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Paper Bioprocessing
9.1 INTRODUCTION different door, and one needs the right ones to
unlock the potential of the fibers in the mill pro-
Paper products have been increasingly used cess for the desired goals.
for writing and printing, as well as for pack- Efficacy is critical. The effect must be suffi-
aging, sanitary hygiene, and special purposes cient and reliable enough to warrant a change
because of the high functionality, relatively low in process technology, or it will not be used.
prices, biodegradability, and many other attrac- Economy of scale can greatly reduce the expense
tive properties. Furthermore, paper is produced of enzyme production but unless the benefit is
from renewable biomass feedstocks and waste- substantial, a papermaker will not implement
paper may be either recycled or combusted to the technology. Technical barriers can also block
generate energy. The production and usage of implementation. The use of an enzyme in a pro-
various sorts of paper have been growing. cess step might call for adjusting operating
Global paper and board production managed parameters such as pH, adding chemicals such
to reach a new record level of 406.5 million as surfactants, or making capital expenditures
tons in 2014. The pulp and paper industry such as mixing tanks. In addition to the cost to
has started applying new, ecologically sound implement the enzyme technology, the changes
technology (biotechnology) in its manufacturing required for altered downstream processing
processes. Many interesting enzymatic applica- might create expenses. For these reasons, inno-
tions have been proposed. Implemented technol- vative enzyme processes are most readily
ogies tend to change the existing industrial accepted when they can be incorporated into
process as little as possible. Enzymes have great existing practices.
potential benefits in solving many problems
associated with papermaking. They have the
important benefits in that they can be considered
a “green” product. They are natural occurring
compounds with little adverse impact on the
environment. The use of enzymes in paper-
making has enormous potential. To realize there Recycled paper is an important source of
are thousands of enzymes available for indus- raw material for the pulp and paper industry.
trial use and using them in papermaking Recovery and use of secondary fiber for paper
applications is not a “one-size-fits-all” proposi- production is increasing all over the world. The
tion. Enzymes are a bit like keys: each opens a European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC)

Biermann's Handbook of Pulp and Paper: Paper and Board Making 187 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

announced that the paper recycling rate in the fiber surfaces. Lipases and esterases can
Europe reached an impressive 71.5% in 2015. degrade vegetable oilebased inks. Pectinases,
According to ERPC’s final monitoring report hemicellulases, cellulases, and ligninolytic
for 2015, compared with 2010, collection and enzymes alter the fiber surface or bonds in the
recycling has increased by almost one million vicinity of the ink particles, thereby freeing ink
tons of paper. The 2015 European paper recy- for removal by washing or floatation. A probable
cling rate of 71.5% is 1.5% higher than the target mechanism of enzyme action on fiber is pre-
set by the ERPC in the third European Declara- sented in Figs. 9.1 and 9.2.
tion on Paper Recycling for the period 2010e15. Deinking with enzymes under acidic to
In case of recycled paper, one of the major neutral conditions should reduce the overall
problems is that the ink needs to be removed chemical requirements and minimize yellowing
from the paper if it is to be reused for making of reclaimed papers that is normally observed
white paper. Therefore recycled paper is treated by conventional alkaline deinking. The use
with different deinking processes based on of enzymes could lead to a reduction of the
detergents and separation of ink particles by pulping time, thus saving energy and potentially
floating, i.e., that the particles are concentrated increasing production. Besides the greater
at the surface and removed. decrease in the ink area, the mild alkaline condi-
Enzyme-assisted deinking has been shown to tions used with enzymes have a positive impact
represent a potential environmentally friendly on stickies problems at the mill scale. An addi-
alternative to conventional alkaline deinking tional positive effect can also be expected as a
processes. In most cases, cellulases represent consequence of being able to reduce the addition
the best choice; however, other enzymes such of nonionic surfactants because of their slow
as hemicellulases, amylases, and lipases can biodegradation in the water treatment plant.
help optimize the process depending on the The exposure of recovered newsprint to high
type of paper and ink. Enzymatic approaches temperature in closed containers accelerates the
of deinking involve attacking either the ink or oxidation and polymerization of ink particles,

FIGURE 9.1 The mechanism of cellulase

enzyme on fiber. Reproduced with permission
from Mohammed (2010).

FIGURE 9.2 The mechanism of amylase

enzyme on starch in the raw material. Repro-
duced with permission from Mohammed (2010).
called the summer effect. The “summer effect” resulted in the pulp optical properties near to
refers to a period during the summer months the final pulp from K-P-Y, where K is a stage
when mills experience a loss in pulp brightness. applied in the same conditions of L stage but
Oxidized and polymerized ink particles are without enzyme. The L-P-Y sequence reaches
prone to fragmentation during alkaline deinking a color removal of 90% and saves chemicals in
and are difficult to remove by the subsequent the final stages.
flotation process. This results in significant Use of enzymatic deinking on multigrade
reduction of brightness and cleanliness of the furnish, such as Coated Book Stock, MOW, and
final pulp. Neither conventional nor sulfite ONP, for producing writing and printing paper
deinking are effective in dealing with the reduced the residual ink count, increased bright-
summer effect. Although sulfite deinking has ness, gave a cost saving of almost 50% in sodium
been shown to give relatively better deinking hydroxide, a 37% saving in sodium silicate, and
performance as compared with alkaline deink- complete elimination of hydrogen peroxide
ing, no improvement in the brightness has been (Figs. 9.3e9.5).
achieved. However, combining enzymes with Deinking of sorted office waste with hydrolyt-
sulfite chemistry significantly enhances sulfite ic enzymes showed higher brightness (1.0e1.5
deinking to achieve deinking of aged newsprint points) and whiteness (2.7e3.0 points) and lower
at neutral pH. The potential of combining cellu- residual ink as compared with chemically dei-
lase enzymes with sulfite deinking to achieve a nked pulp. It was possible to obtain pulp
superior natural deinking strategy for deinking of <10 ppm dirt count with combination of cellu-
of old newsprint (ONP)/old magazine paper lase and alpha-amylase enzymes, resulting in
(OMG) has been examined. Substantial improve- reduced chemical consumption. Chemical oxy-
ment in the deinking performance of ONP/ gen demand and color loads were lower in
OMG in 70:30 ratio as compared with either case of effluents generated during enzymatic
cellulase enzyme or sulfite deinking has been deinking.
Mixed office waste (MOW) is a frequently
Reducing Refining Energy
underutilized source of wastepapers. It often
contains a large variety of dyed papers. The Enzymes are being used in papermaking to
color must be removed to make the pulp suit- promote reduction in refining energy, developing
able for reuse. Usually, several chemical bleach- paper characteristics, and enhancing productiv-
ing agents such as ozone, oxygen, hydrogen ity. The enzymes modify fiber to deliver a num-
peroxide, or sodium hydrosulfite have been ber of process- and product-related advantages.
used to bleach secondary fibers. Now, there is In many cases, the mechanisms and effects are
an alternative color stripping process for sec- unique and specific to enzymes and which con-
ondary fibersdthe laccase-mediator system. A ventional papermaking additives have as yet to
bleaching sequence including an enzyme stage deliver. Machines making tissue and fine print-
called laccase-mediator system stage (L), a ing paper grades using bleached pulps and
hydrogen peroxide stage (P), and a sodium requiring refining have achieved considerable
hydrosulfite stage (Y) on a mixture of different savings in energy consumption, substitution of
colored (green, yellow, red, and blue) writing long fiber by short, and savings in starch use.
and printing papers was used. By using a L-P- The cellulase-based products are added to the
Y sequence, a pulp with optical properties fiber streams with specific physicochemical
near to eucalyptus totally bleached pulp was conditions ideal for optimum enzyme activity.
obtained. The application of L-P sequence Studies have also been conducted on packaging

