Students Record Management System Projec

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Students Record Management System Projec

Computer Science and Engineering (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,


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(Case Study Christian Childcare Programme Vocational Training Institute)



REG: S012/BICT/U002





MAY 2016

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I, Soita Reuben, hereby declare that this Piece of work original on my own effort and that it has
never been published or presented to any University for any academic award. Where other works
have been used, this has been acknowledged in the references.





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I hereby submit this Project Report for Examination with the approval of the project supervisor.

Signed………………………………………………… Date……………………………………

Mr. Wauyo Fred

Department of Information Technology

Faculty of computing and Information Technology

Livingstone International University


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I dedicate this entire project to beloved my children Philemon and Desire, My Dear Wife Rebecca
Namasaba, My parents David Wanjala and Mary Namwaki for tireless support the accorded to me
since childhood. I thank them for the spirit of hard work, courage and determination they had
installed in me throughout the school days till today, I honor My sister and brothers, for the happiness
appreciation for the guide, protection and support, finally, to Creative Thinkers and Researchers.


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I am grateful to all my lecturer who have contributed in inspiring and clarifying my thought over the
years; Dr. Nambale Moses, Mr.Chemutai Gilbert and many other lecturers of Livingstone
International University.

I wish to acknowledge my supervisor at Livingstone International University (LIU), Mr. Fred Wauyo,
who was instrumental in bringing this thesis to light.

I am thankful also for the tireless generosity to my sponsors, well-wishers and my family for spiritual,
moral and even financial support, especially, Dr. Phillip Shero and Laura Shero, my beloved parents
Mr. David Wanjala and Mrs. Mary Namwaki, my Uncle Stephen Soita, and my brother Elias Soita.

Thanks also to the entire staff of LIU, for making me feel so welcome at LIU from day one. Your
hospitality is very much appreciated.

I highly recognize Mr. Roger Fletcher (VC) for mentoring me and contributing to my total
transformation of my entire life. Finally, Honor and glory to the highest God for having enabled me
successfully accomplishes.


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DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL SHEET ....................................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................................ iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................ ix
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................................................x
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ................................................................................................. xi
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background of the Study ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Project Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5. Purpose of Project ...................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................3
2.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Integrated Information System .................................................................................................................. 3
2.3. Database and Database Management System ............................................................................................ 4
2.4. Student Records/Data Management........................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................7
3.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Approach for the Development of DBMS ................................................................................................. 7
3.2. Data Collection .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Observation .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2. Interviewing ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Database Design. ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.1 System Implementation ....................................................................................................................... 8

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3.3.2 Systems Testing and Validation .......................................................................................................... 8

3.2.3 Development of the System ................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER FOUR: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.............................................................................9
4.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 System Study .............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.2. System Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.1. Existing Student Record Management Systems ................................................................................. 9
4.2.2 Requirements Specifications.............................................................................................................. 10
4.2.3 User Requirement .............................................................................................................................. 10
4.2.4 Functional and Non Functional Requirements .................................................................................. 10
4.2.5 System Requirement .......................................................................................................................... 11
4.2.6 Proposed Features for the New System ............................................................................................. 11
4.3 System Design .......................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Logical Model .................................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.2 System Architecture........................................................................................................................... 12
4.3.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams ............................................................................................................ 13
Entity Relationship and their cardinality ........................................................................................................ 13
4.4.1 Conceptual Database Design ............................................................................................................. 14
4.4.2 Strength of the Current System.......................................................................................................... 14
4.4.3 Weakness of the Current System ....................................................................................................... 15
4.1. Technologies Used................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1. Steps Involved in Database Creation ................................................................................................ 15
4.1.2 Forms Creation and Connection to the Database............................................................................... 15
4.3. Implementation ........................................................................................................................................ 16
4.4. How to Access the System ...................................................................................................................... 16
. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 User Requirement ..................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5.1 Functional Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 17
4.5.2 Non Functional Requirement ............................................................................................................. 17
4.5.3 Software Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 18
4.6 System Implementation ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.7 System Testing.......................................................................................................................................... 18
4.7.1 Unit Testing ....................................................................................................................................... 19

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4.7.2 Integration Testing ............................................................................................................................. 19

4.7.3 System Validation .............................................................................................................................. 19
4.8 Presentation of results ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.8.1 Login Form for Users ........................................................................................................................ 19
4.9Maintenance............................................................................................................................................... 19
4.10 System Interfaces ................................................................................................................................ 19
CHAPTER FIVE: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION .............................................................27
5.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.1 Limitations ................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.3. Recommendation ..................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4. Opportunity and Lesson Learned............................................................................................................. 29
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................................29
APPENDIX II ...................................................................................................................................................... III
Project development schedule ........................................................................................................................ III
APPENDIX III .............................................................................................................................................. IV
An Interview Guide on .................................................................................................................................... IV
Introduction Letter ........................................................................................................................................... V


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Table 4.0 Hardware Requirement………………………………………………………………..12


