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Ex. A.
1. “Why do you write in public street? Are there no better places to write such words?”
a. Who said these words and to whom?
Ans. Monsieur Defarge said these words to a tall man, one of the local people there.
b. Describe the speaker’s appearance.
Ans. He was a strongly built man of about thirty, with a face that was good-natured on the whole, but had
strong signs of determination with no weakness. This reflects his staunch side that was a quite a fearful one.
c. What had the person spoken to written in the public street? What did he use to write it?
Ans. The tall man dipped his finger in some mud made red and wrote BLOOD on the wall.

3. “I’m afraid of him, my father.”

a. Who said these words? Where was the speaker at that time?
Ans. The young woman, Lucie Manette said these words. The speaker was standing in front her father, Dr.
Manetter at Defarge’s place.
b. Why was the speaker afraid?
Ans. Lucie Manette was left by his father after her mother died. She was raised by Mr. Jarvis Lorry, an
acquaintance and Dr. Manette’s friend. Therefore, she had no such vivid memory of her father. The number
of years had passed in between and she was in front of her father with her father unable to recognise her. He
was making shoes; lost in his work. Lucie did not understand how to respond to the situation. So she felt
afraid. She never expected her father to be in such miserable condition.
c. What was the speaker’s father doing when she saw him?
Ans. Dr. Manette was busy making shoes.
d. Who was the speaker travelling with? How did this person reassure her?
Ans. Manette was travelling with Mr. Jarvis Lorry, the person who had raised her with the help of Miss
Pross. Lorry had been in charge of Lucie after Dr. Manette left her.
Mr. Lorry constantly assured her by saying ‘Courage’. He felt that all distress would evaporate as soon as
Dr. Manette would meet his daughter after so many years. He asked her to consider happiness that would
flow in between both as soon as they would encounter. He realised that Lucie was in fret and anxiousness.
So he wanted to assure her and be at her side always.

Ex. A.
Q8. Why was Dr. Manette alone? Why did Defarge always keep his room locked?
Ans. Dr. Manette had been a prisoner in Bastille. After that he had not been keeping well. He was looked
after by his servant Defarge. He was not in a pretty good condition. Due to his poor condition of health and
mind, he wasn’t left alone by Defarge in such an unsafe street of Paris. Years of imprisonment had
transformed him entirely from within. Therefore, he was locked to prevent him from ant danger.

External Questions
1. Create an understanding of how the condition of the street affected the lives of the people.
2. The word ‘BLOOD’ written on the wall created an impact on the readers. Give your opinion on this
3. “This is our man” – Why do you think the Mr. Jarvis Lorry pointed Defarge to Lucie even before
they met?
4. How was Lucie taken care of after her father left her?
5. Based on Lucie’s condition, can you justify Lucie’s fear when she stood in front of her father?
Extrapolatory Question
6. Imagine yourself to be one of the visitors at Defarge’s place. You find Lucie Manette and Mr. Jarvis
Lorry there. Gather your experience and a diary entry on your experience.

Please note-
Classwork - Ex.B - Q2 (page- 58) and External Questions (from the assignment) – Q2, Q3, Q6 – to be
written in the Literature note-book.
Homework – External Exercise – Q1, Q4 , Q5 – after discussion in class to be done as homework.

Q1. You are Mr. J.N. Basu/ Mrs. N. Basu, the parent of Subham of G.G. Public School, Asansol. Your ward
was selected for Inter-District Chess Championship as a result of which he could not attend the last two
exams of PA1. Write an e-mail in 70-80 words to the Coordinator Mrs. Hema Narayan requesting her to
allow Subham (Class VIIIG) for retest.
From –
To –
Cc –
Date – 12 July 2023
Subject – Seeking permission for retest in Science and Social Science

Dear Madam

With humble request I, Mrs. Basu, parent of Subham of class VIII of your esteemed institution would like to
request you to allow my ward for retest in Science and Social Science.

My ward was selected for Inter-District Chess Championship and therefore, he has missed his PA1 papers of
these subjects mentioned above. He was at South 24 Parganas for the final round and has secured the 2nd
position. I request you to allow him for the retest so that his academics aren’t left behind as well. He has
taken complete preparation for these subjects during the time he has been out of station.

I would be thankful to you if you grant my plea and oblige me thereby.

Mrs. N. Basu
(Parent of Subham Basu – Class VIII G)

Q2. You are Darshan/ Drishti. On behalf of your section, as the class monitor write an e-mail to your
teacher requesting him, Mr. Varun Sharma to grant a few of you permission to arrange for tools and other
equipment for your language lab after school hours. Mention the reason for the urgency.

Q3. You are Harman/ Harpreet. You ecently watched a thought-provoking documentary that you think
would be beneficial for your entire class to watch. Write an email to your class teacher, Mrs. Sudha Das
suggesting the documentary and explaining why it would be an excellent addition to the curriculum.
Please note-
Classwork – E-mail (Q2) in your English Writing skill note-book.
Homework - E-mail (Q3) in your English Writing skill note-book.

Q1. You had a chance encounter with a famous personality today in the morning. It was one of those
experiences that you shall cherish for a lifetime. Write a diary entry on this experience in 120-150 words.

Sunday, 16 July 2023 10.30 pm

Today was a day I will cherish forever, as I had an extraordinary encounter with someone I truly admire. It
all happened unexpectedly, as I went about my usual routine, oblivious to the magical experience that
awaited me.

As I walked through the bustling streets, I noticed a crowd forming ahead. Curiosity got the better of me,
and I made my way through the sea of people. To my amazement, there stood (Name of Famous
Personality), the very person whose work has inspired me immensely. My heart raced with excitement, and I
felt a mix of nervousness and awe. It was as if time stood still, and all my surroundings faded into the

There, in front of me, was the embodiment of talent and greatness, someone whose accomplishments have
touched countless lives. Unable to resist the opportunity, I mustered up the courage to approach them. I
introduced myself, my voice trembling with excitement, and expressed my deep admiration for their work.
To my surprise, they welcomed me warmly, with a genuine smile that instantly put me at ease. We engaged
in a conversation that felt like a dream. They patiently listened to my words, as I eagerly shared how their
work had influenced and inspired me throughout the years. Their humble nature and genuine interest in my
thoughts made me feel valued and heard.

As I walked away from this extraordinary encounter, my heart was filled with gratitude and inspiration.
Meeting (Name of Famous Personality) has reinforced my belief that dreams can come true, and that the
power of passion and dedication knows no bounds. I find solace in knowing that this serendipitous meeting
will forever be etched in my memory, reminding me of the potential that lies within each of us. It has further
ignited the fire within me, encouraging me to pursue my dreams relentlessly, just as they have done. Today,
I have truly experienced the magic of inspiration and the power of connecting with someone who has made a
profound impact on the world.

Q2. Imagine you went on a school trip to a historical site. Write a diary entry expressing your thoughts and
feelings about the trip.
Q3. Recall a day when you volunteered or helped someone in need. Write a diary entry reflecting on the
experience and the impact it had on you.

Please note-

Classwork – Diary Entry (Q2) in your English Writing skill note-book.

Homework - Diary Entry (Q3) in your English Writing skill note-book.
Ex A. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state their type.

1. The cat jumped gracefully over the fence. 5. They will arrive here soon.

2. He speaks English fluently. I will start classes 6. The train departed yesterday.

3. She always sings loudly. 7. The students worked extremely hard.

4. The sun shines brightly in the sky. 8. They never miss a game.

5. We will go to a movie tonight. 10. This room is sufficiently big. I am very happy.



Ex A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions:

1. I will be going ________ the market ____________ the morning.

2. The mechanic climbed ________ the roof.

3. Sonakshi went to Bangalore _________ her husband.

4. We went swimming __________ the lake.

5.________ the weekend, I can spend the days how I like.

6. The store is __________ the corner. Bring the grocery ________ there _______ 9pm.

7. The crowd is ______ the promotion ________ this movie. The movie is supposed to start __________
7:30 PM.

8. I have not been well _________ last Monday.

9. The A.C. Market will be closed ________ 7 p.m. ______ 9 a.m.

10. Every team member has been appreciated as they are ______ the advised changes.

11. It snowed ________ three hours ________ the night.

12. I am fond ______ having chocolates at night. Yes, I prefer chocolates ______ coffee.

Ex. A. Extra Exercise- Spot the error and write it from the sentence. Write the correct word in column


1. The strong bond between the brothers need to
be appreciated.
2. There is vital differences in your argument.
3. Soha as well as her friends are present.
4. The politician with other members are talking
about this matter.
5. Either Gaurav or his playmates is going to
6. The honour and dignity of my country are
what I have in mind.
7. Economics have gained quite a great
8. The majority of shops is closed on Sunday.
9. None of my work have been completed.
10. Everyone in the family have been
11. 10 kilometres are a long way to travel.
12. A bunch of keys have been found.
13. India has won her title back.
14. The committee was divided in its opinion.
15. The United States of America have always
been an advanced nation.

Please note – The exercises from the book are to be done in the book itself. Please do –
i. Adverbs
Classwork - Ex. A in your English Language note-book.

ii. Prepositions
Classwork - Ex. A (Q 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) is to be done in Language note-book.
Homework - Ex. A (Q 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) is to be done in Language note-book.

iii. Subject-Verb Agreement

The teacher will discuss this exercise with the students in classroom. The children will not write the
sentences. They will spot the error and mention the necessary correction in the next column.

TOPIC – अनौपचारिक पत , वाक् परिवर्न,संवाद लेखन

पत लेखन की ववशेषराएँ

1. सिलरा-पत की भाषा सिल, सीधी, सवाभाववक रथा सपप होनी चावहए। इसमे करिन शबद ्ा
सावहव््क भाषा का प्ोय नही कक्ा जाना चावहए। उलझी हु, असपप रथा जरिल भाषा के प्ोय से
पत नीिस औि पभावहीन बन जारा है |

2. सपपरा- सिल भाषा-शैली, शबदद का च्न, वाक्-िचना की सिलरा पत को पभावशाली बनारी है।
पत मे सपपरा लाने के वलए अपचवलर शबदद का प्ोय नही किना चावहए।

3.संव्षरा- आज मनुष् अवधक वसर िहरा है, वह पत पढने मे अवधक सम् देना नही चाहरा,पतद मे
अनावश्क ववसराि नही होना चावहए।

4.मौवलकरा-मौवलकरा पत की ववशेषरा होरी है, पत मे विसे-वपिे वाक्द के प्ोय से बचना चावहए। पत-
लेखक को पत मे सव्ं के ववष् मे कम रथा पाषकरा् के ववष् मे अवधक वलखना चावहए।

 पत का पारप

1. संबोधन-

(क) अपने से बडे पुरषद के वलए : पूज्, पूजनी्, आदिणी्, माननी्, श्े्, शी ।

(ख) अपने से बडी सी के वलए : पूजनी्ा, पूज्ा, आदिणी्ा, माननी्ा ।

(य) अपने से छोिे के वलए : वप्, वप्वि, वचिं जीव

(ि) वमतद के वलए: वप् वप्वि, प्ािे , सेवहल, वमतवि

(ड) सखी के वलए: वप्, प्ािी, सेही

2.अवभवादन-संबोधन के बाद पत पाषकरा् के संबंधानुसाि अवभवादन कक्ा जारा है ।

(क) बडद को-पणाम, सादि पणाम, चिण-सपश्, सादि नमसकाि,

(ख) छोिद को-आशीवा्द, शुभाशीष, वचिा्ु हो, वचिं जीवी हो, खुश िहो, पसर िहो।
3. पत का ववष्-वसरु वनरपण-ववष्, पत का पाण है। आकष्क रथा पभावशाली ढंय से अनुचछेदद मे
ववभावजर पत ही लेखक के मूल उदेश् को सुयमरापूव्क पूिा कि सकरा है।

 वनमंतण पत

 संवेदना-पत

 बधाु-पत

 धन्वाद - पत

 शुभकामना-पत

 सूचना, सदावना व अन् पत ।

संवेदना-पत :

अपने वमतद, संबंवध्द ्ा वप्जनद को अचानक होने वाली ककसी हावन पि हम जो पत वलखरे है, वे पत
संवेदना-पत होरे है | इन पतद को वलखरे सम् वनमवलवखर बारे ध्ान मे िखनी होरी है :

 इन पतद की भाषा सहानुभूवर से भिी हद ।

 पत की शुरआर दुख की अनुभूवर पकि किरे हए होनी चावहए।

 दुख के कािण पि रिपपणी किरे हए हमदद् जरानी चावहए।

 हमदद् जराने के बाद सां्वना दी जानी चावहए।

 सां्वना देने के बाद धै्् के साथ आये बढने की वहममर देनी चावहए।

 अंर मे अपनी सेवा ्ा सह्ोय को समरप्र किने की बार किनी चावहए।

बधाु - पत

 अपने वमत, वप् जन व संबंधी को ककसी खुशी ्ा सफलरा पि बधाु-पत वलखे जारे है।

 इस रिह के पतद मे वनमवलवखर बारद का ध्ान िखा जाना चावहए ।

 पत बधाु से शुर होने चावहए रथा शाबाशी ्ा शुभकामना से समाष होने चावहए ।

 पूिे पत मे खुशी व पशंसा का भाव हो ।

 खुशी कदल से हो िही है, इस बार का एहसास होना चावहए ।

 सफलरा के मह्व को भी पत मे शावमल कक्ा जाना चावहए ।


ककसी के दािा हमािे वलए ककए यए ककसी का्् ्ा कदए यए उपहाि के वलए धन्वाद-पत वलखा जारा है ।
इस रिह के पतद मे वनमवलवखर बारद का ध्ान िखे :

 पत की शुरआर धन्वाद से रथा अंर भी पुनः धन्वाद से हो ।

 पत की भाषा हद्सपश् हो । ऐसा लये जैसे धन्वाद हद् से कद्ा जा िहा है ।

 ककए यए का्् ्ा कदए यए उपहाि की पशंसा भी पत मे शावमल की जाए ।

अभ्ास :

1. अपने छोिे भाु/बहन को आ्मवविास का मह्व समझारे हए उसे एक पत वलखे |

2. आपका वमत पिी्ा मे असफल हो य्ा है उससे संवेदना पकि किरे हए पत वलखे |

वाक् परिवर्न िचना के आधाि पि :

वाक् : शबदद ्ा पदद के साथ्क समूह को वाक् कहरे है। इसमे एक उदेश् औि ववधे् होरा है।्े दोनद
वाक् के अंय है ।

जैस-े अवमर िोिी खारा है। इस वाक् मे 'अवमर' उदेश् है औि 'िोिी खारा है’ ववधे् है।

उदेश्- वाक् मे वजसके बािे मे कहा जारा है, उसे उदेश् कहरे है ।

ववधे्- वाक् मे उदेश् के बािे मे जो कु छ कहा जारा है, उसे ववधे् कहरे है ।

वाक् वय्किण के आधाि : िचना का अथ् 'बनावि' होरा है ।जब िचना के आधाि पि वाक् परिवर्न
कक्ा जारा है रब उसकी बनावि मे वसफ् परिवर्न होरा है ।उसके अथ् मे ककसी पकाि का कोु परिवर्न
नही होरा है।

िचना के आधाि पि वाक् के रीन भेद है-

 सिल वाक्-वजस वाक् मे एक उदेश् (करा्) औि एक ववधे्(क््ा) होरा है, उसे सिल वाक् ्ा
साधािण वाक् कहरे है जैसे - िाम ने िावण को मािा । आशा अचछा यारी है।

 सं्ुक वाक्-वजस वाक् मे दो ्ा दो से अवधक वाक् (उपवाक्) समुच्बोधक शबद(सं्ोजक शबद)

दािा पिसपि जुडे हद, उसे सं्ुक वाक् कहरे है जैसे - िमेश ने काम कक्ा औि वह अपने िि चला
 वमश वाक्-वजस वाक् मे एक पधान उपवाक् रथा उसके अधीन एक ्ा एक से अवधक आवशर
उपवाक् होरे है, उसे वमश वाक् कहरे है। जैसे - जब मै िि से वनकला रब वषा् हो िही थी।

 पधान उपवाक्- वजस उपवाक् का उदेश् औि ववधे् मुख् होरा है, उसे पधान उपवाक् कहरे है।

 आवशर उपवाक्- पधान उपवाक् पि जो उपवाक् वनभ्ि होरा है, उसे आवशर उपवाक् कहरे है।
इस उपवाक् का उदेश् औि ववधे् पधान नही होरा है।
अभ्ास :

1. िचना की दृवप से वाक् के ककरने भेद है? सही ववकलप पि सही का वनशान लयाइए

(क) चाि (ख) दो (य) रीन (ि) कोु भेद नही

2. सिल वाक् ककसे कहरे है?

(क) वजस वाक् मे एक उदेश् औि एक ही ववधे् हो । (ख) वजस वाक् मे ववधे् ववशेषण ्ुक हो ।

(य) वजस वाक् मे एक करा् रथा अनेक क््ा हो। (ि) वजस वाक् मे दो करा् रथा एक क््ा हो ।

3. वनमवलवखर वाक्द के उप्ुक सिल वाक् ववकलपद मे से चुवनएः

जो यिजरे है, वे बादल बिसरे नही है।

(क) बादल यिजरे है, पि बिसरे नही है। (ख) यिजने वाले बादल बिसरे नही है।

(य) बादल यिजरे है, लेककन बिसरे नही है। (ि) बादल वजस रिह यिजरे है, उस रिह बिसरे नही है।

4.वनमवलवखर वाक्द मे से सं्ुक वाक् छाँिकि वलवखए :

(क) रुमहािे बाहि जारे ही वह चला य्ा। (ख) रुम बाहि यए औि वह भी चला य्ा।

(य) जब रुम बाहि यए रब वह भी बाहि चला य्ा। (ि) रुम बाहि यए थे, इसवलए वह बाहि चला य्ा।

5. वनमवलवखर वाक्द मे से वमश वाक् छाँिकि वलवखए :

(क) परिशम किने वाले छात उतीण् हो यए। (ख) उस छात ने परिशम कक्ा औि वह उतीण् हो य्ा।

(य) परिशम किने पि छात उतीण् हो यए। (ि) वजन छातद ने परिशम कक्ा वे उतीण् हो यए।

संवाद लेखन :जब दो ्ा दो से अवधक लोयद के बीच होने वाले वारा्लाप को वलखा जारा है रब वह संवाद
लेखन कहलारा है। संवाद लेखन कालपवनक भी हो सकरा है औि ककसी वारा् को ज्द का ््द वलखकि भी।
संवाद वलखरे सम् वनमवलवखर बारद को ध्ान मे िखना चावहए :-

1. संवाद की भाषा शैली सिल होनी चावहए।

2. छोिे व रवचकि होने चावहए।
3. संवाद पातद के अनुकूल होने चावहए।
4. संवादद की सवाभाववकरा का ववशेष ध्ान िखना चावहए।
5. संवाद जीवंर होने चावहए।
6. संवाद ववष् अनुकूल होने से िोचकरा बनी िहरी है।
अभ्ास :
1.जानसी औि सूँ आपस मे बारचीर कि िहे कक ककस रिह अपने जीवन को वनिाशा औि अवसाद से दूि
िखा जाए ।उनकी बार-चीर को संवाद के रप मे वलवखए ।


­chpi¡u ­hým¡ (c£­en Q¾cÊ)

e£­Ql hý¢hLÒf¢i¢šL fËnÀ…¢ml p¢WL Ešl ­h­R ­mMz
1z j¿¹hÉ : Qy¡cpc¡Nl jep¡­L L£Vfa­‰l eÉ¡u eNeÉ j­e Llaz L¡lZ : L) Qy¡cpc¡N­ll p¡­b nˆ¥l-N¡l¦s£l
hå¥aÆ ¢Rm fËMlz
M) Qy¡cpc¡Nl pfÑL¨­ml l¡S¡ ¢Rmz
(i) j¿¹hÉ J L¡lZ L) Hhw M) c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ J L¡lZ L) Hhw M) c¤CC i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL L¡lZ L) ¢WL M) i¥m
(iv) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL L¡lZ L) Hhw M) c¤CC i¥m
2z ­ch¡¢c­ch jq¡­ch Ad£l q­u fs­me ­Le ?
(i) p§kÑ­ch l¡­a ­cM­a f¡e e¡ ­pC pwh¡c ö­e
(ii) i¡­NÉl ¢hsðe¡ p­šÄJ ­hým¡­L C¾cÊpi¡u e¡Q­a B­cn ­cJu¡ q­u­R, ­pC pwh¡c ö­e
(iii) ­chpi¡u ­L¡b¡J ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡­L My¥­S f¡Ju¡ k¡­µRe¡, ­pC pwh¡c ö­e
(iv) jep¡­ch£l j¤­M ay¡l f¢la¡­fl Lb¡ ö­e
3z j¿¹hÉ : Qy¡cpc¡Nl h¡j q­Ù¹ jep¡l f§S¡ L­l¢R­mez k¤¢š² : Qy¡cpc¡Nl ¢R­me °nhÉ, c¢rZ q­Ù¹ ¢a¢e
jq¡­c­hl f¤­S¡ L­lez
(i) j¿¹hÉ J k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m J k¤¢š² p¢WL
(iii) j¿¹hÉ J k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
(iv) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL J k¤¢š² i¥m
4z H L£ ¢eù¥l B­cn ! - ¢eù¥l B­cn¢V L£ ¢Rm ?
(i) eªaÉ f¢l­hne e¡ Ll­m ­hým¡­L üNÑl¡SÉ ­b­L ¢ha¡¢la Ll¡ q­h
(ii) ­jeL¡, ¢a­m¡šj¡ fËi«¢a AÃpl¡­cl p¡­b ­hým¡J ­cha¡­cl j­e¡l”e Ll­h
(iii) ­hým¡l ü¡j£i¢š², ¢eù¡ J aÉ¡­Nl fl£r¡ ¢e­a ­cha¡l¡ a¡­L ­chpi¡u e¡Q­a B­cn ­ce
(iv) ­cha¡l¡ Qy¡c pc¡N­ll L¡­R ¢N­u rj¡ fË¡bÑe¡ Ll­a hm­me
5z ­hým¡ L£ ­c­M ¢h¢Øja q­u¢R­me ?
(i) ­chpi¡ ­c­M (ii) j¡ jep¡­L ­c­M
(iii) ­cha¡­cl ­hni¨o¡ J ¢chÉL¡¢¿¹ ­c­M (iv) ­cha¡­cl l¡SÉpi¡ ­c­M
6z ­a¡j¡l ü¡j£i¢š² J afpÉ¡u fË£a qCu¡¢Rz HLb¡ ­L h¡ L¡l¡ h­m¢Rm ?
(i) C¾cÊ (ii) ­ch¡¢c­ch jq¡­ch (iii) ­chNZ (iv) j¡ jep¡
7z Cq¡l lp ÙÛ¡u£z Cq¡l hm­a L£­pl Lb¡ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
(i) ­hým¡l ­p±¾ckÑ (ii) ­hým¡l ü¡j£ i¢š² (iii) ­hým¡l eaÑe (iv) ­hým¡l üi¡h
8z Q¾cÊ ­Le j¡ jep¡­L My¥­S Be­a f¡­le¢e ?
(i) L¡lZ ¢a¢e l¡a L¡e¡
(ii) a¡l cª¢øn¢š² r£Z
(iii) Q­¾cÊl cª¢ø SN­al fË¢a ­L¡Z¡u k¡u e¡ J ¢a¢e l¡­œ i¡­m¡ ­c­Me e¡
(iv) L¡lZ ¢a¢e jep¡ c¡h£­L ­Q­ee e¡
9z ¢nh ¢e­Sl ­c­ql iØj¢h¾c¥ L¡­L ­Q¡­M L‹­ml ja fl­a ¢c­u¢R­me ?
(i) Q¾cÊ­L (ii) p§kÑ­L (iii) ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡e£­L (iv) f¡hÑa£­L
10z ­L jep¡l f¤­S¡ m¤¢L­u Ll­a ¢N­u¢Rm ?
(i) peL¡ (ii) ­jeL¡ (iii) ­hým¡ (iv) ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡e£
11z ­hým¡, B¢j ­a¡j¡l afpÉ¡u fË£a qCu¡¢Rz HLb¡ ­L h­m¢Rm ?
(i) ­cha¡l¡ (ii) C¾cÊ (iii) ­ch£ jep¡ (iv) ­ch¡¢c­ch jq¡­ch
12z ­hým¡ ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡l L¡­R ¢e­Sl ü¡j£ R¡s¡ Bl L¡­cl fË¡Z¢ir¡ L­l¢Rm ?
(i) Qy¡c pc¡N­ll (ii) c¤NÑ¡d­ll (iii) i¡p¤¤l­cl (iv) q£l¡d­ll
13z N‰¡fËp¡c L£­p f¢lf§ZÑ ¢Rm ?
(i) EvL«ø h­Ù» (ii) j¢Zj¡¢Z­LÉ f§ZÑ
(iii) a¡jË J L¡wpÉ¢e¢jÑa L¡l¦L¡kÑju ¢h¢hd â­hÉ (iv) n´M J fËh¡­m
14z p¡Nl-­ge L£­p f¢lf§ZÑ ¢Rm ?
(i) EvL«ø h­Ù» (ii) n´M J fËh¡­m
(iii) a¡jË J L¡wpÉ¢e¢jÑa L¡l¦L¡kÑju ¢h¢hd â­hÉ (iv) j¢Zj¡¢Z­LÉ f§ZÑ
15z qwp-lh L£­p f¢lf§ZÑ ¢Rm ?
(i) EvL«ø h­Ù» (ii) n´M J fËh¡­m
(iii) a¡jË J L¡wpÉ¢e¢jÑa L¡l¦L¡kÑju ¢h¢hd â­hÉ (iv) j¢Zj¡¢Z­LÉ f§ZÑ
16z l¡Shõi L£­p f¢lf§ZÑ ¢Rm ?
(i) EvL«ø h­Ù» (ii) c¤×fË¡fÉ n´M-fËh¡m
(iii) a¡jË J L¡wpÉ¢e¢jÑa L¡l¦L¡kÑju ¢h¢hd â­hÉ (iv) j¢Zj¡¢Z­LÉ f§ZÑ
17z Qy¡c pc¡N­ll Ù»£l e¡j ¢L ?
(i) ­jeL¡ (ii) peL¡ (iii) ­lZ¤L¡ (iv) ¢hn¡M¡
18z L¡l p­‰ h奭aÆl c­fÑ Qy¡c pc¡Nl jep¡­L L£V fa­‰l eÉ¡u NZÉ Lla ?
(i) nˆ¥l-N¡l¦s£l (ii) iš² Q¾cÊ­La¥ (iii) ­ch¡¢c­chc jq¡­ch (iv) fËS¡f¢a hËþ¡
19z pjhuú h¡mL­cl p­‰ ­Mm¡ Ll¡l pju Qy¡c pc¡N­ll ­L¡e f¤­œl jªa¥É qu ?
(i) c¤NÑ¡dl (ii) q£l¡dl (iii) …Z¡Ll (iv) nË£dl
20z h¡Sfr£ ¢nL¡l Ll¡l pju Qy¡c pc¡N­ll ­L¡e f¤­œl jªa¥É qu ?
(i) q£l¡dl (ii) …Z¡Ll (iii) c¤NÑ¡dl (iv) nË£dl
21z L¡l ÙÛ¡¢fa OV i¡P­a ­Qø¡ L­le Qy¡c pc¡Nl ?
(i) nˆ¥l-N¡l¦s£l (ii) iš² Q¾cÊ­La¥ (iii) peL¡l (iv) ­jeL¡l
22z j¿¹hÉ : Qy¡cpc¡Nl jep¡l ¢hNË­ql Efl ­qya¡m c™ ¢c­u BO¡a L­lez k¤¢š² : Qy¡cpc¡N­ll pqd¢jÑe£ peL¡
pwp¡­ll j‰­ml SeÉ m¤¢L­u j¡ jep¡l f¤­S¡ Ll­aez
(i) j¿¹hÉ J k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m J k¤¢š² p¢WL
(iii) j¿¹hÉ J k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
(iv) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL J k¤¢š² i¥m


