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Subjects of property sales relations are:

a. The buyer and the seller
b. The buyer, the seller and the transacted property
c. The transacted property and money
d. None is correct
2. In the legal norm which reads as follows: “The lessee must pay in full
the rent within the time limit as agreed on upon”,…:
a. “The lessee” is the sanction part.
b. “The lessee must pay the rent” is the sanction part.
c. “The lessee must pay in full the rent within the time limit as ag reed on
upon” is the sanction part.
d. None is correct.
3. Objects of Vietnam’s civil law are … property relations and …
personal identity relations:
a.All, all
b.All, some
c.Some, all
d.Some, some
4. Property relations are …:
a. Relations between persons and
properties b.Relations among persons
c. Relations among persons in connection with properties
d. None is correct
5. Personal identity relations… :
a. Are connected with properties in no case
b. Are connected with properties in some case
c. Are connected with properties in any case
d. None is correct
6. Methodologies of civil law of Vietnam include …:
a. Orders and obedience
b. Equality and self-determination
c. Both a and b are correct
d. Either a or b is correct
7. Sources of Vietnam’s civil law do not cover:
a. The civil code of Vietnam 2015
b. Law on commerce of Vietnam 2015
c. The criminal code of Vietnam 2015
d. None is correct
8. Subjects of civil legal relations can
be…: a.Individuals, legal entities and states
b.a. and family households
c.b. and cooperative groups
d.c. and minority groups
9. are subjects of civil legal relations:
a. All individuals
b. Some individuals
c. None is correct
10. have equal civil legal capacity:
a. All individuals
b. Some individuals
c. None is correct
11. Civil act capacity of an individual is the capacity… :
a. To have civil rights and civil obligations
b. To establish and perform civil rights and obligations through his/her
c. Both a and b are correct
d. Either a or b is correct
12. A (19 years old) and B (60 years old) have … civil legal
capacity: a.Equal
b. Different
c. None is correct
13. B having mental retardation has:
a. No civil act capacity
b. Limited civil act capacity
c. Full civil act capacity
d. None is correct
14. … are legal persons:
a. All organizations
b. Some organizations
c. Sole proprietorships
d. c. and joint stock companies
15. Which of the following is (are) (a) legal entity (entities)?
a. Foreign Trade University (FTU)
b. Faculty of Law (FTU)
c. Both (a) and (b) are correct
d. None is correct.

16. An individual with mental disorder can, by his own act, be party to
… civil transaction(s)
d. None is correct
17. How to divide equally a television between the two spouses in a
divorce lawsuit?
a. By cutting it physically into 2 equal parts
b. By spilt it into two terms of money
c. Either a or b is correct
d. Both a and b are correct
18. In a rent contract, the tenant plays the role of:
a. The obligor
b. The oblige
c. Either a or b is correct
d. Both a and b are correct
19. The right to use properties is:
a. The right to possess properties
b. The right to dispose properties
c. Both a and b are correct
d. None is correct
20. … is illegal possession and not in good faith:
a. Thieving
b. Thieving and stealing
c. Finding a dropped thing without notification to the competent authorities
d. b and c are correct
21. The right to use property is the right to… :
a.exploit the utility of the property
b.enjoy yields and benefits of the
property c.both a and b are correct
d.either a or b is correct
22. Objects of civil obligations include…
: a.Territories
b. Conducts
c. Both a and b
d. b. and non-conducts
23. the obligor is … :
a.the party bearing the civil obligation
b.the party having the civil right
c.the seller
d.the buyer
24. A and B are co-tenants. The obligation to pay the rent of A and B is:
a.A severable obligation
b. A joint obligation
c. Both a and b are correct
d. Either a or b is correct
25. Prize competitions are … :
a. Contracts
b. Unilateral acts
c. Either a or b is correct
d. None is correct
26. In case of conflicts between a treaty concluded by Vietnam and its
domestic law, which prevails?
a. The former
b. The latter
c. Either a or b is correct
d. None is correct
27. According to Article 38 (1) of the ICJ Statute, sources of
international law consist of:
a. Treaties
b. Customary international law
c. Both a and b
d. Both c and soft law
28. According to the Civil Code 2015, measures to secure obligation
performance exclude:
a. Punitive damages
b. Pledge of property
c. Mortgage of property
d. Security deposits
29. … are family households:
a. Every household
b. Several
c. A or b is correct
30. The remote control is ... of a television:
a. An auxiliary object
b. The primary object
c. An indivisible object
d. A non-expendable object

