ES.2.01.TS Final

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ES 2.01
1. How much percentage of water does a human body contain?
(a) 60%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) 90%
Ans: b

2. The place where underground water comes out on the surface of earth on its own is called
(a) rainwater
(b) spring
(c) sea level
(d) glacier
Ans: b

3. Which of the following is the largest source of water?

(a) Sea
(b) Ocean
(c) Pond
(d) Lake
Ans: b

4. Potable water is
(a) ocean water
(b) groundwater
(c) river water
(d) pond water
Ans: b

5. Which is not a part of the water cycle?

(a) Cloud formation
(b) Rain
(c) Drinking by animals
(d) Sun
Ans: c
6. Which one of the following is a purest form of water?
(a) River water
(b) Groundwater
(c) Rainwater
(d) Ocean water
Ans: c

7. The process of conversion of water into vapors is called

(a) transpiration
(b) evaporation
(c) condensation
(d) none of these
Ans: b

8. The process by which plants lose water is

(a) photosynthesis
(b) translocation
(c) transpiration
(d) transportation
Ans: c

9. The water which had escaped from the earth as vapor returns to the earth in the form of
(a) precipitation
(b) evaporation
(c) infiltration
(d) condensation
Ans: a

10.Which is a result of condensation of water vapours?

(a) Rain
(b) Snowfall
(c) Hail
(d) Tiny water droplets
Ans: d
11.When we step out from an air-conditioned car, on a humid day, our spectacles becomes
misty and we cannot see anything clearly. This happens due to a process known as
(a) Decantation
(b) evaporation
(c) precipitation
(d) condensation
Ans: d

12.Which of the following is the most impure form of natural water?

(a) Lake water
(b) Pond water
(c) Ground water
(d) Sea water
Ans: d

13.In which of the following does condensation of water vapour take place?
A. Breathing on to a mirror
B. Heating an open beaker in water
C. Leaving a glass of ice on the table
D. Leaving a cup of water by the window
(a) A and B
(b) B and C
(c) A and C
(d) C and D
Ans: c

14.Which of these is responsible for the formation of clouds?

(a) Conservation
(b) Respiration
(c) Transpiration
(d) None of these
Ans: c

15. More than ……………. of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
(a) one-third
(b) two-thirds
(c) one-fourth
(d) two-fourths
Ans: b
16. About ……………. of the total earth’s water is available for use.
(a) 0.01%
(b) 0.1%
(c) 0.02%
(d) 0.2%
Ans: a

17. The rivers get their water from the melting of snow lying on the peaks of snow
mountains called …………….
(a) groundwater
(b) glaciers
(c) water table
(d) spring
Ans: b
18. Region below the ground which is saturated with water is known as …………….
(a) groundwater
(b) glaciers
(c) water table
(d) spring
Ans: c

19. Water vapors get continuously added to atmosphere due to evaporation and
(a) photosynthesis
(b) translocation
(c) transpiration
(d) transportation
Ans: c
20. Dew is found on leaves of grass on ………………… mornings.
(a) Spring
(b) Summer
(c) Autumn
(d) Winter
Ans: d

21. The water cycle depicts the continuous movement of water within the earth and
atmosphere and includes many different processes. Choose the correct option showing
various processes involved.
(a) Evaporation, Transpiration, Condensation, Precipitation
(b) Condensation, Evaporation, Transpiration, Precipitation
(c) Precipitation, Evaporation, Transpiration, Condensation
(d) Transpiration, Condensation, Evaporation, Precipitation
Ans: a

22. Causes of maximum evaporation

(a) N2
(b) CO2
(c) O3
(d) O2
Ans: c

23. 95% of the Earths water is stored in its

(a) rivers
(b) oceans
(c) glaciers
(d) underground aquifers
Ans: b
24. After water vapor is carried high into the atmosphere, what happens to it?
(a) It forms clouds, and air currents move them around
(b) It keeps rising until it goes into outer space
(c) lt sublimates into ice
(d) It magically changes back into water
Ans: a

25. Because water can dissolve many things, it is called

(a) The great dissolver
(b) the universal solvent
(c) The biggest loser
(d) The winner
Ans: b

26. Because water continuously changes states from solid, liquid, and gas
(a) We have the water cycle
(b) We have oceans that are salty
(c) We have rivers and lakes
(d) O We have different temperatures
Ans: a

27. Freshwater running underground is called:

(a) Rivers
(b) Stream
(c) Aquifers
(d) Creeks
Ans: c
28. The water cycle also has another name. What is it?
(a) Nitrogen cycle
(b) Carbon cycle
(c) Hydrologic cycle
(d) Moon cycle
Ans: c

29. The water cycle always starts in the

(a) Oceans
(b) Clouds
(c) Plants and animals
(d) it has no starting place or ending place
Ans: d
30. The water cycle is driven by
(a) Sun
(b) Moon
(c) Clouds
(d) Oceans
Ans: a

31. Water is
(a) a chemical compound
(b) constantly moving
(c) sometimes a solid, liquid, or a gas
(d) all of the above
Ans: d

32. What is ground water?

(a) water that is stored in the ground
(b) water that supplies wells
(c) water that is part of the water table
(d) all of the above
Ans: d
33. When ice or snow changes directly into water vapor, it is called
(a) sublimation
(b) condensation
(c) evaporation
(d) Precipitation
Ans: a

34. When water changes from a liquid into. a gas, it is called

(a) sublimation
(b) condensation
(c) evaporation
(d) Precipitation
Ans: c

35. When water droplets get large enough to fall from the clouds, its called
(a) condensation
(b) transpiration
(c) sublimation
(d) Precipitation
Ans: d

36. Why are the oceans salty?

(a) because water dissolves minerals and salts from rocks and soil
(b) because too much water evaporates and leaves salt behind
(c) because ocean animals sweat
(d) because its always been that way
Ans: a

37. Studying the water cycle, where is the purest water on Earth?
(a) Glaciers and ice caps
(b) Rivers and streams
(c) Sulfur springs
(d) Lakes and ponds
Ans: a
38. What is tapped into when digging a well looking for water in the water cycle?
(a) An underground aquifer
(b) An underground river
(c) A sulfur spring
(d) An irrigation ditch
Ans: a

39. Studying the water cycle, why is the ocean salty?

(a) Groundwater picks up salt and minerals as it makes its way to the ocean
(b) It is rinsed from the scales and skin of ocean animals
(c) Salt is carried down in rainwater
(d) Human pollution made it that way
Ans: c

40. Which stage is NOT part of the water cycle?

(a) Emancipation
(b) Collection
(c) Evaporation
(d) Precipitation
Ans: a

41. Considering the water cycle how old could the water be in glaciers and ice caps?
(a) Millions of years
(b) Billions of years
(c) Thousands of years
(d) Hundreds of years
Ans: a

42. The amount of precipitation that soaks into the soil depends on
(a) how long the rain lasts.
(b) whether or not there are plants around.
(c) whether the soil is wet or dry.
(d) All of the above
Ans: d
43. How does global warming affect the hydrologic cycle?
(a) It causes random variations in the cycle.
(b) It doesn't affect the cycle at all.
(c) It causes the cycle to accelerate.
(d) It causes the cycle to decelerate.
Ans: c

44. Where is most of the earth's fresh water stored today?

(a) In polar ice sheets
(b) in rivers and lakes
(c) in the oceans
(d) in groundwater
Ans: a

45. What is runoff?

(a) Water flows downhill and into streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
(b) Water soaks into the ground.
(c) Both
Ans: c

46. Water changes into its vapour by _____ ?

a) Evaporation

b) Condensation

c) Sublimation

d) Melting

Ans: a
47- The water vapour in the air ____ to form tiny droplets of water , which appear as clouds ?

a) Evaporates

b) Condenses

c) sublimates

d) melts

Ans: b

48- The circulation of water between ocean and land is known as the _____ ?

a) Rain

b) Cloud

c) Hydrologic cycle

d) Carbon cycle

Ans: c

49- Collecting rainwater and storing it for later use is called ____ ?

a) Evaporation

b) Condensation

c) Rainwater harvesting

d) water cycle

Ans: c
50- We use ____ to draw the ground water ?

a) Storage tank

b) Tubewell

c) None of the above

d) Both of the above

Ans: b

51- Planet Earth is known as …. Planet

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Yellow
d) Red

Ans: a

52- From how many years water cycle has been functioning?

A) Crore years

B) Million years

C) Thousands years

D) hundred years

Ans: A
53- Out of the following, what percentage of the water found on earth is found in the oceans?

A.) 71 percent

B.) 2 percent

C.) 7 percent

D.) 1 percent

Ans: A

54- What percentage of the following water that falls on the ground goes to the atmosphere
through oceans and evaporation elsewhere?

A.) 59 percent

B.) 5 percent

C.) 9 percent

D.) 14 percent

Ans: A

55- Which two of the following forms water crisis?