23z HC Lb¡u ­hým¡l A¿¹l¡aÈ¡ L¡y¢fu¡ E¢Wmz - ­L¡e Lb¡ ö­e ­hým¡l A¿¹l¡aÈ¡ ­Ly­f EWm ?
(i) jd¤Ll ¢XP¡ S­m ¢ejNÀ q­u­R ö­e
(ii) i¡­NÉl ¢hsðe¡ p­šÄJ ­hým¡­L C¾cÊpi¡u e¡Q­a B­cn ­cJu¡ q­m
(iii) ­chpi¡u ­L¡b¡J ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡­L My¥­S f¡Ju¡ k¡­µRe¡, ­pC Lb¡ ö­e
(iv) ­hým¡l nÄöl jn¡C k¢c j¡ jep¡l f¤­S¡ e¡ L­le a¡q­m phC a¡­L q¡l¡­a q­h HC Lb¡ ö­e
24z j¿¹hÉ : ­hým¡l j¤M ö¢L­u ­Nmz L¡lZ -
(i) ­hým¡­L fË¢anË¥¢a ¢c­uJ jep¡ ­pC fË¢anË¥¢a l¡­M¢e
(ii) fË¢anË¥¢a Ae¤k¡u£ m¢M¾c­ll fË¡Zc¡e L¡­m ­chpi¡u ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡­L My¥­S f¡Ju¡ k¡­µRe¡
(iii) Qy¡cpc¡Nl jep¡l ¢hNË­ql Efl ­qya¡m c™ ¢c­u BO¡a L­l­Re ­c­M
(iv) Qy¡cpc¡Nl­L h¡j q­Ù¹ j¡ jep¡l f¤­S¡ Ll­a ­c­M
25z "jq¡­ch a¡q¡l hÉhÙÛ¡ L¢l­a A‰£L¡l L¢l­mez' - L£­pl hÉhÙÛ¡l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
(i) Qy¡c pc¡Nl k¡­a Bl nˆl JT¡l p¡­b hå¥aÆ e¡ l¡­M
(ii) ­jeL¡, ¢a­m¡šj¡ fËi«¢a AÃpl¡­cl p¡­b ­hým¡J k¡­a üNÑl¡­SÉ ÙÛ¡e f¡u
(iii) pjÙ¹ ­cha¡NZ k¡­a ­hým¡l ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g¢l­u ­ce
(iv) Qy¡c pc¡Nl k¡­a j¡ jep¡l f¤­S¡ L­le
­h¡dj§mL fËnÀ¡hm£ :-
1z ­cha¡l¡ ­hým¡­L e¡Qh¡l B­cn ­Le ¢c­u¢Rm ? HC B­cn ¢L NËqZ­k¡NÉ h­m ­a¡j¡l j­e qu, k¤¢š²pq
h¤¢T­u c¡Jz
Ešl :-
c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ N­Òf ­hým¡l ü¡j£ mrÈ£¾c­ll ¢hh¡ql¡­œ h¡pl O­l pfÑcwn­e jªaÉ¥
quz ­hým¡ a¡l fË¡Z ­gl¡­e¡l Bn¡u ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡¢el p¡q¡­kÉ ü­NÑ H­p Ef¢ÙÛa quz ­hým¡l ü¡j£i¢š², ¢eù¡
J aÉ¡­Nl fl£r¡ ¢e­a ­cha¡l¡ a¡­L ­chpi¡u e¡Q­a B­cn ­cez
¢hh¡q l¡­œ jep¡l ­L¡­f ­hým¡ ¢hdh¡ quz ­p hý Lø J aÉ¡N ü£L¡l L­l¢Rm ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l
Bn¡uz j¡e¢pLi¡­h ­p ¢Rm ¢hdÆÙ¹z HlLj AhÙÛ¡u ­cha¡­cl a¡­L eªaÉ f¢l­hn­el B‘¡ ¢Rm hsC ¢eù¥lz
m¡­pÉ-q¡­pÉ ­cha¡­cl a¥ø Ll¡ ¢Rm k­bø L¢Wez a¡C HC dl­Zl B­cn H­Lh¡­lC NËqZ­k¡NÉ eu h­mC
Bj¡l j­e quz

2z "kaC ¢hf­c f¢su¡­R, aaC ­p ay¡q¡­L ­h¢n OªZ¡ L¢lu¡­Rz'- L¡l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ? E¢š²¢V LaV¡
k¤¢š²p‰a h­m a¥¢j j­e Llz
Ešl :- c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ N­Òf QÇfL eN­ll h¢ZL Qy¡c pc¡N­ll Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz jep¡
­ch£, Qy¡cpc¡N­ll q¡­a f¤­S¡ ­f­a Ad£l q­u EW­mJ, Qy¡c ­L¡­e¡ j­aC jep¡­L ­ch£l jkÑ¡c¡ ¢c­a l¡¢S
¢R­me e¡z l¦ø jep¡l ­L¡­f Qy¡cpc¡N­ll Ru f¤­œl pfÑ cwn­e jªaÉ¥ O­Vz Hje¢L L¢eù f¤œ m¢M¾cl­LJ
h¡pl l¡­a p¡­f L¡­Vz HCi¡­h kah¡lC Qy¡c ¢hf­c f­s­R, jep¡l fË¢a ­r¡i aa ­h¢n ­h­s­Rz Qy¡c
­k­qa¥ ¢n­hl Ef¡pL ¢Rm a¡C jep¡l fË¢a HC
3z "HC EvLV fl£r¡u Eš£ZÑ qCu¡ a¥¢j Bj¡¢cN­L m‹¡ ¢cu¡Rz' - L¡l¡ m‹¡ ­f­u­R ? a¡­cl m‹¡
f¡Ju¡ LaV¡ k¤¢š²p‰a h­m ­a¡j¡l j­e quz
Ešl :- c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ N­Òf ­cha¡l¡ m‹¡ ­f­u­Rz ¢hh¡q l¡­œ jep¡l ­L¡­f ­hým¡
¢hdh¡ quz ­p hý Lø J aÉ¡N ü£L¡l L­l¢Rm ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l Bn¡uz j¡e¢pLi¡­h ­p ¢Rm ¢hdÆÙ¹z
HlLj AhÙÛ¡u ­cha¡­cl a¡­L eªaÉ f¢l­hn­el B‘¡ ¢Rm hsC ¢eù¥lz m¡­pÉ-q¡­pÉ ­cha¡­cl a¥ø Ll¡ ¢Rm
k­bø L¢Wez a¡C HC dl­Zl B­cn f¢l¢ÙÛ¢al Q¡¢qc¡ Ae¤k¡u£ ¢Rm pÇf¨ZÑ f¢lf¿Û£, a¡C ay¡­cl m¢‹a
qJu¡V¡C ü¡i¡¢hLz
4z "­ch pi¡u ­hým¡' N­Òf jep¡ ­ch£­L Bjl¡ HL ¢eù¥l e¡l£ ¢q­p­h ­c­M¢Rz ay¡l HC ¢eù¥la¡l ¢fR­e ­L¡e
j¡e¢pLa¡ L¡S L­l­R h­m a¥¢j j­e Ll ?


Ešl :- jep¡ ­ch£, Qy¡cpc¡N­ll q¡­a f¤­S¡ ­f­a Ad£l q­u EW­mJ, Qy¡c ­L¡­e¡ j­aC jep¡­L ­ch£l jkÑ¡c¡ ¢c­a
l¡¢S ¢R­me e¡z Qy¡cpc¡N­ll Ù»£ peL¡ m¤¢L­u jep¡ ­ch£l f¤­S¡ Ll­m, Qy¡c f¤­S¡ j™­f fË­hn L­l ­ch£l
laÀju ¢hNË­ql fªù­cn ¢q¿¹¡­ml m¡¢W ¢c­u ­i­P ­g­mez QÇfL eN­l ­Yys¡ ¢f¢V­u O­l O­l jep¡l f¤­S¡
Ll­a ¢e­od L­l ­cez Hje¢L ­ch£l iš² Q¾cÊ­La¥l ÙÛ¡¢fa OV ­i­P ­gm­a ­Qø¡ L­lez ­ch£ jep¡
L¡m£c­ql T­s Qy¡c­L ¢hfc ­b­L EÜ¡l L­l ¢el¡f­c a¡y­L QÇfL eN­l ­f±y­R ­ch¡l BnÄ¡p ¢c­m Qy¡c
a¡­a pÇja qu¢ez hlw ­k q­Ù¹ ¢a¢e a¡yl Bl¡dÉ ¢n­hl f¤­S¡ L­l­Re, ­p q¡a ­ch£ jep¡l f¤­S¡ L­l
Lm¢ˆa Ll­he e¡ h­m ­ch£­L e¡e¡ LV¨¢š² L­lez jep¡l ph­Q­u hs f¢la¡­fl Lb¡ qm - jq¡­c­hl
¢e­cÑ­n Qy¡­cl f¤­S¡ hÉ¢a­l­L ay¡l f¤­S¡ SN­a pñh ¢Rm e¡z HC Ah­qm¡C L¡S L­l­R ay¡l ¢eù¥l
j¡e¢pLa¡l ­fR­ez

fËnÀ-Ešl :-
1. “aMe jep¡ ­ch£ ­pC ­chpi¡u H­L H­L ay¡q¡l f¢la¡­fl Lb¡ h¢m­a m¡¢N­mez”
(i) jep¡ ­ch£ ­L ? ‘­pC ­chpi¡’ hm­a L£ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) ay¡l f¢la¡­fl Lb¡…­m¡l hZÑe¡ c¡Jz
Ešl -
(i) jep¡ ­ch£ q­me ­ch¡¢c­ch jq¡­c­hl LeÉ¡ Hhw p¡­fl ­ch£z
HM¡­e ‘­pC ­chpi¡’ hm­a ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ­kM¡­e ­hým¡ a¡l jªa ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l Bn¡u
­cha¡­cl ¢e­cÑ­n eªaÉ f¢l­hne L­l¢Rm Hhw a¡l f¢a i¢š² J ¢eù¡u p¿¹¥ø q­u ­cha¡l¡ a¡­L ü¡j£l fË¡Z
¢g¢l­u ­ch¡l fË¢anË¥¢a ¢c­u¢Rmz
(ii) jep¡ ­ch£, Qy¡cpc¡N­ll q¡­a f¤­S¡ ­f­a Ad£l q­u EW­mJ, Qy¡c ­L¡­e¡ j­aC jep¡­L ­ch£l jkÑ¡c¡ ¢c­a
l¡¢S ¢R­me e¡z Qy¡cpc¡N­ll Ù»£ peL¡ m¤¢L­u jep¡ ­ch£l f¤­S¡ Ll­m, Qy¡c f¤­S¡ j™­f fË­hn L­l ­ch£l
laÀju ¢hNË­ql fªù­cn ¢q¿¹¡­ml m¡¢W ¢c­u ­i­P ­g­mez QÇfL eN­l ­Yys¡ ¢f¢V­u O­l O­l jep¡l f¤­S¡
Ll­a ¢e­od L­l ­cez Hje¢L ­ch£l iš² Q¾cÊ­La¥l ÙÛ¡¢fa OV ­i­P ­gm­a ­Qø¡ L­lez ­ch£ jep¡
L¡m£c­ql T­s Qy¡c­L ¢hfc ­b­L EÜ¡l L­l ¢el¡f­c a¡y­L QÇfL eN­l ­f±y­R ­ch¡l BnÄ¡p ¢c­m Qy¡c
a¡­a pÇja qu¢ez hlw ­k q­Ù¹ ¢a¢e a¡yl Bl¡dÉ ¢n­hl f¤­S¡ L­l­Re, ­p q¡a ­ch£ jep¡l f¤­S¡ L­l
Lm¢ˆa Ll­he e¡ h­m ­ch£­L e¡e¡ LV¨¢š² L­lez jep¡l ph­Q­u hs f¢la¡­fl Lb¡ qm - jq¡­c­hl
¢e­cÑ­n Qy¡­cl f¤­S¡ hÉ¢a­l­L ay¡l f¤­S¡ SN­a pñh ¢Rm e¡z
2. “a¡q¡C fl£r¡ L¢lh¡l SeÉ Bjl¡ HC B­cn ¢c­u¢Rm¡jz”
(i) ­L L¡­L HLb¡ h­m¢R­me ?
(ii) a¡l¡ ­Le H B­cn ¢c­u¢R­me ?
(iii) Hl gm L£ q­u¢Rm ?
Ešl -
(i) c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ N­Òf ­cha¡l¡ Q¡ycpc¡N­ll f¤œhd§ ­hým¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ HLb¡
(ii) ­hým¡l ü¡j£ mrÈ£¾c­ll ¢hh¡ql¡­œ h¡pl O­l pfÑcwn­e jªaÉ¥ quz ­hým¡ a¡l fË¡Z ­gl¡­e¡l Bn¡u ­ea¡
­d¡f¡¢el p¡q¡­kÉ ü­NÑ H­p Ef¢ÙÛa quz ­hým¡l ü¡j£i¢š², ¢eù¡ J aÉ¡­Nl fl£r¡ ¢e­a ­cha¡l¡ a¡­L
­chpi¡u e¡Q­a B­cn ­cez
(iii) ­hým¡l eªaÉ fËcnÑe£­a ­cha¡l¡ fË£a J p¿¹¥ø qez °chLaÑ«L ­p ka ¢hsðe¡ pqÉ L­l­R, a¡l j­dÉ HCl©f
j¡e¢pL f¢l¢ÙÛ¢a­a ­cha¡­cl j­e¡l”e Ll¡l SeÉ eªaÉ fËcnÑe ¢Rm ph­Q­u ­hn£ ­hce¡c¡uLz ­cha¡­cl HC
L¢We fl£r¡u ­hým¡ Eš£ZÑ qe Hhw ­cha¡l¡ a¡­L fË¢anË¥¢a ­ce ­k ­hým¡ a¡l Ai£ø m¡i Ll­a f¡l­hz
a¡C mrÈ£¾c­ll fË¡Z c¡e Ll¡l SeÉ ­chpi¡u ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡ AbÑ¡v jep¡l X¡L f­lz


3. “­ch¡¢c­ch ¢nh Ad£l q­u fs­mez”
(i) LMe ­ch¡¢c­ch ¢nh Ad£l q­u f­s¢R­me ?
(ii) aMe ¢a¢e ¢L L­le ?
Ešl -
(i) jep¡ ­ch£l pqQl£ ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡¢el Lb¡u ­hým¡ ­chpi¡u Ef¢ÙÛa qu ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l Bn¡uz
­cha¡­cl ¢e­cÑ­n ­hým¡ eªaÉ fËcnÑe L­l Hhw ­cha¡l¡ a¡l ­pC Af§hÑ eªaÉ ­c­M fËpæ quz ­hým¡­L
­cJu¡ fË¢anË¥¢a ja ­cha¡l¡ a¡l ü¡j£ mrÈ£¾c­ll fË¡Z ¢g¢l­u ­cJu¡l SeÉ ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡­L BqÄ¡e L­lez
¢L¿¹¥ ­L¡b¡J a¡­L My¥­S f¡Ju¡ e¡ ­N­m jq¡­ch Ad£l q­u f­sez
(ii) aMe ­ch¡¢c­ch jq¡­ch ¢e­Sl ­c­q iØj¢h¾c¥ ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡¢el ­Q¡­M L¡S­ml j­a¡ fl­a ¢c­mez ­pC
¢hi¨¢al L¡Sm f­l ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡¢e ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡­L ­chpi¡u Ef¢ÙÛa Ll­mez
4. “Qy¡c a¡q¡­aJ pÇja qu e¡Cz”
(i) Qy¡c ­L ? Qy¡­cl Afl e¡j ¢L ?
(ii) ­p L¡l ­L¡e Lb¡u pÇja qu¢e ?
(iii) ­Le pÇja qe¢e ?
Ešl -
(i) Qy¡c qm Qy¡c pc¡Nlz Qy¡­cl Afl e¡j Q¾cÊdlz
(ii) ­ch£ jep¡ j­aÑÉ ¢e­Sl f¤­S¡l fËQ¡l Ll¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ Q¡yc pc¡N­ll q¡­a f¤­S¡ ­f­a ­Q­u¢R­me L¡lZ,
jq¡­c­hl B­cn ¢Rm Qy¡c pc¡Nl R¡s¡ ay¡l f¤­S¡ SN­a fËQ¡l f¡­h e¡z L¡¢mc­ql T­s Qy¡c pc¡N­ll
pç¢XP¡ X¥­h ­N­m j¡ jep¡ a¡­L ­pC ¢hfc ­b­L EÜ¡­ll ilp¡ ­ce Hhw k¢c ¢a¢e ay¡­L f¤­S¡ L­le
a¡q­m ¢a¢e Qy¡c­L ¢el¡f­c QÇfL eN­l ­fy±­R ­c­he Hhw pç¢XP¡J EÜ¡l L­l ­c­hez ¢L¿¹¥ Qy¡c HLb¡u
pÇja qu¢ez
(iii) Qy¡c pc¡Nl ¢R­me ¢n­hl flj iš²z ¢a¢e j¡a¡ jep¡­L ­L¡e¢ce ­ch£ h­m ü£L«¢a ¢c­a l¡¢S ¢R­me e¡z ­k
q­Ù¹ ¢a¢e a¡yl Bl¡dÉ ¢n­hl f¤­S¡ L­l­Re, ­p q¡a ­ch£ jep¡l f¤­S¡ L­l Lm¢ˆa Ll­he e¡ h­m ­ch£­L
e¡e¡ LV¨¢š² L­lez a¡C kMe j¡ jep¡ ¢h¢iæ Ef¡u Ahmðe L­l Qy¡cpc¡Nl­L ¢c­u ¢e­Sl f¤­S¡ fËQ¡­ll
­Qø¡ Ll¢R­me aMe Qy¡cpc¡Nl ­ch£l ­pC fË­Qø¡u œ²¥Ü qe Hhw jep¡l f¤­S¡ Ll­a ApÇja qez
5. “HC Lb¡u ­hým¡l A¿¹l¡aÈ¡ L¡y¢fu¡ E¢Wmz”
(i) L¡l ­L¡e Lb¡u LMe ­hým¡l A¿¹l¡aÈ¡ ­Ly­f E­W¢Rm ?
(ii) ¢a¢e ¢L­p ¢e¢ÕQ¿¹ q­u¢R­me ?
Ešl -
(i) ­hým¡l ü¡j£ Hhw i¡p¤¤l­cl fË¡Zc¡e L­le j¡ jep¡z öd¤ a¡C eu a¡l nÄöl Qy¡c pc¡N­ll ­k pç¢XP¡
L¡¢mc­ql T­s X¥­h ¢N­u¢Rm a¡l S¡uN¡u j¢Z-j¡¢ZLÉ f§ZÑ ­Q¡Ÿ ¢XP¡ c¡e L­le ­ch£z ¢L¿¹¥ k¢c, a¡l nÄöl
jn¡C a¡l f¤­S¡ e¡ L­le a¡q­m phC a¡­L q¡l¡­a q­h HLb¡J ØjlZ L¢l­u ­ce ­ch£z H Lb¡u ­hým¡l
A¿¹l¡aÈ¡ ­Ly­f E­W¢Rmz
(ii) Qy¡c pc¡N­ll f¤œhd§ ­hým¡, jq¡­c­hl BnÄ¡p h¡Z£ ØjlZ L­l ¢e¢ÕQ¿¹ q­u¢R­mez
6. “H L£ ¢eù¥l B­cn-H L£ ¢hpcªn B‘¡z”
(i) L¡l ­mM¡ ­L¡e NÒf ­b­L B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V Nªq£a ? ­L¡e fËp­‰ L¡l HC i¡he¡l Ecu qu ?
(ii) B­m¡QÉ Aw­nl a¡vfkÑ ¢eZÑu Llz
Ešl -
(i) c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ NÒf ­b­L B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V Nªq£az
jep¡l ­L¡­f Qy¡c pc¡N­ll L¢eù f¤œ mrÈ£¾c­ll pfÑ cwn­e jªaÉ¥ quz mrÈ£¾c­ll Ù»£ ­hým¡ ü¡j£l fË¡Z
¢g­l f¡Ju¡l Bn¡u ­chpi¡u Ef¢ÙÛa quz ­cha¡l¡ a¡l ü¡j£ i¢š² J afpÉ¡u fËpæ qu Hhw ­nËù eaÑL£
¢q­p­h eªaÉ f¢l­hne Ll­a B­cn ­cez HC fËp­‰ ­hým¡l HC i¡he¡l Ecu quz
(ii) ¢hh¡q l¡­œ jep¡l ­L¡­f ­hým¡ ¢hdh¡ quz ­p hý Lø J aÉ¡N ü£L¡l L­l¢Rm ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l
Bn¡uz j¡e¢pLi¡­h ­p ¢Rm ¢hdÆÙ¹z HlLj AhÙÛ¡u ­cha¡­cl a¡­L eªaÉ f¢l­hn­el B‘¡ ¢Rm hsC ¢eù¥lz
m¡­pÉ-q¡­pÉ ­cha¡­cl a¥ø Ll¡ ¢Rm k­bø L¢Wez a¡C HC dl­Zl B­cn f¢l¢ÙÛ¢al Q¡¢qc¡ Ae¤k¡u£ ¢Rm
pÇf¨ZÑ f¢lf¿Û£z
7. “B¢j ­a¡j¡l afpÉ¡u fË£a qCu¡¢R ­a¡j¡l Bl ¢LR¥ Ai£ø b¡­L ­a¡ fË¡bÑe¡ Llz”
(i) ­L L¡­L HLb¡ h­m¢Rm ? LMe h­m¢Rm ?
(ii) Bl ¢LR¥ Lb¡¢Vl a¡vfkÑ L£ ?
(iii) E¢Ÿø hÉ¢š² Bl L£ fË¡bÑe¡ L­l¢R­me ?
(iv) fË¡bÑe¡ f§l­Zl SeÉ hš²¡ ­L¡e naÑ B­l¡f L­l¢Rm ?
Ešl -
(i) Ef¢lEš² Lb¡¢V ­mML c£­en ­pe l¢Qa ­chpi¡u ­hým¡ NcÉ¡w­n ­ch£ jep¡ Qy¡c pc¡N­ll f¤œhd§ ­hým¡­L
­ch£ jep¡ ­hým¡l L¢We afpÉ¡u fË£a q­u ­no fkÑ¿¹ a¡l ü¡j£l fË¡Zc¡e Ll¡l fl Ef¢lEš² Lb¡…¢m
(ii) Q¡yc pc¡Nl ¢R­me flj °nhz ¢a¢e ¢n­hl LeÉ¡ jep¡l f¤­S¡ Ll­a Aü£L¡l L­lez ­ch£l ­L¡­f ¢a¢e p¡a
p¿¹¡e a¡l pç¢XP¡, de-­c±ma pjÙ¹ ¢LR¥ q¡l¡ez ­n­o Qy¡c pc¡N­ll f¤œhd§ ­hým¡ a¡l ¢eù¡, aÉ¡N J ü¡j£
i¢š²l fl£r¡u Eš£ZÑ q­m mrÈ£¾c­ll fË¡Z ¢g­l ­f­a prj qez ­ch£ jep¡ ­ch¡¢c­ch jq¡­c­hl Lb¡u
­hým¡l ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g¢l­u ­cez öd¤ a¡C eu Qy¡c pc¡N­ll h¡¢L Ruf¤œ J pç¢XP¡J ¢g¢l­u ¢c­a
­Q­u¢R­mez HR¡s¡J k¢c ­hým¡l ¢LR¥ L¡¢´Ma b¡­L a¡q­mJ a¡ Q¡C­a h­mez ‘Bl ¢LR¥’ në¢V hÉhq¡l
L­l HLb¡u ­h¡T¡­a ­Q­u­Rez
(iii) ­hým¡l a¡l Ru i¡p¤¤­ll S£he fË¡bÑe¡ L­l¢R­me jep¡ ­ch£l L¡­Rz
(iv) ­ch£ jep¡ ­hým¡­L naÑ ¢c­u¢R­me ­k a¡l nÄöl Qy¡cpc¡Nl k¢c jep¡ ­ch£l f¤­S¡ e¡ L­le a­h ¢a¢e
­hým¡l ü¡j£ mrÈ£¾cl J a¡l Ru i¡p¤¤l jd¤Ll ¢XP¡ pq AeÉ¡eÉ fZÉ pñ¡l ¢g¢l­u ­e­hez

8. “aMe ­hým¡l j¤M öL¡Cu¡ ­Nmz”