31. In a civil lawsuits, the plantiff can claim:

A. damages
B. Death penalties
C. Specific performance
D. None is correct
32. the party initiating a law-suit at the first- instance civil court is called
A. Prosecutor
B. Respondent
C. Plaintiff
D. Accused
33. The standard of proof required in a civil matter is :
A. Beyond resonable doubt
B. Beyond the balance of possibilities
C. Unanimous
D. On the balance of probabilities
34. The state style is :
A. The state form
B. The notion reflecting the state essence
C. Both of the above are correct
D. None is correct
35. A state :
A. Follows one single state style
B. Can follow many state styles
C. Either a or b is correct
D. None is correct
36. The state ruling form is the form of
A. Organization of the state powers , state agencies and the
involvement of citizens in their formation and their relation.
B. Organization of the state territories
C. Either of A and B is correct
D. Both a and b are correct
37. Injunction is ….
A. Money claimed by someone as compensation for harm done
B. To send someone to prison or to a court
C. To order someone to pay money as a punishment
D. A court order telling someone to stop doing something or not to
do something
38. Specific performance is :
A. The performance in a specific case
B. An obligation under law
C. A remedy under civil law
D. A remedy under criminal law
39. Customary law is :
A. Customs
B. Recognized by the state as law
C. All of the above are correct
D. None is correct
40. case law is :
A. Customs
B. Recognized by the state as law
C. All of the above are correct
D. None is correct
41. A legal relation is
A. A social relation
B. Regulated by law
C. All of the above are correct
D. None is correct
42. legal norms are :
A. Regualtion governing individual conduct
B. Enforceable
C. Enactus by the state
D. All are correct
43. …. Is/ are the source of law in VN
A. Customary law
B. Customary law, case law
C. Customary law , case law and statutory law
D. None is correct
44. in a non competition agreement the object of the relation includes :
A. A thing
B. A conduct
C. A non-conduct
D. None is correct
45. States appeared since …..
A. The primitive community era
B. The slavery possesion era
C. The feudal era
D. The capitalist era
46. A legal relation :
A. A social relation
B. Regulated by law
C. All of the above are correct
D. None of the above is correct
47. State of the same styles can not take different forms.
A. True
B. False
48. … is/are an insepertable part of the legal norms:
A. The assumption part
B. The regulation part
C. Both of the above are correct
D. The assumption , regulation and sanction part
49. For a legal relation to take place in reality:
A. Only its three elements are needed
B. Its three elements and a legal event (in some instences…
C. Its three elements and a legal event
D. None is correct
50. the person who commences legal action….
A. Plaintiff
B. Defendant
C. Respondant
D. None is correct
51. the party initiating a law suit at the first instance civil court is called :
52. 1. International law is the body of rules and norms that
regulates activities carried on outside the legal boundaries of nations.
2. International law regulates relationships between:
a. states and states.
b. states and persons.
c. persons and persons.
d. All of the above.
e. Both a. and b. above.
3. Which of the following is an example/are examples of the subject matter
of public international law?
a. Contracts and sales.
b. Securities regulations.
c. State succession.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
4. Which of the following is an example/are examples of the subject matter
of private international law?
a. Antitrust.
b. Nationality.
c. State responsibility to aliens.
d. All of the above.
e. Both a. and b. above.
5. Law is:
a. a rule established by authority, society, or custom.
b. a body or system of rules.
c. the control or authority imposed by a system of rules.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
6. Treaties and conventions have binding effect because:
a. one country fears that if it does not respect its promises, other countries
will not
respect their promises.
b. states that fail to observe them may be fined or otherwise punished by
the International Court of Justice.
c. states that fail to observe them will lose their membership in the
United Nations.
d. All of the above.
7. Which of the following states is not required to observe a particular rule
of customary international law?
a. A persistent objector.
b. A state that has recently acquired its independence following the division
of its
predecessor state.
c. A superpower.
d. All of the above.
8. Recognition of a government is usually made in a bilateral agreement.
a. True b. False
9. When State A and State B merge to form State C, State C and the other
state parties to a treaty made by State A can agree either to terminate the
treaty or extend it to the whole territory of the new state.
a. True b. False
10. When State A and State B merge to form State C, State C will no longer
be bound by a treaty made by State A if its object and purpose can no longer
be accomplished.
a. True b. False
11. When a part of the territory of State X shifts and becomes part of the
territory of State Y, the treaties made by State X continue to apply to
that territory.
a. True b. False
12. Nationals of a territory that is acquired by a successor state will keep
the nationality of the predecessor state unless a different result is agreed to
in a treaty of cession or by municipal legislation.
a. True b. False
13. State Q disintegrates into State R and State S. State R and State S are
both responsible for State Q’s national debt.
a. True b. False
14. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic common
to intergovernmental
a. They are created by two or more states.
b. They are meant to pursue interests common to their creators.
c. They function autonomously as independent international persons.
d. They operate through branches and subsidiaries around the world.
e. None of the above is a correct answer.
15. The name “common law” (as it is used in England) is derived from the
theory that the king’s courts represented the common custom of the realm, as
opposed to the local customary law practiced in the county and manorial
a. True b. False

