Class 8 Term 2 Assignment 1 2023-24

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ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)

Ex. B. (Page -94)
3. It ate the food it ne‟er had eat,/ And round and round it flew.”
a. What is being referred to as „it‟? What kind of bond did it develop with the crew of the
b. What effect did its arrival seem to have on the crew?
c. What is „it‟ compared to? What did „it‟ do?
d. What was the wedding guest‟s response to the speaker‟s description? Why did he respond
in this manner?
Ans. a. Here „it‟ refers to the albatross. The albatross was witnessed as an omen of good luck.
Amidst the harsh nature without any other life, the albatross came as a Christian soul and
followed them further. It came everyday for them for food or play and attended the evening
prayers with them. So, the albatross developed a cordial and affectionate bond with the crew
of the ship.
b. The albatross arrived as a Christian soul amidst the crude nature around. The crew was
clueless when their ship was drifted to the south by the overtaking wings of the storm. So, the
albatross was a sign of hope and recognition to them.
c. The albatross has been compared to a Christian soul. „It‟ gave them a ray of hope of life as
there was no shape of man or beast around. The albatross guided them through till the
southern wind channelised the ship. It remained with them for food or sport, in mist or cloud
and attended the „vespers nine‟.
d. The wedding guest was initially reluctant to listen to the mariner‟s tale as he was about to
attend the wedding and perform his duties thereby. He dropped his hand and even called him
„grey-beard loon‟. Later, the mariner‟s glistening eyes stopped him at the stone where he was
drawn to his art of story-telling.
The ancient mariner further elaborated his story and the guest beat his breast as he could hear
the loud bassoon which was a call for him to attend the wedding as the bride had already
stepped in with her minstrelsy.
Extra Questions
1. Explore your ideas in understanding the condition as to why the wedding guest was unable
to leave his seat while listening to the mariner and his response to the situation.
2. “The ice was here, the ice was there…” Do you find any resemblance of the poem with
that of the setting? Substantiate your answer with relevant points from the poem.
3. Briefly recall the role of the albatross in the poem.
Extrapolatory Question
1. Imagine yourself to be one of the listeners to the ancient mariner‟s tale while he was trying
to convince the wedding guest. Write a diary entry in 120 words relating to your experience
of the whole.
Classwork – Ex. A. Q. 3. Ex. B. Q. 2 and Extra Questions – 1 and 2 to be done in class.
Homework – Extra Questions – 3 and Extrapolatory Question to be answered.


Q1. Read the passage and make a precis in 1/3rd of the total number of words in the
given passage. Put an appropriate title.
Best sellers, those books that dominate the charts and line the shelves of bookstores, have an
undeniable allure. They capture our attention with their intriguing plots, relatable characters,
and compelling narratives. People are drawn to best sellers for various reasons, including the
desire for escapism, the need for connection, and the pursuit of knowledge. In this essay, we
will explore the phenomenon of best sellers and why they hold a special place in the hearts of
One of the primary reasons people gravitate toward best sellers is escapism. Life can be
stressful, demanding, and sometimes, the best way to unwind is to immerse oneself in a well-
crafted story. Best sellers often transport readers to different worlds, whether it's a fantasy
realm, a historical era, or a futuristic dystopia. These books offer an escape from the mundane
and allow readers to experience adventures and emotions they might not encounter in their
everyday lives. (153 words)

1/3rd of 153 words is 51 words. You might not get an exact number. In that case you will take
a word or two less or more.


Please note - This is how the rough work will look. Then the fair paragraph is to be written
with an appropriate title to it. The rough work is to be shown in the paper and after writing
the fair one, the rough work to be struck off, not erased.


Ans. Best sellers are books where we go through encapsulating plots with characters that can
be motivating and convincing. They have an innate ability to transport us to a world of
imagination away from the pragmatic world. Best sellers transmit from the humdrum reality
to unthinkable exciting and emotional plots, at times. (51 words)
The future of the technical world is a topic that continues to evolve rapidly, driven by
ongoing innovations and emerging trends. While it's impossible to predict every aspect of the
future with certainty, we can identify several key areas and trends that are likely to shape the
future of technology:


Q2. Read the passage and make a precis in 1/3rd of the total number of words in the
given passage. Put an appropriate title.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are advancing
rapidly and will play a central role in the future. AI will be integrated into various industries,
including healthcare, finance, transportation, and more, making processes more efficient and
enabling new applications.

5G and Beyond: The rollout of 5G networks is underway, promising faster and more reliable
connectivity. Beyond 5G, technologies like 6G are being researched, which could further
revolutionize how we communicate and access information.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices will continue to proliferate, connecting everyday
objects to the internet. This will lead to more efficient and automated processes in smart
homes, cities, agriculture.

Biotechnology: Advances in biotechnology, such as gene editing and synthetic biology, will
continue to reshape healthcare, agriculture, and environmental conservation. Personalized
medicine and treatments for genetic diseases could become more accessible.

Renewable Energy and Sustainability: The push for sustainability will drive innovations in
renewable energy sources, energy storage, and waste reduction technologies. The transition to
a greener, more sustainable world will continue to be a major focus.

Q3. Read the passage and make a precis in 1/3rd of the total number of words in the
given passage. Put an appropriate title.
Libraries are important for several reasons, and their significance extends across various
aspects of society, education, culture, and research. Here are some key reasons why libraries
are important:
It provides access to a wide range of information sources, including books, journals,
magazines, newspapers, digital resources, and more. They serve as repositories of knowledge,
making information available to the public.
Libraries are essential for education. They offer resources that support formal education, such
as textbooks and research materials, as well as informal learning through access to literature,
reference materials, and educational programs.
It plays a crucial role in supporting research and innovation. Researchers can access scholarly
articles, databases, and reference materials, which are essential for academic and scientific
Libraries often house rare and historical documents, manuscripts, and artifacts. They serve as
custodians of cultural heritage, preserving the history and traditions of a society.
Libraries promote literacy and a love for reading. They offer reading programs, storytelling
sessions, and book clubs to engage the community, especially children, in reading and
Libraries are community hubs where people can come together for various activities, such as
meetings, workshops, lectures, and exhibitions. They foster social interaction and community
In the digital age, libraries provide access to computers and the internet, bridging the digital
divide. They offer digital literacy programs to help people develop essential technology


Please note-
Classwork – Precis Writing (Q2) in your English Writing skill note-book.
Homework - Precis Writing (Q3) in your English Writing skill note-book.

Ex A. Underline the phrases in the following sentences and state their kinds.
1. The child works very slowly. 6. Reading a short story a day keeps me

2. She has a comfortable and easy-going life. 7. They are children of great worth.

3. I stitched as soon as possible. 8. We are sorry for her loss.

4. The red and blue candies have arrived. 9. The project is at its brim.

5. The reason to worry is not a simple one. 10. I like to bake cookies in the evening.

Ex B. Underline the clauses in the following sentences and state their kinds.
1. I am looking for the binoculars that were 6. I lost the battle after he breached the
used by the actor. contract.

2. I liked what I painted. 7. She did not mention that I was not eligible.
3. Rohit allotted the members who 8. The child, who was sitting at the corner is
represented their house. my sister.

4. I know why he submitted at last. 9. The reporter mentioned that he was

accused of the guilt.
5. The girl, who completes her work on time, 10. I read your letter although I was
will be awarded. exhausted.

Please note – The exercises from the book are to be done in the book itself. Please do –

i. Phrases and Clauses

Classwork - Ex. A, Ex. B (Q 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) is to be done in Language note-book.
Homework - Ex. A, Ex. B (Q 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) is to be done in Language note-book.


ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)
TOPIC- प्रकृ ति से प्रेम

क) “चोर के तिए भी खाना परोसकर रामेश बेदी की बहू ने ककस प्रकार का पररचय कदया है? अपने तिचार तितखए?
उत्तर – चोर के तिए खाना परोससने पर रामेश बेदी की बहू की िात्सल्य प्रेम, दया, इंसातनयि, सहृदयिा और सच्ची
सहानुभूति का पररचय तमििा है।

ख) बेदी जी की िेखन क्षेत्र में रुतच ककस प्रकार हुई ? कारण सतहि उत्तर तितखए।
उत्तर – एक बार कोिकािा की एक पुस्िकािय में देबी जी ने पुस्िकें और पतत्रकाएँ पढ़ीं । पतत्रकाएँ पढने के बाद उन्हें
ऐसी अनुभूति हुई कक िह भी ऐसा तिख सकिे हैं िो उन्होंने बाँस पर एक िेख तिख डािा। उन कदनों इटािा से अनुभूति
नाम की पतत्रका तनकििी थी और उन्होंने इसे छपने के तिए भेज कदया , िेख पसंद होने के कारण उसे छाप कदया गया ।
इस िरह िेखन के प्रति उनमें रुतच पैदा हुई।

अभ्यास के प्रश्न- ( बच्चे इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर गृहकायय के रूप में अपनी हहदी व्याकरण पुतस्िका में करें ग।े )

1. प्रकृ ति प्रेमी पाठ से तिद्याथी गण को क्या तशक्षा तमििी है? तितखए।

2. रामेश बेदी की उपितधधयों के बारे में बिाइए?
3. प्रकृ ति प्रेमी के तिए तिखने के साथ-साथ फोटोग्राफी का शौक होना भी जरूरी क्यों हैं? अपने तिचार तितखए।
4. बेदी जी प्रकृ ति प्रेमी ककस प्रकार बनें? अपने तिचार तितखए।

पुस्िकीय अभ्यास-
क) नीचे कदए गए शधदों में से मूि शधद और प्रत्यय अिग कीतजए-

i) नमकीन - ii) इंसातनयि -

iii) ग्रामीण – iv) श्रद्धािु -

ख) नीचे कदए गए शधदों में से उपसगय िथा मूि शधद अिग अिग करके तितखए।
i) प्रत्येक ii) अत्यतधक
iii) उपकार iv)सद्धमय

ग) तनम्नतितखि शधदों के दो-दो पयाययिाची शधद तितखए।

i) उन्नति ii) सेिक
iii) भूधर iv) स्त्री
v) ककनारा

(CLASS-VIII(2L)/ASSIGNMENT -01/TERM -II-2023-24 PAGE (1 of 2)

ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)
TOPIC- fcÈ¡ ec£l j¡¢T (j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u)

p¡lpw­rf :- f¢lf§ZÑ hoÑ¡L¡m C¢mn j¡R dlh¡l jlöjz fcÈ¡ec£l h¤­L ¢cel¡¢œ j¡R dl¡ Qm­Rz
l¡¢œ­hm¡u ec£l h¤­L ­S­m­cl ApwMÉ ­e±L¡u SÆm­a b¡­L ­S¡e¡¢Ll ja B­m¡z B­m¡…­m¡ N¢an£mz
HC B­m¡u ­S­ml¡ a¡­cl ¢h­no dl­Zl S¡­ml p¡q¡­kÉ p¡l¡l¡¢œ C¢mnj¡R d­lz fcÈ¡ a£lhaÑ£ ­La¥f¤l
NË¡­jl ­S­m f¡s¡l c¢lâ j¡¢T L¥­hl, de”­ul ­e±L¡u Afl HL p‰£ N­Z­nl p­‰ ­ch£N­”l j¡Cm
­c­sL ES¡­e ­p¢ce j¡R dl¢Rmz ­R¡– ­e±L¡¢Vl ¢fR­el ¢c­Ll ¢aeS­el j¡b¡ ­Ny¡S¡l HL¢V ­R¡V
R¡E¢e B­Rz ­e±L¡ J S¡mV¡ de”­ul ¢eSü h­m ­p j¡R d­l e¡ ­p öd¤ ­e±L¡l q¡m d­l h­p b¡­Lz
HC N­Òf d£hl pÇfËc¡­ul ­hy­Q b¡L¡l Ll¦Z pwNË¡­jl Lb¡ ­cM­a f¡Ju¡ k¡uz
­mML f¢l¢Q¢a :- 1908 ¢MËØV¡­ël 19­n ­j ¢hq¡­ll c¤jL¡ nq­l Lb¡¢nÒf£ j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u
SeÈNËqZ L­lez ¢fa¡ q¢lql h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u, j¡a¡ - e£lc¡ ­ch£z ¢fa¡-j¡a¡ e¡jLlZ L­l¢R­me
fË­h¡dL¥j¡l h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡uz X¡L e¡j ¢Rm j¡¢eLz ¢L¿¹¥ j¡¢eL e¡­jC h¡wm¡ p¡¢q­aÉl AeÉaj ­mMLl©­f
MÉ¡¢a ASÑe L­lez ay¡l E­õM­k¡NÉ EfeÉ¡p…¢m qm - f¤a¥m e¡­Ql C¢aLb¡, fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T, nqlam£,
cfÑZ, Qa¥­×L¡Z, S£u¿¹ fËi«¢a E­õM­k¡NÉz 1956 ¢MËØV¡­ël 3l¡ ¢X­pðl ¢a¢e fl­m¡L Nje L­lez

hý¢hLÒf¢i¢šL fËnÀ :-
1z fcÈ¡u C¢mn j¡R dl¡l jlöj LMe ?
(i) hoÑ¡l j¡T¡j¡¢T (ii) B¢nÄ­el j¡T¡j¡¢T
(iii) ­f±­ol j¡T¡j¡¢T (iv) °Q­œl j¡T¡j¡¢T
2z påÉ¡u S¡q¡S O¡­V cy¡s¡­m L£ ­cM¡ k¡u ?
(i) ApwMÉ j¡e¤­ol ­L¡m¡qm
(ii) ­S­m­cl j¡R ¢h¢œ²l cªnÉ
(iii) ec£l h¤­L na na B­m¡ A¢ehÑ¡Z ­S¡e¡¢Ll ja O¤­l ­hs¡­e¡
(iv) ec£l h¤­L na na S¡q¡­Sl Be¡­N¡e¡
3z ec£ h­r p’¡¢ma B­m¡…¢m­L ¢L­pl ja m¡­N ?
(i) c¤­hÑ¡dÉ pw­La (ii) ­N¡fe lqpÉ (iii) ­S¡Re¡ (iv) m˜­el ja

4z ­e±L¡l ­M¡m i­l ¢L Sj­a b¡­L ?