(i) L¡l ­mM¡ ­L¡e NÒf ­b­L B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V Nªq£a ? LMe ­hým¡l j¤M ö¢L­u k¡u ?
(ii) ­Le a¡l HlLj AhÙÛ¡ qu ?
Ešl -
(i) c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ NÒf ­b­L B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V Nªq£az
Q¡yc pc¡N­ll f¤œhd§ ­hým¡ ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l ­f­a hý fËaÉ¡n¡ ¢e­u ­chpi¡u Ef¢ÙÛa qez ­cha¡­cl ¢e­cÑn
j­a¡, pjÙ¹ j¡e¢pL k¿»e¡ ­j­e ¢e­u ­chpi¡u eªaÉ fËcnÑe L­l ­cha¡­cl a¥ø L­lez ­cha¡­cl pjÙ¹
fl£r¡u Eš£eÑ q­u ü¡j£ mrÈ£¾c­ll fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l j¤ý­aÑ fË¡Zc¡a¡ ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡ AbÑ¡v j¡ jep¡l på¡e
f¡Ju¡ k¡u e¡z ­pC pju ­hým¡l j¤M ö¢L­u k¡uz
(ii) jep¡l osk­¿» mrÈ£¾c­ll pfÑcwn­e jªaÉ¥ q­m, ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡¢el p¡q¡­kÉ ­hým¡ ­chpi¡u Ef¢ÙÛa qe ü¡j£l
fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡Ju¡l Bn¡uz ­cha¡l¡ a¡yl ü¡j£i¢š², ¢eù¡ J aÉ¡N ­c­M p¿¹¥ø qe Hhw ­chpi¡u ¢hoq¢l
j¡a¡­L BqÄ¡e Ll¡ qu mrÈ£¾c­ll fË¡Z ¢g¢l­u ­cJu¡l E­Ÿ­nÉz ¢L¿¹¥ Q¾cÊ-p§kÑ J ¢cLf¡mNZ A­eL på¡e
L­lJ j¡a¡ jep¡l på¡e f¡e e¡z ­k E­Ÿ­nÉ ­hým¡l ü­NÑ Ef¢ÙÛa q­u¢R­me a¡ A¢eÕQua¡l j­dÉ H­p
f­sz aMe j¡e¢pL E­à­N, ¢Q¿¹¡u ­hým¡l j¤M ö¢L­u k¡u Hhw HL A¢eÕQua¡ a¡­L NË¡p L­lz
9. Af¤ ­k fËL«aC LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL a¡ c¤¢V OVe¡l E­õ­M h¤¢T­u c¡Jz (2)
E: Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf, N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ Af¤ ­k LÒfe¡ fËhZ
h¡mL a¡ ­h¡T¡ k¡u Af¤ a¡­cl h¡¢sl ¢LR¥ c§­l Ah¢ÙÛa h­s¡ AnÄ› N¡­Rl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u b¡L­a b¡L­a hý
c§­ll j¡­ul j¤­M ­n¡e¡ LÒfe¡l l¡S­aÆ f¡¢s ¢caz Bh¡l Af¤­L Bjl¡ ­c¢M, jq¡i¡l­al k¤­Ül BL¡´M¡
f§lZ Ll¡l SeÉ h¡¢sl ¢fR­e hy¡nh¡N¡­el f­b ¢Lwh¡ h¡C­ll E­W¡­e O¤­l ­h¢s­u ­â¡Z J AS¥Ñ­el j­dÉ
k¤­Ül LÒfe¡ Llaz ­â¡Z k¢c cn h¡Z ­Ry¡­se a¡q­m AS¥Ñe c¤­n¡ h¡Zz Hi¡­h HL iuwLl k¤Ü h¡mL Af¤
a¡l i¡he¡l B­m¡­L LÒfe¡l lw ¢j¢n­u N­s ¢eaz

10. “¢hSu£ LZÑ __ ­k j¡e¤­ol ¢QlL¡­ml ­Q¡­Ml S­m S¡¢Nu¡ l¢qmz” - LZÑ Q¢lœ¢V Af¤l j­e ­k Ae¤i¨¢al
p’¡l L­l¢Rm a¡ E­õM Llz (3)
E : LZÑ h£l ­k¡Ü¡z ¢L¿¹¥ c¤iÑ¡NÉ ¢Rm a¡l ¢eaÉp‰£z L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül pju a¡l lbQœ² ­j¢ce£ NË¡p L­lz l­bl
Q¡L¡ ­a¡m¡l p¡j¡eÉ pju fË¡bÑe¡ L­le LZÑz ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢afr AS¥Ñe a¡ j”¥l e¡ L­l a¡l Apq¡u AhÙÛ¡, BL¥m
fË¡bÑe¡­L E­fr¡ L­l ¢elÙ» AhÙÛ¡u LZÑ­L qaÉ¡ L­lz ¢L¿¹¥ AS¥Ñ­el HC eªnwpa¡ Af¤l ¢nö je p¡u ­cu¢ez
hlw AS¥Ñ­el Su L­ZÑl fl¡i­hl L¡­R j¢me q­u ¢N­u¢Rmz ­R¡– Af¤l r¥â q©cu ­hce¡l gÒN¥ d¡l¡l eÉ¡u
f¢lfÔ¥a q­u h­u Q­m¢Rm a¡l ­Q¡­Ml S­mz
11. “a­h k¡q¡ cš qCm, a¡q¡ pLmC q¡l¡C­hz”
(i) ­L L¡­L HLb¡ h­m­Re ?
(ii) ­L¡e fËp­‰ HLb¡ h­m­Re ?
(iii) a¡­L ¢L ¢L fËc¡e Ll¡ q­u¢Rm ?

Ešl -
(i) c£­en Q¾cÊ ­pe l¢Qa ‘­chpi¡u ­hým¡’ N­Òf HLb¡ ­ch£ jep¡ AbÑ¡v ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡ mrÈ£¾c­ll Ù»£, Qy¡c
pc¡N­ll f¤œhd§ ­hým¡­L h­m­Rez
(ii) ­hým¡, jªa ü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g­l f¡h¡l Bn¡u ­ea¡ ­d¡f¡¢el p¡q¡­kÉ ­ch pi¡u B­pe Hhw ­cha¡­cl f¢la¥ø
L­l Ai£øm¡­i pjbÑ qez ­n­o ApwMÉ fË¢Zf¡af§hÑL L«a‘ q©c­u ­chpi¡ ­b­L ¢hc¡u ­eJu¡l L¡­m ­ch£
jep¡ ­hým¡­L ØjlZ L¢l­u ­ce, a¡l nÄöljn¡C Q¾cÊdl (Qy¡cpc¡Nl) k¢c a¡yl f¤­S¡ e¡ L­le, a¡q­m phC
a¡­L q¡l¡­a q­hz HC fËp­‰ B­m¡QÉ Lb¡…¢m h­mez
(iii) ­hým¡l nÄöljn¡C La«L ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡l f¤­S¡ ­ch¡l BnÄ¡­pl ¢h¢ej­u, ­cha¡­cl fË¢anË¥¢a j­a¡ ­ch£ jep¡
­hým¡l jªaü¡j£l fË¡Z ¢g¢l­u ­cez öd¤ a¡u eu, pfÑ cwn­e jªa a¡l i¡p¤¤l­cl fË¡Z¢ir¡J ­cez ­ch£l
Ae¤NË­q Qy¡cpc¡N­ll jNÀ pç ¢XP¡l ÙÛ¡­e ­Q±Ÿ¢XP¡ fËc¡e L­lez j¢Zj¡¢ZLÉf§ZÑ N‰¡fËp¡c, a¡jË J
L¡wpÉ¢e¢jÑa L¡l¦L¡kÑju ¢h¢iæ â­hÉ f¢lf§ZÑ p¡Nl-­ge EvL«ø hÙ»f§ZÑ qwp-lh, pj¤âS¡a c¤×fË¡fÉ n´M-fËh¡m
f§ZÑ l¡S-hõi J jd¤Ll ¢XP¡ fËi«¢a ­k ph ¢XP¡ L¡m£c­ql fËhm T­s X¥­h ¢N­u¢Rm a¡ ­ch£ jep¡ ¢g¢l­u
12. "­chpi¡u ­hým¡' N­Òf jep¡ Q¢lœ Aa£h ¢eù¥l h­m j­e quz jep¡l HC ¢eù¥la¡l ¢fR­e ­L¡e L¡lZ…¢m
l­u­R h­m a¥¢j j­e Ll ?
E:- jep¡ ­ch£, Qy¡cpc¡N­ll q¡­a f¤­S¡ ­f­a Ad£l q­u EW­mJ, Qy¡c ­L¡­e¡ j­aC jep¡­L ­ch£l jkÑ¡c¡ ¢c­a
l¡¢S ¢R­me e¡z Qy¡cpc¡N­ll Ù»£ peL¡ m¤¢L­u jep¡ ­ch£l f¤­S¡ Ll­m, Qy¡c f¤­S¡ j™­f fË­hn L­l ­ch£l
laÀju ¢hNË­ql fªù­cn ¢q¿¹¡­ml m¡¢W ¢c­u ­i­P ­g­mez QÇfL eN­l ­Yys¡ ¢f¢V­u O­l O­l jep¡l f¤­S¡
Ll­a ¢e­od L­l ­cez Hje¢L ­ch£l iš² Q¾cÊ­La¥l ÙÛ¡¢fa OV ­i­P ­gm­a ­Qø¡ L­lez ­ch£ jep¡
L¡m£c­ql T­s Qy¡c­L ¢hfc ­b­L EÜ¡l L­l ¢el¡f­c a¡y­L QÇfL eN­l ­f±y­R ­ch¡l BnÄ¡p ¢c­m Qy¡c
a¡­a pÇja qu¢ez hlw ­k q­Ù¹ ¢a¢e a¡yl Bl¡dÉ ¢n­hl f¤­S¡ L­l­Re, ­p q¡a ­ch£ jep¡l f¤­S¡ L­l
Lm¢ˆa Ll­he e¡ h­m ­ch£­L e¡e¡ LV¨¢š² L­lez jep¡l ph­Q­u hs f¢la¡­fl Lb¡ qm - jq¡­c­hl
¢e­cÑ­n Qy¡­cl f¤­S¡ hÉ¢a­l­L ay¡l f¤­S¡ SN­a pñh ¢Rm e¡z j¡ jep¡l HC ¢eù¥la¡l ¢fR­e j§m L¡lZ…¢m
¢Rm H…¢mz


h¡¢sl L¡S :- (fËnÀ p­ja M¡a¡u Ešl ¢mM­h)
* h¡¢sl L¡S
Lz fË­nÀ¡šl -
1z “­hým¡ ¢h¢Øja qC­mez”
(i) ­hým¡ ­L ?
(ii) ­L¡e fËp­‰ HLb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
(iii) ¢a¢e ¢L ­c­M ¢h¢Øja qe ?
2z ­a¡j¡l j­a ¢hoq¢lj¡a¡l f¢la¡fhÉ”L cª¢ø ­Lhmj¡œ jq¡­c­hl fË¢aC ¢ehÜ qJu¡l L¡lZ ¢L ?
3z "B¢j ü¡j£ mCu¡ Be­¾c Nª­q ¢g¢lh, Bl Bj¡l Ru¢V S¡ n´M-¢p¾c¥l h¢SÑa qCu¡ ¢el¡¢jo qy¡¢s mCu¡
b¡¢L­he, a¡q¡ ­Lje L¢lu¡ p¢qh ?'- B­m¡QÉ E¢š²l jdÉ ¢c­u hš²¡l Q¢l­œl ­L¡e l©f¢V g¥­V E­W­R ?
A¢a¢lš² fËnÀ -
1z “¢a¢e ­a¡ ­hým¡l ü¡j£­L fË¡Z c¡e L¢l­hez”
(i) ¢a¢e ­L ?
(ii) ­hým¡l ü¡j£ ­L ?
(iii) ¢a¢e ­Le ­hým¡l ü¡j£­L fË¡Z c¡e Ll­he ?
2z “B¢j ­a¡j¡l afpÉ¡u fË£a qCu¡¢R, ­a¡j¡l Bl ¢LR¥ Ai£ø b¡­L ­a¡ fË¡bÑe¡ L­l¡z”
(i) ­L L¡­L HLb¡ h­m­Re ? LMe h­m­Re ?
(ii) ‘Bl ¢LR¥’ Lb¡¢Vl a¡vfkÑ L£ ?
(iii) ¢a¢e Bl L£ L£ fË¡bÑe¡ f§lZ L­l¢R­me ?fË¡bÑe¡ f§l­Zl SeÉ hš²¡ ­L¡e naÑ B­l¡f L­l¢R­me ?
3z “jq¡­ch a¡q¡­L BnÄÙ¹ L¢lu¡ mrÈ£¾cl­L f¤eSÑ£¢ha L¢l­a B­cn ¢c­mez”
(i) a¡q¡­L hm­a L¡l Lb¡ ­h¡T¡­e¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) E¢ŸøÉ hÉ¢š² a¡l f¢la¡­fl ­L¡e Lb¡…¢m h­m¢Rm ?
(iii) jq¡­ch a¡­L ¢L h­m BnÄÙ¹ L­le ?
4z “a­h k¡q¡ cš qCm, a¡q¡ pLmC q¡l¡C­hz”
(i) ­L L¡­L HLb¡ h­m­R ?
(ii) ­L¡e fËp­‰ HLb¡ h­m­R ?
(iii) a¡­L ¢L ¢L fËc¡e Ll¡ q­u¢Rm ?
5z “H L£ ¢eù¥l B­cn-H L£ ¢hpcªn B‘¡z”
(i) EÜ«a Awn¢V ­L¡e N­Òfl Awn ?
(ii) ­L¡e B­cn­L ¢eù¥l J ¢hpcªn hm¡ q­u­R ?
(iii) L¡l¡ ­Le HC B­cn L­l¢Rm ?
6z “aMe fËg¥õ ¢Q­š ¢hoq¢l mrÈ£¾c­ll f¤eSÑ£he c¡e Ll­mez”
(i) ¢hoq¢l j¡a¡ ­L ?
(ii) ¢a¢e LMe mrÈ£¾c­ll S£he c¡e Ll­me ?
(iii) mrÈ£¾c­ll S£he c¡e R¡s¡J Bl ¢L ¢L ¢a¢e ­hým¡­L c¡e L­l¢R­me ?


Af¤l LÒfe¡ (¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u)

hý ¢hLÒf¢i¢šL fËnÀ¡hm£
1z f¡e ­a­a¡ q­u¢Rmz L¡lZ -
(i) f¡eV¡ ¢jW¡f¡e ¢Rm e¡
(ii) M­ul…­m¡l ­c¡­o
(iii) ­h¢n Q¥e hÉhq¡­ll SeÉ
(iv) ­h¢n Qheh¡q¡l hÉhq¡­ll SeÉ
2z Aæc¡ j‰­m ­L¡e NÒf B­R ?
(i) q¢l­q¡­sl NÒf
(ii) L¡m­La¥ J g¥õl¡l NÒf
(iii) ­hým¡-m¢M¾c­ll NÒf
(iv) mqe¡-M¤õe¡l NÒf
3z jq¡i¡l­al k¤Ü La¢ce d­l Q­m¢Rm ?
(i) Aø¡cn ¢chp
(ii) ­o¡sn ¢chp
(iii) ¢hwn ¢chp
(iv) HL¡cn ¢chp
4z Af¤ ­L¡e j¡R ­M­a i¡­m¡h¡­p ?
(i) l¦C (ii) ¢Qw¢s (iii) L¡am¡ (iv) C¢mn
5z A­eL c§­ll Lb¡u Af¤l ¢nöj­e ¢L­pl pª¢ø qa ?
(i) ¢hØju j¡M¡­e¡ Be¾c
(ii) ¢hØju j¡M¡­e¡ c¤xM
(iii) qa¡n¡l pª¢ø Lla
(iv) eh Ae¤i¨¢al pª¢ø Lla
6z LMe Af¤l j¡ L¡¢nc¡p£ jq¡i¡la fsa ?
(i) ­i¡­ll ­hm¡u
(ii) Bq¡l¡¢cl fl c¤f¤l­hm¡
(iii) p­åÉ ­ch¡l fl
(iv) l¡­œ M¡Ju¡-c¡Ju¡l fl
7z j¿¹hÉ : h£l LZÑ j¡e¤­ol q©c­ul Ll¦Z¡¢pš² ­hce¡l fË¢aj§¢aÑ q­u J­Wz k¤¢š² : L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ü AS¥Ñe ¢elÙ»
AhÙÛ¡u LZÑ­L qaÉ¡ L­lz
(i) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL k¤¢š² pÇf¤ZÑ i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m k¤¢š² pÇf¨ZÑ ¢WL
(iv) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
8z jq¡i¡l­al l¢bN­Zl k­n¡m¡­il fb œ²jnC c¤NÑj q­u fs­Rz L¡lZ :
(i) k¤Ü Ll­a Ll­a ay¡l¡ LÓ¡¿¹ q­u fs­he
(ii) Af¤l BL¡´M¡ ay¡l¡ f¤lZ Ll­a f¡l­he e¡
(iii) jq¡i¡l­a j¡œ B­W­l¡ ¢c­el k¤­Ül Lb¡C hm¡ q­u­R
(iv) Jf­ll ph Ešl i¥m


9z j¿¹hÉ : j¡­ul SeÉ a¡q¡l je ­Lje L¢lu¡ E¢Waz k¤¢š² : j¡­ul Ae¤f¢ÙÛ¢a Af¤l ¢nö je­L Eam¡ L­l
(i) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL k¤¢š² pÇf¤ZÑ i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m k¤¢š² pÇf¨ZÑ ¢WL
(iv) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
10z j¿¹hÉ : jq¡i¡l­al l¢bN­Zl k­n¡m¡­il fb œ²jnC ¢Ll©f c¤NÑj qCu¡ f¢s­a­Rz k¤¢š² : Af¤l BL¡´M¡
¢ehª¢š Ll­a j¡­pl fl j¡p ay¡l¡ pj¡ei¡­h AÙ»Q¡me¡ Ll­a Arj ¢R­mez
(i) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC p¢WL
(ii) j¿¹hÉ ¢WL k¤¢š² pÇf¤ZÑ i¥m
(iii) j¿¹hÉ i¥m k¤¢š² pÇf¨ZÑ ¢WL
(iv) j¿¹hÉ k¤¢š² c¤CC i¥m
12z jq¡i¡l­al l¢bN­Zl k­n¡m¡­il fb œ²jnC c¤NÑj q­u fs­Rz L¡lZ :
(i) k¤Ü Ll­a Ll­a ay¡l¡ LÓ¡¿¹ q­u fs­he
(ii) Af¤l BL¡´M¡ ay¡l¡ f§lZ Ll­a f¡l­he e¡
(iii) jq¡i¡l­a j¡œ B­W­l¡ ¢c­el k¤­Ül Lb¡C hm¡ q­u­R
(iv) kn m¡h Ll¡ pqS ¢hou eu

­h¡dj§mL fË­nÀ¡šl -
1. “Bn ¢jV¡Cu¡ k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡ Ef­i¡N L¢lh¡l SeÉ ­p HL Ef¡u h¡¢ql L¢lu¡­Rz”
L¡l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ? p¢aÉC ¢L a¡­a a¡l Byn ¢jVa ?
E :- ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf, N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL Af¤l Lb¡ hm¡
q­u­Rz k¤Ü L¡¢qe£ ­n¡e¡l Aa«¢ç Q¢la¡bÑa¡l SeÉ Af¤ HLV¡ Ef¡u ­hl L­l¢Rm - k¡­a ­p Bn ¢j¢V­u
k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡­L Ef­i¡N Ll­a f¡­lz HLV¡ h¡M¡l£ ¢Lwh¡ q¡mL¡ ­L¡­e¡ N¡­Rl X¡m­L AÙ»l©­f LÒfe¡ L­l
h¡¢sl ¢fR­e hy¡nh¡N¡­el f­b ¢Lwh¡ h¡C­ll E­W¡­e O¤­l ­h¢s­u ­â¡Z J AS¥Ñ­el j­dÉ k¤­Ül LÒfe¡ Llaz
­â¡Z k¢c cn h¡Z ­Ry¡­se a¡q­m AS¥Ñe c¤­n¡ h¡Zz Hi¡­h HL iuwLl k¤Ü h¡mL Af¤ a¡l i¡he¡l B­m¡­L
LÒfe¡l lw ¢j¢n­u N­s ¢eaz ­kM¡­e h¡­Zl ­Q¡­V BL¡n AåL¡l q­u k¡uz AS¥Ñe Y¡m a­l¡u¡m ¢e­u lb
­b­L ­e­j f­l, a¡lfl H­L H­L jq¡lb£l¡ B­pez a¡­a f¤­l¡f¤¢l e¡ q­mJ M¡¢eLV¡ Byn ¢jVa h­mC
j­e qu Hhw HCi¡­hC k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡­L ­p Ef­i¡N Ll­a¡z
2. “¢WL ­pC pj­u j¡­ul SeÉ a¡q¡l je ­Lje L¢lu¡ E¢Waz”- L¡l, ­L¡e pj­u, ­Le Hl©f qa ?
E :- Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf, N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL
Af¤ a¡­cl h¡¢sl ¢LR¥ c§­l Ah¢ÙÛa h­s¡ AnÄ› N¡­Rl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u b¡L­a b¡L­a hý c§­l j¡­ul j¤­M
­n¡e¡ LÒfe¡l l¡S­aÆ f¡¢s ¢caz ¢L¿¹¥ ­kC j¤q¨­aÑ ­p Efm¢ì Lla ­kM¡­e ­p H­p­R, ­pM¡­e ­a¡ j¡ ­eCz
¢WL ­pC j¤q¨­aÑC j¡­ul SeÉ je hÉ¡L¥m q­u EWaz ¢nöl fËL«¢a qm j¡a«­L¢¾cÊL, j¡­L ¢O­lC a¡l fª¢bh£z
a¡C j¡ ­Q¡­Ml Bs¡m q­mC a¡­cl je A¢ÙÛl q­u J­Wz Af¤J a¡l hÉ¢aœ²j euz

3. “h¡m­Ll BL¡´M¡ ¢ehª¢š L¢l­a ay¡q¡l¡ j¡­pl fl j¡p pj¡ei¡­h AÙ»-Q¡me¡ L¢l­a f¡¢l­ae ¢L ?”- HC
pñ¡he¡ LaV¡ ¢WL h­m ­a¡j¡l j­e qu ?
E :- Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf h¡mL Af¤ j¡­ul j¤­M fË¡u jq¡i¡l­al
k¤­Ül L¡¢q¢e öe­a öe­a a¡l j­e q­u­R ­k k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡ jq¡i¡l­a hs Lj ­mM¡ B­Rz ¢nöl¡ k¡
i¡­m¡h¡­p a¡ ­ke c£OÑÙÛ¡u£ quz AÒf pj­ul j­dÉ a¡ ¢j­V ­N­m ¢nö je a¡ My¥­S ­g­lz jq¡i¡l­al k¤Ü
j¡œ Aø¡cn ¢ch­pl j­dÉC pj¡ç q­u¢Rmz p¤¤al¡w Af¤l j­el Q¡¢qc¡ ja jq¡i¡l­al k¤ÜV¡ c£OÑÙÛ¡u£ qu¢ez
­pSeÉ ­pC Bn¡ f§lZ Ll­a HLV¡ h¡M¡¢l ¢Lwh¡ q¡ó¡ ­L¡e N¡­Rl X¡m­L AÙ» ül©f q¡­a ¢e­u h¡¢sl
¢fR­e h¡yn h¡N¡­el f­b Abh¡ h¡C­ll EW¡­e O¤­l ­hs¡u J Bfe j­e k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡ Ef­i¡N L­lz ¢L¿¹¥


k¢c L¥l¦­r­œl lb£NZ S£h£a b¡L­ae a¡q­m ¢c­el fl ¢ce HLi¡­h k¤Ü L­l Af¤l BL¡´M¡ f§lZ Ll¡l
­L¡­e¡ pñ¡he¡C ¢Rm e¡z

