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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Ethical Communities Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the four ethical communities
2. Apply the ethical communities to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1. Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Kaiser Permanente, a prominent healthcare provider in the United States, grapples with

persistent labor unrest stemming from staffing shortages and compensation disputes among its

medical professionals and support staff. While Kaiser continues to expand its operations and

experiences a surge in membership, it has been criticized for understaffing its facilities to reduce

costs. This has resulted in prolonged patient care delays, raising concerns about the ethical

implications of such practices. These challenges extend beyond Kaiser and are affecting

numerous healthcare systems across the nation. Having transitioned from patient-centered care to

the administrative side of healthcare, my role has undergone a significant transformation. My

extensive experience, including nine years of bedside care, has provided me with a deep

understanding of the complexities involved in delivering quality healthcare.

2. Describe how the ethics of the organization influenced the situation.

Kaiser Permanente's ethical principles are embedded in its mission statement, which

emphasizes providing high-quality, affordable healthcare to its members. However, the

organization's actions during the labor unrest suggest that its commitment to these principles may

have been compromised. The organization's decision to understaff its facilities to cut costs raises

significant ethical concerns. This practice prioritizes profit over patient care and could lead to

unsafe working conditions for both employees and patients. The prolonged patient care delays

that have resulted from understaffing are also unethical, as they deny patients timely access to

the care they need.

Kaiser's handling of labor negotiations further highlights the organization's ethical

shortcomings. The organization has been accused of bargaining in bad faith and failing to

address the grievances of its employees. These actions have led to frustration and resentment

among workers, further exacerbating the labor unrest. In addition to these specific concerns,

Kaiser's overall approach to healthcare delivery seems to be at odds with its ethical principles.

The organization's focus on expansion and growth appears to have come at the expense of patient

care and employee well-being. This suggests that Kaiser's ethical compass may be misaligned

with its stated mission. The ethical issues that have plagued Kaiser Permanente are not unique to

the organization. Many healthcare systems in the United States face similar challenges, as they

struggle to balance the demands of profit with the needs of patients and employees.

Kaiser Permanente's ethical failings have had a significant impact on its employees, its

patients, and its reputation. The organization must take steps to address these failings to restore

its ethical compass and regain the trust of its stakeholders.

3. Recommend how you would apply one of the ethical communities for an alternative
course of action regarding your case.

In the case of Kaiser Permanente's labor unrest and ethical dilemmas, I would

recommend applying the utilitarian ethical framework. Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that

holds that the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being (Texas,2023).

In the context of Kaiser Permanente, this means that the organization should make decisions that

benefit the largest number of people, including its employees, patients, and the community.

Many healthcare workers are unionized and therefore can file grievances among their elected

union representatives. In during so, these employees can document instances that they may have

been tasked with an assignment despite their opposition. By addressing these concerns, it will

help to improve morale, reduce turnover, and attract and retain qualified workers.

4. Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned about

The Kaiser Permanente situation has underscored the critical role of ethical decision-

making in healthcare. Guided by my understanding of ethics, I would prioritize patient care,

employee well-being, and the overall community's well-being in my decision-making process.

Initially, I would foster open and transparent communication with both employees and patients.

Sharing information about the organization's finances, staffing needs, and future plans would

cultivate trust and understanding among all stakeholders. Additionally, I would empower

employees to take ownership of their work. Granting them autonomy and control over their work

processes would boost morale and productivity, fostering a more engaged and productive

workforce. Finally, I would cultivate a culture of ethical conduct. Establishing clear ethical

standards and expectations, providing comprehensive ethics training for employees, and

implementing a robust system for reporting ethical concerns would ensure that ethical behavior

is not just expected but deeply ingrained in the organization's DNA.

I would avoid making decisions that prioritize profit over patient care or employee well-

being. This would involve refusing to understaff facilities, bargaining in good faith with

employees, and shifting the organization's focus from expansion and growth to patient care and

employee satisfaction. Engaging in deception or dishonesty is unacceptable. Transparency is

crucial, even when the news is unfavorable. Tolerating unethical behavior is also out of the

question. Ethical concerns must be addressed promptly and effectively.

By following these principles, I can strive to make a positive impact on the healthcare

industry and improve the lives of patients, employees, and the community.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership

(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass (Perusall Edition).

Burns, T. (2023, October 4). 5 things to know about the Kaiser Permanente Strike. The Hill.

University of Texas. (2023, February 22). Utilitarianism. Ethics Unwrapped.

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