(i) ¢h¢iæ j¡R (ii) jªa p¡c¡ C¢mn j¡R
(iii) ­S­m­cl f¢laÉš² hÙ» (iv) hª¢øl Sm
5z L¥­hl N­Òf E¢õ¢Ma L¥­hl j¡¢T ­L¡b¡u j¡R dl¢Rm ?
(i) ­ch£N­” (ii) ­La¥f¤­l
(iii) fcÈ¡l d¡­l (iv) es¡C­ml O¡­V
6z ­e±L¡¢V L¡l pÇf¢š ?
(i) L¥­hl (ii) de”u (iii) N­Zn (iv) A¢Mm p¡q¡


7z ­e±L¡l j¡¢mL h­m ­L f¢lnËj Lj L­l ?
(i) de”u (ii) N­Zn (iii) L¥­hl (iv) A¢Mm p¡q¡
8z L¥­h­ll Ù»£l e¡j ¢L ?
(i) j¡ma£ (ii) j¡m¡ (iii) j¢me¡ (iv) j¡m’
9z V¡L¡l Ai¡­h L¡l f¤L¥lV¡ L¥­hl Sj¡ ¢e­a f¡­l¢e ?
(i) de”u (ii) e¡s¡C­ml kc¤ (iii) A¢Mm p¡q¡ (iv) N­Zn
10z C¢mn j¡R d­lJ m¡­il Bn¡ LMe b¡L­h e¡ ?
(i) ­i¡­l ­ch£N­”l j¡­Rl cl k¢c ­h­s k¡u
(ii) pL­ml S¡­m k¢c HLC lL­jl ­h¢n j¡R f­s
(iii) k¢c j¡R ¢h¢œ² Ll¡ e¡ k¡u
(iv) k¢c j¡R j­l k¡u
11z j¿¹hÉ : Ef¡SÑe k¡ qu C¢m­nl jlö­jCz k¤¢š² : C¢m­nl jlöj g¥l¡­m fcÈ¡ a¡l j£e
p¿¹¡e…¢m­L ¢e­Sl ¢hl¡V ¢hÙ¹«¢al j­dÉ m¤¢L­u ­g­m, pq­S a¡­cl ­cM¡ ­j­m e¡z
(i) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL k¤¢š² pÇf¤ZÑ i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m k¤¢š² pÇf¨ZÑ ¢WL
(iv) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
12z j¿¹hÉ : ­e±L¡l ­M¡­m jªa C¢m­nl ­Q¡M…¢m­L üµR e£m¡i j¢Zl ja ­cM¡uz k¤¢š² : m˜­el
B­m¡ fË¢ag¢ma qu j¡­Rl ¢e×fmL ­Q¡­Ml Eflz
(i) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
(ii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL k¤¢š² pÇf¤ZÑ i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(iv) j¿¹hÉ i¥m k¤¢š² pÇf¨ZÑ ¢WL
13z L¥­hl Tf L­l S¡mV¡ ec£­a ­g­m ­cuz L¡lZ :
(i) qW¡v L­l ­p HLTy¡L j¡R ­cM­a f¡u
(ii) qa¡n¡ J ¢el¡n¡ a¡­L NË¡p L­l¢Rm
(iii) de”u h­m¢Rm a¡­L S¡m ­gm­a
(iv) N­Zn h­m¢Rm a¡­L S¡m ­gm­a
14z j¿¹hÉ : ec£l h¤­L na na B­m¡ A¢ehÑ¡Z ­S¡e¡¢Ll j­a¡ O¤¢lu¡ ­hs¡C­a­Rz k¤¢š² :
l¡­al AåL¡­l ­S¡e¡¢L ­f¡L¡­L ¢jV¢jV L­l SÆm­a ­cM¡ k¡uz
(i) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL k¤¢š² pÇf¤ZÑ i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m k¤¢š² pÇf¨ZÑ ¢WL
(iv) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m

15z j¡m¡ L¥­hl­L h¡C­l ­k­a h¡lZ L­l¢Rm L¡lZ :

(i) a¡l¡ ¢WL L­l¢Rm ­jm¡ k¡­h
(ii) j¡m¡l ­j­ul M¤h SÆl
(iii) L¥­h­ll nl£lV¡ i¡­m¡ ¢Rme¡


(iv) j¡m¡l nl£lV¡ i¡­m¡ ¢Rme¡
16z py¡­Tl­hm¡ j¡R La c¡­j ¢h¢œ² q­u¢Rm ?
(i) ­f±­e fy¡Q, fy¡Q Hhw pJu¡ Q¡l V¡L¡ c­l j¡R ¢h¢œ² q­u­R
(ii) ­f±­e fy¡Q, fy¡Q Hhw pJu¡ fy¡Q V¡L¡ c­l j¡R ¢h¢œ² q­u­R
(iii) ­f±­e fy¡Q, p¡a Hhw pJu¡ fy¡Q V¡L¡ c­l j¡R ¢h¢œ² q­u­R
(iv) ­f±­e Q¡l, fy¡Q Hhw pJu¡ fy¡Q V¡L¡ c­l j¡R ¢h¢œ² q­u­R

­h¡dj§mL fËnÀ -
1z "Ef¡SÑe k¡ qu C¢m­nl jlö­jz'- B­m¡QÉ E¢š²¢V LaV¡ k¤¢š²p‰a h­m ­a¡j¡l j­e qu ?
E :- h¡Ù¹hh¡c£ ­mML j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa L¡mSu£ EfeÉ¡p ‘fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T’l A¿¹NÑa Bj¡­cl
f¡WÉ¡wn ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf fcÈ¡ ec£­a j¡R d­l L¥­h­ll ja c¢lâ j¡¢Tl¡ S£¢hL¡ ASÑe
L­lz HC pju S¡m ­f­a l¡¢n l¡¢n C¢mn d­l i¢hoÉ­al B­Ml …¢R­u ­eu a¡l¡z hoÑ¡
C¢m­nl SeÈ¡­e¡l Efk¤š² pjuz C¢mn p¡j¤¢âL j¡Rz ¢L¿¹¥ ¢Xj R¡s¡l pj­u a¡l¡ Ty¡­L Ty¡­L
fcÈ¡u fË­hn L­lz Bl ­pCpju a¡l¡ ­S­m j¡¢T­cl S¡­m dl¡ f­s, g­m HCpju C¢m­nl
fË¡Q¥kÑ mrÉ Ll¡ k¡uz p¡l¡ hR­ll A­æl pwÙÛ¡­el L¡l­Z fcÈ¡ec£l ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ C¢m­nl
jlö­jl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u b¡­Lz Hje ¢L nl£l Ap¤¤ÙÛ b¡L¡ p­šÄJ O­l LjÑq£e AhÙÛ¡u a¡l¡ h­p
b¡­L e¡z L¡lZ O­l AQm q­u h­p b¡L­m Ae¡Na i¢hoÉ­a Efh¡p Ll­a q­hz a¡C ph¢cL
¢hQ¡l L­l Bj¡l j­e qu B­m¡QÉ E¢š²¢V pÇf¨ZÑi¡­h k¤¢š²p‰az

2z "q¡m¡l j¡R dCl¡ S¥a e¡Cz' hš²¡ ­L ? B­m¡QÉ E¢š²l jdÉ ¢c­u hš²¡ ¢L C¢‰a L­l­Re ?
E :- j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf B­m¡QÉ Aw­nl hš²¡ qm de”uz
p¡l¡ hR­ll A­æl pwÙÛ¡­el L¡l­Z fcÈ¡ec£l ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ C¢m­nl jlö­jl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u
b¡­Lz a¡­cl k¡ ¢LR¥ ­l¡SN¡l qu HC C¢m­nl jlö­jCz HC jlöj g¥¢l­u ­N­m fcÈ¡l
L«fZa¡u hR­ll h¡¢L pju a¡­cl f¢lh¡­ll Aæ pwLV J­W Ql­jz L¥­hl S¡­m dªa C¢m­nl
fË¡Q¥­kÑ Eõ¢pa q­u de”u L¥­hl­L AeÉ¡eÉ j¡¢T­cl ­e±L¡u dªa j¡­Rl Mhl ¢e­a h­mz S¡e­a
f¡­l a¡­clJ fËQ¥l j¡R f­s­Rz g­m h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl ­k¡N¡e hª¢Ü ­qa¥ c¡j k¡­h L­j - p¤¤al¡w
Ef¡SÑe qÊÊ¡­pl pñ¡he¡ ­cM¡ k¡­hz l¡¢œhÉ¡f£ S¡NlZ J Aj¡e¤¢oL f¢lnË­jl ­n­o j¡­Rl HC
­k k­b¡¢Qa j§mÉ e¡ f¡Ju¡, H­a hš²¡l j­e ¢hl¢š², B­rf J qa¡n¡l C¢‰a Øfø dl¡

3z "C¢m­nl jlöj g¥l¡C­m ¢hf¤m¡ fcÈ¡ L«fZ¡ qCu¡ k¡uz'- p¢aÉC ¢L a¡C, ­a¡j¡l Eš­ll
pf­r k¤¢š² c¡Jz
E :- C¢mn h¡wm¡l phÑ¡¢dL Se¢fËu p¤¤ü¡c¤ j¡Rz hoÑ¡u C¢mn j¡R dl¡l HLj¡œ pjuz hoÑ¡u fcÈ¡ec£
q­u J­W Eš¡mz HC pj­uC C¢m­nl jlöj öl¦ q­u k¡uz fcÈ¡f¡­sl ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ aMe
pÇf¨ZÑ ¢eiÑl L­l fcÈ¡l JflCz AbÑ°e¢aL ¢cL ­b­L p¡j¡m ¢c­a f¡­l HC C¢m­nl jlöjz
HCpju L¥­h­ll ja c¢lâ ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ hR­ll Bu L­l, hoÑ¡ g¥¢l­u ­N­m fcÈ¡ a¡l j£e
p¿¹¡e…¢m­L ­L¡b¡u ­ke m¤¢L­u ­euz hoÑ¡C a¡­cl HLj¡œ ­l¡SN¡­ll pjuz hoÑ¡l Ahp¡­e
fcÈ¡u C¢m­nl jlö­jlJ Ahp¡e quz a¡C Eš² E¢š²¢V H­Lh¡­lC paÉ h­mC j­e quz
4z "py¡­Tl clV¡ ¢SN¡ ­c¢M L¥­hlz'- hš²¡ ­L, a¡l HLb¡ hm¡l L¡lZ ¢L ?
E :- j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf B­m¡QÉ Aw­nl hš²¡ qm de”uz
p¡l¡ hR­ll A­æl pwÙÛ¡­el L¡l­Z fcÈ¡ec£l ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ C¢m­nl jlö­jl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u
b¡­Lz a¡­cl k¡ ¢LR¥ ­l¡SN¡l qu HC C¢m­nl jlö­jCz HC jlöj g¥¢l­u ­N­m fcÈ¡l
L«fZa¡u hR­ll h¡¢L pju a¡­cl f¢lh¡­ll Aæ pwLV J­W Ql­jz L¥­hl S¡­m dªa C¢m­nl
fË¡Q¥kÑ ­c­M de”u L¥­hl­L AeÉ¡eÉ j¡¢T­cl ­e±L¡u dªa j¡­Rl Mhl ¢e­a h­m Hhw j¡­Rl cl
La Qm­R ­pV¡J S¡e­a Q¡u, L¡lZ h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl ­k¡N¡e hª¢Ü ­qa¥ j¡­Rl c¡j k¡­h L­j -
p¤¤al¡w Ef¡SÑe qÊÊ¡­pl pñ¡he¡ ­cM¡ k¡­hz a¡C ­p C¢m­nl cl S¡e­a ­Q­u¢Rmz

5z ­e±L¡¢V ­k­qa¥ de”­ul pÇf¢š, a¡C ­p ¢L p¤¤¢hd¡ ­i¡N L­l h­m ­a¡j¡l j­e qu ?
E :- j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf de”u HLSe ­S­m j¡¢Tz a¡l ¢eSü ­e±L¡
J S¡m B­R, A­fr¡L«a B¢bÑL p‰¢a i¡­m¡z ü¡i¡¢hL i¡­h ­e±L¡l j¡¢mL qJu¡l cl¦Z ­p
f¢lnËj L­l Ljz Hje¢L fË¢a l¡­a ­k j¡R dl¡ qu a¡l A­dÑL i¡N a¡l b¡­Lz

