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A Goncise Introduction to 1 7 Nn eer Slay oncise Introduction to eee at eee eee ee ae Prateecetie eee rte eee) a errr nls Need a quick primer on mixed methods? Get the essential Cn me Fee ee eee reer The deca Sse chet sasha (1914-2019), ob prov A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research UNIVERSIDAD DE CALDAS CENTRO DE.BIBLIOTECA hal lig Sie S900 rove lete, flach John W. Creswell (ouwersey of erasatenc SAGE omer misty scr reine be eof Conran Pe oe he cont sci ie tec oh ‘Sot Oey tea Si hetgraeatntomee ied 3 teat 1 Tae ‘tk pa ate oe) econmmendtons From This Chaper -Adonal Rescings ‘Chapter 2. Steps ia Designing a Mixed Methods Study "Topics i he Chapter ‘The Need for Paonia « Sy Steps inthe Proce ‘The Waking Tale ‘The Prblem Undetying the Now for the Sy “The Intent oF Questo 0 Be Arawere| ‘The Typos of Oat Calton and Data Aalst Be Land Bh enun Reston fer Using Mixed Methods Speatpinga Worvion or Theory Desig Mixed Methods Diagrams Procedures, and Choice of Design ‘Petenal Nethodoipgca Challenges tnd Test to Vay ‘A Med Methoce Stody Aim ce Purp ‘Qusattatve, Quaiatne, snd Mted Methods Quetins Beorganinng the Sp ecocendatons Foc This Chapter ‘Adena Beads ‘Chapter 3, Skills Needed to Conduct Mixed Methods Meseareh "Tp the Chapter equines or Conducting Med Methods Mid Methods Teme Tada in Rescarch Sls in Quaruatve Reseach ‘Ss in Qualtatve Rewer feconmendatoas Rom Tis Chapter ‘Aastieal Fendi ‘Chapter 4. Base snd Advanced Mixed Methods Designs "Bicone Ghapler Preliniary Conseratoas PEBBB SeSRSRECEET EEE Bee RRE Ee poguaeeureeuree uuBesogagasagresd 2 Quanstaree omging ‘Quatre Sampaing Mise Mads Sampling seegraton Tips of maaration ow again ie apresent Seed Mabou Recommendation oes Caper Addons Readings (Chapter 8. Weting + Miced Methods Study for Publication "epic in the Chapter otatag a Stabe Journal (Cavs ea wvahan AOA Aces ‘Two Types of Mixed Methods Aries Motodelgea Aries Brpirical races Strats the Empire! Ate to Reflect the Design “Gonergent Desir Scare ‘Bxlanasry Sequoia Design Sacre ‘plato Suen Desay Srutare Intern Doig Sucre (CBDR od Math Dig Sct A Gheckt of ements to Inde in «Publication Aecemmendations Fors Ths Gupte ‘Adduona Res (Chapter 9. Evaluating the Quality ofa Mixed Methods Study opis n the Chapter ow Citi Are Being Applied ‘Sheolé We Have Sande? ‘ic Uses Coc of JR IMM Criteria for pic Ares [IMM Crea for Metco eee rics Sandan Arlee for Mace Nethas IM Recemenditon oot Practica econmendatons rom This Chapter ‘Additonal Yeadcge (Chapter 10. The Development sad ‘Advancement of Mized Methods “epics in the Gann ‘ceric Deopments (Core characte Termin The Wal of Mise Hote Adeanee in Record Deis ‘Sls Ron for Conducting Mid Methods Research Weef Pidaeply an Try ‘Mel Metbods Rear Qneston Jana Diptas ‘Writing and Puboing Mined Meade Suds Sandan of Quay Mac Methods de Dig Age Recommends Pott This Chapter ‘Adora Rents ferences Gtosary Inder 10 m mi me ns us ns ms us 15 us 7 ng. a nay PREFACE asin that ie reading it Dook You are steed expo oF maybe condoing ited methods research Als, 1 sume tht yx ‘proba rea research preblem ce quostion which cn be bet newer by calling and anulyeing Doth quartatve (eg. sure) and qalatve ig, krrew) dia, Did you koow tat Ling the tro together tnteng) aie vale toa ey and crabs you wo ues your problem an qoesion hatter than simply reponing suey resis and brervien ‘ere eepamtly? When yon bie ther ogether then, how wl ye Comm ‘ine the me databeas when oe consists of numbers (survey Jat) andthe ‘ther words Gntriew data) How can yout study be proserted a a good FRvearch pcect Welcome to this book! You wll leam bow to beg the two get and, noveore fae yout aking” of methods na cer, ‘pote ay fv pute ae owed ke PURPOSE OF THE BOOK “Te Ke for ths book orgnited Fem eny wodk oer the fst 1010 15 youn prviling worships on mined methods rescrch These workshops "ave been largely aed at besloning mised mths eearcher-—gradore ‘Siders secking to develop 2 tho or dietaton ing med mods, ‘or faculy or rsechen: developing propa ee finding conarang ths methodology The appecact I re taken has en to tke paripert {o being a mined method projet they would like to work on ding the ‘wotkhop, This approach hes cued wode wel, be Thave oie though {hat our nok together wou! be eaburced if puriparshad soe back ‘ound fn mixed methods bulk! on. Lrforunacy aough tee ae Spprontrtly 31 books devoted primar or exchisiely to mixed methods (Cress, 202, mary ae long tees on the saps Preface @ x {be coo I cutee wis Vek Pano Ck (Creonell & Pano Ck, 2019, sihich evches for 347 pages Many worktop paicpents amply do not fave time ote dese long boots or cver wo devete ne 16 Be 2a reaingshoner chapters on mired maheds a research methods books (re ‘pel, 2. They may ae rt tae new locate and ex onal articles ‘on ow to conduct moe medi rosa 1 ft hee was ned for 1 conce book tt would iredice my wekshop paricpants 0 mized schods and tke only about two to three hows read The man purpose ef tas book it prov an orevew of mized tnthods rary 3 1 ‘ake the reader dou te essential steps lang or desing 5 ‘Ass conde bok, wl rete an extertve eatrent of mas mets. 1 ‘tend, Domever, poe fondtion or indenting the meteogy AUDIENCE “Th conceinucducton o med methods veseateh i geae toma the beginner in mice methods or the move adtanced researcher who aed 2 quick efecher on nized methods Rmhoul provide th notion in ‘Evid the soci bev, ane heal erences in the Untied Sac, ‘swell aso researchers. on muy continents rou the pak: FEATURES OF A CONCISE BOOK “The book contin sve fatres to Face etry rnding The hptoe fare shor references and Hrs ae heft # mini 89 48 90t 1 ‘Gea fomthe Bow of the tet aitonal resources ane hed attend ‘each cape anna sex lossy okey ees eds he tk 0 a the reader an uch grasp the nomenciatre of his mebeelgy May of the ‘eae preted in thi ce draw on my cent research macho ok (Gone