Murielle Nancy Rakotondrazafy e, Ndeye Yacine Badiane-Ndour a, h, 1, Abou Thiam b,
Lydie Chapuis-Lardy a, e
LMI IESOL, ISRA-IRD Bel-Air Center, Dakar, Senegal
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
IFP Energies Nouvelles, Sciences de la Terre et Technologies de l’Environnement Department, Rueil-Malmaison, France
VALORHIZ SAS, Agropolis Scientific Park, Montpellier, France
Eco&Sols, IRD, CIRAD, INRA, Univ Montpellier, Institut Agro, F-34398, Montpellier, France
LAMA, Imago, IRD, IRD-ISRA Bel-Air Center, Dakar, Senegal
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, Geopolis, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
LNRPV, ISRA, Center ISRA-IRD Bel-Air, Dakar, Senegal


Keywords: Soil organic carbon (SOC) contributes to agrosystem productivity. Understanding how farming practices
Tropical sandy soils implemented by smallholders affect the levels and distribution of SOC in carbon (C) pools with different sta­
Agricultural practices bilities is essential in sub-Saharan Arenosols where SOC mineralization is intense. The stability of SOC was
Particulate organic matter
studied by thermal (Therm-C), physical (particulate organic matter >50 μm, POM-C and fine soil fractions <50
Permanganate-oxidizable carbon
Mineralized carbon
μm, FF-C), chemical (permanganate-oxidizable carbon, POX-C) and biological (mineralizable C, Min-C) ap­
Rock-Eval® thermal analysis proaches. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0–10 and 10–30 cm in cultivated fields (out- or home-fields)
without any input, with millet residues, amended with manure, or with household organic wastes. Globally,
average SOC contents were low (<6 g C kg-1). The variability in SOC and C pool contents was sensitive to field
management. The different approaches to measuring the stability of SOC did not measure the same fraction of
SOC. POM-C and Therm-C were correlated and both explained Min-C similarly, thus suggesting that in these
sandy soils, POM-C or Therm-C probably measured comparable properties of the stability of C. The lack of re­
lationships between POX-C and other pools suggested that POX-C encompassed a different nature of SOC while
providing complementary information on the biogeochemical stability of SOC.

1. Introduction recycling of plant nutrients and soil fertility (Janzen, 2006; Kaye and
Hart, 1997). Many studies have focused on the stability of different soil
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is attracting more interest than ever from C pools at temperate latitudes (e.g., Bongiorno et al., 2019), as well as
the scientific community because of its importance in achieving food some others in the tropics (e.g., Duval et al., 2018). However, few data
security and mitigating climate change (Keesstra et al., 2016; Smith exist on arid or semiarid environments and on sandy soils with a limited
et al., 2020). Consequently, its key role in agricultural soil fertility and SOC content.
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is high on international In Sahelian countries, SOC levels in sandy soils are low and depend
agendas (Minasny et al., 2017; Soussana et al., 2017). While the fight on regular organic inputs (Fujisaki et al., 2018a; Yost and Hartemink,
against climate change requires documenting soil C stocks and their 2019). Indeed, the fertilization of soils is performed essentially by
long-term persistence, sustainable productivity of agrosystems requires organic inputs to soils, such as manure, organic wastes from household
understanding the behavior of labile pools that contribute to the activities or crop residues, because access to inorganic fertilizers is very

* Corresponding author. LMI IESOL, ISRA-IRD Bel-Air Center, Dakar, Senegal.

E-mail address: (O.P. Malou).
Current address, FAO, regional office, Dakar, Senegal.
Received 3 June 2022; Received in revised form 22 December 2022; Accepted 13 March 2023
0140-1963/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

