Ogl 481 Pca Symbolic Completed

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1. Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Kaiser Permanente, a leading healthcare provider in the United States, is facing persistent

labor unrest rooted in staffing shortages and compensation grievances among its medical

professionals and support staff. Despite ongoing expansion and a burgeoning membership base,

Kaiser has been accused of understaffing its facilities to cut costs, leading to extended patient

care delays. These challenges extend beyond Kaiser and are affecting numerous healthcare

systems nationwide. My role has undergone a transformation over the years, shifting from

patient-centered care to the administrative side of the healthcare organization. My extensive

experience, including nine years spent providing bedside care, has enabled me to gain a profound

understanding of the intricate dynamics involved in healthcare delivery.

2. Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

In the realm of healthcare, we employ a diverse array of symbols to represent various

aspects of medical practice. Among these, the caduceus stands out as a prominent emblem.

Crowned with wings and entwined by two serpents, the caduceus has long been associated with

the medical profession. However, its history and symbolism are not without controversy. While

the caduceus is often interpreted as a symbol of healing, its origins trace back to Hermes, the

Greek god of commerce, travel, and thievery. This dual nature has led some to question the

caduceus' suitability as a symbol for medicine, suggesting that its associations with commerce

and deception may overshadow its healing symbolism. Despite these concerns, caduceus remains

a widely recognized and frequently used emblem in healthcare. It adorns the insignia of many

medical organizations and can even be found on some ambulances. Nevertheless, it is crucial to

acknowledge the caduceus' multifaceted symbolism and exercise caution in its interpretation.

Universally recognized, the healing hands symbol transcends cultural and linguistic

barriers, conveying a profound message of healing and solace. In healthcare settings, it serves as

a visual reminder of the unwavering dedication of healthcare professionals to alleviating

suffering and restoring well-being. The healing hands symbol extends beyond mere

representation; it embodies the transformative power of touch. A gentle touch, a reassuring

handhold, or a soothing massage can convey unspoken empathy and comfort, fostering a sense of

connection and security in patients. Studies have demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of touch,

highlighting its ability to reduce pain, alleviate anxiety, and promote healing. The gentle caress

of a healthcare worker's hands can activate the release of endorphins, the body's natural

painkillers, while simultaneously lowering stress hormones. Beyond its physiological impact,

touch fosters a sense of human connection, reminding patients that they are not alone in their

journey towards recovery. The healing hands symbol encapsulates this profound human

connection, serving as a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of illness. In essence, the

healing hands symbol serves as a poignant reminder of the pivotal role compassion and care play

in the healing process. It is a testament to the unwavering dedication of healthcare professionals,

who tirelessly strive to restore health and alleviate suffering. For patients seeking solace and

healing, the healing hands symbol stands as a beacon of hope, a promise of unwavering support

and compassionate care.

In conclusion, the caduceus and healing hands symbols represent two distinct aspects of

healthcare. The caduceus, with its complex history and symbolism, reflects the multifaceted

nature of the medical profession, while the healing hands, with its universal message of

compassion and care, embodies the human connection at the heart of healing.

3. Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

The symbolic frame focuses on how myth and symbols help humans make sense of the

chaotic, ambiguous world in which they live. Meaning, belief, and faith are its central concerns.

Meaning is not given to us; we create it. Caduceus is a symbol that has been used for centuries to

represent medicine and healing. However, its origin and symbolism are complex and not without

controversy. While it is often interpreted as a symbol of healing, its association with the Greek

god Hermes, who was also the god of commerce and thievery, has led some to question its

suitability as a symbol for medicine. I would like to shift the focus and meaning onto the

representation of preventative care and early intervention. It could be used to symbolize a more

holistic approach to healthcare, one that takes into account the patient's physical, mental, and

emotional well-being. However, it is important to use the caduceus with caution, as its

symbolism is not universally understood. It is also important to avoid using it in a way that could

be interpreted as misleading or deceptive.

The healing hands symbol is a powerful and universally recognized emblem of care and

compassion in the realm of healthcare. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to transcend cultural

and linguistic barriers, conveying a profound message of healing, solace, and the transformative

power of human touch. The healing hands symbol can be employed to represent a holistic

approach to healthcare, emphasizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional

well-being. This holistic approach recognizes that healing encompasses more than just

addressing physical symptoms; it involves nurturing the patient's overall well-being, fostering a

sense of balance and harmony. The healing hands symbol embodies the essence of patient-

centered care, placing the patient at the heart of the healthcare journey. It signifies a shift from

traditional paternalistic models to a collaborative approach that respects patient autonomy,

involves them in decision-making, and prioritizes their needs and preferences. By embodying the

principles of compassion, empathy, and human connection, the healing hands symbol can

empower healthcare organizations to foster a culture of holistic care, preventive practices, and

patient-centeredness, ultimately improving the health and well-being of individuals and


4. Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned about

this frame.

Having delved into the profound symbolism of the caduceus and healing hands, I am

acutely aware of the need to approach these emblems with renewed reverence and understanding.

Over time, the true essence of these symbols has diminished within the healthcare landscape,

with newer generations often unaware of their deeper significance. Often mistaken for mere

adornments, these symbols hold immense cultural and professional value, and it is imperative to

rekindle their appreciation among healthcare professionals. The caduceus, with its entwined

serpents, embodies the harmonious balance between opposing forces, a concept that lies at the

heart of healing. The healing hands, on the other hand, symbolize the restorative power of human

touch and compassion, qualities that form the bedrock of patient care.

To re-infuse these symbols with their rightful meaning, I propose reviving

storytelling traditions, bridging generational gaps, and utilizing the symbols in

educational integration techniques. Drawing inspiration from Bolman's assertion that "In

high‐performing organizations and groups, stories keep traditions alive and provide

examples to channel everyday behavior" (Bolman, 2014), I advocate for the active

encouragement of personal stories and anecdotes that highlight the transformative power

of healing embodied by the caduceus and healing hands. Such storytelling will foster a

deeper emotional connection to these symbols, reminding healthcare professionals of the

profound impact they have on their patients' lives. To ensure the transmission of

knowledge and appreciation for the symbols' significance across generations, I propose

facilitating discussions between veteran healthcare professionals and younger

practitioners. These intergenerational exchanges will provide opportunities for

mentorship, knowledge sharing, and the perpetuation of the rich symbolism embedded

within these emblems. Regularly incorporate discussions about caduceus and healing

hands into healthcare training programs and professional development workshops. These

discussions should delve into the symbols' historical origins, cultural significance, and

relevance to modern healthcare practices, ensuring that newer generations of healthcare

professionals are well-versed in their meaning and application.

By implementing these initiatives, we can revitalize the symbolic language of the

caduceus and healing hands, ensuring that their profound meaning continues to inspire

and guide healthcare professionals in their noble pursuit of healing for generations to



Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership
(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (Perusall Edition).

Okuda, J., & Kiyokawa, R. (2000). Yakushigaku zasshi, 35(1), 25–40.

Shampo, M. A., & Kyle, R. A. (1990, August 1). Medical symbols: The caduceus - mayo clinic

proceedings. Medical Symbols: The Caduceus.


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