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1 © IWA Publishing 2017 Water Science & Technology | in press | 2017

An evaluation of hydrologic modeling performance of EPA

SWMM for bioretentions
Sezar Gülbaz and Cevza Melek Kazezyilmaz-Alhan

Sezar Gülbaz
Recent techniques should be investigated in detail to avoid present and future problems of
Cevza Melek Kazezyilmaz-Alhan (corresponding
urbanization like flood, drought and water pollution. Low Impact Development (LID) Best author)
Department of Civil Engineering,
Management Practices (BMPs) such as bioretentions, green roof, rain barrels, vegetative swales, and Istanbul University,
Avcılar Istanbul 34320,
permeable pavements have been implemented to diminish adverse effects of urbanization. In this Turkey
study, a hydrological model for Rainfall-Watershed-Bioretention (RWB) system is developed by using
Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model (EPA SWMM). RWB system is an
experimental setup which consists of an artificial rainfall system, drainage area and four bioretention
columns with different soil mixture. The hydrological modeling capability of SWMM for bioretentions
is presented using the experimental data obtained from the experiments conducted in RWB system
under different rainfall events and for bioretentions with different design. Finally, the modeling
results of SWMM is compared with the results of the Hydrological Model of RWB (HM-RWB) system.
Results show that EPA SWMM performs well in modeling bioretentions whereas the results of
HM-RWB are in better agreement with the experimental data.
Key words | bioretention, EPA SWMM, hydrological model, low impact development (LID), storm
water treatment


The inadequacy of water resources due to the increase in rain barrels, vegetative swales and permeable pavements
population, and land use changes due to the vast number (Sigmon et al. ; Yang et al. ). Preserving and recreat-
of agricultural and industrial activities reveal the necessity ing natural landscape features, minimizing effective
of best management of water resources. Urbanization imperviousness to create functional and appealing site drai-
causes an increase in impervious areas, and thus a decrease nage, which treats storm water as a resource rather than as a
in infiltration. As a result of decrease in infiltration, surface waste product, are intended by implementing LID. LID has
runoff generated over the surface during rainfall increases several benefits beneath improving management of runoff
which results in flooding events. In addition, with washoff and flooding such as protecting animal habitats and ecology
of pollutants, which build up on surface during dry days, of the watershed. Bioretention is a type of LID to diminish
water quality of surface water becomes poor. Several adverse effects of urbanization and is used to decrease
methods are investigated to prevent flood and water pol- runoff volume and peak flow rate, increase evapotranspira-
lution caused by land use change and urbanization (Davis tion, infiltration and ground water recharge, and reduce
; Li et al. ; Gülbaz & Kazezyılmaz-Alhan ). the pollutant loading in surface and ground water (Hunt
Low Impact Development (LID) type of Best Management et al. ; Endreny & Collins ; Li & Davis ;
Practices (BMPs) is among recently developed techniques Brown & Hunt ; Sun et al. ; Gülbaz et al. ).
(US EPA ). Understanding the hydrological behavior of bioretention is
LID-BMP is an approach of land re-development to crucial to efficiently implement it and spread its usage.
manage storm water runoff and quality in urbanized regions. Therefore, both experimental and numerical studies on bior-
There are several LID types such as bioretention facilities, etentions have got noticed in the last decade. In the
rain gardens, storm water wetlands, vegetated rooftops, literature, there are studies related to the hydrological and

doi: 10.2166/wst.2017.464
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2 S. Gülbaz & C. M. Kazezyilmaz-Alhan | Hydrologic modeling performance of EPA SWMM for bioretentions Water Science & Technology | in press | 2017