A.) Spatial and temporal

B.) Permanent and manmade

C.) Incremental and local

D.) None of the above

Ans: A
56- In which five oceans is the earth’s oceanic area divided?

A.) Pacific, Atlantic, Indian ocean, southern ocean, arctic

B.) Ganges, Atlantic, Indian, southern ocean, arctic

C.) Himalaya, pacific, Atlantic, Indian, arctic

D.) Pacific, Atlantic, ganges, pacific, arctic

Ans: A

57- Where are the ridges, hills, sea dunes, submerged islands, trenches and ravines etc.) Are

A.) On the ocean plains

B.) In the sea

C.) On the mountain

D.) None of the above

Ans: A

58- What is average width of continental shelf?

A.) 4 kilometers

B.) 70 kilometers

C.) 8 kilometers

D.) 80 kilometers

Ans: D
59- Which of the following shelves is the largest in the world?

A.) Antarctic shelf

B.) Siberian shelf

C.) Indian shelf

D.) Pacific shelf

Ans: B

60- What is the width of siberian shelf?

A.) 1500 km

B.) 500 km

C.) 1000 km

D.) 105 km

Ans: A

61- What connects the ocean basins and continental shelf?

A.) Trenches

B.) Continental shield

C.) Canyons

D.) None of the above

Ans: B
62- Which of the following plains is the smoothest and flattest part of the universe?

A.) Deep oceanic plains

B.) Kenyan

C.) Shelf

D.) Shield

Ans: A

63- What is filled in deep oceanic plains?

A.) Silt and clay

B.) Stone

C.) Igneous rock

D.) Silt

Ans: A

64- Which of the following is the depth of the deep ocean floor?

A.) 3000 to 6000 m

B.) 4000 to 2000 m

C.) 1000 to 2000 m

D.) 5000 to 6000 m

Ans: A
65- How are sea mounds formed among the following?

A.) Due to volcanoes

B.) Due to waves

C.) Due to earthquake

D.) Due to tsunami

Ans: A

66- Which of the following oceans has more than ten thousand sea dunes and submerged

A.) In the pacific ocean

B.) Arctic

C.) Indian ocean

D.) None of the above

Ans: A

67- Which of the following is a labrador?

A.) Cold stream

B.) Hot stream

C.) Sea mounds

D.) Trough

Ans: A
68- What is called when there is a sudden drop in temperature among the following?

A.) Temperature gradient thermocline

B.) Temperature drop

C.) Hot drop

D.) None of the above

Ans: A

69- For which of the following is the word salinity used?

A.) To determine the amount of sea salt

B.) To determine the color of the sea

C.) To determine sea heat

D.) To determine sea size

Ans: A

70- Which of the following is the salinity of normal sea?

A.) Between 33% to 37%

B.) 34% to 30%

C.) 10% to 20%

D.) 50% to 5%

Ans: A
71- Which of the following is not a part of the aquatic cycle?

A.) Hydration

B.) Evaporation

C.) Precipitation

D.) Condensation

Ans: A

72- Which is the correct example of Condensation here below?

(a) Water droplets on the inside of windows

(b) Dew on grass &a foggy mirror

(c) Water droplets on the outside of your cold drink

(d) All of above

Ans: D

73- Which is the main factor in water cycle?

(a) Water

(b) Temperature

(c) Climatic variable

(d) None of these

Ans: C
74- Which is the Five phases of water cycle?

(a) Evaporation & Condensation

(b) Precipitation & Infiltration

(c) Surface Runoff

(d) All of these

Ans: D

75- Where does the highest water cycle precipitation occur on earth or ocean?

(a) On grassland

(b) On mountain & hill

(c) River & lake

(d) Ocean

Ans: D

76- How human beings change the water life cycle?

(a) Huge Urbanization

(b) Large Deforestation

(c) Groundwater removal from well & borings.

(d) All of these

Ans: d
77- What is the freshwater percentage (%) on the earth?

(a) 3%
(b) 5%
(c) 7%
(d) 9%

Ans: a

78- Which one of the following would be formed if water vapour Accumulates on the surface of
dust particles?

(a) Star
(b) Planet
(c) Galaxy
(d) Cloud

Ans: d

79- Vapour of melted metal is known as?

(a) Smoke
(b) Smog
(c) Fume
(d) Mist

Ans: c

80- 95% of the Earths water is stored in its ………….

(a) Rivers

(b) Glaciers

(c) Oceans

(d) Underground aquifers

Ans: c
81- Freshwater running underground are called

(a) Rivers
(b) Streams
(c) Creeks
(d) Aquifers

Ans: a

82- Water can dissolve many things, so it is called

(a) The great dissolver

(b) The Biggest Loser

(c) The universal solvent

(d) The winner

Ans: c


Ans: 3

Ans: 1


Ans: 4

Ans: 4


Ans: 3
88- What is an aquifer?

A: An underground area of rock and soil that is soaked with water.

B: A freshwater source that is frozen year round.

C: A river that runs through a mountain.

D: An open area where glaciers melt.

Ans: A


Ans: hydrosphere


Ans: precipitation


Ans: Precipitation

Ans: Non point-source pollution


Ans: Gravity


Ans: It returns water to other locations on Earth


Ans: Precipitation
96- What is A?

A) Evaporation
B) Condensation
C) Precipitation
D) Runoff

Ans: A

97- What is B?

E) Evaporation
F) Condensation
G) Precipitation
H) Runoff

Ans: F


Ans: the part of water cycle when clouds get heavy and can no longer hold the liquid
water. This causes the water to fall from the sky to the earth as rain,snow , sleet ,

Ans: warm , sunny


Ans: clouds


Ans: the movement of water on , above , below the surface of the Earth


Ans: the sun

103- Which part of water cycle does the picture

A) Evaporation
B) Condensation
C) Precipitation
D) Transpiration

Ans: A


Ans: Mountain


Ans: humidity


Ans: transpiration

Ans: Groundwater


Ans: water changing from gas to liquid


Ans: tiny water droplets


Ans: millions of years


Ans: dew


Ans : located in all of these except Oceans


Ans: glaciers and ice caps


What is D?

a) Runoff
b) Evaporation
c) Condensation
d) Precipitation

Ans: A


Ans: rise


Ans: watershed


Ans: watershed

Ans: divide


Ans: tributaries


Answer: a spring

121- Most of Earth’s freshwater is in the form of:

a. Oceans
b. Groundwater
c. Surface water
d. Glaciers and ice sheets

Ans: d
122- Which statement best describes the importance of groundwater?

a. Groundwater is an unlimited source of freshwater.

b. Groundwater is the most accessible reservoir of freshwater.
c. Groundwater makes up more than 75 percent of Earth’s freshwater.
d. Groundwater experiences less pollution than other forms of freshwater.

Ans: b

123- The lower boundary of the zone of saturation occurs where:

a. Gravity becomes too weak to pull water downward

b. The bedrock begins to react chemically with percolating water
c. The pressure of the overlying rock has closed all the fractures in the rock
d. Saltwater from lower down prevents freshwater from moving downward

Ans: c

124- Which statement about the sediment that lies above the water table is true?

a. Only large pore spaces are filled with water.

b. There are no pore spaces between sediment particles.
c. The pore spaces are filled with a mixture of air and water.
d. All pore spaces between sediment particles are filled with water.

Ans: c

125- Where is the water table located in the diagram?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Ans: a
126- Rock layers that are rich in clay minerals can prevent the downward percolation of
groundwater because these layers are:

a. Not porous or permeable

b. Highly porous and highly permeable
c. Highly porous but not very permeable
d. Highly permeable but not very porous

Ans: c

127- In which area would you expect groundwater recharge to be greatest?

a. A densely forested region

b. A highly mountainous region
c. A sandy region with little ground cover
d. An area with clay-rich rock at the surface

Ans: c

128- Aquifers must be:

a. Porous and permeable

b. Permeable but not porous
c. Porous but not permeable
d. Neither porous nor permeable

Ans: a

129- A geologist drills a sediment core that intersects with an unconfined aquifer. How does the
geologist know that the aquifer is unconfined?

a. It is exposed at the surface.

b. Its upper surface coincides with the water table.
c. It is sandwiched between two impermeable layers of rock.
d. The sediments that make it up are both porous and permeable.

Ans: b
130- Groundwater flows:

a. From low elevations to high elevations

b. From the zone of saturation into the zone of aeration
c. From areas of high hydraulic pressure to areas of low hydraulic pressure
d. From areas of low hydraulic pressure to areas of high hydraulic pressure

Ans: c

131- Unlike the water in an unconfined aquifer, the water in a confined aquifer:

a. Experiences hydraulic head

b. Never intersects Earth’s surface
c. Flows only through low-porosity rocks
d. Is typically recharged from distant region

Ans: d

132- Which condition is NOT necessary for a geyser to form?

a. A gap in the overlying rock

b. Soluble minerals in the aquifer
c. Confining pressure from overlying rocks
d. Groundwater that has penetrated deep below the surface

Ans: b

133- Why is chemical weathering by groundwater less common in polar regions than in tropical

a. Polar regions receive less solar radiation, which slows the rate of chemical reaction.
b. Tropical regions have more plant life, which generates acids that dissolve in the
c. The soil in tropical regions is thicker, which allows the groundwater to achieve a
higher pressure before it reaches bedrock.
d. The soil in polar regions is frozen much of the year, which reduces the rate at
which groundwater infiltrates to bedrock.