limited for smallholder farmers (Harris, 2002; Tounkara et al., 2020). temperate soils, POM-C and Min-C seemed to distinguish C pools with
However, these organic amendment inputs are variable in frequency and different thermal stabilities (Soucémarianadin et al., 2018). However,
in their distribution within farmer fields (Tittonell et al., 2013). They the different approaches and proxies for characterizing the SOC stability
depend on available organic resources and on the location of fields more are usually used on separate sample sets, sometimes in pairs, but rarely
or less distant from habitations (known as out- and home-fields, all together as far as we know. The consistency between the proxies or
respectively; Manlay et al., 2004). Consequently, a high heterogeneity the divergent information given by proxies have been poorly tested (e.g.,
of SOC contents was noticed in the sub-Saharan agricultural landscape, Cécillon et al., 2018; Plante et al., 2011). The appreciation of the proxies
e.g., from 2 to 11 g C kg− 1 in out-fields and up to 19 g C kg− 1 in to define SOC stability could also depend on the pedoclimatic condi­
home-fields in cultivated Arenosols in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin tions. Thus, some studies have considered POX-C as an active or labile
(Malou et al., 2021). Since mineralization could be intense (Yemadje pool (Weil et al., 2003), while others have defined it as a labile-stabilized
et al. 2016), the specificity of the biogeochemical stability of SOC in pool (Romero et al., 2018; Culman et al., 2012). Comparing different
Sahelian soils should be studied to improve or at least maintain SOC in proxies from soil sampled under similar pedoclimatic conditions and
these environments. We consider biogeochemical stability as the varying soil management and SOC contents should provide additional
decrease in the bioavailability of SOC to decomposition by microor­ information on the C pools measured by these different approaches. This
ganisms (Sollins et al., 1996). raises the question of the relationships between the physical, chemical,
In the literature, different proxies related to the biogeochemical or thermal properties of organic matter measured in the laboratory and
stability of SOC have been proposed. Particle-size fractionation sepa­ the environmental factors that control SOC dynamics in the field. We
rates soil into SOC size fractions with different turnovers, e.g., particu­ hypothesized that SOC content heterogeneity in Sahelian soils comes
late organic matter (POM or POM-C to refer to the SOC contained in with a high heterogeneity of all C pools in relation to the large array of
POM) and organic matter associated with the mineral fine fraction (FF or existing farmer fields considering organic inputs and location of the
FF-C to refer to the SOC contained in FF). This physical approach pro­ fields. We hypothesized that POM-C, POX-C, Min-C and Therm-C pro­
vides insight into the stabilization and decomposition processes of SOC vide additional information on the stability of carbon in soils. The
(Lavallee et al., 2020; Poeplau et al., 2018). FF-C is recognized to persist different approaches used to characterize the stability of C do not
much longer than POM-C in soils due to protection from mineralization measure the same C pools. We hypothesized that Min-C, as the miner­
through chemical bonds with soil minerals or occlusion within micro­ alizable C in the short term and considered the most direct measure of C
pores. POM-C, mostly composed of free plant debris in soils, is recog­ stability, is a combination of the other C pools, i.e., POM-C, POX-C and
nized to be less protected against mineralization. Moreover, in arid and Therm-C.
semiarid sandy soils, POM-C usually undergoes rapid and intense To further investigate the consistency and possible links between
mineralization (Bernhard-Reversat, 1981; Feller and Beare, 1997) SOC biogeochemical stability proxies, we analyzed physical (POM-C),
compared with the C associated with the fine fraction, which is chemical (POX-C) and biological (Min-C) C pools on the same sample set
considered to be more intimately linked to the mineral matrix and used for thermal analysis by Malou et al. (2020). The objectives of this
resistant to mineralization (Chivenge et al., 2007; Fujisaki et al., 2018a). study are twofold. The first objective is to characterize and explain the
Chemical extractions based on carbon oxidation, such as spatial heterogeneity of the C pools. The second objective is to charac­
permanganate-oxidizable carbon (POX-C), have also been proposed as terize the stability of SOC and analyze the consistency between the
indicators of SOC sensitivity to mineralization or so-called “active C" proxies used to characterize SOC stability in such semiarid
(Weil et al., 2003). POX-C has been proposed as an indicator to track environments.
SOM dynamics (Bongiorno et al., 2019; Hurisso et al., 2016). However,
the nature of this oxidizable organic matter is debated. The “activity” or 2. Materials
lability of POX-C is not clear (Romero et al., 2018). These authors have
indeed shown that the treatment of SOM with KMnO4 leads to the 2.1. Study site description
extraction of OM enriched with strongly reduced chemical constituents,
a greater condensed aromaticity and a greater saturation in hydrogen The study area is located in the Groundnut Basin of Senegal, which is
(aliphatic composition). Incubation experiments in controlled condi­ the main agricultural area of the country. In this agricultural landscape,
tions measuring CO2 emissions related to microbial activity, which is the woody vegetation is dominated by Faidherbia albida constituting
dependent on substrate availability and other edaphic conditions agroforestry parks. The soils are developed on Tertiary sandstone for­
(Balota et al., 2003; Domeignoz-Horta et al., 2021), have allowed the mations that received additional eolian deposits. They are classified as
measurement of mineralizable carbon, denoted as Min-C (Awale et al., Arenosols, poor in clay (less than 10%, mainly kaolinite) and poorly
2017; Guo et al., 2019). The thermal stability of SOC has been investi­ fertile due to low buffer and exchange capacity (IUSS Working Group
gated using Rock-Eval® thermal analysis (Lafargue et al., 1998), which WRB, 2015). The climate is Sudano-Sahelian, with an average annual
is one method among others to measure the thermal stability of SOM, temperature of 30 ◦ C and an average annual rainfall of 530 mm, marked
such as thermogravimetry (Plante et al., 2009) or ramped by a strong seasonal contrast, with a rainy season (July to October)
pyrolysis-oxidation (Sanderman and Grandy, 2020). This method iden­ suitable for crops and a dry season during which the soils are generally
tifies different thermal pools of SOC (Disnar et al., 2003) and the thermal not exploited.
stability of SOC can be compared to its biogeochemical stability Two villages were selected within the rural municipality of Niakhar:
(Cécillon et al., 2018; Plante et al., 2011). In sandy soils in the Sene­ Diohine-Sassem (14◦ 29′ 51′′ N and 16◦ 30′ 36′′ W) and Sob (14◦ 29′ 16′′ N
galese Groundnut Basin, Malou et al. (2020) documented a depletion of and 16◦ 26′ 3′′ W). A mapping of agricultural fields (a total of 225 and
organic compounds with intermediate thermal stability, which tend to 520 ha in Diohine-Sassem and Sob, respectively) was established in the
accumulate in other environments (Sebag et al., 2016). The thermal region by a previous study (Odru, 2013). Practices vary particularly in
stability and biogeochemical stability of SOC seem to be specific to the terms of organic inputs. Soil fertility within the village landscape is
pedoclimatic conditions. In Sahelian soils, the thermally labile but also organized in halos (e.g., Manlay et al., 2004; Ramisch, 2005) with fields
resistant pyrolizable hydrocarbon pools (together noted as Therm-C) close to habitations, called “home-field” (0.2–2 km from the conces­
seem to be sensitive to mineralization. However, no study has yet sions), receiving regular and high organic inputs (4–20 Mg dry matter
compared SOC mineralization and SOC thermal stability in Sahelian (DM) ha-1 yr-1), and fields distant from habitations called “out-field”
soils. receiving irregular and low organic inputs <4 Mg DM ha-1 yr-1)
All these proxies or C pools (POM-C, POX-C, Min-C and Therm-C) (Tounkara et al., 2020). The sampling design is not based on an exper­
characterizing SOC stability can be compared. For example, in imental trial but on existing farmer fields selected in real situations;

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

thus, we use the term “situation” rather than “treatment” in the present corners of a 1-m square located at the field centroid. The soil samples
study. The farmer field areas vary from 0.02 to 5.24 ha, with an average were air-dried and sieved at 2 mm before analysis. Several aliquots of
size of 0.6 ha. The sampling design aimed to maximize a wide range of each composite sample were used to measure SOC, texture, Therm-C,
situations in terms of organic inputs representative of what the farmers POM-C and FF-C, POX-C, and Min-C.
apply to their fields. Local smallholders do not usually record a precise
history of their quantitative organic inputs, although they gave us 3.2. Soil analyses
enough information on management the year before sampling to draw
categories of fields and related organic amendments (Malou et al., 3.2.1. Soil organic carbon
2021). The number of samples considered in this study and the number The SOC content was determined in 100 mg of finely ground soil
of situations cover a much wider range of situations than would be (<200 μm) aliquots. These aliquots were analyzed by dry combustion
possible with an experimental trial but did not allow us to finely (ISO 10694:1995) using a CHN elemental analyzer (Thermo Finnigan
consider the amount of C applied to soils. Flash EA1112, Milan, Italy).

