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ISR1_2012_s46-49E_ISR 21.02.

12 11:37 Seite 46


Oscillations in ropeways,
part 2
Structural oscillations deriving from the rope/sheave moving system:
“potential exciter”

The first part of (1a) in (1b) -> f = ... (2) For a 6-strand rope with a diameter of 40 mm
this series of articles a moving at a speed of 4 to 6 m/s, therefore, the
was devoted to the frequency of strand-induced oscillation is ap-
basics of oscillations That is to say, frequency is equal to speed di- prox. 80 to 130 Hz.
and waves. In this vided by the interval of the periodic distur- In the case of a wavy rope passing over a
part we consider os- bances. sheave, the interval of periodic disturbance
cillations that arise “a” corresponds to lay length “λ”. Exciter fre-
Oscillations caused by the
Photo: Archives

during ropeway oper- quency is therefore

ation as a result of rope/sheave subsystem vrope
movement in the f lay-length-induced = ...(4)
Dipl.-Ing. (ETH) rope and rotation of Because of its helical surface, a rope running λ
Georg A. Kopanakis the sheaves. over a sheave constitutes a mechanism gener-
ating a forced oscillation, whose frequency is
In this context, all structural components of defined by rope speed and strand distance
the ropeway can be seen as “oscillatable bod- (Figure 2).
ies.” The rope/sheave subsystems act as “ex-
citers”, and grips attached to the rope can al-
so be involved. The rope/sheave subsystems Figure 3: Effect of waviness in the rope
are “harmonic” exciters, and as the frequency
of the exciter is the decisive factor for the For the same example as above, the frequen-
generation and intensity of an oscillation re- cy of the lay-length-induced oscillation is ap-
sulting from harmonic excitation, the first Figure 2: Effect of the helical surface of the rope prox. 14 to 22 Hz.
step must be to calculate that frequency.
Oscillations caused by
Calculating the frequency of a periodic distur- In the case of a rope with a lay length of λro- eccentricity or polygonality
bance: If a sheave is caused to run over a wash- pe passing over a sheave at a speed of “vrope” in sheaves
board at constant speed “v” (Figure 1), the exciter frequency “ƒstrand-induced” is calculated
sheave starts to oscillate. from equation (2): Eccentric running in a sheave with radius “R”
vrope (Figure 4) also causes oscillations.
fstrand-induced = ...(2a) In this case the interval of periodic distur-
arope bance “a” corresponds to sheave circumfer-
ence “Ushave”, and frequency is calculated as
In the case of a six-strand rope, exciter fre-
Figure 1: Sheave running over a washboard
quency is vrope v
λ f eccentricity = = rope ... (5)
astrand = rope ... (2b) U sheave 2 ⋅ π ⋅ R
At constant rib distance “a”, oscillation peri- 6
od “T” is calculated as follows: v
(2b) in (2a) -> f strand-induced = λ
a rope
T= ... (1a)
v 6
and the corresponding frequency “f ” is and exciter frequency in an n-strand rope is
1 vrope
f = ... (1b) f strand-induced = ...(3a) Figure 4: Effect of eccen-
T λrope tric running in a sheave
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For a sheave with a diameter of 450 mm and Grip passage under a depression tower (Figure
a rope speed of 4 to 6 m/s, therefore, the fre- 8): In the case of a depression tower, the grip
quency of the oscillation caused by an eccen- top passes between the rope and the sheave
tric sheave is approx. 2.8 to 4.2 Hz. during travel under a depression sheave. The
In the case of polygonality in a sheave (Fig- resulting jolt is again a one-off source of ex-
ures 5 and 6), e.g. caused by lack of stiffness citation that can trigger short-term structur-
in the rim, the interval of the periodic distur al oscillations.
bance is expressed as
U sheave
apolygonality =
npolygon vertices

In this case exciter frequency is

Figure 8: Effect of grip passage under a depression
vrope vrope tower
f polygonality = =
apolygonality 2 ⋅π ⋅ R ...(6)
npolygon vertices Simultaneous passage of two grips on a tower
(Figure 9): During ropeway operation it is
possible for two grips to pass over or under
the sheave batteries on either side of a tower
at the same time, thus creating a force couple.
In the case of depression or combination
Figure 5: Polygonality in a sheave assemblies, this one-off source of exci-
sheave, e.g. caused by lack
of stiffness in the rim
tation can lead to rotational oscillation in the
tower, depending on the shape of the grips
and the torsional stiffness of the tower. Giv-
en an “unfortunate” choice of carrier spacing,
the excitation can become periodic, with a
corresponding risk of deropement.

