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Question & Answers Worksheet

Examples Q: Do you like pizza? A: Yes, I do. Q: Has Alex ever been to Japan? A: Yes, he has. Answer the following questions. Q: Do you study math? A:

______, ___ ___________. ______, ___ ___________.

Q: Does Alex study English? A:

Think: Why do we use do to make these questions? Q: Are you breathing? A:

______, ___ ___________. ______, ___ ___________.

Q: Is Alex swimming? A:

Think: Why do we use be to make these questions? Q: Have you been to Seoul? A:

______, ___ ___________. ______, ___ ___________.

Q: Have you ever bungee-jumped? A:

Think: Why do we use have to make these questions?

Q: Will you come to school on Tuesday? A:

______, ___ ___________. ______, ___ ___________.

Q: Will Alex go back to England tomorrow? A:

Think: Why do we use will to make these questions. Q: Would you like a candy? A:

______, ___ ___________. ______, ___ ___________.

Q: Would you like me to cut your leg off? A:

Why do we use would in these questions?

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