Connelly 2008 Fatal Misconception - Chapter 6

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6 CONTROLLING NATIONS in the life of a G6Giall movement, supporters must (prove that their cause is not only just but important and worthy of the world’s attentionyin the ‘eof population control, official recognition came in a complicated and vsundabout fashion, revealing how even discussing contraception was still difficult for most governments. It started in August 1961, as the latest cen- susresults surprised observers, and Sweden aid Denmark insisted that pop> uation’ growih be added to the(UN/General Assembly’siagenda. This was the work of and a long- time ally of Elise Otcesen-Jensen. They had some hope for success. Earlier that year, the Vatiealt aiid its allies had only just managed to prevent the governing bodies of WHO and the ILO from discussing family planning oi procedural grounds, No delegate objected when the Population Com- ould request advice for national mission heard that more governments W: ady given to Programs, in that way appearing to accept the technical sid already BERD COunties li Tadial and Egypt. And at the Economic and Social Council, the president of the World Bank, Eugene Black argued thatipopulation fowth imperiled economic progress. Finally, from countries like Pakistan and Tunisia—deflecting, * not entirely defus- ing, the charge that only white) wealthy countries cared about the issuel! The item was assigned to the Second Commirree of the General Assem- ly, tesponsible fo: but there was not time “rough for a debate before the end The sponsors asked that their resolution be given priority . 1962 because of its importance— standard motion for closure. Instead, representatives of Argentina and a, 195 fo ped prey is es, “ims onstrate rot gin eee ‘on conta when the debate was joined yeu tere Lindo hd lle for“ debate, reali indore! curs edo: ve lt wd iors ae and Woman wld comin hit ace mo ee ‘ie “pup oe mr oncace” Suppren of fe ea, ‘cot sh when not aca "abe hei pponen arene ol ot ga dh “gic exrmneous® Thy el eres ‘shit do cnn “pl, popgands or Banga eo, ‘oi twee ue mean dat cone eye! ‘Wen the debe sumed, dg gent ge thea of tae. The Fea pee Nae Vand, inte hen ‘nit dot atu leigh bef se, could governments problem and create progrins to sides wi Bin conta And if people “more brul measure» fine population growsh a2 hout eeling cizene ro we ould noc be persuaded, might tha not kad to dcr iia people epro> sds had made ea crime eve ta Trench ule Is epesena nin growth wi “one of he Peentive ine chat pop abe agen ns Foci Ieuan be ‘This woul r10Ns 7 sea ee - ‘over four meetings: cc ae Ee rec at te icin = and warne a Sela Te pw onl on ze i ‘a parliamentary maneuver, Resolutions oy ce we . en Second Committee were typically subject to a simpl ct cect he mae! cul be xi de ir oy es oe Aca ne rats ae ls a ined ok Fre Ne i eres dagee Te SES ae eae ee nl om bad 9 es ket dat an endoncmes of UN acon make ed ner nh ginning of ana Aeris here ce ing ppltion conto pan mp ai oposion an tan fm seth to atch, Within 2 vend com -—_ Flinn the ey store fi Sx Vata Counc ypeopleand demographesoined he elie sion, et obervers asd thatthe Church was epsing fe fs The bet of mon! popon poze Prt ascaons began to double nd double sn. New eho Ai fica, and ain tev echlogie were deployed in camp as A Ain a Aes. Hestaly Bs, bu with nceaig eemiotin inde ther Sex bean owe euler cio he Geen Asently sora N en por ee Scung aber ell of sent that finally ew the vie, wha seemed mos impor the qualified backing ofthe United Se conc the st public indeation of Kennedy took office, nie US. oficial a N, "32: Blcthoners potion. Some White Hou yu a “ ea + residents Cais made his imponible Tae el tcatoal Development (USAID) dil not wang S48 ie SELcow fei The Sate Deparment ene sd Ge Mh vn fe De Pi aoe ucnthood volantes—reeommended 8 0 * reac ‘ing in ths people who pet excited abou arcoften ‘aden cb VIAND ect screw hi had long been concerned abou ppe, tnion com and e decided to approve vere