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Figure 4.0 Logical flow of data in DBMS….........................................................................................12

Figure 4.1System Architecture of CCP…………………………………….………………...........….12

Figure 4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram………………….……..…………………………………….13

Figure 4. 3Logical flow of data in DBMS………………………………………………………….…20

Figure 4.4 Users Login Form……………………………………………………………………...….21

Figure 4.5 Navigation Form………………………………………………………………..................22

Figure 4.6 System administrator access form………………………………………………………...23

Figure 4.7 Students Details Registration form……………………………………………………..…24

Figure 4.8 Student list form………………………………………………………………………..….25


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The success of any organization such as CCP vocational Training Institute depends on its ability to
acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this data effectively, and to use it to
analyze and guide its activities. The Student Record Management system offer users (Registrar) with
a unified view of data from multiple sources.

The main objective of this project is to build a student database system that will store records of
students. It is purposed to reduce time spent on administrative tasks. The system is intended to accept
process, generate students reports and grades and transcripts accurately. The system is also intended
to provide better services to users, provide meaningful, consistent, and timely data and information
and finally promotes efficiency by converting paper processes to electronic form. The system was
developed using basic technologies such as Microsoft access, embedded visual basic, and Graffiti
creator .The system is free of errors and very efficient and less time consuming due to the care taken
to develop it. All the phases of software development cycle are employed and it is worthwhile to state
that the system is user friendly and strong. Provision is made for future development in the system.

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IT………………………………………………………………………... Information Technology

SDLC…………………………………………………….………System Development Life Cycle

DFD……………………………………………………….………………… Data Flow Diagrams

ERD………………………………………………………………….Entity Relationship Diagram

DBMS……………………………………………………….……..Database Management System

RDBMS……………………………………………..… Relational Database Management System

SDBMS……………………………………………...……Student Database Management System

RAD…………………………………………………..………….Rapid Application Development

VBA…………………………………………………………………Visual Basic for Applications


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Entity relations diagram: is a specialized graphic that illustrates the relationships between entities in
a database.

System development life cycle: is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the
stages involved in an information system development project

Database: is basically a collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program
can quickly select desired pieces of data.

Data Flow diagram: is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information
system, modelling its process aspects.

Microsoft Access: is an information management tool that helps you store information for reference,
reporting, and analysis.


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1.0 Introduction
The registrar of Christian Childcare Programme Vocational Training Institute is responsible for
handling student information and gathering them during enrollment. This information includes each
student’s background information, student courses taken student attendance at lectures grades,
performance record, and other information needed by the Institution.

1.1. Background of the Study

The scope of the service is CCP which provides structural help to vulnerable children in their cultural
setting of the extended family. The school has more than 1000 students that take different courses. It
is true that success of CCP Vocational Training Institute depends on its ability to acquire accurate and
timely data about its operations, to manage this data effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its
internal daily activities.

Student Database System deals with all kind of student details by tracking all the details of a student
from the day one to the end of his or her course which can be used for all reporting purpose, tracking
of attendance, progress in the course, completed semesters years, coming semester year curriculum
details, exam details, project or any other assignment details, final exam result; and all these are
purposed for future references when interpreting an organization performance.

1.2. Problem Statement

Christian childcare Programme is a Tertiary Institution with is still capturing and storing student’s
record details locally, where hard copies of files for every student is kept in office shelves, this seem
to be tiresome and time consuming in case the registrar is looking of a particular student document.
The problems facing the current manual system are data redundancy, difficult to update and maintain,
inconsistent data, insecurity, difficult to impose constraints on various data file and difficult to
backup. Therefore, because of these drawbacks that Student Record Management System has been
developed to address the problems catalogued above.

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1.3. Project Objective

The main objective is to develop a robust Student Database Management System for Christian
Childcare Programme.

Specific Objectives;

i. To implement the system

ii. To test and validate the system

1.4 Scope
This project is basically designed for Christian Childcare Programme. This learning institution
provides a lot of services to students which includes; Vocational training to students, Admits new
students, keep students records, for every department.

The project provides comprehensive Student Database System for CCP Vocational Training Institute.
The system is able to capture, validate, sort, classify, calculate, summarize, store and retrieve data.
Student Database System store semester details, course details, department details and all the details
of students including their background information, educational qualifications and personal details

1.5. Purpose of Project

The proposed system is intended to make life easy. The main purpose of the project is to build a
student database system to facilitate easy access of student’s records. The Student Database System
will allow the registrar of CCP Vocational Training institute, Login to edit, update students details
records. It also enhances efficient management of student’s information and process and print out
student’s transcripts/ result slips.

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2.0 Introduction
A project on Student Information Management system which was carried out by Soita Reuben, an IT
student at Livingstone International University, It is developed to be used by Tertiary Institute to
maintain records of students easily. Achieving this objectives is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information can be very time
consuming. All these problems are solved using this project. Throughout the project the focus has
been on presenting information in an easy and intelligible manner. The project is very useful for those
who want to know about Student Information Management Systems and want to develop software on
the same concept.