FIGURE 9.3 Effect of enzyme on residual ink count. Reproduced with permission from Mohammed (2010).

FIGURE 9.4 Effect of enzyme on brightness. Reproduced with permission from Mohammed (2010).

board machines using recycled fiber. Trials have having cellobiohydrolase (CBH) as major activ-
shown interesting and commercially viable re- ity has been found to result in reduced energy
sults. These include increase in production rate requirements for refining without any appre-
and decrease in steam consumption because of ciable impact on pulp strength. This application
better dewatering and increase in postpress of enzymes in papermaking is picking up.
solids. Furthermore, sheet strength increased Hornification of the recycled pulp is also
and filtrate water quality also improved. The reversed to some extent by the use of cellu-
pretreatment of pulps with cellulase enzymes lase and hemicellulase enzymes. In fact, the

FIGURE 9.5 Effect of enzyme on chemical consumption. Reproduced with permission from Mohammed (2010).

hornification occurs because of increase in the of paper. Furthermore, cellulase-free xylanase

degree of cross-linking in the fiber microstruc- application has improved pulp fibrillation and
ture due to interfibrillar hydrogen bonding and water retention, shortened the time of refining
formation of esters, especially lactone (lactone in virgin pulps, enhanced the restoration of
is present in hornified pulps but not in never- bonding, and increased both the freeness in
dried pulps). Gentle refining is necessary in recycled fibers (RCFs) and the selective removal
case of hornified recycled fiber, or the fiber of xylan from dissolving pulps.
will be damaged. However, more refining is The effectiveness of xylanase-aided refining
required to improve the reswelling of the fiber varies with pulp type and that fully bleached
for developing the required strength properties pulps are less responsive than high kappa pulps.
of paper by increasing interfiber bonding. By con- Release papers, which are used as backings to
ventional refining of recovered fiber, breakage of hold adhesive labels, are extremely dense and
the fiber into fines is more pronounced than the are made by extensively refining a chemical
fibrillation. In contrast, by enzyme treatment the pulp. Mill trials showed that treatment with a
fiber swelling increases, and the fiber becomes commercial cellulase reduced the refining
more flexible, resulting in improved fibrillation energy required by 7.5%. The success of this
and less breakage into fines. cellulase application, which has been imple-
Pulp fibrillation by cellulases for enhancing mented in some mills, may be due to a greater
strength properties was already patented in tolerance for the losses in fiber strength associ-
1959. The effect of different hydrolases on ated with cellulase treatments. Other product
the improvement of the refining process by grades in this category include the high density
reducing energy consumption has been a matter papers used in the food industry, as well as
of intensive research in the past 2 decades. condenser papers and glassinedthe refining of
Different cellulases and hemicellulases have all of these is enhanced by cellulase treatments.
been proved to have a beneficial effect on refining Laboratory trials with Pergalase A40H on
and on surface fiber morphology, giving rise to condenser, glassine, and thin papers showed
better bonding properties and a closer structure about a 20% reduction in refining energy. Mill

trials on glassine paper showed an energy saving TABLE 9.2 Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Power
of between 15% and 20%, while the opacity Consumption During Manufacturing of
remained the same. Studies on thin paper High gsm Base Papers (Super Coated Art
Board 122 gsm and Art Paper
showed that, even when pulp with a freeness of 102 gsm)dProcess-Scale Trial Results
40 mL higher was used, the formation improved,
and there was an energy saving of 10%. Condition Normal (Control) Trial
The treatment of recycled fibers with cellu- Before refining 16e18 16e18
lases reduced the refining energy required to
After refining 23e25 25e28
achieve a specific freeness. At equivalent levels
(1 Conical, 1 TDR and
of refining, the cellulase treatment of recycled 1 DDR)
pulps yielded increases in freeness but led to
After refining 23e25
reductions in average fiber length. One trial e
(1 Conical and 1 DDR)
revealed that the freeness of the refined stock
could be increased to allow greater incorporation Conditions: temperature, 40e45 C; pH, 6.8e7.0; RT, 1.5 h; stock
of the recycled fibers into a corrugating medium consistency, 4%; enzyme dose, 200 g/TP (dilution 50:50); dosing
point, mixing chest.
furnish. Others, using recycled kraft fibers and Based on data from Bajpai et al. (2006).
old corrugated container pulps, demonstrated
savings in refining energy.
Process-scale trial in a mill producing coated in other mills producing writing and printing
papers showed a reduction in refining energy paper also showed encouraging results. In a
of about 70 kWh/TP in softwood pulps and mill producing heavy gsm base papers, a trial
30 kWh/TP in hardwood pulps with neutral conducted with neutral cellulase/hemicellulase
cellulase/hemicellulase enzymatic complex. A enzyme led to the bypass of a triple-disc refiner
reduction in steam consumption of around of 180 KWh (Table 9.2). The strength and other
0.5 T/T of paper was observed. The use of the properties were within the specified limits and
enzyme eliminated the debottlenecking of comparable with those without a trial run. The
refining in the softwood street and increased enzyme is being used regularly in mills
production by 12% (Table 9.1). The strength throughout India, China, Indonesia, and North
properties were not affected. Process-scale trials America.