water quality model of the surface flow by using EPA using this setup. The columns are modeled using EPA
SWMM (Chang et al. ; Meierdiercks et al. ). SWMM. Then, performance of the model is evaluated by
Although, the numerical models of the LID application comparing the model results with the experimental data col-
and especially, bioretention type of LID, developed by lected in RWB system. Finally, the modeling results of EPA
using EPA SWMM are rather limited, still some studies SWMM is also compared with the results of Hydrological
exist in the literature (Alfredo et al. ; Tillinghast et al. Model of RWB (HM-RWB) developed by Gülbaz &
; Lee et al. ). For example, Campisano et al. () Kazezyılmaz-Alhan (b). Results show that EPA
evaluated the capability of SWMM for rain barrel modeling. SWMM performs well in modeling bioretentions whereas
Aad et al. () implemented new modeling techniques of the results of HM-RWB are in better agreement with the
two LID-BMPs, which are rain gardens and rain barrels, experimental data.
in the EPA SWMM. SWMM is used to simulate pipe net-
work hydraulics for the Beijing Olympic Village residential
area in China incorporating some LID BMP types, such as MATERIAL AND METHODS
porous pavements, green roofs and rainwater cisterns, into
the model by Jia et al. (). Experimental setup of RWB system
In this study, a hydrological model for Rainfall-Water-
shed-Bioretention (RWB) System is developed to RWB System is constructed at Avcılar Campus of Istanbul
investigate bioretention type of LID by using EPA SWMM. University in Istanbul, Turkey. The system has 40 m2 of drai-
RWB System is an experimental set up developed by nage area for watershed simulation, 40 rainfall nozzles for
Gülbaz & Kazezyılmaz-Alhan (a). RWB System is con- artificial rainfall simulation and 4 bioretention columns.
structed in open space which consists of artificial rainfall The system is set up outdoor so that bioretention may also
system, drainage area and four bioretention columns with be tested under natural rainfall. The slope of the area can
different soil mixture. Inflow and outflow (drain flow) data change between 0 and 3%. The artificial rainfall system is
at the entrance and exit of bioretention are measured by constructed 1 m above the drainage area to simulate rainfall

Figure 1 | Schematic of Rainfall-Watershed-Bioretention (RWB) System in 3 Dimension (a), four bioretention columns (b) and schematic of RWB System in 2 Dimension (c) (modified after
Gülbaz & Kazezyılmaz-Alhan 2016).
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3 S. Gülbaz & C. M. Kazezyilmaz-Alhan | Hydrologic modeling performance of EPA SWMM for bioretentions Water Science & Technology | in press | 2017

Figure 2 | EPA SWMM model of RWB system.

with different intensities. A water tank with 5 m3 capacity, a Dickinson ; Rossman ). Furthermore, some LID
flow meter, pressure gauge and a pump are used for the arti- types such as bioretention, rain garden, green roof, infiltra-
ficial rainfall system setup. Bioretention columns have tion trench, permeable pavement, rain barrel, vegetative
cylindrical shape with inner diameter of 54 cm and height swale can be modelled in EPA SWMM to simulate the
of 124 cm and are made from polyethylene material. The effects of LID.
schematic of RWB System (a-c) and four bioretention col- There are various hydrologic processes, which are pre-
umns (b) are shown in Figure 1. cipitation, infiltration, percolation, evapotranspiration,
snow melting, overland flow, and drain flow, taken into
Hydrological model of RWB system account in bioretention simulation. The concept of simu-
lation processes for a bioretention is shown in Figure 3 as
HM-RWB is a mathematical model for RWB system which
expresses the hydrological performance of bioretentions.
This hydrological model has two main modules: The first
module is called as Rainfall-Runoff model. Surface runoff
generated over the drainage area is calculated by using kin-
ematic wave theory in this module. Calculated surface
runoff represents the rainfall that reaches the bioretention
columns as inflow. Second module is called as Runoff-Bior-
etention flow model. The flow at the exit of bioretention
system is calculated using this module. An improved version
of Green-Ampt method under unsteady rainfall, which con-
siders the effect of ponding depth on bioretention columns,
is used in this module.

