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free electricity, water, health services,

Legitimate versus health insurance, canteens, rations, wash-
ing machines, houses, tablets, phones,
Distortionary Freebies laptops, televisions, grinders, bicycles,
transportation, etc.
Freebies can be classified into two
Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Atul Sarma broad categories: (i) legitimate freebies
and (ii) distortionary freebies. The for-

This article argues that based n the course of a recent hearing of a mer category comprises those which are
on constitutional provisions public interest litigation seeking the in conformity with the letter and spirit
Election Commission of India to issue of the Constitution. The latter comprises
and prudent fiscal management
directions to prevent political parties those which are not in conformity with
principles, freebies can be from announcing distribution of freebies the sound principles of prudent fiscal
classified into two broad before polls, the Supreme Court of India management and rather distorts resource
categories, namely legitimate had observed: allocation. When considered in this per-
This (freebies) has to be controlled. How it is spective, the current concerns should
freebies and distortionary going to be done needs to be examined. relate to the second category.
freebies. Legitimate freebies The Court added that the government, as Subsidies and cash transfers that are
have a significant positive impact well as institutions like the NITI Aayog, primarily meant to remove poverty and
on the well-being of vulnerable finance commission, Law Commission of inequality and promote inclusive growth
India, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and in the country are part of social security
sections of the population. In
opposition parties have to be involved in programmes that should be treated as
contrast, distortionary freebies brainstorming on the problem of free- legitimate freebies. Distortionary free-
have an adverse impact on fiscal bies and come up with constructive solu- bies would cover all those government
health, resource utilisation, and tions. The Court also directed the politi- payments that distort resource alloca-
cal parties to make suggestions for the tion, including various perks to legisla-
resource allocation and can
composition of a panel which would ex- tors, bank recapitalisation due to non-
distort economic development. amine the ways to resolve the issue of performing assets of banks, several types
freebies. The Prime Minister has also of revenue forgone by the union govern-
expressed his anguish over the issue by ment year after year, debt waiver, various
saying that the spread of “free revdi cul- types of subsidies like fertiliser and power
ture” is dangerous for economic develop- subsidy and cash transfers such as Prime
ment. Others like the RBI, bureaucrats, Minister’s Kisan Samman Nidhi, Telan-
media and economists have also expres- gana’s Rythu Bandhu, Odisha’s Krushak
sed concern over the use of populist po- Assistance for Livelihood and Income
litical announcements during elections Augmentation (Kalia), are all part of
as an instrument to influence voters. the “free revdi” culture.
Obviously, the recent financial crisis in The genesis of legitimate freebies can
Sri Lanka, where distribution of freebies be traced to the concept of “welfare state.”
was a major issue, might have also Freebies from the government owe its
prompted this widespread concern over legitimacy in the preamble of the Indian
the spread of freebies and the need to Constitution which prescribes that state
develop a mechanism to regulate them will “secure to all its citizens justice—
and to limit any distortions in resource al- social, economic and political.” Articles
location that adversely affect growth. 38 and 39 of the Constitution under the
The Cambridge Dictionary defines directive principles of state policy fur-
“freebies” as ther make it explicit: Article 38(1) states:
something that is given to you without you hav- “The State shall strive to promote the
ing to pay for it, especially as a way of attract- welfare of the people ….” and sub-clause
ing your support for or interest in something. (2) provides: “The State shall in particu-
It clearly highlights the nature and ob- lar strive to minimise the inequalities in
Akhilesh Kumar Sharma (aksbhu2608@gmail.
com) is an assistant professor at the Institute jectives of all kinds of freebies offered by income ...” And Article 39 states:
for Studies in Industrial Development, New an individual, a group, an organisation
The State shall, in particular, direct its
Delhi. Atul Sarma ( or a political party. In electoral politics, policy towards securing (a) that the citi-
is a distinguished professor at the Council for freebies are offered to lure voters. In India, zens have the right to an adequate means
Social Development, New Delhi.
there are wide range of freebies, including of livelihood; ...

