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Dear Michael,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for returning my driving license

which got lost during last week.

As I live far from my workplace, I have to drive every day. Thus, having a
driving license with me is quite crucial. As well as, driving without a license
could have severe legal consequences. Moreover, taking a public transport to
work is quite exhaustive and time consuming. I was going to get a new license
but then I heard from you that you found it.

The last time I saw my license when I drove to theatre mall in downtown to
watch a movie. I tried to check at the mall reception on realizing that I missed
it. However, I am curious to know where exactly you found it so that I will be
extra cautious next time.

Nevertheless, I really appreciate that you try to spend some time to return.
And, as token of appreciation, I would like to invite you for dinner at my home.
Please let me know about your availability so I can make necessary
arrangements accordingly.

Again, thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Daniel Christain
Recent advancements in technology and transportation in particular, are
reshaping our world in an unprecedented manner. Nowadays, it is not unusual
for people to work abroad. Most non-residents relocate their families to the
countries they work at. Some people argue that this phenomenon negatively
affects children, however, I agree with those who believe the opposite is true.
Those who think that relocating children to a new place is undesirable do so for
many reasons. Their most common argument is the negative impact of moving
on a child’s personality. There is no doubt that living in a different community
comes with its challenges, especially to young people, as they get exposed to
behaviours, actions and customs they might not be familiar with. As a result,
children could possibly feel a lack of stability and some confusion. It is also
likely that their patriotic feelings and sense of belonging to their home country
could weaken as they would miss many opportunities to celebrate their
national events.
Nevertheless, I firmly believe that opinion to be ludicrous, as it seems that
getting exposed to a new culture is beneficial in many ways. It fosters young
people social and emotional capabilities. Moreover, children living abroad have
better opportunities to lean and practice new languages. Mastering more than
one language improves not only their intellectual development, but also their
opportunities in acquiring better jobs in the future. According to a recent study
published by the University in North America, competency in more than one
language increases employment chances on average by 200%.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that living in a different country positively
affects children in all aspects. Acquiring new languages, and an open minded
and tolerant personality are just few examples of the many possible benefits.

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