2.2. Selection of cultivated situations 3.2.2. Soil texture

The soil texture was determined after SOM removal with hydrogen
Sampling fields were not experimental but cultivated by farmers. The peroxide, further dispersion with sodium hexametaphosphate, and
soil was manually prepared before sowing and rarely plowed, as most sieving at 200, 50 and 20 μm. Separation of the finest fractions used a
farmers do not have their own draft animals. Sowing was performed dry Robinson pipette (ISO 11277:2020). The results are presented for two
before the beginning of the rainy season to give the crop the advantage soil texture fractions, namely, the silt + clay fraction (0–50 μm) and the
over germinating annual weeds. Hand hoeing was performed at the soil sand fraction (50–2000 μm).
surface for subsequent weed control. Fields were selected to be repre­
sentative of the most common practices regarding organic amendments 3.2.3. Rock-Eval® thermal analysis
in the region (Malou et al., 2021). Information obtained from farmers on Rock-Eval® thermal analysis was used to identify different thermal
management practices the year before sampling allowed us to draw pools of SOC (Disnar et al., 2003; Lafargue et al., 1998). The analytical
categories of fields and types of organic inputs, which are presented in protocol consisted of analyzing soil samples (<200 μm, mass = 55–73
Table 1. Briefly, organic inputs consisted of (i) manure (n = 40) mg) in two phases: (i) pyrolysis by heating from 200 ◦ C to 650 ◦ C at
composed of uneaten plant residues, ruminant feces and urine; (ii) 25 ◦ C min− 1 in an inert atmosphere (N2) and (ii) oxidation of residual
organic wastes (n = 10) composed of household wastes, ash and crop carbon in an artificial atmosphere (N2/O2: 80/20), starting at 400 ◦ C and
residues; and (iii) millet residues left in the field after harvest (n = 10). ending at 850 ◦ C with a heating rate of 20 ◦ C min− 1 (Lafargue et al.,
We also selected cultivated fields with no exogenous organic inputs in 1998). In this study, we propose a parameter deduced from results found
the previous years or just after an annual fallow (No-input; n = 60). In in Malou et al. (2020) and we named it “Therm-C”. Therm-C corre­
situations with manure or organic wastes, organic inputs were applied to sponds to SOC pyrolyzed between 200 and 520 ◦ C and emitted as hy­
the soil surface just before the start of the rainy season (approximately drocarbons, CO and CO2. We considered that Therm-C corresponds to a
May–June). Manure and household organic waste amounts applied the labile SOC pool since Malou et al. (2020) showed that thermally labile
year before sampling were not precisely known. Amounts and quality of (200–400 ◦ C) and even resistant (400–520 ◦ C) pyrolizable hydrocarbon
the organic amendment may vary from one year to another while pools are sensitive to mineralization in these sandy soils.
home-fields (i.e., fields close to habitations) are more regularly amended
than out-fields (Tounkara et al., 2020). Manure was applied at a rate of 3.2.4. Particle-size fractionation of SOM
0.1–12.8 Mg DM ha− 1 yr− 1 to home-fields and 0.1–3.8 Mg DM ha− 1 yr− 1 Particle-size fractionation separates soil into two SOC size fractions,
to out-fields. Household organic wastes were only applied to home-fields POM-C and FF-C, with different turnovers. These two fractions provide
at 0.1–18.3 Mg DM ha− 1 (Malou et al., 2021). Soil samples were insight into the stabilization and decomposition processes of SOC. Par­
collected during the rainy season (cropping season) or the dry season ticulate organic matter (POM; organic fractions >50 μm) was separated
(outside the cropping cycle) (Table 1) for practical reasons and were not from the organic matter associated with the finest particles (FF; fine
intended to study the seasonal variability of SOC contents or C pools. fractions <50 μm) according to the method described by Balesdent et al.
(1998). It is a physical granulometric fractionation of soil organic matter
3. Methods with a maximum dispersion of soil particles. Briefly, 30 g of soil (<2
mm) was agitated in a 500-ml flask with 100 ml of sodium hexameta­
3.1. Soil sampling phosphate solution (5 g L− 1) for 16 h on a shaker at a frequency of 110
oscillations back and forth. The suspension was then sieved at 50 μm.
Samples were manually collected with an auger at two soil depths Soil fractions >50 μm were separated into light and heavy fractions by
(0–10 and 10–30 cm). For each layer, in each field, a composite sample flotation in water. The light fractions >50 μm corresponded to POM. The
was prepared by mixing five separate samples taken at the center and heavy fraction >50 μm corresponded to mineral sands. All fractions

Table 1
Description of the studied soil sample set (N = 120) selected among the ca 1800 cultivated plots composing the agricultural mapping of the area (Malou et al., 2020).
Situations Total number of sample (N) Place of collection Plot Management Time of collection

Home-fields Out-fields Annual Fallow Under cultivation Cropping season Off crop cycle

(n) (n)

No input 60 20 40 + + + +
+Millet residues 10 – 10 n.a. + + –
+Manure 40 20 20 n.a. + + +
+Organic wastes 10 10 n.a. n.a. + – +

The plus (+) sign means that the situation was collected in the existing 1800 samples set and selected in the studied set as representative of the agriculture systems; The
minus (− ) sign means that the situation considered as uncommon wasn’t collected in the existing 1800 sample set; n.a., non applicable, refers to situations that do not
exist in the agricultural systems of the studied area.

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

>50 μm were dried at 50 ◦ C and finely ground (<200 μm) for analysis. assess the importance of different explanatory factors (or “predictors”)
The suspension that passed through the sieve, i.e., fractions <50 μm, on a given variable by adding randomness to the choice of variables in
contained FF. FF fractions were dried at 50 ◦ C and finely ground (<200 the regression models. It was applied to the total SOC content (SOC) and
μm; for homogenization before analysis). The carbon contents of all C pool content (Therm-C; POM-C; FF-C; POX-C; and Min-C) in the sur­
fractions were determined with a CHN elemental analyzer. The C con­ face (0–10 cm) and deep (10–30 cm) layers. RF is a learning machine
tent of the mineral fraction >50 μm (sand) isolated from the POM was classification method that builds a multitude of decision trees by
less than 0.6 g C kg− 1 and thus considered negligible. We checked that randomly dividing the dataset (bagging). Contrary to linear regression, a
the sum of the SOC contents of the 2 other fractions (POM-C + FF-C) random forest analysis can handle nonlinearities and allows the defini­
matched the SOC content in the bulk soil, i.e., in the unfractionated tion of continuous and categorical variables for predictors. We used the
sample. The recovery average was 98 ± 3%. RandomForest (Version 4.6–14; years: 2018) function of R software with
error estimation by the out-of-bag procedure with 3 predictors (silt +
3.2.5. Permanganate-oxidizable carbon clay content; field location; and organic inputs) to explain SOC,
POX-C is an indicator of SOC sensitivity to mineralization or so- Therm-C, POM-C, FF-C, POX-C, and Min-C. A random effect ANOVA was
called “active C′′ and an indicator to track SOM dynamics. Determina­ used with these 3 factors in the construction of the model. We also
tion of permanganate-oxidizable C (POX-C) was performed according to attempted adding the time of sampling as a fourth predictor but did not
the method of Weil et al. (2003) modified by Culman et al. (2012). finally keep it in the RF analysis considering that the sampling design
Detailed protocols can also be found in several studies (Awale et al., was not fully appropriate for the purpose. However, the exploratory
2017; Hurisso et al., 2016). Briefly, 2.5 g of air-dried soil (<2 mm) was results of this trial were provided as electronic supplementary material.
mixed in a 50 ml polypropylene centrifuge tube with 20 ml of KMnO4 The performance of the global RF regression models was evaluated
solution (0.02 mol L− 1) for 2 min using a rotary shaker. Then, after through the percentage increase of the root mean square error, which
allowing the suspension to settle for 10 min, 0.5 ml of the supernatant allows us to know by how much the error would increase if the predictor
was transferred to a second centrifuge tube and mixed with 49.5 ml was completely random; in other words, it prefigures the loss of preci­
deionized water. The absorbance of the sample was determined at 550 sion of the model if the predictor is not considered to estimate the var­
nm using a spectrophotometer (SpectroVis® Plus, Vernier, OR, USA). iable. Thus, high values of error gain (%) indicate greater explanatory
The POX-C (mg C kg− 1 soil) was calculated as follows: factors in the RF model.
Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to detect linear
POX − C = [0.02 − (a + b ∗ Absorbance)] ∗ (9000)
relationships between parameters derived from four methodological
∗ (0.02 solution / 0.0025 soil) approaches: thermal (Therm-C), physical (POM-C), chemical (POX-C)
and biological (Min-C) using the FactoExtra package Version 1.0.6
where 0.02 is the concentration of the initial KMnO4 solution expressed (Kassambara and Mundt, 2020). FF-C was not considered in the con­
in mol L− 1; a is the intersection and b is the slope of the standard curve; struction of the PCA because it is the counterpart of POM-C. We also
9000 is the amount of C, expressed in mg, oxidized per 1 mol of MnO4 used multiple linear regression (MLR) to model the relationship between
changing Mn7+ to Mn4+; 0.02 solution is the volume of KMnO4 solution Min-C and POM-C. Therm-C and POX-C were used as explanatory var­
reacted, expressed in L; and 0.0025 is the mass of soil, expressed in kg, iables according to the different input types. For each model, the
used in the reaction. adjusted R2 and root mean squared error (RMSE) were recorded.