of McGhee eae dhione Thera * Because Rak presumably dil sor In ton in th Bird and the bees, his cold only mean sevice abou npn ing family planing programs. Moreover, a Sse Departmen afte ld Ana henceforth te ted Stes would give “maximum support comiatent wih song tnd public to work nthe population ld bythe UN." Ars rp score ofthe National Catholic Were Confrence tated ce lash asin the United Nations, US, spkesman Richard N. Garde b sained on the operative pasoge, acing that ie would ot Be ay Auber the UN dil not alent poness He desc the une backing ofthe rst ofthe solution “the cee kind of mandse Proceed wit igor w futher exploration of popaltion growth a i Iain economic and scl development “Thisbe ‘ame clear when Draper briefed him shout population pow od prey Why doen the Ford Foundation” Kennedy ed ncenate all of is raoutr on the poplaion rblen ‘When Draper tele tat te Foendnicn fa problems oo, ing Kennedy administration, the United Sites continue toe ‘courage the UN, foundations tnd pate sation ie eget Bal ‘considered ill whch pre-onineny ued ne ec ae Whih dot? ‘Psa ifence. Tae number of Fash A + Prerinene $5 milion more ogee tak ree pee ena re fe Pd Ree et ob hed Mehdi ommend toed acces ont ee com Ga fy Hugh Moot fall-pge nempsper abeermens “creel eh Me ms ag cen for US. hep. Foundation nd fn = hen set about drumming up suc equers 9 poe the ‘oasis Eicoutaaet aa el Gee Peat Tar sunmet x: Drape ping, Seto Wan a cae ‘he frm bl di exp such. Pepe nieces cinaymieien na associations & led government officials wo fol- eg rheit comeacts became moee fre- aor iced un ober wages rbo Ping caistimen oe burerces — — v8 increasingly looking co work hence ‘ring fr al the male of public i pans wt Oe ec ce ae cme ep = gewoon bei "me pas am US, oan, 8M a wo sceped sha he goverment would $e Fn ner san ae a {sy dl ras pen em ‘dg, euctane to cs losing hard-curenc reopen le He — te Hi ng nt nn ese tr Heth Aisin and Econ (IHR) ye bpm apa rh = Poet rrieciet oes ing consuls o wo ire Yeas oF more. By 1966 ‘most working in the He Miniays Deparment of Fay Plsnning. They monitored Fol pees and idenifed new funding sprint ng te oe an) (CERES rnocng esto het pymaner Bee fe mane echo this 2 senior Ministry of External Afi of i Ye, szemed tobe coming fom the other dtction, The Population Coun, from the foundation” point of view, the penetration sometimes {ot nse, found that Indian officials were able to ovetide ts recommen. bine that Ford helped wo esablih, and protracted bureaucratic rogle em ‘acd, Ensminger had an ally in the minister of faance TT. Krshos ‘chai But Keshnamacharso hated Nayar cathe eared 0 appro the ‘om fandng needed to euch the intensified dics programs The Ford SFhrltn therfore “Bowed sound ceacng more probe tan she tok do and coe with” Ensminger wa puter incensed when some cho brn dnd Naas oon pba her es ope Sit unrpars embeded win he NINE tage a oan unde, pointed out that providing services er rt consulants, Lyle vod rca set ie mo ono ac — -~ ==. . ees pig ogra Tis 2 ad heh pteonl opened 2 ie oes ong po the india in par ofa St hSRT IeA eSc le this confer was to ea igh AL oes bad shown the way For Lord Horde “indi ee yora “disease ofthe Body politi.” analogous to cube 2 Hey was among the Bo war ht an a Mice of he planer afer secing cro gcd on vow ihe Ganges: Indias omn ambassador to the United Sas fargo fought wich che same elas malaria and sr ovepopuation had ro be fought wich ble wit ad amp wold be Fay of the program. “le should be sible fo if wil fre TUCD cay ere te Hah at pga nl UO Sat ae Boo amin ce oe a rel st Sone women would ly expel here a etU thie removal, “with, ‘the expansion ofthe prog ee res wl be higher Spin 2s ropes he vo “ eho OR OEE a ce pao Seca bse lene Whi hing raged arom wh a ona Sorina een ike teed apt ACER iin hep ny Me wnwclane eh Vitec tea a a anions » ee reached 110 million rupees in 1965-66, ning se. etd ove the previous er le thereof ince of not at all. It already swallowed up nearly 13 percent iret aol wall ipo eg 93 cf win =1967-68. Population control was imperative in time i nae Ti he quay of people at Ueda he pele and noc mete mambers er diel th ewe, While the min re the “cafeteria approach,” giving people w chide beeen pipe the afta approach, ee 4 2 ‘The Health Ministry di- SS: ‘See all mity homes rll ld eh ems sd o ee ee ee earner ae ce eee otnreenaats oe So Soames eer nop sone emo inl poring pe sel, whch sitet rmra cents ee wh Seta ‘ting machine” and started es ase eee arias Sea popteeeld them spontaneously. By chi pot ll ge groups sil etained the device, and a . \oseieriie- pepe i woul to aber re Taichung cperinen nd ned ei & I (SSSA pun ra eo Bes ween {2 ops Tan nd South Ka nto wis cro” {Bd sling Tey nd ae cs Were ingen, had to pay bal he de Exrpoltion of the "Swell organized compared wih shor in I ‘nisi ead somes cms denarii or me den ee slbatroon min dma noses a ae ‘ude ma ges tru ze» sna oon ee fn re 5 « ide ei errr ESE ee tin pa tapi Emp ose ope fe wh nny Sie deel cap ee tals pte Mabon mae ca ‘tarpon rene vr oe es i ee Co fly Pang Coa fit meg Scie prema a pe ‘bunk eo ba ye nar Ren gs ‘ni er rb Marng Cor ia aie cy pT se Ss ar i nn Conc pon dade et opener ee oe serene i rates a Feta enim a tei mere ea Serine 3) pepsi crate ol mar ale se nth mio wn Slingo Tc Ui Sasi en hc ie sone Area ha is probly, he admied But Be Jolson advisors were now aad we a eae et cr a ea aie etn 37 12,1966, Paine Miniter Sa ded ee sc OR sesefl peace summit with President Ayub. A week comaon of ee nis Gal ke ipl, Scenry ied Palas ‘that Johnson might pledge a0 Lan ‘Freeman suggested sie Oe food as goodwill gesture. The presi- ee If million tons of food as: roe eman to quitigving snuff stray" Ian Rone xd personal interest in family plan- bate ari, the new premier had a per in aS on ee i pina i aan nn pin main ng “" che ocher hand, sydsed afte ith oh sees ca She had ‘wanted to donate her family’s ancestral home in ce. :. ‘could become an Instieute for Family Planning, As in aes distribute hundreds of thou- ce fel pen ion ‘Sota saul na own any ning norman: i ani together with Rama Raw was also among thos Serre err ena meg aes net ain oto more ce eo Anh ona nk he tha he coud cl” ht sh ad ay Tes riSa bu ired three things peace wi (CS elt lr noe wi pn pe meayn ol PE ‘in ip hh ro pei a ‘eggplant ca ip mae png pen en mo ‘amity planning," On January 25, 1966, the day aera sae te ny of Howse Me Th em ing ng ee ee “pecenmnralt aheien ‘The president considered Bowes roo easy 00 Inia BE Stn nr nse teat fa nee w how Oe io rain nh ena t= and Congress, was that In sere sian Caen sed Ue Sa nab el ‘eto Wrshingeon, “Johnson explode fore he “No, He 0." Califano gor al eee ny : cn ie ne pr = wn ye Presswecn seed, wma poortorte— Or dove. ei ou. choose, etter we ler ym aie of yr reduce He Cuma of Lar a PRdLuco. W a ee mainte wnat ce te at cee oat let alles ee. ea en feta wie a ee ee Seeman poet nas Sec rere ec aieerae e Fre cgetine Beret pall Serer temay e lec wire sun, co “Thee i no coal ofthe cnveraionbecween Gandhi and Joon ‘when they mer alone on the moring of Mitch 28,1966. Buc steno Johnson was append ssid. When he set 2 menage ro Congress 2 dase equsing ea i app he reported, “The Tadian goverment baliws dt ther can be no else sli of he Indian food problem thu dacs nao population cone. The choke ‘enow bersen a compehenine and har program fr in fc, India wou she famine only ade ite rai Shor 2 ‘er Gandhis etm Ney agreed eo commendations fom #39 el comminee under Maheee Doon would now tse harp PoY for woking in ble uns, but abo minal perormance sada 130 sesso 300 IUD interop month See doco boa incl ics would lo xv a bonus they preformed 75 vate 130 ine szriont As fo pre praconer, they wen pid pasevrkciys Ite ad cates ats ree Orvene + Sek out by US ... NIM lous yA ms eS 5 pers per TUD insertion, Whe sae were wecomy. FF eould dispatch Toop sud” to en acs ee ni -“ die targets i ert rT nade only oblique reference ro the progr oe “s of the cases is of ut hei Pete les ec ke al ofthe foreign exper eepors, m ee cc tT ype re