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Qatar Technical School


MEM 13014 Apply principles of occupational health and
safety work environment.

Qatar Technical School

MEM13014A Apply principles of occupational health and safety

work environment.

Q1: An Accident can be classified as one of these three different categories (types). From the
list given select the correct answer
(Fatal; Serious; Minor)

……; Minor ….. …… Fatal ….. … Serious …..

Q2: Who is responsible for safety?

………everyone ……………………………...

Q3: An Accident can be classified as one of these three different categories (types). From the
list given select the correct answer. (People are slightly injured/ People are badly injured/
People are killed.)
a) Fatal is when _______ People are killed _________
b) Serious is when ______ People are badly injured ________
c) Minor is when _______ People are slightly injured ________

Qatar Technical School

Q4: State for each of the following whether it is SAFE or UNSAFE

• Long sleeve…………U………………………………………
• Short hair: …………S…………………………………….
• Fastened buttons………S………………………………..
• Normal shoes: ……………U……………………………….
• Remove machine guards…………U…………………..
• Drill hole on the hard hat: ………U…………………..

Q5: Mark true (T) or false (F)

• Always be aware of potential dangers it WILL save your life or your co- worker’s. (…T….)
• Areas of movement and escape routes in emergency are to be kept closed. (…F…)
• Do not leave any running machine unattended. (..T…)
• Always wear Personal protective Equipment supplied by the company. (.T…)
• Keep the working area clean and tidy. (…T…)
• Inspect your working area before you start your work. (…T…)

Q6: select the correct reason for “Good House Keeping”

A. Reduce the accidents.
B. Maximize the fire hazards.
C. Give bad impression to visitor.

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Q7: Choose the name of the P.P.E and which part of the body each of them protects:
PPE: Hard hat, Overall, Dust mask, Hand gloves, Welding face, Earmuff, Safety glasses
Safety boot.
Parts of body: Head, Hands, Foot, Eyes and face, Respiratory system, Ears, Body, Eyes

Name ………… Hard hat ……………………….…….

Reason of use: To protect ……………………
Head ……………………….

Name ………… Dust mask

Reason of use: To protect … Respiratory

Name ………… Safety boot

Reason of use: To protect … Foot

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Name …… Welding face

Reason of use: To protect … Eyes and face

Name ……… Safety glasses

Reason of use: To protect …… Eyes

Name ……… Earmuff

Reason of use: To protect

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Name ………gloves
Reason of use: To protect ………hand

Name ……………
Reason of use: To protect ………body

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Q8: Select the proper meaning for each safety signs
Beware electricity, First aid, No smoking, Gloves must be worn, Breathing apparatus must
be worn, Beware radiation, Hearing protection must be worn, Beware forklift .

………, First aid ……………………………. …, Beware forklift


… Breathing apparatus must be ……… No smoking

worn ……… …………………………….

………… Beware electricity ……, Beware radiation


…… Gloves must be worn ……. … Hearing protection must be worn


Q10: Select the prober color for each action

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.

Prohibition ……… Red …………… Mandatory …… Blue ………………………...

Caution…… Yellow …………………... Safety information……… Green ………………

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Q11: Match between each hazard situation and caution sign

Dust, smoke, or fibbers

Rotating machinery Compressed air

Corrosive chemical liquids

Boilers, turbines, and blowers

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Q16: Arrange the fire alarm procedures blow in correct order

A- Stop your work………………… […1…..]

B- Go to assembly point………... […4…..]

C- Use emergency exit door……. […3…..]

D- D-Use safety line…………….... […2…..]

Q18: What will you do if you got a small cut on your finger? (Tick the correct answer)
Answer: (don’t tell anybody / hide it and continue working/ report to teacher)

Q19: What is the telephone number to be called in emergency?