6z fcÈ¡ ec£l j¡¢T EfeÉ¡­p ­S­m j¡¢T­cl j¡R dl¡l ­L±nm¢V hZÑe¡ Llz
E :- h¡wm¡­c­nl fcÈ¡a£lhaÑ£ A’­m ­S­m-j¡¢T­cl L¢We S£he pwNË¡­jl L¡¢q¢e h¢ZÑa q­u­R "fcÈ¡
ec£l j¡¢T' EfeÉ¡­pz hoÑ¡L¡m qm C¢m­nl jlöjz c¡¢lâa¡ a¡­cl ¢eaÉ p‰£z hoÑ¡l Eš¡m
fcÈ¡h­r HCph jvpÉS£h£l¡ S£h­el Ty¥¢L ¢e­u C¢mn j¡R dl¡l L¡S Ll­a h¡dÉ quz a¡­cl
j¡R dl¡l ­L±nm¢VJ A¢iehz ¢œ­L¡e hy¡­nl ­é­j ¢hf¤m f¡M¡l j­a¡ S¡m¢V ­S­m j¡¢T­cl
­e±L¡l f¡­n m¡N¡­e¡ b¡­Lz S¡­ml ­no fË¡­¿¹l hy¡n¢V ­e±L¡l f¡­n pj¡¿¹l¡m i¡­h b¡­Lz a¡l
c¤C fË¡¿¹ ­b­L mð¡ c¤¢V hy¡n ­e±L¡l d¡­l H­p flØfl­L A¢aœ²j L­l ­e±L¡l ¢ial ­b­Lz
HC hy¡n c¤¢VC qm S¡­ml q¡amz HC q¡am d­lC S¡m JW¡­e¡ e¡j¡­e¡ quz ­S­ml¡ c¢s d­l
hy¡­nl ­Wy¡V qy¡-Ll¡ S¡m S­m e¡¢j­u ­cuz a¡lfl j¡R fs­m c¢s­a V¡e f­l, aMe c¢s
­V­e S­ml e£­Q b¡L¡ S¡­ml j¤M hå Ll¡ quz HCi¡­hC a¡l¡ fcÈ¡l h¤­L j¡R d­lz
7z ­e±L¡¢V de”­ul qJu¡l SeÉ de”­ul Q¢l­œl ­L¡e °h¢nøÉ mrÉ Ll¡ k¡u ?
E :- j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf de”u HLSe ­S­m j¡¢Tz a¡l ¢eSü ­e±L¡
J S¡m B­R, A­fr¡L«a B¢bÑL p‰¢a i¡­m¡z ü¡i¡¢hL i¡­h ­e±L¡l j¡¢mL qJu¡l cl¦Z ­p
f¢lnËj L­l Ljz Hje¢L fË¢a l¡­a ­k j¡R dl¡ qu a¡l A­dÑL i¡N a¡l b¡­Lz p¤¤al¡w a¡l
j­dÉ j¡¢mL p¤¤mi HLV¡ BQlZ f¢lm¢ra quz

8z L¥­h­ll Tf L­l S¡m ­g­m ­cJu¡ ¢L­pl C¢‰ahq ?

E :- j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf L¥­hl qm HLSe c¢lâ ­S­mj¡¢Tz fcÈ¡l
h¤­L j¡R d­lC ­L¡e lL­j a¡l S£he Q­mz HL¢ceL¥­hl S¡­m dªa C¢m­nl fË¡Q¥­kÑ Eõ¢pa
q­u, AeÉ¡eÉ j¡¢T­cl ­e±L¡u dªa j¡­Rl Mhl ­euz S¡e­a f¡­l a¡­clJ fËQ¥l j¡R f­s­Rz
g­m h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl ­k¡N¡e hª¢Ü ­qa¥ c¡j k¡­h L­j - p¤¤al¡w Ef¡SÑe qÊÊ¡­pl pñ¡he¡ ­cM¡
k¡­hz ­p L¡l­ZC ­p Eõ¢pa e¡ q­u Q¥f L­l b¡­Lz h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl ­k¡N¡e hª¢Ü Hhw ­p
L¡l­ZC C¢m­nl j§mÉ qÊÊ¡p J a¡l Ef¡SÑe hª¢Ü pñ¡he¡l Ahm¤¢çl Bnˆ¡u ­p j­e j­e ­i­P
f­s °el¡­nÉz e£l­h S­m S¡m ­gm¡ ­pC j¡e¢pL °el¡­nÉl C¢‰ahqz
9z ‘de”u J kc¤l ­S¡s¡a¡¢m ­cJu¡ hÉhÙÛ¡’ hm­a L£ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
E :- j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ N­Òf de”u J kc¤ qm A­fr¡L«a AhÙÛ¡pÇfæ
­S­m j¡¢Tz a¡l ¢eSü ­e±L¡ J S¡m B­R, p¤¤al¡w B¢bÑL p‰¢a i¡­m¡z L¥­hl J N­Z­nl
j­a¡ c¢lâ ­S­mj¡¢T­cl, H­cl j­a¡ de£ ­S­m­cl hc¡eÉa¡l pwp¡l Q¡m¡­a quz ­kM¡­e
f¢lnË­jl p­‰ B­ul p‰¢a b¡­L e¡z LMeJ de”u Bh¡l LMeJ h¡ kc¤l p‰ c¤-Q¡l Be¡
i¡­N L¡S Ll­a quz HlLj A¢e¢ÕQa S£he k¡fe­L de”u J kc¤l ­S¡s¡a¡¢m ­cJu¡ hÉhÙÛ¡
hm¡ q­u­Rz

pw¢rç fË­nÀ¡šl :
1z fcÈ¡u C¢mnj¡R dl¡l jlöj Q¢mu¡­Rz
(i) ­L¡e ­mM­Ll ­L¡e lQe¡l A¿¹NÑa ? jlöj n­ël AbÑ L£ ?
(ii) fcÈ¡l C¢m­nl jlöj hm­a L£ ­h¡T ?
Ešl -
(i) h¡Ù¹hh¡c£ ­mML j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa L¡mSu£ EfeÉ¡p ‘fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T’l A¿¹NÑa Bj¡­cl
f¡WÉ¡wn ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ NÒf ­b­L B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V pwL¢ma q­u­Rz ‘jlöj’ në¢V H­p­R
Bl¢h në ­j±pj ­b­Lz Hl AbÑ Ga¥z HM¡­e ‘jlöj’ n­ël AbÑ hoÑ¡ Ga¥l pjuz L¡lZ
hoÑ¡L¡­mC fcÈ¡­a C¢mn j¡R dl¡l ¢hl¡j b¡­L e¡z
(ii) C¢mn j¡R dl¡l ­j±pj h¡ jlöj hm­a ­h¡T¡u C¢mn j¡R dl¡l Ae¤L¨m f¢l­hn h¡ pjuz
hoÑ¡C C¢mn j¡R dl¡l ph­Q­u Ae¤L¨m pjuz C¢mn p¡j¤¢âL j¡R ¢L¿¹¥ ¢Xj R¡s¡l pju a¡l¡
Ty¡­L Ty¡­L fcÈ¡u fË­hn L­l ES¡e ­pË¡­az Bl ­pC pjuC a¡l¡ ­S­m j¡¢T­cl S¡­m dl¡
f­sz HC pju fcÈ¡l C¢m­nl fË¡Q¥kÑ f¢lm¢ra quz Bl HL¡l­ZC hoÑ¡L¡m­L hm¡ qu C¢m­nl
jlöjz j¡¢Tl¡J ¢ch¡l¡¢œ j¡R d­l p¡l¡ hR­ll A­æl pwÙÛ¡e Ll­a hÉÙ¹ q­u f­s HC jlö­jz

2z “L¥­hl ¢LR¥ h­m e¡ Tf L¢lu¡ S¡m¢V S­m ­g¢mu¡ ­cuz”

(i) L¥­hll ¢LR¥ e¡ hm¡l ­fR­e ­L¡e k¤¢š² L¡S L­l­R ?
(ii) a¡l Tf L­l S¡m ­g­m ­cJu¡ L£­pl C¢‰a hqe L­l ?
Ešl -
(i) L¥­hl ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ EfeÉ¡­pl c¢lâ, ¢ef£¢sa J ­n¡¢oa e¡uL ab¡ ­L¢¾cÊu Q¢lœz a¡l
h¡¢s fcÈ¡ec£l a£­l ­La¥f¤l NË¡­jz ­p HL qac¢lâ ­S­m; a¡C a¡l ¢eSü ­L¡e S¡m h¡
­e±L¡ ­eCz L¥­hl A­fr¡L«a pµRm j¡¢T de”­ul ­e±L¡u ¢p¢Li¡N A­bÑl n­aÑ L¡S L­lz
a¡­a a¡l c¤­hm¡ c¤-j¤­W¡ A­æl pwÙÛ¡e qu e¡z C¢m­nl jlö­j a¡l k¡ ¢LR¥ ­l¡SN¡l quz
HC jlöj g¥¢l­u ­N­m fcÈ¡l L«fZa¡u hR­ll h¡¢L pju a¡l f¢lh¡­ll Aæ pwLV J­W


(ii) L¥­h­ll j­a¡ ApwMÉ c¢lâ j¡¢T fcÈ¡u j¡R d­lz L¥­hl S¡­m dªa C¢m­nl fË¡Q¥­kÑ Eõ¢pa q­u,
AeÉ¡eÉ j¡¢T­cl ­e±L¡u dªa j¡­Rl Mhl ­euz S¡e­a f¡­l a¡­clJ fËQ¥l j¡R f­s­Rz g­m
h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl ­k¡N¡e hª¢Ü ­qa¥ c¡j k¡­h L­j - p¤¤al¡w Ef¡SÑe qÊÊ¡­pl pñ¡he¡ ­cM¡ k¡­hz
­p L¡l­ZC ­p Eõ¢pa e¡ q­u Q¥f L­l b¡­Lz h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl ­k¡N¡e hª¢Ü Hhw ­p L¡l­ZC
C¢m­nl j§mÉ qÊÊ¡p J a¡l Ef¡SÑe hª¢Ü pñ¡he¡l Ahm¤¢çl Bnˆ¡u ­p j­e j­e ­i­P f­s
°el¡­nÉz e£l­h S­m S¡m ­gm¡ ­pC j¡e¢pL °el¡­nÉl C¢‰ahqz

3z “nl£lV¡ BS a¡q¡l i¡­m¡ ¢Rm e¡ - a¡l Ù»£ j¡m¡ a¡­L h¡¢ql qC­a h¡lZ L¢lu¡¢Rmz”
(i) j¡m¡ ­L ? ­p L¡­L ­hl q­a h¡lZ L­l ? a¡l f¢lQu c¡Jz
(ii) nl£l i¡­m¡ e¡ b¡L¡ p­šÄJ a¡­L ­Le ­hl q­a q­u¢Rm ?
Ešl -
(i) j¡m¡ qm fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T EfeÉ¡­pl ­L¢¾cÊu Q¢lœ L¥h­ll Ù»£z
­p a¡l ü¡j£ L¥­hl­L Ap¤¤ÙÛa¡l L¡l­Z ­hl q­a h¡lZ L­lz
(ii)p¡l¡ hR­ll A­æl pwÙÛ¡­el L¡l­Z fcÈ¡ec£l ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ C¢m­nl jlö­jl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u
b¡­Lz nl£l Ap¤¤ÙÛ b¡L¡ p­šÄJ O­l LjÑq£e AhÙÛ¡u h­p b¡L¡ Q­m e¡z L¡lZ O­l AQm q­u
h­p b¡L­m Ae¡Na i¢hoÉ­a Efh¡p Ll­a q­hz a¡C Ù»£ j¡m¡l ¢e­od p­šÄJ L¥­hl a¡l
n¡l£¢lL Ap¤¤ÙÛa¡ E­fr¡ L­lJ k¡œ¡ L­l­R C¢mn dl­az L¡lZ H pj­u HLV¡ l¡¢œJ a¡l
f­r O­l Ampi¡­h h­p b¡L¡ ­L¡efËL¡­l pñhfl eu, HC pj­ul p­‰ p¡l¡ hR­ll l¦¢S-
­l¡SN¡l J S£¢hL¡ ¢ehÑ¡­ql pÇfLÑ p¤¤Ni£lz

4z “Ha h­s¡ fcÈ¡l h¤­L S£¢hL¡ ASÑe Ll¡ a¡l j­a¡ N¢lh ­S­ml f­r c¤xp¡dÉ hÉ¡f¡lz”
(i) k¡l pÇf­LÑ HC Lb¡ a¡l c¡¢l­âl f¢lQu c¡Jz
(ii) a¡l f­r S£¢hL¡ ASÑe c¤xp¡dÉ ­Le a¡ ¢m­M a¡l S£he-pwNË¡­jl ¢Qœ Aˆe Llz
Ešl -
(i) L¥­hl fcÈ¡ec£l ¢ef£¢sa, m¡¢“a, h¢’a d£hl pÇfËc¡­ul ­nË¢Z fË¢a¢e¢dz a¡l h¡¢s ­La¥f¤l
NË¡­jz ­ch£N­”l j¡Cm ­c­sL ES¡­e de”u J N­Z­nl p­‰ ­e±L¡u j¡R d­l ­pz ­e±L¡ J
S¡m HC c¤C­ul j¡¢mL de”uz L¡­SC j¡­Rl AdÑ¡w­nl i¡N£c¡l de”uz h¡¢L A­dÑL pj¡ei¡­N
i¡N qu L¥­hl J N­Z­nl j­dÉz ­e±L¡ J S¡­ml j¡¢mL h­m de”u f¢lnËj L­l Ljz ­p öd¤
p¡l¡rZ ­e±L¡l q¡m d­l h­p b¡­Lz ¢L¿¹¥ ¢ch¡l¡¢œ ALÓ¡¿¹ f¢lnËj Ll­a qu L¥­hl J N­Zn­Lz
¢L¿¹¥ a¡l ¢h¢ej­u a¡l¡ k¡ f¡u a¡ ¢ea¡¿¹C A¢L¢’vLlz