4. L­ZÑl Q¢lœ h¡mL Af¤l j­e LaM¡¢e fËi¡h ­g­m¢Rm ?

E :- LZÑ h£l ­k¡Ü¡z ¢L¿¹¥ c¤iÑ¡NÉ ¢Rm a¡l ¢eaÉp‰£z L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül pju a¡l lbQœ² ­j¢ce£ NË¡p L­lz l­bl
Q¡L¡ ­a¡m¡l p¡j¡eÉ pju fË¡bÑe¡ L­le LZÑz ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢afr AS¥Ñe a¡ j”¥l e¡ L­l a¡l Apq¡u AhÙÛ¡, BL¥m
fË¡bÑe¡­L E­fr¡ L­l ¢elÙ» AhÙÛ¡u LZÑ­L qaÉ¡ L­lz ¢L¿¹¥ AS¥Ñ­el HC eªnwpa¡ Af¤l ¢nö je p¡u ­cu¢ez
hlw AS¥Ñ­el Su L­ZÑl fl¡i­hl L¡­R j¢me q­u ¢N­u¢Rmz ­R¡– Af¤l r¥â q©cu ­hce¡l gÒN¥ d¡l¡l eÉ¡u
f¢lfÔ¥a q­u h­u Q­m¢Rm a¡l ­Q¡­Ml S­mz

fËnÀ-Ešl :-
1. “¢hSu£ LZÑ ­k j¡e¤­ol ¢QlL¡­ml ­Q¡­Ml S­m S¡¢Nu¡ l¢qmz”
(i) L¡l ­L¡e fËp­‰ HLb¡ j­e q­u­R ?
(ii) B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V hš²¡l j­e LaM¡¢e fËi¡h ­g­m­R ?
Ešl :-
(i) Bq¡l¡¢cl fl c¤f¤l­hm¡ Af¤ a¡l j¡­ul j¤­M L¡n£c¡p£l jq¡i¡laM¡e¡ öeaz pjNË jq¡i¡l­al j­dÉ
L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül Lb¡ öe­a öe­a ­p aeÈu q­u ­kaz öd¤ a¡C eu jq¡i¡l­al pjÙ¹ Q¢l­œl j­dÉ
Apq¡ui¡­h fl¡i­hl ¢nL¡l NËÙÛ LZÑ Q¢lœ¢V Af¤l r¥â q©cu­L BL«ø L­l¢Rmz HC Q¢lœ¢V ­ke j¡e¤­ol
q©c­ul Ll¦Z¡¢pš² ­hce¡l fË¢aj§¢aÑz HC L­ZÑl Lb¡ hm­a ¢N­uC B­m¡QÉ fËp­‰l Aha¡lZ¡z
(ii) LZÑ h£l ­k¡Ü¡z ¢L¿¹¥ c¤iÑ¡NÉ ¢Rm a¡l ¢eaÉp‰£z L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül pju a¡l lbQœ² ­j¢ce£ NË¡p L­lz l­bl
Q¡L¡ ­a¡m¡l p¡j¡eÉ pju fË¡bÑe¡ L­le LZÑz ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢afr AS¥Ñe a¡ j”¥l e¡ L­l a¡l Apq¡u AhÙÛ¡, BL¥m
fË¡bÑe¡­L E­fr¡ L­l ¢elÙ» AhÙÛ¡u LZÑ­L qaÉ¡ L­lz ¢L¿¹¥ AS¥Ñ­el HC eªnwpa¡ Af¤l ¢nö je p¡u ­cu¢ez
hlw AS¥Ñ­el Su L­ZÑl fl¡i­hl L¡­R j¢me q­u ¢N­u¢Rmz ­R¡– Af¤l r¥â q©cu ­hce¡l gÒN¥ d¡l¡l eÉ¡u
f¢lfÔ¥a q­u h­u Q­m¢Rm a¡l ­Q¡­Ml S­mz
2. “j¡e¤­ol ­hce¡u Ae¤i¨¢a­a pqQl qCu¡ ¢hl¡S L¢lm ­pz”
(i) ­L¡e fËp­‰ HLb¡ j­e q­u­R ?
(ii) B­m¡QÉ Awn¢Vl a¡vfkÑ ¢h­nÔoZ Llz
Ešl :-
(i) Bq¡l¡¢cl fl c¤f¤l­hm¡ Af¤ a¡l j¡­ul j¤­M L¡n£c¡p£l jq¡i¡laM¡e¡ öeaz pjNË jq¡i¡l­al j­dÉ
L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül Lb¡ öe­a öe­a ­p aeÈu q­u ­kaz öd¤ a¡C eu jq¡i¡l­al pjÙ¹ Q¢l­œl j­dÉ
Apq¡ui¡­h fl¡i­hl ¢nL¡l NËÙÛ LZÑ Q¢lœ¢V Af¤l r¥â q©cu­L BL«ø L­l¢Rmz jq¡h£l q­mJ LZÑ ­ke
j¡e¤­ol L«f¡l f¡œz j¡e¤­ol ­Q¡­Ml S­ml Bl ­hce¡l Ae¤i¨¢a­aC a¡l AhÙÛ¡­el Lb¡ hm­a ¢N­uC
B­m¡QÉ fËp­‰l Aha¡lZ¡z
(ii) LZÑ h£l ­k¡Ü¡z ¢L¿¹¥ c¤iÑ¡NÉ ¢Rm a¡l ¢eaÉp‰£z L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül pju a¡l lbQœ² ­j¢ce£ NË¡p L­lz l­bl
Q¡L¡ ­a¡m¡l p¡j¡eÉ pju fË¡bÑe¡ L­le LZÑz ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢afr AS¥Ñe a¡ j”¥l e¡ L­l a¡l Apq¡u AhÙÛ¡, BL¥m
fË¡bÑe¡­L E­fr¡ L­l ¢elÙ» AhÙÛ¡u LZÑ­L qaÉ¡ L­lz ¢L¿¹¥ AS¥Ñ­el HC eªnwpa¡ Af¤l ¢nö je p¡u ­cu¢ez
hlw AS¥Ñ­el Su L­ZÑl fl¡i­hl L¡­R j¢me q­u ¢N­u¢Rmz L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ü AS¥Ñe Su m¡i L­l, q©a­N±lh
(q¡l¡­e¡ pÇj¡e) ¢g­l f¡u ¢L¿¹¥ LZÑ fl¡i­hl flJ, j¡e¤­ol ­hce¡l pqQl q­u q©cu ­L¡­Z ÙÛ¡e L­l
3. “¢hSu£ LZÑ ­k j¡e¤­ol ¢QlL¡­ml ­Q¡­Ml S­m S¡¢Nu¡ l¢qmz”
(i) ­Q¡­Ml S­m S¡¢Nu¡ l¢qm - Lb¡¢Vl jjÑ¡bÑ ¢L ?
(ii) LZÑ Q¢lœ¢V Af¤l j­e ­k Ae¤i¨¢al p’¡l L­l¢Rm a¡ E­õM Llz
Ešl :-
(i) h¡wm¡ p¡¢q­aÉl fËMÉ¡a KfeÉ¡¢pL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ NÒf Bq¡l¡¢cl fl
c¤f¤l­hm¡ Af¤ a¡l j¡­ul j¤­M L¡n£c¡p£l jq¡i¡laM¡e¡ öeaz pjNË jq¡i¡l­al j­dÉ L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül Lb¡
öe­a öe­a ­p aeÈu q­u ­kaz öd¤ a¡C eu jq¡i¡l­al pjÙ¹ Q¢l­œl j­dÉ Apq¡ui¡­h fl¡i­hl ¢nL¡l
NËÙÛ LZÑ Q¢lœ¢V Af¤l r¥â q©cu­L BL«ø L­l¢Rmz HC Q¢lœ¢V ­ke j¡e¤­ol q©c­ul Ll¦Z¡¢pš² ­hce¡l
fË¢aj§¢aÑz LZÑ j¡e¤­ol ­hce¡l Ae¤i¨¢a­a pqQl q­u ¢clL¡m j¡e¤­ol q©c­u ¢hl¡S L­lz
(ii) LZÑ h£l ­k¡Ü¡z ¢L¿¹¥ c¤iÑ¡NÉ ¢Rm a¡l ¢eaÉp‰£z L¥l¦­r­œl k¤­Ül pju a¡l lbQœ² ­j¢ce£ NË¡p L­lz l­bl
Q¡L¡ ­a¡m¡l p¡j¡eÉ pju fË¡bÑe¡ L­le LZÑz ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢afr AS¥Ñe a¡ j”¥l e¡ L­l a¡l Apq¡u AhÙÛ¡, BL¥m
fË¡bÑe¡­L E­fr¡ L­l ¢elÙ» AhÙÛ¡u LZÑ­L qaÉ¡ L­lz ¢L¿¹¥ AS¥Ñ­el HC eªnwpa¡ Af¤l ¢nö je p¡u ­cu¢ez
hlw AS¥Ñ­el Su L­ZÑl fl¡i­hl L¡­R j¢me q­u ¢N­u¢Rmz ­R¡– Af¤l r¥â q©cu ­hce¡l gÒN¥ d¡l¡l eÉ¡u
f¢lfÔ¥a q­u h­u Q­m¢Rm a¡l ­Q¡­Ml S­mz
4. “Jx ­p ¢L k¤Ü!”
(i) ­L HC k¤­Ül LÒfe¡ Lla ? ­L¡e k¤­Ül Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
(ii) k¤Ü¢Vl hZÑe¡ c¡Jz
Ešl :-
(i) Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL
Af¤ k¤­Ül LÒfe¡ Llaz jq¡i¡l­a Aø¡cn ¢ce hÉ¡f£ k¤Ü q­u¢Rm, ­pC k¤Ü Af¤l L¡­R ¢Rm phÑ¡­fr¡
BLoÑZ£uz a¡l LÒfe¡-lp¢pš² je Hje HL k¤­Ül L¡¢qe£ öe­a BNËq£ k¡ ¢hÙ¹¡¢la ­l¡j¡’Ll J E›¡e
fa­el ¢h¢Qœ Ae¤i¨¢a­a f¢lf§ZÑz HSeÉ Af¤ ¢e­S HL Ef¡u ­hl L­l¢Rmz HM¡­e Af¤l ­pC L¡Òf¢eL
jq¡i¡l­al k¤­Ül Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz
(ii) k¤Ü L¡¢qe£ ­n¡e¡l Aa«¢ç Q¢la¡bÑa¡l SeÉ Af¤ HLV¡ Ef¡u ­hl L­l¢Rm - k¡­a ­p Bn ¢j¢V­u k¤Ü
¢S¢epV¡­L Ef­i¡N Ll­a f¡­lz HLV¡ h¡M¡l£ ¢Lwh¡ q¡mL¡ ­L¡­e¡ N¡­Rl X¡m­L AÙ»l©­f LÒfe¡ L­l h¡¢sl
¢fR­e hy¡nh¡N¡­el f­b ¢Lwh¡ h¡C­ll E­W¡­e O¤­l ­h¢s­u ­â¡Z J AS¥Ñ­el j­dÉ k¤­Ül LÒfe¡ Llaz ­â¡Z
k¢c cn h¡Z ­Ry¡­se a¡q­m AS¥Ñe c¤­n¡ h¡Zz Hi¡­h HL iuwLl k¤Ü h¡mL Af¤ a¡l i¡he¡l B­m¡­L
LÒfe¡l lw ¢j¢n­u N­s ¢eaz ­kM¡­e h¡­Zl ­Q¡­V BL¡n AåL¡l q­u k¡uz LM­e¡ AS¥Ñe Y¡m a­l¡u¡m
¢e­u lb ­b­L m¡¢g­u f­sez HM¡­e ­pC L¡Òf¢eL iuwLl ¢h¢Qœ k¤­Ül f¤´M¡e¤f¤´M hZÑe¡ ­cM­a f¡uz
5. “j¡­ul j¤­M HC Awn ö¢e­a ö¢e­a c¤x­M Af¤l ¢nöq©cu f§ZÑ qCu¡ E¢Waz”
(i) j¡­ul j¤­M LMe ­L¡e NÒf öe­a öe­a Af¤l q©cu c¤x­M f§ZÑ q­a¡ ?
(ii) ­Le a¡l q©cu c¤x­M f§ZÑ q­a¡ ?
Ešl :-
(i) ¢e¢ÕQ¢¾cf¤­ll n¡¿¹-¢pÀ‡ f¢l­h­n ­l±â‹Æm ¢à-fËq­l ­L¡e ­L¡e ¢ce phÑSu¡ S¡e¡m¡l d¡­l ByQm ­f­a
L¡n£c¡p£ jq¡i¡la p¤¤l L­l fsa, Af¤ aeÈu q­u ­pC jq¡i¡l­al L¡¢q¢e öe­a öe­a j­el j­dÉ lQe¡
L­l ¢ea HL ¢h¢Qœ Ae¤i¨¢al BÕQkÑ SNvz HC jq¡i¡l­al ¢h¢iæ Q¢l­œl j­dÉ LZÑ Q¢lœ a¡l ¢nö j­e
L¡l¦­ZÉl E­âL Ll­a¡z ¢elÙ» L­ZÑl Apq¡ui¡­h jªaÉ¥ l L¡¢q¢e öe­a öe­a Af¤l Hje Ae¤i¨¢a qaz
(ii) jq¡i¡l­al i¡NÉqa fl¡¢Sa ¢eqa h£l L­ZÑl S£h­el ­hce¡ a¡l q©cu­L hÉ¢ba L­l a¥maz Af¤
jq¡i¡l­a ö­e¢Rm ­k, ASÑ¥­el p­‰ k¤­Ül j¤q¨­aÑ a¡l lbQœ² ­j¢ce£ NË¡p L­lz l­bl Q¡L¡ ­a¡m¡l p¡j¡eÉ
pju fË¡bÑe¡ L­l LZÑz ¢L¿¹¥ fË¢afr ASÑ¥e a¡ j”¥l e¡ L­l Apq¡u LZÑ­L ¢elÙ» AhÙÛ¡u qaÉ¡ L­lez Af¤
h¤T­a ­f­l¢Rm ­k, HL¢c­L ¢eù¥l¡ dlZ£l l­bl Q¡L¡ NË¡p Ll¡l Qœ²¡¿¹, Afl¢c­L q©cuq£e A¢hQ¡l - L­ZÑl
¢hf¤m pñ¡he¡ju S£h­e kh¢eL¡ ­V­e ­cuz L­ZÑl HC q©cu ¢hc¡lL jªa¥Él L¡¢q¢e öe­a öe­a Af¤l ¢nö
q©cu c¤x­M f§ZÑ q­u EWaz
6. “a¡q¡l j­e qu k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡ jq¡i¡l­a hs Lj ­mM¡ B­Rz”
(i) L¡l HLb¡ j­e q­u­R ? HLb¡ j­e qJu¡l L¡lZ L£ ?
(ii) ­pSeÉ ­p L£ Ll­a¡ ?
Ešl :-
(i) Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf, N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL
Af¤ j¡­ul j¤­M fË¡u jq¡i¡l­al k¤­Ül L¡¢q¢e öe­a öe­a ¢nö a¡l j­e q­u­R ­k k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡
jq¡i¡l­a hs Lj ­mM¡ B­Rz

¢nöl¡ k¡ i¡­m¡h¡­p a¡ ­ke c£OÑÙÛ¡u£ quz AÒf pj­ul j­dÉ a¡ ¢j­V ­N­m ¢nö je a¡ My¥­S ­g­lz
jq¡i¡l­al k¤Ü j¡œ Aø¡cn ¢ch­pl j­dÉC pj¡ç q­u¢Rmz p¤¤al¡w Af¤l j­el Q¡¢qc¡ ja jq¡i¡l­al k¤ÜV¡
c£OÑÙÛ¡u£ qu¢ez a¡C a¡l HLb¡ j­e q­u­Rz

(ii) ­pSeÉ ­p HLV¡ h¡M¡¢l ¢Lwh¡ q¡ó¡ ­L¡e N¡­Rl X¡m­L AÙ» ül©f q¡­a ¢e­u h¡¢sl ¢fR­e h¡yn h¡N¡­el f­b
Abh¡ h¡C­ll EW¡­e O¤­l ­hs¡u J Bfe j­e k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡ Ef­i¡N L­lz

7. “Bn ¢jV¡Cu¡ k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡ Ef­i¡N L¢lh¡l SeÉ ­p HL Ef¡u h¡¢ql L¢lu¡­Rz”
(i) ‘­p’ ­L ?
(ii) Ef¡u¢V ¢L ?
Ešl :-
(i) ‘­p’ hm­a HM¡­e Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf, N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ
LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL Af¤l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz
(ii) k¤Ü L¡¢qe£ ­n¡e¡l Aa«¢ç Q¢la¡bÑa¡l SeÉ Af¤ HLV¡ Ef¡u ­hl L­l¢Rm - k¡­a ­p Bn ¢j¢V­u k¤Ü
¢S¢epV¡­L Ef­i¡N Ll­a f¡­lz HLV¡ h¡M¡l£ ¢Lwh¡ q¡mL¡ ­L¡­e¡ N¡­Rl X¡m­L AÙ»l©­f LÒfe¡ L­l h¡¢sl
¢fR­e hy¡nh¡N¡­el f­b ¢Lwh¡ h¡C­ll E­W¡­e O¤­l ­h¢s­u ­â¡Z J AS¥Ñ­el j­dÉ k¤­Ül LÒfe¡ Llaz ­â¡Z
k¢c cn h¡Z ­Ry¡­se a¡q­m AS¥Ñe c¤­n¡ h¡Zz Hi¡­h HL iuwLl k¤Ü h¡mL Af¤ a¡l i¡he¡l B­m¡­L
LÒfe¡l lw ¢j¢n­u N­s ¢eaz ­kM¡­e h¡­Zl ­Q¡­V BL¡n AåL¡l q­u k¡uz AS¥Ñe Y¡m a­l¡u¡m ¢e­u lb
­b­L ­e­j f­l, a¡lfl H­L H­L jq¡lb£l¡ B­pez HC i¡­h Af¤ k¤Ü ¢S¢epV¡­L Ef­i¡N Ll­a¡z
8. A­eL c§­ll Lb¡u Af¤l ¢nöj­e ­L¡e c¤¢V i¡­hl pª¢ø Lla ?
Ešl :-
Lb¡p¡¢q¢aÉL ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u l¢Qa ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf, N­Òfl ­L¾cÊ£u Q¢lœ LÒfe¡ fËhZ h¡mL
Af¤ a¡­cl h¡¢sl ¢LR¥ c§­l Ah¢ÙÛa h­s¡ AnÄ› N¡­Rl ¢c­L a¡¢L­u b¡L­a b¡L­a hý c§­ll j¡­ul j¤­M
­n¡e¡ LÒfe¡l l¡S­aÆ f¡¢s ¢caz HC c§­ll Ae¤i¨¢a h¡mL Af¤l j­e HL ¢hØju j¡M¡­e¡ Be¾c J j¡­ul
SeÉ hÉL¥ma¡ pª¢ø Ll­a¡z
9. ‘Af¤l LÒfe¡’ N­Òf Af¤l j¡­ul Q¢lœ pÇf­LÑ Bjl¡ L£ d¡lZ¡ Ll­a f¡¢l ?
Ešl :- ¢hi¨¢ai¨oZ h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡­ul AehcÉ lQe¡ "f­bl f¡yQ¡m£'-l A¿¹NÑa "Af¤l LÒfe¡'-u Af¤l
j¡­ul üÒf Ef¢ÙÛ¢aJ Bj¡­cl j­e ­lM¡f¡a L­lz Af¤l j¡ AeÉ¡eÉ h¡P¡¢m j¡­ul j­a¡C p¿¹¡­el fË¢a ­pÀq
fl¡uZz ¢a¢e p¿¹¡­el i¡­m¡ m¡N¡, j¾c m¡N¡­L k­bø …l¦aÆ ­cez a¡C ­c¢M c¤f¤l­hm¡u Af¤l fR­¾cl ¢Qw¢s
j¡­Rl fc ¢a¢e l¡æ¡ L­l­Rez p¿¹¡­el p­‰ a¡l pÇfLÑJ O¢eøz p¿¹¡­el Bhc¡l ­jV¡­a ¢a¢e ¢e­Sl j¤­Ml
­Qh¡­e¡ f¡eJ Af¤l q¡­a ¢c­u ­cez p¿¹¡e­L h¡P¡¢ml ¢eSü pwú«¢al p­‰ f¢lQu Ll¡­a ­kje ¢a¢e j‰m
L¡­hÉl NÒf a¡­L ö¢e­u­Re ­aj¢e jq¡i¡l­al NÒf J a¡l Q¢l­œl p­‰J Af¤l f¢lQu L¢l­u­Rez k¡
Af¤l ¢nö je­L LÒfe¡l HL ¢h¢Qœ SN­a ¢e­u ­N­Rz j¡ ¢q­p­h p¿¹¡e­L HC f­bl på¡e ­cJu¡J Lj
…l¦aÆf§ZÑ euz
* h¡¢sl L¡S :-
1z “cÉ¡­M¡ cÉ¡­M¡ ­R­ml L¡ä cÉ¡­M¡ ___”
(i) hš²¡ ­L ?
(ii) ­L¡e fËp­‰ HLb¡ h­m­R ?
(iii) ­R­m¢Vl L¡ä ¢L ¢Rm ?
1. A fraction represents a part of a whole which consists
of numerators and denominators and it is the division of two same quantities.
2. Ratio is the comparison of one value to the other or the comparison of two different
3. Finding new number, when there is increase in percentage.
New number = original number + (increase in percentage × number)
Finding new number, when there is decrease in percentage.
New number = original number – (decrease in percentage × number)
4. A reduction (decrease) on the marked price is known as discount.
5. Sales tax or value added tax (VAT) or GST (Goods and service tax) is the tax that
should be paid to the government on sale of an item and it is added to the bill amount.
Sales tax or VAT =Tax % of Selling price
Billing Amount = Selling price + GST
6. Simple interest is the extra money charged on a loan where the principal amount will be
fixed for a particular time period.
7. Compound interest is the interest, calculated on the principal and the interest for the
previous period.
The amount at the end of n years will be, An=P (1+ )n
Compound Interest can be calculated using the formula, CI=A−P
1.The percentage of 1:4 is:
A. 75% B. 50% C. 25% D. 100%
2. An item marked at Rs. 840 is sold for Rs. 714. The discount % is:
A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 25%
3. The cost of the article was Rs. 15500 and Rs. 500 was spent on its repairing.
If it is sold for a profit of 15%. The selling price of the article is:
A. Rs.16400 B. Rs.17400 C. Rs.18400 D. Rs.19400
4. 25% of 60 students of a class likes to play football. How many students does
not like to play football
A. 45 B. 15 C. 25 D. 50
5. Out of 40 students, 25% passed in a class. How many students did actually pass?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
6. The ratio of speed of a motorbike 50 km per hour and speed of cycle 20 km per hour is:
A. 2:5 B. 5:1 C. 5:2 D. 1:2

Page 1|4
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
1. Assertion (A) –The ratio of 10 m to 1 km is 1 : 10
Reasons (R) –A ratio can be defined as the relationship or comparison between
two numbers of the same unit to check how bigger is one number than the
other one
2. Assertion (A) – The marked price of a book is Rs 100. The shopkeeper gives
25% discount on it. 75 is the sale price of the book
Reasons (R) –The price after the original price has been reduced by a discount
is known as sale price.
3. Assertion (A) –A bag is available for Rs 90. The shopkeeper allows 10%
discount on the marked price. 100is the marked price of the bag.
Reasons (R) –The price on the label of an article/product is called the marked
4. Assertion (A) –A toy marked at Rs 40 is available for Rs 32. 40% discount is
given on the marked price
Reasons (R) –The price on the label of an article/product is called the marked
5. Assertion (A) –the simple interest on Rs 1000 for 2 years at 8% per annum is Rs
Reasons (R) –Simple interest is a quick and easy method of calculating the
interest charge on a loan
6. Assertion (A) –The S.I. of Rs 100 of 1 year at the rate of 3 paise per rupee per
month is Rs 24.
Reasons (R) –Simple interest is a quick and easy method of calculating the
interest charge on a loan.

Page 2|4
1 If 20% of x is 25, then find x.
2. Express the following as a fraction
(a) 35%
(b) 64%
3. An article is marked at ₹ 940. If it is sold for ₹ 799, then find the discount per cent
4. A watch was bought for ₹ 2,700 including 8% VAT. Find its price before the VAT was
5. A man whose income is ₹ 57,600 a year spends ₹ 43,200 a year. What percentage of his
income does he save?
6. A CD player was purchased for ₹ 3,200 and ₹ 560 were spent on its repairs. It was then
sold at a gain of %. How much did the seller receive?
7 Ramesh bought a shirt for ₹ 336, including 12% ST and a tie for ₹ 110 including 10% ST.
Find the list price (without sales tax) of the shirt and the tie together
8. Vishakha offers a discount of 20% on all the items at her shop and still makes a profit of
12%. What is the cost price of an article marked at ₹ 280?


1. In a factory, women are 35% of all the workers, the rest of the workers being men. The
number of men exceeds that of women by 252. Find the total number of workers in the

2. Three bags contain 64.2 kg of sugar. The second bag contains of the contents of the first
and the third contains 45 % of what there is in the second bag. How much sugar is there in
each bag?
3. Find discount in percent when MP = ₹ 625 and SP = ₹ 562.50
4. The marked price of an article is Rs. 500. The shopkeeper gives a discount of 5% and still
makes a profit of 25%. Find the cost price of the article.
5. In the year 2001, the number of malaria patients admitted in the hospitals of a state was
4375. Every year this number decreases by 8%. Find the number of-patients in 2003.
6. Prachi bought medicines from a medical store as prescribed by her doctor for Rs 36.40
including 4% VAT. Find the price of before VAT was added
7. A shopkeeper was selling all his items at 25% discount. During the off season, he offered
30% discount over and above the existing discount. If Pragya bought a skirt which was
marked for Rs 1200, how much did she pay for it?
8. Ayesha announced a festival discount of 25% on all the items in her mobile phone shop.
Ramandeep bought a mobile phone for himself. He got a discount of ₹ 1960. What was the
marked price of the mobile phone?
9. Question. 90 A new computer costs Rs 100000. The depredation of computers is very high
as new models with better technological advantages are coming into the market. The
depredation is as high as 50% every year. How much will the cost of computer be after two

Page 3|4
10. What price should a shopkeeper mark on a article that costs him Rs 600 to gain 20%, after
allowing a discount of 10%?
1. At a toy shop price of all the toys is reduced to 66% of the original price.
(a) What is the sale price of a toy that originally costs Rs 90?
(b) How much money would you save on a toy costing Rs 90?
2. A store is having a 25% discount sale. Sheela has a Rs 50 gift voucher and wants to use it
to buy a board game marked for Rs 320. She is not sure how to calculate the concession she
will get. The sales clerk has suggested two ways to calculate the amount payable.
Method 1 Subtract Rs 50 from the price and take 25% off the resulting price.
Method 2 Take 25% off the original price and then subtract Rs 50.
(a) Do you think both the methods will give the same result? If not, predict which method
will be beneficial for her.
(b) For each method, calculate the amount Sheela would have to pay. Show your work.
(c) Which method do you think stores actually use? Why?
3. In Delhi University, in the year 2009-10, 49000 seats were available for admission to
various courses at graduation level. Out of these 28200 seats were for the students of General
Category while 7400 seats were reserved for SC and 3700 seats for ST. Find the percentage
of seats available for
(a) students of General Category.
(b) students of SC Category and ST Category taken together.
4. Harshna gave her car for service at service station on 27-05-2009 and was charged as
(a)3.10 L engine oil @ Rs. 178.75 per litre and VAT @ 20%.
(b)Rs. 1105.12 for all other services and VAT @ 12.5%.
(c)Rs. 2095.80 as labour charges and service tax @ 10%

Page 4|4
SESSION: 2023-24

SUB-TOPIC: Characteristics of sound wave, Loudness , Audible- Inaudible sounds, Musical Instruments
Speed of Sound, Music & Noise , Reflection of Sound

*The sound moves through a medium by alternately contracting and expanding parts of the medium it is travelling
through. This compression and expansion create a minute pressure difference that we perceive as sound

*The characteristics of sound waves like amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and timbre.
The image beside indicates the sound wave in
wave form.

a) Amplitude-
Amplitude refers to the distance of the
maximum vertical displacement of the
wave from its mean position

b) Frequency-
Frequency in a sound wave refers to
the rate of the vibration of the sound
traveling through the air. This
parameter decides whether a sound is perceived as high pitched or low pitched.
In sound, the frequency is also known as Pitch.
The frequency of the vibrating source of sound is calculated in cycles per second.

(c)Wavelength- The physical distance between two consecutive peaks or valleys in a sound wave is referred to as
the wavelength of the sound wave.

(d)Timbre/Quality- Sound "quality" or "timbre" describes those characteristics of sound which allow the ear to
distinguish sounds which have the same pitch and loudness.
*The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its association with the amplitude, all types of waves have a
certain amplitude.
*This phenomenon of a sound depending on the amplitude of the sound wave. If the amplitude of the sound wave
is large, then the sound is said to be loud.
*It is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibration. If the amplitude of the sound wave becomes
double, then the loudness of the sound will be quadrupled.
*It is expressed in decibel (dB). Sounds above 80 dB becomes noise to human ears

Pitch of Sound

• This depends on the frequency of vibration of the waves.