Figure 6: Effect of polygo-

nality in a sheave

For a sheave with a diameter of 3200 mm and

five spokes and a rope speed of 4 to 6 m/s,
therefore, the frequency of the oscillation
caused by polygonality is approx. 2 to 3 Hz. Figure 9: Effect of simultaneous passage of two grips
on a tower

Structural oscillations deriving

from other causes Start-up resistance: As in the case of simulta-
neous passage of two grips on either side of
The following excitation mechanisms also the tower, a force couple can also be generat-
lead to oscillations: ed on system start-up (because of the op-
posed directions of travel and rolling resis-
Grip passage over a compression tower (Figure tance on either side of the tower), especially
7): In the case of a continuously circulating where the rolling resistance of the sheaves is
ropeway with fixed or detachable grips, the high. That can also lead to rotational oscilla-
grip jaws make contact with the sheaves. The tion.
resulting jolt is a one-off source of excitation
that can trigger short-term structural oscilla- In the next chapter of this series on “Oscilla-
tions. tions in ropeways” we will be looking at ways
of eliminating or reducing the oscillations
discussed above.
Georg A. Kopanakis

Figure 7: Effect of grip passage over a compression


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Oscillations in ropeways,
part 3
Structural oscillations deriving from the moving rope/sheave system:
locating the exciter

In order to tackle oscillations with the Stress at a point on a structural component: It is sified by measured sounds that have nothing
help of the methods discussed in Part 1 (“Ca- possible to measure the stresses created in the to do with the oscillation to be studied.
ble oscillation problems”, ISR 6/2011, p. 47), component with a high degree of accuracy. Sound measurement as a way of determining
it is first of all necessary to identify the exciter. However, the sensor setup, (glueing the strain the predominant frequencies in the oscilla-
That is the subject of the third part of this se- gages in place and making the electrical con- tion is accordingly a theoretical possibility,
ries of articles. nections) is time-consuming, and there is but reservations apply to practical applica-
considerable potential for error. For that rea- tion.
Locating the exciter son this can be considered a very good solu-
tion for permanent monitoring (especially Acceleration at a certain point: The market to-
The exciter can be identified from the fre- where the structural components can be de- day offers a wide choice of accelerometers for
quency of the resulting oscillation. The first livered with the strain gages ready mounted the direct measurement of acceleration, and
step in locating the exciter is therefore to de- ex works), but the method cannot be recom- this parameter is easily measured. The
termine the oscillation’s predominant fre- mended for temporary or one-off monitor- method also produces accurate results as long
quencies. In order to find the exciter, the ing. as due consideration is paid to the following
main frequencies measured in the oscillation two points:
are then compared with the calculated fre- Amplitude at a certain point (displacement sen- ■ The highest frequency to be measured
quencies of potential exciters on ropeway in- sor): It is basically possible to monitor and must lie within the range of the equipment
stallations (see Part 2). measure the changing position of a given used.
point during an oscillation cycle. In our case, ■ The sensor must be connected rigidly to the
Determination of the predominant frequencies: however, the amplitude (the amount of dis- structural component to be monitored, and
In Part 1, an oscillation or vibration was placement to be measured) is very small, and the natural frequency of the connector must
defined as a back and forward motion relative that has a negative effect on the accuracy of be much higher than the expected range of
to a fixed location. In the course of this the measurements. Above all, there is no ref- frequencies to be measured.
back and forward motion, changes occur erence point at rest that can be used as the ba-
to various parameters of the component sis for measurement. For these reasons, the Procedure: It is important to ensure that mon-
involved (stress at a point on a structural amplitude of the oscillation will only very itoring is performed without causing any sig-
component, amplitude and velocity at a cer- rarely be a suitable parameter for determining nificant changes to either the mass or the
tain point, intensity of the emitted sound, ac- the structure of oscillations in ropeway instal- stiffness of the component involved as that
celeration at a certain point). The pattern of lations. would also change its natural frequency (see
one of these parameters, which can be deter- Part 1, “Free and forced oscillations and nat-
mined with the appropriate measuring Velocity at a certain point: As velocity is the ex- ural frequency”). Above all, this means that
equipment, will correspond to that of the os- pression of displacement over time, measur- no-one should be standing on a tower while
cillation. ing velocity involves the same difficulties as measurements are taken. Nor should any
measuring the amplitude of the oscillation equipment be placed on the component in-
Selection of the parameter to be measured: Al- and is equally rarely used. volved (e.g. maintenance platform). If it is
though it is basically possible to measure any not possible to leave the equipment on the
of the above time-variable parameters, there Intensity of emitted sound: A structural com- ground, it should be located as far away as
are pronounced differences in terms of both ponent that is made to oscillate emits a sound possible from the structural component to be
the effort required and the accuracy of the re- at a frequency corresponding to the oscilla- measured.
sults. tion. It is theoretically possible to measure
and analyze the sound of the oscillation to de- The measurements required to determine the
In the case of oscillations in structural rope- termine the predominant frequencies in- structure of the oscillation should be taken
way components, selection of the parameter volved, but in practice it is impossible to in- with the ropeway installation operating at
to be measured will normally be based on the sulate the measuring equipment from the various speeds. That makes it possible to re-
following considerations: various ambient sounds so that results are fal- late the frequency detected and the operating