RWB model development with EPA SWMM

EPA SWMM is a watershed hydrological and water quality

model among several other software programs (Huber & Figure 3 | Bioretention modeling principle of EPA SWMM.
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an example. As it can be seen in Figure 3, four layers are which is the slope of the curve of log versus soil moisture
defined in bioretention modeling in SWMM. The par- content, and suction head, which is the average value of
ameters of the surface layer include berm height, which is soil capillary suction along the wetting front (mm). The par-
the maximum depth to hold surface water inside the biore- ameters of the storage layer include thickness, which is
tention system (mm), vegetation volume fraction, which is defined as gravel layer thickness (mm), void ratio, which is
the volume occupied by stems and leaves on the bioreten- defined as the volume of void space relative to the volume
tion surface (as a fraction), S-surface roughness, which is of solids in the layer, seepage rate, which is the rate at
Manning’s n for overland flow over surface soil cover, and which water seeps into the native soil below the layer
surface slope, which is the slope of surface layer (as a per- (mm/hr), and clogging factor, which is the properties to
cent). The parameters of the soil layer include porosity, define clog at the bottom of the layer. The parameters of
which is the volume of pore space relative to total volume the drain layer include drain coefficient and drain exponent,
of soil (as a fraction), field capacity, which is the volume which are used to determine the rate of flow through a drain
of pore water relative to total volume after the soil has as a function of the height of stored water above the drain’s
been allowed to drain fully (as a fraction), wilting point, offset, and drain offset height, which is the height of the
which is the volume of pore water relative to total volume drain line above the bottom of a storage layer (mm) (Ross-
for a well dried soil where only bound water remains (as a man ; Chui et al. ).
fraction), conductivity, which is the hydraulic conductivity EPA SWMM is employed in modelling the RWB system
for the fully saturated soil (mm/hr), conductivity slope, to evaluate the hydrological performance of bioretentions.

Table 1 | Properties of surface, soil, storage and drain layers for bioretention columns (Rossman 2010)

Bioretention Column No

Layer Parameters I II III IV

Surface Berm Height (Storage Depth) (mm) 390 350 410 370
Vegetation Volume (Fraction) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Surface Roughness (Manning’s N) 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
Surface Slope (Percent) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Soil Thickness (mm) 700 740 680 720
Porosity (volume fraction) 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.48
Field Capacity (volume fraction) 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Wilting Point (volume fraction) 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Conductivity (mm/hr) 300 230 380 140
Conductivity Slope 10 10 10 10
Suction Head (mm) 15 17 19 27
Storage Thickness (Height) (mm) 10 10 10 10
Void Ratio (voids/solids) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Seepage Rate (mm /hr) 0 0 0 0
Clogging Factor 0 0 0 0
Drain Flow Coefficient 40 40 40 40
Flow Exponent 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Offset Height (mm) 13 13 13 13
Bioretention surface area, Abio (m2) 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
Initial moisture content, θi (%) 31 41 18 43
Classification Loamy sand Loamy sand sand sandy loam
Sand (% by mass) 70 70 85 55
Vegetative Soil (% by mass) 30 20 15 45
Turf (% by mass) 0 10 0 0
Gravel (kg) 40 40 40 40
Mulch (kg) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
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First, the drainage area of RWB system is modeled by defin- coefficients are defined. These parameters depend on the
ing slope, area, and width of 38 subareas. 8 m2 of the steel surface, soil, storage and drain layers. The values for part
platform is used to represent the drainage area and intro- of these parameters are selected within the range given by
duced into the SWMM. The width and length of the EPA SWMM manual whereas the rest of the parameters
drainage area is 4 and 2 m, respectively. Main channel, such as berm height, soil and storage thicknesses, hydraulic
which collects the surface runoff generated over the drai- conductivity, porosity and moisture content are measured
nage area, is introduced into the program by defining the during the experiments (Table 1). In addition, bioretention
length, cross sectional area, roughness, and start-end modeling principle of EPA SWMM is shown in Figure 3.
points of each channel segment. Junctions are defined The surface runoff generated over the drainage area reaches
between each channel segment. A rain gauge is defined the bioretention columns as inflow. The drain flow out of the
into the model which allows for definition of variable rain- bioretention columns shown in Figure 3 is measured in
fall intensity (i) and rainfall duration (tr). Figure 2 shows RWB experimental setup and used to calibrate the EPA
the EPA SWMM model of RWB system which includes SWMM model.
the drainage area and four bioretention columns.
Second, bioretention columns of RWB system are mod-
eled. In order to implement bioretention into the model, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
vegetation volume, berm height, surface roughness, surface
slope, soil thickness, porosity, field capacity, wilting point, The calculated drain flow hydrographs obtained by using
conductivity, conductivity slope, suction head, storage thick- SWMM are compared with both measured drain flow
ness, void ratio, seepage rate, clogging factor, and drain hydrographs at the exit of bioretention columns and