I. Short answer question

1. As a general rule, silence cannot constitute
acceptance. TRUE.
According to Art. 393.2 Civil Code 2015: Trich luat
In this case, we do not mention any special exceptions stated in the law, so as a general
rule, silence cannot constitute acceptance and the answer is TRUE.
2. A counter-offer counts as a rejection of the original offer.
According to Art. 392 Civil Code 2015: Trich luat
A counter-offer is an amendment of the offer proposed by the offeree. The offeree
introduces a new offer to the offerer and the original offer is no longer accepted.
3. Anh issued an invitation to tender for a contract, and Binh submitted her
terms. Therefore, Anh made an offer which Binh accepted.
Offer: clearness and binding
Not an offer: invitation to treat and not binding
Anh issued an invitation to tender for a contract. It is not an offer. It is an invitation to
treat. Binh submitted her terms means Binh made a new offer, not accepted.
4. Advertising an auction (dau gia) is an offer to
sell. FALSE.
Advertising an auction is an invitation to treat, to the offer of the seller. The party is
invited to place their bids, the highest bid is usually accepted. Fall of the hammer in
the auction amounts to acceptance.
5. If you want to start up an enterprise, which of the following are you
choosing? Explain your choice!
A sole proprietorship
A limited liability company
A joint-stock company
Does your preference differ if you are now an employee in the enterprise instead?
Hints: Article 74, Civil Code 2015.
What are your preferences when it comes to your liability, as an enterprise employee,
for the enterprise’s debt?
Does your choice change if you are now an employee in the enterprise?
A limited liability company would be the best option for me to start-up an enterprise.
For a joint stock company, it requires at least 3 founders (according to Article 111 of
Law on Enterprises 2020) so I’m unable to do it alone. A sole proprietorship’s assets
are not separate from the owner’s, therefore it is not recognized as a juridical person
(Article 74, Civil Code 2015). I will have to pay the debt using the company’s assets
as well as mine if the firm goes bankrupt. On the other hand, a limited liability
company is a juridical person and it restricts my personal liabilities. In case of
bankruptcy, I only have to pay the debt as much as possible using the company’s
assets. If I’m an employee then my preference will differ because my personal assets
have nothing to do with the company’s assets so I don’t have to worry much when the
firm goes bankrupt and I might prefer joint stock company.
2. Whenever being drunk, A returns home and sells whatever in the house he
sees. After so many times of explanation and advises, his wife, B, asks People’s
Committee where they live to restrict his capacity by informing in public that he
has capacity restricted. Is what B wants to do legal? Advise B.