a oa Tilo of iserons, and dha hee was ml” eee ble dns and il 5 ha at fail pansing po we when ofan Us Pd ed eat those who, because of une found stable forthe ‘than ile pve infaatoy dase rie [Uva were ald wo abnor he cst oof the three pe th fnvh UD ieerion” = Tater dan providing some ices ——a avin srl Shen The miner agreed, n pine veh 4 Se SEN, comnts de The mer er “oudor, weve we fr he developmen mor Se Ses, dng the Wd Bank commen © 0a ADS Se Ni the ew permanent seem fay pe "Rel ha chy "sould no wae ny 8 i Tar omen Serpe popaaon con ns sk peplaionexplonion a8 = reading opumbles se ‘na White House ine ‘Sehr hey might ecive nds © fn Washig- ls nace wen : "ale ie within he TS aris sb al Neen ‘The Population Councils we will 7 sl Gwtmads worn detecpotin versyg, ime le tcp ta seta of 1UD programs love the wo the Cogn "suo of not problems In June 1908 fe fot etacum poe discovered in allowup ema horse? SPO ‘F 3400 inseed with IUDS had sere =a teen times higher than anticipated. Ths wat one of te nog A je women had beter care and ‘han mos. ineigaos were “The net month Garmas lean hac he rte of IUD sero had fallen of ae shockingly” bette of like eny Bleeding and cop pg ‘ane: By August wavs tha higher han nip ane pee ‘stews esuion o femoral due o adele were temic pon, ommon to IUD programs in the United Sater, Parte Roca iy South Kore, and Poran® ‘The Population Council privately cecultd his infomation t poe ‘gam adminisrator They supgesed tac doctors do beter ob edueseng ‘ek pts and perhaps be paid for ellw-up visi "The sane sings (Gurumacher read,“ chat Nayar claims such magnifcen rel ia. Perhaps iis basse filow-up let comple" In atthe mth ‘ate of IUD isesions in India had illen by hal since Match ro ap. ‘ointely 12.000 co 60,000, In June Delhi vce repre tht ‘ome ares ney half ofl thos inserted wee complaining of prolonged esting, “easing a very bad reaction.” By Osber 1986 the pace ot only enh f that equi ro mee he ann rg eve een th che umber of ition, though tha 00 had begun to level af ld family lansing program wa uring int aaa A few sates seme to show a wy ot ofthe imps. Pa fa ‘ance, hd becn ying UD acepors nie ahioed 2 target for 1965-66, scr withan IUD cau ge ach payment Rather han ees nanonre ay sale i provided ts 1 saps foray TUD Ine ah aE» ~~ a as ctomy (te incesed v0 90 rupee. Out af this any 0 tere InceNNE pee NECA, Whether i i pay wht 1 nemo” sao mee el a anding provide higher incense) Ind uly any en ao terved compenaon for every procure, Thoin Mince made larger payments. Some Indian indusiiss ec neo the county gt sie the ae = = cee rettoateneterel ‘Nore ifcat chan the amount of che incentives wa he ining of sitio Sacco Jono rc a tn, Hy Ps in rf Pe ‘Sera handed ill pepe nw lke es, 2 0 112 rapes ye ia aij fd ite wa the tid yea sl er pita income would ange from en wuld ake 510.515). The pry of even a modes cash pm ‘sundry importance : population peog ere ei Ie ‘esi USAID acl nore ol met i nt ‘dlntuence”t enue that goverment We Sea “ena population increases: wri ess mere sbelyenecive ee 2 ree ays ik oF s = ‘Sogo er dan 900 ote 222” en anounced the !nmaintly afr the neni Po" iar had ees a, ew so thelowest ee of eli (ally Auaiey MMERU = ictal is “We coon be Gone a, ‘cap of wha determined people can do for thems og Ince, he wrote that Gandhi must “Sind stisfaction” with her Fre nl, population program.” foretomen, Tn ling Kn eer bind nde ate officials to devise a scheme chat would come ro signif -everyt vad ‘ih pplton ota in ind Sameone nthe Meno gE Fay Peoring recomended that, instead of il highs ieee tml aio he Miya oy ‘i mn ie a bons pote es es moe ya ‘ial te mete tet eM et Sl pc Mecho aan snap day sir ain: Poe oe a ee, fn wo ers my ember th ae oe ‘Teal waned anyone rnd ce te ‘yoy, pap tek winch a ‘hen oh len beth hes Some! Sr a et in ee ‘Gone eUD ise Gils. A te end of 1966 both Kea nd Mysore had bun : ee ent Nr Canc a a irl me nen ems i fMtbetanw rael e thre or mote cdr all sate employes tat elec 1 hve ey seietin of plc prea Maharshi eb ety “ring he wend