134- Karst topography would be most likely to form in an area with which type of bedrock?

a. Gneiss
b. Granite
c. Sandstone
d. Limestone

Ans: d

135-Consider the cave shown in the photograph. Which structure formed as dissolved calcite
deposited from dripping water joined with calcite deposited from water falling to the cave’s
floor? (Photo source: Wikimedia

a. Structure A
b. Structure B
c. Structure C
d. Structure D

Ans: b

136- A hydrogeologist using subsurface conductivity measurements to find fresh groundwater

would look for regions of relatively:

a. High conductivity
b. Low conductivity
c. Variable conductivity
d. Undetectable conductivity

Ans: b

137- Residents of an area with which type of bedrock would be LEAST likely to have problems
with hard water?

a. Marble
b. Gypsum
c. Sandstone
d. Limestone

Ans: c
138- Under which conditions would subsidence be most likely to occur?

a. Rapid recharge of groundwater into a confined aquifer

b. Gradual removal of groundwater from fractured bedrock
c. Gradual recharge of groundwater into an unconfined aquifer
d. Rapid removal of groundwater from unconsolidated sediment

Ans: b

139- How does plate tectonics relate to the formation of geysers?

a. Earthquakes produce aquifers, and geysers form in aquifers.

b. Subduction forms volcanoes, and geysers form in ancient volcanic craters.
c. Magma heats groundwater, and faults allow the groundwater to move toward the
d. Divergent boundaries produce new crust, and seawater percolates through it.

Ans: c

140- A landowner in a rural area installs a septic tank. The tank meets the requirements for a
building permit and passes the “percolation test.” Several years later, however, local
groundwater has become contaminated from the tank. Which is the best explanation for this?

a. The water table fell due to subsidence.

b. The zone of depression of the tank became too large.
c. The underlying sediment metamorphosed into more soluble rock.
d. The water table rose due to higher-than-average rainfall over many years.

Ans: d

141- Which of the following reservoirs contains the most water?

lakes and rivers

Ans: ground water

142- How much of the Earth's water is stored in underground aquifers?

less than 1%
about 5%
about 10%
about 20%

Ans: less than 1%

143- What is the process by which water enters the small pore spaces between particles in soil
or rocks


Ans: infiltration

144- Which of the following terms is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air as a
proportion of the maximum amount the air could hold at the same temperature?

dew point
sublimation point
evaporation rate
relative humidity

Ans: relative humidity

145- The percentage of a rock's total volume that is taken up by pore space is called the
_______ .


Ans: porosity
146- Permeability is __________ .

the ability of a solid to allow fluids to pass through

the process by which plants release water vapor to the atmosphere
the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air
can hold.
the percentage of pore space in the rock

Ans: the ability of a solid to allow fluids to pass through

147- The best groundwater reservoirs have __________ .?

low permeability and low porosity

low permeability and high porosity
high permeability and low porosity
high permeability and high porosity

Ans: high permeability and high porosity

148- The ability of an Earth material to transmit water is a measure of its:

aquifer characteristics
chemical cement

Ans: permeability

149- The lowering effect on the water table about the base of the well stem is called a(n):

artesian surface
cone of depression

Ans: cone of depression

150- A local water table positioned above the regional water table is said to be:


Ans: perched

151- Which of the following statements about the water table is false:

the water table changes when discharge is not balanced by recharge

the water table is generally flat
the water table is above the land surface in lakes
the water table is depressed near high volume pumping well

Ans: the water table is generally flat

152- The boundary between the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone is called the______ .

water table

Ans: water table

153- The infiltration of water into the subsurface is the __________ .


Ans: recharge
154- What is the term for a relatively impermeable geologic unit?

an artesian
an aquiclude
an aquifer
none of these

Ans: an aquiclude

155- Excessive pumping in relation to recharge can cause ________ .

the water table to decline

a cone of depression to form
the well to go dry
all of these

Ans: all of these

156- The most abundant, natural acid is:


Ans: carbonic

157- Most groundwater withdrawn in the United States is used for ________ .

drinking water
swimming pools

Ans: irrigation
158- In what types of rock do most caves form?


Ans: limestone

159- Stalactites and stalagmites in caves are composed of ________ .

alkali feldspar

Ans: calcite

160- Hard water contains large amounts of __________ .


Ans: calcium

161- Most of the water coming out of continental hot springs is ________ .

meteoric water
magmatic water
metamorphic water

Ans: meteoric water

162- With respect to the Earth's land surface, which of the following expressions is correct?

precipitation = evaporation - runoff

precipitation = runoff - evaporation
precipitation = evaporation + runoff
precipitation = evaporation * runoff

Ans: precipitation = evaporation + runoff

163- Which one of the following features is a sure sign of karst?

artesian wells
cones of depression

Ans: sinkholes

164- Which of the following statements is true?

cool air can hold more water vapor than warm air
warm air can hold more water than cool air
cool air and warm air always hold the same amount of water vapor
air cannot contain water vapor

Ans: warm air can hold more water than cool air

165- The diagram above

represents a cross section
through a coastal mountain
range. Which of the following
statements is correct?

Region A would receive the most precipitation

Region B would receive the most precipitation
Regions C would receive the most precipitation
Regions A, B, and C would receive about the same amount of precipitation

Ans: Region A would receive the most precipitation

166- What feature might you expect to see developed in region C?

an alluvial fan
a delta
a submarine fan
point bars

Ans: alluvial fan

167- California imports most of its water supply. What is most of the water used for?

domestic irrigation - lawns
municipal drinking water

Ans: agriculture

168- Which of the following regions has the highest average annual rainfall?

northeast US
southeast US
southwest US
central US

Ans: southeast US

169- The average annual rainfall in Houston, Texas is _______?

10-20 inches US
20-30 inches
30-40 inches
greater than 40 inches

Ans: greater than 40 inches

170- What river carries the most water _______?

Amazon in South America
Mississippi in US
Amazon in Africa
Ganges in Asia

Ans: Amazon in South America

171- Groundwater represents how much of the world's fresh water supply?

about 1%
about 5%
about 20%
about 50%

Ans: about 20%

172- Which of the following rocks has the highest permeability?

an unfractured shale
a cemented sandstones
an uncemented sandstone
all of these rocks have approximately the same permeability

Ans: an uncemented sandstone

173- Which of the following materials has the lowest porosity?


Ans: granite

174- What is the difference between the saturated and the unsaturated zones of ground water?
the saturated zone has a higher porosity than the unsaturated zone
the saturated zone has a lower porosity than the unsaturated zone
the pore spaces in the saturated zone are completely full of water; the pore spaces in the
unsaturated zone are not completely full of water.
the pore spaces in the saturated zone are not completely full of water; the pore spaces in the
unsaturated zone are completely full of water

Ans: the pore spaces in the saturated zone are completely full of water; the pore spaces in
the unsaturated zone are not completely full of water.

175-T he boundary between the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone is called the _____.

water table

Ans: water table

176- In the diagram above region A is the

_______ .

discharge zone
recharge zone
saturated zone
unsaturated zone

Ans: unsaturated zone


In the diagram above region B is the

discharge zone
recharge zone
saturated zone
unsaturated zone

Ans: saturated zone

178- Influent streams are _______

more common in arid regions
more common in humid regions
only found in areas of permafrost

Ans: more common in arid regions

179- Sinkholes are a possible danger in regions underlain by what type of bedrock?