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speed of the installation, which facilitates The acceleration is usually measured in its Comparison between calculated and measured
identification of the exciter. It also reveals any main direction (vertical), although it can be frequencies: The frequencies thus obtained of
cases where the exciter has a natural frequen- measured in all three directions if required. In the harmonic oscillation components mak-
cy that is close to the frequencies the occur Figure 2, acceleration is plotted as measured ing a significant contribution to the oscilla-
during operation of the ropeway. vertically. tion are then compared in graphic (Figure 6)
or tabular form with the possible frequencies
To guarantee comparability of the results of for the case involved.
the measurements taken at different operat-
ing speeds, it is important to ensure that
all testing is performed in the presence of
the same section of the rope and that the sec-
tion used is representative of the rope as a
whole (which clearly eliminates the area of Figure 2: Example of an acceleration plot
the splice). In the case of a largely uniform
rope, the middle section is the most suitable Figure 6: Graphic comparison of calculated and mea-
choice. Analysis of the data: The resulting oscillation sured frequencies
pattern (selected parameter as a function of
If the measurements cannot all be taken at time, e.g. acceleration / Figure 2) is subject- The potential exciter with a frequency that
the same time, note should be taken of any ed to a Fourier transformation (breakdown of matches a frequency obtained as described
differences in climatic conditions. Differ- the time function into its harmonic compo- above makes a major contribution to the os-
ences in temperature, for example, lead to nents / Figure 3). cillation and is the cause of the problem.
changes in the stiffness of the sheave linings
and hence to changes in the oscillation
behavior of the system as a whole. Similarly,
ice buildup on the structural component to
be tested has effects on both mass and inter-
nal damping and thus on oscillation behav-
Figure 3: Breakdown of function g(t) into its harmon-
Example: Measuring oscillation ic components g1(t) and g2(t)
on a ropeway tower The green bar corresponds to the frequency
This produces what is known as the frequen- of lay-length-induced oscillation (e.g. caused
A typical test setup for a tower is shown in di- cy spectrum of the measured parameter, with by waviness in the rope). The blue bar corre-
agrammatic form in Figure 1. the amplitude of each harmonic component sponds to that of strand-induced oscillation.
plotted over frequency (Figure 4). As can be seen, the frequency of the harmon-
ic component with the biggest amplitude
matches that of strand-induced oscillation,
Graphics: G. Kopanakis

but there is a second oscillation component

in the form of waviness in the rope. It can be
concluded that in this case both the
rope/sheave system and (at a lower intensity)
the waviness of the rope function as exciters.
Figure 1: Plan view of a tower head with the positions
of the sensors Figure 4: Frequency spectrum of the function g(t)
However, it may be that the frequency deriv-
ing from waviness in the rope is identical with
Sensor no.1 records acceleration at one of the the natural frequency of a structural compo-
rope sheaves, sensor no. 2 at the tower head nent and will ultimately be the cause of any
(main axle of the sheave battery) and sensor The height of the amplitude indicates resulting damage.
no. 3 at another point on the tower. Normal- whether the harmonic component concerned
ly sensor no. 3 is attached to the structural makes a significant contribution to the devel- Now that the exciter or exciters have been
component that is at risk of damage as a re- opment of the oscillation (Figure 5). identified, the next step – where possible –
sult of the oscillation. In the figure, sensor no. will be to eliminate them or at least reduce
3 is located on the maintenance platform. their effects. The methods available for this
With this setup it is possible to compare the purpose form the subject of the next part of
intensity of the oscillation deriving from the this series of articles on oscillations in rope-
rope/sheave system with the intensity of the ways.
oscillation transmitted to the tower via the Georg A. Kopanakis
sheave battery and also with the intensity of
the secondary oscillation created in the part Figure 5: Frequency spectrum of the acceleration
of the tower that is at risk. pattern in Figure 2

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