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com Ahmed Aljunaidi

Pediatrics MCQs Part 3

A previously healthy 16-year-old adolescent boy is brought to

the emergency department
because of the sudden onset of chest pain and difficulty
breathing. He was previously in his usual
state of good health with no intercurrent illnesses. The pain
started spontaneously when he was
sitting down watching television. It is left-sided, sharp, located
in the mid-axillary line radiating
to the shoulder, and worsens when he takes a deep breath. He
has a temperature of 37.0°C, heart
rate of 120 beats/min, respiratory rate of 40 breaths/min, blood
pressure of 70/50 mm Hg, and
oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry of 75% on room air. He is
in pain and severe respiratory
distress. Breath sounds on the left side are decreased. Breath
sounds on the right side are
diminished and bronchial. The jugular veins are distended. Heart
sounds are rapid and muffled,
with normal S1 and S2 and without rubs, murmurs, or gallops.
Extremities are cool with low-
amplitude pulses throughout. Capillary refill time is 5 seconds.
His chest radiograph is shown in

Of the following, the BEST next step is to

consult a surgeon for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery

perform needle decompression of left hemithorax (Correct
perform pericardiocentesis
start intravenous dopamine infusion

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Green- Answered
Red - Not Answered
Orange - Current
Silver - Marked for review


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