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Coach Tips for Rewriting Life Stories Part 1

Creating Excitement: When working with your client to help them re-create the story of their
life, it is important to be an example and set the tone of the experience using body language. It
can be challenging for people to open to a new way of looking at themselves and the world. The
goal is to have your client excited about this part of the process, so you need to be excited. If
your client consistently seems apathetic or unmotivated, it may be that they are having difficulty
seeing beyond their current life situation.
If this happens, remind them that they don’t need to know HOW what they want will unfold at
this point. For now, their main objective is to DREAM. Inviting them to use their imagination
to see beyond can be very helpful: “Imagine you had a magic wand and could remove X current
obstacle from your life right now, what would your future look like in this area?” or “What
would you be doing in X years if you had no limits?”
Blind Spots: When asking your clients to look at their attachment to their story, or the beneits
they’re receiving from keeping it the same, or when talking about accepting things that ARE that
they’ve been avoiding or denying, you may find that they have difficulty identifying those
hidden “benefits” or the truths they’ve been avoiding. The activities provided for these sections
are designed to help overcome this. You may want to do the activities with your clients.
Discussing the pain and pleasure lecture with them may help them more clearly identify these
hidden motives.

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