TABLE 9.1 Effect of Enzyme Treatment on Power Drainage Improvement

and Steam Consumption During
Coating Base ManufacturedProcess- Recycled fibers have higher drainage resis-
Scale Trial Results tance than virgin fibers and also have lower
strength. These differences limit the paper qual-
Power Consumption ity and the speed at which paper machines can
(kWh/T Pulp)
operate. The mechanical properties of fibers, as
Particulars Softwood Hardwood Steam (T/T Paper) well as their ability to swell, are diminished after
Control 200 150 2.57
they are exposed to pulping and drying condi-
tions imposed during the papermaking cycle.
Trial 130 120 2.07 Freeness reduction during beating is much faster
Savings 70 30 0.50 for secondary fibers. For equivalent beating
times, a sheet containing recycled fibers is less
Conditions: temperature, 40e45 C; pH, 6.8e7.0; enzyme dose
100 g/TP (in both the streets). dense and usually more absorptive than virgin
Based on data from Bajpai et al. (2006). fiber stock. The fines that are created when
secondary fibers are beaten consist largely of • b-D-glucosidase or cellobiose converts
microfibrils that were strongly coupled to each cello-oligosaccharides and cellobiose to
other when they were originally dried on the glucose. Using mixtures of cellulases can be
paper machine. When liberated during refining, disadvantageous for certain pulp properties.
they increase the specific surface area of suspen-
Applying purified enzymes, specific regions of
sion more than the swelling potential. They start
the cellulose fibers can be attacked, so the desired
to behave as fillers, with a small effect on
part of the pulp can be modified. In secondary
strength but a large effect on the drainage prop-
fibers, the fines and fibrils, which cause low rates
erties. In general, the greater the degree of
of drainage, consist of amorphous cellulose.
refining of the virgin fibers, the lower is the
Because the amorphous cellulose is more acces-
recovery potential of sheet properties that are a
sible than crystalline cellulose, it is not necessary
direct function of fiber bonding, such as burst
to use the whole cellulase complex for hydrolysis.
strength and tensile strength. Folding endurance
Thus applying endoglucanases may be effective
of recycled paper is also considerably lower than
enough. Most cellulases both from bacterial and
that for sheets made from virgin stock. Sheet
fungal sources have a general structure. Three
density decreases each time the fibers are
well-distinguished domains can be identified.
recycled. The strength losses may be the result
These are catalytic domain, cellulose-binding
of loss in binding potential, either in the strength
domain (CBD), linker region, which establishes
of the interfiber bonding or in their number.
the linkage between the first two domains. For
The potential of improving the drainage rates
the efficient hydrolysis of cellulose, the catalytic
of recycled fibers by cellulase mixtures was
domain has to be adsorbed on the substrate.
discovered in the late eighties. Researchers
The significance of the CBD in the hydrolysis of
from La Cellulose du Pin were the first to
cellulose has not been clearly described. Howev-
show that a mixture of cellulase and hemicellu-
er, it has been shown that the adsorption of the
lase enzymes increases the freeness of pulp.
cellulase enzymes and therefore their hydrolytic
Improved drainage and faster machine speeds,
activity are reduced if the CBD is removed from
resulting from increased freeness, yields signifi-
the protein. Researchers have proposed that the
cant savings in energy and thus in overall cost.
enzymatic attack may involve a peeling mecha-
The endoglucanase activity is a prerequisite for
nism, which removes fibrils and fiber bundles
drainage improvement of recycled pulps.
that naturally have a high affinity for water,
Cellulolytic enzymes are produced by fungi
and leaves the fibers less hydrophilic and easier
and cellulolytic bacteria. The cellulose system
to drain. Also, there are reports that enzymes
contains three types of enzymes: CBHs, endoglu-
act preferentially on fines, which have a propen-
canases, and b-D-glucosidases. The cellulase
sity to block up interstices in the fiber network.
enzymes are classified based on their mode of
The increase in drainage could be due to the
action as follows:
cleaving of amorphous cellulose on the surface
• Endoglucanases randomly attack the of fines. Owing to the high specific surface area
amorphous regions of cellulose substrate, of the fines, the attack of cellulases is specific
yielding high degrees of polymerization toward this fraction (i.e., the fines) of the pulp.
oligomers. The fiber surface is stripped through the enzy-
• CBHs are exoenzymes that hydrolyze matic hydrolysis of subsequent layers or fibrils.
crystalline cellulose, releasing cellobiose. Both Enzymes can either flocculate or hydrolyze fines
types of enzyme hydrolyze b-1,4-glycosidic and remove fibrils from the surface of large fines.
bonds. Enzyme-aided flocculation occurs.