cousoved by Pane Gad) fa SAGE Publestons and Peanon. CHAPTERS IN THE BOOK {begin witha dein of ine td and a ation f hey ete ‘this methodsogy in Chapoe 1. Chopter 2 ontiin caver step tht se when stadt and facly appear it ny fice wanting to design a ‘ised needs projet Unquestoray, conduct a mixed methods str ‘eis sk i bth quanaive and ataive escardh a9 wel a ke ‘metods esearch, and in Chaper 3 elew te esvenaa slls needed for {hs fem af ingurythe tr in Chapter 4 the centerpce cf al eed smetods projects the deign and discus the sie tr designs belag Se in pecs ody: Chapter 5 lows wp on tis dacuwson by focusing fn bao dhaw a dagonn of procedure foreach type of del. Wi 8 eg nid at Indiv plnnang a mud methods prot ca corsa {Chapter 6 which dseises hw w we the Gt end Of the po Ue ‘rensticien,ncuding the purpose sezement ce sdy ans andthe Weseach ‘quesions, Too ky ein planning 2 peoject—smpling an inegraton — fe dcwsed in Chapter 736 thy acau the dileers types fread Imetods dng Chapter fast forwards the endo he proces ae tae Study bas own completed, apd advances sogesions fr pulsing mieed mchods macarch. Chapter 9 ackicwleges the inperuncs mating hg quay toaghowt a ieee methods project ac eviews caters Be ing deep wo ene the halt of «cyt Chapter 10, {summarize seme ofthe sletc developments in ted mathoce near that 1 have ‘igliedtroughout the chapter i se boc, and tok wo tho future by A cups, | aketane te use of quanta and quae research 999 to equally empaie these so approactes ACKNOWLEDGMENTS acknowledge the suppon ofall othe partipat ie ay mixed mets teelshops acm dicptnes and aces costae: ere lat 15 nes “Tanks or your Ppl comments Also, woul! Heo thane my SAGE lamly tat has sapported my wating i research methods. Vici right, ablcher of research meth, sats, and eakatin, has chaepioned ny wot, and appre the lene she bags my rok. Two ete acknowledge Tim Guede, ay docoal advise and seo r= search assstant atthe Unnveyof Retrs-Lincnn, eho has pode Ivaluable a in all phases ofthis project and hax cng inight sd receach well oh book ABOUT THE AUTHOR John W. Ceemmell i 2 profscr of etalon fopclogy atthe Uelverty of Neasks-Lincd, nado to teaching a the Unversty, he has ‘reearch, qulttie mathodology, tnd gener ‘esearch desig, at well a6 22 books Gacoding ‘new edo), many of which oan on pe of rexctch denn, cma sons of diferent qualiatve medetcyes and he ate ad we of mixed ‘retods researc, His boos have been wanted into rey nguages ad Prfeoor Chai for five yets ot the Usbesty of Nebmat-Lincln. For an acral ve yous, ho erved as drator atthe Office of Qual tnd Niged Nethods Recuh a the Unive of Nvasta-Linea, wiih [ovdes suppor fr achola eeorperatg quasi se md mesh ecu ino proms for ava funky Hesene sn fuming coer forthe ural ef ico Mads ear SAGE asl he pion ck jin perf aly medicine the Unkomy of Michigan where he ated eatin inthe heh ences nd edvaton wth march mc (ology for SasoalIntines of Heh and Neteal Sconce Pout Dre He alo served exereiely asa conser in he bea secs ‘ecu area fr te Vers Heal Adiastaon De Cee ws Seior Fig star to Soh afc ann 20k ecred 1 chy and cs {ve ures on ised mathe each in ecto athe hel 33 ‘aces. In 2012, eagan wee Seger Rub Schl tne 0 Thala. a 11, be ecrsd eo co kader of «ual werkinggroop et NT coving ‘Feat pacize fo mized methods recanh i the heh sence, te sping of 213, De Creswell was asin profesor Haran’ Shoal et ‘Pre Hea. the ssamer of 213, he conceded meted ing a Canidge Univry i the UX. 2034 fe wl be aad an hecrary oct om he Uniety of Pata Seah A carrer 1 BASIC FEATURES OF MIXED METHODS RESEARCH, ‘TOPICS IN THE CHAPTER Mised methods asa methodology ad «mc aa 25 yeas oe A definition of mined mobs sec What snot mined meds reseah out hey characteris of med methods ty UNDERSTANDING MIXED ¢ ‘METHODS RESEARCH The best way 0 bes, beens, to eich sn undentanding of the bee anctesties of mized methods receich Ae 4 eld of methodology hut 2 yen: ot his approach has commen elements tht can easly be ened, That snot 0 sy at there > daggreement aban the Cone roaring f ths aperoch (ca he viewed fc pooh tance which epstemnioyy and ober phlospical asus ake cerer a cao aso be preered a5 a methocoog, that 384 reech pcos ‘gman fram a broad picsophy and extening to inerpeition sed isemination. OF texa be pesstoned win + tnafonave penepecive, 2 @ ACONGSE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH such fens dy cry. Sete ae a posses. 15 {Seal mone at see iors x depending ene pee feelin ynce wo fook a med mas 4 method This ans dat Iwi phe 2 asnet etiam oe nw da colety ‘ipa sn penn bid cere ge. Tir oxo mini he nc ef ppt oo athveogy oe each usin ‘NEstalyw pr cps on ete, eae hy Pome = {it em nay ce tel med ato © WHAT MIXED METHODS IS (inc ths perpen, [ ace mised methods research 5 ‘an apprcach o researc inthe scl beaver, and heath sciences In whi te ivenigtor gate both qantitiv (oiecended ae ‘quale (peared) dat tog the to, and then raw n= {Eipecatns based on Ue combined arength of both sets of da ‘understand rsech prtiens. ‘core’ ansmption ofthis approach is that when an investor com bins sats reds (quamthative data) wih ves and personal expt ‘ences (qualitative dat) tus cleave svenggh proves a beter unde Standing of he serch prem than ether form of data woe ‘+ WHAT MIXED METHODS IS NOT ‘Given this atinon, we can eapolwe reverting that mixed methods 1. Mixed methods i ot sly te gather of both quartatie nd ‘quieted APouph ts fore of esearch ef k docs not pesto the integration ofthe wo cat cures sed play wpon the ‘Zeng tnt thi combination beg to as. 2. ined methods cach not sng a mae of wn ta abel in Your suny There are specie sentfic techniques astocated wth thsmefndology eel ewer falar with mised thods wal be ooking for hem. (Chapter 1. Base Features of Mixed Methods Research @ 3 A. Mieed methods should not be contest with @ mized mode approach 1 quandave rescue, ia which investiguces condact ‘tise anase fied and random fects ins