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* heya.

* you've been busy, huh?

* don't answer that, i know what's going on.
* so let's just get to the point.
* but let me warn ya, i'm not gonna go easy.
* instead...
* I'm gonna make hell look colder for you.

Especially the lore, a mortal monster tried to fight an unfair fight with an Evil
god (you) and lost only stalling the inevitable for no reason, he is filled with so
much hate, sorrow, regret, self loathing and love for his brother which you killed
millions of times for fun leaving him in an eternal hell of empty and pointless
revenge for your amusement. Leaving him in eternal anguish and Pain both physically
and emotionally. Though stuck in his ways because of your control over the timeline
he can never be free, he can't defend against you effectively because you can just
reset when you die and learn his moves, an unfair battle against an unfeeling God
with complete control over the world. You are truly the bad guy.

[* Timeline after timeline, you start to feel your mind disappear, fade, as if you
no longer had the ability to feel remorse. You know the human will not change.
Every timeline resembles genocide now, and, being the only one with such strength
capable of truly resetting undertale back to its formal glory, you take it upon
yourself to embody the form of anti-mercy. You are mindless. You, are soulless.]

"I've seen everything"

"All the pain you cause on this world"
"You destroyed our past, and now you want to destroy our present"
"So as a retribution..."
"There Will be no Future for You"




* heya

* you've been busy, huh?

* y'know normally i'm supposed to give out a long winded speech about your LOVE and
XP but, i'll just cut the chase.

* asgore's right up after me, and

* jokes aside

* i'd hate to see you kick the bucket so far into your little adventure

* especially to a guy like him

* you've got something special kid, i'll give ya that.

* heck you got my bro to stop being so dead-set on capturing you, miraculously.

* but asgore ain't gonna be so easy to sway.

* he ain't gonna stop until he's got those seven souls

* and seeing as you'd be the last one.

* i can't imagine his mind changing anytime soon.

* can't let you pass in good conscience without you at least proving you can fight
back for once.

* hey? what's the look for? lighten up, i'm not gonna kill ya.

* heh, that seems like a lotta work anyway.

* besides, king's orders i was supposed to fight ya.

* but, old man never said anything about outright killing you, so,

* i'll just abuse the loophole for your sake and mine.

* let's make sure you're ready to take this guy on, capiche?

* awesome, let's do this.

* insert battle begin *

*hey kid. you seem to be doing pretty well with this pacifism thing.
*but… well, it doesn’t always work like that. sometimes acting alone doesn’t cut
*you might be left with only the option to fight. but, knowing you, there’d be some
way to work around that.
*i mean, it’s not like you could just not do anything, right?
*…what are you giving me that look for, kiddo?
*jokes aside, you’ll probably… miss the point anyways. it’s not like you can… wait
it out.
*…okay, if that didn’t get the point across, then how about this. we’re gonna
fight, like asgore wants me to do. and i’m not gonna respond to your actions, or
let you run. and since i only have one health point and one defense…
*you’ll have to find some way to spare me, without attacking.

*…think you can do that, kiddo?

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