Exit Exam Model Que

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Mekdela Amba University

College of Natural and Computational Science

Department of Mathematics

Exit-Exam Model questions for 4th year mathematics students

Name: ____________________________________ ID No _________________

Time allowed: 3.00hrs. Prepared by: All mathematics Staff

Choose the best answers from the given alternatives

1. Let ( ) √
, what is the largest interval on which is continuous

A. 0 1 C. . / . /

B. . / D. ( ) ( )

2. What is the ?
( )

A. ½ C.

3. What are the derivatives of ( ) (√ )?

A. C.

4. Which one of the following is not true about ( ) .

A. & are critical numbers of ( ).
B. f is strictly decreasing on ( - , ).
C. The graph of is concave downward on ( √ ) ( √ ).
√ √
D. Inflection points of are . √ / .√ /.

5. What is the value of ∫ ?

A. | | C. | | ||
B. D. | |

6. If ( ) then which of the following is true about ?

A. is strictly increasing on , √ - C. has local minimum value at √

B. is strictly decreasing on , √ - has local maximum value at √

7. What is the sum of series ∑ ( )?

A. 1856 C. 1800
B. 1600 D. 3600
8. Let be the function defined by ( ) . If ( ) ( ) and ( ) , what
is the value of ( )?

A. C.

B. D.

9. What is the derivative of ( ) ( ( ))?

A. ( ) C. ( )
√ √

B. ( ) D. ( )
√ √

10. The integral value of ∫ is ________?

A. B.
C. D.

11. The limit value of is equal to:

A. C.
B. D.

12. The limit value of is equal to:

A. C.

B. D. None of the above

13. f √ , then is _____

A. C.
B. D. None of the above
14. Let and are real valued function of variables and and ( ) is analytic
function. If then find values of :
A. C.
B. D.

15. Which of the following is not harmonic?

A. ( ) C.
B. D. None of the above
16. In the neighborhood of , the function ( ) has a power series expansion of the form
( ) ( ) ( ) . Then ( ) is _____.

A. D.



17. What is the value of for which is harmonic?

A. 1 C. 2
B. -1 D. -2
18. A pole of order one is called_____
A. Simple pole C. Triple pole
B. Double pole D. None of the above
19. Which one of the following is the Range of ( ) √( )?

A. ( ) C. [0,3)
B. , - D. (0,3]

20. What is the value of ( ) if ( ) ?

A. C.
B. D.

21. If , where then is equal to?

A. ( )
B. ( )
C. ( )
D. ( )

22. If then is equal to

A. C.


23. Which one of the following is the tangent plane to the elliptic paraboloid
at the point ( )
A. C.
B. D.
24. Let then the arc length of the parametric
curve L is equal to:

A. √ C.
B. D.
25. Which one of the following is true?

A. Separable equation is always exact.

B. Exact equation is always separable.
C. Linear equation is always separable.
D. Homogeneous equation is always separable.
26. Which one of the following differential equations is not Linear?
A. ( ) C.
B. D. √

27. Which one of the following differential equations is not homogeneous?

A. C.

28. An equation of the form ( ) ( ) is called

A. Linear equation
B. Bernoulli equation
C. Separable equation
D. Exact equation
29. The general solution for is

A. C.

B. D.

30. The function ( ) has no power series expansion at

A. C.
B. D.

31. A first order PDE ( ) is classified into

A. Linear PDE C. Quasi-linear PDE

B. Semi-linear PDE D. All
32. The partial differential equation obtained from . / by eliminating an arbitrary
function is .
A. D.
C. –

33. To solve a 1st order nonlinear Partial differential equation, which one of the following
methods is helpful?

A. Lagrange’s Method
B. Charpit’s Method
C. Method of separation of variables
D. Euler’s Method

34. The solution of the PDE √ √ is

A. ( √ ) for
B. ( √ ) for
C. ( √ ) for
D. ( √ ) for

35. The second order PDE is classified into

A. Hyperbola
B. Parabolic
C. Elliptic
D. All
36. Find the Future value on an investment of 700$ compounded quarterly at 10% for 3 years.