I think what B wants is actually legal but the People's Committee doesn’t have any
judicial power so they cannot do what B asks for. The act of A returning home and
selling whatever he sees after getting drunk is considered as worsening material of the
family. Therefore according to Article 24.1, I advise that B as the person with related
rights can ask the Court to declare A as a person has limited legal capacity after
excessive consumption of psychotropic substances (alcohol).
3. Believing that the number series of 9999 is good for your fate, you are buying
a mobile simcard number of xxxxxx-9999. The seller, initially agreeing so, but
then changed his mind and is replacing it with another number. Do you have to
accept the replacement?
You don’t have to accept the replacement. Because according to Article 113.2, the
mobile sim-card number of xxxxxx-9999 is considered as a distinctive object (can be
distinguished with other sim-cards by the number on it). Article 113.2 also regulates
that: “An obligation to transfer a distinctive object is only able to fulfill by transferring
that particular distinctive object”, therefore the seller has to give you the sim-card as
agreed before and you have the right to not accept the replacement.
4. You are renting a car to travel to the countryside. When returning the car to
the leaser, you are requested to either refill the car or to pay for the used amount
of petroleum. Are you obligated to do so?
No, you’re not obligated to either refill the car or pay for the used amount of
petroleum. According to Article 112.1, petroleum is considered as consumable objects
so it may not be the object of a lease contract. Therefore you only have to pay for
renting the car, not the petroleum.
II. Case – solving problems, apply IRAC model
I: ISSUE: dua ra cau hoi
R: RULE: dua ra dieu luat ap dung
A: APPLICATION: phan tich case/law
C: CONCLUSION: ket luan
1. Born on 30/12/2004, B is leaving his hometown to start schooling at a
university. To settle down, B considers renting a room in an apartment near the
campus and fortunately has found a desirable place.
a. Can B by himself conclude a lease contract with the potential landlord?
ISSUE Can B himself conclude a lease contract with the potential landlord?
Art. 21.4 Civil Code 2015
B = Individual
B’age = 17 (from fifteen to under eighteen years of age)
Lease contract = civil transactions related to real estate, movables required registration
and other civil transactions as prescribed by law
B cannot by himself conclude a lease contract with the potential landlord.
b. After one year at university, instead of concentrating on schooling, B gets
addicted to cocaine, therefore decided to quit the university and returns home.
From then on, he has sold out his household assets to cover his drugs expenses.
How can his parents stop him from doing so from a legal perspective?
How can his parents stop him from doing so from a legal perspective?
Art. 20 Civil Code 2015
Art. 209 Civil Code 2015
Art. 133 Civil Code 2015
Art. 167 Civil Code 2015
Art. 168 Civil Code 2015
Art. 20 Civil Code 2015
B’ age = B’ age after 1 year at university, 18 or older = eighteen years of age or older
=> B is adult

Art. 209 Civil Code 2015

B’s household assets at home are multiple ownership properties.
B and his parents’ share of the ownership with respect to the multiple ownership
property is specified.

B is adult
B’s share of the ownership with respect to the multiple ownership property is
=> B has the right to sell the household assets of his own share through a valid civil

Art. 167 Civil Code 2015

Household assets belonging to his parents are sold out by him to the bona fide third
party not subject to ownership right registration through unidentifiable contracts.

=> His parent can reclaim it.

Household assets belonging to his parents are sold out by him to the bona fide third
party not subject to ownership right registration through identifiable contracts.
This property has been possessed against his parent’s will.
=> His parent can reclaim it.

Art. 168 Civil Code 2015

Household assets belonging to his parents are sold out by him to the bona fide third
party subject to ownership right registration.

=> His parent can reclaim it.

Household assets belonging to his parents are sold out by him through valid
transactions to the bona fide third party stated in the Art. 133.2 Civil Code 2015

=> His parent cannot reclaim it from the bona fide third party but they may proceed
against the party at fault to refund appropriate expenses and compensate for his/her
If B sold out his own share of..., cannot do anything to stop
If...., his parents can reclaim. In the case, ...B...

2. Anh by accident found a dropped Iphone in the university campus. Can

she claim ownership of the item?
ISSUE: Can she claim ownership of the item?
RULE: Art. 230 Civil Code 2015
Anh = A person finding an object which another person has lost or mislaid
If being aware of the address of the person having lost or mislaid the object
=> Has to return the Iphone
If not aware of the address of the person having lost or mislaid the object
=> inform or deliver the object to the people's committee or police station of the
nearest commune in order that a public announcement may be made notifying the
owner to reclaim the object.
If, after one year from the date of the public announcement of the object having being
found, the owner of the object is still not able to be identified or the owner does not
claim the object:
+ If the value of lost or mislaid object is up to ten-month base salary provided for by
the State
Anh can claim ownership
Anh cannot claim ownership of the Iphone unless after 1 year the person has lost
Iphone is not found and the item value is up to ten – month base...