The goal of this chapter is to explain the theory of database management system development which
will be applied in the development of student database management system for CCP vocational
Institute. The following issues will be presented respectively.

This will give an insight into the project area and help to get information that will enhance the
development of the student database management system.

2.1. Integrated Information System

Integrated Information Systems offer users with a unified view of heterogeneous data sources. To
provide a single consistent result for every object represented in these data sources, data fusion is
concerned with resolving data inconsistencies present in the sources. Querying the heterogeneous
data sources, combining the results, and presenting them to the user is performed by the integration

When multiple sources are to be integrated into a single and consistent view, at least the following
three steps need to be performed:

Uncertainty is a conflict between a non-null value and one or more null values that are used to
describe the same property of an object. Usually it occurs as a result of missing information. Null

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values present in tables can have different meanings. Three interpretations of null values can be
distinguished as follows:

The other type of conflicts is contradiction. It is the conflict between two or more different non-null
values that are used to describe the same property of an object. An example is the case if two or more
data sources provide two or more different values for the same attribute on the same object.

One good reason for regarding uncertainty as a special case of conflict is the fact that it is easier to
deal with uncertainty than contradiction.

Several forms and reports are used in day to day processing of documents. A database can integrate
these several components hence resulting in improved and more efficient operations (Greenwald et
al., 2005; Connolly and Begg, 2004).

2.3. Database and Database Management System

A database is an integrated collection of data, usually so large that it has to be stored on secondary
storage devices such as disks or tapes. This data can be maintained as a collection of operating system
files, or stored in a DBMS (database management system).

A Database Management System (DBMS) is computer software designed for the purpose of
managing databases based on a variety of data models. A DBMS is a complex set of software
programs that controls the organization, storage, management, and retrieval of data in a database.
DBMS are categorized according to their data structures or types, sometime DBMS is also known as
Database Manager. It is a set of prewritten programs that are used to store, update and retrieve a
Database (Gerald C. Okereke, 2009).

When a DBMS is used, information systems can be changed much more easily as the organization's
information requirements change. New categories of data can be added to the database without
disruption to the existing system. Organizations may use one kind of DBMS for daily transaction
processing and then move the detail onto another computer that uses another DBMS better suited for
random inquiries and analysis.

According Jantz (2001) the emergence of computer based information system has changed the world
a great deal, both large and small system have adopted the new methodology by use of personal
computer; to fulfill several roles in the production of information therefore computerizing the
documentation of student record to enable easier manipulation of the input process and output will
bring us to this existing new world of information system.

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Advantages of DBMS

 Improved strategic use of corporate data

 Reduced complexity of the organization’s information systems environment
 Reduced data redundancy and inconsistency
 Enhanced data integrity
 Improved security
 Improved flexibility of information systems
 Logical & Physical data independence
 Facilitate atomicity problem
 Provides central control on the system

2.4. Student Records/Data Management

According to student records manual prepared by CCP (office of the registrar) the creation and
maintenance of records relating to the students of an institution are essential to:

 Manage the relationship between the institution and the student;

 Controlling the student’s academic progress and measuring their achievement.
In addition, student records contain data which the institution can aggregate and analyze to inform
future strategy, planning and service provision.

A student is an individual who is registered for a pursuing a given course or program.

A student record/data contains information directly related to a student, which include student name,
student ID, student address, guardian information, medical information, Room number and name and
attached student passport photo and a list of personal characteristics. Student records could be
maintained in handwriting, print, computer’s main memory, magnetic tape, and disk even on cloud
backup for safety.

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The student records are used by the organization to assist offices in support of their basic institutional
objectives and to document student progress and achievement in the educational process of the

Educational institution is required to conform to fair information practices. This means that persons
who are subjects of data systems must:

 Be informed of the existence of such systems

 Have identified for them what data about them are on record,
 Be given assurances that such data are used only for intended purposes
 Be certain that those responsible for data systems take reasonable precautions to prevent
misuse of the data.

2.5. Conclusion

Finally, since the data generated daily by Christian childcare Programme increase geometrically

according to the registrar, it is worthwhile and holistic to develop robust student database

management system for the Institution to hold the large amount of data that is generated. The

proposed system, SDMS, should be able to stand the test of time because student records should be

kept as long as is necessary to:

 Fulfill the promised obligations established between the institution and the student.
 Provides information on the academic career and achievements of the student, and as part of
their lifelong learning record.
The information gathered whilst reviewing existing literature on student information management
system has been very useful in the development of the proposed system.

The project when completed will provide an efficient way to store and organize data than spreadsheet.
It will also serve as a centralized facility that can simplify the work of the registrar. The proposed

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3.0. Introduction
This Chapter gives a brief description of the methodology used to develop the proposed system. The
main methodology involves feasibility study, data collection, system analysis and design, developing
and implementing Student Database Management System. The data considered necessary to build the
system were collected and analyzed. The methodology is very important to ensure that the new
system would give benefits to the proposed learning institution.