A. 241.42 $ C. 941.42 $
B. 841.42 $ D. 741.42 $

37. At 3% annual interest compounded monthly, how long will it take to double your
money? If we start with P= $100 and FV=$200.
A. 20.1 C. 21.1
B. 22.1 D. 23.13.
38. Suppose that Alemu deposits 1000 $ every 3 months in saving account which pays 8%
annual interest compounded quarterly. How much will Alemu have in the bank at the end of
5 years?

A. 24329.37$
B. 22503.37$
C. 24297.37 $
D. 24330.37$
39. Which of the following is NOT true about call and put options?

A. An American option can be exercised at any time during its life

B. A European option can only be exercised only on the maturity date
C. Investors must pay an upfront price (the option premium) for an option contract
D. The price of a call option increases as the strike price increases

40. Which one of the following is required for Arbitrage?

A. Very fast
B. Perfect information
C. Zero transaction costs
D. All
41: In simplex method basic solution set as (n-m), all the variables other than basic are
classified as

A. Constant variable C. Basic variables

B. Non positive variables D. Non-basic variable

42. According to algebra of simplex method, the slack variables are assigned zero coefficients

A. No contribution in objective function

B. High contribution in objective function
C. Divisor contribution in objective function
D. Base contribution in objective function

43. In linear programming problem, dual price represents

A. Mean and maximum price C. Minimum and mean price

B. Minimum and maximum price D. Unit worth of a resource
44. When the total supply is equal to the total demand in transportation problem, the problem
is said to be:

A. Balanced C. Degenerate
B. Unbalanced D. None of the above

45. Zero sum game has to be a _______ game

A. Single player C. Three player

B. Two player D. Multiple player

46 . If I = ∫ , then using Simpson’s ( ) rule , the numerical value of I is

approximately :

A. 1.0769 C. 0.4256
B. 0.6256 D. 0.1756

47. The percentage error in approximating by is ______%

A. 0.25 C. 0.15
B. 0.10 D. 0.20

48. Which of the following is an iterative method?

A. Gauss Seidel C. Gauss Jordan

B. Factorization D. Gauss Elimination

49. If , , , then the value of is :

A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

50. The bisection method converges to the zero of ( ) if it is applied on the


A. , - C. , -
B. , - D. , -

51. What is the value of continued fraction of ?

A. [-1;2,1,2,3] C. [-1;1,2,1,4]

B. [-2;1,2 ,1,3] D. [-2;1,3,1,4]

52. Which one of the following Diophantine Equation cannot be solved?

A. C.
B. D.

53. Which of the following are complete residue systems ?

A. * +
B. * +
C. * +
D. * +

54. The complete solutions of the linear congruence ( ) is____________.

A. C.
B. D.
55. hat is the remainder when is divided by ?
A. C.
B. D.
56. Which one of the following is not a group?

A. ( ) C. ( )
B. ( ) D. ( )
57. Let G be a group of order 6 and H be a subgroup of G such that 1 | H | 6 . Then which
one of the following option is correct?
A. G is always cyclic, but H may not be cyclic
B. G may not be cyclic, but H is always cyclic
C. Both H and G are cyclic
D. Both H and G are may not be cyclic

58. Suppose 2,5,8,4and 3,6 are the two permutation groups that form cycles. What type of
permutation is this?

A. Odd C. Even
B. Cyclic D. Prime

59. In a ring of rational numbers which one of the following is not invertible element?
A. 1 C. -1
B. 2 D. 0
60. Which one of the following statements is true?
A. The set of all negative rational numbers forms a group under multiplication.
B. The set of all matrices forms a group under multiplication.
C. The set of all nonsingular matrices forms a group under multiplication.
D. The set of matrices forms a group under multiplication.

61. Which of the following is true?

A. Every square matrix is identity matrix.

B. Every identity matrix is scalar matrix.
C. All diagonal matrices are scalar matrices.
D. All

62. One of the following physical quantities is vector.

A. Density C. Acceleration
B. Volume D. Area
63. Which is the length of a vector ( ) in ?

A. √ C. 4
B. 64 D. None
64. Let and be vectors with lengths 3cm and 4cm respectively. If the angle between
and is 60 , then which is the scalar product of and ?

A. 6 C. 3√
B. 6√ D. 12√
65. Which of the following is used to solve system of linear equations?

A. Gaussian Elimination Method C. Cramer’s Rule

B. Gauss Jordan Method D. All

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