(ii) ­pC üÒf B­u a¡l i¡­m¡i¡­h ¢ce …Sl¡e Ll¡ pñh qu e¡ - ­M­u f­l ­hy­Q b¡L¡l ja
B¢bÑL p¡µRmÉ a¡­cl ­eCz Apj h¾V­el SeÉ de”u fcÈ¡ec£l pµRm j¡¢Tz Afl¢c­L L¥­hl
J de”­ul AhÙÛ¡ ­n¡Qe£uz fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T­cl S£h­e HC h’e¡ J ­n¡oZ Bhqj¡e L¡m ­b­L
haÑj¡ez L¥­h­ll ja c¢lâ j¡¢T­cl S£hek¡fe BlJ c¤xp¡dÉ q­u J­W kMe h¡S¡­l C¢m­nl
cl L­j k¡uz S¡­m dªa C¢m­nl fË¡Q¥kÑ fË­aÉL d£h­llC (­S­ml) L¡jÉz ¢L¿¹¥ ­pC fË¡Q¥kÑ
phpju a¡­cl i¡­NÉ p¤¤M-ü¡µRÉ­¾cl C¢‰a hqe L­l e¡z A­eLpju h¡S¡­l ­h¢n j¡­Rl fË¡Q¥kÑ
j¡­Rl cl­L e¡¢j­u ­cuz g­m ­k m¡­il Bn¡ ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ L­l b¡­L a¡ a¡­cl que¡z g­m


i¡­NÉ ­S¡­V A¢a AÒf f¢lj¡Z AbÑ, k¡ a¡­cl f¢lnË­jl p­‰ p‰¢af§ZÑ euz pwp¡l ¢ehÑ¡­ql
­r­œ ­pC AbÑ AaÉ¿¹ A¢L¢’vLl J AfËa¥mz Bh¡l hoÑ¡l jlöj g¥¢l­u ­N­m fcÈ¡ a¡l j£e
p¿¹¡e…¢m­L ec£ h­r m¤¢L­u ­g­mz h­s¡ S¡m J p‰¢af§ZÑ ­S­m R¡s¡ a¡l q¢cn f¡Ju¡
c¤xp¡dÉ hÉ¡f¡lz AbÑ¡i¡­h a¡l¡ A­eÉl f¤L¥lJ Sj¡ ¢e­a f¡­l e¡z g­m C¢m­nl jlöj g¥l¡­m
fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢Tl S£¢hL¡ ¢ehÑ¡q L¢Weaj q­u J­Wz

5z “ec£l h¤­L na na B­m¡ A¢ehÑ¡Z ­S¡e¡¢Ll j­a¡ O¤¢lu¡ ­hs¡C­a­Rz”

(i) na na B­m¡ ¢L­pl B­m¡ ? H…¢m A¢ehÑ¡Z ­S¡e¡¢Ll j­a¡ O¤­l ­hs¡­µR ­Le ?
(ii) ­S¡e¡¢Ll p­‰ ­e±L¡l B­m¡…¢ml a¥me¡ Ll¡ q­u­R ­Le ?
Ešl -
(i) j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ BMÉ¡e¡w­n h¢ZÑa hoÑ¡l l¡­a fcÈ¡ec£l An¡¿¹ S­ml
Efl j¡R dl¡u la ­S­m j¡¢T­cl ApwMÉ ­e±L¡l ­R¡V ­R¡V mã­el B­m¡…¢m Bp­m na
na B­m¡z
­S­ml¡ fcÈ¡ec£l h¤­L p¡l¡ l¡¢œ j¡R d­lz l¡œ£ Ni£l ­b­L Ni£lal qu, œ²­j c¤f¤l l¡¢œ
­f¢l­u k¡uz Ql¡Q­ll pjÙ¹ j¡e¤o O¤¢j­u f­s, ­nol¡­œ i¡P¡ i¡P¡ ­j­Ol jdÉ ¢c­u r£Z Qy¡c
J­W, aMeJ ­S­m-j¡¢Tl¡ a¡­cl mã­el jªc¤ B­m¡u j¡R d­l Q­m, ec£l ­pË¡­a ­e±L¡…¢m
Qm­a b¡­L Hd¡l Jd¡l, Bh¡l j¡R dl¡l fË­u¡S­eJ Jl¡ ­e±L¡…¢m­L ¢e­u k¡u e¡e¡e ¢c­Lz
HCi¡­h A¢ehÑ¡Z ­S¡e¡¢Ll ja p¡l¡ l¡¢œ SÆm­a b¡­L ­S­m­cl B­m¡…¢mz Bl N¢an£m
­e±L¡…¢ml p­‰ p­‰ B­m¡…¢mJ N¢an£m q­u J­Wz
(ii) l¡¢œl AåL¡l e¡j­mC ­S¡e¡¢Ll B­m¡…¢m SÆm­a öl¦ L­l Hhw p¡l¡ l¡¢œ d­l SÆm­a b¡­Lz
­S­m­cl ­e±L¡l B­m¡…¢mJ AåL¡l¡µRæ fcÈ¡ec£l h¤­L p¡l¡l¡¢œ d­l SÆm­a b¡­Lz HC L¡l­Z
­e±L¡l B­m¡…¢m­L A¢ehÑ¡Z ­S¡e¡¢Ll p­‰ a¥me¡ Ll¡ q­u­Rz

6z “Ef¡SÑe k¡ qu HC C¢m­nl jlö­jz”

(i) EÜ«a m¡Ce¢V ­L¡e lQe¡l Awn ? L¡l Ef¡SÑ­el Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R a¡l f¢lQu c¡Jz
(ii) AeÉ pju Ef¡SÑe qu e¡ ­Le ?
Ešl -
(i) h¡Ù¹hh¡c£ ­mML j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa L¡mSu£ EfeÉ¡p ‘fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T’l A¿¹NÑa Bj¡­cl
f¡WÉ¡wn ‘fcÈec£l j¡¢T’ NÒf ­b­L B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V pwL¢ma q­u­Rz
L¥­h­ll Ef¡SÑ­el Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz ­p HLSe c¢lâ ­S­m j¡¢T, ­ch£N­” j¡Cm ­c­sL ES¡­e
de”­ul p­‰ HL ­e±L¡u j¡R d­l ­pz a¡l h¡¢s ­La¥f¤l NË¡­jz
(ii) fcÈ¡ ec£­a j¡R d­l L¥­h­ll ja c¢lâ j¡¢Tl¡ S£¢hL¡ ASÑe L­lz hoÑ¡ C¢m­nl SeÈ¡­e¡l
Efk¤š² pjuz C¢mn p¡j¤¢âL j¡Rz ¢L¿¹¥ ¢Xj R¡s¡l pj­u a¡l¡ Ty¡­L Ty¡­L fcÈ¡u fË­hn L­lz
Bl ­pCpju a¡l¡ ­S­m j¡¢T­cl S¡­m dl¡ f­s, g­m HCpju C¢m­nl fË¡Q¥kÑ mrÉ Ll¡ k¡uz

7z “nl£l b¡L Bl k¡L H pju HLV¡ l¡¢œJ O­l h¢pu¡ b¡¢L­m L¥­h­ll Q¢m­h e¡z”
(i) EÜ«a m¡Ce¢V ­L¡e lQe¡l Awn ? ­L¡e pj­ul Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) H pju O­l h­p b¡L­m Qm­h e¡ - Hl ­fR­e ­k ­k L¡lZ k¤š² l­u­R, ­p…¢m ¢L paÉ h­m
­a¡j¡l j­e qu ?

Ešl -
(i) j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa fcÈ¡ec£l j¡¢T N­Òfl A¿¹NÑaz
hoÑ¡u C¢mn j¡R dl¡l HLj¡œ pjuz HCpju L¥­h­ll ja c¢lâ ­S­m j¡¢Tl¡ hR­ll Bu
L­l, hoÑ¡ g¥¢l­u ­N­m fcÈ¡ a¡l j£e p¿¹¡e…¢m­L ­L¡b¡u ­ke m¤¢L­u ­euz g­m hoÑ¡L¡­m
HC C¢m­nl jlö­j nl£­ll ¢c­L a¡L¡h¡l L¥­h­ll Ahpl ­eCz
(ii) L¥­hl c¢lâ j¡¢T, pq¡u pðmq£ez Ai¡h a¡l ¢eaÉ pqQlz fcÈ¡u C¢mn j¡R d­l ­L¡e fËL¡­l
HL­hm¡ Bd­fV¡ ­M­u a¡l pwp¡l Q­mz Na hR­l V¡L¡l Ai¡­h ­p A¢Mm p¡q¡l f¤L¥lV¡
Sj¡ ¢e­a f¡­l¢ez a¡C fcÈ¡l C¢mnC a¡l HLj¡œ ilp¡z l¡¢n l¡¢n l©f¡¢m C¢mn hoÑ¡Øg£a
fcÈ¡ d£hl pÇfËc¡u­L Efq¡l ¢c­mJ, a¡­cl c¤xM ­hce¡ c£ZÑ S£h­e pµRma¡ B­p e¡z hoÑ¡l
Ahp¡­e fcÈ¡u C¢m­nl jlö­jlJ Ahp¡e quz ec£l j¡¢mL­L M¡Se¡ ¢c­u 1000 V¡L¡ c¡­jl
S¡m f¡a¡ L¥­h­ll ja Nl£h ­S­m­cl f­r HL¡¿¹C Apñhz V¡L¡l Ai¡­h k¡l¡ p¡j¡eÉ HLV¡
f¤L¥l Sj¡ ¢e­a f¡­l e¡, a¡­cl f­r HC l¡S¢pL hÉuhqe üfÀ j¡œz hoÑ¡ a¡­cl HLj¡œ
­l¡SN¡­ll pjuz a¡C nl£­ll Ap¤¤ÙÛa¡, Ù»£ j¡m¡l ¢e­od p­šÄJ L¥­hl­L j¡R dl­a ­k­a qu
fcÈ¡u L¡lZ HL¢ce L¡j¡C­ul AbÑ qm BN¡j£¢c­e ¢elæ (e¡ ­M­u/E­f¡p L­l) q­u ¢ce
A¢ah¡¢qa Ll¡z a¡C nl£l b¡L Bl k¡L HC pju a¡l O­l h­p b¡L¡ Qm­h e¡z Bj¡l j­e
qu B­m¡¢Qa L¡lZ…¢m ph¢cL ­b­LC paÉz

9z “de”u J kc¤l ­S¡s¡a¡¢m-­cJu¡ hÉhÙÛ¡u ­k j¡R f­s a¡ c¤-¢ae Be¡ i¡­N L¡lJ pwp¡l
Q­m e¡z” -
(i) de”u J kc¤ ­L ?
(ii) HClLj hÉhÙÛ¡u L¡­cl ­Le pwp¡l Q­m e¡ ?
Ešl -
(i) de”u J kc¤ qm h¡wm¡­c­n fcÈ¡l a£­l hph¡pL¡l£ c¤C ­S­m j¡¢Tz de”­ul h¡¢s ­ch£N”
­b­L j¡Cm ­c­sL ES¡­e ­La¥f¤l NË¡­j Bl kc¤l h¡¢s es¡C­mz Hl¡ A­fr¡L«a B¢bÑL
p‰¢a pÇfæ Hhw a¡­cl ¢eSü j¡R dl¡l S¡m J ­e±L¡ B­Rz
(ii) HC lLj hÉhÙÛ¡u L¥­hl J N­Z­nl j­a¡ qa c¢lâ j¡¢T­cl pwp¡l Q­m e¡z N­Zn J L¥­h­ll
­e±L¡ h¡ S¡m ­Le¡l B¢bÑL p‰¢a ­eCz a¡C de”u J kc¤l j­a¡ üµRm j¡¢T­cl p­‰ c¤-
¢ae Be¡ i¡­N a¡­cl jS¥¢l M¡V­a quz ALÓ¡¿¹ f¢lnËj L­lJ a¡­cl ­k AbÑ Ef¡SÑe qu
a¡­a p¡l¡hR­ll pwL¥m¡e qu e¡z ­kV¥L¥ Ef¡SÑe qu a¡ HC hoÑ¡u C¢m­nl jlö­jz L¡lZ
p¡l¡hRl fcÈ¡l HLC l©f b¡­L e¡z LM­e¡ ­p Ec¡l LM­e¡ ­p L«fZ¡z a¡C LM­e¡ de”u
Bh¡l LM­e¡ kc¤l p­‰ a¡­cl j¡R dl­a quz HClLj A¢e¢ÕQa ­S¡s¡a¡¢m ­cJu¡ hÉhÙÛ¡u
L¥­hl J N­Z­nl j­a¡ c¢lâ ­S­m­cl °ceÉcn¡ ­O¡­Q e¡z


* h¡¢sl L¡S
1z “pjÙ¹ l¡¢œ B­m¡…¢m Hj¢ei¡­h ec£h­rl lqpÉju Çm¡e AåL¡­l c¤­hÑ¡dÉ p­ˆ­al j­a¡
p’¡¢ma quz”
(i) L¡l ­mM¡ ­L¡e EfeÉ¡­pl A¿¹NÑa ? ­L¡e ec£l Lb¡ E­õM Ll¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) fËp‰ E­õM L­l ec£h­r B­m¡…¢ml p’¡¢ma qJu¡l L¡lZ hZÑe¡ Llz
2z “aMe ¢e­Sl ¢hl¡V ¢hÙ¹«¢al j¡­T ­L¡eM¡­e ­p ­k a¡l j£ep¿¹¡e…¢m­L m¤L¡Cu¡ ­g­m My¥¢Su¡
h¡¢ql Ll¡ L¢We qCu¡ cy¡s¡uz”
(i) "¢e­Sl' hm­a L¡l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ? "j£ep¿¹¡e' hm­a L£ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) ­a¡j¡l ¢L j­e qu p¢aÉC j£e p¿¹¡e…¢m­L My¥­S ­hl Ll¡ L¢We, Eš­ll pf­r k¤¢š² c¡Jz

3z “­i¡­l ­ch£N­” j¡­Rl cl e¡ S¡e¡ Ah¢d HV¡ ­p±i¡NÉ ¢Le¡ hm¡ k¡u e¡z”
(i) A­eL j¡R dl¡ p­šÄJ a¡ ­p±i¡­NÉl L¡lZ e¡J q­a f¡­l, Hje pwn­ul L¡lZ ¢L ?
(ii) ah¤ H­r­œ ­S­m j¡¢T­cl j­e ilp¡ S¡N¡l L¡lZ ¢e­Sl i¡o¡u ­mMz


ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)
TOPIC – Factorisation
 When a monomial is to be divided by a monomial, then
Quotient = (quotient of their numerical coefficients) × (quotient of their variables.
 For dividing a polynomial by a monomial, we divided each term of the polynomial by the
 For dividing a polynomial by a polynomial, we factorise both the polynomials and cancel their
common factors.
 In algebra, many common errors are made which needs to be taken care of. For example,
≠ 𝑥 + 2 rather = + 2.
 The factors of an expression may be number, algebraic variables or algebraic expressions.
 An irreducible factor is a factor which cannot be expressed further as a product of factors.
 Representation of an algebraic expression the product of two or more expressions is called
factorisation. Each such expression is called a factor of the given algebraic expression.
 If an algebraic expression written as the product of irreducible factors such a factorisation is called
complete factorisation.
 Methods of factorisation:
(a) common factor method
(b) regrouping
(c) using algebraic identities
(i) (𝑎 + 𝑏) = a2 +2ab +b2
(ii) (𝑎 − 𝑏) = a2 – 2ab + b2
(iii) (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2


1. Which of the following is obtained by dividing {36abc + 24a2b2c – (18a2b3c + 30a2bc2)}by 3abc?
(a) -6ab2 – 10ac + 8ab + 12 (b) 6ab2 – 10ac + 8c + 12
(c) -6ab – 10ac + 8c -12 (d) 6ab2 – 10ac + 8c – 12
2. What is the quotient obtained when (18x2 – 32y2) is divided by (3x + 4y)?
(a) 2(3x – 4y) (b) 2(3x + 4y) (c) 4(3x – 4y) (d) 4(3x + 4y)
3. On dividing 57x2yz by 114xy, we get
(a) xz (b) xz (c) xz (d) 2xz
4. On dividing p(4p -16) by 4p(p – 2), we get
(a) 2p + 4 (b) 2p – 4 (c) p + 2 (d) p – 2
5. The common factor of 3ab and 2cd is
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) a (d) c
6. The factors of x2 – 4 are
(a) (x – 2), (x – 2) (b) (x + 2), (x – 2) (c) (x + 2), (x + 2) (d) (x – 4), (x + 4)
7. Common factor of 17abc, 34ab2 and 51a2b is
(a) 17abc (b) 17ab (c) 17ac (d) 17ab2c
8. Factorised form of x2 – 10x + 21 is
(a) (x – 1) (x – 4) (b) (x – 7) (x – 3) (x – 7) ( x + 3) (d) (x + 7) (x + 3)
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9. What are the factors of x2 + 4x – 32?
(a) (x + 4) & (x – 8) (b) (x – 4) & (x + 8) (c) (x + 4) & (x + 8) (d) none of these.
10. On factorising (x + a) (n – b) – (m + b) (n – a), we get
(a) (a + b) (m + n) (b) (a + b) (m – n) (c) (a – b) (m + n) (d) none of these.

Direction: In the question numbers 11 to 14, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
reason (R). Answer the questions by selecting appropriate option.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
11. Assertion (A): A factor which occurs in each term is called the common factor.
Reason (R): 7b is the common factor of 7abc, 7a2b and 7bc2.
12. Assertion (A): A factor which occurs in each term is called the common factor.
Reason (R): Expression x2 – x – 6 has (x +2) as a common factor.
13. Assertion (A): x2 + 5x + 6 has one factor (x-3).
Reason (R): Factors of x2 + 5x + 6 are (x +2) and (x + 3).
14. Assertion (A): An irreducible factor is a factor which cannot be expressed further as a product of
Reason (R): The irreducible factorisation of 3a3 + 6a is 3a (a2 + 2).
15. Write is the common factor of 3x2(a + b) and 4x(a + b)2.
16. Divide: 27xy3z2 by 9xyz.
17. Write the factors of 25a2 + 20ab + 16b2.
18. Write the quotient and remainder when x2 + 4x + 4 divided by x + 2.
19. Factorise ax + bx – ay – by.
20. Divide: 5(2x + 1) (3x +5) by (2x + 1).
21. The product of two expressions is x2 + 7x + 10. If one of them is x + 5, find the other.
22. Factorise the following:
(a) p2q – pr2 – pq + r2
(b) x2 + yz + xy + xz
23. Factorise:
(a) x4 – (x – y)4
(b) 4x2 + 9 – 12x – a2 – b2 + 2ab
24. If one of the factors of (5x2 + 70x – 160) is (x – 2). Find the other factor.
25. Factorise:
(a) (x + y)2 – 4xy – 9z2
(b) 25x2 – 4y2 + 28yz – 49z2
26. Factorise the given expressions and divide that as indicated.
(a) 39n3(50n2 – 98) ÷ 26n2(5n – 7)
(b) 44(p4 – 5p3 – 24p2) ÷ 11p(p – 8).
27. Divide the polynomial p(x)=x3 − 3x2 + 5x − 3 by the polynomial g(x)=x2 − 2. Find the quotient and remainder.
28. If f(x)=x3 + x2 – ax + b is divisible by x2 − x write the value of a and b.
29. Simplify: ( ) ( ) ( )
30. Simplify: .

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31. On dividing the polynomial 3x3 + 4x2 + 5x − 13 by a polynomial g(x), the quotient and the remainder
were (3x+10) and (16x−43) respectively. Find g(x).
32. Divide the polynomial 2x4 − 6x3 + 7x2 − 4x − 2 by the polynomial 2x2 − 2x + 1 and find the quotient and
33. Divide: x6 − 1 by x3 − 2x2 + 2x – 1.
34. If the quotient on dividing 2x4 + x3 − 14x2 − 19x + 6 by 2x + 1 is x3 + ax2 – bx − 6. Find the values of a and b,
also the remainder.
35. Find the value of b for which the polynomial 2x3−9x2−x−b is divisible by 2x+3.
36. Find the quotient and the remainder when 10−4x+3x2 is divided by x−2.
37. Factorise the following expressions.
(i) p2+6p+8 (ii) q2–10q+21 (iii) p2+6p–16
38. An expression is shown below:
22(x4 – x3 – 20x2)
Vinod claims that when the expression is divided by 11x2(x + 4) we get 2(x -5). Varun claims
that when the expression is divided by 11x(x + 5) we get 2x(x + 4). Who is/are correct?
39. A square field has an area expressed as an algebraic expression as 4x2 + 12xy + 9y2. Find the side of
the square in terms of x and y. If x = 1, y = 2, find its perimeter.
40. Factorise 2x2 - + .
41. For a sport activity, a physical teacher gathers all his students in a circular field of area 𝜋(16x2 +40x
+25) cm2 to perform some physical activity/sports.
Based on above information, answer the following questions.
(i) find the radius of the field.
(ii) If x = 2, what will be the length of its diameter.
(iii) write the circumference of park in algebraic form.
(iii) find the cost of fencing the ground at the rate of ₹5/cm when x = 3.
42. Mohan cuts two square pieces from a card board to make a wall hanging. The area of square A
is 9x2 + 30x + 25 sq. units and the area of square B is 9x2 – 30x + 25 sq. units.
Based on above information answer the following questions:
(i) find the length of each side of square A in terms of x.
(ii) find the length of each side of square B in terms of x.
(iii) what will be the difference between the area of the two square boards if x= 3?
(iii) find the perimeter of both pieces of square if x = 2.
43. Rajat wants to solve a puzzle for which he has A = (80p2q ÷ 5p) ÷ 2q and B = (100p2q2 ÷
10q2) ÷2p.
Based on above information answer the following questions:
(ii) 2AB
(iii) (A+B)÷(A-B)
(iii) A2 – B

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ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)


SUB-TOPIC: (i) Sparks and Lightning
(ii) Lightning Conductor
• Lightning
Lightning is bright streak of light during a thunderstorm with the sound of thunder. The transfer of charge from
clouds to cloud or from cloud to the earth is called lightning.
• Formation of Lightning
During a rain, the air currents move upwards and water droplets (in the form of rain) move downwards. In this
process, the charges also get separated and the positive charges accumulate near the upper layers of the
clouds and the negative charges accumulate near the lower layers. On the ground, positive charges accumulate.
The magnitude of these charges grows larger and larger with time and intense rainfall. Under such
circumstances, air (which normally is a poor conductor of electricity), loses its resistance to electricity and
begins to conduct. When the air begins to conduct, the positive charges on the ground, meets the negative
charges on the cloud and streaks of light is produced. This light an electric discharge and we see and call this
as Lightning. The process of electric discharge can occur between clouds and earth surface.

Do’s and Don’ts during a Thunderstorm

1. Outside the Home:

(i) Open vehicles, like motorbikes, tractors, construction machinery and open cars are not safe during the
(ii) In open fields, tall trees, shelters in parks, elevated places do not protect us from lightning strokes.
(iii) Carrying umbrella (with metallic handle) is not a good idea at all during thunderstorms.
(iv) Stay away from poles or other metal objects.
(v) In open area, if you do not find place to hide. Do not lie on the ground. Instead, Place your hands on your
knees with your head between the hands. This position will make you the smallest target to be struck.

2. Inside the House:

(i) Lightning can strike telephone cords, electrical wires and metal pipes. During a thunderstorm contact with
these should be avoided.
(ii) Bathing should be avoided during thunderstorms to avoid contact with running water.
(iii) Electrical appliances like computers, TVs, etc., should be unplugged. Electrical lights can remain on. They
do not cause any harm.
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Lightning Conductor:

(i) Lightning Conductor is a device which protects a building from lightning damage. It is composed of a vertical
metallic rod which is taller than the building, is installed in the walls of the building. The base of the metallic rod
is attached to thick metallic wire; which goes very deep inside the earth.
(ii) When lightning strikes, electric charge goes to the lightning conductor and then it goes to earth. The vertical
metallic rod provides easy route for the transfer of electric charge to the ground.

Very short Answer type questions:

Q1 What actually causes lightning?
Ans. Lightning is caused by the accumulation of charges in the clouds.
Q2 If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning could occur? Explain.
Ans. If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity then charge separation will not take
place and hence lightning will not occur.
Short Answer type questions:
Q3 How does electric discharge occur in clouds?
Ans. At the time of thunder negative charges are accumulated near the clouds and positive charges near the
ground. When these charges meet, electric discharge takes place between the ground and clouds. In this
process, a large amount of energy is released.
Q4 How does lightning strike?
Ans. When two clouds carrying opposite charges come very close to each other, the charges flow with great
speed from one cloud to another through the air between them. Consequently, a very bright spark is
produced. The spark caused due to the transfer of electric charge between two clouds causes lightning. It
can occur when electric charges flow from one part of a cloud to another or from a cloud to the ground.
Lightning is accompanied by large amounts of electric charges and very high temperatures. The huge
amount of heat produced makes the air expand very suddenly what causes vibration to occur, resulting in
a loud sound called thunder.

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Q5. Explain how a lightning conductor works.
Ans. Lightning conductors are used to protect buildings from damage during lightning strikes. It is a metal rod
which basically runs through the entire length along the outer wall of the structure. The bottom end of the
rod is connected deep into the ground to a metal plate. When a lightning strikes, the lightning conductor
provides a direct and easy path for the bolt of lightning to pass into the ground, thus saving the building
from damage.
Q6. Write any two safety measures to be taken during lightning.
Ans. The two safety measures to be employed during lightning are:

1. Take shelter indoors or inside some big vehicles such as trucks or cars.
2. Do not run over large open fields or high grounds.

Q7. In what situation can lightning be dangerous? How can the danger to tall buildings be reduced?
Ans. Clouds can charge tall buildings by induction. The buildings, thus, acquire the opposite charge. If the
built-up charge is very heavy, a heavy flow of electric charge can occur between the clouds and the
buildings. This can result in the buildings catching fire. To protect tall buildings from damage by
lightning, a lightning conductor is fixed on them. If lightning strikes a building, it flows harmlessly to the
earth through the lightning conductor, causing no damage to the building.
Home Assignment:
1. How does a lightning conductor work?
2. List four precautions you will take to save yourself from a lightning strike during a thunderstorm.
3. Explain the process of lightning striking a building or tree.
4. In what ways is lightning useful?
5. The rod of a lightning conductor accidentally broke into two from the middle. What danger will this pose
if lightning strikes the building? Why?


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ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)

Activity 1

Aim – To compare the tensile strength of some natural and synthetic fibres

Materials required – Fibres of cotton, wool , silk, nylon and polyester, hook, pan,
weights of a balance, rigid body .

Experiment Observation Conclusion

We tie one end of a cotton thread Different weights are We obtain comparative value
to a hook fixed to a rigid body required to break the of the tensile strength of
and other end to a pan of a threads. They are in the different fibres.
balance. We put some weight on order nylon> polyester Nylon has the highest tensile
the pan and increase the weight > silk> wool> cotton strength .
in small steps, till the thread
breaks. We note the total weight
including that of the pan required
to break the thread. We repeat
the activity with other kinds of
fibre like wool, silk, nylon and
polyester of similar thickness and
the same length

Activity 2

Aim – To observe the action of water on natural and synthetic fibres

Materials required – Fabrics of nylon, polyester and cotton, metal ring , water,
dropper, stopwatch

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Experiment Observation Conclusion
We hold the cloth tight on a metal Water gets absorbed Natural fibres absorb
ring and add water dropwise in faster in case of cotton water quite
the centre of the ring. We count cloth compared to the efficiently whereas
the number of drops till the nylon and polyester synthetic fibre does
soaked water touches the ring. fabric. not.
With a stopwatch we measure the
time taken for this to happen. We
repeat this activity with different
kinds of fabrics such as nylon,
polyester and cotton.