Ans: limestone

180- Water that is good enough to drink is called ________.

potable water
surface water
artesian water

Ans: potable water

181- Which of the following can contaminate an aquifer?

agricultural regions
gas stations
all of these

Ans: all of these

182- Heat is released to the environment when water vapor changes into cloud droplets. This
process is called:
a. evaporation
b. evapotranspiration
c. condensation
d. sublimation
e. radiation

Ans: c

183- The release of stored heat when water freezes is called:

a. specific heat
b. latent heat
c. sublimation
d. radiative heat
e. cold fusion

Ans: b

184- The temperature at which air must be cooled to reach saturation is called:

a. the dew point

b. condensation point
c. equilibrium temperature
d. wet bulb temperature

Ans: a

185- Which of the following contains the most water vapor?

a. temperature of 50oF, relative humidity of 45%, dew point of 35F

b. temperature of 40oF, relative humidity of 100%, dew point of 40oF
c. temperature of 80oF, relative humidity of 35%, dew point of 50oF

Ans: d

186- In general, the daily highest relative humidity occurs at:

a. sunrise
b. mid-morning
c. noon
d. early evening
e. midnight

Ans: a

187- The rate of evaporation depends on:

a. temperature
b. wind speed
c. humidity
d. all of these

Ans: D

188- Over water surfaces, the potential evaporation is _____ the actual evaporation.

a. less than
b. greater than
c. the same as
d. twice as great as

Ans: c

189- Most rainfall occurs with ______ clouds.

a. cirrus
b. stratus
c. cumulus
d. high
e. gray

Ans: C

190-Most rain and snow occurring in the US and Canada occur through the ______ process.
a. coalescence
b. ice-crystal
c. condensation
d. sublimation

Ans: b

191- When snow melts and refreezes in cold air before reaching the Earth's surface, it is called

a. hail
b. freezing rain
c. slush
d. sleet
e. graupe

Ans: d

192- Without __________, rainclouds will not form.

a. abundant water vapor

b. condensation nuclei
c. strong updrafts
d. ice crystals

Ans: b

193- When snow melts and refreezes on contact with a subfreezing surface it is called:

a. hail
b. freezing rain
c. slush
d. sleet
e. graupel

Ans: b

194- Which statement about water on Earth is true?

a. Most of Earth's fresh water is underground; most of the salt water is in the oceans.
b. Most of Earth's salt water is in the oceans; most of the fresh water is in lakes and
c. Most of Earth's total water is in the atmosphere; most of the liquid water is
d. Most of Earth's s total water is in the oceans; most of the fresh water is in glaciers
and ice sheets.

Ans: d

195- If all of the water on Earth (in oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, and groundwater) were
spread out evenly over Earth's surface, how deep would the water be?

a. 27 meters
b. 270 meters
c. 2,700 meters
d. 27,000 meters

Ans: c

196- What would happen if all of the water in the atmosphere suddenly condensed and fell to
the ground?

a. The amount of water in the oceans would increase by about 0.16%

b. The amount of water in the oceans would increase by just over 8.4%
c. The amount of water in the oceans would increase by almost exactly 10%.
d. The amount of water in the oceans would increase by less than 0.001%

Ans: d

197- An amount of water equivalent to a global depth of 100 cm is evaporated and transpired
from oceans and land each year. How much evapotranspiration is from oceans and how much is
from land?

a. 50% oceans, 50% land

b. 66% oceans, 34% land
c. 84% oceans, 16% land
d. >99% oceans, <1% land

Ans: c
198- Approximately what percentage of Earth's total water supply undergoe evapotranspiration
each year?

a. 0.03%
b. 0.3%
c. 3%
d. 30%

Ans: A

199- A scientist calculates that the amount of Earth's total water that evaporates each year is
about 300 times greater than the total amount of water in the atmosphere at any given time.
Which is the best explanation for this observation?

a. Some of the water evaporates downward and immediately enters the groundwater
b. A significant percentage of water that evaporates leaves the system and moves out
into space.
c. A significant percentage of water that evaporates dissociates to form hydrogen and
oxygen ions.
d. The water that evaporates does not stay in the atmosphere very long before it
condenses and falls back to the surface.

Ans: d

200- the equivalent of 100 cm depth of water evaporates each year, why aren't the oceans
drying up?

a. Only a small percentage of evaporation occurs from the oceans.

b. Ocean water is recharged through hot springs on the ocean floor.
c. City water systems channel wastewater back into rivers and oceans.
d. The equivalent of 100 cm of water falls back to the ground and oceans as

Ans: d
201- Which would be the most likely immediate effect of an increase in the percentage of
precipitation that infiltrates (with no change in the amount of precipitation)?

a. The rate of evaporation would increase.

b. The water level in streams, rivers, and lakes would rise.
c. The percentage of water in the groundwater system would increase.
d. The amount of water entering the atmosphere through transpiration would

Ans: c

202- What is the main reason that more water falls as rain and snow into the oceans than onto

a. Ocean water has a higher heat capacity than soil and rock.
b. The oceans cover a greater proportion of Earth's surface than land does.
c. Water is a polar molecule and thus water molecules are attracted to each other.
d. More water evaporates from the oceans than from land, and only water that
evaporates from land falls on land

Ans: b

203- Every year, the equivalent of 70,000 km3 of water moves from land into the atmosphere
via evapotranspiration. Every year, 110,000 km3 of water are precipitated onto land. What
explains this difference?

a. Overland flow moves 40,000 km3 of water from oceans onto continents.
b. Sublimation moves 40,000 km3 of water directly from the solid to the gaseous
c. Advection moves 40,000 km3 of water that was evaporated from oceans over land.
d. Convection moves 40,000 km3 of water from the deep ocean toward the ocean

Ans: c
204- factory is being built uphill from a town. The town council is concerned about the effect of
the factory on the water supply. What is the best reason for the town to be concerned?

a. Water that is polluted is likely to flow into the ocean, where it will be evaporated
and then transported as polluted water vapor back over the town by wind.
b. Surface water that is polluted next to the factory is likely to freeze and then flow as
polluted ice down toward the town.
c. Water that is polluted by the factory is likely to flow downhill toward the town or
to seep into the groundwater supply.
d. Surface water that is polluted next to the factory is likely to evaporate and then
condense and fall as polluted rain or snow on the town.

Ans: c

205- A water molecule has just fallen to the ground as part of a drop of rain. Which is least
likely to happen to it next?

a. It will evaporate and move out into space.

b. It will infiltrate into the groundwater system.
c. It will be incorporated into the cells of a plant.
d. It will flow downhill and become part of a river.

Ans: a

206- Which statement about Earth's total water budget is true?

a. The total amount of liquid water on Earth increases slightly every year as a result of
b. The total amount of liquid water on Earth decreases slightly every year as a result
of evaporation and transpiration.
c. The total amount of liquid, solid, and gaseous water on Earth varies from year to
year depending on the solar cycles.
d. The total amount of liquid, solid, and gaseous water on Earth stays the same every
year because the hydrologic cycle is a closed system.

Ans: d
207- An online article about the water cycle includes a pie graph that compares the amounts of
water that undergo evapotranspiration, precipitation, infiltration, and runoff each year. A
comment on the article states that the pie graph is meaningless and invalid. What is the
reasoning behind this comment?

a. There is no way to accurately and precisely measure the amount of water that
infiltrates into the ground.
b. The precipitation and evapotranspiration pieces should be divided into separate
pieces for land and ocean.
c. The pie graph does not include advection, which is an important process in the
hydrologic cycle; without advection, the pie does not add up to 100%.
d. Pie graphs can only be used to compare mutually exclusive categories; a unit of
water can go through more than one of these processes during the year.

Ans: d

208- The thermocline is a region:

a. of warm surface water

b. cold deep water
c. of rapid change from warm to cold water
d. none of these

Ans: c

209- The densest (heaviest) water has:

a. warm temperature, high salinity

b. warm temperature, low salinity
c. cold temperature, low salinity

Ans: c

210- Freshest (low salinity) water would be found:

a. in the subtropics
b. in cooler, dry climates
c. in warmer climates
d. near glacier melt coastlines

Ans: d
211- When two different air masses converge, they may produce _______ precipitation.

a. convective
b. frontal
c. convergence
d. orographic
e. air mass

Ans: b

212- Which of the following is not considered a main type of uplift for precipitation?

a. advective
b. convective
c. convergent
d. frontal
e. orographic

Ans: a

213- Along a warm front, warm air ________.

a. rises and cools

b. lifts cooler air
c. sinks and cools
d. slides down a cold air mass

Ans: a

214- Water interception by vegetation depends in part on:

a. the type of rocks

b. the amount of organisms in the soil
c. the structure of the plants
d. the temperature

Ans: c
215- Which material exhibits the greatest infiltration rates?

a. concrete
b. clay
c. granite rock
d. sandy soil

Ans: d

216- Runoff, water moving over the land surface, occurs when the amount of water falling
exceeds infiltration rates.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a

217- Factors influencing the velocity of a stream include:

a. gradient
b. depth of water in channel
c. volume of water
d. both a and b

Ans: d

218- What is the discharge of a river with an average depth of 2 meters, width of 3 meters and a
flow velocity of 5 meters/second?

a. 1.2 m/sec
b. 7.5 m2/sec
c. 3.0 m2/sec
d. 30 m3/sec

Ans: d

219- The upper unsaturated zone in the ground is termed the:

a. saturated zone
b. phreatic zone
c. supersaturated zone
d. vadose zone
Ans: d

220- Percolation in the vadose zone increases as soil becomes wetter.

a. True
b. False

Ans: a

221- Groundwater is stored in:

a. aquicludes
b. the vadose zone
c. aquifers
d. acquitards

Ans: c

222- Perched water tables occur above the main water table.

