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Room Finder in Outlook doesn't display any conference rooms when a user creates a meeting Article + 05/31/2022 + Applies to: Exchange Online, Office 2016, Office 2013 Problem When a user creates a new meeting in Microsoft Outlook, no conference rooms are listed in the Choose an available room box in the Room Finder, or some conference rooms are listed and other conference rooms are missing. This issue may occur if the user doesn't select a room list. A room list must be selected before available rooms are displayed in the Room Finder. This issue may also occur if the conference room is hidden from the Global Address List (GAL). Solution To display available rooms, select a room list from the Show a room list box. If a room list is selected and the room is still not visible, verify that the room is visible in the GAL. More information To create a room list and to add existing rooms to the room list, follow these steps: 1. Do one of the following * In on-premises Exchange Server or in an Exchange hybrid environment, open the Exchange Management Shell. * In Exchange Online, connect to Exchange Online by using remote PowerShell For more information, see Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. 2. Run the following command to create a room list: PowerShell New-DistributionGroup -RoomList -Menbers $Menbers 3. Run the following command to add existing rooms to the room list: PowerShell Add-DistributionGroupMember -Member To verify that a room is visible in the GAL, run the following command and verify that HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled is set to false: PowerShell Get-Mailbox For more information, see Create a room list distribution group and Create and manage room mailboxes. Still need help? Go to Microsoft Community _ or the Exchange TechNet Forums. Feedback Was this page helpful? Provide product feedback

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