Activity 3

Aim – To observe the action of heat and flame on natural and synthetic fibre

Materials required – cotton cloth, polyester and nylon cloth, polythene , PVC , tongs,
candle, matchstick.

Experiment Observation Conclusion

We bring a piece of cotton The cotton cloth will not Most synthetic polymers are
near a flame . melt but it will burn when heat sensitive. On being
Then we bring a piece of brought very close to or into heated the melt and at higher

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polyester or nylon cloth near a flame. temperatures they burn.
a flame. The piece of polyester or Natural fibres do not melt
We repeat the experiment nylon will melt and then but they burn in contact with
with some plastic materials catch fire. flame.
like polythene ,PVC, etc Plastics materials like
polythene and PVC will also
melt before burning

Activity 4

Aim – To compare thermal conductivities of materials

Materials required – Metal ladle, plastic scale, water , burner, pan

Experiment Observation Conclusion

We keep some water in a Within a short time This shows that
pan. We hold one end of a we will feel that the metals are good
long metal ladle with one end of the ladle being conductors of heat
hand and that of a plastic held became hot but and plastic materials
scale with the other. We put that of the plastic are bad conductors of
the other end of the two scale did not become heat.
material in boiling water. hot.

Activity 5

Aim – To compare electrical conductivities of materials

Materials required – Battery, bulb, electrical wires, metal key, polythene, vinyl
rubber, nylon thread.

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Experiment Observation Conclusion
Using battery , bulb, testing The bulb glows when a Metal key conducts
material and electrical wires metal key is connected to electricity but
we make a circuit. We use a the circuit. The bulb does synthetic polymers
metal key, vinyl rubber, not glow when synthetic like vinyl rubber,
polythene and nylon thread polymers like vinyl polythene, nylon
as the testing material. rubber, polythene, nylon thread does not
thread is connected to the conduct electricity

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ASSIGNMENT - 1 (TERM II-2023-24)
Reproduction is a vital process that is essential for the survival of all living organisms. In
animals, reproduction involves the production of offspring that share genetic traits with their

Viviparous and Oviparous Animals

Viviparous animals are those that reproduce by giving birth to offspring. The infants are born
by their mothers. A few examples of viviparous creatures are dogs, cats, cows, etc. Oviparous
animals are defined as those that lay eggs. This is because the mother will lay them in an
external environment instead of keeping them inside her own body.

Modes of Reproduction
There are two ways that animals can reproduce, just like there are two ways that plants can

Sexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction

Sexual Reproduction
Animals have separate reproductive systems for males and females, just like plants.
The male and female gametes combine to form the zygote, which then develops into a new
individual in both plants and animals.

Sexual reproduction is the process of reproduction that starts with the fusion of male and
female gametes.

Male Reproductive Organs

The male reproductive system consists of a penis, two sperm ducts, and two testes (plural,
The male gametes known as sperms are produced in the testes.
The testes produce millions of sperm.
Despite their tiny size, sperms have a head, a central section, and a tail.
Each sperm is a single cell that contains all of the typical cell elements.

Female Reproductive Organs

The uterus, a pair of ovaries, and oviducts (fallopian tubes) constitute the female reproductive
The female gametes known as ova (eggs) are produced in the ovary.
Each month, one of the ovaries of a human releases one developed egg into the oviduct.
The uterus is where the embryonic deveopment of the child occurs.
A single cell also makes up an egg, much like the sperm.

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The egg could be very little, like in humans, or a lot bigger, like in hens. The biggest egg is an
ostrich egg.



The reproductive process begins with the union of a sperm and an ovum. The egg may be
fertilized when it interacts with one of the sperms, leading to fusion. It is known as fertilization
when an egg and sperm combine in this manner. The sperm and egg nuclei combine to create
one nucleus during fertilization, which is found inside the zygote

Fertilization happens when a mother’s egg cell and the father’s sperm cell combine, resulting
in the creation of a new individual who has inherited characteristics from both parents.

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It is of two types:

Internal fertilization
External fertilization
Development of Embryo

During fertilization, a zygote is created and it then starts the process of development into an
embryo. The zygote divides multiple times, creating a cluster of cells. Subsequently, these
cells group together to form various body tissues and organs. An embryo is the initial stage of
a growing organism in the uterus. After being implanted into the uterine wall, it begins to
develop further into its complete form with all its body parts such as hands, legs, head, eyes,
and ears. The fetal stage is when the baby is still in the womb and its body parts are
identifiable. After the foetus has finished developing, it’s time for the mother to give birth to
the new-born.


A1.Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which only one parent is required. An

individual produces offspring(s) without the help another individual.

A2.The male gamete is known as sperm and female gamete is known as ovum in human

A3.In frogs, reproduction takes place outside the body.

A4.The male reproductive system consists of testes, vas deferens, epididymis and penis.

A5.Fertilisation takes place in the fallopian tube of female human beings.

A6.Embryo receives nutrition in the mother's womb through the placenta, which is attached
to the embryo by the umbilical cord.

A7.The female reproductive system of human beings consists of ovaries, fallopian tube,
uterus and vagina.

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A8.The zygote formed after fertilisation of the ovum divides to form the embryo, which gets
attached to the wall of the uterus.

A9.Secondary sexual characters in males are regulated by testosterone (male sex hormone).



Q1. Although two cells called gamete fuse, the product formed is a single cell called zygote.
Answer:During fertilisation, only the male nucleus moves into the egg cell and fuses to the
egg nucleus to form zygote which is thus a single cell. The sperm remain outside the egg cell
and degenerates after some time.

Q2.The eggs of frogs do not have shells for protection, yet they are safe in water. How?
Answer:A layer of jelly covers the eggs of frog and provides protection. Water help them to
float and retain moisture. If eggs are laid in land then they will dry up and die.

Q3.Mother gives birth to a baby but the baby has characters of both parents. How?
Answer:Human beings show sexual reproduction. During fertilisation, two gametes, one from
the mother and the other from father, fuse together to form zygote. Therefore baby developed
from zygote has characters of both parents though mother gives birth to a baby.

(CL-VIII/ASSIGNMENT 1 /TERM- II-2023-24/Page 4 of 4)

ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)


1. The foundation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 was not a sudden event or
a historical accident. It was culmination of a process of political awakening that had
its beginning in 1860s and 1870s. Solid ground had thus been prepared for
establishment of an all-India organization. –
i. Where was it established?
ii. Who was the first president of Indian National Congress?
iii. Name two European and two Indians who were directly contributed to its origin.

2. There was a black act that allowed the government to confiscate the assets of
newspapers including their printing press-
i. When was it passed?
ii. Which governor-general passed this act?
iii. Why did he take such a strong step?
iv. Do you know any other exploitative act like this one? Mention.

3. See the picture above. How did it help in the growth of Indian Nationalism?

4. Through the Ilbert bill controversy, the Colonial Government showed their real
faces- What was the bill about?

5. See the picture below. In what context do these two groups differ from each other?
When have they reunited again?


6. See the picture below.

i. Who was the person behind this incident?

ii. What was his policy?
iii. How did he justify this policy?
iv. Elaborately discuss the actual aim behind this.

7. What were the two policies adopted by the Nationalists to deal with the Bengal

8. Elaborate the major demands of the Moderates.

9. A similar type of organization like INC was formed by Muslims too-

i. Who was the president of this organization?
ii. Where and when was it established?
iii. What was the main aim behind its establishment?

10. Name three vernacular newspapers.


ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)

Answer the following:

1. Choose the correct option:

A. Kharif crops are sown in
a. March, April b. May, June c. October, November d. Any time
B. Wheat and gram belong to
a. Rabi crops b. Kharif crops c. Both of these d. None of these
C. Examples of kharif crops are
a. Wheat, maize b. Gram, maize c. Paddy, maize d. All of these
D. The process of transplantation is used in case of which crop?
a. maize b. paddy c. potato d. sugarcane
E. Arabica, Robusta and Liberica are types of ____________.
a. Jute b. Rice c. Tea d. Coffee
2. Match the following:
a. Rice i. 40-75 cm of rainfall, not more than 100cm and
well drained loamy soils
b. Wheat ii. 70-120cm of rainfall and loamy, alluvial, black or
laterite soil
c. Maize iii. over 100 cm of rainfall and clayey loams and
alluvial soil
d. Sugarcane iv. over 150 cm of rainfall and alluvial or loamy soill
v. 50-80 cm of rainfall and well drained, loamy,
alluvial or red soil

3. Why do you think rice and wheat form the major part of the diet of the Indian
4. Which place is called the “Wheat basket of the world” and why?
5. What are plantation crops? Name some of them which are grown in India.
6. What kind of labour does tea plantation need and why?
7. Define staple. With which crop is it associated?
8. State the different uses of jute.
9. Why is India the largest producer of jute?
10. What major differences did you find between the case studies of farm in India
and a farm in the USA. Write a report.
11. How is soil an important factor for the growth of different crops?
12. Mention the different challenges faced by India now. What can be done to solve
the problems?
13. What kind of land and labour is required for coffee cultivation?
14. State the growing conditions of sugarcane.
15. State the characteristics of rice cultivation.


ASSIGNMENT- 01 (TERM II-2023-24)
TOPIC- विलोम शब्द तथा फू लों का नगर

विलोम शब्द

पाठ सार :
विलोम शब्द का अथथ होता है – उल्टा या विपरीत अत शब्द का उल्टा अथथ थर् करन िाल शब्द को .
विलोम शब्द कहत हैं विलोम शब्द को पयाथयिािी ., प्रवतलोमाथथक भी कहत हैं
अभ्यास क प्रश्न
1. वनम्नवलवित शब्दों क विलोम शब्द वलविए –
सुि ____________ सच्चा ____________
दुष्ट ____________ भला ____________
स्िस्थ ____________ बासी ____________
पक्का ___________ िुशबू ____________
दशी ___________ वमत्र ____________
फू लों का नगर :

1. वनम्नवलवित प्रश्नों क उत्तर वलविए –

क. शाांतनु क राज्य में सूिा क्यों पड़न लगा ?
उत्तर-शाांतनु न कु छ िर्षों तक तो गुरु जी की आज्ञा का पालन ककया परां तु राजा बनत ही उसन वशकार पर
जाना शुरू कर कदया । हर भर िृरों को कटिाकर उसन कई नगर बसिाए -।धीर – धीर उसक राज्य में वगन
िुन पड़ ही बि गए वजसकी िजह स पयाथिरा असांतुवलत हो गया ंर राज्य में सूिा पड़न लगा ,।
ि. अमृत न शाांतनु को क्या उपहार कदया ?
उत्तर-अमृत न शाांतनु को कई बोरों में फू लों क बीज उपहार स्िरूप कदया ।
2. अभ्यास क प्रश्न

क. शाांतनु को शर्ममदा क्यों होना पड़ा ?

ि.अमृत न शाांतनु को युद्ध में हरान क बाद क्यों छोड़ कदया ?
3. कदए गए शब्दों स िाक्य बनाइए-
क. योजना -
ि. कष्ट –
ग. विशाल –
**गुरु की आज्ञा का पालन करें तथा प्रकृ वत की ररा करें ।*

(CLASS-VIII (3L)/ASSIGNMENT -01/TERM -II-2023-24 PAGE 1 of 1)

ASSIGNMENT- 1ST (2023-24)

j¢qo¡p¤¤l (E­f¾cÊ¢L­n¡l l¡u­Q±d¤l£)