Several commercial enzymes are available (with 0.2% enzyme) at a reaction time of
which improve the drainage of secondary fibers. 30 min for low freeness pulp. An increase of
A commercial cellulase enzyme preparation the reaction time to 180 min improved the
(Pergalase A-40) based on Trichoderma has been drainage by 25.4% (with 0.1% enzyme) and
used in several mills to improve drainage. These 31.7% (with 0.2% enzyme). The pulp retained
types of enzymes are applied after refining/ most of the required strength properties when
beating of the pulp, mainly to improve the dew- treated with Pergalase either at 0.1% enzyme
atering. A cellulase enzyme with endoglucanase addition and a reaction time of 45 min or at
activity developed by Novozymes has been 0.2% enzyme addition and a reaction time of
reported to substantially increase the runnability 30 min. Increase of reaction time beyond
of recycled furnishes and reduces the steam 30 min with 0.2% enzyme resulted in deteriora-
consumption in drying of paper on treating the tion of strength properties. Pergalase treatment
pulp with enzyme after refining. on pulps of different initial freeness showed
The effectiveness of several commercial that the lower the initial freeness, the higher
carbohydrate-modifying enzymes has been exam- the gain.
ined for improving the drainage of secondary Several commercial enzymes are available
fibers. Drainage improvement over the control which improve the drainage of secondary fibers.
was substantial with Pergalase A-40 (a mixture A cellulase enzyme with endoglucanase activity
of cellulase and hemicellulase) when the old has found to improve the drainability of
corrugated containers (OCC) pulp was treated different types of recycled pulp. On treating the
after refining (Table 9.3). The drainage improve- refined pulps with enzyme, improvements in
ment was 11.7% (with 0.1% enzyme) and 21.3% Canadian standard freeness (CSF) were
observed of 40.5% in mixed waste (MW), 13.1%
in old newsprint (ONP), and 19.3% in OCC
TABLE 9.3 Effect of Enzyme Treatment on the (Table 9.4). Using OCC and addition of enzyme
Drainability of Old Corrugated at different levels, the CSF value increased with
Containers the increase in enzyme dose. But there was no
Reaction Drainage significant effect on tensile and compression
Enzyme Dose Time Time Improvement strengths of the enzyme pulps (Tables 9.5 and
(% o.d. pulp) (min) for 800 mL (s) in Drainage (%) 9.6). The endoglucanase activity of cellulase
0 e 31.5 e
0.1 30 27.8 11.7 TABLE 9.4 Effect of Enzyme Treatment on
CSF of Different Types of Pulp
0.1 45 26.5 15.9
CSF (mL)
0.1 60 26.1 17.1
0.1 120 25.1 20.3 Before Enzyme After Enzyme
Pulp Grade Treatment Treatmenta
0.1 180 23.5 25.4
OCC 419 500 (19.3%)
0.2 30 24.8 21.3
MW 304 427 (40.5%)
0.2 60 22.8 27.6
ONP 168 190 (13.1%)
0.2 180 21.5 31.7
CSF, Canadian standard freeness; OCC, old corrugated
Conditions: pH 5.0; temperature, 50 C; pulp consistency 5%; initial containers; ONP, old newsprint; MW, mixed waste.
Canadian standard freeness of pulp 490 mL. Values in parenthesis show percent improvement.
Based on Bhardwaj et al. (1995). Based on Shaikh and Luo (2009).
TABLE 9.5 Effect of Enzyme Dose on CSF reduction in steam consumption within the dryer
and Strength Properties of OCC section was also observed owing to increase in
Enzyme Compression Tensile
dewaterability. The ring crush increased by two
Dose CSF Strength Strength points.
(g/TP) (mL) (Nm/g) (Nm/g) A similar trial with enzyme treatment 100 g per
ton of pulp before refining in a European mill,
Nil 300 22.0 45.0
producing towel and tissue, showed an increase
50 353 22.5 45.5 in machine speed from 1650 to 1750 m/min for
100 368 23.0 45.5 tissue and from 1600 to 1750 m/min for towel
productions. The specific refining energy also
200 388 21.5 43.0
was reduced by 12.5%, probably because of
500 422 22.0 43.0 the presence of some CBH activity in the
CSF, Canadian standard freeness. enzyme product, which helps in pulp refining.
Based on Shaikh and Luo (2009). In Asian mill trials producing various basis
weight papers from OCC, steam savings on
enzyme treatment were observed. It has been
TABLE 9.6 Effect of Enzyme Treatment on the suggested that CBDs disrupt the structure of
Requirement for Cationic Polyacryl- cellulose fiber surfaces but have no detectable
amide for Drainage Control of OCC hydrolytic activity. The binding of CBDs to
Cationic Polyacrylamide cellulose, under a wide range of environmental
Requirement (kg/TP) conditions and without the need for chemicals,
makes them attractive molecules for designing
10 s Filtrate No Enzyme After Enzyme
Weight (g) Treatment Treatment
new paper-modifying agents that are environ-
mental friendly. Treatment of secondary paper
470 0.0 e fibers with CBDs allows improvements in
540 0.13 0.0 pulp drainability and mechanical properties of
paper. The interface system fiberewaterefiber,
600 0.60 0.35
and after drying, fibereairefiber, may be
650 0.84 0.58 affected by CBD treatment, influencing the
700 1.10 0.80 technical properties of pulp and paper. CBD
from Clostridium cellulovorans improves the
OCC, old corrugated container.
Based on Shaikh and Luo (2009).
mechanical properties of Whatman paper sheets,
as well as transforming it into a more water-
repellent paper, effects that were even more
partly hydrolyzes the amorphous and low significant when a double CBD was used. The
molecular mass components of cellulose present influence of CBDs on cellulosic fiber properties
in the form of fine, fibrils, and colloids and thus in different pulp samples, namely recycled
helps in dewatering the pulp. These components (from kraft and office waste papers) and chemi-
have very high specific surface area and hold cal (eucalypt and pine) pulps, has been studied.
maximum water. The drainage improvement It was found that the fibers treated with CBDs
caused by enzymes was demonstrated in a exhibited improved pulp drainability with
North American mill to study the change in reduced SchoppereRiegler (SR) value by up to
machine runnability. An increase in machine 15% and increased air permeability of pulp
speed was observed for the production of handsheets, while the strength properties were
200 g/m2 liner on enzyme dosing. A 6%e7% not significantly affected. The surface charge of