• If the frequency of vibration is higher, we say that the sound is shrill and has a high pitch. On the other

hand, if the sound is said to have a lower pitch then it has a lower frequency of vibration.
• A bird produces high pitched sound whereas roaring of a lion is a low pitched sound.
• Voice of a woman has a high pitch than that of a man.
Audible and inaudible sounds:
Audible sounds are those that can be heard while inaudible sounds are those that cannot be heard.
Human can hear sounds with frequency between 20Hz and 20,000Hz.
Low frequency sounds which cannot be hear are called infrasonics.
Objects that vibrate at frequencies of above 20,000Hz produce sound which also cannot be heard by us. Such
sounds are called ultrasonics.

Speed of sound:
The speed of sound changes with the change in medium. Speed also depends on the physical state and temperature
of the medium. At higher temperature, the speed of sound is higher, while at lower temperature, the speed
The speed of sound is maximum in solids (5920m/s in steel), lesser in liquids (1480m/s in water) and minimum in
gases (330m/s in air).

Musical sounds and noise:

Sounds can be classified as musical sounds and noise.

Musical sounds:
The sounds produced by a tuning fork, violin, veena, flute and piano are pleasing to the ear. They are called
musical sounds. They are produced by regular, periodic vibrations.
Certain sounds such as thunder, the rattling of wheels on a rough road, or a large number of people talking at the
same time inside a room are unpleasant to hear. These sounds are called noise and produced by irregular and non-
periodic vibrations.

Musical instruments:
Musical instruments are categorized into three types:
Stringed instruments, wind instruments and percussion instruments.

Stringed instruments:
Stringed instruments make use of a string or wire to produce vibrations and sound. The frequency of sound is
varied by varying the length of the vibrating wire.
In a sitar, the shorter the length of the wire, the higher the pitch it produces.

Wind instruments:
Wind instruments use the principle of a vibrating air column to produce sound. The frequency is varied by
changing the length of the vibrating air column.
Flute, shehnai and clarinet are some well known wind instruments.

Percussion instruments:
They are instruments in which vibrations of a stretched animal hide produce sound. The frequency of vibration
can be increased by stretching the hide more.
Table, drums and Mridangam are some examples of percussion instruments.

The reflection of sound is actually similar to the reflection of light.

It also abides different laws of reflection, in which the angle of incidence does
prove equal to the angle of reflection. In addition, sound rebounds from the
surface of either solid or liquid similar to a billiard ball.
For successfully experiencing the reflection of sound, it is important that the
surface should be polished or rough, and that too of a considerably large size.
The two laws concerned with
sound reflection are as follows:

• The incidence angle will

always be equal to the reflection

• Moreover, the incident sound waves, the normal at incidence point

and reflected wave, all rest in a common plane.

Very short Answer type questions:

Q1 Show the high & low pitch sound graphically.

Q2 What is Timbre?
Ans Timbre is a general term for the distinguishable characteristics of a tone.
Q3 What is the S.I unit of frequency?
Ans The SI Unit for Frequency(f) is Hertz and it’s defined as ‘1/T’ where T refers to the time period of the
wave. The time period is the time required for the wave to complete one cycle.
f = 1/T
Q4 State the relation among the velocity of sound, frequency & its wavelength.
Ans Wavelength and frequency of a sound wave are related mathematically as:

The velocity of Sound = Frequency * Wavelength

Q5 What is Time period?

The time taken for one complete oscillation of a sound wave is called the time period of the sound wave

Q6 What determine the pitch produced by a Percussion instrument?

Ans The tautness of the membrane and area of the instrument determine the pitch of the sound produced by a
percussion instrument.
Q7 Why astronomers fail to hear the sound of each other on the surface of the moon?
Ans Astronomers fail to hear the sound of each other while they are on the surface of the moon because there is no air
present on the moon and we know that sound cannot travel through vacuum. It needs medium to travel.
Q8 What is Galton whistle?
Ans These are the special whistles that produce sound of frequency higher than 20,000 Hertz. Dogs have the ability to
hear it but humans cannot. Ultrasound scans produce sounds in this range. It is used for investigation purpose
Q9 What determine the pitch produced by a Percussion instrument?
Ans The tautness of the membrane and area of the instrument determine the pitch of the sound produced by a
percussion instrument
Q10 What are harmonics?
Ans Multiples of fundamental or basic frequency are called harmonics. They determine the quality of sound. In general, a
sound with greater number of harmonics is rich or has a better quality.
Q11 In general, which sound has greater frequency−a bird singing or a man singing?
Ans The sound of a singing bird has higher frequency than that of a singing man due to higher pitch of the bird's song.
Short Answer type questions:
Q12 What is loudness of a sound? How is it related to amplitude of sound wave?
Ans The loudness of a sound depends upon the amplitude of the sound.
The higher the amplitude, the higher is the displacement of the particles and the higher is the loudness of
the sound.
The loudness of the sound is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude.
The SI unit for measuring the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB)
Q13 Give the difference between Pitch & Loudness of a sound.
Pitch Loudness
The loudness of a sound depends upon the
It depends upon the frequency of the sound.
amplitude of the sound wave.
Pitch of a sound is how our ears react to the The loudness of sound also depends upon the
frequency of a sound. energy of the sound wave.
Pitch of the sound helps in recognizing whether The loudness of a sound helps in recognizing
the sound is shriller or flatter. whether a sound is loud or feeble.

Q14 What is oscillation?

Ans An oscillation is said to be the movement of the object from one point to another in a periodic time.
One oscillation is said to be the movement between the two endpoints or extreme points of the motion of the

Q15. How whales and dolphins are able to communicate?

Ans Whales and dolphins are able to communicate in liquids as sound can travel through liquids.
Q16. Why astronomers fail to hear the sound of each other on the surface of the moon?
Ans Astronomers fail to hear the sound of each other while they are on the surface of the moon because
there is no air present on the moon and we know that sound cannot travel through vacuum. It needs
medium to travel
Q17. What is Galton whistle?
These are the special whistles that produce sound of frequency higher than 20,000 Hertz. Dogs have the
Ans ability to hear it but humans cannot. Ultrasound scans produce sounds in this range. It is used for
investigation purpose
Q18. Why speed of sound is more on a humid day as compared to a dry day?
Ans The speed of sound is more on a humid day as compared to a dry day because on a humid day, particles
are comparatively closer, so, the transfer of energy occurs faster.
Q19. “Sound travels through a medium, it cannot travel in a vacuum”. Justify the statement.
Ans Sound propagates by causing the particles in the medium to vibrate. A vibrating source transfers the
vibrations to the surrounding medium, which can be solid, liquid or gaseous. The resulting vibrations
create varying pressure regions by compressing and decompressing the particles in the medium, and
through this process of compression and decompression, sound waves propagate through the medium.
During the propagation of sound, the particles of the medium receive these vibrations and transfer them to
the surrounding particles, allowing sound to travel.
In a vacuum, there are no particles that can transfer and carry vibrations, so sound cannot travel.
Q20 A pendulum oscillates 50 times in 6 seconds. Find its time period and frequency?
Ans As we know that the number of oscillations made by a pendulum in 1 second is called its frequency.


In 6 seconds, pendulum makes – 50 oscillations

In 1 second, pendulum makes – 50/6 = 25/3 oscillations

Thus, the frequency of this pendulum is 25/3

Time period T = 1/F = 3/25

Q21 Give the difference between sound & noise.

Ans Sound Noise
It is defined as the unpleasant sound that
It is defined as the continuous vibrations that travel
from one medium to another causes disturbance

Noise has a negative effect on health like

Sound has a positive effect on the health
hearing loss, hypertension
Sound carries a positive connotation as it is Noise carries a negative connotation as it is
audible, distinctive, relevant and definitive irrelevant, incompressible
Q22 Distinguish between infrasonics and ultrasonics.
Infrasonics Ultrasonics
Sound waves with frequency less Sound waves with frequency greater
than 20 Hz are called infrasonic. than 20000 Hz are called ultrasonic.

Home Assignment:
QA. Imagine a bell and a piano in an orchestra. The same musical notes can be obtained by both the instruments
but their sounds are very different. Explain the characteristics of Sound wave for which the difference can
be understood.
QB. What is the relation between loudness and amplitude of sound?
QC. Answer the following questions:-
1.How sound is produced?
2. What do you understand by a ‘wave’?
3. Write three differences between sound and light waves.
4. What do you understand by “sound energy cannot be produced”?
5. What is the name of the wave that can travel through vacuum?
6. Explain by some experiment that sound waves require medium for their propagation.
7. How sound waves travel through some medium?
8. Why sound waves do not propagate through vacuum?
9. What is the scientific name for the following? The number of vibrations made per second.
10. Why a sound cannot be heard on the moon?
11. Give two points of difference between longitudinal and transverse waves.
12. How will you prove that the sound waves exhibit longitudinal behaviour?
13. What are rarefaction and compression in case of sound waves?
14. Distinguish between crests and troughs.
15. Write the SI unit of velocity of a wave.
16. What are the factors that describe the sound wave and define them?

QB. Perform the following activity at home.

For this activity, you need to take a bucket or bathtub.
Then Fill the bucket or bathtub with water.
Take a small bell in hand.
Then we need to shake the bell inside water to produce sound.
Make sure it does not touch the body of bucket.
Now place your ear gently on water surface.
At last, we will be able to hear the sound of ringing bell. This activity proves that sound can travel
through liquid.
QD. An explosion occurs on moon. Will it be
(a) seen
(b) heard on earth instantly or after some time?
QE. Name the three types of musical instruments. How is sound produced in each type?

QF. A string musical instrument was first plucked with a force of smaller magnitude and then with a force of
greater magnitude. In which case would the instrument produce a louder sound?
QG. Why we are able to hear sound of a clock clearer at night than in day?

SESSION: 2022-23



 ignition temperature
 Fire is extinguished by water
 A log of wood takes a longer time to start burning than wood shavings when heated in a flame
 calorific value of the fuel
 Biogas


 The temperature to which a substance must be heated before combustion takes place is known
as its ignition temperature
 Activity – A paper cup containing water does not burn when placed over a flame.
 We place a paper cup containing water over a flame. The water becomes hot but the cup does
not burn. This is because the water takes away the heat from the cup and does not allow it to
reach its ignition temperature.

 Fire is extinguished by water

 When water is poured over a burning substance, it absorbs heat from the substance. As a
result, the temperature of the substance falls below the ignition temperature, and it stops
 A log of wood takes a longer time to start burning than wood shavings when heated in a flame

 A log of wood has a huge mass. So when we heat it with a flame the heat the log receives is
dissipated through its bulk. And the log takes a long time to attain the ignition temperature. On
the other hand, wood shavings, having a much smaller mass, attain the ignition temperature
more readily. So, a log or a large piece of wood takes a longer time than wood shavings to start
 The amount of heat given out by a unit mass of a fuel on complete combustion in air or
oxygen is known as the calorific value of the fuel.
 Unit – kJ/Kg
 Calorific value of fuels
Fuel Calorific Value Of Fuel( Approximately)
Cow Dung 8000
Wood 22000
Coal 33000
Biogas 40000
Diesel 45000
kerosene 45000
Petrol 45000
Methane 50000
LPG 55000

 Hydrogen gas has the highest calorific value. However, it is difficult to handle in the gaseous
state as it forms an explosive mixture with air. In liquid state, it is used as a fuel in spacecraft,
 Types of fuel
 1) Biogas
 It is obtained from anaerobic (in absence of air) fermentation of cattle dung and domestic
sewage.A mixture of methane (main constituent), carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen
sulphide is formed. Methane, the main constituents of biogas, burns to give carbon dioxide and
water vapour. Advantage – It burns completely .No soot and carbon monoxide are formed.
 CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + heat
 Biogas plant

 The fermentation takes place in an underground tank called digester. A slurry of cattle dung
and water is fed into the tank. On fermentation of the dung, biogas is evolved and collected in
gasholder. The gasholder made of steel floats over the slurry. The holder moves up when gas
collects in it and moves down when gas is drawn from it. There is an outlet pipe for the gas on
top of the gasholder.

Question Answer Session

Home Assignment:
Q1. In a chemistry laboratory, a student named Raj is conducting an experiment to study the ignition
temperature of different substances. He has three substances: ethanol, cooking oil, and water. Raj sets
up a Bunsen burner and plans to heat each substance individually to observe their ignition behavior. He
also has a fire extinguisher and safety goggles nearby for precautionary measures.

1. (i) Which substance, ethanol, cooking oil, or water, do you think will catch fire first when heated over
the Bunsen burner?
2. (ii) Define ignition temperature and explain why it is crucial to understand this concept in handling
flammable substances.
3. (iii) Raj accidentally spills some ethanol near the Bunsen burner, and a small fire starts. What should
Raj do to safely extinguish the fire?
4. (iv) Suppose Raj decides to heat a metal rod over the Bunsen burner until it glows red. Would the
ignition temperature of the metal rod be relevant in this scenario? Explain why or why not.

Q2. In a science class, the teacher is conducting an experiment to determine the calorific value of three
different fuels: coal, diesel, and natural gas. The experiment involves burning a known quantity of each
fuel and measuring the heat released. The teacher has set up a calorimeter and other necessary
equipment for accurate measurements.

1. (i) Define calorific value of a fuel and explain its significance in determining the energy content of the
2. (ii) If the teacher wants to compare the calorific values of coal, diesel, and natural gas, which fuel would
likely have the highest calorific value, ?
3. (iii) After completing the experiment, the teacher obtains the following calorific values: coal - 30,000
kJ/kg, diesel - 45,000 kJ/kg, natural gas - 50,000 kJ/kg. Based on these values, which fuel would you
recommend as the most efficient for energy production ?
Q3. What is the definition of calorific value of a fuel?
A) The mass of the fuel in grams
B) The amount of heat energy produced by burning a unit mass of fuel
C) The amount of oxygen required to burn the fuel
D) The rate of combustion of the fuel

Q4. Which unit is commonly used to express calorific value?

A) Celsius (°C) B) Joule (kJ/ kg) C) Kilogram (kg) D) Meter per second (m/s)

Q5. Among the following fuels, which one is likely to have the highest calorific value?
A) Wood B) Coal C) Water D) Natural Gas

Q6.Why is the knowledge of the calorific value of a fuel important?

A) To determine the physical state of the fuel
B) To estimate the rate of fuel consumption
C) To calculate the efficiency of the fuel for energy production
D) To know the color of the flame when burning the fuel

Q7. What is ignition temperature?

A) The temperature at which fuel starts to release smoke
B) The lowest temperature at which a fuel spontaneously catches fire and continues to burn
C) The temperature at which fuel evaporates completely
D) The temperature at which a fuel freezes

Q8. Which of the following factors affects the ignition temperature of a fuel?
A) The color of the flame B) The quantity of fuel present
C) The sound produced during combustion D) The shape of the container holding the fuel

Q9. Which type of fuel is likely to have the lowest ignition temperature?
A) Solid fuels B) Liquid fuels
C) Gaseous fuels D) All fuels have the same ignition temperature

Q10. Why is knowledge of the ignition temperature important in handling fuels safely?
A) To know the temperature at which the fuel will boil
B) To understand the rate of fuel consumption
C) To prevent accidents and control fires
D) To determine the color of the flame during combustion

Q11. A) Both assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
B) Both assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
C) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
D) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

(i) Assertion: Ignition temperature is a crucial factor in determining the flammability of a substance.
Reason: Ignition temperature is the minimum temperature at which a substance starts to burn

(ii) Assertion: Lowering the ignition temperature of a fuel can reduce the risk of accidental fires.
Reason: Ignition temperature determines the ease with which a fuel can be ignited and start burning

(iii) Assertion: Diesel has a higher calorific value than coal. Reason: Calorific value depends on the
chemical composition of the fuel.

(iv) Assertion: Calorific value determines the efficiency of a fuel for energy production. Reason: Fuels
with higher calorific values release more energy when burned, making them more efficient.

Q12. A paper cup containing water does not burn when placed over a flame. Explain
Q13. How is fire extinguished by water
Q14. A log of wood takes a longer time to start burning than wood shavings when heated in a flame
Q15. Which one catches fire faster: Dry wooden log or wet wooden log ? Explain.
Q16. Why hydrogen is not used as domestic fuel?
Q17. Name the major constituent of biogas.
Q18. Write balanced chemical equation for burning of biogas.

Write only the answer of home assignment questions in your assignment copy.
SESSION: 2023-24


Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds and mushrooms.
These organisms are classified under kingdom fungi.

The organisms found in Kingdom fungi contain a cell wall made of chitin or fungal cellulose and are

They are classified as heterotrophs among the living organisms.

Parasites: They usually obtain their food from a living host. A parasite could be facultative or
obligate. The obligate parasites survive and settle on a living host throughout their life. The
facultative parasites are saprophytes that have turned parasitic.
Saprophytes: These organisms procure their nutrition from dead and decaying organic matter. The
saprophytes are either obligate or facultative. An obligate saprophyte remains saprophytic during its
entire lifetime. While a facultative saprophyte is nothing but a parasite that has secondarily become
Symbionts: Some fungi develop in symbiotic association with the green or blue-green algae. These
constitute the lichen. Here the algal component is photosynthetic. While the fungal component plays
the reproductive
The fungi either reproduces vegetatively, asexually or sexually:

Vegetative Reproduction
Fragmentation: Some forms multiply by breakage of the mycelium.
Budding: Some unicelled forms multiply by budding. A bud arises as a papilla on the parent cell and
then after its enlargement separates into a completely independent entity.
Fission: A few unicelled forms like yeasts and slime moulds multiply by this process.
Asexual Reproduction
Sporangiospores: These are thin-walled, non-motile spores formed in a sporangium. They may be
uni-or multinucleate. On account of their structure, they are also called as aplanospores.
Zoospores: They are thin-walled, motile spores formed in a zoosporangium.
Conidia: In some fungi, the spores are not formed inside a sporangium. They are born freely on the
tips of special branches called conidiophores. Thus, these spores are conidia.

Moulds are eukaryotic, multicellular microorganisms, that produce sexually by meiosis and
asexually by mitosis. They have filamentous hyphae and airborne spores. Moulds decompose organic
waste and are also used in making antibiotics, cheese, etc. Few moulds can also be hazardous to
health and can cause allergies, headaches, itching, and respiratory problems.
Yeast is a unicellular eukaryote that generally reproduces by budding. These single-celled
microorganisms are classified as members of the Kingdom Fungi. There are 1500 types of yeast
present. Yeast is commonly found in fruits, animal skin, vegetables, etc. It can convert carbohydrates
to alcohol and carbon dioxide through the process of fermentation, which is an anaerobic process.
Yeast can also cause infections such as candidiasis in humans. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in
the baking industry.
Useful effects of fungi
1)There are some species of fungus that can be used as medicines.
2)Fungus can also be used as antibiotics, for example, Penicillin, the first-ever penicillin was
discovered from a fungus Penicillium notatum.
3)Fungus can also be used in the formation of alkaloids, vitamins, and steroids.
4)Fungus can be used in the production of foods like cheese, bread, cakes, etc.
5) Fungus are decomposers in nature.
Harmful effects of fungi
1)Some fungus can cause various plant diseases like red rot of sugarcane and powdery mildew in
peas, rust, smut, wilt, blight etc.
2)Growth of fungus in food items can spoil the food and cause food poisoning.
3)Some fungus can cause hallucinations, for example lysergic acid diethylamide is a hallucinogenic
drug obtained from fungi

Protozoa are single celled organisms. They come in many different shapes and sizes ranging from an
Amoeba which can change its shape to Paramecium with its fixed shape and complex structure. They
live in a wide variety of moist habitats including fresh water, marine environments and the soil.
Some are parasitic, which means they live in other plants and animals including humans, where they
cause disease. Plasmodium, for example, causes malaria. They are motile and can move by:
Cilia - tiny hair like structures that cover the outside of the microbe. They beat in a regular
continuous pattern like flexible oars.
Flagella - long thread-like structures that extend from the cell surface. The flagella move in a whip-
like motion that produces waves that propel the microbe around.
Amoeboid movement - the organism moves by sending out pseudopodia, temporary protrusions that
fill with cytoplasm that flows from the body of the cell.
Uses of protozoans:
 Protozoan increase the soil fertility by feeding bacteria and regulating their population and it
also helps with composting.
 In the soil the bacteria remains in active growth phase, which results in faster decomposition
of dead organic matter.
 Protozoan feed upon the bacteria present in the water bodies, indirectly purifying water.
 They are used as indicator of toxicity in the environment.
 Zooplanktons are primary source of food in open sea.
 Termites host protozoans, who help them digest cellulose
Harmful protozoans:

Question answer session: To be written in the Assignment copy.

Q1. Economically important yeast produces …………
I. Waste water II. Avoid fermentation III. Ethanol IV. Beer destroyer
Q2. Malaria Is caused by
I. Protozoa II. Virus III. Algae IV. Bacteria
Q3. Penicillium is a
I. Algae II. Fungus III. Bacteria IV. Yeast
Q4. The protozoan that is called Slipper Animalcule is
I. Amoeba II. Paramoecium III. Euglena IV. Chlamydomonas

Q5. Case Study:

Microorganisms are used for various purposes. They are used in the preparation of curd, bread and
cake. Microorganisms have been used for the production of alcohol since ages.They are also used in
cleaning upof the environment. For example, the organic wastes (vegetable peels, remainsof animals,
faeces, etc.) are broken down into harmless and usable substances by bacteria. pickles and many
other food items. An important ingredient of rava (sooji )idlis and bhaturas is curd. Can you guess
why? Bacteria and yeast are also helpful for fermentation of rice idlis and dosa batter. Kneading of
Yeast and sugar into the flour causes the flour to rise and double in size. Yeast reproduces rapidly and
produces carbon dioxide during respiration. Bubbles of the gas fill the dough and increase its
volume. This is the basis of the use of yeast in the baking industry for making breads, pastries and
Commercial Use of Microorganisms: Microorganisms are used for the large-scale production of
alcohol, wine and acetic acid(vinegar).
Que. 1) In the process of fermentation the sugar is converted
(a) Vinegar
(b) Curd
(c) Salt
(d) Alcohol
Que. 2) Name the bacterium which when added to milk, multiplies in it and converts milk into curd?
(a) Lactobacillus
(b) Streptococcus
(c) Salmonella
(d) Vibrio
Que. 3) Louis Pasteur a French chemist in 1857 discovered the process of
(a) Fermentation
(b) Pollination
(c) Saturation
(d) Composting
Que. 4) Explain the process of doubling of flour after addition of yeast into it.
Que. 5) Name some of the common uses of microorganisms
Synopsis of the topic:
The Indian Constitution mandates that the Indian state be a secular state. One religious
community does not dominate another in a secular state. In a secular state, some members do not
dominate other members of the same religious community.
The separation of the State and religion in democratic societies is important because of the
following reasons:

1. It helps a country to function democratically.

2. The tyranny of the majority and the violation of Fundamental Rights can be very harmful
to the people belonging to the minority. So, it protects people from any type of religious
3. It protects the freedom of individuals to exit from their religion and embrace another
religion. It gives people the freedom to interpret religious teachings differently.

Steps Taken by Indian State to Protect Secularism in India

The Indian State works in various ways:

 It uses a strategy of distancing itself from religion. In India, government spaces like law
courts, police stations, government schools and offices are not supposed to display or
promote any one religion.
 A strategy of noninterference. This means that in order to respect the sentiments of all
religions and not interfere with religious practices, the State makes certain exceptions for
particular religious communities.
 A strategy of intervention. This means that to ensure the laws relating to equal
inheritance rights are respected, the State can intervene in the religion-based ‘personal
laws’ of communities.
 The intervention of the State can also be in the form of support. For example, the Indian
Constitution grants the right to religious communities to set up their own schools and
colleges. It also gives them financial aid on a non-preferential basis.
Fundamental rights are the basic human rights enshrined in the Constitution of India which are
guaranteed to all citizens. They are applied without discrimination on the basis of race, religion,
gender, etc. Significantly, fundamental rights are enforceable by the courts, subject to certain
Please write these in your CW copy:
Questions and answer from the topic:
1. How does the Indian Constitution strike a balance between the rights of religious
communities and ensuring equality for all citizens?
2. Explain the significance of Article 25 of the Indian Constitution in ensuring religious
freedom and secularism.
3. Discuss the concept of "freedom of conscience" and its importance in upholding the secular
vision of the Indian Constitution.
4. The Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression is a cornerstone of democracy. Describe
how it encourages active citizenship and civic engagement among citizens.
5. Imagine you are a member of the Constituent Assembly. How would you justify the
inclusion of fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution?
SESSION: 2023-2024

Sub: Geography
Topic: Natural resources, Land, Soil and Water Resources

To be done in c/w copy

1. Global warming is the most debated issue related to climate change right now. It is the increase
in the global temperature due to prolonged rise in Greenhouse gases. It leads to melting of
glacier (source of freshwater on Earth) and rise in sea level.
a. Even though there is melting of ice, why are certain parts of the Earth facing water scarcity?
b. Why is saving water necessary?
c. In what ways can we resolve the problem of water scarcity?

2. Can inundation canals be dug in areas of arid climate? Give reasons to support your answer.
3. What are the benefits of multi-purpose projects?
4. The Kanvar Yatra is an annual pilgrimage of devotees of Shiva, known as Kanvarias or "Bhole",
to Hindu pilgrimage places of Haridwar, Gaumukh and Gangotri in Uttarakhand and Sultanganj
in Bhagalpur, Bihar to fetch holy waters of Ganges River.
This year Haridwar has been littered with 30,000 tonnes of garbage.
The second picture sows a very common way to dispose off sewage water.

Q: Suggest methods to conserve water in both the cases.