3.1. Approach for the Development of DBMS

The system development life cycle (SDLC) waterfall model was considered. In this model, the
system follows a series of events from the requirement definition, system and software design,
implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing and operational maintenance. There
was use of different aspects from other models like prototyping which helped in coming up with
system definition and analysis, data flow diagrams (DFD) and entity relationship diagram (ERD). The
ERD was used to show the relationship between entities while the Data Flow Diagrams were used to
show the flow of data in the system.

3.2. Data Collection

The required data including department details, course details, student personal details, semester
details, exam details etc. were collected. The data collected would help identify attributes,
relationships, classes, entities/objects that describe, relate and interact with the system.

The data collection tools and techniques that were used are as follows:

3.2.1 Observation
The researcher went to CCP and observed their daily as regards their current system and they were
manually recording the student’s records in registrars, and principal offices. A follow up was made to
determine the time it took to carry out the student record management. I observed their system’s

3.2.2. Interviewing
Interview is a powerful tool for data gathering since it allows the interviewer to probe and clarify a
number of issues. Face to face interview was used to interact with the registrar and the Principal of
the proposed system to obtain the data required for the database management system.

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3.3 Database Design.

A relational database design was used to design the database. A relational database management
system (RDBMS) is an excellent tool for organizing large amount of data and defining the
relationship between the datasets in a consistent and understandable way. A RDBMS provides a
structure which is flexible enough to accommodate almost any kind of data. Relationships between
the tables were defined by creating special columns (keys), which contain the same set of values in
each table. The tables can be joined in different combinations to extract the needed data. A RDBMS
also offered flexibility that enabled redesign and regeneration of reports from the database without
need to re-enter the data.

3.3.1 System Implementation

This describes the tools used to implement the graphical user interface and the database. Microsoft
Access was used to create and connect relational tables in the database.

3.3.2 Systems Testing and Validation

Testing was done after the system was put in place. This was done in two ways: Implementation and
Unit testing was carried out on individual modules of the system to ensure that they are fully
functional units. The integration system testing carried out after different modules had been put
together to make a complete system. Integration was aimed at ensuring that modules are compatible
and they can be integrated to form a complete working system. For example we tested to ensure that
when a user key in username, password. The system will verifies this information first before the user
is authorized to enter the system, if the password or user name is incorrect, the system will reject the
user access.

3.2.3 Development of the System

This section describes what is evolves to come up with the system and how the system works.

 Front end: enable the construction of easy and intuitive user interface for accessing the
database and navigation purpose.
 Middle end: enables links of the text entered in the created graphic user interface to be sent to
the database.
 Back end: it’s easy to use, inexpensive database language it can runs on operating system
such as window and others.

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4.0 Introduction
The chapter describes the system study, analysis, design, strengths and weaknesses of the current
system, Context level diagrams, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Architectural design, Technologies
Used, System Implementation, Testing, and system maintenance.

A student database system intended to track and store student records as the outcome of the project
after a critical analysis, design, building and testing of the system. Evaluation was properly done to
ensure that the system meet all the requirements and specifications.

A stringent plan to monitor the implementation of the new system is laid-out and the entire project
documented. Finally, the new system is deployed and users will receive some training to understand
the new system. The new system would run alongside the old system until the new system is proven
to be effective and efficient.

4.1 System Study

The study was carried out at Christian Childcare Programme vocational training institute the main
purpose of the study was to find out the processes on how student’s record is carried out.

4.2. System Analysis

During the system study phase, requirements of DBMS were categorized into user requirements,
system and hardware requirements.

4.2.1. Existing Student Record Management Systems

Refer to the literature review, observation, interviews and questionnaires as explained in chapter 3 it
should be noted that at CCP the researcher was able to analyze existing systems as discussed below.

The current system was more of manual where data is written on different papers and transferred to
the different departments, human errors were vulnerable since it was paper based and retrieval of files
was time consuming as they had to manually locate files some of which were even

lost and thus finding such information was hard. Per the statistics carried 90% of the users were not
contented with the system reason that it was not secure in terms of security and storage as it was
prone to damages like loss of important information, worn out papers, outbreak of fire, The speed of

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recording and retrieval student’s information was average yet 10% were somehow okay with the
system reason that the paper work can used for future reference. The users recommended that the
proposed system should be user friendly, multipurpose enough to handle a number of task at once,
could generate feedback when request is submitted and use of passwords which could deny access to
unauthorized users of system which ensured security. Context diagrams, Data flow diagrams and
Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) were used in the analysis and design of the system.

4.2.2 Requirements Specifications

After analyzing the data collected, researcher formulated a number of requirements namely user
requirement, system hardware software attribute. These were grouped as user, functional, non-
functional and systems requirements.