Economic & Political Weekly EPW october 22, 2022 vol lVii no 43 17

Clearly, therefore, freebies in the form of empower them. Similarly, free food or issues are sidelined. In recent elections,
subsidies and income transfers, particu- income transfer make the people depen- freebies (such as food, electricity, gas
larly legitimate ones, have legal sanction. dent on these schemes which might even cylinders, income transfers to farmers,
The need for expanding the role of the reduce their willingness to work and earn etc) have played a significant role in win-
legitimate category of freebies arises income. In contrast, free education, free ning elections. In this process, other im-
essentially from the failure of the coun- skill generation and free health services portant issues (such as health, educa-
try’s development policy to empower empower people. Employment schemes tion, employment, etc) have been ignor-
and provide means of livelihood to a like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural ed. We do not raise questions on the
large section of population. While the Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) wisdom of the voters. But it reflects the
distortionary freebies could be inter- programme create assets in the rural preferences of voters over key issues.
preted as legal, these are required to be areas while generating income for the The main reasons behind such prefer-
scrutinised more in the framework of poor. Therefore, there is a need to ences by voters could be traced to the
prudent fiscal management, morality design freebies that empower people rise in relative wealth inequality in the
and socio-economic implications. and enhance their capabilities while at economy and in people’s aspiration to
In the light of the above discussion, the same time also take care of their quickly copy socio-economic behaviour
one can argue that the current debate/ basic needs. of the affluent classes of society influ-
concerns should be restricted to the free- enced by advertisement and the media.
bies which are of a distortionary nature. Political Economy of Freebies Under emotive response to real life chal-
Apart from diverting attention from fail- lenges, people fail to understand the
Freebies versus Empowerment ure of governance and dousing people’s long-term role of goods and services that
It is important to recognise that all free- anger, freebies generate a new political empower them and enhance their capa-
bies do not empower people. With free constituency—beneficiary—for the politi- bilities, and they are attracted towards
power, for instance, farmers earn profits cal parties. Beneficiaries vote for the party short-term benefits of goods and services
through reduction in cost, but it does not that offers them more freebies and thus offered to them as freebies. Political parties
enable them to find ways to survive generates a competition among political intelligently exploit the emotive response/
without free electricity. Thus, it does not parties. In this process, key developmental behaviour of the common masses. It

EPWRF India Time Series

Rural India Statistics
The following 14 subject modules of EPWRF India Time Series (EPWRF ITS) online database contain data
series relating to the rural sector in India:

¾ Price Indices ¾ Wage Rates in Rural India

¾ Consumption Expenditure Statistics ¾ Annual Survey of Industries
¾ Employment Statistics ¾ Banking Statistics
¾ Labour Statistics ¾ Health Statistics
¾ Economic Census ¾ Educational Statistics
¾ Agricultural Statistics ¾ Environment Statistics
¾ Agricultural Wages in India ¾ Telecom Statistics

The EPWRF ITS has 28 modules covering a range of macroeconomic, financial and social sector indicators on the Indian economy.

EPWRF India Time Series is an e-ShodhSindhu consortium approved online database.


18 october 22, 2022 vol lVii no 43 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