Figure 4 | Measured and calculated (SWMM and HM-RWB) drain flow hydrographs of four bioretention columns under 27.5 mm/h rainfall intensity and 15 min rainfall duration.
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HM-RWB model. 64 distinct simulations are made under hydrographs obtained for 27.5 mm/h of rainfall intensity
rainfall intensities of 16, 23, 27.5, and 34 mm/h and rain- and 25 minutes of rainfall duration and 34 mm/h of rain-
fall durations of 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes for 4 fall intensity and 15 minutes of rainfall duration are
bioretention columns. The drain flow hydrographs presented in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
obtained for 27.5 mm/h of rainfall intensity and 15 min- Statistical analyses are conducted to better assess the
utes of rainfall duration are presented in Figure 4. This goodness of fit of the model. For this purpose, coefficients
figure shows the comparison of SWMM simulations with of determination for measured and calculated bioretention
measured data and HM-RWB simulations for bioretention drain flow hydrographs under four-rainfall intensity and
columns I-IV. In this figure, the calculated drain flow four-rainfall duration for four bioretention columns are cal-
hydrographs by SWMM, the calculated drain flow hydro- culated and presented in Table 2. The coefficient of
graphs by HM-RWB and the measured drain flow determination is defined as the square of the Pearson pro-
hydrographs are labeled as Q_SWMM, Q_HM-RWB and duct-moment correlation coefficient, R (Rodgers &
Q_measured, respectively. As it can be seen from this Nicewander 1988). As it can be seen from Table 2 that R2
figure, the simulated results with the SWMM model rep- values for each experiment and the mean of R2 values for
resent the characteristics of the measured underdrain each column for HM-RWB are greater than SWMM
bioretention flow reasonably well with a slight underesti- results. Since peak flow rates at the outlet of bioretentions
mate of measured peak flow data. On the other hand, are important in bioretention design, the absolute percent
results of the HM-RWB model capture the peak and the error of the models (HM-RWB and SWMM) relative to
shape of the measured drain flow hydrograph better than experimental results are calculated and given in Table 3.
the EPA SWMM model. In addition, the drain flow While mean absolute percent error values for HM-RWB

Figure 5 | Measured and calculated (SWMM and HM-RWB) drain flow hydrographs of four bioretention columns under 27.5 mm/h rainfall intensity and 25 min rainfall duration.
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Figure 6 | Measured and calculated (SWMM and HM-RWB) drain flow hydrographs of four bioretention columns under 34 mm/h rainfall intensity and 15 min rainfall duration.

results are about 5%, they are about 15% for SWMM effect of rainfall intensity and duration on peak drain
results. Thus, HM-RWB results are better than SWMM flow rates.
Figures 4–6 show the calculated peak drain flow rates
by both using SWMM and HM-RWB. Whereas, the calcu- CONCLUSIONS
lated peak drain flow rates by SWMM stay the same for
different rainfall events and differ only with respect to EPA SWMM is a commonly used software for planning,
different bioretention columns, the ones by HM-RWB analysis and design related to storm water runoff, and
differ both with respect to different rainfall intensity other drainage systems in urbanized regions. It is one of
and duration and bioretention columns. This means the few programs, which allows for definition of LID
that SWMM only takes into account different soil including bioretentions, in urban hydrology and water
characteristics and design of bioretentions when calculat- quality models. This study investigates the capacity
ing flow through the bioretention system. On the of SWMM in hydrological modeling of bioretentions.
other hand, HM-RWB employs an improved version of Performance of the SWMM model is evaluated by compar-
Green-Ampt method under unsteady rainfall by incorpor- ing the model results with both the experimental data
ating the effect of ponding depth on bioretention for the obtained in RWB system by Gülbaz & Kazezyılmaz-
simulation of drain flow at the exit of the bioretention, Alhan (a) and the results of HM-RWB developed by
which allows for the change of calculated drain flow Gülbaz & Kazezyılmaz-Alhan (b). Results show that
rates under different rainfall events. Thus, EPA SWMM EPA SWMM performs well in modeling bioretentions
model can be improved by taking into account the whereas the results of HM-RWB are in better agreement
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Table 2 | Coefficient of determination (R2) values between experimental data and model results