Answer: _______999____________

Qatar Technical School
MEM 14004 Plan to undertake a routine task

Q.1 Put the suitable tools in correct drawer

Plastic hammer, Divider, Hand hacksaw, Steel brush, back square, Scriber
Dot punch, Center punch, file card, steel ruler, measuring tap, steel hammer

The First drawer double cut

-- steel ruler ------ measuring tap ---------------------------- file, Single
cut file,

The second
drawer -- double cut file, Single cut file ------------------------------

The third drawer

------ Center punch - Dot punch Chisel - steel hammer ---

Qatar Technical School

Q.2. Match the following tools with the suitable storage way?
Tools Storage Match

1. File Storage with marking tools. 3

2. Hammer Do not storage with cutting tools. 4

3. Scriber Clean with file cared 1

4. Back Square storage with cutting tools. 5

5. Hand Hack saw Storage with assembly tools. 2

Q3: Link with an arrow the tool required with appropriate operation:

- Marking lines divider

- Sawing Scriber

- Deburring Punch Machine

Power guillotine,
- Rough cutting
Height gauge
- Punching
Hand hacksaw
- Marking circles Fine file

Qatar Technical School

Q4: Fill the Columns below by the following statements for good and bad planning
1 - Complete the work in time
2 - Loss of material
3 - High cost
4 – Good work
5 - Poor quality work
6 - Perform the work safely
7- ignore the tolerance
8- follow standards
NO Good Planning NO Bad Planning
1- Complete the work in time 1. High cost

2- Good work 2. Poor quality work

3. Perform the work safely 3. ignore the tolerance

4. follow standards 4. Loss of material

Qatar Technical School

Q5: Read the following paragraph and answer all question.

Rashid’s Plan
Rashid is a company employee. He wanted to buy a new Land Cruiser.
He went to the Toyota Company and told them that he needed a red Land Cruiser.

The Customers Services Division told him he must wait for 6 months for red land cruiser.

Also, he got more information from Cars Manual – Car Catalogue and Internet.

Rashid returned home and decided to think in advance before ordering the car.
Rashid wrote his plan steps as below: Got everything clear in my mind about land cruiser.

1-Toyota Company gave me good information.

2-I got more information from Internet and my friends also.

3-I also referred the Manual, Catalogue, and drawings

4-Identified the Car specification: Model-Capacity-Size-transmission system.

Understood the time required to get the car is more.

Finally, he reviewed the plan and found that he cannot get the car before his marriage.
He revised the plan and changed the color to maroon, so that he can get the car in five months. Within 5
months Rashid bought a new Toyota Land Cruiser.
1-What did Rashid planned?

Rashid planned to buy a new Land Cruiser

2-What Rashid did first?

He went to the Toyota Company and told them that he needed a red Land Cruiser
3. From where did Rashid have the car specification?

from Cars Manual – Car Catalogue and Internet

4. What is the time required to get a red car?

for 6 months
5. Write down the three important steps he did:

1-Toyota Company gave him good information.

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2-I got more information from Internet and my friends also.
3-I also referred the Manual, Catalogue, and drawings.
4. How Rashid revised his plan?

Q6: Choose specifications of hand drill machine from the list below.
Disc / Capacity / Color / Speed / Power
1-……… Capacity ………………………
2-……… Speed ………………………
3-……… Power ………………………

Q7: Is it true or false?

1- Planning is necessary prior to doing any task. T

2-Time spent on planning is a waste. F

3-Verbal instructions are better than written instructions. F

4-A job card is a good source of information. T

5-In a good plan, the task outcomes meet the T

task requirements.

6-A good plan need not be reviewed. F

Qatar Technical School
Q4. Select four basic requirements for planning a task: Hand tools / Obtain specification / Identify
Task outcomes/ Receive instruction / quality / accuracy / Identify task requirement.

1) Obtain specification.

2) Identify Task outcomes.

3) accuracy.

4) Identify task requirement.

Q9: Select two places you can obtain specifications from.

