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The ‘capacity to witness’
- a meta capability unique to homo sapiens

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In pairs…

My work is most fulfilling when…

…but I could live without….

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Stack # 1: Six breaths
• Inhale smoothly for a count of two
• Exhale gently & smoothly for a count
of four
• If 2-4 feels too short, try 4 in & 6
• …or 6 in & 8 out
6 Breaths
• Repeat for six breaths
• Don’t push yourself!
• Target breathing rate is about 5 per
• …but don’t become goal obsessed
(!): the key is that the exhale is longer
than the inhale (ideally 2:1)
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Stack # 2: ‘Seat & feet’
• ‘Drop your attention’ to your feet
• Simply notice any sensations in the toes
or feet – hot , cold, tingling – just notice
• Feel the feet in contact with the ground
• Now bring your attention to your ‘seat’
• Notice where your behind is in contact
‘Seat & Feet’ with the chair
• Be aware of your clothing in contact with
your thighs and legs
• Notice how gravity is holding you to the
• Let go!
• Don’t visualise – notice!
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Stack # 3: Basic attention training

• Follow your breath in & out

• Find where you notice it most
(tip of nose, abdomen etc.)
• When you lose attention,
Attention to Breath simply note it and return to
the breath
• Be kind & non-judgmental –
EVERYONE loses focus
• Noticing you’ve lost focus IS
the practice!

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“Basic Attention Training”

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In pairs
• Decide who is ‘Person A’ and who is ‘Person B’
• Person A will share answers to the questions
for 2 minutes
• Person B will listen SILENTLY, without
• Then we’ll switch, and PERSON B will talk for
2 minutes
• And PERSON A will listen SILENTLY, without

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Pairs: Listening

• What was the practice like for you?

• I came here today because...

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• Your name and role

• Six words to describe what you
want to get from this program

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Ground rules

• Mobile phones
• Time keeping
• Confidentiality

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Program objectives
In this program we will:
• explore the science of emotions and emotional
• examine the Genos model of emotional intelligence,
• review feedback about our emotionally intelligent
leadership behaviour, and
• explore and practise a set of mindfulness techniques as
the gateway to enhancing your emotional intelligence
and leadership effectiveness.

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‘In the beginner’s mind there are
many possibilities, in the
expert’s mind there are few’.


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Emotional intelligence and

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What is an An emotion is a
emotion? complex
psychological state
that involves three
distinct components:

• a subjective experience
• a physiological response,
• a behavioural or
expressive response

(Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2007) Game changing for business. Life changing for people. © Genos International 15
Emotional intelligence – A practical definition

“Emotional Intelligence is about making

intelligent responses to negative emotions and
using the competencies of the Genos model to
generate positive emotions in self and others
through being, present, empathetic, genuine,
resilient and empowering in our behaviour as
often as possible.”

- Ben Palmer (CEO, Genos International)


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Emotionally intelligent leadership competencies

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Your assessment results

• Results reflect how well

you demonstrate EI
workplace behaviour

• Results do not reflect your

actual EQ or innate level of
emotional intelligence

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Insights from your results
• How often you demonstrate emotionally intelligent
workplace behaviour is influenced by:
– Your personal context
– Culture
– Nature
– Nurture
– Motivation
– Relationships

• Consider these factors to help you interpret your

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The validity of your results

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The assessment
• Measures how important it is to your direct
reports/colleagues, that you demonstrate
emotionally intelligent leadership competencies

• Measures how well you demonstrate the

competencies of the model in comparison to
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• The rectangles represent the
scores achieved by the middle 50%
of the Genos benchmark group

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The report

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Your Development Tips workbook

• General tips on how to

develop each competency
of EI

• Specific tips for each

emotionally intelligent
behaviour in the

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1 2

Things that are clear and Things you didn’t expect but
don’t surprise you. are clear.

Things that surprise you and
aren’t clear.

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Individual activity – insight from
your results
• Insights
• Actions
• Questions

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Assessment review
• You are about to receive your personal
assessment results
• Find a quiet spot and read through your report
• Capture key insights
• Highlight both strengths and opportunities for
• I will be available to answer any questions that you
have about your results and how to read your

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Small group activity
• Organise yourselves into groups of 2-3 people
• Share key insights (if comfortable doing so)
• Do not share your actual report
• Ask each other questions about these insights
and any actions you are thinking of taking –
adopt a peer/coach approach
• 3 x rounds of 5 minutes

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“People leave people”
“An employee may join an organisation
because of its prestige and reputation but
it’s the relationship with their immediate
manager that determines how long they
stay and how productive they are.