a. True
b. False

Ans: a

223- Perched water tables are separated from the main aquifer by:

a. aquicludes
b. porous conglomerates
c. other aquifers
d. porous sandstones

Ans: a

224- In which sphere is water not present?

a. lithosphere
b. biosphere
c. hydrosphere
d. atmosphere
e. none of the above
Ans: e
225-What two factors determine stream discharge?

a. Velocity and length of stream

b. Velocity and cross-sectional area of stream
c. Gradient and depth of stream
d. depth of stream and slope

Ans: b

226- What feature is present where the water table intersects the Earth's surface?

a. artesian well
b. lake
c. aquiclude
d. spring
e. aquifer
Ans: d

227- Groundwater is best defined as water that is found in:

a. Lake and riverbed sediments

b. Within and between crystals in magma
c. Pools in subterranean caves and caverns
d. Fractures and pore spaces in rocks and sediments underground
Ans: d

228- Some builders are digging the foundation for a house. Beneath the soil is a layer of
sediments that is wet, but not completely saturated with water. The builders are digging into

a. Aquifer
b. Water table
c. Phreatic Zone
d. Zone of Aeration
Ans: d
229- The animation shows water flowing within the phreatic zone. What does this indicate
about the rock and sediment?

a. It is porous and permeable.

b. It is probably water soluble.
c. It probably consists of marine sediments.
d. It must be confined at a depth below that shown in the animation.
Ans: a

230- Within the zone of saturation, groundwater flows:

a. Straight down
b. From high areas to low areas
c. Horizontally out in all directions
d. Along the surface of the water table
Ans: b

231- Which best describes the topography of the water table?

a. A mirror image of the surface land topography

b. Exactly the same as the surface land topography
c. Nearly flat and following the general curvature of Earth
d. Similar to the surface land topography, but less exaggerated
Ans: d

232- Groundwater is recharged through:

a. Input of water via wells

b. Rise of warm buoyant water from below
c. Precipitation and percolation from above
d. Flow from rivers through underground channels
Ans: c

233- The water table will drop _________.

a. When withdrawal exceeds recharge

b. Whenever recharge is less than normal
c. Whenever recharge exceeds withdrawal
d. Whenever withdrawal is greater than normal
Ans: a
234- Which is true of a lake that is connected to the water table?

a. The surface of the lake is the water table.

b. The lake dries up as soon as the rain stops.
c. The water table follows the bed of the lake.
d. Well water may be contaminated with lake fish.
Ans: a

235- In order for a well to yield water, ____________.

a. The base of the well must be in the vadose zone

b. The base of the well must be in the phreatic zone
c. The top of the well must be below the vadose zone
d. The top of the well must be below the phreatic zone
Ans: b

236- A cone of depression is best defined as:

a. A natural dip in the water table

b. A region that is suffering from a severe drought
c. A low area of the water table surrounding a well
d. A place where the land surface has subsided dramatically as a result of water
Ans: c

237- In 2015, there were serious droughts in California. In many communities, the wells ran
dry. What does this mean?

a. The vadose zone shrank.

b. The thickness of the soil increased.
c. Water flowed out of the well and into reservoirs.
d. The water table dropped below the level of the well.
Ans: d
238- Some hikers plan to stop for lunch at a spring where they have stopped on previous hikes.
When they arrive, however, the spring is not there. Which is most likely to be the problem?
a. The spring has changed course underground.
b. It is the dry season and the water table has dropped below ground level at that site.
c. The population in the region has dropped, so less water is being pumped out of the
d. Natural cement has precipitated in the pore spaces within the vadose zone to make
it impermeable.
Ans: b

239- A new housing development is not connected to the city water supply and relies on well
water. During the first and second year that the development is open, there are no problems with
the water supply. But during the third year, residents experience intermittent loss of water
pressure. For a few weeks, they have no water at all. The Department of Natural Resources
attributes the problems to the population increase. How could the population increase cause
these problems?

a. An increase in population causes an increase in carbon emissions, which affects

local weather and can cause drought.
b. An increase in population reduces the porosity and permeability of the groundwater
system, causing the water to flow more slowly.
c. An increase in population results in increased demand for groundwater, which
eventually results in withdrawal exceeding recharge.
d. An increase in population increases the weight on the surface, which squeezes the
groundwater and causes it to move to other regions
Ans: c

240- A small town is suffering from the effects of a severe drought on the groundwater supply.
Which would be the best way for the town to deal with the drought?

a. Dig more wells in the area in order to access more water

b. Transport the groundwater to a reservoir where it will be more accessible
c. Restrict the use of water by town residents and nearby farms, factories, and other
d. Require residents to keep lawn sprinklers running so that more water will percolate
down into the groundwater system
Ans: c
241- A landowner needs to drill a new well, but wants to spend as little money as possible on
the well construction. The cost of well construction depends on the depth of the well – the
deeper the well, the higher the cost. In terms of cost, where would be the best place to drill?

a. At the top of a hill

b. At bottom of a valley
c. Right beside another well
d. On a plateau between the top and bottom of a hill
Ans: b

242- A geologist is conducting an annual survey of lake and stream levels in an area. She
notices that the levels of all of the water table fed lakes and streams in the area are significantly
higher than in previous years in spite of the fact that it has not rained for three weeks. What can
she infer from this observation?

a. People in the area must be using less groundwater.

b. The water table in the area must be significantly higher than normal.
c. Cones of depression must not be forming around the wells in the area.
d. The porosity and permeability of the lake and stream sediments must have
Ans: b

243- Karst topography involves which of the following types of weathering:

a. biological
b. chemical
c. mechanical
d. none of these
Ans: b

244- Who is responsible for the first comprehensive examination of karst processes and

a. Milankovitch
b. Cvijic
c. Wegener
d. DaVinci
Ans: b
245-Rocks formed of gypsum can also develop karst features.

a. True
b. False
Ans: a

246-Which of the following prevent karst features from forming in limestone?

a. a limestone with greater than 30% insoluble minerals

b. a limestone with very little porosity
c. repeated shale or sandstones layers in a thicker limestone
d. all of the above
Ans: d

247- Karst features develop faster in tropical climates rather than arid climates

a. True
b. False
Ans: a

248- This gas is important for carbonation, which leads to the dissolution of the rock, to form:

a. O
b. N
c. H
d. CO2
Ans: d

249- Generally, karst will form less rapidly in areas with:

a. steep relief
b. flat surfaces
c. high vegetation
d. housing development
Ans: b
250- Karst towers are more likely to form in these karst areas:

a. tropical
b. Caribbean
c. temperate
d. all of the above
Ans: a

251- Karst towers form because:

a. they are protected by an overlying soil

b. they are flat lying, buried limestone beds
c. they are exposed high areas
d. they are sinkholes filled with collapsed limestone material
Ans: c

252- Which karst feature forms on the floors of caves?

a. stalactites
b. stalagmites
c. cave stacks
d. all of the above
Ans: b

253- Which feature is common with temperate karst regions?

a. dominating karst towers

b. surface depressions
c. disappearing streams
d. both a and b
e. both b and c
Ans: d

254- Which type of karst forms most quickly?

a. temperate
b. tropical
c. tundra
d. Caribbean
Ans: b
255- Groundwater is stored in
(A) porous rocks
(B) snow
(C) Glaciers
(D) Aquifers
(E) all the above
Ans: E

256- The layer closest to the surface, where spaces between soil particles are filled with both air
and water, is called the zone of
(A) aeration
(B) hydration
(C) precipitation
(D) consolidation
(E) acclimation
Ans: A

257- Infiltration takes place when

(A) streams overflow their banks
(B) plants use water during photosynthesis
(C) deserts get drier and drier
(D) rainfall soaks into the ground
(E) snow melt
Ans: D

258- When water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor, the process is called
(A) aeration
(B) conservation
(C) precipitation
(D) withdrawal
(E) evaporation
Ans: E

259- The study of the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water on, in, and above the
surface of the Earth is called
(B) ecology
(C) hydrology
(D) botany
(E) aquaculture
Ans: C
260- place where water is stored for some period of time (e.g. atmosphere, ocean, or
underground) is called a
(A) dam
(B) stream
(C) lock
(D) reservoir
(E) diversion
Ans: D

261- The oceans hold approximately what percent of the Earth’s water?
(A) 45%
(B) 62%
(C) 75%
(D) 80%
(E) 97%
Ans: E

262- Aquifers that form a water table separating unsaturated and saturated zones are called
(A) unconfined aquifers
(B) confined aquifers
(C) lakes
(D) closed aquifers
(E) saturated aquifers
Ans: A

