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Scridean (gliding) sceadu – genga (shadow – walker)

Sceotend (Warriors) swaefon (slept)

Pa paet (that that) horn reced (horn – hall)

Dwa słowa na poroże

Healdan (hold) scoldon (should)

Ealle (all) buton (but) anum (one)

Da (there) com (come) of (from) more (moor)

Under (under) mist (misty) hleopum (clifs)

God’s ire (anger) bore (carried) - interponation ; caesura

Skald – poeta irlandski

Mnemotechnic devices
- Kennings ON Kenna; to perceive, to know, to name/ lone-roamer

Grendel : shadow – walker

A compund noun
Or a phrase with a c.n.

Whale road = sea/ ocean

Sea – walker = a boat

King: the ring-giver  distributor of wealth

The warrior’s gold-friend  he hast o divide them fairly

To unlock (one;s) word – hoard

To break (someone‘s) Bone – casings – to inflict a severe wound

Beo wulf

Bee + wolf => bear; ppl did not want ot name their sons Bear, because it would attract bears.

Med‘ ved‘  prowadzący do miodu

2) Parallel phrases

Widsith spoke, unlocked his word-hoard – ordinary verb; a phrase with a kenning

3) set – piece passages

Bricks:  verbal formulas; formulaic poetry

a) Rhythym, stress alliteration

b) Mnemotechnic devices
c) Delivery – recited/ sung; with music – harp

993 Battle of Maldon

Wyrd = fate (more or less)

- Endure – endurance in the face of adversity

- / fight – deeds of courage performed by individual warriors

Later: overtones „God’s will“

To adopt a stance
Justice and generosity

Overlord warrior

heroic code: virtues – courage, loyality; vices – cowardice, treachery

FAME – a substitute for immortality (godnie doszlusować do swoich przodków)

Come to be

Sb hast to compose a song about you in order to be remembered. That is why you tried
never to abuse the singer.


- Beowulf  The oldest, long English poem existing (3182 lines)

- 1st half of the 8th c. – single author – he brought them together, because originally
they were two separate stories
- Ca. 70 Christian references – interpolations. They are rather small and do not
interfere with the plot of the story.
- It shows no favouritisms towards English heroes. Geats, Danes and Swedes
- It is a difficult poem for many readers
- Warrior culture and chivalric culture – where central hero is a knight
- 1st translation of the “B” into modern, European language (into Danish). In the
- Nikolaj Gruntrig (Giaur)

- Hugelac – died in ca. 521 – “Historia Francorum” Bp Gregory Tourus

- Monster and his mother (folklore)

- It is compared to epics suc as Illiade and Odyssey. But it is not as great (allude)

- The thing that drives them is the desire for fame

- Beowulf is lof – geornost (moertha geminding – mindul for glory) eager of fame

- Homer klea andron (mindful of glorious deeds)

- Male heroes, a single male hyrde (the group is not interesting)

- Folces (folk’s) herde (od owiec) Folk’s shepherd

- Homer poimen laôn

- Achilles – the pane in the neck, he never cooperated

- Hector  He refers to Hector. He is the good king. Achilles is irresponsible.

- Pivot

- Memento mori

- Sword sickness  result of the wound (wickness coming from it)

- Stub of the spear – pochylenie sie wloczni, aby zabic

- Ludzie bali się slepoty – wtedy przestawalo się być wojownikiem (dbac o zrenice oka,
take care like of the apple of ones eye)

- Homework: Page 5 handouts – beowulf as an epic & handout for the next class – old
English poetry, but Christian one. Clash of two types of Christianity

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