Revision Booklet Dec 2023

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The Thomas Hardye School

Theology and Ethics Department

Year 11 Mock revision December 2023



Year 11 Mock revision homework schedule

The two topics that you need to revise in preparation for your mock are Christian Beliefs and Teachings and Religion,
Peace and Conflict. These home-works are compulsory and not optional.

Week beginning 16th October Christian Beliefs and Teachings

Due first lesson next week  Holy Trinity
 Jesus Incarnation
Week beginning 23rd October Christian Beliefs and Teachings
Due first lesson next week  The Problem of Evil
 Life After Death
Week beginning 30th October Christian Beliefs and Teachings
Due first lesson next week  Sin and Salvation
 Jesus’ role in salvation
Week beginning 6th November Religion, Peace and Conflict
Due first lesson next week  Forgiveness
 Holy War / Just War Theory
Week beginning 13th November Religion, Peace and Conflict
Due first lesson next week  Weapons of Mass Destruction
 Victims of War
Week beginning 20th November Religion, Peace and Conflict
Due first lesson next week  Pacifism

Subject Theology & Ethics

1 hour Equipment 2 x Black Pens
Resource Past Papers, Microsoft Teams, Classroom resources provided by teacher.

Exam Revision Checklist

Content Revised?

Paper 1: Christian Beliefs and Teachings

The Holy Trinity

Jesus’ Incarnation

The Problem of Evil

Life after Death

Sin and Salvation

Theme D: Religion, Peace and Conflict


Holy War / Just War Theory

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Victims of War


HOMEWORK WEEK 1 Christian Beliefs and Teachings – Holy Trinity / Jesus’ Incarnation
The triangle below represents the Holy Trinity. Using Holy Trinity - God - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - WJEC
- BBC Bitesize label each part and briefly explain the role of each part.

The Father

God the Creator

The Holy Spirit The Son

The spirit inside everything The Holy Trinity Jesus

Jesus’ Incarnation - The incarnation - God and authority in Christianity - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - Edexcel -
BBC Bitesize
Finish the sentence below:
Incarnation means: The physical form God takes.

Christians believe that Jesus (the Son person from the Trinity) is God in the flesh / God on earth.

Complete the boxes below drawing / writing key events from the birth story of Jesus that shows that Jesus
was more than just a man.
Gabrial visiting his mother and Conceived without sex
The star above his birthplace. his father

Answer this 4-mark question. Remember PED (see back of this booklet for advice on 4/5-mark questions)
Explain two Christian beliefs about Jesus’ incarnation [4]
Some Christians believe that only Jesus was conceived miraculously, meaning without sex. This sets Jesus
apart as he is something completely unlike us as regular humans.
However other Christians believe that others, such as John the Baptist, were also born miraculously. This
reduces the significance of Jesus and could also disrupt the idea that Jesus is Gods only son, meaning there
could have been others like Jesus.
HOMEWORK WEEK 2 Christian Beliefs and Teachings – The Problem of Evil / Life After Death

God is omnipotent. What is the Inconsistent Triad?

Fill in the missing words to show what

the Inconsistent Triad is.

The problem of evil and suffering -

Christian beliefs - Edexcel - GCSE
Inconsistent Religious Studies Revision - Edexcel -
BBC Bitesize

God is omnibenevolent. ____evil___ exists.

Explain what the Problem of Evil is

…God is said to be all loving; he is also said to be all powerful. These two ideas are called into question
when you consider all the terrible things that happen all the time in our world. If God is all loving and all
powerful, then he should prevent the suffering of his creations.



What is the difference between moral and natural evil?

Natural evils are…unrelated to humans, for instance tornados.

Moral evils are …caused by humans, for instance the Holocaust.
How does the belief in the problem of evil influence Christians today?

1. …Why would God create natural evils?

2. …Why would he allow moral evils?
3. …Can he truly prevent these things from happening?

Life after Death - What does Christianity say about life after death? - Death and the afterlife - GCSE Religious
Studies Revision - WJEC - BBC Bitesize

Christians believe that this is not the only life that humans have. In your own words explain what
Christians believe about life after death.
…Christians believe that you will be sent to either heaven or hell depending on how you have lived your
life, normally involving sins.

How does Jesus’ resurrection link to Christian beliefs about their own life after death?