(Verbal instructions, drawings, book of standards, written instruction)

1) _____, drawings ____________________________________________

2) _____ written instruction ____________________________________

Q11- why you review the planning of a task? Select the answer

1. To find out the required tools

2. To check the specification
3. To check that, the planning meets all task outcomes.

Answer: __________________________________________________

Q13- When do you revise the task planning? Select the answer

1. After finishing the task

2. When the planning does not meet task outcome
3. When task planning is going well

Answer: __________________________________________________

Qatar Technical School
18001C Use Hand tools

Q2: Write the name of the file parts: body, point, handle, ferrule, heel (shoulder)

Heel(should body

Q3. Name the method of filing shown below. Draw filing, Cross filing

Draw filing Cross filing

Q4: Name types of hand file by using words: Single cut, double cut

Double cut hand file

Qatar Technical School
Single cut hand file

Q5: Write the name of the Hand Hacks parts.

Handle Frame Blade Tension nut


1 Tension nut
2 Handle
3 Frame
4 Blade

Q6: Circle the sketch that shows the unsafe tool.


b) What you should do to make safe for use?

…………Sharpening by grinding machine …………
Q7: Use names below to identify assembling tools in pictures: Socket spanner, adjustable
spanner, combination spanner, ALLEN key, pipe wrench

Qatar Technical School

combination spanner
4 Holding, rotating pipes

Tighten and loosen hexagonal

nuts and bolts

Tighten and loosen

counterbored bolts
Socket spanner

Undoing or doing up
a bolt or nut with ratchet
adjustable spanner
A spanner with a movable jaw

pipe wrench


Q8: Arrange the drilling steps in the table below:

Qatar Technical School
Select the suitable drill bit 3

Measuring & marking 1

Make deburring of the workpiece 7

Start the drilling machine 4

Housekeeping 8
Fix the drilling rotation speed in
accordance with the hole diameter 5

Make the drilling and Use fluid to

lubricate the drill bit 6

Clamp the workpiece on the vice 2

Q9: Arrange the tapping steps below:

Qatar Technical School
Use fluid to lubricate the tap before use

Check of the tap wrench


Choose the suitable tap handle


Clamp the workpiece on the vice


Make clockwise turn and ensure

that the straightness of the tap

Make deburring of the workpiece


Check the Thread by inserting a bolt


Qatar Technical School
Q10: Fill the two columns by choosing the correct name and application from the following
list (12 correct answers are required)
A: Names of the hand tools
Die&tap – Allen keys – Dividers - Hand Hacksaw - File - Scriber -Try Square –Chisel - pipe
wrench - Screw driver – Combination Spanner - Surface gauge -Combination sets -
Measuring taps-center punch-hammer

B: Applications of the hand tools

Assembling tool, Cutting tool, Marking tool, Measuring tool.
No. Hand Tools A: Name of the hand B: Application of the hand
Tool Tool
Cutting tool

Allen keys Assembling tool


Scriber Marking tool

Measuring tool

Qatar Technical School
A: Names of the hand tools
Die&tap – Allen keys – Dividers - Hand Hacksaw - File - Scriber -Try Square –Chisel - pipe
wrench - Screwdriver – Combination Spanner - Surface gauge -Combination sets -
Measuring taps-center punch-hammer

B: Applications of the hand tools

Assembling tool, Cutting tool, Marking tool, Measuring tool.
No. Hand Tools A : Name of the hand Tool B : Application of the hand Tool


Screwdriver Assembling tool


Die&tap Cutting tool

Chisel Cutting tool

Try Square Marking tool

File Cutting tool

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A: Names of the hand tools
Die&tap – Allen keys – Dividers - Hand Hacksaw - File - Scriber -Try Square –Chisel - pipe wrench -
Screwdriver – Combination Spanner - Surface gauge -Combination sets - Measuring taps-center punch-

B: Applications of the hand tools

Assembling tool, Cutting tool, Marking tool, Measuring tool.

No. Hand Tools A: Name of the B: Application of

hand tool the hand tool
Surface Marking
gauge tool
Combination Assembling
Spanner tool
center Marking
punch tool
pipe wrench
Combination Marking
sets tool
Hammer Marking tool

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Q11: Answer by ‘True’ or ‘False’

• Do not mix measuring tools with cutting tools True

• We can use file without a handle False

• Using a chisel with mushroom head is safe False

• we use dies for making internal treads False

• File can be cleaned by a file card(brush) True


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