¢hfl£a në -
üNÑ X elL p¤¤l X Ap¤¤l M¡l¡f X i¡­m¡ ­ch£ X c¡eh£
öl¦ X ­no k¤Ü X p¢å ­q­l X ¢S­a ¢hn¡m X r¥â
Be¾c X ¢el¡e¾c, c¤xM cMm X ­hcMm, q¡¢Sl X Nsq¡¢Sl, ­L­V X S¥­s
¢hfc X ¢el¡fc, ­aS X ¢e­Ù¹S
h¡LÉlQe¡ -
h¡¢sl L¡S :-
cmhm - ­R­ml¡ cmhm ¢e­u j¡­W ­Mm­a ­Nmz
­pe¡f¢a - l¡S¡jn¡C ­pe¡f¢a­L Evp­hl B­u¡Se Ll­a B­cn ¢c­mez
AaÉ¡Q¡l - S¢jc¡­ll AaÉ¡Q¡­l fËS¡l¡ A¢ÙÛl q­u f­s­Rz
Bd¡B¢d - k¡ M¡h¡l B­R c¤C ­h¡­e Bd¡B¢d i¡N L­l M¡Jz
c¤cÑn¡ - iu¡eL heÉ¡u NË¡­jl j¡e¤o Qlj c¤cÑn¡u f­s k¡uz
iuˆl - ­ef¡­m c¤­V¡ iuˆl i¨¢jLÇf quz
BÕQkÑ - ­R­m¢Vl h¤¢Ü ­c­M pL­mC BÕQkÑ q­u ­Nmz
k¤Ü - l¡j¡u­Z l¡j-l¡h­Zl k¤Ü L¡¢q¢e ­mM¡ B­Rz
NSÑe - hoÑ¡L¡­m Oe Oe ­j­Ol NSÑe ­n¡e¡ k¡uz
¢hn¡m - Bj¡­cl h¡¢sl f¡­n ¢hn¡m hs hVN¡R B­Rz
* ­nË¢Zl L¡S :-
A¢a pw¢rç fËn-À Ešl -
1z j¢qo¡p¤­¤ ll e¡j j¢qo¡p¤¤l qu ­Le ?
E :- j¢qo¡p¤¤l j¢qo h¡ ­j¡o ­p­S O¤­l ­hs¡a h­m a¡l e¡j j¢qo¡p¤¤l quz
2z k¤­Ü ­q­l ­cha¡l¡ L¡l L¡­R ­N­me ?
E :- k¤­Ü ­q­l ­cha¡l¡ hËþ¡­L p­‰ jq¡­ch J ¢ho·¥l L¡­R ­N­mez
3z ­cha¡­cl p­‰ j¢qo¡p¤¤­ll La hRl d­l k¤Ü Q­m¢Rm ?
E :- ­cha¡­cl p­‰ j¢qo¡p¤¤­ll HL e¡N¡­s HLn hRl d­l k¤Ü Q­m¢Rmz
4z ­aS Sj¡V ­hy­d ¢L­pl ja q­u ­Nm ?
E :- ­aS Sj¡V ­hy­d HL ­ch£l ja q­u ­Nmz
5z ­ch£­L ph¡C L£ L£ ¢c­a m¡Nm ?
E :- ­ch£­L ph¡C AÙ», hÙ» J Amˆ¡l ¢c­a m¡Nmz
(CLASS-VIII(3L) BENGALI/ASSIGNMENT -1st /2023-24/ PAGE 1 of 5)
6z ­ch£­L ¢pwqh¡qe ­L ¢c­u¢R­me ?
E :- ­ch£­L ¢qj¡mu fhÑa ¢pwqh¡qe ¢c­u¢R­mez
7z j¢qo¡p¤¤­ll ­pe¡f¢a­cl e¡j L£ L£ ?
E :- j¢qo¡p¤¤­ll ­pe¡f¢a­cl e¡j qm ¢QL¥l, Q¡jl, jq¡qe¤, ¢hs¡m¡rz
8z k¤­Ül pju j¢qo¡p¤¤l L£ L£ l©f d­l¢Rm ?
E :- k¤­Ül pju j¢qo¡p¤¤l ¢pwq, q¡¢a J j¢q­ol l©f d­l¢Rmz
9z ­cha¡­cl p­‰ k¤­Ü ¢S­a j¢qo¡p¤¤l L£ L­l¢Rm ?
E :- ­cha¡­cl p­‰ k¤­Ü ¢S­a j¢qo¡p¤¤l ­cha¡­cl üNÑ ­b­L ¢ha¡¢sa (a¡¢s­u ­cJu¡) L­l Hhw cmhm pq
üNÑ cMm L­l ­euz öd¤ a¡C eu, ­chl¡S C­¾cÊl ¢pwq¡p­e h­p ¢e­S­L ü­NÑl l¡S¡ ­O¡oZ¡ L­lz
10z ­L¡e Lb¡ ö­e ¢nh J ¢ho·¥l l¡N qu ?
E :- j¢qo¡p¤¤­ll, ­cha¡­cl fË¢a AaÉ¡Q¡­ll Lb¡ ö­e ¢nh J ¢ho·¥l l¡N quz

1z “HMe B¢jC ü­NÑl l¡S¡z”
(i) hš²¡ ­L ? HMe hm­a ­L¡e pj­ul Lb¡ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) ­p ü­NÑl l¡S¡ qm L£ L­l ?
(iii) üNÑ Bp­m L¡­cl h¡pÙÛ¡e ? ü­NÑl Bpm l¡S¡ ­L ?
E :-
(i) E­f¾cÊ¢L­n¡l l¡u­Q±d¤l£l ­mM¡ ‘j¢qo¡p¤¤l’ N­Òf B­m¡QÉ E¢š²¢Vl hš²¡ q­me üuw j¢qo¡p¤¤lz
HL e¡N¡­s HLn hRl d­l ­cha¡­cl p¡­b k¤Ü Ll¡l fl kMe j¢qo¡p¤¤l Sum¡i L­le Hhw ­cha¡­cl
üNÑl¡SÉ ­b­L ¢ha¡¢la L­l üNÑl¡SÉ cMm L­l ­chl¡S C­¾cÊl ¢pwq¡p­e h­pe ¢WL aMeL¡l pj­ul Lb¡C
­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­Rz
(ii) HLn hRl d­l ­cha¡­cl p¡­b k¤Ü L­l j¢qo¡p¤¤l ­cha¡­cl fl¡¢Sa L­l ü­NÑl l¡S¡ quz
(iii) üNÑ Bp­m ­cha¡­cl h¡pÙÛ¡ez ü­NÑl Bpm l¡S¡ q­me ­chl¡S C¾cÊz
2z “­q fËi¥, j¢qo¡p¤¤l ­a¡ Bj¡­cl h­s¡ c¤cÑn¡ L­l­Rz”
(i) hš²¡ L¡l¡ ?
(ii) L¡­cl L¡­R e¡¢mn L­l­R ?
(iii) j¢qo¡p¤¤l ­L ? c¤cÑn¡ L­l­R hm­a ¢L ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
E :-
(i) E­f¾cÊ¢L­n¡l l¡u­Q±d¤l£l ­mM¡ ‘j¢qo¡p¤¤l’ N­Òf B­m¡QÉ E¢š²l hš²¡ q­me pLm ­cha¡l¡z
(ii) ­cha¡l¡ hËþ¡­L p¡­b ¢e­u jq¡­ch J ¢ho·¥l L¡­R HC e¡¢mn L­l­Rez
(iii) j¢qo¡p¤¤l qm HL iuˆl Ap¤¤l ­k ¢Rm lñ¡p¤¤­ll f¤œz
j¢qo¡p¤¤l ­cha¡­cl k¤­Ü fl¡Ù¹ L­l a¡y­cl üNÑl¡SÉ A¢dL¡l L­l ­ee Hhw ­cha¡­cl ­pM¡e ­b­L a¡¢s­u
­cez Hje¢L a¡y­cl Efl AaÉ¡Q¡l Ll­a b¡­Lz ­cha¡­cl HC Ll¦Z f¢l¢ÙÛ¢a­L a¡­cl c¤cÑn¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz

3z “k¤­Ü ­q­l ¢N­u a¡y­cl M¤h je M¡l¡fz”

(i) ay¡­cl hm­a L¡­cl Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) ­L¡e k¤­Ül Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
(iii) k¤­Ü ­q­l ay¡­cl L£ r¢a q­u¢Rm ?
(CLASS-VIII(3L) BENGALI/ASSIGNMENT -1st /2023-24/ PAGE 2 of 5)
E :-
(i) E­f¾cÊ¢L­n¡l l¡u­Q±d¤l£l ­mM¡ ‘j¢qo¡p¤¤l’ N­Òf ay¡­cl hm­a üNÑl¡­SÉl pLm ­cha¡­cl Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz
(ii) HLn ¢ce d­l j¢qo¡p¤¤l J ­cha¡­cl j­dÉ ­k k¤Ü q­u¢Rm HM¡­e ­pC k¤­Ül Lb¡C hm¡ q­u­Rz
(iii) k¤­Ü ­q­l ¢N­u ­cha¡l¡ üNÑl¡SÉ ­b­L ¢ha¡¢sa q­a quz Ap¤¤­ll¡ a¡y­cl Efl AaÉ¡Q¡l öl¦ L­lz
j¢qo¡p¤¤­ll i­u ­cha¡­cl f¡¢m­u ­hs¡­a q­u¢Rmz

h¡¢sl L¡S :-
1z “¢L¿¹¥ ­ch£l p¡j­e ­pJ ¢VL­a f¡lm e¡z”
(i) ­p hm­a L¡l Lb¡ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ? ­ch£ ­L ?
(ii) L¡l¡ L¡l¡ ­ch£l p¡j­e ¢VL­a f¡­l¢e ?
(iii) EŸ£ø hÉ¢š²l ­no fkÑ¿¹ L£ q­u¢Rm ?
2z “­ch£ hm­me, ­a¡jl¡ L£ hl Q¡J ?”
(i) ‘­a¡jl¡’ hm­a L¡­cl Lb¡ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) ­L¡e fËp­‰ ­ch£ HLb¡ h­m­Re ?
(iii) ­ch£l L¡­R a¡l¡ L£ hl ­Q­u¢Rm ?

ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V ( lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥l)

¢hfl£a në -
Bu X k¡u M¤¢n X AM¤¢n ¢ce X l¡a
BS X L¡m i¡­m¡ X M¡l¡f Bl¡j X f¢lnËj

h¡LÉlQe¡ -
m¡Pm - Q¡¢ol¡ m¡Pm ¢c­u Q¡o L­lz
Bfc - iNh¡­el e¡j Ll­m ph Bfc (¢hfc) ­b­L j¤¢š² f¡Ju¡ k¡uz
¢hï¡V - BS h¡¢s ­b­L L¡­S k¡h¡l pju e¡e¡ ¢hï¡­Vl j­dÉ fs­a qmz
ALjÑ¡ - ­L¡­e¡ L¡SC ­a¡j¡­L ¢c­u qu e¡, HLV¡ jÙ¹ ALjÑ¡ a¥¢jz
M¡V¥¢e - BS ú¥­m A­eL M¡V¥¢e (f¢lnËj) q­u­Rz
* ­nË¢Zl L¡S :-
A¢a pw¢rç fËn-À Ešl -
1z ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V L¢ha¡¢V L¡l ­mM¡ ­L¡e L¡­hÉl A¿¹NÑa ?
E :- ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V L¢ha¡¢V lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥­ll ­mM¡ "L¢ZL¡' L¡­hÉl A¿¹NÑaz
2z lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥l ­L¡e L¡hÉNË­¿Ûl SeÉ ­e¡­hm f¤lú¡l f¡e ?
E :- lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥l "N£a¡”¢m' L¡hÉNË­¿Ûl SeÉ ­e¡­hm f¤lú¡l f¡ez
3z m¡P­ml p¡­b L¡­L S¥­s ­cJu¡ q­u¢Rm ?
E :- m¡P­ml p¡­b gm¡­L S¥­s ­cJu¡ q­u¢Rmz
4z Q¡o¡ L¡­L Bfc h­m¢Rm ? ­Le h­m¢Rm ?
E :- Q¡o¡ m¡Pm­L Bfc h­m¢Rmz
(CLASS-VIII(3L) BENGALI/ASSIGNMENT -1st /2023-24/ PAGE 3 of 5)
L¡lZ m¡P­ml ­b­L gm¡ M­p k¡Ju¡l fl m¡P­ml Bl ­L¡e Ef­k¡¢Na¡ b¡­L e¡z ­p öd¤C HLV¡ Q¡m¡
L¡Wj¡œz Q¡¢ol Q¡­ol L¡­SJ a¡ Bl m¡N¢Rm e¡z a¡C Q¡o¡ m¡Pm­L Bfc h­m­Rz
5z Q¡o¡ L£ ¢c­u BM¡ (Ee¤e) dl¡­h ?
E :- gm¡ R¡s¡ Q¡­ol ­r­œ q­ml ­L¡­e¡ Ef­k¡¢Na¡ ­eCz ­pV¡ öd¤C HLM™ L¡W R¡s¡ Bl ¢LR¥C euz a¡C
gm¡, qm AbÑ¡v m¡Pm ­b­L M­p fs­m Q¡¢ol L¡­R a¡l ­L¡e c¡j b¡­L e¡z aMe Q¡¢o qm ¢c­u BM¡
(Ee¤e) dl¡­h h­m ¢WL L­lz
6z m¡Pm L¡­L i¡C h­m ­X­L¢Rm ? ­Le HLb¡ h­m¢Rm ?
E :- m¡Pm gm¡­L i¡C h­m ­X­L¢Rmz
gm¡ R¡s¡ Q¡­ol ­r­œ q­ml ­L¡­e¡ Ef­k¡¢Na¡ ­eCz ­pV¡ öd¤C HLV¡ Q¡m¡ L¡W j¡œz a¡C gm¡, qm
AbÑ¡v m¡Pm ­b­L M­p fs­m Q¡o¡ qm ¢c­u BM¡ (Ee¤e) dl¡­h h­m ¢WL L­lz aMe m¡Pm a¡l i¥m
h¤T­a ­f­l gm¡­L i¡C h­m ­X­L¢Rmz
7z "ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V' L¢ha¡u m¡Pm­L L¢h L¡­cl p¡­b a¥me¡ L­l­Re h­m j­e qu ?
E :- m¡Pm­L L¢h pj¡­Sl Amp fËL«¢al j¡e¤o­cl p¡­b a¥me¡ L­l­Re h­m j­e quz


1z “......L¡y¢cu¡ h­m R¡¢s ¢cu¡ Nm¡,”