also helps political parties to divert the These facts indicate that the growth create demand in the economy by enh-
attention of the people from failure of model adopted through economic ref- ancing purchasing power of the benefi-
governance and development. orms in the 1990s has been successful in ciaries who belong to the poorer seg-
In a parliamentary democracy like generating high growth and making the ment of the society. It can be argued
ours, political parties have to face election country one of the fastest-growing econ- therefore that a well-designed scheme of
at every five-yearly intervals. Parties omies in the world. But it has failed to “freebies” like the above can not only
compete with each other to announce reduce inequality and achieve inclusive provide social security but also generate
freebies irrespective of whether they are growth. Such a scenario calls for provid- positive macro effects in terms of inc-
legitimate or distortionary to divert att- ing social security so to support the ome, output, and employment generation.
ention of people from the real issues and weaker sections of society and promote
get their votes. One can even argue that inclusive growth. Free rations, subsidies, Implications for Fiscal
the political class has developed vested employment programmes and income Management
interest in keeping the poor and the transfers are a few such policy measures The potential source of fiscal risk for
marginalised perennially dependent on that come under legitimate freebies. India is that its tax–GDP ratio at 18% is
freebies so to keep them vulnerable to the lowest among the major emerging
the lure of freebies poll after poll. Possi- Impact on Inclusive Growth economies where they range from 22%
bly, “freebies” are the price of failure to There is no study which has assessed the to 28%. Similarly, lacunae in tax admin-
ensure development and acts as a safety overall impact of freebies. However, there istration has pushed up tax arrears to
valve to douse the people’s anger over it. are a few studies that have assessed the `6.6 lakh crore in the union budget for
impact of social protection programmes 2020–21. Similarly, states registered dec-
Need for Legitimate Freebies like the MGNREGA, Prime Minister Awas lining own tax revenues because they
As per the World Inequality Report 2022, Yojana (PMAY), National Social Assis- lost tax manoeuvrability following the
income and wealth inequalities have been tance Programme (NSAP). The MGNREGA subsummation of its various taxes into one
increasing in the world since the 1980s is welfare programme—a self-targeting single goods and services tax (GST). Yet
following economic reforms promoting employment scheme in rural areas. The there has been a large increase in govern-
liberalisation and privatisation. Countries NSAP is a pension scheme for old, disa- ment expenditure with growing alloca-
such as India have experienced spectac- bled, and widows—a type of cash trans- tions for distribution of “freebies,” re-
ular increase in inequality (Chancel et al fer to the weaker section of the society. launching of old pension scheme by some
2022). The pandemic-induced global re- The PMAY aims to construct houses for states, relief during natural disasters,
cession has further worsened the situa- the poor—a type of transfer in kind to realisation of government guarantees
tion and created new inequalities among the poor. In general, these schemes rep- extended to state-owned enterprises and
cohorts of young people (IMF 2021). The resent different types of freebies. rising dues of loss-making power distri-
distribution of free rations and other so- A study evaluating the economic imp- bution companies (RBI 2022). The new
cial protection measures during the pan- act of these programmes has clearly risks have resulted in rising expenditure
demic could save millions from extreme brought out that the expenditure under on distortionary freebies, expanding con-
poverty and destitution. these programmes has significant imp- tingent liabilities and the ballooning over-
The ICE360 Survey 2021 data show act on income, output, gross domestic dues to power distribution companies.
that the all-India average household in- product (GDP), and employment genera- “Freebies” expenses are revenue exp-
come increased by 8% from 2016 to 2021 tion through multiplier effect resulting enditure. Revenue deficit is a major com-
and the total personal disposable income from inter-sectoral linkages (Sharma et ponent of fiscal deficit. Both the union
of all Indian households rose by 19%. al 2016). Some other studies relating to and state governments have revenue
But the poorest 20% and the next quin- social protection programmes (Sharma deficits that are funded by borrowing.
tile class suffered a heavy income loss, et al 2015, 2017) have also arrived at sim- For example, in 2021–22, the union gov-
while the top quintile class have gained ilar findings. Interestingly, around one- ernments’ fiscal deficit was 6.8% while
enormously as can be seen from Table 1. fifth of the expenses on these progra- the revenue deficit was 4.4% accounting
mme goes back to government as tax for 64.7% of the fiscal deficit. This means
Table 1: Variation in Annual Household Income
between 2016 and 2021 (at 2011–12 Prices) revenue. More important, these expenses the revenue deficit has to be funded by
Population Slabs Based on per Capita Income Per Cent Change borrowing causing a ballooning fiscal
Table 2: Macroeconomic Impact of Expenditure
Q1 Poorest 20% -53 under MGNREGA, PMAY, and NSAP (%)
Q2 Lower middle 20% -32 Macroeconomic Iindicator Total Impact of Expenditure under
Q3 Middle 20% -9 MGNREGA, PMAY, and NSAP
Output effect 2.81
Q4 Upper middle 20% +7 available at
Q5 Richest 20% +39 Income effect 1.77
Households income effect 1.64
Forum Book House
All-India average household income 8 170/1, Rastreeya Vidyalaya Road
Total personal disposal income of Revenue effect 0.18
all-India household +19 Employment effect 9.12 million
Bengaluru 560 001
Source: ICE 360 data, Source: Sharma et al (2016).