dates Mined methods i not singly a evaluation tenia, such 2 for ‘mati pis sucentve evalaton, een he 2 reece ould ‘calet and step Doh gansta and qt cia in po forming ech eahnon Mixed rstnods isnot simply the addon of eudive ct 0 a ‘qatiare doign Mlsed xcheds can be ecployed tn ts war, {at we can abo ad quarhatne cat © qualitative and we need ‘orale fr doing eer way. Mixed mods furher isnot simply te cllecion of muliphe forms of quali date (eg nterviews and eboeraions), Bor the callecton of ukipl types of quantlatve daa (eg, survey sda, experincsal data). IR iavolves the collection, analy, 2 Imewatin of bob quanotine and qualzzve data In ths Way, the vale ofthe dierent approaches to research (eg, the ners 8 well a the soe ae petonal expences) cin contbuto ‘more to urderstaaling + resench problem than ope form of dat callecion (quantaive cr qualitative) could om ts onn. Wien ‘mokpe fora of quale dats for muipe fru of quanetatve daa) are called the ee mtémetbad esearch po mike wets resench 5 CORE CHARACTERISTICS OF MIXED METHODS = Callcson ane analyse of quartate and. quiliaive ci i * Canbinuter oc eget of quatunve ad quae das using st epectic ype of mined methods design, and interpretation ths Integration ' Sometions fuming ofthe design whi plilsopy or theory In the reminder of sis chapel ables each hey Keane In spear deat 4 @ A CDNGSE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED MIETHOOS RESEARCH Collecting Quantitative and Qualitative Data 1 stat wih he assumption ha ibe wo types of dats lifer and hat they ‘ake diferent but equally inportart roles resarher ung quanaire ‘etod decides what to shy, poves specie qistions ot hypothe seasicsYrables to fattae the finding of answers, wen satel analy Sis chun bfuration la order © annwer the quesionw/hypotese, and makes an inerperacon of the eas. Tis form of ecard qe fever een quststve esearch, in which the Lavesigaor poses Bene ‘questions and colecs dit the fm of tet, uo recording, er video ‘recordings. A halla of qualtacve resech thatthe reenrchr oles dha by observing parcipan ex diel aking thom operrencl ques ‘ons using tol sich 38 tervews, fous ou pret, oF quesion aes. Ate colesiag quatatve da, the researcher conducts theme aly arc present the nang i Mery form sich asa ory oe rae the Tas both apprachee fellow the gerwral process of resect ently 4 problem, determine research questions, cole cats, alae dats, and Inerpet el Homere the means of cxying out cach of these sages Aes consieatty Dareen the two meted, ‘Hlemens of bot qeanttave al quiltatve research are inde 4 mined wethods sy. thecomesimporant, thee, 0 res2e tat ced truth eearchor need 0 be ll nth quanttie and pave Approaches, Pughernes, © male the most oft mined metho deer ‘eignoes ace wo andertand the advantages snd the advantages a crue fom both quarttatve asi quiltatve rescch, See Table 11 Fra Tet comparson of quate ad qualiaave research Using Rigorous Methods _Abhough both quatiatve aad quiltnire search flow ro mined net fu stu this docs ot near thatthe scope ef each ppraach wll be veduced. Over he yeas, sere authors hae advanced eres for what ‘exits ngpross scare fey ether + quarcative ce qalate per Sper. We need to pay sven to thowe eines, whether thy or the ‘CONSORT ues nthe medial ld OF foal guess for quali the research advanced ia rscrch dain bocks wich as Ree Desig Qualtete, Quant ard Med Meads Aproacies Gravel, 219) Key senenss of igor for bots quaniatve and quate metho ae: + Type of deg (eg experiment, ehnogphy) + eamisirs for alain aco 10 the te a ~~ oe Chopter 1. ase Features of Mised Metbods Research © 5 line gla Prides only 0 dant a a, Capurs te voles efpunicpant, | Sasruto ‘Alon patcipa’ expences tbe pun exper Sdestew pete ames igen icpfentoien tomcwm. | imac dinar cote Appeal 10 peoples enjoyment ot eee Gun Rosch ‘aes Erigeraice | sieve sane Dom crc wel oe per Investig elatontipswiti dts | Paves ted ndestandg oe anne potable auesand ects | tet of paricars Cone bie + Sampling apeeach Cems purpco) Number of parent 1 Type of dats to be coected teat, auc and veo serine set score quotonnae repcnse) + Tonramens used to collect the da (eg, surveys, obvervatxa checks, openended terse, Soa rap proto) "+ Onganzaton ad leaning of he dattese tthe fin tp in ate sraiyas * last ans pod ng hw te pie tiated approaches (eg, dexiplve 1 infereth, coding 0 1 sre coding 0 ene * Apprciches to sb the vl an reba othe dita eg, vernal valde vs taliaton satgion) 65 © A.CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Integrating Data Notopkcin the Reo mic methods resurch so confxing athe quet- toa ef bom to neg the dass. How do you reccate won o ext Git wen numer mune date Researches ae fe simply fal lar withthe proceso cane heyyy des woh ony ene ype cE dian Ge, qnniare or aaa). "To urdertund where and how to ito the dabases egies fink lenowing wing aunt the pes of mined methods designe (hese designs wil be bey irveuced ere and developed in more dep fx (Ghaper ,There ae thee Due desig atte center fa mined ots proper, wed ak thee advanced des that corte aon 1 the base designs "he hoo baie mined metho desis ae: + A cenuergnt deg in which the tent of te research to eilect both equnienive and qualtaive dua, aie bah dase, and then surge the res FE ew ses of datt analyses wah the pe of comparing the ret Gere sy taka et fess ti he ee). 