…He was seen ascending into the sky, 40 days after his resurrection.
Explain how these teachings relate to life after death and what it tells Christians:

Teaching Explanation
“I believe in the resurrection of the body and life At the end of days, all bodies will rise again and life
everlasting” The Apostles Creed is eternal in one form or another.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one God does truly love us as he gave up his son to
and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall atone for our sins.
not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

“So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The All people have a birth and a death, but they can
body that is sewn is perishable, it is raised choose what will happen once they die. How does
imperishable; it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in the belief in the problem of evil influence
glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; Christians today?
it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual
body.” 1 Corinthians 15:42-44

Homework week 3 Christian Beliefs and Teachings – Sin and Salvation / Jesus’ role in salvation
Sin - Salvation in Christianity - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - OCR - BBC Bitesize

Salvation - Christian beliefs - Edexcel - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - Edexcel - BBC Bitesize

Plan a response to this 12- mark question – use the links above to help you and your own research. See advice at the
back of this booklet on how to attempt TRADE C questions.

‘God’s grace (love) is all that Christians need to be saved from sin.’

T Thesis – your thesis is how God’s grace (love) is / is not all that is Christians need to be saved from sin
you intend to argue (either because…
supporting or opposing the
R Reasons to support
your thesis
The apostle’s creed states I believe in… the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection
Explain why your thesis of the body, and the life everlasting. This is the doctrine of the Christian faith;
is the stronger therefore, you would expect it to be true to them.

A Agree – who agrees

with you and why
Roman Catholic Christians believe this along with many protestant churches.
D Disagree – who
disagrees with you and
Orthodox Christians do not agree, they follow the Nicene creed, and they
Explain at least 2 reject the pope along with the Vatican.
reasons why they
would disagree with

E Evaluate - say why

the argument above is
weaker argument than
your thesis
The apostle’s creed was made first meaning it was closer in time to Jesus and
therefore most likely more accurate, time hasn’t had time to warp what has
been said. The Vatican itself is older and more influential, meaning what they
say tends to go.

C Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that… God’s grace (love) is all that is Christians
need to be saved from sin.

Homework 4 Religion, Peace and Conflict – Forgiveness / Holy War / Just War Theory

Christian teachings on forgiveness - Forgiveness - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - WJEC - BBC Bitesize

In your own words explain what forgiveness is and why it is important to Christians

………Forgiveness is the pardoning of a previous transgression or wrongdoing. It is important to Christians

as Jesus tells us, on several occasions, to always forgive.




Holy War - BBC - Ethics - War: Holy wars

What is a holy war? ……A war fought for a religious goal.


What three elements do Holy wars usually have?

1. …Authorised by a religious leader.

2. …Achieve a religious goal.
3. …Spiritual gain for those involved.

What are some reasons for a holy war?

1. …Add people to the faith.

2. …Avenge blasphemous acts.
3. …Recover and purify consecrated places. .

Just War Theory - The just war tradition in Christianity and its continuing relevance - Modern warfare - CCEA - GCSE
Religious Studies Revision - CCEA - BBC Bitesize

The Just War Theory is a Christian theory that has been developed over 100s of years. Some Christians will
accept war as long as it meets all of the criteria of the Just War Theory. The criteria are:

The war must have just cause. The war must be declared by the The intention of the war has to
correct authority. be to defeat wrongdoing and
promote good.
Fighting must be a last resort. There must be a reasonable The methods used to fight the
chance of success. war must be proportional;
excessive force should not be
The war must be fought by just Innocent people and civilians Internationally agreed rules and
means. must not be targeted or harmed. conventions must be obeyed.

Choose two conditions and explain why it might be difficult to fulfil them.

Condition Why it might be difficult to fulfil

Must be a reasonable chance of success. That cannot, usually, be determined before the
A “just cause” is entirely subjective.
The war must have a just cause.

Those who support the Just War Theory cannot be pacifist. Why?

……It gives reasons and justifications for conflicts that don’t deserve them.



What are some differences between a holy war and the Just War Theory?

…A holy war is a classification of conflict; The Just War Theory is a proposed set of rules to see whether a
conflict is justified. They do not refer to similar things so cannot be compared or contrasted.






Homework 5 –Weapons of Mass Destruction / Victims of War The ethics of modern warfare - Modern warfare
- CCEA - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - CCEA - BBC Bitesize

Briefly explain what each type of weapon is.

Chemical Weapons
A device that contains some form of harmful
substance that kills indiscriminately.

Biological Weapons Similar to chemical weapons, but the substance

used is a virus or bacteria.

Nuclear Weapons
Bombs that use nuclear fission or fusion to cause
an explosion. They are hugely deadly.

The use of Nuclear Weapons

 US Forces used atomic (nuclear) bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during
the Second World War. In response, Japan surrendered, ending the war.
 Some people say that as the atom bombs ended the war, their use was justified.
 Since then, many countries have developed powerful nuclear weapons as a deterrent.
Decide if each of the arguments below is for or against the possession and use of WMDs

For Against
They act as a deterrent to other countries that may want to attack. .
They have the potential to destroy the entire world. .
They are very expensive to build and maintain. .
In the past they stopped wars (e.g. the Hiroshima atomic bomb). .
If other countries have them then the only way to fight is with the same weapons. .