3.2.6. Mineralizable carbon 4. Results

Heterotrophic microbial respiration, also known as basal soil respi­
ration, was measured to estimate the size of the mineralizable C pool in 4.1. SOC content and C pools
the soil (Min-C) (Franzluebbers et al., 2000). Min-C also provides in­
sights into the ability of heterotrophic microorganisms to release 4.1.1. Organic inputs impacted SOC contents and stability
essential nutrients to plants. Briefly, 10 g of air-dried soil (with three For the 0–10 cm soil layer, the average SOC content was 5.7 ± 0.4 g C
replicates per sample) was placed in 120 ml airtight vials, and soil kg-1 in all situations considered (n = 120; ESM 1). The C content of
moisture was maintained (with deionized water) at 80% of the soil’s particulate organic matter (POM-C) averaged 2.6 ± 0.3 g C kg-1 soil,
water-holding capacity. The carbon dioxide produced by mineralization which represented ca. 46% of the SOC in the 0–10 cm layer. The C
and accumulated in the vial was measured every day during a 28-day content of the fine soil fractions (FF–C) (3.2 ± 0.2 g C kg-1 C soil) rep­
incubation period (at 28 ◦ C and in darkness) using a micro gas chro­ resented 56% of the SOC in the 0–10 cm layer (ESM 1). The thermal C
matograph (Varian micro gas CP4900, Varian Chromatography Group, pool (Therm-C), permanganate-oxidizable carbon (POX-C), and miner­
CA, USA). The samples were flushed to renew the air in the incubation alizable C (Min-C) represented a small part of the SOC, approximately
vials between gaseous samplings. The amount of cumulated CO2 emis­ 10.5% for Therm-C, 4.5% for POX-C, and 0.2% for Min-C. Therm-C,
sions after the 28-day incubation period and expressed as mg C–CO2 POX-C and Min-C had average values of 0.6 ± 0.1 g C kg-1 soil, 254 ±
kg− 1 soil represented the mineralizable C pool (Min-C). 14 mg C kg-1 soil, and 10.7 ± 1.2 mg C–CO2 kg-1 soil, respectively.
Thus, POM-C represented a fraction of SOC that was at least 4 times
3.3. Data analysis more important than Therm-C in the 0–10 cm soil layer. Compared to
No-input, a positive effect of +organic waste was significant (p < 0.001)
R software (R Core Team, 2021) was used for all statistical analyses. for each pool (Fig. 1). However, the other two amendments (+Millet
Statistical analyses, especially analysis of variance and random forest residues and +Manure) did not affect the measured C pools, except
modeling, were performed per soil depth (0–10 cm and 10–30 cm Therm-C for + Manure.
separately) in the different situations. Data were checked for normality In the 10–30 cm soil layer, SOC had a mean value of 3.4 ± 0.2 g C kg-
(Shapiro test) and homogeneity of variance (Bartlett test). Analysis of 1 soil (n = 120; ESM 1). Overall, all soil C pools decreased significantly
variance (ANOVA) with post hoc pairwise Tukey’s HSD with a proba­ (p < 0.05) with soil depth, with the exception of the FF-C pools in the
bility level of 0.05 comparisons was used to compare the different input No-input or + Millet residue situations (Fig. 1d). POM-C (0.8 ± 0.1 g C
situations (i.e., last year presence or absence of the 3 types of organic kg-1 soil) and FF-C (2.6 ± 0.2 g C kg-1 soil) accounted for 24 and 76% of
inputs) and the two field locations (home-fields or out-fields). The time SOC, respectively, when considering all situations together at this soil
of sampling was not considered as a category for comparison of C pools. depth. As at the soil surface, Therm-C, POX-C, and Min-C represented a
The random forest (RF) algorithm (Breiman, 2001) was used to small part of SOC, approximately 5.0% for Therm-C, 3.9% for POX-C,

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

Fig. 1. Carbon concentration in bulk soil (a) and in the different pools, i.e. for Therm-C (b), POM-C (c), FF-C (d), POX-C (e) and Min-C (f), for both soil layers, 0–10
cm (in white) and 10–30 cm (in grey). Upper and lower letters marked significant difference (p < 0.05) between organic input situations in the 0–10 cm soil layer and in the
10–30 cm soil layer respectively. The asterisk pointed to the comparison between 0-10 and 10–30 cm in each organic input situation (ns: p > 0.5; *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01 and
***p < 0.001).

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

and 0.1% for Min-C. Therm-C, POX-C, and Min-C had average values of 4.1.2. Field location impacted SOC contents and C pools
0.17 ± 0.02 g C kg-1 soil, 133 ± 11 mg C kg-1 soil, and 3.4 ± 0.3 mg The SOC contents were higher in the home-fields than in the out-
C–CO2 kg-1 soil, respectively. Thus POM-C represented a fraction of fields in the 0–10 cm soil layer with 7.8 vs. 4.5 g C kg− 1 soil and in
SOC that was at least 4 times more important than Therm-C in the the 10–30 cm soil layer with 4.2 vs. 2.8 g C kg− 1 soil, respectively
10–30 cm soil layer. The effect of organic inputs on the SOC and soil C (Fig. 2a; Table S1). Similar trends were observed for POM-C, FF-C, POX-
pools was still noticeable at this depth, except for Therm-C and FF-C (in C and Min-C between the two field locations regardless of sampling
which the probability level for significance was 0.07; Fig. 1bd). How­ depth (Fig. 2c, d, e, f). Therm-C was also much higher in the home-field
ever, this effect was less clear than that in the 0–10 cm soil layer. The than in the out-fields at 0–10 cm but not at 10–30 cm (Fig. 2b). Using the
SOC contents at 10–30 cm depth decreased in the following order: data in Table S1, the contribution of each pool to SOC could be calcu­
+Organic wastes ≥ +Manure ≥ +Millet residues = No-input (Fig. 1a). lated (data not shown). The contribution of POM to SOC was higher in
POM-C, POX-C and Min-C values were significantly higher in the the home-fields than in the out-fields at both depths (47 vs. 40% at 0–10
+Organic waste situations than in other situations, while no difference cm and 29 vs. 21% at 10–30 cm, respectively). The contribution of
was observed between the other three situations (Fig. 1c, e and f). Therm-C was also higher in home-fields than in out-fields except in the
10–30 cm soil layer (11.4 vs. 8.9% at 0–10 cm and 5.0 vs. 5.4% at 10–30

Fig. 2. Carbon concentration in soil and in the

different C pools in both soil layers (0–10 cm and
10–30 cm) for the field location: (a) SOC, (b) Therm-
C, (c) POM-C, (d) FF-C, (e) POX-C and (f) Min-C.
Upper and lower letters correspond to the compari­
son in the 0–10 cm soil layer and in the 10–30 cm soil
layer respectively in the different situations. The
asterix correspond to the comparison between 0-10 and
10–30 cm in each situation (ns: p > 0.5; *: p < 0.05; **:
p < 0.01. p < 0.001 and ***: p < 0.0001.