1+ ho explanary soquenal design, which te let is 10 fst (se quuniaive methods and then ure uate methods to help expla the quaratve rely me depth. Ths an easy ‘srgforward dss. «+ hnextennoy sep unta dig, wc ntent fine explore ‘protien wth qeatatve methods becaze the questions may not ‘be koawr, the population my be unwed o lie utdestood, ‘tthe ae my be eal to access, Aer this intial exploration, he ‘esetcher ies the quultalve Nadngs to ued a second quantitative [ate oF the prt. Tes pase may aoe designing an ins Inert 19 mest vases in the stay evening acts foe a ‘epetinent ctervonton, of designing 3 tpology hats then te ‘ova wing exoing Insane, In he thd ps, the quate Insnaner,erveation cx varie are used in» quae a cedeton and aaas procedure (One of ter Rose deg ply fund every mend methods sy ir exploring Ia some sues aera Fees ae a ‘Sto the bac desig. athe reuing dig a adc cre ae ‘Sumples faders digs pop inthe mised mchod erative toy Chapter 1. Base Feature of Mixed Methods esearch © 7 1 ersnton css those in which he researchers cpl «con ‘epi design, an eplnetary deg, oan exploratory design win 2 linger expesinertlfarnewok Sanply pus te inventor gates ‘qaliive data some phase dung the expertnet ch a ere ‘he, cringe afer the wal mkt inti case ce sss embedding the quale dts within sa exponent i ‘Sell jute oF tanfornatee deg ate hows an which the reseucher indodes a roca jtce Famewok that suns the convergent, explanatory, or enplotor design This ramencrk Rows foto the mies methods sty a ifr potas, buf ecomes ‘onsen fous ofthe study aed a nposing the Ines cf fai ‘vidas in ur society today Ce a fem scl jie din). Imegion in this ype desig faolestmacing the voll ice concep theaaghoet te shy + Muttageecluation dels are nginx many siges condiced over ime wh Whe central cece of 2 ‘sustained lin of aga. Walia hs obcve wos! De the we of ‘tp mised meshods suds as wel as separate quinine and qualtatve std) using comergent expiratory, or expentory degns A prime example ofthe daign woul! be the craton ‘over ime ofthe devin, pling and implementation of «program ‘ns community. Many apes of scart weal be lave ie is reagan evakation soy 4 neh aesiment a concept ine ‘work, te esting ofthe pow, and follow-up tothe pgrem In this case, tegration conte cf expanding one sage ito ee sage over tine Teepraon can then ke several form: merpng explain ulin. spd embediing. depending onthe pe of design. Xf common fr the sds to ene Ina peoket eater than beg preplanned. kn aon, ‘aatbons on these bse and advanced designs are lle and cen wd SL ICs inportan for xmers of mised athede reeech to underaan the x desig thre base andthe advanced, besos thee Sse wil ‘be the popular types Found in the rae Using 2 Framework ‘The adranced signs sagged the importance of wats conceptual and ‘theoretical framework tha ae cle woe ln med me pesca Me 12 © ACONGSE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH ‘THE WORKING TITLE Santing with hele may seem lke a sarge lice w begin. Howey. ew the lew iajor placholer a toy—a focus, you wl for {he ee pcs akg tnd on 2 ie & ehenfoe an eset part a bgning fo design a study Grated, th te wil change ad sift ver tine a the pect homes more and more deat defined sd focused “There me sever Key cemerts that must be ced in x ye mised rect ile 1 Te tpi blag addensed (eg pale core or ind. {the papain he tay Ge, the india fom whom the at re beg collected, such as ee patents or ence nem) Sel pra the ae where the patpars reside C8 maf wn tery or ene cere «The noc ted mtd to denote the methodology be ved. {New language tut tthe ced tat es nt ean de ty tomar citer a suanthathe of qualiatve onereaton. Sy away from word iat wey a uae leaning ach as ep, mar fg. cover A ay aay fom word hat coney quate the een, such ar reltabp,corelation. cr explanation. ‘The poli compe “neal since abcd methods resis betmeen quniave and cual esear tn adion, hep the tle shot y, under 10 werd) and pets we a eworpr ie separate by 4 colon. Quattstve and quae reset ‘ray be mensoned in hee Here are a couple of good erapler ‘Bape 1. nin us fling to dacs about depres: t= ‘rn quasi and ube mek (ik, ar, & Galo, 200) ample 2 Sudent’ persiteace fo 4 elitbted doctor prope in ‘tuctons! Faden in hier ehiation: A mised methods eedy ‘eanhovs 8 Sk, 2097 4 THE PROBLEM UNDERLYING ‘THE NEED FOR THE STUDY ‘ew, fs porantio wate abort parivap about the problem or ue ‘Bat uckres the need forte dy. Ths sao an ety pngraphto ote, (Chapter 2. ups in Designing a Mexed Moibeds Study © 13 Dut one of te mos imporan componets of god sucy fs ear f loking at 3 jours! are and doesnot find 2 competing reson 0 ‘continue reading oe, pole), bear she wil quickly oe iniereathe stele, Thu, you need wo this ea wove, who must gab heater ‘oF his or her readin the cpenig posses ‘One reasen why ths paragraph i iit wo wre Hes bake understanding of he nae of research Resa wend address ‘robes This ay be stng tbe otwoas, but 1am ne nays sre tat ‘searcher undestnd tus wmpetant act Ako, te sete Afi to ‘esc the pckiem becuse tray eaer to wrk about what ibe ‘one rher tan what need’ 10 be dove ad ey pote sterol ‘satay erred toward what ex” tad cf" nee be fie” 50, in hung you wie ds pragaph or a ed echo pnw ak you 0 think abu the “pobien” or ve ha needs to be screed. tp ‘re cates, move ha one ay lent oe for iy Al 0A ‘st you to conser ating ore tan hatter ie a ned inthe erate” ‘ra op” or tat the Ieee hs shown nized els? These ae god ‘tions fora pices, but abe ike to see what would eal acta” [robeme—prctems that ele in practice ori he feal word Ut weed {0 be addressed. What do poleymakers oc heath provides. o teachers ‘re Dest tome comtation of rea-wold poles and defisercies inthe Resi THE INTENT OR QUESTION TO BE ANSWERED ‘Aer composing the te and ientifying the problem, pose the geeral Invent (or sim) ofthe study. This cin be pass ina single somtence ‘Yu wll use ner lathe purpose statement or tay aim secon of ‘the plan, One way tog 20 this ten st consider what you wast 10 ‘accomplish Dy the end ofthe stady. What the oveming aim ofthe projec IF you wrote this watement out during Ob hypotheticofice vis, {would be curious to ee how It was phased. This phrasing would be 1 pall about the type of dai that ght be rot lable for you 28 ‘wel as an indeaton of yeu seve t would be locking for quite ‘ve or qualatve words hut exhibted your oration apd chat would Hey pai 0 the type of mixed mets design thst WoUk! be Most appealing to you 114 @ A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH ‘THE TYPES OF DATA