Honesty, trust, respect, and the ability to

influence and inspire the people on your
team ae the hallmarks of great
- Marcus Buckingham

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Developing your emotionally
intelligent leadership behaviour

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Self awareness is the gateway to
emotional intelligence…

…and mindfulness is the gateway

to self awareness…

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What is mindfulness?

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Add these numbers out loud
30 ≠ 5,000
10 …exercise originated by Prof. Ellen Langer
Add these numbers out loud
40 1040
1,000 2040
30 2070
1,000 3070
20 3090
1,000 4090
10 4100
…exercise originated by Prof. Ellen Langer
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Everyday mindlessness
• Mizuho Securities Co., December 2005
– Typo: Single share price of 610,000 yen emailed as
610,000 shares for 1 yen– a loss of $340M in a day
• Barron’s (financial magazine)
– Editor accidently emailed the entire company about yet-to-
be-announced layoffs
– Roslyn Learmond, ‘test’ email sent to 1.2m NHS
– 150 recipients hit 'reply all' to complain!
– 186 million 'needless' emails were sent within a few hours
– Paralysed NHS systems

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47% Average time spent

Leaders report
70% regularly unable to be
attentive in meetings

Regularly make time

2% to enhance personal
Mindfulness definition

• Systematic cultivation of awareness

including self-awareness, that is…

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Mindfulness definition

… intentional…

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Mindfulness definition

… non judgemental…

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Mindfulness definition

… in the present moment…

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Mindfulness: Another definition

Mindfulness is BEING in the here and now,

being present, being mindful.

It is NOT being lost in thought, distracted, or

overwhelmed by difficult emotions.

- Andy Puddicombe

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Critical Point #1:

No matter what you’re doing, you’re doing it

either mindfully or mindlessly

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Critical Point #2:

Studies into the benefits of mindfulness show

great improvements in: competence, creativity,
psychological wellbeing, health and engagement

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Focus and attention: Its critical
role in business

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Mindfulness is all about attention…and where we
CHOOSE to FOCUS it at any moment in time

In a busy business environment it’s about

choosing our distractions

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“At any moment, the only true certainty is our ability to
pay attention to one thing or another – something in
our body, in our mind, or in our surroundings.

What are you giving your attention to in this moment?

Whatever you’re paying attention to is by definition

your highest priority right now – do you want to assign
that thing the highest priority in your life (even for a
little while)?”

- Dr. Jack Bennett

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"Understanding and managing
attention is now the single
most important determinant of
business success"
Thomas H. Davenport, Director & John C. Beck, Senior Research Fellow - Accenture Institute for Strategic Change

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Lunch break

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Afternoon agenda
• Explore five more mindfulness practices
designed to help us develop greater levels of
self awareness and self management
• Explore best practice approaches to
responding to feedback
• Examine ways of integrating the mindfulness
practices covered on this program to your

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So how does one develop

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Lots of ways to achieve it
• It’s uncomplicated (but not easy)
• It’s just stopping and paying attention
– Listen
– Feel
– Observe
– Non-Judgmentally
• While you walk, drive, talk, listen, eat…
• It’s like building a muscle

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Brain training

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Paths to mindfulness

• The mind
• The body
• The mind and the body

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Mindful meditation process
• Reduce stress
• Improve focus Follow
Attention is:
• Increase attention • Focused
• Open
• Calm

Attentional Distraction
Attention is:
Attitude: • Ruminating
• From self-critical • Worrying
• to kind / curious • Fantasising
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Paths to mindfulness
• The mind
• The body (‘Seat & feet’)
• The mind and the body

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Paths to mindfulness
• The mind
• The body
• The mind and the body

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What did you notice?

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Stack # 4: Attention training
- Using mind & body
• Core focus / attention
Attention to Breath
• Promote calm & settles
Set an Intention thoughts
• Can be done sitting,
“Seat & Feet” standing, walking
6 Breaths • Can be done with open or
closed eyes
With an intention, there is no required
result—we are simply connecting to our • Intention prevents goal
chosen course. orientation from derailing the
“I’m just going to practice, and see what
happens.” practice
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And the

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Mindful meditation process
• Reduce stress
• Improve focus Follow
Attention is:
• Increase attention • Focused
• Open
• Calm

Attentional Distraction
Attention is:
Attitude: • Ruminating
• From self-critical • Worrying
• to kind / curious • Fantasising
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the breath

Hasenkamp et al. Neuroimage (2012) 59:750-760

Ricard et al. Scientific American (2014) 311:38-45
from breath

Hasenkamp et al. Neuroimage (2012) 59:750-760

Ricard et al. Scientific American (2014) 311:38-45
Mind wandering
‘Mind-wandering is an excellent predictor of people's
happiness,’ Killingsworth says.

