Pre-Reading Questions Strategies 22 and 24

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German Emmanuel Solis Reyes

Imperial Valley Campus

June 24th, of 2017
1. Describe your understanding of higher order thinking. (Are there different levels of thinking?)
I understand that students have different ways of thinking. Some of them have barriers of knowledge and
acquire what they think is more important to remember.

1. What are some of the pros and cons of increased student autonomy in the classroom?
They have their own freedom to choose how to learn. For example divisions, there are many types of
resolving a division. A student can choose their own way of solving a division, they don’t have to follow
the instructions or the way a teacher wants them to do, as long as the solution is correct.

If we let students have their autonomy to learn in classroom they can successfully develop, we only need
to be the facilitator of knowledge.

2. What types of hands-on activities do you incorporate for your students? How do they respond?
Some of hands on activities I use in class are the:
Cuttable Alphabet: In this activity, kids have to form different words with a cuttable alphabet.

Memory game: In this activity, students have to match words with their picture that symbolizes its

1- List two of the benefits that students acquire by becoming aware of cognates?
It is easier for students to find pattern words when they are trying to speak English language.

2- Can cognates be incorporated throughout the curriculum or only in one area?

It can be used in all the curriculum of language.

3- If the teacher uses cognate words, in the student's native language and in a positive manner, will
this foster learning? If so, how?
A little bit, I don’t like to do it, sometimes students get used to it. Many times I give help students to
cognate words in their native language, and students continue asking me for the same word instead of
striving to learn it. Students need to have the necessity to speak English language, I don’t know if I am
doing well, but I don’t let students speak their native language in English class.

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