1. A (5 years old) loves singing and would like to register for a talent
a. Advise A on how to do so! Can A register by herself?
b. After winning the 1st prize in the competition, A would like to put the
awarded money some in a saving account. Can A do so by herself?
c. Lots of showmen are approaching A to offer performance contracts.
Advise these persons on how to conclude contracts. Should they contact A
d. Being determined to be a professional singer, five years after the
competition, A would like to be a trainee in an entertainment company.
Can A sign the training contract by herself?
● Art.s16-24, Civil Code 2015
● Analyze the legal norms there in!
● Determine which assumptions are met in the case(s)!
● And so what?
● Put your answers in the IRAC template!
3. An enterprise bears a debt of 10 billion VND while its assets total 1
billion VND.
● Determine the threeshold of the enterprise’s liability?
● Do its owners have to cover its debt by their own private assets in the
following cases?
● The enterprise is a sole proprietorship
● The enterprise is a limited liability company
● The enterprise is a joint stock
company Hints: Article 74, Civil Code 2015

5. You are buying a PC set at an electronics shop. Can the shop require
you to pay extra money for the screen, keyboard on the grounds that they
do not accompany the PC?
● Hints: Article 110, Civil Code 2015
6. At the moment of dissolution, remaining assets of an enterprise
comprise of:
● A 500m-VND automobile
● A 20m-VND set of computer
● A 10m-VND printer
● A table and a dozen of chairs of 20m-VND worth in total
a. How can you divide them equally among two owners of the
b. What if either of the two owners insists on keeping the automobile for
Hints: Article 111, Civil Code 2015

9. As a professional diver, Bach frequently spots sunken items at the

seabed. Is he entitled to keep them for himself?
9. In 2019, after stealing a mobile phone from An, Binh presented it to
Chi - his girlfriend. One year later, detecting that his phone is captured by
Chi, An requested the return of the item.
Advice Chi on her response!
Hints: Art.s166-168 → 165 → 179-181 → 236.

10. A and B are co-tenants. Totally, they have to pay the rental fee of 5
million VND/month.
a. Can the landlady require either of them to pay the whole sum of 5
million VND?
a. Assuming that the landlady succeeds in requiring A to pay for B, can
A require B to pay his portion?
b. Can the landlady require A and B to pay the rent (of 60 m VND) for
one year at a time?
0. A is in debt now and would like to borrow some money from B -his
friend. B doubts about the ability of A to return the borrowing.
a. What can A do to persuade B to proceed on lending the sum?
a. What if A does not have his own asset?
0. A and B are spouses and land co-owners. A contract has been
established with C for selling their land patch for 1 billion VND.
Can C claim for the land patch in the following cases?
a. B has no idea about the contract.
b. C uses forces to compel A and B to sell the land.
c. The contract contains the fake price of 0.5 billion VND to avoid
d. Parties put the contract by words of mouth only.
e. Due to some landslides, the land patch has disappeared after the
contract conclusion.441

I: Is the contract valid?

R: Article 218.2.
- Assumptions 1: Joint property
- Assumptions 2: To dispose land
- Assumptions 3: Agreement among owners
- Assumptions 4: Without agreement on sell the land
- Regulations: Disposal of joint property must be implemented

Article 122.
-Assumptions 1: Civil transactions
-Assumptions 2: Fail to satisfy any one of the conditions specified in
Article 117 of this code
- Regulations: Shall be invalid

Article 117.1.a.
Assumption 1: Civil transaction
A2: Legal capacity
A3: Legal personality
R: shall be effective
(contextual rule) Article 19: the legal capacity of a natural person is
his/her capability to establish and exercise civil rights and the perform civil
obligations through his/her acts.
-> A has no legal capacity.

I: Is the contract valid?
R: Article 127, sentence 1+3
A1: A civil transaction
A2: A party
A3: Deception
->Right of one party to request court declare an invalid civil transaction
Literal rule of interpretation
A1: Contract between A+B and C
A2: A+B and C
A3: Compulsion is presented in the case because A+B use force to compel
C to buy the land
C: The contract is invalid.