Christian views on using WMDs Buddhist views on using WMDs

Should not be used as they cause huge death tolls Should not be used as they cause huge suffering

Christian views on possessing WMDs Buddhist views on possessing WMDs

Cause people to live in fear, so they are bad

Can be good as they prevent some wars

Victims of War - The victims of war - Modern warfare - CCEA - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - CCEA - BBC Bitesize

Who might be considered a victim of war?

1. …
2. …
3. …Child soldiers

In the second column explain how these teachings might encourage a Christian to want to help victims of

“Love your neighbour” The Parable of the Good They should care for and support all. “Neighbour”
Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is used to describe simply other people.

“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, People should help individuals, small acts of
and you gave me something to drink…” The kindness add up.
Parable of the Sheep and the Goat (Matthew 25)

Why would a Buddhist want to help victims of war? Use the teachings of metta (loving-kindness) and
karuna (compassion) in your response .……A Buddhist would support victims of war. The teachings of
metta and karuna tell them to show kindness and love; there is no better example of those two things than
helping others.………………………………………………………………………………………………….



What do Christian Organisations such as Christian Aid and Caritas do to help victims of war?

Christian Aid
. Give resources to victims
. Help house refugees
. Support refugees financially

. Same as above
Why might a Christian want to work for an organisation like the two above (refer to the teachings

1. …They can support those around them.

2. …They can all but guarantee their place with God in the afterlife
Homework 6 - Pacifism

Explain how the following religious teachings relate to pacifism,

Religious quote Buddhist Does this support pacifism? Can this be used to
Or support fighting?
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for Pacifist
they shall be called children of Christian
God.” Matthew 5:9

“You have heard that it was said Christian Pacifist

“an eye for an eye, and a tooth for
a tooth.” But I tell you, do not resist
any evil person. If someone strikes
you on the right cheek, turn to him
the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39
The 1st Moral Precept “To refrain Pacifist
from harming any sentient being”

“He who has renounced violence Buddhist Pacifist

towards all living beings, weak or
strong, who neither kills not causes
others to kill – him do I call a holy
man” Dhammapada v.405
“But if there is a serious injury you Christian Can be used to support fighting.
are to take life for life, eye for eye,
tooth for tooth.” Exodus 21:23-24
Record at least two arguments to support pacifism and two arguments that suggest it is sometimes
acceptable to fight.

Christian views on Pacifism Buddhist views pacifism

Al Buddhist beliefs point back to pacifism
Some believe pacifism is key
Some do not

Which is the stronger argument – those that support fighting or those that support pacifism? Why?

…………Supporting fighting is stronger, pacifism is a very idealised view, but it rarely is applicable to real
world scenarios.

Optional Exam skills 4 & 5 mark questions PED x 2

Point – Make a clear point towards the question.

Explain – Add a brief explanation to the point you have made.

Develop – Add a little more detail to your explanation.

Example PED paragraph

Explain two similar beliefs about helping victims of war.

Some Christians would say that it is their responsibility to help victims of war because

victims of war have many needs which they will need help and support with i.e. refugees will need
shelter, food and water.

Jesus told the parable of the Sheep and Goats which shows that they should help those who
are in need e.g. victims of war, if they want to get to heaven.

Remember you need to do this twice in both 4 and 5 mark questions. This example would work for a 5
mark question too. There is a teaching (The Parable of Sheep and Goats), who said it (Jesus) and a little of
what it says (help others to get to heaven).

Use the example above to help you to answer the questions below:

Explain two Christian beliefs about the nature of God [4 marks]










Explain two criteria of the Just War Theory [4 marks]









Explain two religious beliefs about weapons of mass destruction [5 marks]









Explain two Christian beliefs about the crucifixion [4 marks]










Optional Homework TRADE C planning sheet- ‘Terrorism can never be justified’ 12 marks

T- Thesis.

What is your line

of argument
R- Reasons.

Give three
detailed reasons
to support your
line of argument

A- Agreement.

Who is going to
agree with your
thesis and
reasons? Why
would they
D- Disagree.

Why would some

people not
support your
argument and

E- Evaluate.

Why are the

opinions of those
who disagree
Make sure that
you refer to their
reason and not
add more of your
own here.
C- Conclusion.

Repeat your
thesis and why
overall do you
still support it?

Remember: You are trying to convince your reader that your thesis is correct and that viewpoints that are
against your thesis are wrong. Remember to evaluate them and show why they are wrong.

Optional Homework Practice 12-mark question

‘The resurrection is more important than the crucifixion’

Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
 Should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement.
 Should give reasoned arguments in support of a different point of view.
 Should refer to Christian teachings.
 Should reach a justified conclusion.
[12 marks]


















































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