COLLECTION AND DATA ANALYSIS TO BE USED ‘ew, imporen io Wert the peso ate a wll ult tive dia coecton an rai at wl De propesed. Draw two clam, tnd he under each the fore of dst cect ad analyst wil be tec in your projec. ype coach researches ent the fw ing toms (ee bth quanuaive and quatatve da) under dst collection: + Papas 1 Steir the revearch {Number of panipans {Types of information wo be collected (et, measures and vases ‘qavuniely, cee phenome lta) 2 Typeset dat op, irstrmeny, rece imrniews) ‘abo tae hem ihe spect fom datas ty ante sng + ocd fr nsling the its at i a SSS foo abo coda worcibed Teor ram proedie on eek uae dt, de tecmer at genta «Ne tance dam sus prices econ ups ‘Nig ves quire dewtpig omer Sorlony ane) «Scar pogans nigh be wp, SS MANQDAD 4 REASONS FOR USING MIXED METHODS “The nex sep in the proces bw wre a purgaph Henig the rx srs for usa asd methods 84 etn 1 bebe tht we need [hence rationale for ised methods oy. ch ie: the aticnale for (goaltane necarch plesliy needed fo fer peepee Peas, as trehodblogy becomes mote widely known and accepted. a ater fos the wil not be neded inthe ftir. Inthe mexain we red to corince reader ut mises metedsb the approptat methodelogy to xe in cor fine metas tui tow i is Joae? Tsce 2 two-art ane 0 tis question Pas Were 94 ener ao ake er using mized methods in aud. 16 appropriate med Chapter 2. Sep m Designing a Med Methods Sudy @ 15 ‘methods when the use of quastaive research or qualitative esearch ‘inslcen fo unig an undemtandng ofthe peobien, Using ony ce smatnod may be isufcet booaase ofthe inerent weaknowes of ach approach. Qunttative search does nt adeq¥atlyinvexigate pesonal ‘sores and meanings or deeply grobe the perspectives of indus (Qualatve reach does no erable ur to generze fem a small guy ff peopl: 10 a large populate. H doen not preciely measure What [eeple generale. Inshoc. al research methods hae bot cgi fd weakness, andthe combiration ft aren of beth provides a ‘cod eationae for using nixed rxcthoasCquantiatie esearch provides fn opporuniy for getealzaten anc precnon, qultatve recut ‘ers aa lrdepth experence of invidual perspectives. Akeratvely, ‘we might conser how the stergfhs of one form of research make up Tor the weaknesses of th cther This was he core argument advanced fot the use ef med methods in early wntings about th methodology (ose estou & Wiser, 1985) ‘Ata mor pec vel the ceanbnaton of quctkatve ad quaeatve research enables 9 etna emo dieret penpexives, one drawn fem dosetented response dz (qunsatve) and cne deta rom open-ended pe somal as (quale), ‘Sain a more compchensine view and more dat about the prob em tha ether he equnire othe qualitative pence, sid w fosewmeat das (quaniarelformton) deals abou ie Seung, place, a eameat of personal eaperences (quite fnfoxraton® « condactprelminaryexplesion nih inivihs(qualtatereseach) to make se hat lstrumers, mecsue, and irra (Gos tiv emu actualy fi he porno a ts bing etd ond ‘add quale ditto our experneoral als Guncbaiersench) ‘y, for example, enfin partkipats to recat ane imerves- ‘bas to ws, assessing the personal exparences of partisans ring the Wal, ad earng ut Foowop to Further explain the you are planning 4 mined! methods sty | recommend tt you Ieee bo tne general stenale for wing mixed ethods andthe pete ‘atonal by long oer the above Sata dtemnining any of then fk ‘you panicle These specie ratonaks ae lake to spel yes ‘flied methods desis is dcused later in Chaper 16 © ACONCIS® INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH 4 SPECIFYING A WORLDVIEW OR THEORY 2 oe ‘Wealliviga worldview Gr puadig our wocerch, wheter we make it ‘Spek nt This wel set fells or vals that infor how Soe dere a dy (Gd, S50) Wi this pic, we bare enero the ‘Cain ofthe philosophy of condvcting search. These Del ay relate © ‘hut pes of evidence we eto ake cans (epistemology) or whet ‘Wetec tat scaly is walle or singuieontalogy). For exampie, we my {eel realty sound in a cory that lp o explain behavior among {lange amber of people oF tat feats beter deerind by dren inuvidal perpectves hia one gener explanation. In terms of how We ‘proceed mith curresach, we may apprach it mere as an emersing design ‘ah changes shaping cur next sept oa 2 eed Gein were We do Tot ube lunge hypothesis or badd In addtonal dat beyood what We {tally ede memure This Se poke othe methodlogeal aenp- tions we make about our reseacch “Where do ese beefs tat we bok come fom? 1 hnk thet are socisha ae reseecere 0 ocean eke. Wiha 2 Ne or dsp, ‘here ae pie problems pune, cat ways to saxty these problems, nd appraest dieenioting our sclay work That a bee or VANE ‘eouring researc sat when we are soiled as dents, and then 25 Faety ani schols wit « conasuniy of reaches. Ths wa the rio. fe forbes in pads fst announces ears ago by Thomas Bub ‘es ok The Srna Scenic Recusons 192) ‘Mined methods weer rom the eats ays were crncerned about ‘what phfosophical tenes provided + foundation for this method of Inquy. People oficn awcclated methods win philoophy, and when researches, fx exacle, collected qualia forws group cat, K wat ‘hen asus th mare of 2 consort nerdriew of understanding fmutiple meaning. When researchers gathered dats cn lnstvnes ‘eflected a redutionstic perspective assoeated with pospostvsn (Ceol 2013. How can two difere! weedewsCoexis a8 i being soggesed in iced method? "The azsmer maxol mci escachees have vent this question 6 to tok for one undeing esopiy that infouns both quartativ and ‘Gulla da collection Ths, some waxed waco writer acre 10 ‘Texgmatim G., "wba! week” and practice) a6 a phlosopty, ic 10 PER elim, aed sil thereto dalecke plum. The choke depends how much a searcher keows about tee iferen: pwophies and ‘hich one acest resonate wih x pts mixed methods projet. Chapter 2 ups sn Designing a Mixed Methods Seudy ® 17 | companion se & wheter to be exit aout wedeew in the design ef 2 mixeé methods sty. In the health scence, we do