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

cm, respectively). The contribution of Min-C to SOC remained small at Therm-C or POM-C did not improve the prediction of Min-C in any sit­
both depths. Surprisingly, the contribution of POX-C to SOC was slightly uation (p > 0.05). The POM-C and Therm-C pools were strongly corre­
higher in out-fields than in home-fields (4.9 vs. 3.8% at 0–10 cm and 4.1 lated (R2 = 0.93 in +Organic wastes, R2 = 0.99 in +Millet residues, R2 =
vs. 3.8% at 10–30 cm, respectively). 0.89 in +Manure and R2 = 0.85 in No-input). The association of POM-C
and Therm-C in a multiple linear relationship did not improve the
4.2. Explaining factors of SOC content and C pools explanation of Min-C compared to a linear relationship between either
POM-C or Therm-C and Min-C. These 2 pools, Therm-C and POM-C,
Fig. 3 illustrates for both soil layers the order of importance of the seemed to be redundant in their relationship with Min-C and
predictors for SOC and soil C pools obtained by the random forest explained it to a similar extent for a given input situation. The regression
approach using three predictors (silt + clay content; field location; and model based on Therm-C estimated Min-C very similarly to those based
organic inputs). on POM-C in the +Millet residues and in +Organic wastes situations
For the 0–10 cm soil layer, the RF model explained 30, 30, 31, 24, 17 (adjusted R2: 0.96 vs. 0.95; RMSE: 0.8 vs. 0.9 mg C kg− 1 soil in +Millet
and 16% of the explained variance for SOC, Therm-C, POM-C, FF-C, residues and adjusted R2: 0.93 vs. 0.90; RMSE: 4.9 vs. 5.9 mg C kg− 1 soil
POX-C and Min-C, respectively. The type of organic inputs and field in +Organic wastes). POM-C slightly outperformed Therm-C as an
location were the best explanatory factors for SOC, Therm-C, POM-C, FF- explanatory variable of Min-C in the +Manure and No-input situations
C and Min-C (Fig. 3A). Soil texture did not appear to be an important (adjusted R2: 0.67 vs. 0.56; RMSE: 3.1 vs. 3.6 mg C kg− 1 soil and
explanatory factor for the SOC and C pools in the surface layer. It could adjusted R2: 0.35 vs. 0.27 RMSE: 3.3 vs. 3.5 mg C kg− 1 soil, respec­
be noted that if included in the RF analysis as a fourth predicator, the tively). The results also revealed a positive weak relationship between
time of soil sampling, i.e., off-crop season and cropping season, could Min-C and FF-C in home-field and +organic waste situations (R2 =
serve as an explanatory factor but only for the variability of POX-C (ESM 0.24–0.26) but not in out-field or No-input situations (data not shown).
In the 10–30 cm layer, the increase in error was less, indicating that 5. Discussion
the considered factors were less determinant for the models when soil
depth increased (Fig. 3B). The percentages of variance explained by the 5.1. Range of SOC contents in the agricultural landscape
three factors considered were lower, i.e., 17, 8, 11, 19, 12 and 3% for
SOC, Therm-C, POM-C, FF-C, POX-C and Min-C, respectively. The type The SOC contents of this central zone in Senegal average 5.7 ± 0.4 g
of organic inputs and field location remained key explanatory factors, C kg-1 soil in the topsoil. Such low values have been reported in
especially for POM and POX-C, while the soil texture was not different numerous studies on sandy soils in arid and semiarid zones (Fujisaki
between the two soil depths (p = 0.05; ESM 2). However, in contrast to et al., 2018a; Yost and Hartemink, 2019). The range of observed SOC
the 0–10 cm soil texture, the 10–30 cm soil texture was a key factor in contents is, however, very wide, from 4.5 to 12 g C kg-1 (in the 0–10 cm
explaining SOC, Therm-C, FF-C and Min-C (Fig. 3B). soil layer). Similar ranges have been reported in Mali, with SOC contents
between 1 and 10 g C kg-1 at a 0–20 cm depth (Doumbia et al., 2008),
4.3. Relations between C pools measured by different approaches and in Niger, with SOC contents between 1 and 8 g C kg-1 in the topsoil
(Bationo and Buerkert, 2001). The SOC contents in the landscape
Fig. 4 illustrates the variability of the C data related to the notion of depend on the location of fields and the inputs they have received, with
the biogeochemical stability of SOC determined by physical (POM-C), higher SOC levels in home-fields than in out-fields (7.8 g C kg-1 ± 0.8
chemical (POX-C), biological (Min-C) and thermal (Therm-C) ap­ versus 4.5 ± 0.3 g C kg-1 in the present study, respectively) (Fig. 2). This
proaches. This variability was particularly high for soil surface samples. trend is often underlined in West Africa (Bationo et al., 2007; Tounkara
Principal Component 1 (PC1) explained 86% of the variance in the et al., 2020) and East Africa (Tittonell et al., 2013). The home-fields
biogeochemical stability of SOC. PC1 was explained by the four pa­ receive regular organic inputs, of 4–20 Mg DM ha-1 yr-1 compared
rameters, and POM-C and Therm-C were highly correlated along this with less than 4 Mg ha-1 yr-1 in general for an out-field (Tounkara et al.,
axis. POM-C and Therm-C seemed to represent comparable biogeo­ 2020). Home-fields are also the only fields amended with household
chemical stability properties of SOM, even if these two pools were not organic wastes of various qualities (Manlay et al., 2004). The distribu­
identical. POM-C accounted for approximately 46 and 24% of the SOC in tion of SOC contents in the study site is representative of sub-Saharan
the 0–10 and 10–30 cm soil layers, respectively, while Therm-C agrosystems.
accounted for only 10 and 5% in these two soil layers, respectively.
Principal Component 2 (PC2) explained 10% of the variance in the 5.2. C pool distribution in the agricultural landscape
stability of SOC and was explained exclusively by POX-C and Min-C,
which were orthogonal and not correlated. This indicates that POX-C The distribution of all C pools illustrates once again the spatial or­
and Min-C did not correspond to the same fraction of SOC. The pools ganization of SOC in “soil fertility halos” from the village center (e.g.,
identified as POX-C and Min-C were not of the same biogeochemical Manlay et al., 2004; Tittonell et al., 2013) (Fig. 2). Organic amendments,
nature. The contributions of POX-C and Min-C to PC1 were also signif­ particularly in home-fields, feed all C pools, especially POM-C, Therm-C
icant. The PC1 axis aggregated all variables, which had characterized and Min-C. Soil organic matter in home-field soils is mostly particulate
different labile forms of SOC. The physical, chemical, biological and (Fig. 2; Eusterhues et al., 2003; Feller and Beare 1997). Increasing this
thermal approaches were complementary, especially for Min-C and pool of C probably contributes to improved soil fertility and crop yields
POX-C. (Wood et al., 2016). The large increase in the pool of soil mineralizable C
(Fig. 2f) also indicates a greater recycling of nutrients essential for plant
4.4. Regression models for estimating mineralizable carbon growth in the home-field than in the out-field. The large increase in
Min-C following organic waste inputs in home-fields reflects the rapid
The Min-C pool was significantly (p < 0.0001) correlated with the rate of renewal of these materials and the importance of maintaining C
Therm-C and POM-C pools. The quality of these relationships differed inputs through regular inputs. This high mineralization and the high
according to the situations with particularly high adjusted R2 values variability of Min-C measured in +organic waste situations could be
(>0.9) in +Millet residues and in +Organic wastes situations and to a related to the high amounts and to the complex nature of these organic
lesser extent in +Manure (0.67 > adjusted R2 > 0.56) (Table 2). In No- inputs, which contain household wastes but also ashes and N-containing
input situations, the relationships were weaker with R2 values below excreta from farm animals (Malou et al., 2021). Contrary to millet res­
0.35 (Table 2). The addition of POX-C in the linear relationship with idue situations (C/N ratio = 46.5; van Duivenbooden and Cisée, 1989),