263- The water found in subterranean spaces, cracks, and open pore spaces of minerals is called
(A) watershed
(B) groundwater
(C) snow melt
(D) runoff
(E) evapotranspiration
Ans: E
264- Rainfall or snow melt that has not had time to evaporate, transpire, or move into
groundwater is known as
(A) transpiration
(B) an aquifer
(C) consumption
(D) runoff
(E) conservation
Ans: D
265- All the following are important water conservation methods except
(A) better farming techniques
(B) oscillating sprinkler systems
(C) dry cooling systems
(D) preventable runoff
(E) irrigation canals
Ans: B

266- The area at the surface or below ground that supplies water to an aquifer and/or most of
the watershed or drainage basin is called
(A) an aquifer
(B) an unconsolidated aquifer
(C) a drainage zone
(D) an aquifer recharge zone
(E) a surface discharge
Ans: D

267- The amount of open space in the soil is called

(A) crystal structure
(B) sedimentation
(C) soil porosity
(D) granite
(E) soil salinity

Ans: C

268- Under surface soil, where all the open spaces have become filled with water, lies the zone

(A) sedimentation

(B) saturation

(C) equalization

(D) salination

(E) diffusion

Ans: B

269- Pesticide and fertilizer use on crops affects water purity when
(A) evaporation is increased by heat
(B) it is used sparingly
(C) there is too little rainfall
(D) it is used in proper amounts
(E) runoff joins with surface and/or groundwater

Ans: E

270- The depletion of water from aquifers faster than they can naturally be refilled is called
(A) aquifer saturation
(B) groundwater mining
(C) flooding
(D) runoff
(E) the water table

Ans: B

271-The amount of withdrawn water lost in transport, evaporation, absorption, chemical

change, or is otherwise unavailable as a result of human use is known as

(A) withdrawal
(B) conservation
(C) consumption
(D) discharge
(E) runoff

Ans: C

272-When water is blocked by a low-permeability material below the aquifer, it is known as

(A) an unconfined aquifer

(B) a perched water table
(C) a watershed
(D) a zone of aeration
(E) a diverted stream

Ans: B

273-Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?
A. Animals
B. Plants
C. Sun
Ans: C

274. What is the process of evaporation?

A. Water freezes.
B. Water gets warm and changes from liquid water to water vapor.
C. Water vapor meets cold air and changes back into liquid.
Ans: B

275- What is the correct term for moisture that falls to the ground from clouds?

A. Condensation

B. Precipitation

C. Evaporation

Ans: B

276. From which of these water bodies does water evaporate the most?
A. Puddles
B. Rivers
C. Well water
Ans: B

277- What is the correct term for rising water vapor meeting colder air and turning back into
water droplets?
A. Condensation
B. Dehydration
C. Precipitation
Ans: A

278- What are the three stages of the water cycle?

A. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation
B. Condensation, precipitation, hibernation
C. Precipitation, dehydration, evaporation
Ans: A

279- A substance that is very important to us. We need it to live, and it covers over two-thirds
of the surface of the Earth.
A. Water
B. Oxygen
C. Gold
Ans: A

280. Where is water vapor found?

A. In your breath
B. In the air around you
C. In steam from a kettle
D. All of the above
Ans: D
281. What is the correct term for plants releasing water from their leaves, which then
A. Evaporation
B. Precipitation
C. Transpiration
Ans: C

282- The process in which water circulates from the oceans to the clouds to the land to the
rivers, and then accumulates back into the oceans.
A. The human cycle
B. The water cycle
C. The evaporation cycle
Ans: B

283- Why do we drill into the ground?

A. To collect the soil for planting.
B. To collect the groundwater for drinking.
C. To search for gold to sell.
D. To create a hole to sit in.
Ans: B

284- What process is represented in this picture?

A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. Photosynthesis
Ans: B
285- What process is represented in this picture?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Photosynthesis
D. Precipitation
Ans: A

286- Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow
larger. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to
Earth. What is the name of this process?

A. Diffusion
B. Precipitation
C. Breathing
D. Condensation
Ans: B

287- What is groundwater?

A. Water that comes out of the ground.
B. Water that comes from the mountains.
C. Water that seeps into the ground.
D. Water that is at the bottom of the sea.
Ans: C
288. What are the four forms of precipitation?
A. Rain, hail, sleet, and snow
B. Sun, rain, lightning, and snow
C. Seas, rivers, oceans, and lakes
D. Mountains, valleys, rivers, and canals
Ans: A

289. The water cycle:

A. Happens once a month.
B. Occurs every week.
C. Is infinite.
D. Ends once the sea floods
Ans: C

290. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air.

A. True
B. False
Ans: A

291. The weatherman, who is called Alex, said "we have a high level of humidity today". What
does this mean?
A. There is very little water vapor in the air.
B. There is a lot of water vapor in the air.
C. There is no water vapor in the air.
Ans: B

Ans: C


Ans: C


Ans: B


Ans: B

Ans: A


Ans: B

298. When water droplets get large enough to fall from the clouds, it’s called:
A. Condensation.
B. transpiration.
C. sublimation.
D. precipitation.
Ans: D

299. When water evaporates from plants, it’s called:

A. condensation.
B. transpiration.
C. sublimation.
D. precipitation.
Ans: B
300. When water evaporates directly from glacial ice, it’s called:
A. condensation.
B. transpiration.
C. sublimation.
D. precipitation.
Ans: C

301. When clouds get too heavy to hold water in the water cycle, what happens?
A• The water falls to the Earth.
B• The water evaporates.
C• Another cloud forms.
D• The clouds get very large.
Ans: A

302. Studying the water cycle, where is the purest water on Earth?
A• Glaciers and ice caps
B• Rivers and streams
C• Sulfur springs
D• Lakes and ponds
Ans: A

303. Which stage is NOT part of the water cycle?

A• Emancipation
B• Collection
C• Evaporation
D• Precipitation
Ans: A
304. Studying the water cycle, why is the ocean salty?
A• Groundwater picks up salt and minerals as it makes its way to the ocean.
B• It is rinsed from the scales and skin of ocean animals.
C• Salt is carried down in rainwater.
D• Human pollution made it that way.
Ans: A

305. Considering the water cycle how old could the water be in glaciers and ice caps?
A• Millions of years
B• Billions of years
C• Thousands of years
D• Hundreds of years
Ans: A

306. Water that soaks into the ground is called what in the water cycle?
A• Groundwater
B• Water table
C• Rainwater
D• Collected.
Ans: A
307. In the water cycle, what is it called when water goes up through a plant and is turned into a
A• Evaporation
B• Precipitation
C• Collection
D• Condensation
Ans: A
308. Condensation is when warm vapor rises, gets cold, and does what In the water cycle?
A• Gathers in clouds.
B• Falls out of the sky.
C• Warms up again.
D• Keeps rising until it turns to ice.
Ans: A
309. Which of the following are changed when water boils?
(i) Temperature
(ii) State
(iii) Colour
a) Only (i) and (ii)
b) Only (ii) and (iii)
c) Only (i) and (iii)
d) (i), (ii) & (iii)
Ans: a

310. In early winter mornings, we can see drops of water on the grass. This is because of
a) photosynthesis
b) transpiration
c). condensation
d) water cycle
Ans: c
311. Boiling point of water is -
a) 100C
b) 101C
c) 99C
d) 102C
Ans: A
312-Molecules of water are polar because the……………
A- oxygen and hydrogen sides being slightly negative.
B- oxygen and hydrogen sides being slightly positive.
C- oxygen side being slightly negative and the hydrogen side being
slightly positive
D- oxygen side being slightly positive and the hydrogen side being
slightly negative.
Ans: C

313-Ice floats on liquid water because

A- Hydrogen bonds stabilize and keep the molecules of ice farther
apart than the water molecules of liquid water.
B- The ionic bonds between the molecules in ice prevent the ice from
C- Ice always has air bubbles that keep it afloat.
D- The crystalline lattice of ice causes it to be denser than liquid
Ans: A

314-Which of the following water samples would be most dense?

A- Cold fresh water
B- cold salty water
C- warm fresh water
D- warm salty water
Ans: B

315-The unique attractive forces that keep molecules of water together are
A- hydrogen bonds.
B- covalent bonds.
C- adhesion.
D- cohesion.
Ans: A
316- Clay has
A- many and poorly connected pore spaces.
B- few and well connected pore spaces.
C- many and well connected pore spaces.
D- few and poorly connected pore spaces.
Ans: A

317- In the lower diagram, the water cycle,

what would happen to the ocean level if the
input of groundwater discharge and surface
runoff was less than the evaporation from the
surface of the ocean?

A- the ocean level would rise

B- the ocean level would be static
C- the ocean level would lower
D- this scenario would not affect the ocean level.
Ans: D

318- From the opposite figure answer the following question.