the fibers decreased with this treatment, but the Xylanase also has been found to improve the
effect of the addition of a cationic polymer freeness of deinked recycled pulp while having
(cationic starch) was not affected by it, at least no detrimental effect on fiber tensile strength.
in the studied pulp sample. They also noted By comparison, the tear indices of recycled
that the behavior of the different fibers for the pulps treated with cellulases decreased. These
tested properties was dependent on the fiber findings suggest that xylanases might be much
morphology and origin. more effective than cellulases or crude xyla-
To improve the drainability of secondary nase/cellulase mixtures. Xylanases, however,
fiber, treatment with cellulase alone generally remove hemicelluloses, which promote inter-
leads to a loss in pulp brightness. Furthermore, fiber bonding. This effect can also lead to poor
when used in combination with a drainage aid paper properties.
polymer, the loss in brightness is even more
pronounced. A method using a mixture of cellu-
lase and pectinase has been described to accom-
Stickies Control
plish the goal of simultaneously increasing Presence of stickies corresponds with the
freeness without a loss of brightness and phys- major challenge in the processing and use of
ical properties. As seen in Table 9.7, treatment recycled fiber. Some researchers proposed the
with cellulase alone gave a very high improve- use of enzymes for stickies hydrolysis back in
ment in CSF value (190 mL) but not the bright- late 1990s. Stickies are tacky, hydrophobic,
ness, whereas treatment with pectinase alone pliable organic material found in recycled paper
resulted in greater enhancement of brightness systems. They exhibit a broad range of melting
(1.6 points) but very little improvement in CSF points and different degrees of tackiness,
(only 70 mL). However, treatment with a com- depending on their composition. Stickies are
bination of both enzymes resulted in appre- composed of a variety of materials, including
ciable improvement in CSF (130 mL) and 1.6 adhesives, styrene-butadiene latex, rubber, vinyl
points enhancement in brightness (the same as acetate, and hot melts, etc. Variable nature of
that with pectinase). stickies and the variability of the composition
of recycled fiber used by paper and board mills
make them more difficult to control. Stickies
cause runnability and quality issues. A new
TABLE 9.7 Effect of Cellulase and Pectinase approach to stickies control has been developed
Enzymesa on Drainage of Deinked Pulp that uses esterase-type enzymes to break down
the stickies into smaller and less tacky particles.
Treatment CSFa (mL) (% GE) The use of esterases for stickies control is a
successful industrial application. Advantages of
No enzyme 330 80.7 enzymes as chemical methods for removal of
Cellulase (1 L/TP) 520 (190) 81.6 stickies have, historically, not been 100% satis-
Pectinase (1 L/TP) 400 (70) 82.3
factory. However, one limitation of enzymes is
that certain esterases might only be effective
Cellulase (1 L/TP) þ 460 (130) 82.3 against certain types of esters, which turns out
Pectinase (1 L/TP)
to be a major disadvantage due to the complex
CSF, Canadian standard freeness. nature of stickies in mill water systems. Some
Values in parenthesis indicate increase in freeness (CSF value) over esterases are able to hydrolyze a wide spectrum
control at pH 5.5.
Based on Olsen et al. (2000). of substrates, but others result in strictly specific
particular substrates. The extreme complexity of
stickies in pulp and paper mills has been well treatment as compared with those without
documented. In fact, stickies can be considered enzyme (pretrial results). The bigger size stickies
a complex mix of waxes, tackifiers, polyethylene, are totally absent in the recycled fiber treated
hot melts, styrene butadiene, polybutene, poly- with enzyme. When the recycled fiber from
vinyl acetate, acrylics, starch, and fibers. Further- MOW was treated with esterase enzyme in one
more, in a study carried out at three paper mills mill, the total stickies content reduced appre-
on different continents, with each having a ciably. Without enzyme treatment of MOW, it
different source of recycled paper as raw mate- was not possible to increase the recycled fiber
rial, it was reported that short-term variations content in the final furnish beyond 50%. Even
in extractable stickies in the incoming raw mate- then, the total stickies were more than 250 ppm.
rial were quite extreme, with differences of 100% However, on treating the recycled fiber from
being seen within hours. It is clear that a complex MOW with enzyme, total stickies content could
problem requires a “complex” solution: the be reduced to around 100 ppm, that too with
esterase enzyme family includes different classes higher content (60%) of recycled fiber.
of esterolytic enzymes, including between In another mill using MOW, the recovered
others, carboxylesterases, true lipases, and fiber was treated with enzyme to reduce the
various types of phospholipases that can be percentage of high brightness virgin pulp in
commonly obtained by bacterial fermentations. the final furnish without compromising on
Some strains are able to produce esterases that brightness of the finished stock. With addition
hydrolyze complex polymers such as of 35% high bright pulp, the normal brightness
polyethylene terephthalate. gain from coarse screen to finish stock was
A study of the chemical composition of only 12e14 points when no enzyme treatment
stickies shows that most contain a number of was given to the recovered fiber. However,
ester-type chemical bonds that link the basic after esterase enzyme treatment of MOW
building blocks of the stickies together. A num- recovered fiber, it became possible to get a
ber of esterase-type enzyme mixtures have brightness gain of more than 15 points even
been studied to find the one that had the ability when the high bright pulp content was
to break down the stickies. Breaking the ester 15%e20% only.
bonds reduces the size of the sticky by breaking Fig. 9.6 shows the effects of enzyme treatment
it into smaller components. A key advantage of of stickies. On the left, polyvinyl acetate particles
this approach is that once broken down, the have agglomerated to form large globules that
chance of the particles reagglomerating further can cause not only breaks and downtime on
along the process is greatly reduced. Another the paper machine but also create operating
important effect on the stickies is the enzyme system breaks and problems on converting
modification of the surface of the stickies. This equipment as well. The globular particles can
change results in less tacky stickies. These also cause paper to double feed through printers,
enzymes have been proven to reduce downtime, etc. On the right in this figure, enzyme treatment
decrease cleaning chemical costs, and increase keeps the particles small, dispersed, and non-
machine clothing life better than historical tacky. Fig. 9.7 is a scanning electron microscope
stickies control technologies. photo of the surface of a stickies particle showing
On treatment of ONPs and OMGs with the effects before and after enzyme treatment. As
esterase-type enzyme in a mill trial, a dramatic can be seen on the right, the surface is very
reduction in the size of the sticky particles was smooth after treatment compared with that
seen. The stickies content of all the sizes and before treatment on the left. The following two
the total stickies were much less on enzyme photographs Figs. 9.8 and 9.9 show the buildup

FIGURE 9.6 Results of enzyme treatment on stickies (no treatment on the left and after enzyme treatment on the right).
Reproduced with permission from Patrick (2004).

FIGURE 9.7 Electron photomicrograph

of the surfaces of a stickies particle before
enzyme treatment (left) and after
treatment (right). Reproduced with permis-
sion from Patrick (2004).

of stickies being doctored from dryer cans at this

mill before the use of enzymes and the subse-
quent elimination of stickies after the enzyme
program was started.

Enzymatic Modification of Starch for

Surface Sizing and Coating
Enzymes have been used for modification of
starches for surface sizing and coating for a long
time. Starch imparts many beneficial properties
to paper. These include strength, stiffness, and
FIGURE 9.8 Stickies being doctored from dryer cans at a erasability. Properly controlled enzymatic modi-
270-tpd recycled linerboard mill in Brazil. Reproduced with fication of starch provides the papermaker ample
permission from Patrick (2004). opportunities to get uniform quality of starch
in the form of water-soluble material, which
goes into the wastewater requiring elaborate
treatment. It results in increased cost of oxidized
starch. On the other hand, enzymatic reaction is
highly selective, and hydrolysis can be controlled
to avoid generation of any soluble material but
reduce the viscosity to a desired value. Oxidized
starch is produced by chemical modification at
the site of starch manufacturers. Therefore the
papermaker has no control over its quality in
terms of viscosity, etc. The cooking of oxidized
starch is done at the papermaker’s site for its
dispersion and gelation only. The enzymatic
FIGURE 9.9 After the start of Optimyze program, dryer modification is done by the papermakers at their
cans at recycled linerboard mills are completely free of stick- site where the final viscosity is controlled by the
ies buildup. Reproduced with permission from Patrick (2004).
paper mill. The cost of surface sizing using enzy-
matically modified starch is much lower as
paste, to produce starch paste as per requirement, compared with that using oxidized starch.
and to produce quality surface-sized papers Because the native starch contains some residual
with the minimum cost of the starch component. protein, the brightness of enzymatically modified
Alpha-amylase enzyme is used for modification starch is little lower than the oxidized starch. The
of starch. The enzyme-modified starch meets optical brightening agents can be used to
almost all the properties required for surface compensate the brightness. There is also a colora-
sizing of writing and printing grades of paper. tion problem because of the presence of metals in
The process of enzyme modification can be the native starch. Therefore the native starch used
applied to different types of starches. The oper- for enzymatic modification should have negli-
ating conditions in terms of enzyme dose and gible protein and ash contents. Process conditions
reaction time may vary. Enzyme-modified starch (in terms of pH of the starch slurry, temperature
is available from starch producers or can be pro- time profile, enzyme dose, and reaction times)
duced on site at the paper mill using a batch or are very sensitive to control the quality of enzy-
continuous process. No capital investment is matically modified starch. There is a significant
required to switch over from oxidized starch to difference in the cost of oxidized starch and
in situ modification of native starch with enzyme. enzymatically modified starch. So, the paper mills
Oxidized starch may contain adsorbable organic can realize substantial saving by switching over
halides (AOX) products, which are formed by from oxidized starch to the enzymatically modi-
the reaction of sodium hypochlorite with residual fied starch.
lipids in native starch. The presence of AOX prod-
ucts in starch can affect its use in consumer prod-
Slime Control and Boilout
ucts. Modification of starch with enzyme does not
involve any chemicals; it is totally free from AOX Slime deposition causes significant operating
products. Oxidation of native starch with sodium problems around a paper machine. Slime is the
hypochlorite, however, takes place at relatively generic name for deposits of microbial origin in
lower temperatures, so it requires a longer reac- a paper mill. It is impractical to run a paper
tion time. Because the reaction is not so selective, mill as a sterile system. As a result, a vast array
it results in significant loss of starch (30%e40%) of microbes contaminate the mills, and many of

