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Invocation - SAA
National Anthem - SAA
Introduction of President - SAA

President: Recognize the introduction of guests in the room or Toastmasters that have
been away from the Club for a while

President: Are there any excuses for late or absent members?
(After excuses bang gavel)

President Call on a member not scheduled on the program to sell the Raffle

President: Call on Secretary to Read Minutes from previous meeting


After the secretary have read the minutes:

President: Are there any amendments/corrections to the minutes?

***If there are corrections/no amendments someone moves that the minutes be
accepted as amended/read or corrected. Someone else seconds the

President: It has been moved and seconded that the minutes be accepted as amended/read or
corrected. All in favor please remain seated, those opposed stand, abstentions to
the rear of the room. (Bang gavel) Motion carried!


President: Are there matters arising from the minutes? (If no matters arising…Bang gavel)


President: Committee Reports. Allow Officers and Chairman to present reports. (If no
committee reports…Bang gavel)


President: Communiqué. Allow Secretary to read communiqué. (If no communiqué…Bang



President: Ask members if the . (If no communiqué…Bang gavel)


President: Other Business. Allow members to speak if they have other business. (If no other
business Bang gavel)..You can say ..”this ends our business session”.




President: Are there any Announcements? Allow members to give announcements.. (If no
announcements Bang gavel)..

President: Ask SAA for a total on the fines for the evening. SAA gives the fines. (Bang

President: Ask the raffle seller to give the total on the raffle for the evening. (Bang gavel)..


President: Can I get a Drum roll for the speaker/evaluator of the night



President: Thank the guests for coming to the meeting and ask them to give feedback on
their experience.

President: Can I get a motion for the adjournment please?

***The motion to adorn the meeting is made. Someone else seconds the

President: It has been moved and seconded that this meeting be adjourned until next week Tuesday
at 6:00pm. All in favor remain seated, those opposed stand, abstentions to the rear of the room. (Bang
gavel) Motion carried! Enjoy your evening!

Membership Vice President: At this time, the committee would like to present (state the
# ) new members to the Club

President: Instruct the Sergeant-At-Arms to escort all guests out of the

room, explaining the reason to the guests present.***

Membership Vice President: Mr./Madame President, the membership committee met

and interviewed ____ prospective members.
**A report is presented on each candidate**

Mr./Madame President, I move that _____________ be accepted as the newest member of Club 7178.
Someone else seconds the motion.

President: It has been moved and seconded that ________________

be accepted as the newest member of Club 7178. We will
now go into discussion of the candidate. Mr./Madame
Timer, please allow 2 minutes on the clock for discussion
on each prospective member.

***To cease debate, someone moves the previous question.

Someone else seconds that motion.***

President: It has been moved and seconded that we move the previous
question. All in favor please remain seated, those opposed stand,
abstentions to the rear of the room. (Bang gavel) Motion carried!

Now we are back to the main motion. It was moved that

________________ be accepted as the newest member of Club
7178. You have heard persons speak on behalf of this person, and
now it’s time to vote.

All in favor of __________________ being accepted as the newest member of Club

7178 remain seated, those opposed stand, abstentions at the rear of the room. (Bang

gavel) Motion carried! _______________ is now the newest member of Club 7178.

(If the allotted time is up, there is no need for a member to move the previous question. You can say…
we will now vote on this
prospective member)


“Fellow Toastmasters, I’m pleased to have the occasion today to induct [number] new members
into the [Club name] Toastmasters Club. Individuals come to Toastmasters to improve their
communication and leadership skills. We have the opportunity to help them achieve their goals. I ask
our new members to come forward and join me at the lectern. Please withhold your applause until
the ceremony is completed.”

[Inducting Officer calls each new member forward by name.]

“The mentors for these new members are: [names of mentors] . Please come forward and stand next
to your mentees.”

PRESIDENT [to new members]:

“ [Address new members by name] , our collective obligation in the Toastmasters Club is to grow
and improve ourselves and to share our knowledge and experience with fellow members. We ask
you, our new members, to dedicate yourselves to personal growth, to share this great gift with your
fellow members, and to help keep this Toastmasters Club strong and dynamic. Please face your
fellow members and affirm your membership pledge.”