ono ea gh eel ee ines woul eed fe eile mach oe OM FEC tat » coe onning in india was chat it included eveyone, po: tn a ble bere eat eigen 2 HN cet the sat ager everywhere—nich a = cial the the tremendous diver Or plato —depiethe ened esas et OP eon iferences inset demand alee age pan oer at a. The chet minister of Maharashr, VP. Naik se eal eiation sold apply 10 all izes — a ere Ba be pel ince lon fea ce on” fe ean, ot a Nery eperton™ a ar Coal Faily Panning Counc had ake pte he pop ot whee pues in he roe sae gution iene on EES dope! Viualy eee post eee a daancee ce enemy an impediment, br so ht ey ‘meeting with publish Sinan mya Pch srt ensign cone fre Mame agreed 0 serio, a Ne Tedd not help mater: Senor pn i: : warned that such “rusm- “estore iy ie ah Sg” igt“snebal in ge ale opostion” ws eel hat ‘ine ing ce nnn oi si 3 A 0 ee "ap sy inthe ats ofthe cour” Some were pepe SIE T ‘ade groups, begining wid Be ind oct ov eed vere cig ot ‘show tpn any. Tey co Oe then of these benefits, Maharashura and Ura Pade nar ‘Sipe ee “tbe weet ee band {Scns ed on ue ne wiley mae ean mm ee i ye ‘ise bug by een eles 8 Dw ning and pore a ny conn = ou. Tr mie edema Cota et sively cy mati ee Taneteuey meen este ‘on rw let afl pay Chand ea posiion by parapheasing Olver Wendell Holmes judgment in Begs Ihe prince ts comply vata bd och Sone cag he rie epnion stab cet pc cou ang Aiea prolonged deare the esbinet judged Chandrasekhar’ propos fo ven if eit ard, egilore eee question retin! whether dhe goverment would adope mote limited messures to pele ‘sipping scheduled eases of cholushipe would cause hardship and that withdrawing fe medical cre and maternal eave would harm womea 24 tiles. Others would continue © pest, including Asoka Mehta, who {old th conbined port of Sac Were, Peleun a Chen Se a (Ragrhabtbeetnrsnhantn “He we baer le trom kif, Fomay uel, ata pois, fora while, bie wl help © Jimparc heh er long."™ ce cvs wedded ape Gai. nd ts inh cnr maid ee ee ate The aya incompe the dination vo ste of eth eis these or ing a ik Pring fr proms an psig rent ici eae ‘are carro agree cones. Ashe putin etinony Be oe Sat Gasing ome weld ponent pe sees nine tc sl that heat" ‘vst and something hast be done to die renin lure, Dalits wet EES and epg te Hn wat aed beast conned population com a oO rogram were now all he more neces. Ths ee Rsk ait wie ph i oni ol eg, Drape weg Oe Oe pce agai ws 2 ten i a i con i ee es pores Nas nese Troon rhc Me hm Se ee etn en lo x bagged thatthe Population Counc had “bought it eee ee hl TUD, vars i th idea of 2 eras program? Gnd someting bet or is point ‘money had given ita uniquely on The 8263 ai = areet ~ Fedor cere inno, orig ign ee Feaan combined Yer even the resources of the ws SEEM andatonsxmed insufciene compared with he sa fhe ‘Tokio Moremer, Draper conser both Fs! and he Counc 09 Shee inthe methods. He wold join Hugh Moore inerang he to drive home the need for dras- Seton in Washington. In November 1967 shy pea Semes Genin, Flight Jseph yigs a tke spores Cong ‘mak 83 milion of USAID budge fr fay planing While he sions rei pete wd ep ne tol ned by quater, they mow had o ede ier on ‘nity planning, USAID administrator William Gaud had — nl ‘hey would not be able to do it. But the new hen of he popu ee Reinet Raven was il fabio, de ‘Rall oi and mor. —— This money wuld became a wind fr al beNIGOS wih oni ams in ily planning. Even before te new bul a SSE PPE was promised $3 million, Following 0 i ist be ro 's 186, $368,000 from Sweden the whol ane on bud hn : ohn of $6 lie ed ano rei By 1968, at ee ike Jo came from foreign aid agencies. ® pl fr eso fend i tegiona erty fr Europe ad waged ‘if Drapes demand thac “population conta should be the ove Ste ep eee el ge fewer” a ‘The Population Coun Bn ae eT an nao ee eee eee eo ele ere ca ee ee ee aes eee eee ney Son eae oe sooene a eee es eee es mavion: large pool of money open to bidding” ee ee fae ete ene Eugene Black, this once obscure academic found doors opening °© Nee ce de Ho ead ie i spo Wit cri dy Neve