the resulting slime compounds have not been biocide-free methods will be possible only
characterized. When confronted with a slime, when the new technologies become beneficial
often the strategy is to try every available biocide and realistic replacements.
until one is found which targets the microbe and Results showed that addition of bacterio-
destroys the source of slime. In some cases, phage to mill white water was an effective tech-
however, specific slime compounds have been nique for slime control. Simultaneous addition of
characterized, and efficient strategies for their bacteriophage with conventional biocides also
removal can be used. One such case is with was found to be effective. Practical application
levan, which is a polymer of fructose that forms of this technique on a commercial scale awaits
a slime film. This compound is secreted by completion of fundamental studies in several
several species of Bacillus and Pseudomonas key areas. Unlike conventional biocides, bacte-
bacteria that can grow in the recirculated water riophages will not impair the activity of the
around the paper machine, especially for fine sludge used in waste treatment systems.
paper, where the level of inhibiting compounds Enzymes also can be used during boilout for
is low. The enzyme levan hydrolase can hydro- removing deposits from the wetted surfaces of
lyze this polymer to low-molecular-weight a paper machine during a shutdown. Use of
polymers that are water soluble, thereby clean- alpha-amylase enzyme in combination with
ing the slime out of the system. lipase and protease in paper machine boilout
The enzyme is usually added at the headbox has provided unprecedented results compared
of the paper machine, although in some cases it with traditional caustic treatment. These enzymes
has been added at dryer discharge. The enzyme are also effective to remove slime and control the
is effective at pH 4e8 and runs best at pH 5.0. growth of bacteria in paper machine systems.
The specific nature of slime and its formation This technology has been well received by mills,
depend on the mill environment. The counter- especially those using a starch-based coating
measures vary with the type of slime deposit. system. Many enzymatic products are already
Traditional methods employ combinations of in industrial use around the world, and many
biocides. This leads to high processing and treat- additional products are currently being designed
ment costs and also effluent toxicity. So, alterna- and tested for a wide variety of specific applica-
tive control methods are in demand. Such tions. Use of enzymes in combination with bio-
methods are the use of enzymes, biodispersants, dispersants appears to be a promising method
bacteriophages, competing organisms, and bio- for slime control. Enzyme-based boilouts remove
logical complex formers. Enzymes represent a the compounds such as starch, slime, pitch,
clean and sustainable technology. Hence use of adhesives, latex, and other synthetic binders
enzymes for slime control is expected to bring that hold the deposits together. The type of
important benefits for the pulp and paper indus- enzyme used and the dispersant depends on
try. Enzymes are produced using renewable raw the type and amount of deposit present in the
materials and are nontoxic and biodegradable. system. Starch slurry contains deposits that are
Many enzymatic products are already in indus- microbiological and/or starch protein based.
trial use around the world, and many additional Boilouts using a product that contains a stabi-
products are currently being designed and tested lized protease enzyme are found to be effective
for a wide variety of specific applications. Use of in these systems. For the cooked starch system,
enzymes in combination with biodispersants an alpha-amylase product is used to remove
appears to be a promising method for slime con- deposits comprised mainly of cooked starch. In
trol. Nevertheless, whatever the nature of the both cases, a preboilout system flush is essential.
new applications, the eventual changeover to This removes the cooked starch and allows the
enzyme to work particularly on deposits. Enzy- show that the pectinase treatment improves
matic boilouts are pH neutral and can be the effectiveness of several cationic polymers
dumped directly to the sewer, without neutral- to increase retention of fines and filler particles.
izing the solution and without any upset at the It does not increase retention in the absence of
waste treatment facility. Also, it removes the retention aids or with nonionic polymers and
safety concerns associated with working with does not damage the enzyme’s strength proper-
and around the caustic solution. It eliminates ties of the pulp. Pectinase could be easily
the requirement for excessive rinsing to purge incorporated into paper machine stock prepara-
caustic from the system. Each of these factors tion systems to lower the charges of cationic
contributes to a reduction in the downtime retention aids needed in furnishes containing
necessary for a boilout and maintenance outage, peroxide-bleached mechanical pulp. A study
which shows cost savings. Starch-based coating by Paprican’s researchers with Novozyme’s
systems can be successfully cleaned via a boilout pectinase has resulted in application of this
using the alpha-amylase enzyme. The parame- technology in North America. Savings in
ters for this boilout are similar with the retention aids and white-water sewering can
enzyme-based boilout product mentioned previ- be achieved. Pectinase application may be effec-
ously. It is required to use a neutral dispersant/ tive in reducing levels of anionic trash in mills
penetrant capable of removing latex, and other using peroxide-bleached pulps. The enzyme
binders that may be present in the coating pectinase reduces the cationic demand of the
formulation in addition to the enzyme-based dissolved fraction of peroxide-bleached ther-
product. Also, a higher temperature range momechanical pulp by up to 60% and improves
(130e150 F) and a longer recirculation time the effectiveness of cationic retention aids. In a
(2 h) will be beneficial for a starch-based coating Paprican pilot trial, it was shown that pectinase
system boilout. Enzyme boilouts are not recom- added to paper machine white waters operating
mended for the coating systems that do not at 50 C and pH 5 reduced the cationic demand
contain starch. Enzyme boilouts have been suc- of the white-water filtrate by 49%. Furthermore,
cessfully applied in systems that use both the enzyme was more cost-effective at decreasing
starch-based and nonestarch-based coatings. cationic demand of paper machine white water
Enzyme-based chemistries are found to be suc- than the two commercial cationic coagulants
cessful for different types of paper mills ranging also tested. Reducing cationic demand in pulp
from acid to alkaline papermaking, recycled to filtrates to values below 0.5 mEq/L improved
virgin, board to fine paper to tissue, including the efficacy of the cationic flocculent irrespec-
all variety of additives linked with these various tive of whether pectinase or coagulant was
furnishes. used. The cellulase and hemicellulase present
in the commercial pectinase preparation neither
affected the strength and optical properties of
Reduction of Cationic Demand
the paper nor increased freeness or number of
Cationic demand can be reduced in peroxide- fines in the pulp. The use of pectinase in the
brightened mechanical pulp furnishes by pulp and paper industry started in 2005. Several
adding pectinase enzyme. Alkaline peroxide trials were run in two North American paper
solubilizes pectins that create a significant part mills that use between 10% and 20% of either
of the cationic demand. Once hydrolyzed by peroxide-bleached thermomechanical pulp or
pectinase, the demand is lowered. This was peroxide-bleached pressurized groundwood
reported by researchers at Turku University, in their furnish. Pectinase reduced cationic
Finland. Dynamic drainage jar experiments demand of the pulp filtrate by up to 50%.

