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ENGL102 – Documented Essay Rubric

Content and Organization 40%

Poor: less than 24 Satisfactory: 24 – 27 Good to very good: 28 – 33 Excellent: 34 and above

Does not provide thesis or Thesis may be The thesis is somewhat original The writer creates a strong
thesis is not related to the unimaginative or obvious. and offers insight to the reader thesis that clearly addresses
topic and writing Supporting reasons are the topic.
assignment somewhat generalized Topic sentences linked to thesis
Topic sentences linked to
Topic sentences, if found, One topic sentence does Presents a clear organizational thesis
do not link to thesis not link to thesis strategy with few inconsistencies
Presents a clear and consistent
Demonstrates a lack of Presents an inconsistent Supports topic sentences with organizational strategy
organization organizational strategy some documented sources
Sequence of ideas is very
Provides no documented Supports topic sentences Elaborates most points effective
sources with one documented
source Supports topic sentences with
several documented sources
Elaborates some points
Elaborates all main points

Language and Mechanics 40%

Poor: less than 24 Satisfactory: 24 – 27 Good to very good: 28 – 33 Excellent: 34 and above

Demonstrates poor use of Contains structural Presents very few mechanical Presents very few and minor
language weaknesses and errors mechanical errors
grammatical errors Sentence structure is correct
Presents many mechanical Sentence structure is generally
errors and sentence Transitions are rarely used correct Rich vocabulary, and effective
structures transitions
Transitions are mostly
No transitions used appropriate

Documentation 20%
Poor: less than 12 Satisfactory: 12 – 13 Good to very good: 14 – 17 Excellent: 18 and above

Lacks sources and/or Sources are accurately Source material is used. All All sources are accurately
sources are not accurately documented, but many are sources are accurately documented in the desired
documented /APA format is not in the desired format documented, but a few are not in format
incorrect the desired format
Quotations and Strong writer voice/original
Overuse of quotations or paraphrases are long or Does not overuse quotes, but writing style
paraphrasing inconsistently referenced many not always conform to
required APA documentation and Consistently conforms to APA
Essay may border on APA conventions for formatting style
intentional or unintentional citing and formatting
plagiarism evidence a few errors

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