en ea tert: nay ‘when an acolyte commented on how “we had come a long way since WE stared thinking about this ten years ago," and thar “Norcia had the sox ecg jb inthe word” Noten cold noc see ™ “ong hse Norway a sumption, Alzn Guttmacher was inthe habit of beginning er nthe Phone Facto mente vith ence fig ee 0 196 sora . xy ‘ehh of concen abou he “Popuatin Bom, se ld ws ae at “ihn: Gn ces th USAID gel pd ines ‘cori oot ben the min oreo fing Da fT Fon tio Wer oeltan September 1970, on oundaon Acne Now Yok C0176 an enlng 31.000 fer alofe as I ly from Rio to New York.” He insisted on this wi, fist classy with the IPPF picking up the tab, eee Sera cls wih thee spouses asa me of pic. One Pond vais Ensingcr ever left his residence in Deli—be wos! ‘ei sa of ining mai coke nen I ted chi pare of his oral his : at and prov sieigc nse om the ned copay cop delet she sve to ance the es talent, eve i he cons ne co spend ee donors. Thus while or Fom comer i sll need 2 ana oF IEIPPF hiced advised chat i had see wa hoping to ge “Stor hedges in London hl een Ey FATAL attscOncEny, dicen ith neon and nd the Goa, man. Such a pesonage would noed a slay and Send pen i ne as om ml trnor nel i pecrnet sme a ae er ne mig Pectret Serna steer aie aie eee ce he tats Co ection maiee srmnatated Moen fected epee al Sent tte pater ames Eee ee ee Soe feecace ee api a mein sy on da Scents oe neem iene Sait ear ears ice ecg Tina arte tonne img should declare 2 policy to reduce Population growth; see up a family plan- ring council wih eprsetaties fom diferent minisres and NCOs sam the program whee sce nan lection and analysis of information, ‘Particularly vial satistics"; hey should. smn Kedar sme oa So “matt ron Soe pe ee i ‘rogram both localy and soak sd gieee ‘popu il ce Sreely arson nen tility from vious potently inrened marr —_ a ~ cs complly ferent vam led Tad pre yet ry f Heath Teas virally identi with al Fo vai, One might hav exerted some nar eel ree country had 2 president and the ther had a sera on co re oe an aaa mtn, che only signin diference wa 0 ex ir in an heh misy hat sa ocmic Penn nt Deepens oe La dag te Conia ed stay coe mres” Orber than tha and yur prvemmen at to be congas... We Bele Eine af yh none pon of i edt implons of populaion grove at sage ine Can dowlepmene when herein dl ppt fr ee tio rh ses hese eons domandeddemegr- dmv onda ernment ‘Fe Lol ied ld wore woul cee a thee Sr Scr acos the Afi Sel we sh owt o Nepal and hog chlo tng Tested ingest he a oro Ck om fey ocd BM prc cn a a ne “EP Si tid ling de te ein, hm ‘espns ade int went hagunges Dich uo ‘ie spor hy ced, mea he se hig a inal ‘cudng the children who overheard their i alli tered they eben bor” Sie manele coma elo Fike ngage, or cyen o meet non tala ain, regu wal de oe! or an de nha we wing 4 fh esa hy cou gon ce nb {fom U.S: population centers, Doubles many Scere S30 be his oe ays how thy ae #08 1 helt cepa ha wa nog always al wre aed what ‘stone prone r-e inn e, 236 FATAL MIS motivated these foreign consultants to come help them. Monetary considered the main reason, followed by desire to write a book," For population experts this was the beginning of an era of constantly, panding opportunities. The budgets, the staff, the access were al] fiona even more quickly than the population growth their programs were Pa to stop. There was “something in it for everyone,” Population Assoctatig of America President John Kantner later recalled: “the activist, the schol, the foundation officer, the globe-circling consultant, the wait-listed gover, ment official. World Conferences, a Population Year, commissions, «. lect committees, new centers for research and training, a growing supply of experts, pronouncements by world leaders and, most of all, money. - lots of it.""* There was only one problem. Populationsgrowthestillsappearedstorbe accelerating. The experts could not agree why, and family planning—even crash programs—did not seem capable of stopping it. tain yg

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