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

Fig. 3. Ranking of the importance of factors for predicting SOC (a), Therm-C (b), POM-C (c), FF-C (d), POX-C (e) and Min-C (f) in the 0–10 cm (A; left column) and
10–30 cm (B; right column) soil layers, as expressed by the increase in root mean square error (%IncMSE) in the Random Forest regression models.

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

can explain the slight impact of organic inputs on SOC and C pools. The
intense mineralization in the Sahelian context could also explain these
results (Bernhard-Reversat, 1981; Yemadje et al., 2017). However, the
nonsignificant effect of manure on C pools is very unexpected (Fig. 1).
Some studies on other soils and climates have shown that manure
application is an effective means to increase SOC contents (Fujisaki
et al., 2018a) and C pools, such as the FF-C (Benbi et al., 2015; Hoover
et al., 2019), POX-C (Benbi et al., 2015; Qi et al., 2016), or recalcitrant C
pool (Benbi et al., 2015). The absence of a significant effect of manure
might be overcome by a seasonal effect or linked to applied amounts.
Unfortunately, our sampling design does not allow exploring the effect
of input amounts. The 40 situations called “manure” were fields
receiving manure in the year before sampling. Contrary to the 10 situ­
ations called “organic wastes”, all located in home-fields, the 40 manure
situations were much more diverse in terms of location (home-fields and
out-fields) and probably in input amount and frequency. In our study,
relying only on the last annual inputs prior to sampling is not sufficient
to highlight the effects of all organic amendments on the C pools, except
for Therm-C (Fig. 1b). Therm-C is an indicator sufficiently sensitive to
account for the effect of organic inputs in the previous year and can
serve as a useful early indicator of SOC dynamics in these soils. The
difficulty of highlighting the organic input effect on SOC or C pools can
also be explained by a strong temporal variability of organic inputs in
the fields and the application at the soil surface without incorporation.
Only the home-fields regularly receive organic inputs. The out-fields are
less regularly amended, but they sometimes receive manure, less than 4
Mg dry weight ha− 1. Indeed, some farmers sometimes decide to manage
an out-field as they would consider for a home-field by bringing larger
Fig. 4. Biplot of a principal components analysis (PCA) showing the loadings of
amounts of organic amendments. The amendment depends on the
the 4 parameters (arrows) and the 120 soil samples derived from different input
availability of the organic resources, the means to transport it, the
situations and the two layers (0–10 cm and 10–30 cm, n = 60 each) within the
plane defined by the first two principal component axes (PC1 and PC2). farmer’s time availability, the farm-level strategy for amending a given
field in a given year, or even the issue of land tenure (Misiko et al., 2011;
Vanlauwe et al., 2015; Stewart et al., 2020). Thus, the organic contri­
the decomposition and mineralization of the organic waste inputs were
bution of the previous year alone does not explain the organic status of
probably less limited by mineral N deficiency in the amended soil. Our
the soils, especially in environments where SOC mineralization is
results reflect the increase in fertility observed by farmers in fields close
intense (Malou et al., 2020). The combination of organic inputs applied
to habitations. Indeed, differences in millet yields are observed between
the year before sampling and the field location explained most SOC and
the two field locations in the study area: 1.8 Mg grains ha− 1 in
C pool variations in the landscape. Soil amendment of fields close to
home-fields that receive between 18 and 20 Mg ha− 1 of manure versus
villages and favored by farmers with organic wastes is the only practice
0.4 Mg grains ha− 1 in out-fields that do not receive organic amendments
in terms of quantity, quality and regularity that is conducive to sus­
(Tounkara et al., 2020).
tainably affecting SOC. These repeated inputs of C compounds (house­
Our work corroborates the results of studies on the fertility gradient
hold wastes, ashes, excreta, etc.) increase the SOC contents and all C
that exist between home-fields and out-fields (e.g., Tittonell et al., 2013)
pools, whether labile C pools (POM-C, POX-C) (Janzen et al., 1992;
in showing that regular inputs feed all C pools. This justifies the way
Steffens et al., 2009) or more resistant C pools such as C associated with
local farmers manage scarce organic resources. In this region, farmers
fine mineral particles (FF–C) (Chen et al., 2019). Our results confirm
have limited resources for production and few means for manure
that soil C inputs are essential for maintaining or even increasing C
transportation. They concentrate the available organic resources
contents in tropical sandy soils (Fujisaki et al., 2018a) in all C pools and
(manure and organic wastes) in the home-fields on a regular and often
not only in POM-C (Fujisaki et al., 2018b). The soil texture, always sandy
repeated basis to secure and optimize agricultural yields (Misiko et al.,
even if slightly variable in the landscape, may explain the distribution of
2011) to the detriment of out-fields that generally receive very little
SOC and C pools but to a lesser extent.
exogenous organic inputs (mostly manure) and therefore have lower
The particular distribution of organic inputs and the intense miner­
SOC and labile or stable C pools.
alization of SOC explain the variability of all C pools in Sahelian land­
scapes. Our sampling strategy does not allow us to properly study
5.3. Organic management explained the C distribution in the landscape seasonal effects that may affect C pools, while soil organic matter
mineralization is well-known to be sensitive to soil temperature and
The type of organic inputs applied to the soil in the year before soil moisture especially in semiarid conditions (e.g., Hamdi et al., 2011;
collection was the most important factor explaining the SOC and labile C Maia et al., 2019; Yemadje et al., 2017).
pools (Fig. 3). In this study, only soil amendment practices with
household organic wastes practices restricted to home-fields could 5.4. Measurement of biogeochemical stability
significantly increase SOC contents and the C pools up to 30 cm deep in
these sandy soils (Fig. 1). Even when practiced, the amount of amend­ The different proxies of the stability of SOC did not measure the same
ments is highly variable in space and time. Manure amendments fraction of SOC. These proxies (Therm-C, POM-C, FF-C, POX-C and Min-
generally represent a carbon input from 0.02 to 3.2 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 and C) represented 0.2% to 46% of SOC in the 0–10 cm soil layer and were
organic wastes one of 0.02–3.8 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 (Malou et al., 2021). This correlated (e.g., POM-C and Therm-C) or not (e.g., Min-C and POX-C).
high variability in the amount of organic inputs, which are also usually Correlations between Min-C, POM-C and Therm-C were surprisingly
applied by hand at the soil surface without incorporation into the soil different depending on the input situations. Min-C seems to be explained