NEW MEMBERS’ PLEDGE: [Remind new members to read from the script provided.]
“I, [name]_, in the presence of my fellow members of the Healing
Communicators Toastmasters Club 7178, make this firm obligation to attend meetings regularly
and prepare fully for each assignment, to apply myself to the program outlined in the
Toastmasters manuals, to participate actively in club activities, to evaluate others in a positive,
constructive manner, to build open, friendly relationships with my fellow members, and to bring
other new members into the Club so that they can also gain the benefits of Toastmasters.”

“Would all Club members please stand and repeat our Club’s pledge to its new members?

CLUB MEMBERS’ PLEDGE [Remind current members to read from the script provided.]
“We, the members of the Healing Communicators Toastmasters Club, pledge to support
you in your quest for self-development, to provide you with positive, helpful evaluations, to

maintain a friendly, supportive atmosphere, to give you opportunities to help others, and
to make your Toastmasters membership a rewarding and fulfilling experience.”

[You ask mentors to place a membership pin on each new member and hands each new member a
Toastmasters membership certificate. Inducting officer leads applause, then asks new members to
return to

Committee Chairman: The committee for speaker / evaluator / toastmaster met and (report is
presented). Mr./Madame President, I move that TM______________ be
accepted as S/E/T of the _____th quarter. Someone else seconds the

President: The committee has brought forth the name TM___________ as S/E/T of
the ____th quarter. Are there any nominations from the floor?

***If there are none, someone must move that nominations be closed under the said name.
Someone else seconds the motion.***

President: It has been moved that nominations be closed under the said name of
TM___________. All in favor, remain seated, those opposed stand,
abstentions at the rear of the room. Motion carried!

Mr./Madame Secretary, please cast one vote under the said name of

***Then officially announce to the club that TM____________ has been

voted as S/E/T of the _____th quarter.

If there are nominations from the floor…….

President: Are there any nominations from the floor?

***Members can nominate freely once the persons called fit the criteria. Committee
chairman/secretary can verify. Once nominations are done, someone must close nominations
under the said names.***

President: It has been moved and seconded that nominations be closed under the said
names of (repeat the names). All in favor remain seated, those opposed
stand, abstentions at the back of the room. Motion carried!

President: Open the floor for a two minute discussion on each nominee.

*** allow 2 minutes for each person Call for the committee’s
recommendation last***

President: It’s time to vote. All those in favor of Tm______ as spkr/eval/Tm of the
____ qtr, please raise your right hand. (continue with this until, you have
voted for each candidate.

***Have the SAA and SEC count and verify votes***

President: TM____________ has been elected as S/E/T of the ______th quarter.

the member!!!

***Immediate Past President/Chairman of the Nominating Committee will present their report to the
membership of the club and state which candidate they are presenting for each respective position.***

***He/She will then say: “Mr./Madame President the committee brings forth the name TM
____________ as President

President: The committee nominates TM ____________ as President, are there

nominations from the floor?

***If there are no nominations from the floor, someone moves that nominations be closed under the
said name. The motion is seconded.***

It has been moved and seconded that nominations be closed under the said name of
TM______________. All in favor remain seated, those opposed stand, abstentions to the rear of the
room. Motion carried!

Mr./Madame Secretary please cast one vote under the said name of TM______________.
TM_______________ is now the President elect/new President of Club 7178.

If there are nominations from the floor…….

President: Are there any nominations from the floor? (Ask at least three times)

***Members are allowed to nominate persons they feel are suitable for the position from the floor.
Once you are satisfied that this process is complete then someone moves that nominations be closed
under the said names. Someone else seconds the motion.***

President: It has been moved and seconded that nominations be closed under the said names of
TMs _______________. All in favor remain seated, those opposed stand, abstentions to the rear of the
room. (Bang gavel) Motion carried!

For the Office of President we will allow each candidate to speak for 2-3 minutes (begin with those
candidates that were nominated from the floor. (make sure Timer is prepared to time speeches)

Once the speeches are completed:

President: We will now go into discussions for each candidate. (For Presidential candidates, allow
up to 3 minutes). Leave the committees recommendation for last.

President: Now for the vote. Instruct members to mark their ballots and turn them into who ever
is designated to collect. You may need tow people to collect ballots). All abbots are given directly to
you. As you open each ballot, say the last name of the candidate aloud…do this until all ballots have
been accounted for.

(Have the ballot counter and secretary count and verify votes after you are done).

President: TM________________ is now the President elect/new President of Club 7178.

Continue this script for all remaining candidates.

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