5. If you become the councillor of your ward, which method of water conservation will you suggest
in your ward or what would you do to generate awareness regarding water scarcity.
6. Assertion-Reason:
a. Assertion: Humans use huge amounts of water not only for drinking and washing but
also in the process of production.
Reason (R)- Fresh water is therefore, the most precious substance on earth.
b. Assertion (A)- shortages in supply of fresh water either due to drying up of water sources
or water pollution.
Reason (R)- Increasing population, rising demands for food and cash crops, increasing
urbanisation and rising standards of living
c. Assertion (A)- . On an average, one spell of rain for two hours is enough to save 8,000
litres of water.
Reason (R)- Rain water harvesting is the process of collecting rain water from roof tops
and directing it to an appropriate location where it is stored for future use.
7. Practise the following map pointing:


TOPIC – ‘विशेषण’ और ‘िचन’

पाठ : विशेषण

पाठ सार:-

*जो शब्द किसी संज्ञा या सिवनाम िी विशेषता बताते हैं,उन्हें विशेषण िहते हैं ।

* विशेषण वजस शब्द िी विशेषता प्रिट िरता है,उसे विशेष्य िहते हैं ।

*विशेषण िे चार भेद होते हैं- गुणिाचि ,पररमाणिाचि,संख्यािाचि ,सािवनावमि


ि) संज्ञा िी विशेषता बतलाने िाले शब्द िो क्या िहते हैं?

i)विशेष्य ii) विशेषण iii)प्रविशेषण iv) संज्ञा

ख) िौन सा शब्द विशेषण है ?

i)प्यास ii)प्यासा iii)समाज iv)क्रोध

ग) ‘रोग’ शब्द िा विशेषण क्या होगा?

i)रोगी ii)रोगीला iii)रोग iv)रोज़

घ) िहााँ चार वियााँ थी । िाक्य में िौन सा शब्द विशेष्य है

i)िहााँ ii)चार iii) वियााँ iv)थी

2.वनम्नवलवखत शब्दों से विशेषण बनाइए –

भारत _________________ बीमार _____________________

धमव ___________________ गमव _______________________

रंग ____________________ रस ________________________

दया ____________________ िृ पा ________________________

कदन _____________________ समाज _______________________

3.वनम्नवलवखत िाक्यों में से विशेषण और विशेष्य छााँटिर वलवखए –

ि) घोड़ा उपयोगी पशु है ।

ख) वशिम ईमानदार है ।

ग) िमला सुंदर है ।

घ) िोट िा रंग िाला है ।

ङ)िोहली एि अच्छा कक्रिे टर है ।

च)मुझे एि दजवन िे ला चावहए ।

पाठ : िचन

पाठ सार:-

* संज्ञा िे वजस रुप से संख्या िा बोध होता है, उसे िचन िहते हैं। िचन िा प्रयोग संख्या िा बोध िरिाने िे वलए किया जाता है।

* िचन िा प्रभाि संज्ञा, सिवनाम, विशेषण और कक्रया पर पड़ता है।

* हहंदी व्यािरण में िचन िे दो भेद होते हैं।एििचन और बहुिचन

*संज्ञा िा िह रूप वजससे एि संख्या िा बोध होता है, उसे एििचन िहते हैं।

*संज्ञा िा िह रूप वजससे एि से अवधि संख्याओं िा बोध होता है, उसे बहुिचन िहते हैं।


HOME पुस्ति िे प्रश्न-

2)दक्षता मूलि प्रश्न –

ि) हहंदी भाषा में िचन िे कितने भेद होते हैं?

i)एि ii) दो iii)तीन iv)चार

ख) इनमें से िौन-सा शब्द िे िल एििचन में ही प्रयुक्त होता है ?

i)लड़िे ii)वचवड़यााँ iii)भीड़ iv) वमत्र

ग) इनमें से एििचन शब्द िौन-सा है ?

i)पुस्ति ii)बावलिाएाँ iii)बातें iv)बेरटयााँ

1)वनम्नवलवखत एििचन शब्दों िो बहुिचन में बदवलए –

चूहा ______________________ बुकिया_____________________

गाय ______________________ आाँख ______________________

िन्या ______________________ लता ______________________

नारी ______________________ वतवथ ______________________

आध्यापि __________________ छात्र ______________________

चोर ______________________ फल ______________________

डािू ______________________ आलू ______________________

नदी ______________________ गाड़ी ______________________

2)िोष्ठि से उवचत शब्द छााँटिर ररक्त स्थानों िी पूर्तव िीवजए –

ि) मैंने उनिे ____________ देखे । (हस्ताक्षर/हस्ताक्षरे)

ख) ____________ उड़ रहे हैं । (पक्षी/पवक्षयों)
ग) आम __________ िा राजा है । (फलों/फल)
घ) हमें अपने ______________ िा सम्मान िरना चावहए । (वशक्षि/वशक्षिों)

सभा अनेि _______________ आए थे । (नेता/नेतागण)

Delhi public School, Durgapur
ASSIGNMENT -VIII, (Study material) (2023-24)
Subject – Sanskrit 3RD Language
व्याकरण खण्डः कारकम ् (CASE)

सूत्र – (क्रियान्वयय कारकम ्) परिभाषा – वाक्य में प्रयुक्त संज्ञा या सववनाम ् का क्रिया के साथ सीधा सम्बन्ध
जाना जाय उसे कािक कहते हैं ।

यथा – (i) अहं पुस्तकं पठामम ।

। । ।

सववनाम ् कमव क्रिया

(ii) िाधा पत्रं मिखतत

। । ।

कताव/संज्ञा कमव क्रिया


परिभाषा:- क्रिया के साथ संज्ञा शब्दों का सम्बन्ध प्रकट किने के मिए क्जन चिन्हों का
प्रयोग क्रकया जाता है वे ही ‘ववभक्क्त’ कहिाते हैं ।

ववभक्क्त कािक बािक शब्द रुप बािक शब्द रुप बािक शब्द रुप कािक चिन्ह
एकविनम ् द्ववविनम ् बहुबिनम ्
प्रथमा कताव बािकः बािकौ बािकाः ने
द्ववतीया कमव बािकम ् बािकौ बािकान ् को
ृ ीया किण बािकेन ् बािकाभ्याम ् बािकैः से , के द्वािा
ितुथी सम्प्रदान बािकाय बािकाभ्याम ् बािकेभ्यः को , के मिए
पञ्िमी अपादान बािकात ् बािकाभ्याम ् बािकेभ्यः से(अिगाव के अथव में )
षष्ठी सम्बन्ध बािकस्य बािकयोः बािकानाम ् का,के,की,िा,िे ,िी
सप्तमी अचधकिण बािके बािकयोः बािकेषु में पि
सम्बोधन सम्बोधन हे बािक ! हे बािकौ ! हे बािकाः! हे ! अहे ! अहो! अिे ! अहो!

Page 1 of 13

(I) कािक ववभक्क्त (II)उपपद ववभक्क्त

(I) कािक ववभक्क्त
परिभाषा: - जो ववभक्क्त क्रिया के चिह्न के आधाि पि िगती है औि क्जसमें सामान्य
तनयम िगते हों उसे कािक ववभक्क्त कहते हैं ।
यथा : - (i)मोहनः िामायणं पठतत ।
(ii) सा फिं खादतत ।
(II)उपपद ववभक्क्त
परिभाषा: - जब वाक्य में क्रकसी ववशेष शब्द के कािण क्रिया चिह्नों के अनुसाि ववभक्क्त न
िगाकि कोई ववशेष ववभक्क्त िग जाए उसे ‘उपपद ववभक्क्त’ कहते हैं ।
यथा : - (i)जिं ववना जीवनं ।
(ii) ग्रामं परितः िाजमागवः अक्स्त ।
(I) कािक ववभक्क्त
(i) सूत्र -कतवरि प्रथमा –
परिभाषा:- कताव कािक में प्रथमा ववभक्क्त होती है ।
यथा- (i) सा मिखतत ।
(ii) अहं पठामम ।
(iii) त्वम ् मिखमस ।
(ii) सूत्र - कमवणण द्ववतीया –
परिभाषा :- कमव कािक में द्ववतीया ववभक्क्त होती है ।
यथा - (i)िाधा पत्रं मिखतत ।
(ii)मनोहिः फिं खादतत।
(iii)सा ग्रन्थं पठतत ।
ू – किणे तत
ृ ीया –
परिभाषा :- किण कािक में तत
ृ ीया ववभक्क्त होती है ।
यथा - (i) सा किमेन मिखतत ।
(ii)अहं िमसेन खादामम।
(iii)त्वम ् यानेन गच्छमस।

Page 2 of 13
ू – सम्प्रदाने ितथ
ु ी –

परिभाषा :- सम्प्रदान कािक में ितुथी ववभक्क्त होती है ।

यथा - (i) सा िीडनाय गच्छतत ।
(ii)अहं पठनाय गच्छामम।
(iii)त्वम ् भ्रमणाय गच्छमस।
(v)सूत्र – अपादाने पञ्िमी –

परिभाषा :- अपादाने कािक में पञ्िमी ववभक्क्त होती है ।

यथा - (i) सा गह
ृ ात ् आगच्छतत ।
ृ ात ् फिातन पतक्न्त ।
(iii)िमेशः ववद्याियात ् आगच्छतत।
ू – सम्बन्धे षष्ठी –

परिभाषा :- सम्बन्धे कािक में षष्ठी ववभक्क्त होती है ।

यथा - (i) सा सीतायाः भचगनी अक्स्त ।
(ii) सीता िामस्य भायाव आसीत ् ।
(iii)अहं मोहनस्य आगच्छतत।
(vii) सूत्र – अचधकिणे सप्तमी –

परिभाषा :- अचधकिणे कािक में सप्तमी ववभक्क्त होती है ।

यथा - (i) कक्षायाः बहहः बािकाः सक्न्त ।
(ii) वक्ष
ृ े खगाः सक्न्त ।
(iii) गह
ृ े जनाः सक्न्त ।
(viii) सत्र
ू – सम्बोधनेप्रथमा –

परिभाषा :- सम्बोधने कािक में प्रथमा ववभक्क्त होती है ।

यथा - (i) भो बािक ।
(ii) हे िाम ।
(iii) गह
ृ े जनाः सक्न्त ।

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सक्न्ध (Joining)
सूत्र – परः सन्न्िकर्षः संहिता
पाररभार्ा:- दो वणों की आपसी तनकटता को संहहता कहते हैं । संहहता अथावत ् दो वणों के
आपसी मेि से उत्पन्न ववकाि या आए परिवतवन को संचध कहते हैं ।
यथा – राम +अयिम ् = रामायणम ्
रवव +इन्रः = रवीन्रः
सन््धः भधदाः

(I) स्वि सक्न्ध (II) व्यञ्जन सक्न्ध (III) ववसगव सक्न्ध

(I) स्वि सक्न्ध -

पाररभार्ा:- स्वर वणष कध साथ स्वर वणष कध मधल सध उत्पि ववकार या आए पररवतषि को स्वर

सन्न्् कितध िैं ।

यथा :- परम + ईश्वरः = परमधश्वरः [ अ+ई=ए]

एक+एकम ् = एकैकम ् [ अ+ए=ऐ]

स्वरसन््धः भधदाः

(i) दीर्ष सन्न््

(ii) गुण सन्न््

(iii) वद्ृ ध् सन्न््

(iv) यण ् सन्न््

(v) अयाहद सन्न््

(i) दीर्ष सन्न्् -

ू – अकः सवणे दीर्षः
पाररभार्ा:- दो समाि स्वर ममलकर एक दीर्ष स्वर वि जातध िैं । अथाषत ् ह्रस्व या दीर्ष
अ, इ, उ, ऋ कध बाद ह्सस्व या दीर्ष अ, इ, उ, ऋ रिध तो दोिों ममलकर
आ,ई,ऊ एवं ऋ िो जाता िै ।

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यथा –
ववद्या + आलयः = ववद्यालयः
[ आ + आ = आ ]
कवव + इन्रः = कवीन्रः
[ इ + इ = ई ]
व्ू + उत्सव = व्त्ू सव
[ ऊ + उ = ऊ ]
मातू + ऋणम = मातण
ृ म्
[ ऋ + ऋ = ऋ ]
(ii) गुण सन्न््-
सूत्र – आदगण
ु ः
पररभार्ा – अ अथवा आ कध बाद कोई सामान्य स्वर (इ/ ई ,उ / ऊ, ऋ /ल ृ ) रिध तो दोिों
अ / आ + इ / ई = ए
अ / आ + उ / ऊ = ओ
अ / आ + ऋ = अर्
अ / आ + ल ृ = अल ् िो जाता िै ।
यथा –
मिा + ईशः = मिध शः
[आ + ई = ए ]
सुर + इन्रः = सरु ध न्रः
[अ +इ = ए ]
ू ष + उदयः = सय
ू ोदयः
[अ + उ = ओ ]
मिा + ऋवर्ः = मिवर्षः
[आ + ऋ = अर्]
माला + लक
ृ ारः = मालल्कारः
[ आ + ल ृ = अल ् ]

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(iii) वद्ृ ध् सन्न््

ू – वद्
ृ ध् रध धि

पररभार्ा -अ अथवा आ कध बाद ए या ए या ऐ रििध पर ‘ऐ’ तथा

अ अथवा आ कध बाद ओ या औ रििध सध ‘औ’ िो जाता िै ।

यथा –
मत + ऐक्यम ् = मतैक्यम ्
तथा + एव = तथैव
[ आ+ए =ऐ ]
मिा+ ओर्ध्ः = मिौर्ध्ः
[आ+ओ= औ]
मिा+औदायषम ्= मिौदायषम ्
(iv) यण ् सन्न्् –
ू – इकोयणधि
पररभार्ा – ह्रस्व या दीर्ष इ,उ, ऋ एवं ल ृ कध बाद कोई असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) आए तो
इ / ई + असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) = य ्
उ / ऊ + असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) = व्
ऋ / ऋ + असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) = र्
ल ृ + असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) = ल ् िो जाता िै ।
यथा –
यहद+अवप = यद्यवप
[ इ + अ असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) = य ् ]
सु + आगतम ् = स्वागतम ्
[ उ + आ असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) =वा ]
गुरू +आदध शः
[ उ +आ = वा असमाि स्वर (मभन्ि स्वर ) =वा]
वपत ृ + उपदध शः = वपत्रुपदध शः
ल ृ + आकृयतः = लाकृयतः

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(v) अयाहद सन्न्् -
सूत्र -एिोsयवायावः
पररभार्ा:- पव
ू ष वणष ए, ऐ , ओ , औ कध बाद कोई मभन्ि स्वर रिध तो
ए + मभन्ि स्वर = अय ्
ऐ + मभन्ि स्वर = आय ्
ओ + मभन्ि स्वर = अव ्
औ + मभन्ि स्वर = आव ् िो जाता िै ।
यथा –
िध + अिम ् = ियिम ्
िै + अकः = िायकः
पो + अिम ् = पविम ्
रौ + अिः = रावणः

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पञ्िमः पाठः

ृ ाि -कथा
उत्तिाणण –
Page no. 31&32
1.उचितववकल्पेन वाक्यपतू तिं कुरुत ।
Complete the sentences with correct options.
(क) एवं प्रिण्डः तधर्ाम ् िाजा अभवत ् ।
(ख) त्वं मम कतवव्यानां तनश्ियं कुरु ।
(ग) सवे पशवः तम ् प्रतत अपश्यन ् ।
(घ) यूयं माम ् दृष््वा क्रकमथिं भयभीताः ?
(ङ) प्रिण्डः ताि ् अविोक्य उच्िैः अवदत ् ।

2. कथा िमानुसािं मिखत (उत्तराणण)

(ग) तं दृष््वा कुक्कुिाः तं प्रतत अधावन ् ।

(ख) तत्र नीििसपूणम

व ् एकं पात्रम ् आसीत ् ।

(क) प्रिण्डः िजक गह

ृ ात ् वनम ् अगच्छत ् ।

(ङ) कुक्कुिाः अवप तं न पश्यन ् ततः अगच्छन ् ।

(छ) युष्माकं सवेषां कत्तवव्यानां तनश्ियमहं करिष्यामम।

(घ) सः श्रग
ृ ािवन्ृ दस्य कोिाहिम ् अश्रण
ृ ोत ् ।

(ि) “ वयम ् अनेन श्रग

ृ ािेन वक्ञ्िताः । ”

3. एकपदे न उत्तित ।

Answer in one word.

(क) प्रिण्डः कुत्र प्रततवसतत स्म? -------वि–प्रदध शध --------------------- ।

(ख) क्षुधापीडडतः सः कुत्र अगच्छत ् ? ------- िगरं प्रयत ------------------- ।
(ग) कुक्कुिे भ्यः भीतः प्रिण्डः कस्य गह
ृ म ् अगच्छत ् ? ---रजकस्य ---------- ।
(घ) िजकगह
ृ ात ् सः कुत्र अगच्छत ् ? ----------विं प्रयत ---------------------------।

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4. एकवाक्येन उत्तित ।
Answer in one Sentence.
(क) प्रिण्डः नीिवणवः कथम ् अभवत ्?
उत्तिम ् - (क) नीििसपूणव पात्रे पततत्वा प्रिण्डः नीिवणवःअभवत ् ।
(ख) कुक्कुिाः तं कथं त्यक्त्वा दिू तः अगच्छन ् ?
उत्तिम ्- (ख) कुक्कुिाः तं नीिवणिं पश्यन ् दिू तः अगच्छन ् ।
(ग) भयभीताः पशून ् सः क्रकमकथयत ् ?
उत्तिम ्- (ग)भयभीताः पशून ् सः अकथयत ् –“अहं तु युष्माकं िाजा अक्स्म । ”
(घ) तस्य नाशः कदा अभवत ् ?
उत्तिम ्- (घ)यदा सः स्वजाततशब्दम ् अकिोत ् तदा तस्य नाशः अभवत ् ।
5. प्रश्नतनमावणं कुरुत । उत्तराणण
Frame questions.
(क) प्रिण्डः नाम श्रग
ृ ािः आसीत ् । (क) कः नाम श्रग
ृ ािः आसीत ् ?
(ख) कुक्कुराः तम ् प्रतत अधावन ् । (ख) कध तम ् प्रतत अधावन ् ?
(ग) सः पात्रध अपतत ् । (ग) सः कन्स्मि ् अपतत ् ?
(घ) पशवः इतस्ततः अधावन ् । (घ) पशवः कुत्र अधावन ् ?
(ङ) पशवः श्रग
ृ ाल्वन्ृ दस्य कोिाहिम ् अश्रण
ृ ोत ् । (ङ) पशवः कस्य कोिाहिम ् अश्रण
ृ ोत ् ?

भार्ा -अवबो्िम ् (Page no. -33)

1. तनम्नमिणखतातन वाक्यातन िङ्िकािे मिखत । (उत्तराणण)
Write the following sentences into past tense.
(क) अहं तु यष्ु माकं िाजा अक्स्म। (क) अहं तु यष्ु माकं िाजा आसम ्।
(ख) कः अवप श्रेष्ठः िाजा नाक्स्त। (ख) कः अवप श्रेष्ठः िाजा नासीत ् ।
(ग) त्वं भि
ू ोकं गच्छ । (ग) त्वं भि
ू ोकं अगच्छः ।
(घ) तेषां पिस्पिं किहो न स्यात ् । (घ) तेषां पिस्पिं किहो न अभवत ्।
(ङ) सवेषां कतवव्यानां तनश्ियमहं करिष्यामम। (ङ) सवेषां कतवव्यानां तनश्ियमहं अकिवम ्।

2. तनम्नमिणखतातन वाक्यातन ि्
ृ िकािे परिवतवयत । (उत्तराणण)

Write the following sentences into future tense.

(क) जन्तवः इतस्ततः अधावन ् । (क) जन्तवः इतस्ततः धाववष्यक्न्त ।

(ख) प्रिण्डः उच्िैः अवदत ् । (ख) प्रिण्डः उच्िैः वहदष्यतत ।
(ग) यूयं मम समीपे आगच्छत ् । (ग) यूयं मम समीपे आगममष्यथ ।
(घ) कुक्कुिाः तम ् अपश्यन ् । (घ) कुक्कुिाः तम ् द्रक्ष्यक्न्त ।

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3.पदपरिियं कुरुत ।

Parse the words.

शब्दः मि
ू शब्दः मिङ्गम ् ववभक्क्तः विनम ्
(क) युष्माकम ् युष्मद् उभयमिङ्गम ् षष्ठी बहुविनम ्
(ख) कुक्कुिै ः कुक्कुिः पक्ु ल्िङ्गम ् तत
ृ ीया बहुविनम ्
(ग) कत्तवव्यानाम ् कत्तवव्य नपुंसक्क्िङ्गम ् षष्ठी बहुविनम ्
(घ) अनश
ु ासनेन अनश
ु ासन नपंस
ु क्क्िङ्गम ् तत
ृ ीया एकविनम ्

4. अधोमिणखतपदे षु उचितं प्रत्ययं ( ) चिन्हीकुरुत ।

(क) क्त्वा

(ख) तुमुन ्

(ग) ल्यप ्

(घ) ल्यप ्

(ङ) क्त

(ि) तुमुन ्

(छ) तम
ु न
ु ्

(ज) क्त

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पाठ – षष्ठः
ईश्विः यत ् किोतत शोभनं किोतत
* अभ्यास
1. मञ्जूषायाः एकपदे न उत्तित ।
Answer in one word using the words from the box.
ू ा : -[शोभनम ् , नगिं प्रतत, गौिवं , ईश्विस्य, तनणखिस्य, ितासु । ]
(क) ईश्विस्य भक्तः कः आसीत ् ? गौरवः
(ख) कामिन्दातन वक्ष
ृ ेषु भवतत ितासु वा ? लतासु
(ग) कस्य मशिमस आम्रफिम ् अपतत ् । यिणखलस्य
(घ) द्वे ममत्रे कुत्र गच्छतः स्म ? िगरं प्रयत
(ङ) ईश्विः कीदृशं कायिं किोतत ? शोभिम ्
(ि) तनणखिः अवविायव कस्य तनन्दाम ् अकिोत ् । ईश्वरस्य
2. पूर्णवाक्येन उत्तरत ।
Answer in a complete sentence.
(क) कामिन्दानां कूष्माण्डानां ि िताः कीदृश्यः आसन ् ?
उत्तिम ् (क) कामिन्दानां कूष्माण्डानां ि िताः क्षीणाः दब
ु ि
व ाः ि आसन ् ।
(ख) आम्रफिं कदा अपतत ् ?
उत्तिम ्-(ख)यावत ् तनणखिः वक्ष
ृ स्य अधः अगच्छत ् तावदे व आम्रफिं अपतत ् ।
(ग) तनणखिः पीडया क्रकम ् अवदत ् ?
उत्तिम ्-(ग) तनणखिः पीडया क्रकम ् अवदत ् यत ् हा! मशिमस वज्रपातो अभवत ् ।
(घ) तनणखिं कः अपिाधबोधः अभवत ् ?
उत्तिम ्-(घ) तनणखिम ् अपिाधबोधः अभवत ् यत ् “प्रभो!तव ििना सववथा दोषहीनाः अक्स्त ।
(ङ) यहद तस्य मशिमस वक्ष
ृ ात ् कूष्माण्डं पतेत ् तदा क्रकं भवेत ् ?
उत्तिम ्-(ङ) यहद तस्य मशिमस वक्ष
ृ ात ् कूष्माण्डं पतेत ् तदा क्रकं भवेत ् तर्हण तस्य र्िरः खण्डिः भवेत् ।
3.तनम्नमिणखत वाक्यातन शद्
ु धातन कुरुत । (उत्तरम ्)

(क) सा िता दब
ु ल
ष म ् अक्स्त । (क) सा िता दब
ु ल
ष ा अक्स्त ।

(ख) तस्य मशिमस म्ुरः आम्रफलः अपतत ् । (ख) तस्य मशिमस म्ुरम ् आम्रफलम ् अपतत ् ।

(ग) ईश्विस्य ििना त्रुहिपूणःष अक्स्त । (ग) ईश्विस्य ििना त्रुहिपूणाष अक्स्त ।

(घ)अहं मूखं नाक्स्म । (घ)अहं मूखःष नाक्स्म ।

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4.प्रश्नतनमावणं कुरूत।

Frame questions.

(क) सः सय
ू ाषतपधि पीडडतः आसीत ् । (क) सः कधि पीडडतः आसीत ् ?

(ख) ईश्वरस्य ििना दोषिहहता अक्स्त । (ख) कस्य ििना दोषिहहता अक्स्त ?

(ग) मशरमस वज्रपातः अभवत ् । (ग) कन्स्मि ् /कुत्र वज्रपातः अभवत ् ?

(घ) लताः क्षीणाः दब

ु ि
व ाः ि सक्न्त । (घ) काः क्षीणाः दब
ु ि
व ाः ि सक्न्त ?

(ङ) द्वे ममत्रे िगरम ् प्रतत गच्छतः स्म । (ङ) द्वे ममत्रे कम ् प्रतत गच्छतः स्म ?

* भाषा -अवबोधनम ् (Page- 39)

3. समुर्ितमेलनं कुरुत ।
Match the following.

(क) दोषहीना (i) फिातन

(ख) खल्वाटः (ii) लताः

(ग) क्षीणाः (iii) रिना

(घ) सक्ष्
ू माणण (iv) र्िरः

उत्तिम ् :- (क)- (iii) रिना , (ख)- (iv) र्िरः , (ग)- (ii) लताः , (घ)- (i) फिातन

4. पदपरिियं कुरुत ।

Parse the words.