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

Table 2
The results of stepwise multiple regression for dependent variable Min-C explained by POX-C and POM-C and by POX-C and Therm-C in situations with No-input,
+Millet residues, +Manure, and +Organic wastes.
Situations Values Standard error Student’s t Significance level p R2 Adjusted R2 RMSE

No-input Model < 0.0001 0.38 0.35 3.3

Intercept 2.32 0.89 2.60 0.01
POX-C 0.00 0.01 − 0.29 0.77
POM-C 2.87 0.67 4.30 0.0001

Model < 0.0001 0.30 0.27 3.5

Intercept 2.72 0.96 2.83 0.01
POX-C 0.00 0.01 0.46 0.65
Therm-C 9.31 2.97 3.13 0.003

+Millet residues Model < 0.0001 0.96 0.95 0.9

Intercept 0.36 0.77 0.47 0.65
POX-C 0.02 0.01 2.04 0.08
POM-C 1.08 0.75 1.44 0.19

Model < 0.0001 0.97 0.96 0.8

Intercept 0.12 0.57 0.22 0.83
POX-C 0.02 0.01 1.26 0.25
Therm-C 7.14 3.50 2.04 0.08

+Manure Model < 0.0001 0.68 0.67 3.1

Intercept 2.54 1.09 2.33 0.03
POX-C − 0.01 0.01 − 0.61 0.55
POM-C 3.38 0.86 3.94 0.0004

Model < 0.0001 0.58 0.56 3.6

Intercept 1.71 1.29 1.33 0.19
POX-C 0.02 0.01 1.55 0.13
Therm-C 4.79 2.85 1.68 0.10

+Organic wastes Model < 0.0001 0.93 0.90 5.9

Intercept − 3.01 5.32 − 0.57 0.59
POX-C − 0.01 0.02 − 0.48 0.65
POM-C 5.35 0.81 6.62 0.0003

Model < 0.0001 0.95 0.93 4.9

Intercept − 2.24 4.48 − 0.50 0.63
POX-C 0.00 0.02 0.00 1.00
Therm-C 19.49 2.42 8.07 0.0001

by comparable SOC properties measured by either POM-C or Therm-C, production of mineral N (Bernhard-Reversat, 1981). POM fragments
especially in the +Organic waste and +Millet residue situations smaller than 50 μm may end up in the FF during the fractionation pro­
(adjusted R2 > 0.90) but also in +manure (0.67 > adjusted R2 > 0.56). cess and contribute to mineralization. Our results mainly indicate that
Millet residues and organic wastes supply POM-C pool with plant debris the size of the pool of labile C in the No-input situations is very small and
that are easily decomposable and mineralizable. The strong relationship difficult to model with a proxy. In the absence of C inputs to these sandy
between Min-C and Therm-C in +Millet residues and in +Organic wastes soils, heterotrophic soil microorganisms have nothing to consume.
highlights the intense mineralization of SOC in these Arenosols, since These results support the results of the meta-analysis by Fujisaki et al.
calculation of Therm-C includes C pools assumed to be resistant (or (2018b) but also by Malou et al. (2021) in which regular organic inputs
stable) in other pedoclimatic contexts (as pyrolyzed C between 400 and are the most important lever to maintain or increase C stocks in these
520 ◦ C). The quality of the POM-C pool fed by manure inputs may vary C-poor sandy soils.
according to the conditions of handling and storage impacting C and In these sandy soils, POM-C is strongly correlated with Therm-C,
nutrient retention in the manure before its application to soil (Tittonell which is defined as the pyrolyzed part of the thermolabile SOC pool.
et al., 2010). In the manure situation, Min-C could also be partly This is a different result from that of Saenger et al. (2015), who observed
explained by factors that were not considered either in Therm-C, POM-C a poor correlation between POM and a thermolabile C pool. Regardless
or POX-C and were not explanatory in the other input situations. Urine of the contrasting pedoclimatic contexts, this discrepancy can be
and N-containing animal excreta concomitant with manure inputs could explained by the way the thermolabile pool is calculated. Indeed,
have a role in SOC mineralization without impacting these three C pools Saenger et al. (2015) deduced a labile pool of SOC from the analysis of
(Cao et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2014). However, this role was weak since hydrocarbons released during pyrolysis only, whereas we calculated the
Min-C was not significantly higher in the +Manure situation than in the thermolabile part of the pyrolyzed C from all carbonaceous effluents
other input situations. In No input situations, Min-C was poorly (hydrocarbons, CO and CO2). Therm-C does not exactly correspond to
explained by POM-C or Therm-C (adjusted R2 < 0.35) and not by FF-C. A the labile carbon pool depicted by the POM-C fraction, as Therm-C in the
positive weak relationship between Min-C and FF-C in home-fields was studied Sahelian soils represents only ca. 10 and 5% of SOC in the 0–10
noticed. This is surprising as the FF-C pool is considered to have little or and 10–30 cm soil layers, respectively, in all situations, while POM-C
no contribution to soil fertility and acts as a C sink (Wood et al., 2016). represents ca. 46% and 24%, respectively. Thus POM-C represents a
However, several studies have reported destabilization of FF-C pools fraction of SOC at least 4 times larger than that of Therm-C. Contrary to
(Jilling et al., 2018) and contributions from both plant and microbial Therm-C, which is only defined from the pyrolyzed part of SOC, POM-C
residues in the fine fraction (Poeplau et al., 2018; Angst et al., 2021; Yu encompasses pyrolyzable and oxidable forms that are also mineralizable
et al., 2022). Destabilization of FF-C is possible since a large part of the by soil microbial activity.
mineralization of N in Sahelian soils has incidentally been measured The proxies POX-C and Min-C do not measure the same C pool. If
from the organo-mineral fractions, representing up to 60–80% of the POX-C was originally described as a labile C pool, the results of our study