4.2.3 User Requirement

During data collection, the researcher investigated and found out how the current system operates, not
only that but also tried out which problems are faced and how best they can be settled. The users
described some of the basic requirements of the system this includes Search for Student records,
View all types of reports and grade and print out transcripts.

4.2.4 Functional and Non Functional Requirements

The following are the desired functionality of the new system.

For safety and security one user will be allowed to access the system

The proposed system will provide the following features to the registrar:

 Allow the registrar to send emails

 The system will process and print out student transcripts
 The system will contain all the students personal details, (Course, Room number, Gender,
Nationality, etc.)
And non-functional requirement include the following

 The system must verify and validate all user input and users must be notified in case of errors
detected in the course of using the system,
 The system only allows the administrator to delete records in the database; the system should
allow room for expansion.


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4.2.5 System Requirement

This section describes the hardware components and software requirements needed for effective and
efficient running of the system

Table 4.0 Hardware Requirement

Hardware Minimum System requirement

Processor 2.4 GHZ processor speed
Memory 128 MB RAM (256 MB Recommended)
Disk space 80 GB (including 20 GB for database
Management system)
Display 800 x 600 colors (1024 x 768 High color- 16
bit Recommended)
The table above shows hardware components of the machine that allows the system to function as
required for using DBMS

Software Minimum System requirement

Operating System Windows 7 or later
Microsoft office Access 2007 or later
Other  Importing data from Excel 2010 or Outlook 2010
requires Excel 2010 or Outlook 2010.
 Integration with Business Connectivity Services
requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.

The table above shows software requirements recommended to enable the system to run as required
for using DBMS

4.2.6 Proposed Features for the New System

The system captured and store Sstudent’s records for all departments in an Institution.

The system generates all Students grade transcripts automatically.

The system identifies student attendance and store the record of the days a student was present or

4.3 System Design

After interpretation of the data, tables were drawn and process of data determined to guide the
researcher of the implementation stage of the project. The tools, which were employed during this
methodology stage, were mainly tables, Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and Entity Relationship
Diagrams (ERDs). The design ensures that only allows authorized users to access the system‟s


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4.3.1 Logical Model

This figure shows the logical flow of events in the system, it caters for the time when the user login
and signs out from the system.

Figure 4. 0 Logical flow of data in DBMS

4.3.2 System Architecture

This gives a high level view of the new system with the main components of the system and the
services they provide and how they communicate. The system is implemented using a three-tier
architecture that comprises of user interface, process management and DBMS as illustrated below.

Figure 4.1 System Architecture of Christian Childcare Programme


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4.3.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams

Entity Relationship diagrams is a specialized graphics that illustrate the interrelationship between
entities in a database. Here diagrams always use symbols to represent different types of information.

Figure 4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship and their cardinality

This section demonstrates the binary relationships between two entities of the system.

A STUDENT may enroll in zero, one, or many COURSEs. A COURSE may be attended by zero, one, or
many STUDENTs. The date that a specific STUDENT enrolls in a specific COURSE is recorded in the
registration date attribute of this relationship.


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A TRANSCRIPT must record the grade for at least one COURSE, but may record grades for many
COURSEs. A COURSE may appear on zero, one, or many TRANSCRIPTs.

A STUDENT either has been issued a single TRANSCRIPT or has not. A TRANSCRIPT is assigned to a
single STUDENT

A COURSE may specify zero, one, or many prerequisite COURSEs. A COURSE may be a prerequisite for
zero, one, or many COURSEs.

4.4.1 Conceptual Database Design

After system investigation and analysis, the concept of the new system was designed and all the
relevant entities involved in the system were identified. Therefore the following entities were chosen
to capture organization information

i. Student
ii. Course
iii. Department

4.4.2 Strength of the Current System

These were introduced to solve problems with the existing manual systems. The automated Student
information Management system has many advantages over the manual system. This can be explain
as follow

The major benefit of the system is that it helps the staff to accomplish their daily functions more
efficiently, and Limit the use of papers.

Quick access to the required information as it is only, one click away.

It solves the problem of time consuming, since data is centralized.

It also enhances security as access to the system requires authentication. This means that only
authorized users can access that system.


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The registrar can login into the system and execute any of the available tasks;

 Can edit student information in the database;

 Can make search for a specific student;
 Can access all the details of the student.
 Can view his/her personal details.
 Can upload student’s image.
 Generate students transcripts and print them out

4.4.3 Weakness of the Current System

The system is not web based therefore the user should create a backup somewhere else for security

The institution administration finds it tiresome and time consuming when entering students details for
every department.

4.1. Technologies Used

Microsoft Access, visual basic and programming language are used to create the interface which
allows the front end user to interact freely with the system.