शब्दः मूलिब्दः मिङ्गम ् ववभक्क्तः विनम ्

(क) ििनायाम ् ििना स्त्रीमिंगः सप्तमी एकविनम ्
(ख) आतपेन आतप पुक्ल्िंगः तत
ृ ीया एकविनम ्
(ग) पीडया पीडा स्त्रीमिंगः तत
ृ ीया एकविनम ्
(घ) मुखात ् मुख नपुंसकमिंगः पञ्िमी एकविनम ्

Page 12 of 13
पाठ – सप्तम
* अभ्यासः (Page-43, 44&45)

व ाक्येन उत्तित । (उत्तरार्र्)

(क) महाभािते केषां यद्

ु धं वणणवतम ् ? (क) महाभािते कौिव- पाण्डवानां यद्
ु धं वणणवतम ् ।

(ख) िवीन्द्राय का उपहािम ् अयच्छत ् ? (ख) िवीन्द्राय माता उपहािम ् अयच्छत ् ।

(ग) दे वानां नायकः कः अक्स्त ? (ग) दे वानां नायकः महे शः अक्स्त ।

(घ) िवीन्द्रः कुत्र गच्छतत ? (घ) िवीन्द्रः पुस्तकाियम ् गच्छतत ।

(ङ) उमेशा कया सह मशवाियम ् अगच्छत ् ? (ङ) उमेशा स्व मात्रा सह मशवाियम ् अगच्छत ् ।

2. अव्ययानाम ् अथिं मिणखत्वा वाक्यातन िियत ् ।

(क) तत्र - वहााँ - तत्र ववद्याियः अक्स्त ।

(ख)एव - ही - वसुधा एव कुटुम्बकम ् ।

ु ा - आज - अहम ् अधन
ु ा ववद्याियं गच्छामम ।

(घ)अवप - भी - िामः अवप पठतत ।

(ङ) यदा -कदा -जब कभी - यदा- कदा वक्ृ ष्टः (वषाव) भववष्यतत ।

(ि)सह- के साथ - मोहनेन सह अहम ् अवप गच्छामम ।

* भाषा -अवबोधनम ् (Page- 45)
** तनम्नमिणखत पदे षु सक्न्धच्छे दं कुरुत ।
(क) युद्धावसिे = युद्ध +अवसिे (ख) ववद्याियम ् = ववद्या +आियम ्
(ग) सूयावस्तः = सूयव + आस्तः (घ) हहमाियः = हहम +आियः
(ङ) उमेशा = उमा +ईशा (ि) सूयोदये = सूयव + उदये
(छ) पश्येदम ् = पश्य + इदम ् (ज) महे न्द्रः = महा + इन्द्रः
(झ) एकैकम ् = एक+ एकम ् (ञ) महौषचधः = महा + ओषचधः
(ट) सदै व = सदा +एव (ठ) महौजः = महा + ओजः
(ड) प्रत्येकम ् = प्रतत +एकम ् (ढ़) स्वागतम ् = सु +आगतम ्
(ण) अत्यावश्यकम ्= अतत +आवश्यकम ् (त) इत्याहद = इतत +आहद
(थ) गायकः = गै + अकः (द) पावकः = पौ +अकः
(ध) भवनम ् = भो +अनम ् (न) नाववकः = नौ + इकः


Page 13 of 13
CLASS – 8 (3rd Lang)

Q¡¢mu¡a (p¤¤L¥j¡l l¡u)

A¢a pw¢rç fËn-À Ešl -
1z nÉ¡jQy¡­cl h¡h¡ ­L¡b¡u L¡S Ll­ae ?
Ešl:- nÉ¡jQy¡­cl h¡h¡ p¡­qh A¢g­p jÙ¹ hs L¡S Ll­aez
2z nÉ¡jQy¡c ¢Li¡­h ­l¡S ú¥­m Y¥La ?
Ešl:- nÉ¡jQy¡c l¢Pe R¡a¡ j¡b¡u ¢c­u, ea¥e S¥­a¡u MQjQ në L­l Nñ£l Q¡­m O¡s EyQ¥ L­l ú¥­m Y¥Laz
3z ú¥­ml hå¥l¡ nÉ¡jQy¡c­L ¢L h­m X¡La ?
Ešl:- ú¥­ml hå¥l¡ nÉ¡jQy¡c­L ‘Q¡¢mu¡a’ h­m X¡Laz
4z nÉ¡jQy¡­cl hC J ¢V¢ge ­L h­u Bea ?
Ešl:- nÉ¡jQy¡­cl hC J ¢V¢ge f¡N¢s hy¡d¡ Q¡fl¢n h­u Beaz
5z ea¥e j¡ØV¡ljn¡C nÉ¡jQy¡c­L ¢L h­m ­X­L¢R­me ?
Ešl:- ea¥e j¡ØV¡ljn¡C nÉ¡jQy¡c­L ‘­M¡L¡’ h­m ­X­L¢R­mez
6z h¡¢SJu¡m¡ ­L¡b¡u jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡¢µR­me ?
Ešl:- h¡¢SJu¡m¡ ¢hcÉ¡m­ul EcÉ¡­e jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡¢µR­mez
7z jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡ ­L¡b¡ ­b­L H­p¢R­me ?
Ešl:- ¢a¢e LmL¡a¡ ­b­L H­p¢R­mez
8z nÉ¡jQy¡­cl O¢s ­L¡b¡u f¡Ju¡ ¢N­u¢Rm ?
Ešl:- nÉ¡jQy¡­cl fy¡El¦¢Vl j­dÉ f¡Ju¡ ¢N­u¢Rmz
9z nÉ¡jQy¡c HL¢ce ­k O¢s ¢e­u H­p¢Rm a¡ ¢e­u ­p pLm­L L£ ­h¡T¡¢µRm ?
Ešl:- nÉ¡jQy¡c ­k ­Qe ByV¡ O¢s ¢e­u H­pd¢Rm a¡ pL­ml p¡j­e jq¡ Bsð­l ­pÔ¡, g¡ØV, ­jCe ¢ØfËw, ­l…­mV
fËi«¢a O¢sl pjÙ¹ lqpÉ hÉ¡MÉ¡ L­l pLm­L ­h¡T¡¢µRmz
10z L­h ú¥­m jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡­e¡ qu ?
Ešl:- f¤­S¡l R¥¢V H­p f­s ­pC R¥¢Vl ¢ce ú¥­m jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡­e¡ quz
11z LMe nÉ¡jQy¡­cl Qr¥¢ÙÛl q­u k¡u ?
Ešl:- jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡l dl¡­e¡ ­fy¡Vm¡ M¤­m nÉ¡jQy¡­cl Qr¥¢ÙÛl q­u k¡uz
12z jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡ nÉ¡jQy¡­cl nl£­ll ­L¡b¡ ­b­L L£ ­hl L­l¢Rm ?
Ešl:- jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡ nÉ¡jQy¡­cl L¡­el j­dÉ ­b­L Bw¢V, Q¥­ml j­dÉ ­b­L ­fe¢pm, B¢Ù¹­el j­dÉ ­b­L Qnj¡
fËi«¢a ­hl L­l¢R­mez

h¡LÉlQe¡ Ll :-
n¡¢ju¡e¡ ¡- Bj¡l SeÈ¢ce Efm­r h¡¢sl h¡C­l ¢hn¡m n¡¢ju¡e¡ M¡V¡­e¡ q­u­Rz
jÉ¡¢SL - h¡åh£l SeÈ¢c­e jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡l L¡­R jÉ¡¢SL ­c­M M¤h Be¾c m¡Nmz
Qr¥¢ÙÛl - ­R¡­V¡ ­j­u¢Vl L¡uc¡ ­c­M Bj¡l Qr¥¢ÙÛl q­u ­Nmz
m‹¡u - m‹¡u j¤M e¡ ­Y­L p¡je¡p¡j¢e Lb¡ hmz
Nñ£l - ¢a¢e Nñ£l j¤­M h­p B­Rez
p¡­qh - hs p¡­q­hl ­jS¡S ­hn Ls¡z
cj¡cj - ¢j­bÉ Lb¡ hm¡l SeÉ h¡h¡ cj¡cj j¡l­mez
¢hs¢hs - j¡ ­l­N ­N­m j¡­T j¡­T ¢hs¢hs L­l hL­a b¡­Lez
h¡¢SJu¡m¡ - j¡­T j¡­T NË¡­j h¡¢SJu¡m¡ Bpa e¡e¡ ­Mm¡ ­cM¡­az
j¡ØV¡ljn¡C - fs¡ e¡ f¡l­m j¡ØV¡ljn¡C hL¡h¢L Ll­aez
­f¡yVm¡ - f¤­S¡l f­l h¡j¤e ­f¡yVm¡ ­hy­d ¢S¢epfœ ¢e­u Qm­mez
EcÉ¡e - ­R­ml¡ f¡s¡l EcÉ¡­e ­Mm¡ L­lz

¢hfl£a në :-
Bpa x ­ka hs x ­R¡V A¿¹ x B¢c ea¥e x f¤­l¡e
hy¡d¡ x ­M¡m¡ EyQ¥ x e£Q¥ p¡j­e x ¢fR­e p¡c¡ x L¡­m¡
a¡s¡a¡¢s x d£­l d£­l Bsðl x Ae¡sðl ­Ly­c x ­q­p cy¡¢s­u x h­p
M¡¢m x il¢a
pw¢rç fËnÀ-Ešl -
1z “ú¥­ml ­R¡­V¡ ­R¡­V¡ ­R­ml¡ qy¡ L­l Ah¡L q­u ­Q­u b¡Laz”
L) ú¥­ml ­R¡­V¡ ­R­ml¡ Ah¡L q­u L¡l ¢c­L ­Q­u b¡La ?
M) a¡­cl HlLj ­Q­u b¡L¡l L¡lZ L£ h­m ­a¡j¡l j­e qu ?
L) p¤¤L¥j¡l l¡­ul ­mM¡ "Q¡¢mu¡a' N­Òf ­R¡­V¡ ­R¡­V¡ ­R­ml¡ Ah¡L q­u nÉ¡jQy¡­cl ¢c­L ­Q­u b¡Laz
M) nÉ¡jQy¡­cl ­f¡n¡L f¢lµRc, lLj-pLj L¡uc¡l A¿¹ ¢Rm e¡z ­p l¢Pe R¡a¡ j¡b¡u ¢c­u, ea¥e S¥­a¡l MQjQ
në L­l Nñ£l Q¡­m O¡s EyQ¥ L­l ú¥­m Y¥Laz a¡l hC J ¢V¢ge f¡N¢s hy¡d¡ Q¡fl¡¢n h­u Beaz a¡l
HC BQlZ ¢Rm Bl pLm h¡m­Ll ­b­L H­Lh¡­l Bm¡c¡z a¡C ­R¡­V¡ ­R­ml¡ a¡l ¢c­L ­Q­u b¡La h­m
Bj¡l j­e quz
2z “........ ¢a¢e jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡­hez”-
L) ¢a¢e ­L ? ¢a¢e ­L¡b¡ ­b­L Bp­he Hhw ­L¡b¡u jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡­he ?
M) ay¡l fËbj c¤¢V jÉ¡¢SL ¢L?
L) Q¡¢mu¡a N­Òf ¢a¢e q­me h¡¢SJu¡m¡z
¢a¢e LmL¡a¡ ­b­L Bp­hez
¢a¢e ¢hcÉ¡m­ul EcÉ¡­e jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡­hez
M) ay¡l fËbj jÉ¡¢SL¢V qm - HLV¡ p¡c¡ l¦j¡m ­Q¡­Ml p¡j­eC m¡m e£m ph¤­Sl L¡¢lL¥¢l­a l¢Pe L­l ­a¡m¡
Hhw ¢àa£u jÉ¡¢SL¢V qm HLV¡ ¢pÜ ¢Xj ¢N­m j¤­Ml j­dÉ ­b­L HN¡­l¡V¡ BÙ¹ ¢Xj ­hl Ll¡z
3z “­Qep¤¤Ü O¢sV¡­L L¡N­S j¤­s....W¥L­a m¡Nmz”
L) L¡l O¢s ? ­L W¥L­a m¡N­me ? ­L¡b¡u W¥L­a m¡N­me ?
M) a¡­a O¢sl AhÙÛ¡ L£ qm ? ­noL¡­m O¢sV¡­L ­L¡b¡u f¡Ju¡ ­Nm ?
Ešl :-
L) p¤¤L¥j¡l l¡­ul ­mM¡ "Q¡¢mu¡a' N­Òf nÉ¡jQy¡­cl O¢sl Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­Rz
jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡ ­pC O¢s W¥L­a m¡Nmz
jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡ ­Qep¤¤Ü O¢sV¡­L HL¢V L¡N­S j¤­s q¡j¡e¢cÙ¹¡u W¥L­a m¡N­mez
M) M¤h ü¡i¡¢hLi¡­hC q¡j¡e¢cÙ¹¡u ­W¡L¡l g­m nÉ¡jQy¡­cl O¢s¢V f¤­l¡ V¥L­l¡ V¥L­l¡ q­u k¡uz k¢cJ ­noL¡­m
O¢sV¡­L HLV¡ f¡El¦¢Vl j­dÉ BÙ¹ f¡Ju¡ ­Nmz

4z “.....nÉ¡jQy¡c ­f¡yVm¡ ­c¢M­u hmm, HC ­kz”
L) nÉ¡jQy¡c ­L ?
M) L£­pl ­f¡yVm¡ ?
N) f­l ­f¡yVm¡u ­L, L£ L£ ¢S¢ep ­fm ?
L) Q¡¢mu¡a N­Òf j§m Q¢lœ qm nÉ¡jQy¡cz ­k­qa¥ a¡l h¡h¡ p¡­qh A¢g­p jÙ¹ hs L¡S Ll­ae, a¡C a¡l
q¡ii¡h, BQ¡l-BQlZ ph¢LR¥C ¢Rm AeÉ­cl ­b­L Bm¡c¡z
M) h¡¢SJu¡m¡ e¡e¡S­el L¡R ­b­L e¡e¡ ¢S¢ep ­Q­u¢R­mez ­kje Qnj¡, Bw¢V, j¡¢ehÉ¡N, ­fe¢pm CaÉ¡¢cz
a¡lfl pL­ml p¡j­e ¢S¢ep…¢m ­f¡yVm¡u ­hy­d nÉ¡jQy¡c­L ­X­L ­f¡yVm¡¢V a¡l q¡­a ¢c­mez HM¡­e ­pC
­f¡yVm¡l Lb¡u hm¡ q­u­Rz
N) f­l nÉ¡jQy¡c ­f¡yVm¡ M¤­m a¡l j­dÉ L­uL V¥L­l¡ Lum¡ J ¢Ym ­cM­a ­fmz
5z “.....L¡lJ L¡­R O¢s B­R ?”
L) ­L, LMe HC E¢š²¢V L­l­Re ?
M) Hlfl hš²¡ O¢s¢V­L ¢e­u L£ Ll­me ?
N) hš²¡l L¡S ­c­M nÉ¡jQy¡­cl L£ fË¢a¢œ²u¡ q­u¢Rm ?
L) jÉ¡¢SLJu¡m¡ jÉ¡¢SL ­cM¡­e¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ HC E¢š²¢V L­l­Rez
M) Hlfl hš²¡ O¢s¢V­L ¢e­u q¡j¡e¢cÙ¹¡u W¥L­a m¡N­mez a¡lfl L­uL V¥L­l¡ i¡P¡ ­m¡q¡ Bl Ly¡Q ­c¢M­u
hm­me nÉ¡jQy¡c­L ¢S‘¡p¡ L­le HV¡ a¡l O¢s ¢Le¡ ?
N) hš²¡l L¡S ­c­M nÉ¡jQy¡c ­a¡ Ah¡Lz qy¡ L­l ­Q­u b¡L­mez M¡¢eL h¡­c HLM¡e¡ fy¡El¦¢Vl j­dÉ
O¢sV¡­L f¡Ju¡ ­Nm Hhw ­n­o nÉ¡jQy¡­cl j¤­M q¡¢p g¥Vmz

L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO…¢m

e£­l¾cÊe¡b Qœ²haÑ£
A. ¢hfl£a në :-
pju X Apju i­m¡ X M¡l¡f a¡s¡a¡¢s X d£­l d£­l L¡­m¡ X p¡c¡
B­p X k¡u W¡™¡ X Nlj i¡l£ X q¡mL¡ M¤n£ X AM¤n£
il¡ X M¡¢m ­iS¡ X öL­e¡ iu X ¢eiÑu
B. h¡LÉlQe¡ :-
h¡a¡p - h¡a¡­p ¢nE¢m g¥­ml N­å je S¥¢s­u ­Nmz
ph¡C - ¢h­u h¡¢s­a A­eL¢ce fl ph¡C­L ­c­M M¤h i¡­m¡ m¡Nmz
pju - pju ec£l ­pË¡­al ja h­u Q­mz
gpm - gpm i¡­m¡ qJu¡u Q¡o£l¡ Be¢¾caz
­jO - BL¡­n p¡c¡ p¡c¡ ­jO…¢m ­i­p ­hs¡­µRz
hoÑZ - BS i¡l£ hoÑZ qh¡l pñhe¡ B­Rz
BN¡j - ­a¡j¡l Bp¡l BN¡j Mhl¢V B¢j ­f­u ­N¢Rm¡jz
Q¡oh¡p - Q¡o£l¡ j¡­W Q¡oh¡p Ll­Rz
A­Ym - fl£r¡l fËÙ¹¥¢al SeÉ A­Ym pju ­f­u­R¡z
heÉ¡ - heÉ¡ q­m j¡e¤­ol pjpÉ¡l ­no b¡­L e¡z

C. A¢a pw¢rç fËnÀ-Ešl :-
1z L¢ha¡¢V L¡l ­mM¡ ?
Ešl : L¢ha¡¢V e£­l¾cÊe¡b Qœ²haÑ£l ­mM¡z
2z L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO ­cM­m Bjl¡ L£ h¤¢T ?
Ešl : L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO ­cM­m Bjl¡ h¤¢T ­k, Hh¡l i¡l£ hª¢ø q­hz
3z hª¢øl Mh­l N¡Rf¡m¡l Be¾c qu ­Le ?
Ešl : hª¢øl S­m N¡Rf¡m¡l d¤­m¡ h¡¢m ph d¤­u k¡uz a¡C a¡­cl Be¾c quz
4z hª¢ø q­m Q¡oh¡­pl L£ m¡i qu ?
Ešl : hª¢ø q­m ­Ym¡ j¡¢V L¡c¡u f¢lZa qu, Bl ­pC L¡l­ZC i¡­m¡ gpm g­mz
5z A¢ahoÑ­Z L£ qu ?
Ešl : A¢ahoÑ­Z heÉ¡l pª¢ø quz
6z hª¢ø LaV¡ qJu¡ i¡­m¡ ?
Ešl : kaV¡ hª¢ø q­m ph¡l i¡­m¡ q­h, L¡­l¡ ­L¡­e¡ r¢a q­he¡, aaV¡ hª¢øC qJu¡ i¡­m¡zz
7z ­L¡e ­j­O hª¢ø qu ?
Ešl : L¡­m¡ ­j­O hª¢ø quz
8z ¢R­V­gy¡V¡ hª¢ø j¡­e LaV¡ hª¢ø ?
Ešl : ¢R­V­gy¡V¡ hª¢ø j¡­e M¤h AÒf hª¢øz
9z ky¡l¡ Q¡oh¡p L­le ay¡­cl L£ h­m ?
Ešl : ky¡l¡ Q¡oh¡p L­le ay¡­cl L«oL h¡ Q¡o£ h­mz

D. pw¢rç fËn-À Ešl -

Lz "i¡l£ hoÑZ q­h'-
i) EÜ«a Awn¢V L¡l ­mM¡, ­L¡b¡ ­b­L ­eJu¡ q­u­R ?
ii) ¢L ­cM­m Bjl¡ h¤¢T i¡l£ hoÑZ q­h ?
iii) i¡l£ hoÑZ q­m N¡Rf¡m¡ J Q¡o£­cl j­el AhÙÛ¡ ­Lje qu ?
Ešl :
i) EÜ«a Awn¢V L¢h e£­l¾cÊe¡b Qœ²haÑ£l ­mM¡, "L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO…¢m' L¢ha¡ ­b­L a¡ ­eJu¡ q­u­Rz
ii) L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO ­cM­m Bjl¡ h¤¢T i¡l£ hoÑZ q­hz
iii) BL¡­n ­jO ­cM¡ ¢c­m j¡e¤­ol ja N¡Rf¡m¡J h¤T­a f¡­l hª¢ø qJu¡l pñ¡he¡l Lb¡z hª¢øl Sm ­f­u
N¡­Rl ph d¤­m¡h¡¢m f¢l×L¡l q­u k¡uz L¢hl j­e qu N¡­Rl¡J ­ke Q¡u ­LE a¡­cl Os¡ Os¡ Sm ­Y­m
pÀ¡e L¢l­u ¢cLz HlSeÉ ¢R­V ­gy¡V¡ hª¢øl BN¡j Mhl ­f­u a¡l¡ i¡l£ M¤¢n quz
Q¡o£l¡J hª¢øl S­ml SeÉ A­fr¡ L­l b¡­L L¡lZ, f¢lj¡Z ja Sm ­f­m a­hC nš² ­Ym¡ j¡¢V elj q­u
Q¡­ol ­k¡NÉ L¡c¡j¡¢V­a f¢lZa q­hz a¡C hª¢øl SeÉ a¡­cl j­eJ M¤¢nl fln m¡­Nz
Mz "N¡Rf¡m¡l¡J ph ­h¡­T ---z'
i) N¡Rf¡m¡l¡ L£ ­h¡­T ?
ii) h¤­T a¡l¡ L£ h­m ?
Ešl :
i) L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO…¢m ­kC a¡­cl ¢g­l Bp¡l Mhl h¡a¡­pl j¡dÉ­j Rs¡u, ­aj¢e N¡Rf¡m¡l¡ h¤­T
­eu, Hh¡l AÒf eu, i¡l£ hª¢ø q­hz
ii) i¡l£ hª¢øf¡­al BN¡j Mhl ­f­u N¡Rf¡m¡l¡ M¤h M¤¢n quz a¡l¡ M¤¢n q­u hª¢ø­L h­m a¡s¡a¡¢s
Bp­az Bl i¡­m¡ L­l a¡­cl N¡­ul d¤­m¡…­m¡ d¤­u ¢c­u pÀ¡e L¢l­u ¢c­az HlSeÉ hª¢ø ­ke a¡­cl N¡­u
Lm¢p Lm¢p Sm ­Y­m ­cuz

Nz "A¢ahoÑ­Z S¡­N heÉ¡l iuz'----
i) H¢V ­L¡e L¢ha¡l Awn ?
ii) A¢ahoÑZ L¡­L h­m ?
iii) heÉ¡ q­m L£ qu ?
Ešl :
i) B­m¡QÉ Awn¢V "L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO…¢m' L¢ha¡l Awnz
ii) A¢ahoÑZ hm­a ­h¡T¡u i¡l£hoÑZ h¡ M¤h ­h¢n hª¢øz
iii) heÉ¡ q­m j¡e¤o, fö-f¡¢M, N¡Rf¡m¡, Ol-h¡¢s ph¡lC r¢az A¢a hª¢øl g­m Q¡­ol gpm eø q­u k¡uz
h­s¡ h­s¡ N¡Rf¡m¡ ­i­P f­sz L­a¡ fö-f¡¢M, j¡e¤oSe Nªqq¡l¡ q­u f­s Hhw j¡l¡J k¡uz heÉ¡l g­m
j¡e¤­ol Ol-h¡¢s ­i­p k¡uz a¡­cl Bq¡l ­S¡­Ve¡z g­m heÉ¡ öd¤ r¢aC ­X­L B­ez k¡ Bj¡­cl L¡jÉ
Oz ‘­p ­a¡ i¡­m¡ Lb¡'-
i) HM¡­e ­L¡e Lb¡­L i¡­m¡ Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?
ii) HC i¡­m¡ Lb¡ ¢L öd¤C i¡­m¡ ? ­a¡j¡­ll Eš­ll pf­r k¤¢š² c¡Jz
Ešl :
i) L¡­m¡ L¡­m¡ ­jO…¢m L¢ha¡u Q¡o£ gpm gm¡­e¡l SeÉ A­Ym Q¡­ol Sm Q¡uz k¡­a ­Ym¡ j¡¢V L¡c¡ q­u
Q¡­ol Efk¤š² q­u J­Wz
ii) Q¡o£l HC Q¡Ju¡ qua p¢aÉC i¡­m¡ ah¤J A­eL pju ­cM¡ k¡u, A¢ahoÑZ Q¡­ol SeÉ ­kje r¢aL¡lL
­aj¢e j¡e¤­ol SeÉJz A¢a¢lš² hª¢øl g­m heÉ¡l Bnˆ¡ ­cM¡ ­cuz Q¡o£­clJ gpm eø q­u k¡uz a¡C
f¢l¢ja hª¢ø j¡e¤­ol SeÉ EfL¡l£z

¢h­noÉ fc
1z fc L¡­L h­m ?
E :- ¢hi¢š² k¤š² në kMe h¡­LÉ hÉhq¡l Ll¡ qu aMe a¡­L fc h­mz
2z fc Lu fËL¡l J L£ L£ ?
E :- fc fy¡Q fËL¡lz ¢h­noÉ fc, ¢h­noZ fc, phÑe¡j fc, ¢œ²u¡ fc J AhÉu fcz
3z ¢h­noÉ fc L¡­L h­m ?
E :- ­k f­cl à¡l¡ ­L¡­e¡ ¢LR¥l e¡j ­h¡T¡u a¡­L ¢h­noÉ fc h¡ e¡j fc h­mz
­kje - ¢qj¡mu, i¡lahoÑ, l¡j, l¡j¡uZ, Bj, ­N¡m¡f, ¢Vu¡ f¡¢M CaÉ¡¢cz
¢h­noÉ fc­L Bh¡l Lu¢V ­nË¢Z­a i¡N Ll¡ k¡u -
­kje pw‘¡h¡QL ¢h­noÉ, S¡¢a h¡QL ¢h­noÉ, hÙ¹¥h¡QL ¢h­noÉ, …Zh¡QL ¢h­noÉ, ¢œ²u¡h¡QL ¢h­noÉ, pj¢øh¡QL ¢h­noÉ
1z pw‘¡h¡QL ¢h­noÉ :-
­k ¢h­noÉ f­cl à¡l¡ ­L¡­e¡ hÉ¢š², ÙÛ¡e, ec£, f¡q¡s-fhÑa, Ù¹ñ h¡ ­p±d, djÑNË¿Û, pwh¡cfœ CaÉ¡¢cl e¡j
­h¡T¡u a¡­L pw‘¡h¡QL ¢h­noÉ fc h­mz ­kje -
L) lh£¾cÊe¡b W¡L¥l ­e¡­hm fË¡CS f¡ez
M) ¢qj¡mu i¡l­al Eš­l Ah¢ÙÛaz
N) h¡mÈ£¢L l¡j¡uZ lQe¡ L­lez
O) h¤mh¤¢m ¢j¢ø p¤¤­l N¡uz
2z ­nË¢Z h¡ S¡¢ah¡QL ¢h­noÉ :-
­k ¢h­noÉ f­cl à¡l¡ HL¢Vj¡œ hÉ¢š² h¡ fö-f¡¢M­L e¡ h¤¢T­u JC S¡a£u pjÙ¹ fË¡Z£­L ­h¡T¡u a¡­L
S¡¢ah¡QL ¢h­noÉ fc h­mz
L) j¡e¤o jlZn£mz M) L¥L¥l fËi¥iš² fË¡Z£z
N) Nl¦ Nªqf¡¢ma föz O) f¡¢M BL¡­n J­sz
P) ­p h¡P¡m£z Q) ­j¡l¡ HLC hª­¿¹ c¤¢V L¥p¤j ¢q¾c¥-j¤pmj¡ez
3z hÙ¹¥h¡QL ¢h­noÉ :-
­k ¢h­noÉ f­cl à¡l¡ ­L¡­e¡ hÙ¹¥l e¡j ­h¡T¡u a¡­L hÙ¹¥h¡QL ¢h­noÉ fc h­mz
­kje - hC, M¡a¡, L¡NS, Lmj, Sm, Q¡, c¤d, BL¡n, h¡a¡p CaÉ¡¢cz

