WIDGB2 TP Rtest S 1

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REVIEW 1–2: Speaking


1 Work in pairs to roleplay a dialogue. 2 Now you are each going to describe a photo
and answer some questions.
Student A, you are a customer at a cinema and
you want to buy tickets for a film called The Student A/B, look at this photo and describe the
Doctor. people you can see in the photo. You have one
minute to think about this. Please ask me if you
Student B, you work at the cinema selling tickets. have any questions.

Look at these prompt cards and use them to ask Allow 1 minute for student to look at the photo and
and answer questions. prepare. Answer questions as required.

Hand out role-play cards for students to read. Student A/B, please describe your photo now.

You have one minute to read the prompt cards Allow 1 minute for student to describe the photo.
and think about what you want to say. Please ask
me if you have any questions.
I will now ask you some questions.
Allow 1 minute for students to read roleplay cards.
Answer questions as required. Questions for Student A:
1 Can you describe the clothes you are wearing
You can begin the roleplay now. Student A, 2 How much time do you spend choosing the
please start. clothes you want to wear? Why?
3 Do you wear a uniform at your school?
Allow 2 minutes for students to roleplay the situation. 4 Where do you usually buy new clothes? (How
If both students are weak and struggle to start the much do you spend every month?)
roleplay, use questions to prompt them, e.g. How do 5 What clothes do you usually wear when you
you greet the other person? What question do you are at home? Why?
need to ask? etc.
Questions for Student B:
1 Can you describe the clothes you are wearing
2 Which clothes do you like to wear when you
go out? Why? (Where do you usually go?)
3 What is your favourite clothes shop? Why?
4 How often do you go shopping for new
clothes? (Who do you go shopping for
clothes with?)
5 Do you like reading or watching TV
programmes about fashion? Why?/Why not?

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