4.1.1. Steps Involved in Database Creation

The following steps were followed to create the database in Microsoft Access:

 Before launching Access, DB designed on a paper. To do this, begin by considering what

database would accomplish.
 Give your database a name (Student DB), select a folder to store it in and click Create.
 Create the Tables ( Login, Students, Guardian, etc)
 Add Captions to Fields
 Set the Primary Key for each available table created
 Create the relationship between tables
 Query tables
 From the table create the forms (Login, Students, Guardian, Transcript, Memo forms etc.)
 Create reports to display the information entered in the system
 Create buttons (Print, Open, Close, Filter etc. ) for system navigation

4.1.2 Forms Creation and Connection to the Database

 Open the Navigation pane.
 Click the table or query on which you want to base your form.
 Activate the Create tab.
 Click Form in the Forms group. Access creates a form.

Modify a Form

After you create a form, it opens in Layout view, where you can modify it.

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To change the size of a field:

 Click a side of the field and drag to change the width of the field.
 Click the top or bottom of a field and drag to change the height of a field.
To move a datasheet:

 Click the datasheet to select it.

 Click and drag the four-sided arrow in the upper-right corner to move the datasheet.
To resize a datasheet:

 Click the datasheet to select it.

 Click a side of the datasheet and drag to change the width.
 Click the top or bottom of the datasheet and drag to change the height.
To apply an AutoFormat:

The AutoFormat option on the Format tab enables you to apply formats quickly, such as background
colors, field colors, field label colors, and fonts.

 Activate the Format tab.

 Click AutoFormat. The AutoFormat menu appears.
 Click the format you want to apply.
To change a form title:

When you create a form, by default, Access uses the form name as the title. You can change the title.

 Activate the Format tab.

 Click the Title button.
 Type the new title.
To add the date and time:

You can easily add the date and time to your form.

 Activate the Format tab.

 Click the Date and Time button. The Date and Time dialog box appears. Select the date and
time format you want. The date and time appear on your form.
For the login form to function, On clicking the command button (cmdLogin) the code is attached to
the buttons.

4.3. Implementation
Implementation includes all the activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new. A
proper implementation is required to provide a dependable system to meet the requirements. An
improper installation may affect the success of the system. The most appropriate approach used was
to run the old and new system in parallel. This offers high security, because even if there is a flaw in
the automated system, the manual system can be depended on.

4.4. How to Access the System


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 To identify the problems involved in the implementation of the current student information
 To develop a database system that allows the registrar to list and update students information;
 Login module: Login module will help in authentication of user . Users who have valid
login id and password can be allowed the access into the system;
 Search module: This model allows one to search for a particular student or group of students
using search criteria such as name of student, Index number, course code etc;

4.5 User Requirement

For effective use of the system, it is important that users are fully involved and are given
opportunities to participate as much as possible This rectifies numerous problems associated with
change management, users getting accustomed to using new way of doing things as opposed to
traditional system of student records management system. During data collection, the researcher
investigated and found out how the current system operates, not only that but also tried out which
problems are faced and how best they can be settled. The users described some of the basic
requirements of the system as;

 Search for Student

 Update, student records
 View all types of reports (Students attendance, Address book, and Phone list, Student by
room, Students by level, Medical information.
 Generates students transcripts and certificates
Assign access rights and privileges to the system users.

4.5.1 Functional Requirement

The following is the desired functionality of the new system.

 The system should authenticate the users of the system.

 The system should generation of students reports and Print out transcript and certificates.
 The system should only allow the administrator to delete records in the database.

4.5.2 Non Functional Requirement

 The system should must verify and validate all user input and users must be notified in case of
errors detected in the course of using the system.
 The system should allow room for expansion.
 A system should have a high performance and reliability level.


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4.5.3 Software Requirements

The technology selected for implementing Student Database System is Microsoft Access, embedded
visual basic and graffiti creator.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a rapid application development (RAD) relational database tool. Access can be
used for both desktop and web-based applications, and uses VBA as its coding language.

Visual Basic

Visual basic is a programming language and environment developed by Microsoft, based on the
BASIC language. Since its launch in 1990, the Visual Basic approach has become the norm for
programming languages. Now there are visual environments for many programming languages,
including C, C++, Pascal, and Java. Visual Basic is sometimes called a Rapid Application
Development (RAD) system because it enables programmers to quickly build prototype applications.

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a project management software program, developed and sold by Microsoft,
which is designed to assist a project manager in developing a plan, assigning resources to tasks,
tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads.

Graffiti Creator

Graffiti is usually appeared as images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any
manner on property.

4.6 System Implementation

This describes the tools used to implement the graphical user interface and the database. Microsoft
access was used to create and connect deferent tables, queries, forms and reports in the database.

4.7 System Testing

The system testing was done to ensure that the system produces the right results. It was time
consuming to test the system because data must be carefully prepared, results reviewed and
corrections made in the system.

The following explain the ways in which testing is done.


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4.7.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing was carried out on individual modules of the system to ensure that they are fully
functional units. This was done by examining each unit. It was checked to ensure that it functions as
required and that it adds student’s data and other details and also ensured that this data is stored in the
database. The success of each individual unit gave led a go ahead to carryout integration testing. All
identified errors were dealt with.