‘In fact, how often our minds leave the present and where
they tend to go is a better predictor of our happiness than
the activities in which we are engaged.’

…analysis conducted by the researchers suggested that

their subjects' mind-wandering was generally the cause,
not the consequence, of their unhappiness.”

Killingsworth and Gilbert,

Game changing for business. Life changing for people. © Genos International 71

Hasenkamp et al. Neuroimage (2012) 59:750-760

Ricard et al. Scientific American (2014) 311:38-45

Hasenkamp et al. Neuroimage (2012) 59:750-760

Ricard et al. Scientific American (2014) 311:38-45
the breath

Hasenkamp et al. Neuroimage (2012) 59:750-760

Ricard et al. Scientific American (2014) 311:38-45
Distracted Distraction
from breath awareness

Following the Regaining

breath attentional

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Cortical growth

Lazar et al. Neuroreport (2005) 16:1893-1897

The science of emotions
In the space below, write down as many Using the feelings words list prompt, write
feelings you can recall experiencing during down as many feelings you can recall
the last 24 hours. experiencing during the last 24 hours.

Total number recalled: Total number recalled:

Total number of productive:

Total number of unproductive:

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The science of emotions

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The 24-hour emotions activity
• The number in the first column of the table
represents your level of emotional
awareness over the last 24 hours
• You should now have a ‘negative-positive
ratio’ for the last 24 hours
• This ratio gives you a window into your
decisions, behaviour and performance
over this period

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The science of emotions

Emotions influence…

Decisions Behaviour Performance

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Application discussion
• Capture answers to the reflective
questions in your workbook

• Share with colleagues in your group

• Be prepared to discuss with the group

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Stack # 5: The ‘purposeful pause’
• To re-establish presence &
• To calm before / after a key
6 Breaths event
– Presentation
‘Seat & Feet’ – Critical call
– Tough meeting
• Use it every time you think
‘what next?’

“…co-opt those in-between moments to just focus on what’s happening or focus on your breath
… a great way to boost the muscle of focus” - Dan Harris, author ‘10% Happier’

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Practice: ‘The purposeful pause’

• Ring the bell at a random time in

the next hour
• Pass the bell to next person to
• When to ring?
– NOT during exercise!
– When things seem ‘sleepy’
– If anyone seems tense
– If you need a ‘time out’
– Any time ‘the fancy grabs you’!

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Stack # 6: Relaxing the body to observe emotions

• Great for relaxation, but that’s a side

Body Scan benefit…
• Develops emotional awareness
Attention to Breath • Get in touch with emotions physically
• Let go of feelings having to ‘get stuff done’
Set an Intention • Releases pent-up emotions
• Trains attention…
‘Seat & Feet’
• …from narrow (big toe) to wide (whole body)
6 Mindful Breaths

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Self management

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Fear Stimulus



Fear Response

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The ‘revving’ amygdala

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What is self management?

Self-Management is about managing one’s own mood

and emotions, time and behaviour, and continuously
improving oneself.

This skill helps people be resilient and manage high

work demands and stress rather than being
temperamental at work.

The Center for Creative Leadership

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The science of emotions

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‘Resilience is defined as an individual’s ability to adapt to stress and
adversity. Your level of resilience is defined as your capacity to bounce
back from a negative experience to your normal state of functioning.
Resilience is not a trait or ability you either have or don’t have. Although
levels of resilience differ from person to person, everyone is resilient and
can improve their level of resilience. Resilience is typically enhanced by
systematically engaging in activities or techniques that help facilitate
good physical and mental health. Highly resilient people do experience
negative emotions and thoughts and aren’t always optimistic. They are
however, able to effectively balance negative emotions with positive
ones, and make effective responses to emotions’.

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Stack # 7: Dealing with triggers

• Re-purpose ‘purposeful pause’

Respond Under
Control • Key objective: slow everything down
• Create Frankl’s gap
6 Mindful Breaths
• Allow time for the frontal cortex to
‘Seat & Feet’ catch-up
• Respond vs. react

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6 breaths:
The science

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Stack # 8: ‘Stop & drop’ to manage emotions

‘Sit with’ Difficult

Emotions • Powerful intervention in difficult times
Short Body Scan • Identifying physiological markers of
particular emotions
Set an Intention • Learning to label and ‘be with’ difficult
Attention to Breath • Normalising not feeling good all the
‘Seat & Feet’
• Reduce anxiety
6 Breaths

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Responding to
your feedback

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Results summary
• A summary of your assessment results can be
found at the back of your workbook

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Practice ‘response session’ conversation

Attention to Colleague

Set an Intention

‘Seat & Feet’

6 Mindful Breaths

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Individual activity – insight from
your results
• Insights
• Actions
• Questions

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