Pectinase use led to savings in alum, cationic Bajpai P (2012). Biotechnology in Pulp and
retention aid chemicals, cationic strength agent, Paper Processing. Springer Inc., New York,
and cationic starch. Machine runnability was US, pp. 412.
improved in both mills. This book presents a comprehensive coverage
of all aspects of biotechnology in the pulp and
paper industries.
Control of Dissolved Colloidal Bajpai P (1997). Enzymes in Pulp and Paper
Substances Present in Mill Process Water Processing. Miller Freeman, San Francisco,
The potential of using a combined fungal and California, USA, pp. 137.
enzyme system as an internal treatment has been This book discusses the application of
examined for the control of the buildup of harm- enzymes in different pulp and paper
ful dissolved and colloidal substances present in processing steps.
a thermomechanical pulp (TMP)/newsprint mill Bajpai P (2005). Surface sizing. In: Emerging
process water. The experimental data obtained Technologies in Sizing. PIRA International,
regarding the composition of a TMP process UK, p. 135. Ch.
white water provided a better understanding of This chapter discusses scientific and technical
the effect that the dissolved colloidal substances advances in the surface sizing of paper.
(DCS) components in the recycling white water Bajpai, P., Bajpai, P.K., 1998. Deinking
system had on the paper properties and also with enzymes: a review. Tappi J. 81 (12),
helped in the design of an appropriate treatment 111e117.
technology. Trametes versicolor, a white rot fun- The use of enzymes has been suggested as an
gus, was shown to be able to grow on unsupple- environmentally friendly alternative to
mented process waters and effectively removed complement conventional chemical deinking
white water organics. The fungus also produced in the recycling of recovered paper. This
different types of enzymes during its growth on review presents deinking with enzymes.
the different white water streams, and the fungal Bajpai, P., Bajpai, P.K., Mishra, O.P., Mishra,
enzyme treatments resulted in a significant S.P., Kumar, S., Vardhan, R., October (2004).
degradation or modification of various DCS Enzyme’s role in improving papermaking. In:
components. A combined fungal and enzyme ninth International Conference on
system could possibly be used as an internal kid- Biotechnology in the Pulp & Paper Industry,
ney type of treatment for removing detrimental Durban, Sappi Forest Products, South Africa,
organic substances present in a TMP/newsprint pp. 10e14.
mill with a closed-water system. Enzyme’s role in improving papermaking is
presented in this paper.
Bajpai P, Mishra SP, Mishra OP, Kumar S,
9.3 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Bajpai, PK (2006). Use of enzymes for
reduction in refining energy e laboratory and
Bajpai P (1999). Application of enzymes in process-scale studies. Tappi J. 5 (11), 25e32
pulp and paper industry. Biotechnol. Prog. 15 (P. K).
(2), 147e157. This paper examines the use of enzymes for
This article reviews the application of reduction in refining energy. The results of
enzymes in the pulp and paper industry. laboratory and process-scale studies are
Attention is focused on the recent advances. presented in this paper.
Bajpai PK (2010). Solving the problems of This review focuses on the production of
recycled fiber processing with enzymes. bacterial and fungal a-amylases, their
BioResources 5 (2), 1311e1325. distribution, structuralefunctional aspects,
This paper deals with the importance of physical and chemical parameters, and the
recycling of paper, problems associated with use of these enzymes in industrial
the recycling, and potentials of enzymes in applications.
solving these problems. A few case studies Jones DR (2005). Enzymes: using mother
have also been included. Nature’s tools to control man-made stickies.
Bhardwaj NK, Bajpai P, Bajpai, PK (1995). Use Pulp Pap. Can. 106 (2), 23e25.
of enzymes to improve drainability of A new approach to stickies control by looking
secondary fibres. Appita 48 (5), 378e380. at enzymes that would break down and
This paper discusses the effects of enzymes, change the nature of stickies is presented.
e.g., cellulases and hemicellulases, on the Esterase-type enzymes were found that
drainability of recycled pulp fibers. actually break down the stickies into smaller,
Blomstedt M, Asikainen, J, L€ ahdeniemi, A, less tacky particles. This new product line is
Yl€onen, T, Paltakari, J, Hakala, TK (2010). Optimyze.
Effect of xylanase treatment on dewatering Jones DR, Fitzhenry, JW (2003). Esterase Type
properties of birch kraft pulp. BioResources 5 Enzymes Offer Recycled Mills an Alternative
(2), 1164e1177. Approach to Stickies Control. Pulp & Paper,
This study shows that the enzymatic removal Canada (Feb issue) 28e31.
of xylan from ECF-bleached birch kraft pulp A new approach to stickies control that uses
enhances the water removal from the pulp, esterase-type enzymes to break down the
especially in the late stages of pulp drying. stickies into smaller, less tacky particles is
Bobu, E, Moraru T, Popa VI (2003). discussed. Stickies can cause runnability and
Papermaking potential improvement of quality problems, and their variable nature
secondary fibers by enzyme treatment. Cellul. makes them difficult to control. The smaller, less
Chem. Technol. 37 (3e4), 305e313. tacky particles that are produced with the
This paper discusses papermaking potential enzyme technique are removed from the mill
improvement of secondary fibers by enzyme process, thus reducing their impact on
treatment. runnability and paper quality.
Covarrubias, R (2006). Fibre modification Jones DR (2008). The next steps in enzymatic
through biotechnology. Pulp Pap. 80 (6). stickies control. Pulp Pap. 82 (6), 21. The enzymatic stickies control products have
2006/PP/newspp20060828305.html. proven successful in improving stickies
Fiber modification through biotechnology is control in mills all over the world. However,
discussed. The carefully selected and they did not always fit the situation or solve
formulated enzyme-based products modify the problem. What were required were
fiber to deliver a number of process- and products with a broader range of activity.
product-related advantages. Maurer HW (2001). Enzyme conversion of
de Souza PM, de Oliveira e, Magalh~ aes, P starch for paper sizing and coating. In:
(2010). Application of microbial alpha Maurer, H.W. (Ed.), Starch and Starch
amylase in industry e a review. Braz. J. Products in Surface Sizing and Paper Coating.
Microbiol. 41, 850e861. Tappi Press, GA, USA, p. 65.