4.7.2 Integration Testing

The integration testing carried out after different modules had been put together to make a complete
system. Integration was aimed at ensuring that modules are compatible and they can be integrated to
form a complete working system.

4.7.3 System Validation

Validation of the system was very important. Validation of the system was done by comparing it to
the questions asked by the users at Christian Childcare Programme. Most of their answers matched
with what the system can do. For example the system ensures security for the student’s information.

4.8 Presentation of results

The presentation of the results of SDBMS is analyzed in terms of the interfaces of the system and
output from the backend of the system. This includes activities of the users. The following are the
results after the implementation of the SDBMS.

4.8.1 Login Form for Users

Only authorized user with the right user name and password has right to access the services to
particular department he or she intent to view. When wrong user name and password is used the
system rejects access to the services.

The system will be maintained periodically through effective monitory and evaluation. This will go a
long way to help identify and debug emergency production problems and address them accordingly.
A considerable amount of time would be spent to effect changes in data, files, reports, hardware and

4.10 System Interfaces

All system interfaces in this chapter were created in Microsoft Access and Graffiti creator

4.10.1 Welcome Memo form


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Initializes the system functionality before user access to other forms

Figure 4.3 Welcome Memo


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4.10.2 Login Form

Only authorized user with the right user name and password has right to access the services to particular
department he or she intent to view. When wrong user name and password is used the system rejects
access to the services.(For developer login ID “Reuben” Password “reuben”)

Figure 4.4 Users Login Form


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4.10.3 System Navigation Home page

The navigation Home page enables the access of each student’s record in all departments, the system
administrator and any authorized user like registrar has access to update the student’s record.

Figure 4.5 Navigation Form


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4.10.4 System Administration Access form

The system administrator can add, edit system users by changing the user ID and Passwords, and has
access to view the services offered by the different departments in a learning institution.

Figure 4.6 System administrator access form


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4.10.5 Students Details Registration form

The authentic, user will have access to add or edit each students records, and entering/Capturing new
students details.

Figure 4.7 Students Details Registration form


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4.10.6 Student list form

The Student list form enable the registrar to view list of students in every department, and navigating
the student grade entry list forms.

Figure 4.8 Student list form


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4.10.7 Students Transcript

The student’s transcripts are generated by the system as an academic ward for each student whom the
subject marks and grades has been entered by the registrar into the system. Below is a print view
sample of the transcript.


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5.0 Introduction
This chapter describes discuss the objectives of the system stipulated in earlier chapter, limitation of
the system conclusion and recommendation of the system.

5.1 Limitations
This section describes those services that are not provided by the system and those include the

It is not cloud based database Management system, therefore it limits other users from interacting
with it. The user is to ensure separate information backup reason that we use Microsoft access to
develop the system which cannot support the system to be used on other operating system like Linux
and apple.

5.2 Conclusion
Information is an indispensable tool many organizations use to advance decision making. Large
amount of student’s data are generated either manually or electronically on daily basis.

When population of student in a school is less than a hundred, the manual system can work perfectly
but it is not the best method of managing records of students. The manual and disintegrated electronic
systems have numerous disadvantages because these methods of capturing and managing data about
students are prone to data inconsistency, data redundancy, difficult to update and maintain data, bad
security, difficult to impose constraint on various data file and difficult to backup.

An integrated student database system provides prudent solutions to address problems associated with
manual system. In order to assess the performance of the school and students overtime, there is the
need to use past records of students without any missing data. The integrated student database system
which captures and maintains longitudinal data of students would provide an accurate and reliable
data about current and past students.

The system is free of errors and very efficient and less time consuming due to the care taken to
develop it. All the phases of software development cycle are employed and it is worthwhile to state
that the system is very robust. Provision is made for future development in the system.

5.3. Recommendation
Since student database system is very broad, the scope of this project covers only a small aspect of
student information system due to the fact that the stipulated one month within which the project is
expected to be executed is too short.

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Students who are interested in building database system should be encouraged to work on other
aspect of student information system in that all the available related student database system could be
linked together.

This report could be useful to any person who wants to do a project on similar topic.

5.4. Opportunity and Lesson Learned

During the course of this project, the research was able to understand better what goes in the student’s
records management system in a learning institution. This was effectively done through reading of
literature and research. The whole process of developing the system was an opportunistic challenge.
Seeing the system into a tangible system was a rewarding exercise.


Melogoza, P. and Gyeszly, S.D (2002) “Information overloads”.collection building 21, 1:32-42.


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Jantz, R. (2001) “Knowledge management in academic libraries: accessed on 19.3.2016

Adams, C., Beath, C. M, Bolan, R., Branin, J., D’Elia, G., Rhode, N.L. & Straub, D. 1991. Issues
Relating to the Implementation and Management of an Integrated Information Centre. Journal
of the American Society for Information Science.