3. I: Is the contract
valid? R: Article 391.4
A1: An offer to enter a civil contract
A2: The offer become effective
A3: Notice of modification or withdrawal
-> Shall terminate?
A1: sell
land A2: 1
A3: 0.5 billion
-> terminate
C: The contract is invalid.

4. I: Is the contract
valid? R: Article 502:
A1: contract relating to land use rights
-> must be made in writing in the form consistent with the provisions of
this Code.
Article 129:
A1: A civil transaction
A2: violating conditions for validity pertaining to form
-> Shall be invalid
A: Article 502:
A1:Land purchase and sale agreement between A, B and C
oral contract
-> Instead of should have been written in the form consistent with the
provisions of this Code , this contract is oral contract
-> violating the article 502.
Article 129:
A1: Land purchase and sale agreement between A, B and C
A2: violating the article 502.
-> Invalid
C: The contract is invalid.
5. A & B don’t know that there are gold in the ground with the value of 1

0. A stole a 14-million-VND watch from B. C, by chance, bought the

watch from A at half-price when visiting a flea market downtown which
was well-known to everybody as a place marketing stuff with all types of
origins. One year later, B spotted that his watch was in the hand of C and
asked for the return. Advise C!
1. Issue: What should C do if one year later B spotted his watch and asked for the
2. Rules: Article 167, Article 131.2, Article 180
3. Application: Since C bought the watch from A without knowing that A stole it
from B so according to Article 180, this is possession in good faith and C paid
half-price for the watch so it is an indemifiable contract. On the other hand, B – the
original owner - has the right to reclaim his watch (a movable property) from C (a
bona fide possessor) according to Article 167 because it is an indemifiable contract
between A and C and B’s watch was actually stolen. The watch C bought from A was
stolen so this civil transaction is invalid. Therefore according to Article 131.2,
everything shall be restored to its original state and shall return to each other what they
have received.
4. Conclusion: C shall return the watch to B (the original owner) and C can ask A
to return him the money that he paid for the watch.

2. “A: I have an Iphone to be sold. Are you interested in

it? B: Sure. How much is it?
A: I will sell it for no less than 10 million VND.
B: 10 million VND is ok; however, I will pay you in 10 days.”
Is there a contract between A and B?
Issue: Is there a contract between A and B?
Rules: Article 385, Article 386.1, Article 393
Application: A gives B an offer: “I will sell it for no less than 10 million VND”.
According to Article 386.1, A is making an offer to enter into a contract with B and A
is the offeror while B is the offeree. After that, B said: “10 million is ok” which means
B has accepted A’s offer but then he also made an addition to the original offer: “I will
pay you in 10 days”. In this case, B is making a new offer and now B is the offeror
while A is the offeree. There is no reply from A and according to Article 393 silence
shall not mean acceptance so there is still no agreement between A and B. On the
other hand, according to Article 385: “Civil contract means an agreement between
parties in relation to the establishment, modification or termination of civil rights and
obligations” so if there’s no agreement, there’s no contract.
Conclusion: No contract between A and B.
3. Due to the current pandemic, a businessperson went bankrupt and has no remaining
property. Planning to borrow some money from the bank to restart some venture, he is
thinking about either pledging or mortgaging of properties to support his loan dossier.
Is the plan feasible from a legal perspective?
● ISSUE (I): Is the plan feasible from a legal perspective?
● RULES (R):

❖ Article 309, Civil Code 2015:

“Pledge of property means the delivery by one party (hereinafter referred to as the
pledgor) of property under its ownership to another party (hereinafter referred to as
the pledgee) as security for the performance of an obligation.”

❖ Article 317, Civil Code 2015:

“1. Mortgage of property means the use by one party (hereinafter referred to as the
mortgagor) of property under the ownership of the obligor as security for the
performance of an obligation to the other party (hereinafter referred to as the
mortgagee) without transferring such property to the mortgagee.
2. The mortgaged property shall be held by the mortgagor. The parties may agree to
deliver the mortgaged property to a third person to hold.”
Both pledge and mortgage all require property as security. However, the
businessperson went bankrupt and has no remaining property which is indispensable
to be considered as security. Consequently, the businessperson is unable to either
mortgage or pledge.
● CONCLUSION (C): The plan is not feasible from a legal perspective.

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