Economic & Political Weekly EPW october 22, 2022 vol lVii no 43 19

deficit which is the measure of borrow- global average of 60% and it has even if the schemes are imaginatively de-
ing. When revenue deficit is covered by declined to some extent. So, the ques- signed like in the case of the MGNREGA.
borrowing, interest, which is a part of tion is whether freebies and other social The other category which can be
revenue expenditure needs to be paid. security measures enabling the labour to called distortionary freebies have been
With an increase in interest, revenue meet their survival, have played a role in ballooning because of the political par-
expenditure also increases. The revenue the decline in labour force participation ties seeking support to capture or re-
receipt remaining unchanged, the revenue rate. There is a strong case for studying main in power. This class of freebies has
deficit rises to that extent. Therefore, whether freebies have an impact on adverse impact on fiscal health, resource
“freebies” may create a vicious cycle of labour force participation rate. utilisation, and resource allocation and
poor fiscal management if it is not man- indeed is dangerous for economic devel-
aged properly. Ethics—Morality and Values opment as claimed by the Prime Minis-
The state’s fiscal conditions are also Accepting a “freebie” can also be a moral/ ter. This is the class of freebies that need
deteriorating because of the growing ethical question. However, this question great attention. If a panel of experts is
stress. With several state taxes being has been less researched. In our person- appointed, its terms of reference should
subsumed in GST, states are left with less al interactions with MGNREGA workers, include the following measures: (i) to
fiscal flexibility to plan and start new de- some of the workers mentioned that get- identify freebies schemes which are dis-
velopment projects after financing the ting payment for the work done under tortionary in nature and (ii) indicate
“freebies.” Therefore, announcements and the employment scheme is a matter of how best to eliminate/minimise these
implementation of “freebies” need a pride. It is neither free nor a dole. It gives schemes. In our view, more than any
careful fiscal assessment both at the them self-respect. Though it cannot be panels, it is the political class which has
level of the union and the states. generalised for lack of any serious stu- to be aware of the pernicious impact of
dies, the virtue of perceiving them as a competitive freebies on the economy
Resource Utilisation reward for work in contrast to the “free- and, if it is possible at all, arrive at a con-
Freebies, in the form of free power and bies” could be made out from the anec- sensus to eliminate distortionary free-
water in general, lead to overexploita- dotal evidence. bies as instruments to lure voters. They
tion or misutilisation of resources. For should rather compete among them-
example, provision of free electricity Wrapping Up selves to design schemes that empower
increases its consumption. Electricity is We have argued that “freebies” are not and enhance capabilities of the poor and
consumed inefficiently. Farmers over- illegal. Therefore, it is essentially a poli- the marginalised.
exploit groundwater which leads to tical issue and does not really come
groundwater depletion and land degra- within the domain of judiciary. We have
Chancel, L, T Piketty, E Saez, G Zucman, et al
dation. It is also argued that such dis- also argued that freebies, should be divi- (2022): “World Inequality Report,” World Ine-
tortionary freebies have led to growing ded into legitimate freebies, the need for quality Lab.
water-intensive crops, such as rice and which largely arises from the failure of IMF (2021): “Inequality in the Time of COVID-19,”
sugar cane even in the water-scarce are- development policy and poor governance. 2021/06/pdf/inequality-and-covid-19-ferreira.
as. Such misallocation of resources are Growth has bypassed a large section of pdf.
RBI (2022): “State Finances: A Risk Analysis,” RBI
clearly suboptimal choices. population and failed to promote inclu- Bulletin, June, Mumbai: Reserve Bank of India.
At another level, free or highly sub- sive growth and empower people with Sharma, A K, Atul Sarma, C Kaur and D Tayal
(2017): “Macro-economic Impact of MGNREGA
sidised power has led to accumulation of adequate access to health and education in India: An Analysis in CGE Modelling Frame-
losses by power distribution companies. but led to a hugely skewed income distri- work,” PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy)
Working Paper 2017–11.
The state government, which has res- bution. The NITI Aayog’s estimate of multi- Sharma, A K, M R Saluja and Atul Sarma (2015):
cued the loss-making power distribution dimensional poverty in 2021 has placed “Economic Impact of Social Protection Pro-
grammes in India: An Illustrative Exercise in
companies, has been burdened with the poor at 25.1%. We have shown that SAM Framework,” SARNET Working Paper
huge debt. legitimate freebies, apart from augment- No 1/2015.
ing the well-being of the beneficiaries, — (2016): “Macroeconomic Impact of Social Pro-
tection Programmes in India,” Economic & Po-
Implications on Labour Market could also have a positive macro impact litical Weekly, Vol 51, No 24, pp 121–26.
Food, clothing, and shelter are the three
basic needs of people which motivate EPW Index
them to work and earn money. “Free-
bies” such as free or subsidised foods or An author-title index for EPW has been prepared for the years from 1968 to 2012. The PDFs
of the Index have been uploaded, year-wise, on the EPW website. Visitors can download the
direct income transfer may weaken
Index for all the years from the site. (The Index for a few years is yet to be prepared and will be
one’s willingness to work and earn mon-
uploaded when ready.)
ey as food comprises around 45% of the
EPW would like to acknowledge the help of the staff of the library of the Indira Gandhi Institute
cost of the consumption basket. Labour
of Development Research, Mumbai, in preparing the index under a project supported by the
force participation rate in India is one of
RD Tata Trust.
the lowest, at around 49% as against the
20 october 22, 2022 vol lVii no 43 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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