A & B represents

A- (A) represents slightly positive atom of oxygen & (B)

slightly negative atom of hydrogen.
B- (A) represents slightly positive atom of hydrogen &(B) represents slightly negative
atom of oxygen
C- (A) represents slightly negative atom of oxygen &(B) represents
slightly positive atom of hydrogen.
D- (A) represents slightly negative atom of hydrogen &(B) represents slightly positive
atom of oxygen.
Ans: C
319- Hydrogen bonds are due to:
A- The negative end of a water molecule repels the negative end of another water
B- The negative end of a water molecule attracts the negative end of another water
C- The negative end of a water molecule repels the positive end of another water
D- The negative end of a water molecule attracts the positive end of another water
Ans: D

320- From the opposite figure answer: Which property of

water is this polar bear relying on?
A- Water has lower density
B- Water has higher density
C- Ice has higher density
D- Ice and water has same density
Ans: B
321- Ice melt to water because of.
A- breaking the hydrogen bonds due to the vibrations water molecules
B- the water molecules are all bonded together with hydrogen bonds.
C- decreasing the water temperature.
D- decreasing the ice temperature.
Ans: A

322-From the opposite figure answer the

following question:
Which sentence is correct?
A- Stream (B) recharging groundwater and
stream (A) fed by groundwater.
B- Stream (A) recharging groundwater and stream (B) fed by groundwater.
C- Both two streams (A)& (B) recharging groundwater
D- Both two streams (A)& (B) fed by groundwater
Ans: B
323- The part of the water that travels over the ground surface without passing beneath
the surface is
A- water table
B- water streams
C- groundwater
D- surface runoff
Ans: D

324- From the opposite figure answer the following question:

The symbol (A) represents......
A- unsaturated zone
B- saturated zone
C- evaporation
D- precipitation
Ans: D

325-Which sentence is correct?

A- The smaller grains, The smaller the porosity & the slower the groundwater flows.
B- The smaller grains, The smaller the porosity & the faster the groundwater flows.
C- The larger grains, The smaller the porosity & the slower the groundwater flows.
D- The smaller grains, The larger the porosity & the faster the groundwater flows.
Ans: A

326- From the figures answer the following

question: The direction of groundwater
flow is in figure No.
A- (1)
B- (2)
C- (3)
D- (4)
Ans: A

327- Flux is....

A- The place in the Earth system that holds water.
B- The surface between the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone
C- The rate of movement of water from one reservoir to another
D. The part of the subsurface water that is in saturation zone
Ans: C
328- By cooling, water density increase till reach its maximum density (Igm/cm) at....Celsius
then water density decreases till it freeze.
A- Zero
B- 4
C- 37
D- 100
Ans: B

329- Which of the following is abnormal property of water?

A- density of salty water is greater than that of fresh water
B- Fresh water represents 3% of total water in hydrosphere
C- Water dissolves non polar compounds.
D- Expansion of liquid state of water by freezing.
Ans: D

330- The highest percentage of fresh water (ice-liquid) found in...

A- Ground water
B- Oceans
C- Glacier
D- Rivers
Ans: C

331- Water cycle means....

A- The total quantity of water decreased due to consumption of liv.Org.
B- The total quantity of water increased due to precipitation
C- The total quantity of water is constant and passes in a closed path.
D- The total quantity of water decreased due to evaporation and transpiration processes.
Ans: C

332- Some of the odd physical characteristics of water is related to...

A- Hydrogen bonds among water molecules
B- Single covalent bond between water atoms
C- Pure water is bad conductor of electricity
D- High specific heat of water
Ans: A
333-Which would be the most dense..
A- 100 𝑐𝑚3 of water at 20°c
B- 100 𝑐𝑚3 of water at 4°c
C- 100 𝑐𝑚3 of water at 0°c
D- 100 𝑐𝑚3 of water at ice
Ans: B

334- What does the property of water make it possible to rise up inside tall trees?
A- high surface tension
B- high specific heat
C- capillary action
D- magnetic properties
Ans: C

335- We say that water molecules are............ because they have a positive and a negative
A- Liquid
B- Polar
C- Magnetic
D- Weak
Ans: B

336- Liquid water has a temperature range of

A- 0°C - 100°C
B- 4°C - 100°C
C- 0°C - 4°C
D- No temperature limits
Ans: A

337- Water molecules stick to each other very well. The word used to describe this is
A- Magnetic
B- Cohesive
C- Adhesive
D- Capillary
Ans: B
338- Water is the only substance on Earth that can be found in nature as
A- a solid
B- a liquid
C- a gas
D- Three states.
Ans: D

339- Clay has........ porosity and...... permeability

A- low, low
B- high, high
C- high, low
D- low, high
Ans: C

340- Cohesion, surface tension, and adhesion with reference to water

A- All are properties related to hydrogen bonding.
B- All have to do with nonpolar covalent bonds
C- All increase when temperature increases.
D- All are produced by ionic bonding.
Ans: A

341- From the opposite figure answer the following question.

Based on your knowledge of the polarity of water molecules,
the solute molecule is most likely.
A- hydrophobic
B- positively charged.
C- negatively charged.
D- without charge.
Ans: B

342- Sweat has the ability to cool the body down, as water has a high.
A- cohesive rate
B- adbesive rate
C- porosity
D- specific heat
Ans: D
343- The major agent that shapes the Earth's land surface is...
A- wind blows
B- stagnant water
C- freezing rivers
D- water streams
Ans: D

344- From the opposite figure answer:

The diagram represents a cross section through a
coastal mountain range. Which of the following
statements is correct

A- Regions A,B&C would receive the same amount of

B- Region A would receive the most precipitation
C- Region B would receive the most precipitation
D- Region C would receive the most precipitation
Ans: B

345- Where is there more precipitation than evaporation within the Earth system?
A- over the surface of Earth’s continents
B- over the surface of Earth’s oceans
C- over Earth’s poles
D- Evaporation and precipitation are equal over all parts of Earth.
Ans: A

346- Which statement about water on Earth is true?

A- Most of Earth's fresh water is underground; most of the salt water is in the oceans.
B- Most of Earth's salt water is in the oceans; most of the fresh water is in lakes and
C- Most of Earth's total water is in the atmosphere; most of the liquid water is
D- Most of Earth's s total water is in the oceans; most of the fresh water is in glaciers and
Ans: D
347-What would happen if all of the water in the atmosphere suddenly condensed and fell
to the ground?
A- The amount of water in the oceans would increase by about 0.16%
B- The amount of water in the oceans would increase by just over 8.4%
C- The amount of water in the oceans would increase by almost exactly 10%.
D- The amount of water in the oceans would increase by less than 0.001%
Ans: D

348- A scientist calculates that the amount of Earth's total water that evaporates each year
is about 300 times greater than the total amount of water in the atmosphere at any given
time. Which is the best explanation for this observation?
A- Some of the water evaporates downward and immediately enters the groundwater
B- A significant percentage of water that evaporates leaves the system and moves out
into space.
C- A significant percentage of water that evaporates dissociates to form hydrogen and
oxygen ions.
D- The water that evaporates does not stay in the atmosphere very long before it
condenses and falls back to the surface.
Ans: D

349- If the equivalent of 100 cm depth of water evaporates each year, why aren't the
oceans drying up?
A- Only a small percentage of evaporation occurs from the oceans.
B- Ocean water is recharged through hot springs on the ocean floor.
C- City water systems channel wastewater back into rivers and oceans.
D- The equivalent of 100 cm of water falls back to the ground and oceans as
Ans: D

350- Which would be the most likely immediate effect of an increase in the percentage of
precipitation that infiltrates (with no change in the amount of precipitation)?
A- The rate of evaporation would increase.
B- The water level in streams, rivers, and lakes would rise.
C- The percentage of water in the groundwater system would increase.
D- The amount of water entering the atmosphere through transpiration would decrease.
Ans: C
351- What is the main reason that more water falls as rain and snow into the oceans than
onto land?
A- Ocean water has a higher heat capacity than soil and rock.
B- The oceans cover a greater proportion of Earth's surface than land does.
C- Water is a polar molecule and thus water molecules are attracted to each other.
D- More water evaporates from the oceans than from land, and only water that evaporates
from land falls on land.
Ans: B

352. What word describes when water is attracted to other substances?

a) Cohesion
b) Adhesion
c) capillary action
d) surface tension
Ans: b

353. Why does ice float?

a) As water freezes, it expands and its density decreases.
b) As water freezes, it takes up more hydrogen from the atmosphere, causing it to have a
greater buoyancy.
c) As water freezes, air becomes trapped between the hydrogen bonds of water molecules.
d) As water freezes, it takes up more oxygen from the atmosphere, causing it to have a
greater buoyancy.
Ans: a