(i) ­L¡e L¢ha¡l Awn ? j§m L¡hÉNË­¿Ûl e¡j L£ ?
(ii) EÜ«a Aw­nl hš²¡ ­L ? m¡Pm ­L¡e L¡­S m¡­N ?
(iii) gm¡l SeÉ m¡Pm­L ¢L Lø pqÉ Ll­a qu ?
E :-
(i) ¢hnÄL¢h lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥­ll ­mM¡ "ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V' L¢ha¡ ­b­L ­eJu¡ q­u­Rz j§m L¡hÉNË­¿Ûl e¡j "L¢ZL¡'z
(ii) EÜ«a Aw­nl hš²¡ qm m¡Pmz m¡Pm ¢c­u Q¡¢ol¡ j¡­W Q¡o L­l gpm gm¡uz
(iii) m¡P­ml BN¡u d¡l¡­m¡ ­m¡q¡l gm¡ m¡N¡­e¡ b¡­Lz ­pC m¡Pm ¢c­u Q¡¢o Q¡o L­l, HC SeÉC m¡P­ml
Lclz ¢L¿¹¥ m¡Pm i¡­h ­k¢ce ­b­L gm¡ m¡P­ml j¡b¡u k¤š² qu ­p¢ce ­b­LC a¡l L¡S ­h­s ­N­Rz Q¡¢o
phÑrZ m¡P­ml j¡b¡u m¡N¡­e¡ gm¡ ¢c­u j¡¢V My¥s­a b¡­L, g­m m¡Pm­L f¢lnËj Ll¡l Lø pqÉ Ll­a
2z “H Bfc Bl ­Le l¡M¡, ” -
(i) B­m¡QÉ Aw­nl hš²¡ ­L ?
(ii) Hl flhaÑ£ Aw­n hš²¡ ¢L je¢ÙÛl Llm ?
(iii) Q¡¢ol j­e¡i¡h h¤T­a ­f­l m¡Pm ¢L Llm ?
E :-
(i) ¢hnÄL¢h lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥­ll ­mM¡ "ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V' L¢ha¡u B­m¡QÉ E¢š²¢Vl hš²¡ qm Q¡¢oz
(ii) m¡Pm j­e L­l gm¡ a¡l p­‰ S¥­s B­R h­m a¡l f¢lnËj ­h­s ­N­Rz m¡Pm HLb¡ gm¡­L hm­m, gm¡
a¡l j¡b¡ ­b­L M­p f­sz AbQ gm¡ R¡s¡ m¡Pm Q¡­ol L¡­S m¡­N e¡z g­m Q¡¢ol L¡­R öd¤ m¡P­ml
­L¡­e¡ c¡j b¡­L e¡z gm¡ M¤­m ¢e­m ­p HLM™ L¡W R¡s¡ Bl ¢LR¥C euz p¤¤al¡w JC Q¡m¡ L¡W SÆ¡¢m­u
Q¡¢o a¡l E­e¡e dl¡­h h­m je¢ÙÛl Llmz
(iii) Q¡¢ol j­e¡i¡h h¤T­a ­f­l m¡Pm B…­e SÆ­m f¤­s R¡C q­u k¡h¡l i­u gm¡­L Bh¡l ¢e­Sl L¡­R ­X­L
¢emz ­p h¤T­a f¡lm gm¡ R¡s¡ a¡l ­L¡­e¡ c¡j ­eC, p¤¤al¡w gm¡­L ¢e­u f¢lnËj Ll¡C i¡­m¡z
(CLASS-VIII(3L) BENGALI/ASSIGNMENT -1st /2023-24/ PAGE 4 of 5)
3z “Bu i¡C ­d­u,”
(i) B­m¡QÉ E¢š²¢Vl hš²¡ ­L ? L¡­L ­p i¡C h­m X¡Lm Hhw ­Le ?
(ii) m¡P­ml ­L¡b¡u gm¡ m¡N¡­e¡ b¡­L ?
(iii) gm¡ e¡ b¡L¡u m¡Pm ¢L p¤¤M ­f­u¢Rm, ­p p¤¤M L£ ÙÛ¡u£ q­u¢Rm ?
E :-
(i) ¢hnÄL¢h lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥­ll ­mM¡ "ALjÑ¡l ¢hï¡V' L¢ha¡u B­m¡QÉ E¢š²¢Vl hš²¡ m¡Pmz m¡Pm gm¡­L i¡C
h­m ­X­L¢Rmz m¡P­ml Lb¡ ö­e kMe gm¡ a¡l j¡b¡ ­b­L M­p f­s aMe Q¡¢o j­e j­e i¡­h ­k gm¡
R¡s¡ m¡P­ml ­L¡­e¡ c¡j ­eCz HMe JV¡ öd¤ HLV¡ Q¡m¡ L¡W j¡œz p¤¤al¡w JC Q¡m¡ L¡W SÆ¡¢m­u Q¡¢o a¡l
E­e¡e dl¡­h h­m je¢ÙÛl Llmz Q¡¢ol j­e¡i¡h h¤T­a ­f­l m¡Pm B…­e SÆ­m f¤­s R¡C q­u k¡h¡l i­u
Hhw ¢e­Sl i¥m h¤T­a ­f­l gm¡­L Bh¡l ¢e­Sl i¡C h­m L¡­R ­X­L ¢emz ­p h¤T­a f¡lm gm¡ R¡s¡
a¡l ­L¡­e¡ c¡j ­eC, p¤¤al¡w gm¡­L ¢e­u f¢lnËj Ll¡C i¡­m¡z
(ii) m¡P­ml gm¡ m¡P­ml j¡b¡u m¡N¡­e¡ b¡­Lz
(iii) gm¡ e¡ b¡L¡u m¡Pm p¡l¡¢ce ­L¡­e¡ L¡SLjÑ e¡ L­l j­el p¤¤­M h­p b¡­Lz e¡, gm¡ e¡ b¡L¡u m¡Pm
p¡j¢uL (AÒf pj­ul SeÉ) p¤¤M ­f­mJ m¡P­ml ­p p¤¤M ­h¢n ¢ce ÙÛ¡u£ qu¢ez

(CLASS-VIII(3L) BENGALI/ASSIGNMENT -1st /2023-24/ PAGE 5 of 5)

ASSIGNMENT - 1 (TERM II-2023-24)
TOPIC- पाठ -10 वरं बुद्धिर्न सा ववद्या


1. मञ्जूषातः समुचितं विकल्पम ् चित्िा उत्तरत ।

(क) एकस्ममन ् नगरे कतत ब्राह्मिपुत्ाः अिसन ् ?
उत्तरम ् –
(ख) तेषु त्यः कीदृशाः आसन ् ?
उत्तरम ् –
(ग) शामत्पराङ्मुखमय नाम ् ककम ् आसीत ् ?
उत्तरम ् –
(घ) ते कुत् प्रािलन ् ?
उत्तरम ् –
(ङ) तः मागे ककम ् अपश्यन ् ?
उत्तरम ् –
मञ्जूषा- [पूिप्र
व दे शम ्,शामत्पारङ्गताः,सुबुदचधः,अमथीतन,ित्िारः]
2. तनम्नललणखत िाक्यातन घटनाक्रमानुसारं पुनललवखत ।

(क) ततः ते पूिद

व े शं प्रतत प्रािलन ् ।
(ख) दवितीयेन िमवमांसरुचधरं संयोस्जतम ् ।
(ग) एकस्ममन ् नगरे ित्िारः ब्राह्मिपुत्ाः िसस्तत ।
(घ) सुबुदचधः िक्ष
ृ ादितीयव गह
ृ ं गतः ।
(ङ) सुबुदचधः िक्ष
ृ म ् आरोहत ् ।
(ि) लसंहेन त्योSवप व्यापाददताः ।
3. ‘मम’ प्रयुज्य िाक्यातन पुनललवखत ।
(क) सः अगच्छत ् ।
(ख) छात्ाः अपठन ् ।
(ग) अहं विदयालयम ् अगच्छम ् ।
(घ) तौ कायवम ् अकुरुताम ् ।


4. मञ्जूषायाः उचित –अव्ययपदः ररक्तमथानातन पूरयत ् ।
ू ा- [तदा,तदहव,अवप,एि,कदा,ततः]
(क) ------- लसहे न उत्थाय त्योSवप व्यापाददताः ।
(ख) यदद त्िम ् आगच्छलस ------ अहम ् अवप आगच्छालम ।
(ग) ------- प्रातः कालः अभित ् ।
(घ) रमेशः ------- मम लमत्म ् अस्मत ।
(ङ) त्िम ् -------- पदठष्यलस ?

भाषा–अिबोधनम ्
1. विपरीतशब्दानाम ् मेलनं कुरुत ।
(क) सत्यम ् - (i) हातनः
(ख) लाभः - (ii) असत्यम ्
(ग) लमत्म ् - (iii) तनजीि
(घ) बुदचधमान ्– (iv) शत्ुः
(ङ) सजीिम ् - (v) मूखःव

2. उदाहरिम ् अनुसत्ृ य प्रकृतत प्रत्ययविभागं कुरुत ।

(क) श्रुत्िा –
(ख) अितीयव -
(ग) प्रिम्य -
(घ) भूत्िा -
(ङ) उत्थाय -
(ि) गत्िा -
(ज) संयोस्जतम ् –
3. शब्दाथवमेलनं कुरुत ।
शब्द अर्थ
(क) तनवषदधः (i) डालता ह
(ख) सञ्िारयतत (ii) इकट्ठा ककया
(ग) प्रािलन ् (iii) जंगल में
(घ) संयोस्जतम ् (iv) मना ककया
(ङ) अटव्याम ् (v) िल ददए


खण्ड: [घ] [पठित -अवबोधनम ् ]
1.अधोलिलितान् गद्ाांशां पठित्वा तदाधाठितानाां प्रश्नानाां उत्तिालि लिित –
Read the following passage and answer the question in Sanskrit.
एकस्ममन ् नगरे ित्िारः ब्राह्मिपुत्ाः परमपरं लमत्भािेन िसस्तत मम । तेषु त्यः शामत्
पारङ्गताः परततु बुदचधहीनाः आसन ् । एकमतु बुदचधमान ् परं शामत्पराङ्गमुखः आसीत ् ।
तमय नाम सुबुदचधः आसीत ् । विदयाध्ययने तमय रुचिः न आसीत ् । अथ कदाचित ्
तःमस्तत्तम ् – ‘ को गुिो विदयायाः , यदद दे शाततरं गत्िा धनोपाजवनं न कक्रयते ।’ ततः तः
व े शम ् प्रतत प्रािलन ् ।तथा अनुस्ष्ठतः तः मागगः अट्व्यां कातनचित ् अमथीतन अपश्यन ् ।
ततः एकेन उक्तम ् , “ अहो अदय विदयायाः प्रयोगं कुमवः। ”

I. पूर्व
थ यक््ेन उत्तरत -
Answer in a complete sentence.
(क) एकस्ममन ् नगरे कतत ब्राह्मिपुत्ाः परमपरं लमत्भािेन िसस्तत मम ?
(ख) तः मागगः अट्व्यां ककम ् अपश्यन ् ?
(ग) ब्राह्मिपुत्ाः कुत् िसस्तत मम ?
(घ) कः शामत्पराङ्गमुखः आसीत ् ?
(ङ) ततः एकेन ककम ् उक्तम ् ? “ अहो अदय विदयायाः प्रयोगं कुमवः। ”
2. रे खयांकितयनन पदयनन आधत्ृ ् मञ्जूषय्यम ् प्रदत्ततः शब्दत ः प्रश्नननमयथर्ां िुरुत ।
Frame questions by replacing underline words with the appropriate question words
given in the box.
मञ्जूषा - [ केन, के, कः ,केन , कमय ]
(क) गदवभमय पादे पीडा आसीत ् ।
(ख) व्याघ्रः गदव भम ् अपश्यत ् ।
(ग) गदवभः पादे न प्रहारः अकरोत ् ।
(घ) भारतसिवकारे ि एका योजना प्रिललता।
(ङ) अममाकं समाजे पुत्ाः श्रेष्ठाः सस्तत ।



ASSIGNMENT - 01 (TERM II-2023-24)

One of the most important concepts in object-oriented programming is that of inheritance.

Inheritance allows us to define a class in terms of another class, which makes it easier to
create and maintain an application. This also provides an opportunity to reuse the code
functionality and fast implementation time.

When creating a class, instead of writing completely new data members and member
functions, the programmer can designate that the new class should inherit the members of an
existing class. This existing class is called the base class, and the new class is referred to as
the derived class.

The idea of inheritance implements the is a relationship. For example, mammal IS-A animal,
dog IS-A mammal hence dog IS-A animal as well and so on.

Base and Derived Classes

A class can be derived from more than one classes, which means it can inherit data and
functions from multiple base classes. To define a derived class, we use a class derivation list
to specify the base class(es). A class derivation list names one or more base classes and has
the form −

class derived-class: access-specifier base-class

Where access-specifier is one of public, protected, or private, and base-class is the name of
a previously defined class. If the access-specifier is not used, then it is private by default

Consider a base class Shape and its derived class Rectangle as follows −

#include <iostream.h>

// Base class
class Shape {
void setWidth(int w) {
width = w;
void setHeight(int h) {
height = h;

int width;
int height;



// Derived class
class Rectangle: public Shape {
int getArea() {
return (width * height);

int main(void) {
Rectangle Rect;


// Print the area of the object.

cout << "Total area: " << Rect.getArea() << endl;

return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

Total area: 35
Total paint cost: $2450

Types of Inheritance

#include <iostream.h>


class Person
int id;
char name[100];

void set_p()
cout << "Enter the Id:";
cin >> id;
cout << "Enter the Name:";
cin >> name;

void display_p()
cout << endl <<"Id: "<< id << "\nName: " << name <<endl;

class Student : private Person {

char course[50];
int fee;

void set_s()
cout << "Enter the Course Name:";
cin >> course;
cout << "Enter the Course Fee:";
cin >> fee;

void display_s()
cout <<"Course: "<< course << "\nFee: " << fee << endl;

void main()
Student s;



Enter the Id: 101

Enter the Name: Dev
Enter the Course Name: GCS
Enter the Course Fee:70000

Id: 101
Name: Dev
Course: GCS
Fee: 70000

// Example: define member function without argument outside the class


class Person
int id;
char name[100];

void set_p();
void display_p();

void Person::set_p()
cout<<"Enter the Id:";
cout<<"Enter the Name:";

void Person::display_p()
cout<<endl<<"id: "<< id<<"\nName: "<<name;

class Student: private Person

char course[50];
int fee;


void set_s();
void display_s();

void Student::set_s()
cout<<"Enter the Course Name:";
cout<<"Enter the Course Fee:";

void Student::display_s()
cout<<"\nCourse: "<<course<<"\nFee: "<<fee<<endl;

void main()
Student s;


Enter the Id: 101

Enter the Name: Dev
Enter the Course Name: GCS
Enter the Course Fee: 70000
Id: 101
Name: Dev
Course: GCS
Fee: 70000


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