Connolly, T.M. and C.E. Begg, 2004. Database System: A Practical Approach to Design,
Implementation and Management. 4rd Edn., Addison Wesley; ISBN: 10: 0321210255, pp:

Adman, P. & Warren, L. 1996. Information systems management: Perspectives for Higher Education.
Lancs: Mir Press

Angell, I. O. & Smithson, S. 1991. Information Systems management: Opportunities and Risks.
London: Macmillan Education Ltd.

Association for the Development of Education in African. 2001. Technology as a Management Tool:
A New Approach and Implementation. http// [accessed on 23rd March

Blaha M Rumbaugh 2005 (2nd ed.) Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML. [Basically this
is the second edition of Rumbaugh et al 1991]. Prentice Hall

Higgins, J.C. 1976. Information Systems for Planning and Control: Concepts and Cases. London:
Edward Arnold.

Husain, K.M. 1977. Information Systems: Basic Concepts, Management Information Systems for
Higher Education. Paris: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Gerald, C.O. 2009. Database Management System. Nigeria National Open University.

Kroenke, D. & Hatach, R. 1994. Management Information Systems, 3rd edition. New York:

B. G. 1997. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. In Student Records
Management, edited by M Theresa Ruzicka and Beth Lee WeckMulle. London: Greenwood
Press, 43-76.

Mennel, P.A (2006) “management information systems” information management vs. decision
making. Loudon.

Oliver, R. (2000). Creating Meaningful Contexts for Learning in Web-based Settings. Proceedings of
Open Learning 2000. (pp 53-62). Brisbane: Learning Network, Queensland.

Lebow, D. (1993). Constructivist values for instructional systems design: Five principles toward a
new mind set. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 41(3), 4-16.


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Collis, B. (2002). Information technologies for education and training. In Adelsberger, H., Collis, B,
& Pawlowski, J. (Eds.) Handbook on Technologies for Information and Training. Berlin:
Springer Verlag. accessed on

Berners-Lee, T. J. 1992. "World-Wide Web: Information Universe", Electronic: Research,

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Jonassen, D. & Reeves, T. (1996). Learning with technology: Using computers as cognitive tools. In
D. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of Research Educational on Educational Communications and
Technology (pp 693-719). New York: Macmillan. accessed on 20.1.2016


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The Login Source code of the system

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()

'Check to see if data is entered into the UserName combo box

If IsNull(Me.cboEmployee) Or Me.cboEmployee = "" Then

MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"


Exit Sub

End If

'Check to see if data is entered into the password box

If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword = "" Then

MsgBox "You must enter a Password.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"


Exit Sub

End If

'Check value of password in tblEmployees to see if this

'matches value chosen in combo box

If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("strEmpPassword", "tblEmployees", _

"[lngEmpID]=" & Me.cboEmployee.Value) Then

lngMyEmpID = Me.cboEmployee.Value

'Close logon form and open splash screen

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogon", acSaveNo

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSplash_Screen"


MsgBox "Password Invalid. Please Try Again", vbOKOnly, _

"Invalid Entry!"

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End If

'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown

intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1

If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then

MsgBox "You do not have access to this database.Please contact admin.", _

vbCritical, "Restricted Access!"


End If

End Sub


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Project development schedule

Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors
Definition 5 days Mon 11/1/2016 Fri 15/1/2016
 Start 0 days Mon 11/1/2016 Mon11/1/2016
 Plan 5 days Mon 11/1/2016 Fri 15/1/2016
Execution 30 days Mon 18/1/2016 Mon 7/3/2016
 Design 8 days Mon 18/1/2016 Wed 27/1/2016 3
 Build 20 days Thu 28/1/2016 Wed 24/2/2016 5
 Test 8 days Thu 25/2/2016 Mon 7/3/2016 6
Acceptance 30 days Tue 8/3/2016 Mon 18/4/2016
 Handover 2 days Tue 8/3/2016 Mon 18/4/2016 7
 Finish 0 days Mon 18/4/2016 Mon 18/4/2016 9


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An Interview Guide on

I am Soita Reuben, a student of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at Livingstone International

University. As required by the University, I am carrying out a research on a topic entitled: Impact of
Information management on organization growth a case study of Christian Childcare Programme
Mbale Municipality. You have been selected as a potential respondent and are kindly I would request you to
help me to answer these questions for me in a honestly and possible way please

1. How long you have worked for this Institute and what are your duties?
2. Could you please tell me some of the ways you manage information as an institution?
3. How is the students and staff data obtained here? Kindly, explain how this can be done?
4. Please madam/sir, do you think the method you use is safe for data security from authorized users?
Please, explain?
5. In case it is not safe, your opinion, do you think that there are any ways that these can be prevented?
6. In your own opinion, don’t you think failure to manage information can limit the growth of the
7. Please, explain to me how an Institution is trying to overcome some of these issues? This is great!
8. I do appreciate for sacrificing your time for me, God bless.

Thank you. Signed ……………………………………………….

Reuben Soita


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Introduction Letter

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