nxt see ‘mvc picsophy expicidynatc nthe soci ad behavioral scenes, {Seommon to encousier When ts nee named rod pln the cponsiy falls the rocarher to explain Hand proce ample ler ences da reach can fallow upon Pure. the esearch eed Devel about hw ltr the mod mets pec. ‘Theos, conan phosyphicalssumpins, re commoaly aed tn mize methocs stds, Reeser ed to pan fr arming what ‘hoor to use and how i wil epectcaly be iccepomted ino the med ‘methods projec. A theory a quartative rescarch lean expraton 3 ‘na the recor expects to id. Ts tary et De wed w ep, pre (ha, ard gener and infor the research ques and Pye ina aA theory in qstatve esearch cin ako be an explanation, £m te sieve that crete aes of theresa proces I soci bshusonl, aed neal selene ese the theory may be cone dea from soil scence, ach a «theory of lfision, keadonhip, Grbchaviond charge. One nds Uxoe Hc he Maur ara kta them by closely teaing jou antes and rescuch studies that fade Ineo. They wpe tlorm the quanttave side of ree and Help in determining what estes to at In alate esearch they my be advanced at he heponing of tay Cogan thnogepie theory of acc Tuntion) o they ay ere twough dat cllon Gx, a grounded theory ea. hlpfal nme reo sades wo ae ese theo es exp wo dese tem a sone deta lee the aus) of ‘he theory and fo sugges how the theory nes a paca phase the tise meter audy (eg te qurttatve compare! of at elector). “Asutber typeof theory woulé be a tanseemave, pakpatny, oF sdvocicy theory For example, 9 mixed methods stakes, we Find tat 4 theoreti lens may be drawa fom feniabt thor, sei cease ihecrks, disaiiy dors, oF racial oF etnleeheoes Thase tore ‘al oreriauons have became inporaat lenses info-ming man? cere ‘phises of 2 mixed methecs project popula theory (or perspective) Inthe heath aclences hasbeen commuity based partcpacry research (CBMM), ia which sakeholder or community members bene acre anicipants ia mauny puss of the rescuchhebing 10 determine the cles, using i dhe des ofthe seach ques colberauey {ndata collection snd anys, ar serving to casein the cess Ris axdto fod a iced methods stacy today ta sno nfred by 4s) science option ype of theory, 18 @ A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH 4 DEFINING MIXED METHODS [New yon design oa med methods seas begining dll down no ‘ome spect aeas, One a thee the deistion of med metiats esar. ‘Ate begining ofa method deco neal rie or popes tbe Gabors deine he mathodology Co ander doled ti qua ‘exoetineny ethnography) Since ened rcthods & the metodlogy of ‘Choe # dentin of te bed web plans reed. This definion nese to sate that mixed wets (se tbe core ducati in Chapter L ‘+468 rent methodology for conductrg a sty inthe xo, ‘chi, and heath ences; + foes collection and arly of both quate and quatave ‘it in apone research qustons, ‘+ Inepraes the two source of datz by combining oF merging them, cantecing them (ex, quatre follows quantitative), of ‘ernbecing ters eg, qustatve data lows ito an expeximenta trad and + corps these procedure toa designe lan conducting the trud, where the fay aes Gene by poh smampeions erthenea DIAGRAMS, PROCEDURES, AND CHOICE OF DESIGN our design may change over the course of ty but Ei hep on ya deagn you nigh ws ad ten dew a dig of hie deign o share Iwi others (eg, comics mere, sudlenen a enfereces feviewer of propo Ie iponant st stage 0 fst conser x tase desi neal hat the base designe are the corrergent cesign, the expaaery sequential Align and the explorstary sequent design, © be dacosed in more ‘eta ie Cape 9) helpful entre s Designing and Conducting Mtcod ‘Meth Reser Crowe & Fano Ga, 201), which isa the pes ‘of digrans that could den foreach este, uring orice vist 1 woul as you to draw picture cf your ask ecgn and talk abe the ietent of wing the dng woh eve Some the bake oan undo about reer, You might ae ‘his inent git sy. (Coapser 2. saps Design a seend Methods dy @ 19 ‘sample 1. Foran Explanatory Sequel Design Guantaie Kade to quale for te purpose of explain the quinn rests Nox, you noe to haw ou your busi design i snp, uncom ‘dagen. Later you can 4 in curs moh a specie "procedes™ ‘e"prods tat you hope wo real a each sep. 1 would abo hare You Is the eps in conducing the design (sce Chapter 5). Once you hve ‘ceawn th base dig, conider whether you vant adda mip fests Int your sud, sch a an experiment or servation ta theonsical Framework that oneal phaser of your poet cam ealnon pepee the, These addons need tobe dawn eto your digean and hy wl result in an advanced des. Pally I would tak abot how you can add Featwes tno your lara of the dent such 364 nee an prope ‘le, notation, other earures discussed ater in Chapter 5 POTENTIAL METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES AND THREATS TO VALIDITY Just as hoe who conse quainive and quaneeatve search need 19 ‘Aes factors that weal compromie the vay of ce dle, mixed taethode researchers need to conidr these to vality spect to cor ‘bag a nied mehods sly A! hs pow, conser these Us bed fn the desig you chose (Ces pres) (he esis ae dalled in ‘Gavyer, I you we wstnga converges Ges, conser wheter he ‘ste cen penernem and qunaivevarables conse paris (ter tess sgn may are depending on wheter you cide 1 tse equal or une sample acs fo the que sed quarto dt, ‘hater dey heve parle! uns of snags Ge, aid or groupe), how you merge the raul of dhe two amie, ant how you exsain vergentreuhs The poral fee cer tet ares wih he expan tory serpent sgn In this ease, would encoiape you to unk about the olowng decsens what quanétathe ress aed elon, Bow yo Vl select the saple of fllow-op parispans, how you will develop ‘leant interview questions aed how you wil ensue that tae qultatve aa indeed expla the qanttatve saute Flay you ae alg 3 Cepia sequential del, I would focus oa the ses a ae win ‘bulking from dhe qualtatve wo the quartatne phase When developing st nsrumen, for camp, you need earwate the qusive Fg 20 @ ACONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Ian hers cr sales and then we apo paychomatc procedues, sich 25 ‘Guamining the rlabny aed vay eidence. Noting these then in fnypctn: pr fanning yous say AMIXED METHODS STUDY AIM OR PURPOSE ‘Nem, you ned o develop dy in, ha 2 puragraph hat extablses the purpose of your sud This page short ince what yeu itera ‘o accom diving the sad, fa ype of Seiga you wil we and a rit ‘efron fi the ethos of quartatye and quale dats cllecton Set anal you nl we and yA raonale for keg mixed methods. TH ‘tndy aim ox purpose nade to be cafe wo eflet he (ype of dest being ‘ein your ony (ee Caper QUANTITATIVE, QUALITATIVE, AND MIXED METHODS QUESTIONS {wih your ud atm mn hard, same w ea your earch questions. You inl cece thee types of eons quttatve queions o hypotheses, [ost questo, and med methods quesers. This wi require yng ‘Nercmne st the buses of wring each pe of question (te Chae Ir praia, scp il que learning howto wt a msec metas (quer, and osc tin such a way dat lets the outcome expected ining a mowed meds sin. “ REORGANIZING THE STEPS The fin sep conducting 30 ognize the componcats ie the logis te pey foun 2 ood reseach an or propos. Thee ‘Soman, nore ate 1. The ds ele 2. the probe eading 1 need forthe study 3. The wont and/or he thoory used inthe uy, Chaper 2. eps in Designing a Ntzed Methods Stuay © 21 4 the poxpowe or sy am 5. Te research questions 5 Theta or ung mixed method research 7. A defen fr sind methods resus The types of quanta and qulétve data to be coed and analned 9 Theaited meth 0 be wee aaa dea of he rece RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THIS CHAPTER mths chapter bave taken you tug the steps that I ypcly wee to svi enka plang a mised metbods tly td believe prepian. ‘ing sy ato tha lowing tet to eve 1 bo bebeve tat the step orally planned can be revised dating te competion ef «pect Out the steps conveyed ze areata efi, chaning ue Tegan sah ety seps—ie te, the problem, the cent inten, an! the dd collosion eather han with mote arc Wess ech athe phoeo- ‘hy or theory. incaded the cerone fo wing mised oethode and gee {yous dfn hen hd you focus ce the pe of design you weak we {nd cra dgar of your procedures, Fal, wi this lore in ‘lacs, ashe you to Wetec he sly am oF pups the sete (quite, ele, se me’ mds sear quesns. The 298 (an then ne reorgunte to pen’ the loge ate sen na ecach po ‘es and you cn alin addon ements ek ested these stops (eo, tical acs, the rata! igadicance ofthe dy, pteral lint ion). The step edie her, howe, wil provide «ood tating pou foresning a reprous sophsticeed mized meas Udy ADDITIONAL READINGS (Gave, i ren. Reng ve tie and attr went pie Ses. Hosesier Jan a Cx mabe 9 mad ‘ie mie nse mets Oxf, OS Ox Unt Pee ew, Jy Pcary MD Muro Ca Ly & Merk, GD), Med mt ‘se marerion ts Ia Adon 8] Hakomb (i) er me ‘sare or ming ah et ene 161-39. One Whey 22 © A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS HESEANCH, Cem, 8 Pane WM. Te appt of me eas ts ris tech fra Mommies 242d eo son Gy Eade pons ard cd cas edu etenpn rsa fae a ‘occ nigh soot soos Toons ioeowemaes sana T 5 Ca The aca efeitos Une css Brg Ks 8 Gl, orn es af tig doce shat denn ping oe and ute othe. dana ‘omy ssc 4 soko it soe cuarrer 3 SKILLS NEEDED - TO CONDUCT MIXED METHODS RESEARCH ‘TOPICS IN THE CHAPTER ae sis, and quate le neoded fermnned methods esaroh REQUIREMENTS FOR ¢ CONDUCTING MIXED METHODS When | nodes the coe chaaeritis of mined methods ecu Tineided the componeat of uring igonais quantatve and quale smatod. To conduct thew methods rqukes sll ang and econ of what comstues “got” In ths caper T ak about the sls eee by mined ethodsrescahes andthe spec goes met ie Dos ‘qundttve and quatave research nese ors ed meth cy Por Team A Pinal maior oad id quae congo ‘Scola pate onpomertsd ol opentic epee he ‘antttee cangone ascarid pyc muse "Wa inp eg Ga ens diab and (tana congue pea tse 2d we roche ‘eam incl ive kclnkad edie quale aa quanaihe umpoveris wih bo oft rec ‘vee ai ey Nl 208 159 Ran ply SA Rr INDIVIDUAL SKILLS IN RESEARCH For india engiging in mized methods serch, « grou uncertand- Ing ofthe flow of active inthe seseach design proces eerie Thi proces fs ue whee he sty Is qbartae, ulate, or xed ‘mats. The process canbe easly deere hs w2Y: 2 dry rrp ree tat eta ed ‘Seawiep seat pti en et ‘etre a sy wane sl oo + ce he popow oa fy ett ‘comps and mon this prone os pee roca ‘Sem (xr tpt twa Besa ag he ees ce each + Stet srr dsp or phn Sor proce or vad tem + ie ln ese the sec qin wg go poe cots pte noon ‘ate rs ceed tee awh cach iene wo tae ince ergs gt ct rice nhc Sine th sy art unc ep ciel tera alps che ech, eps, foe da elec trogh aes ci cos Chapter 3. Skil Neaded to Conduct Med Mebods © 27 ‘This a prea that ive flowed in wnt ll of my eckson rear nctiods holds fr bxh quarter qusltate researc Sat ith fences beeen the 0 sppieaches renee inthe pened! ‘process strat a nese afew, ti how each pf the proces ‘nfl in an seu reseceh dy. SKILIS IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Fe might be help then to review bowie proces unis ie in qua ‘tative esearch and thea in quale research Quinine resend revere approuch in wtih vests Meaty tory tat goes the development ofeach gusts and hypaesee. re thes questions ad ppt in cms of ates oc strc and aay them in enn ef independ, cova, meting, and dependeat vcs to spat te relationship. Selct a esearch design forthe praetor of the sadly bac on accepted designs, suchasexpvinerts (nd thet vsaton, saya, stage subject et, or comelatona susie (ace Grerwel 2013. ‘The design could alo be one typically wed the Reh scenes, sch as an chseraoal or explatoy study (eg. descipve ‘ie cere, cohort study case-control my, rspecive oad ‘sohor stich, rsesetonal sy) oan expermeral desi at ‘alte he effec an itervomion on say subs Com nicer alyss, radomines cortlld wl, suerte review, sal wih selkcotres, erous-ner sy, actrandomezc ia. * Gator numeric data on cls ene aca, sich