This chapter discusses enzymatic conversion Olsen WL, Zhu H, Hubbe MA (2000) Method
of starch for paper sizing and coating. of improving pulp freeness using cellulase
Mohammed SH (2010) Enzymatic deinking: a and pectinase enzymes. US Patent 6,066,233.
bright solution with a bright future. IPPTA 22 Pommier JC, Goma G, Fuentes JL, Rousset C,
(3), 137e138. Jokinen, O (1990). Using enzymes to improve
Moss PA, Pere J (2006). Microscopical study the process and the product quality in the
on the effects of partial removal of xylan on recycled paper industry, part 2: industrial
the swelling properties of birch kraft pulp applications. Tappi J. 73 (12), 197e202.
fibers, Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. J. 21 (1), 8e12. Using enzymes to improve the process and
The effect of xylan removal on the surface the product quality in the recycled paper
structure and swelling properties of industry is discussed. The results of industrial
unbleached and bleached birch kraft pulp applications are presented.
fibers was carried out using environmental Shaikh H, Luo J (2009) Identifi cation,
scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and validation and application of a cellulase
confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). specifically to improve the runnability of
The wettingedrying experiments showed recycled furnishes. Proceedings 9th
that fiber swelling properties were severely international technical conference on pulp,
affected by the partial removal of xylan. paper and allied industry (Paperex 2009),
Oksanen T, Pere J, Paavilainen L, Buchert J, New Delhi, India, 4e6 Dec 2009, pp. 277e283.
Viikari (2000). Treatment of recycled kraft Reid ID, Ricard, M (2000). Pectinase in
pulps with Trichoderma reesei hemicellulases papermaking: solving retention problems in
and cellulases. J. Biotechnol. 78, 39e48. mechanical pulps bleached with hydrogen
Treatment of recycled kraft pulps with peroxide. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 26,
Trichoderma reesei hemicellulases and 115e123.
cellulases are presented in this paper. The Pectinase could be easily incorporated into
endoglucanases (EG I and EG II) significantly paper machine stock preparation systems to
improved pulp drainage already at low lower the charges of cationic retention aids
dosage levels, and EG II was found to be more needed in furnishes containing peroxide-
effective at a given level of carbohydrate bleached mechanical pulp.
solubilization. Combining hemicellulases Ricard M, Orccotoma JA, Ling J, Watson R
with the endoglucanase treatments increased (2005). Pectinase reduces cationic chemical
the positive effects of the endoglucanases on costs in peroxidebleached mechanical grades.
pulp drainage. Pulp Pap. Can. 106 (12), T 264eT268.
Paice M, Zhang X (2005). Enzymes find their This article describes the first industrial use of
niche. Pulp Pap. Can. 106 (6), 17e20. pectinase in the pulp and paper industry.
Paprican researchers have reviewed the status Several trials in two North American paper
of enzymes in paper and pulp industry. mills that use between 10% and 20% of either
Patrick K (2004). Enzyme technology peroxide-bleached thermomechanical pulp
improves efficiency, cost, safety of stickies (BTMP) or peroxide-bleached pressurized
removal program. Pap. Age 22e25. groundwood (BPGW) in their furnish were
Mill results show new enzyme treatment of run. Pectinase reduced cationic demand of the
recycled furnishes cuts stickies content pulp filtrate by up to 50%. Pectinase use led to
dramatically while reducing downtime and savings in alum, cationic retention aid
the use of harsh, costly cleaning solvents. chemicals, cationic strength agent, and
cationic starch. Machine runnability was treatment of the bleached pulp suspension or
improved in both mills. filtrate degrades the dissolved
Ricard M, Reid, I, Orccotoma JA (2002). polygalacturonic acid into monomeric
Pectinase reduces the cationic demand of galacturonic acid, effectively eliminating the
peroxide-bleached TMP: a paper machine cationic demand caused by this anionic
trial. Pulp Pap. Can. 106 (12), T258eT263. polyelectrolyte. Pectinase treatment shows
Use of pectinase to reduce the cationic promise as a means of preventing potentially
demand of peroxide-bleached TMP is detrimental polygalacturonic acids from
presented. In two pilot paper machine trials, complexing with the cationic polymers that
pectinase reduced the cationic demand of are widely used in papermaking.
white-water filtrate by 49% and that of the Van Haute E (2003). Optimyze: enzymatic
total white water by 35%. The enzyme was stickies control products. Invest. Tec. Pap. 40
more effective at decreasing the cationic (149), 47e51.
demand in comparison to two commercial Stickies remain as one of the major obstacles
coagulants. in the manufacture of quality paper using
Thornton JW, Eckerman, CS, Ekman, RO, recycled fiber. Some new effective tools in this
Holmbom, BR (1996). Treatment of Alkaline area are enzymes. Optimyze enzyme
Bleached Mechanical Wood Pulp with technology from Buckman is a sustainable
Pectinase. US Patent 5,487,812. solution for stickies control in recycled fiber.
This invention relates to a method of making
paper from bleached or alkaline-treated pulp
by dewatering pulp containing bleached or EXERCISES
alkaline-treated fibers. It was found that such
bleached or alkaline-treated pulps contain a 1. What are enzymes?
substantial amount of harmful pectins. By 2. What type of problems enzymes can solve
incorporating pectinase in the bleached or associated with papermaking?
alkaline-treated pulp, such harmful pectins in 3. Why enzymes are considered a “green”
the aqueous phase of the pulp are degraded product?
and thus rendered harmless to papermaking 4. What are the major problems with recycled
processes. fiber?
Thornton, JW (1994). Enzymatic degradation 5. Which enzymes are used in deinking and
of polygalacturonic acids released from which one is the best?
mechanical pulp during peroxide bleaching. 6. List the various papermaking processes in
Tappi J. 77 (3), 161e167. which enzymes can be used.
Polygalacturonic acids account for about half 7. Which enzyme is used to reduce the cationic
of the potential “anionic trash” in peroxide- demand of peroxide-bleached TMP?
bleached mechanical pulp. Pectinase

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