4z …Zh¡QL ¢h­noÉ :-
­k ¢h­noÉ f­cl à¡l¡ ­L¡­e¡ …­Zl, AhÙÛ¡l h¡ i¡­hl e¡j ­h¡T¡u a¡­L …Zh¡QL ¢h­noÉ fc h­mz
L) ­j­ul ­n¡­L j¡ f¡Nm q­u ­Nmz M) pc¡ paÉ Lb¡ hm­hz
N) g¥­ml ­p±¾ckÑ Bj¡­L j¤‡ L­lz O) ­m¡LV¡l nl£­l cu¡-j¡u¡ ­eCz
5z ¢œ²u¡h¡QL ¢h­noÉ :-
­k ¢h­noÉ f­cl à¡l¡ ­L¡­e¡ L¡­Sl e¡j ­h¡T¡u a¡­L ¢œ²u¡h¡QL ¢h­noÉ fc h­mz
L) ­i¡l­hm¡ ïjZ ü¡­ÙÛÉl f­r M¤h EfL¡l£z M) A¢a¢lš² ­i¡Se ü¡­ÙÛÉl f­r r¢aLlz
N) ­k¢ce M¡Ju¡ ­S¡­V M¡Cz O) ¢L O¤j O¤j¡m¡jz
P) AdÉu­e je c¡Jz Q) h¡h¡ nue Ll­Rez
6z pj¢øh¡QL ¢h­noÉ :-
­k ¢h­noÉ f­cl à¡l¡ HL¢Vj¡œ hÉ¢š², hÙ¹¥ h¡ fö-f¡¢M­L e¡ h¤¢T­u A­eL …­m¡­L p‰hÜi¡­h h¡
pj¢øNai¡­h HL¢V e¡­jl BL¡­l ­h¡T¡u a¡­L pj¢øh¡QL ¢h­noÉ fc h­mz
­kje cm, f¡m, pi¡, Ty¡L, ­N¡R¡ CaÉ¡¢cz
L) HL f¡m Nl¦ j¡­W Ql­Rz M) NË¡­j pi¡ h­p­Rz
N) HL Ty¡L f¡ul¡ E­s ­Nmz O) HL Ly¡¢c Lm¡ ¢e­u H­p¡z

h¡¢sl L¡S :-
e£­Ql h¡LÉ…¢m­a c¡N ­cJu¡ fc…¢ml ­L¡e¢V ­L¡e ­nË¢Zl ¢h­noÉ fc a¡ ­mM :-

1z ­p¡e¡ c¡j£ ¢S¢epz 11z ¢aa¢m gm ­M­a i¡­m¡h¡­pz

2z LmL¡a¡ f¢ÕQjh­‰l l¡Sd¡e£z 12z L¡­RC he, ­pM¡­e B­R h¡Oz
3z h¡O­L ph¡C iu L­lz 13z ¢hfÔh£h¡¢qe£ …¢m Ry¥s­a m¡Nmz
4z h— SÆ¡m¡u ¢aeL¢sV¡z 14z q¢lZ hmm, ­hn a¡C q­hz
5z l¡j h¡h¤l cu¡l nl£lz 15z ASu e­c h¡e ­X­L­Rz
6z qmÉ¡™ ­cnV¡ M¤h QÉ¡V¡­m¡ Bl pjamz 16z Ap¤¤M p¡l¡h¡l Ef¡u B¢j S¡¢ez
7z ­R­ml cm j¡­W ¢œ²­LV ­Mm­Rz 17z ¢e­S­cl ¢eh¤Ñ¢Üa¡u AaÉ¿¹ m‹¡ ­f­u ph¡C
8z W¡™¡u LÓ¡¢¿¹­a ­p ­i­P f­s­Rz ¢g­l Hm¡jz
9z ­ln­e Q¡m-X¡m ¢c­µRz 18z a¡l¡l¡ NÉ¡­pl pj¢ø Eó¡l¡ L¢Wez
10z h¡¢Oe£ j¡­ul j­a¡ jja¡ju£z 19z ­p¡e¡ A¢a j§mÉh¡e d¡a¥z
20z cu¡ jqv …Zz

phÑe¡j fc
* ­k fc ¢h­noÉ f­cl f¢lh­aÑ h­p a¡­L phÑe¡j fc h­mz
­kje : B¢j, a¥¢j, Bf¢e, ­p, a¡l¡, ­L, L¡l¡, ­L¡b¡u, JV¡, HV¡, a¡­cl, a¡l, CaÉ¡¢cz

h¡¢sl L¡S
e£­Ql h¡LÉ…¢m ­b­L phÑe¡j fc ­hl L­l a¡ ­mM :-
1z ­a¡jl¡ ­L¡b¡u k¡µR ? 2z HLb¡ LMe hm¡ qm ?
3z JV¡ ¢e­u Hpz 4z ­L H­p­R ?
5z ­L¡b¡u k¡­h ? 6z E¢e ¢L ­a¡j¡l j¡j¡ ?
7z B¢j N¡e N¡C­a i¡­m¡h¡¢pz 8z ¢a¢e ­hs¡a k¡µRez
9z a¥¢j ­L¡b¡u k¡h ? 10z a¥C ­h¢n Lb¡ h¢mp e¡z
11z ­a¡jl¡ Mma k¡Jz 12z Bj¡l Ol Qmz
13z ­p HL¢V L¥L¥l f¤oRz 14z Bf¢e ­L¡b¡u k¡­he ?
15z ¢S¢ep¢V a¡l cM­m Q­m ­Nmz 16z a¡l p¡qp ­a¡ Lj eu !
17z "­i­P ­j¡l O­ll Q¡¢hz' 18z Bj¡­cl h¡¢s k¡¢h ?

¢h­noZ fc
¢h­noZ fc L¡­L h­m ? ¢h­noZ f­cl i¡N …¢m L£ L£ ?
E:- ­k fc ¢h­noÉ, ¢h­noZ, phÑe¡j J ¢œ²u¡ f­cl ­c¡o …Z AhÙÛ¡ pwMÉ¡ CaÉ¡¢c ­h¡T¡u a¡­L ¢h­noZ fc h­mz
¢h­noZ fc Q¡l fËL¡l - ¢h­n­oÉl ¢h­noZ, ¢h­no­Zl ¢h­noZ, ¢œ²u¡l ¢h­noZ J phÑe¡­jl ¢h­noZz
1z ¢h­n­oÉl ¢h­noZ :-
­k ¢h­noZ fc ¢h­noÉ f­cl ­c¡o, …Z, AhÙÛ¡, pwMÉ¡, f¢lj¡f CaÉ¡¢c ­h¡T¡u a¡­L ¢h­n­oÉl ¢h­noZ fc
­kje : e£m BL¡n, m¡m g¥m, i¡­m¡ ­m¡L, c¤ø¥ ­R­m, Aå j¡e¤o CaÉ¡¢cz
2z ¢h­no­Zl ¢h­noZ :-
­k ¢h­noZ fc ­L¡­e¡ h¡­LÉl ¢h­noZ fc­L ¢h­n¢oa L­l a¡­L h­m ¢h­no­Zl ¢h­noZz
L) M¤h i¡­m¡ ­R­mz M) VLV­L m¡m g¥mz
N) Oe e£m BL¡nz O) i£oZ c¤ø¥ ­R­mz
3z ¢œ²u¡l ¢h­noZ :-
­k ¢h­noZ fc ­L¡­e¡ h¡­LÉl ¢œ²u¡ fc­L ¢h­n¢oa L­l a¡­L h­m ¢œ²u¡l ¢h­noZz
L) ­S¡­l h¡a¡p hC­Rz M) Tj Tj L­l hª¢ø fs­Rz
N) ­O¡s¡ â¥a ­c±s¡uz O) d£­l Qmz
4z phÑe¡­jl ¢h­noZ :-
­k ¢h­noZ fc h¡­LÉl ­L¡­e¡ phÑe¡j fc­L ¢h­n¢oa L­l a¡l …Z, ­c¡o, djÑ, AhÙÛ¡ CaÉ¡¢c fËL¡n L­l
a¡­L phÑe¡­jl ¢h­noZ h­mz
L) j§MÑ B¢j Hph ¢LR¥C h¤¢T¢ez M) ­p Q¡m¡L ­R­mz
h¡¢sl L¡S
e£­Ql h¡LÉ…¢m­a c¡N ­cJu¡ fc…¢ml ­L¡e¢V ­L¡e ­nËZ£l ¢h­noZ fc a¡ ­mM :-
1z BL¡n Oe e£mz 2z n£am h¡a¡p hC­Rz
3z d£­l Qmz 4z kc¤ h¤¢Üj¡e ­R­mz
5z NË¡­jl fË¡¿¹­l HL ¢hn¡m hVhªr B­Rz 6z j¤omd¡­l hª¢ø fs­Rz
7z ­j­u¢V HLe¡N¡­s ­Ly­c Q­m­Rz 8z qmÉ¡ä ­cnV¡ M¤h pjamz
9z e¢ja¡l Q¥m L¥QL¥­Q L¡­m¡z 10z ­nËu¡ ­O¡o¡m QjvL¡l N¡C­Rz
11z BL¡n L¡­m¡ ­j­O ­R­u ­Nmz 12z fËQ™ ­S¡­l hª¢ø fs­Rz
13z mLX¡E­e fbO¡V ph Sen§eÉz 14z SÆ­l ­R­mV¡ WLWL L­l Ly¡f­a m¡Nmz
¢œ²u¡ fc
* ¢œ²u¡ fc L¡­L h­m, ¢œ²u¡ fc Lu fËL¡l J L£ L£ ?
E:- ­k f­cl à¡l¡ ­L¡­e¡ ¢LR¥ Ll¡, qJu¡, b¡L¡ CaÉ¡¢c L¡S Ll¡ ­h¡T¡u a¡­L ¢œ²u¡fc h­mz
­kje : L­l, ­M­m, M¡u, k¡u, h¡u, Q­m, ­c±s¡u, X¡­L, J­W, ­m­M, e¡­Q CaÉ¡¢cz

¢œ²u¡ fc c¤C fËL¡l, pj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡ Hhw Apj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡z

­k ¢œ²u¡ f­cl à¡l¡ h¡LÉ pÇf¨ZÑa¡ m¡i L­l a¡­L h­m pj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡z
­k ¢œ²u¡ f­cl à¡l¡ h¡LÉ pÇf¨ZÑa¡ m¡i L­l e¡ AbÑ¡v h¡LÉ ApÇf¨ZÑ b¡­L a¡­L h­m Apj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡z

­kje : HC h­m ­p f­LV ­b­L c¤ V¡L¡ ­hl L­l j¡¢V­a ­g­m ¢cmz
¢cm - pj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡
h­m, ­hl, L­l, ­g­m - Apj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡
L¡­Sl ¢cL ­b­L ¢œ²u¡ ­L c¤i¡­N i¡N Ll¡ quz
1. ALjÑL ¢œ²u¡ 2. pLjÑL ¢œ²u¡
B¢j k¡Cz - ALjÑL ¢œ²u¡
B¢j h¡¢s k¡C - pLjÑL ¢œ²u¡

h¡¢sl L¡S
h¡LÉ…¢m f­s ¢œ²u¡ f­cl am¡u c¡N c¡J :-
1z Q¡o£l¡ j¡­W d¡e L¡­Vz
2z ­j­u¢V ­mh¤ M¡­µRz
3z ­jO L¡­m¡ L­l hª¢ø Hmz
4z BL¡­n HL Ty¡L f¡ul¡ E­s Nmz

AhÉu fc
* AhÉu fc L¡­L h­m Hhw a¡l i¡N …¢m L£ L£ ?
E :- ­k f­cl ­L¡e hÉu ­eC Abh¡ ­L¡e AhÙÛ¡­aC ­L¡e f¢lhaÑe qu e¡ a¡­L AhÉu fc h­mz
­kje : J, Hhw, AbQ, ea¥h¡, A­fr¡, J­q¡, p¡h¡n, Bl, ¢L¿¹¥, AaHh, p¤¤al¡wz
p¡d¡lZa AhÉu fc­L ¢ae i¡­N i¡N Ll¡ qu, 1. pj¤µQu£ AhÉu, 2. fc¡eÄu£ AhÉu Hhw 3. AeeÄu£

pj¤µQu£ AhÉu - ­k AhÉu fc c¤¢V fc­L k¤š² h¡ ¢hk¤š² L­lz

1z ¢heu M¤h Q¡m¡L J h¤¢Üj¡ez
2z B¢j Abh¡ p¤¤e£m k¡hz
fc¡eÄu£ AhÉu - ­k AhÉu fc h¡­LÉ fc…¢ml pðå fËL¡n L­lz
1z d¡e ­b­L Q¡m quz
2z ­m¡L¢V ¢he¡ ¢Q¢Lvp¡u j¡l¡ ­Nmz
AeeÄu£ AhÉu - ­k AhÉu fc j­el Be¾c, c¤xM, ­n¡L CaÉ¡¢c fËL¡n L­lz
1z Ex hÉb¡ m¡Nmz
2z ¢R ¢R a¥¢j ¢j­bÉ Lb¡ hm­mz

h¡LÉ…¢m f­s ­j¡V¡ Ar­l ­mM¡…­m¡ ­L¡e dl­Zl AhÉu fc a¡ ­mM :-
1z j¡m¡ J h¤m¡ c¤C ­h¡ez = pj¤µQu£ AhÉu fc
2z Bx ¢hlš² Ll e¡z = AeeÄu£ AhÉu fc
3z L¡l p¡­b H­pR ­M¡L¡ ? = fc¡eÄu£ AhÉu fc
4z p¡h¡p M¤h i¡­m¡ ­lS¡ÒV L­lRz = AeeÄu£ AhÉu fc

h¡¢sl L¡S :-
h¡LÉ…¢m f­s ¢œ²u¡ f­cl am¡u c¡N c¡J :-
1z j¡¢T-jõ¡l¡ cy¡s h¡C­Rz
2z fcÈ¡l C¢m­nl cl E­W­Rz
3z qy¡¢s­a i¡a g¥V­Rz
4z BL¡n ¢O­l ­jO L­l­Rz
5z h¡¢Oe£ h¡µQ¡­cl c¤d M¡Ju¡­µRz
h¡LÉ…¢m f­s ­j¡V¡ Ar­l ­mM¡ AhÉu fc …¢ml ­L¡e¢V ­L¡e dl­Zl AhÉu fc a¡ ­mM :-
1z ­a¡j¡l p¡­b B¢j ­Mmh e¡z
2z CnÚ L£ i¥m Llm¡jz
3z ¢nöl¡ j¡­W ­Mm­R Bl h¤­s¡l¡ NÒf Ll­Rz
4z ¢am ­b­L ­am quz
5z Ex L£ i£oZ W¡™¡z
­L¡­e¡ hÉ¢š², fË¡Z£ h¡ hÙ¹¥l pwMÉ¡ ­h¡T¡­m, a¡­L hQe h­mz
hQe c¤-fËL¡lz
1) HLhQe :-
­k hQe à¡l¡ ­Lhm HLSe hÉ¢š², HL¢V fË¡Z£ h¡ hÙ¹¥l pwMÉ¡ ­h¡T¡u, a¡­L HLhQe h­mz
­kje:- HLSe ­R­m, HL¢V g¥mz
HLhQ­el ¢euj :-
L) p¡d¡lZa j§m ¢h­noÉ h¡ phÑe¡j fc¢V A¢hLm hÉhq¡l L­l HLhQe ­h¡T¡­e¡ quz
­kje- ­R­m, ­j­u, g¥m, f¡¢M, f¡a¡, B¢j, a¥¢j, ­pz
M) ¢h­noÉ f­cl B­N HL, HLV¡, HL¢V, HLM¡e¡ h¢p­u HLhQe NWe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- HL l¡S¡, HL V¡L¡, HL¢V ­j­u, HLM¡e¡ R¢h, HLV¡ V¡L¡z
N) ¢h­noÉ f­cl ­n­o ¢V, V¡, M¡e¡, M¡¢e, N¡R¡, N¡¢R h¢p­u HLhQe NWe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- ­j­u¢V, hCV¡, j¡m¡N¡R¡,L¡fsM¡e¡, ¢Q¢WM¡¢ez
2) hýhQe :-
­k hQe à¡l¡ H­Ll ­h¢n hÉ¢š², HL¢V fË¡Z£ h¡ hÙ¹¥l pwMÉ¡ ­h¡T¡u, a¡­L hýhQe h­mz
hýhQ­el ¢euj :-
L) ¢h­noÉ J phÑe¡jf­cl ­n­o l¡, Hl¡, …¢m, …­m¡, ­cl, ¢c­Nl CaÉ¡¢c ­k¡N L­l hýhQe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- ­R­ml¡, h¡m­Ll¡, f¡¢M…¢m, Bj¡­cl, Bj¡¢c­Nlz
M) ¢h­n­oÉl ­n­o NZ, pj§q, j¡m¡, l¡¢n, ph, pLm, hNÑ, f¤” CaÉ¡¢c ­k¡N L­l hýhQe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- hå¥NZ, ¢nrLhª¾c, Sml¡¢n, fhÑaj¡m¡, f¢rL¥mz
N) ¢h­n­oÉl B­N ASpË A­eL, hý, ApwMÉ CaÉ¡¢c ­k¡N L­l hýhQe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- ASpË deÉh¡c, A­eL ­m¡L, La Lb¡, ApwMÉ j¡e¤oz
O) HLC ¢h­noÉ fc c¤-h¡l hÉhq¡l L­l hýhQe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- h­e h­e, X¡­m X¡­m, f¡a¡u f¡a¡uz
P) HLC ¢h­noZ fc c¤-h¡l hÉhq¡l L­l hýhQe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- ­R¡­V¡ ­R¡­V¡, hs hs, ea¥e ea¥ez
Q) HLC phÑe¡jfc c¤-h¡l hÉhq¡l L­l hýhQe Ll¡ quz
­kje:- ­k ­k, ­L ­L, ­L¡e ­L¡ez

HLhQe hýhQe HLhQe hýhQe

B¢j Bjl¡ a¥¢j ­a¡jl¡
Nl¦ Nl¦…¢m N¡R h­s¡ h­s¡ N¡R
g¥m g¥m…¢m g¥m m¡m m¡m g¥m
Bj¡l Bj¡­cl ­a¡j¡l ­a¡j¡­cl
M¡a¡ M¡a¡…­m¡ Lmj¢V Lmj…­m¡
­R­m ­R­ml¡ ­R­m ­R­ml cm
f¡ul¡ HL Ty¡L f¡ul¡ Lm¡ HL Ly¡¢c Lm¡
a¡l¡ a¡l¡j™m£ ­jO ­jOj¡m¡
­pe¡ ­pe¡ h¡¢qe£ j¡R ­R¡V ­R¡V j¡R
h¡mL h¡m­Ll¡ ­e±L¡ ­e±L¡…¢m
e£­Ql h¡­LÉ c¡N ­cJu¡ fc…¢m ­L¡e¢V ­L¡e hQe a¡ ¢eZÑu Ll¡ qm:-
1z Bjl¡ BS ­hs¡­a k¡h --HLhQe
2z ­R¡­V¡ ­R¡­V¡ ­R­m­j­ul¡ ­Mm­R-- hýhQe
3z M¡a¡…­m¡ p¢l­u l¡M-- hýhQe
4z h¡­l¡ j¡­p HLhRl-- hýhQe
5z HLM¡e¡ ­f¢¾pm Bj¡l B­R--HLhQe
6z ­j­u¢V f­s ­Nm--HLhQe
7z m¡¢WN¡R¡ f­s B­R--HLhQe
8z pLm h¡mL H¢c­L Hp-- hýhQe
* h¡¢sl L¡S :-
[L] e£­Ql h¡­LÉ c¡N ­cJu¡ fc…¢m ­L¡e¢V ­L¡e hQe a¡ ¢eZÑu Ll :-
1z ­j­u q¡¢aV¡l e¡j ¢Rm L¥p¤jL¢mz
2z f¤Ù¹LM¡¢e pL­ml fs¡ E¢Qaz
3z h¡P¡m£l h¡­l¡ j¡­p ­a­l¡ f¡hÑZz
4z ­R­ml¡ ú¥­m k¡­µRz
5z Bjl¡ BS ­hs¡­a k¡hz
6z m¡m m¡m g¥mz
7) Bj¡­L cnV¡L¡ c¡Jz
8) hy¡clV¡ X¡­m h­p ¢L¢Ql¢j¢Ql Ll­Rz
9) BN¡j£L¡m Bjl¡ jÉ¡¢SL ­cM­a k¡hz
10) R¡œR¡œ£l¡ j¡­W ­Mm­Rz

Study Material, (2023-24)
Half Yearly examination
SUBJECT- FRENCH (3rd Language)

1. Répondez les questions suivantes:

(Answer the following questions)
a. Dire l’heure en français- 10.00
= Il est dix heures.
b. Qui est Charles Perrault ?
= Charles Perrault est un écrivain très connu, il a écrit des contes pour enseigner aux
jeunes enfants.
c. À quelle heure Elena commence sa journée ?
= À six heures du matin, Elena commence sa journée.
(Préparé ce type de questions textuelles à partir de votre livre.)

2. Conjuguer les verbes
Avoir (passé composé) ----------j’ai eu, tu as eu, il/elle a eu, nous avons eu, vous avez eu,
ils/elles ont eu
Être (passé composé)
Les verbes se terminant par ‘er’, ‘ir’, ‘re’----------Présent(seulement)
3. Faire les mots opposés.
a. Belle ---------Laide
b. Grand--------- Petite
c. Blanc--------- Noir
d. Gros----------- Mince

4. Faire des questions à partir des phrases ci-dessous

a. J’habite à Durgapur.
= Où habitez-vous ?
b. Kylie a une voiture rouge.
= Quelle est la couleur de la voiture de Kylie ?
5. Changer le pluriel
a. Cheval---------- Les chevaux
b. Un seau -------- Les seaux
c. Gris-------------- Grises

(CL-VIII/Half Yearly Examination /2023-24/FRENCH/Set-A/Page 1 of 2)

Computer Science Assignment-8 (2023-24)

Chapter-5: Creating a Documentary

Subjective Questions
1. What is Trimming?
2. What is Splitting?
3. Define Video transition. Name a few Video transitions.
4. Distinguish between Timeline and Storyboard in Movie Maker.
5. Write the steps to split a movie into two clips.

Chapter-6: Applying Special Effects

Subjective Questions
1. What are Visual effects? Mention a few.
2. What does the View video effects option do?
3. Discuss how the volume of an audio can be adjusted.
4. What are the Fade In and Fade Out audio effects?
5. What are titles/credits? How are they added in a movie?
Please solve the highlighted questions in the notebook.

Important MCQs with Answers from Chapter 4, 5 and 6 (Movie Maker)

1. Where do you stack images, videos and audio after importing them in Windows Movie
(a) Show Storyboard/Timeline (b) Tasks Pane
(c) Contents Pane (d) Preview monitor
Correct Answer : (c)
2. What minimum duration is required for the AutoMovie feature to work?


(a) 30 seconds (b) 10 seconds
(c) 15 seconds (d) 20 seconds
Correct Answer : (a)
3. Which one of the following AutoMovie editing styles can be used to add titles and credits
to the movie?
(a) Flip and Slide (b) Sports Highlights
(c) Highlights Movie (d) Old Movie
Correct Answer : (c)
4. Which one of the following AutoMovie editing styles allows you to add a reveal effect to
the movie?
(a) Old Movie (b) Flip and Slide
(c) Music Video (d) Highlights Movie
Correct Answer : (b)
5. Which one of the following AutoMovie editing styles can be used to quickly edit the fast
(a) Flip and Slide (b) Music Video
(c) Highlights Movie (d) Old Movie
Correct Answer : (b)

6. Which one of the following function keys can be pressed to save a movie as a project?
(a) F12 (b) F13
(c) F11 (d) F10
Correct Answer : (a)
7. Which one of the following tasks needs to be performed once a movie is created?
(a) Delete the movie project (b) Cancel the movie project
(c) Create the movie project (d) Save the movie as a project
Correct Answer : (d)
8. Which one of the following menus has Save Movie File option?
(a) Edit (b) Tools
(c) View (d) File


Correct Answer : (d)
9. Which one of the following locations allows you to save and send the movie as an
(a) DV camera (b) Recordable CD
(c) The Web (d) E-mail
Correct Answer : (d)
10. Which one of the following actions needs to be performed to view the movie in the
.WMV format?
(a) Export the movie (b) Import the movie
(c) Delete the movie (d) Highlight the movie
Correct Answer : (a)
11. What does WMV stand for?
(a) Windows Media Video (b) Windows Mailing Video
(c) Windows Movie Video (d) Windows Media View
Correct Answer : (a)
12. Which one of the following options is a pane that has the option for importing the videos?
(a) Movie Tasks (b) Tasks
(c) Collections (d) Content
Correct Answer : (a)

13. Which one of the following combinations of keys helps you select all the videos to be
imported into the Import File dialog box? (Marks : 1) (Topic : Importing Videos)
(a) Shift+A (b) Shift+B
(c) Ctrl+A (d) Ctrl+B
Correct Answer : (c)
14. The __________ shows a thumbnail view of each and every video placed in the timeline.
(a) Storyboard (b) Storyline
(c) Movieboard (d) Videoboard
Correct Answer : (a)
15. Which one of the following steps is the first step to create the documentary in Windows


Movie Maker?
(a) Import videos (b) Create videos
(c) Delete videos (d) Export videos
Correct Answer : (a)
16. The __________ shows the sequence and time period of videos in a movie maker file.
(a) Movieline (b) Videoline
(c) Timeline (d) Storyline
Correct Answer : (c)
17. Which one of the following options represents a pane that displays all the imported
(a) Movie Tasks (b) Tasks
(c) Collections (d) Content
Correct Answer : (c)
18. Which one of the following options is a valid option that can be used to import videos in
Windows Movie Maker?
(a) Import video (b) Import videos
(c) Import video files (d) Import files
Correct Answer : (a)
19. The __________ is used to trim the video clip from the end.
(a) EndTrimHandle (b) TrimHandle
(c) EndHandle (d) TrimEndHandle

Correct Answer : (a)

20. Which one of the following menus has the Set End Trim Point option?
(a) View (b) File
(c) Edit (d) Clip
Correct Answer : (d)
21. __________ is used to shorten a video from the beginning to the end.
(a) Trimming (b) Importing
(c) Splitting (d) Removing


Correct Answer : (a)
22. Which one of the following menus has the Split option?
(a) Edit (b) Clip
(c) View (d) File
Correct Answer : (b)
23. The Split option divides the clip into __________ logical parts.
(a) Two (b) Three
(c) Four (d) Five
Correct Answer : (a)
24. The act of removing frames from the beginning or end of a video during the editing
process is called __________.
(a) Trimming (b) Splitting
(c) Deleting (d) Removing
Correct Answer : (a)



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