O.P. Malou et al. Journal of Arid Environments 213 (2023) 104978

do not corroborate this description. The POX-C pool represents a C pool CRediT authorship contribution statement
based on its susceptibility to oxidation with weak potassium perman­
ganate (KMnO4) solution and thereby simulates microbial oxidation Oscar Pascal Malou: Conceptualization, Software, Investigation,
(Weil et al., 2003) but also reflects a more stabilized fraction of SOC. The Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
enrichment of POX-C could thus suggest greater accumulation and sta­ Tiphaine Chevallier: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing,
bilization of SOM (Culman et al., 2012; Hurisso et al., 2016). POX-C is Software. Patricia Moulin: Writing – review & editing. David Sebag:
probably a mix of various organic matter with different stabilities that Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing. Murielle Nancy Rako­
could explain the high variability of the measured POX-C (Fig. 1). In tondrazafy: Lab analysis, experimental design. Ndeye Yacine Bad­
sandy Sahelian soils with low C content, POX-C cannot be considered a iane-Ndour: Writing – review & editing. Abou Thiam:
labile C pool, as the POX-C and Min-C proxies were orthogonal in the Conceptualization, Supervision. Lydie Chapuis-Lardy: Conceptualiza­
principal component analysis (Fig. 4). Other recent studies (Romero tion, Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
et al., 2018; Hurisso et al., 2016; Culman et al., 2012) did not validate
such a biogeochemical nature for POX-C either, i.e., a pool of active
Declaration of competing interest
and/or labile soil C. The regression model of Min-C by POX-C confirms
this result: Min-C was not related to POX-C regardless of the situation
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
studied (Table 2). This result clearly suggests that C mineralized by soil
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
microorganisms is not the same as that mineralized by chemical attack.
the work reported in this paper.
In our context, POX-C reflects the accumulation or stabilization of SOC,
while Min-C reflects SOC sensitivity to mineralization in agrosystems
Data availability
(Hurisso et al., 2016). These results support the suggestion of Hurisso
et al. (2016) that the combined use of POX-C and Min-C “provides a
The authors are unable or have chosen not to specify which data has
complementary framework for assessing the relative dynamics of soil
been used.
stabilization and nutrient mineralization functions in agroecosystems".
Finally, a combination of POX-C and Min-C seems to explain the
variance as much as Therm-C or POM-C does (Fig. 4). Therefore, to
measure the biogeochemical stability of SOM in sandy soils in the Sen­
The authors are deeply grateful to Dominique Masse (IRD) and
egalese Groundnut Basin studies should either combine POX-C and Min-
Jonathan Vayssières (CIRAD), who provided useful information for field
C or use POM-C or Therm-C.
selection from previous projects. The French National Research Institute
for Sustainable Development (IRD) granted a three-year doctoral
6. Conclusion
fellowship to Oscar Pascal Malou. Texture and CHN analyses were
determined by the ISO9001:2015 certified LAMA laboratory of Dakar
Although based on on-farm situations with general information on
(UAR Imago, IRD, Senegal). POX-C was performed at the BSL-2 lab fa­
field management, this study showed that in cultivated Arenosols in the
cilities of the UMR Eco&Sols in Montpellier (France), and soil frac­
Senegalese Groundnut Basin, cultivation practices based on soil organic
tionation (POM) and soil respiration (Min-C) were performed at the joint
inputs, mostly in home-fields with household organic wastes, influence
research laboratory IESOL in Dakar (Senegal). The authors deeply thank
SOC contents and their distribution in all soil C pools (POM-C, FF-C,
the technical staff of these laboratories for their assistance.
Min-C, POX-C, and Therm-C).
Methods used to separate labile from stable C pools are still debated.
Our results confirm that different approaches to SOC stability do not Appendix A. Supplementary data
measure the same fraction of SOC. Our results show that POX-C and Min-
C do not have the same biogeochemical nature and provide divergent Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
information on C stability. However, the combined use of these two C org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2023.104978.
pools could provide a good characterization of C stability in these C-poor
sandy soils. The alternative of characterizing C stability in these soils is References
to use either POM-C or Therm-C pools, which provide similar informa­
Angst, G., Mueller, K.E., Nierop, K.G.J., Simpson, M.J., 2021. Plant- or microbial- derived
tion on C stability in such semiarid environments. Since the fraction­ A review on the molecular composition of stabilized soil organic matter. Soil Biol.
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indicators for soil organic matter stock changes under different tillage practices in
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depend on input situations.
Further studies should include an experimental design with well- Balota, E.L., Colozzi-Filho, A., Andrade, D.S., Dick, R.P., 2003. Microbial biomass in soils
defined modalities for organic inputs in terms of composition, applica­ under different tillage and crop rotation systems. Biol. Fertil. Soils 38, 15–20.
tion amounts and frequency to deeply study the links between thermal
Bationo, A., Buerkert, A., 2001. Soil organic carbon management for sustainable land use
stability, biogeochemistry and turnover of SOC in such semiarid sandy in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. In: Martius, C., Tiessen, H., Vlek, P.L.G. (Eds.),
soils. They should also include an appropriate sampling scheme to Managing Organic Matter in Tropical Soils: Scope and Limitations. Springer
Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 131–142.
consider the possible seasonal effect on soil organic matter dynamics
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Electronic Supplementary materials

ESM 1: Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation of mean) for SOC, Therm-C, POM-C, FF-C, POX-C, and Min-C depending on the situation, i.e. all, application of
organic inputs, or field location, and at soil depths of 0-10 cm and 10-30 cm.


Situations (g C kg soil)
(g C kg soil)
(g C kg soil)
(g C kg soil)
(mg C kg soil)
(mg C kg-1 soil)
0-10 10-30 0-10 10-30 0-10 10-30 0-10 10-30 0-10 10-30 0-10 10-30

All 5.7 3.4 0.6 0.17 2.6 0.8 3.2 2.6 254 133 10.7 3.4
(0.4) (0.2) (0.1) (0.02) (0.3) (0.1) (0.2) (0.2) (14) (11) (1.2) (0.3)

No-input 4.6 3.2 0.31 0.12 1.7 0.6 2.9 2.5 223 129 7.8 2.8
(0.4) (0.2) (0.05) (0.01) (0.2) (0.1) (0.2) (0.2) (18) (13) (0.8) (0.2)
+Millet residues 5.1 2.3 0.7 0.23 2.7 0.6 2.4 1.7 224 96 8.6 3.2
(1.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.03) (0.8) (0.2) (0.4) (0.1) (52) (15) (2) (0.5)
+Manure 6.3 3.4 0.73 0.21 2.8 0.8 3.5 2.6 274 117 11.1 3.6
(0.6) (0.5) (0.1) (0.06) (0.3) (0.2) (0.3) (0.3) (22) (16) (1.1) (0.5)
+Organic wastes 12.2 5.6 1.73 0.31 7 1.9 5.3 3.7 388 254 29.2 6
(1.7) (1.1) (0.4) (0.12) (1.5) (0.6) (0.4) (0.5) (38) (66) (9.6) (2.3)

Home-field 7.8 4.2 0.89 0.21 3.7 1.2 3.9 3 299 158 14.8 4.4
(0.8) (0.5) (0.14) (0.05) (0.5) (0.2) (0.3) (0.3) (22) (20) (2.4) (0.6)
Out-field 4.5 2.8 0.4 0.15 1.8 0.6 2.7 2.3 221 114 7.9 2.7
(0.3) (0.2) (0.06) (0.01) (0.2) (0.05) (0.2) (0.2) (16) (11) (0.8) (0.2)
ESM 2 Soil texture (as determined using the standard pipette method after sieving and sedimentation; ISO 11277 : 2009) in the different situations and according to soil
layers. Values are means with standard deviations of mean in parentheses.

Soil textural fraction (%)

Situations Sand Silt+Clay Sand Silt+Clay
0-10 cm 10-30 cm
No-input 84.9 (0.9) 14.8 (0.9) 82.5 (1.2) 17 (1.1)

+Millet residues 88.5 (1.5) 11.3 (1.1) 87.2 (1.5) 12.6 (1.5)

+Manure 86.3 (0.9) 13.6 (0.8) 84.6 (1.4) 15 (1.3)

+Organic wastes 86.6 (0.6) 13.8 (0.7) 85.8 (0.7) 14.5 (0.9)
ESM 3: Four factors Random Forest Analysis (with time of sampling included as a fourth factor in the RF analysis) showing the importance of the time of
sampling, i.e., cropping cycle (corresponding to the rainy season) or the non-cropping period (dry season), as an explanatory factor of the size of the POX-C
pool in carbon-poor cultivated sandy soils of the groundnut basin of Senegal.

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