354. Large bodies of water, such as lakes and oceans, do not quickly fluctuate in temperature.
What is the reason for this phenomenon?
a) Water is an acid.
b) Water is a versatile solvent.
c) Water has a high heat capacity.
d) Water acts as a buffer.
Ans: c
355- Small insects can walk across the surface of calm water. Their
feet push the surface of the water down slightly, somewhat like a
person walking across a trampoline, but they do not break the
surface. What is the best explanation for why this happens?
a) The insects are light enough so that they do not break the
hydrogen bonds holding the water molecules together
b) The insects actually use their wings to hover slightly above the water's surface and they
only skim it with their feet
c) The insects' feet are non-polar, so they are repelled by the polar water molecules and are
pushed away from the water's surface
d) The insects are small enough to see the individual water molecules, so they are able to
step carefully from one molecule to the next
Ans: a
356- The tightness across the surface of water that enables paper clips to float is ____.
a) adhesion
b) capillary action
c) surface tension
d) polarity
Ans: c

357. What is the most powerful agent in weathering and erosion?

a) water
b) soil
c) grass
d) wind
Ans: a

358. When water molecules stick easily to other water molecules, this is called what?
a) cohesion
b) adhesion
c) solution
d) polar molecule
Ans: a
359. Water is polar because.....
a) The unequal sharing of electrons gives the water molecule a slight negative charge near
its hydrogen atoms and a slight positive charge near its oxygen atom.
b) The molecule has two poles, which one results in the poles being colder than other
regions of the molecule.
c) The unequal sharing of electrons gives the water molecule a slight negative charge near
its oxygen atom and a slight positive charge near its hydrogen atoms.
d) The water molecule is neutral and therefore the two poles cancel each other out.
Ans: c

360. Water is a universal solvent because it...

a) It can be found anywhere
b) It freezes when it gets cold
c) floats when frozen
d) Dissolves most substances
Ans: d

361. The bonds that form between neighboring water molecules are called:
a) covalent
b) ionic
c) peptide
d) hydrogen
Ans: d

362. When water and other liquids stick together to form drops or thin films called ______.
a) Adhesion
b) capillary action
c) cohesion
d) surface tension
Ans: d
363. A high specific heat means...
a) It heats up quickly with energy added
b) It requires more energy to change temperature
Ans: b
364. What property of water allows water to flow against gravity?
a) Polarity
b) Cohesion
c) Capillary Action
d) Adhesion
Ans: c
365. High turbidity means.....
a) very clear water
b) neutral pH
c) very murky or cloudy water
d) high nitrates
Ans: c

366. Which water quality indicator will be most impacted by burning fossil fuels and air
a) nitrates
b) pH (water will be more acidic)
c) Dissolved oxygen
d) Turbidity
Ans: b

367. What is part of the water cycle that is not listed: percipitation, transpiration, condensation
a) evaporation
b) fixation
c) ammonification
Ans: a
368. Why does sand get hotter at the beach than the water?
a) water has a high specific heat
b) water has thermal energy
c) sand is just naturally hotter
Ans: a

369. What would cause a body of water to have a higher salinity?

a) decreasing condensation
b) increasing transpiration
c) increasing evaporation
d) decreasing evaporation
Ans: c

370. Why is water the most important substance on earth?

a) moderates Earth's climate
b) insulates the Earth
c) synthesis all molecules
Ans: a

371. Why is water being a universal solvent important to living things in the oceans?
a) Because it clings to other things
b) substances dissolve in and allow organisms to get nutrients
c) causes ice to sink and leaves liquid water for inhabitants
Ans: b

372. What can happen if the water cycle is interrupted?

a) The surface would no longer cool, and temps would rise.
b) The surface would no longer cool, and temps would decrease.
c) The surface would cool to much, and temps would decrease.
Ans: a
373. large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans, do not quickly fluctuate in temperature.
a) Water is a solvent.
b) Water has a high heat capacity.
c) Water acts as a buffer.
d) Water is non-polar
Ans: b

374. Which of the following is LEAST likely to dissolve in water?

a) polar sugar molecules
b) salt made of a positive sodium ion and a negative chloride ion
c) nonpolar fats and oils
d) all of the substances will dissolve easily in water
Ans: c

375. Attractions between the negative Oxygen atom of one water molecule and the positive
Hydrogen atom of another water molecule are called
a) Covalent bonds
b) Ionic bonds
c) Polar bonds
d) Hydrogen bonds
Ans: d

376. Which type of bond must be broken for water to vaporize?

a) ionic bonds
b) both hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds
c) polar covalent bonds
d) hydrogen bonds
e) both polar covalent bonds and hydrogen bonds
Ans: d
377. Why does evaporation of water from a surface cause cooling of the surface?
a) The breaking of bonds between water molecules absorbs heat
b) The water molecules with the most heat energy evaporate more readily
c) The solute molecules left behind absorb heat
d) Water molecules absorb heat from the surface in order to acquire enough energy to
e) The expansion of water vapor extracts heat from the surface
Ans: d

378. About __% of Earth is covered in water.

a) 10
b) 3
c) 97
d) 71
Ans: d

379. Only about __% is freshwater on the Earth.

a) 97
b) 1
c) 3
d) 5
Ans: c
380. As you move deeper into the water temperature, pressure and salt content change.
a) true
b) false
Ans: a

381. As you warm up water, the molecular speed will _____ and the density will _____.
a) increase, decrease
b) decrease, increase
c) increase, increase
d) decrease, decrease
Ans: a
382. What gives rise to the cohesiveness of water molecules?
a) hydrophobic interactions
b) nonpolar covalent bonds
c) ionic bonds
d) hydrogen bonds
e) both A and C
Ans: d

383- Surface tension is caused by ...

a) strong cohesion between water molecules
b) strong adhesion between the water molecules
c) condensation
d) water cycle
Ans: a

384- Many fish and aquatic plants can survive a cold winter because the layer of ice that forms
at the top of the lake insulates the water below and prevents the lake from freezing solid. What
unique property of water contributes to this effect?
a) Water absorbs heat when it evaporates and forms a gas
b) Water expands and becomes less dense when it freezes.
c) Water molecules completely separate into ions in solutions.
d) Water forms hydrogen bonds with ions and other polar substances.
Ans: b

385. The ______ is a property of a system in which two points have opposite characteristics,
such as charges (positive/negative) or magnetic poles.
a) polarity
b) opposites
c) cohesion
d) adhesion
Ans: a
386. Due to the high specific heat capacity of water, which will heat up faster during the
a) land
b) water
Ans: a

387- A florist places a bouquet of white carnations in water containing blue dye. After a time,
the flowers turn blue. What process helped the carnations to change color?
a) water’s ability to form crystals
b) ability of H2O to dissolve NaCl
c) cohesion and adhesion of water molecules
d) formation of covalent bonds between hydrogen and oxygen molecules
Ans: c

388. Water has the ability to store heat longer than other substances. What benefit does this
property of water provide to organisms?
A. It provides the ability to dissolve nonpolar compounds.
B. It provides the appropriate catalyst for chemical reactions.
C. It enables organisms to function with a higher cellular pH.
D. It allows organisms to maintain a stable internal temperature.
Ans: D

389. Which is NOT a unique property of water?

a) Frozen water floats on liquid water.
b) Water covers most of the Earth’s surface and retains a large amount of heat.
c) Water molecules stick to each other through hydrogen bonds.
d) Water cools very rapidly.
Ans: d
390. Water is often called the "universal solvent" because many substances can be dissolved in
water. What property of water allows it to be such a versatile solvent?
a) purity
b) polarity and cohesion
c) high heat capacity
d) expansion upon freezing
Ans: b

391. What property of water helps to moderate earth's temperature?

a) adhesion
b) cohesion
c) Specific heat capacity
d) Latent heat of vaporization
Ans: c

392. Water has a much higher specific heat than most other covalent compounds. What do you
predict might happen if water had a low specific heat instead?
a) Flooding would occur and animals would be forced to migrate
b) Harmful organisms living in water would reproduce at a rapid rate
c) Organisms that are sensitive to changes in temperature would die
d) Plants would not have enough water to effectively carry out photosynthesis
Ans: c

393. Which of the following characteristics of water is not a result of hydrogen bonding?
a) adhesive strength
b) capillarity
c) cohesive strength
d) All of the above are a result of hydrogen bonding.
Ans: d
394. Large bodies of water help to keep nearby climates from being too hot or too cold because
a) absorb heat in the spring and slowly release that heat in the fall
b) absorb heat in the fall and slowly release that heat in the spring
c) absorb heat in the summer and slowly release that heat in the winter
d) absorb heat in the winter and slowly release that heat in the summer
Ans: c

395. What property of water is in this picture?

a) high specific heat
b) surface tension
c) greatest density at 4oC
d) capillary action
Ans: d

396. Sweating is an example of what property of water?

a) Ability to Moderate Temperature
b) Expansion Upon Freezing
c) Cohesive Behavior
d) Universal Solvent
Ans: a

397. Water has __ specific heat. Meaning, it takes __ time to warm up a large amount of water.
a) high/ long
b) high/ short
c) low/long
d) low/ short
Ans: a
Done by:
Ahmed Tolba
Ahmed Essam
Badr Mohamed
Farah Bahaa
Magda Abdelaty

Under supervision of:

Mrs/ Asmaa Shaheen

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