Coefficient of Determination, R2 for Calculated Bioretention Drain Flow

Column No



16 15 0.42 0.76 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.78 0.56 0.75

20 0.77 0.83 0.63 0.70 0.72 0.79 0.66 0.75
25 0.71 0.79 0.48 0.63 0.83 0.84 0.72 0.76
30 0.51 0.57 0.35 0.43 0.73 0.94 0.65 0.67
23 15 0.85 0.86 0.89 0.91 0.74 0.90 0.74 0.82
20 0.82 0.87 0.94 0.95 0.78 0.80 0.72 0.78
25 0.77 0.89 0.87 0.92 0.76 0.85 0.70 0.81
30 0.58 0.87 0.82 0.83 0.69 0.81 0.60 0.75
27.5 15 0.57 0.84 0.69 0.84 0.90 0.84 0.54 0.67
20 0.49 0.85 0.80 0.90 0.71 0.82 0.66 0.92
25 0.72 0.92 0.74 0.90 0.81 0.87 0.82 0.88
30 0.76 0.84 0.82 0.83 0.79 0.87 0.71 0.51
34 15 0.60 0.94 0.67 0.88 0.86 0.90 0.60 0.88
20 0.77 0.90 0.76 0.94 0.84 0.88 0.56 0.85
25 0.59 0.77 0.51 0.81 0.67 0.82 0.62 0.69
30 0.56 0.80 0.61 0.85 0.81 0.86 0.69 0.76
Mean 0.66 0.83 0.69 0.81 0.76 0.85 0.66 0.77

Table 3 | Absolute percent errors for peak outflows of the models (SWMM and HM-RWB) relative to experimental results

Absolute Percent Errors for Calculated (SWMM and HM-RWB) and Measured Bioretention Peak Outflow (%)
Column No



16 15 0.44 11.97 6.23 12.54 0.23 13.97 19.25 36.54

20 6.50 4.31 0.19 6.31 8.67 4.39 3.20 18.16
25 9.45 1.06 4.16 1.74 11.18 1.54 5.85 7.79
30 10.64 0.23 7.19 1.45 15.31 3.08 9.50 3.61
23 15 10.15 6.80 5.19 3.92 14.81 7.45 6.67 13.20
20 14.81 1.37 9.57 0.69 16.76 4.99 9.04 10.32
25 16.67 0.80 13.56 5.01 19.52 1.51 14.82 3.32
30 19.01 3.56 14.40 5.87 21.05 0.41 17.44 0.14
27.5 15 16.06 5.10 10.03 9.40 19.07 3.17 14.14 7.73
20 17.86 1.65 13.98 4.60 20.83 0.92 18.69 2.02
25 19.01 0.33 14.81 3.58 22.31 0.96 21.20 1.13
30 19.86 0.61 19.11 1.64 23.73 2.77 23.34 3.81
34 15 18.44 10.99 13.56 8.29 21.26 5.27 21.08 3.53
20 19.58 9.44 14.40 7.24 22.93 3.35 23.88 0.14
25 19.86 9.06 17.98 2.75 24.13 1.84 28.45 6.13
30 20.14 8.68 19.85 0.42 26.43 1.15 30.76 9.16
Mean 14.90 4.75 11.51 4.72 18.01 3.55 16.71 7.92
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with the experimental data. Therefore, it is concluded that Gülbaz, S. & Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, C. M.  Investigating effects
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Resources Management 31 (6), 1931–1946.
Gülbaz, S., Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, C. M. & Copty, N. K. 
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This work was supported by Scientific Research Projects Huber, W. C. & Dickinson, R. E.  Storm Water Management
Model, Version 4, User’s Manual. Environmental Research
Coordination Unit of Istanbul University, Project number
Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S.
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Projects Coordination Unit of Istanbul University. The Hunt, W., Jarrett, A., Smith, J. & Sharkey, L.  Evaluating
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Engineering 132 (6), 600–608.
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First received 10 May 2017; accepted in revised form 7 August 2017. Available online 29 August 2017

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