as stents oF ‘echavorl cecil, fom Cxstent repos and ccna seh sn school alee epars patent ad hoe Stacy analyze he momen dita hy sing precedes that ikl ‘ables or paps veering ul sch ws deseptve ano tle ental ante, fect sis, and contre bnervas. Use sna softmae programs to elp stay de da 1 Report the rescarch in a reasoubly Sante feat thet con sksent fom ape fet aether ad ices an oso, a ‘overview fhe hear, esc ofthe methods desertion the reat, and the con 28 A.CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH «sae tat your report i of high ua yielding tps such as ‘pence, ian, ray seliabliy and epee. “Tie of comme, oly 2 peer picute cf theses inven con cng a quartistne cy Tere ate me specie gukkines: for exam fle, an experimen invention trl mg Follow te CONSORT 2910 Sateneon the Anas of Inrnal Modine Schl, Aman, & Moker, So10) Pry, thre aie choc hat {se fra complete met ‘custo fr quantatve projet (eal that mixed methods research tosses mcm the metas 04 Sud). Ks shown in Table 3.2, mer: Prove aration fo hy quart reer owl sed Shing fe reearch rb og, et facts a ence (uoney acompanton cl pup sings hey. ser be yp af quaeve esrch sgn ht ll Be se eg. epmen ust-exprnnal Sig ec celta sven tapi wy he dng waldo ath probe, sin pricar ay teat ace whe we te dose. anate Dat Coleco: ery he earch sore stay ser prysins tate ben ated Gea int ‘evew tse pamie nica how paca wl eect oe sy, i ener pints ta indie ert yp of a awl cleo (Summa dt onal aa omer edo ety wel itn ata dtp bili nd ‘Sit averted lay ester it Wendl a habiy opie erent amar frosting antec). (Chapter3. Skil Neodod to Conduct Mined Mtheds © 23 entative DataArae Monten dts rp roel ercomoing squntatve debi, ‘eve procrastinate he ae, Ste the eure stare aaah papa wl be ad ——tnteatethe ypu of anys a wil be candace a check ‘pense tice ng rt maps Bs shih of desea tt be cared ot ties decipiveresenh qrsirahyonbes Hy type leet ar tl be conc io Mess reatrip an conparson quesinstypeses, enh roe ht whe sed check recs rd cries ele Deca tyler wl be pate caeoy sacl cele “his cecil provdes gusdance for those developing ngcros qa "sue section for thir med meth projets. I focuses en the come ‘ents of dat colecten ad arly and Wagons texts cn quntistve ‘eto tht deseebe the procedies pally wed, SKILLS IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ‘Qualia eseuch proceeds through the procenes of research Menied bore, bt mary par ofthe research ks roses defo the of ‘tacvaive search 1 wal late thi dscnson tothe topic that Tw to cesebe « quanttacivesudy sha you can rake an cay emparen Ierwwen the to lorms of reach In nite research he ier may set witha theory that guide the research gee tions hut thisthecry is modiled during research ahr tan bing xed, The bey Ke 0 the earch evelre and change based ‘wa the veterans en the pagans ate sty ‘Toes lear fom parvcpars the reseher poses peer. oper ended quesions alloaing the inches the wy to prone {30 @ A CONOISE INTRODUCTION TO MINED METHODS RESEARCH Infoonion wihout consis The wc of vasbles or constructs ‘woul lint the dy and Geefreinkcpendert, dependent, mod (ing and other Kinde of varies ae nox sted in quatre ‘esearch ted the iar Werte ky topi—caled cena Plovomoon-and exploes & wih openended quests (0 pa tidpants Ter eale, central phenomenon might be ‘remaining Sienis and the rescarchr might explore what this tem means ft ericpam ina Hanes cxptietion ‘The types of deslns wed In quale seseuch dil frm the even ned tn quant rah overtones Ol 38 ‘periment esedon, quaianne desig came fa es ach at ‘ology, pcb the humors They ar nt cle export ronarer sees, bt thee nares fle how the reset ight peo ‘Forage, mative qualativ egos wear about the ones of nail Ives. In plenomenokykal qalatve desis ‘we expe how ferent people expenenc he sme coms Sach Urlonalness tm rounded try te goer theory ated the ‘ws of prtipants, no een an the abl thor at has boon ‘Soicpelfiom diferent sample aa diferent oction. Incase ay ‘Galati rocach we pire a sage or mule cases fo leah out how pele adios spec hse In enoprapie aie rsa leat how a pup of peer who sare 4 eoamnon ale tire develop pater Of spealag ad eng anes ut gener ther behav Gan Crewe, 201). Ther Five sgn fn noe research do ot cover the fall ray of possible dens bat they are recrnive of populi appeouces wed in quake reach Tater than atesng ruber foanaten, quate researches gether tx ep, acho recordings that are arsed nto wor) teenies (eg, fetes ten fe 4 camer I fy, the alle tt qulttiv roseweh the cera i of fore of dats guard, “psl thowe heceming par of our dita age of text menoger ed webates Reperle of the le of dat coed no scale ce secklst b Inpneds stead, putisparts ae shed openly ait fhe tnormnton they hae she, and the informuon i recorded ‘+ Anyi, then, becomes working though text rascpes ce mages ‘one By one to fornaggrgated dats Unis, Gt coe, and ther Dy ‘lapng the codes into themes: Sometines the themes ae iter ‘elated fom a cronclogy of erent, auch othe proces ef Ind ‘ial ang © war Sora lve anole Gee Brows, Sorel, McClaren, & Creel, 20) Qultauve stare progam Such ab Chapter 3, hile Neoded to Conduct Mesed Mets #31 -MANQDA (Job Cebit, 2013) ae often used to help rescues craic and cap el quot 4+ case the re 0 mary dean for qualtave wesc the report fxm ders conser rom one qualtatve yt ancter The final epont may rng rom tel 2 soy, a8 marae designs, 0 2 more sleae approach arin ground they 4 The quatstve researcher produces igh aly repr by incerpo- ‘ing the views f parlpanty, peering 2 complex analy ofa ofthe facto voted In studying a tpt o central phenomenon, ‘tui hat the fal repent a acct reflection of paricoant ews Gat), and inomponting amie evince forthe codes frthemespresered wets i thes Reyond these elements ‘woul be speci rea expect in wing pact sg ee ‘aan ethaogphy ora phenomencogy, ualtatve reaches in general are weoctant fst fot sands ‘ora checks of ures hat shuld belong i spo cpaltaive ato ‘son of sty, beens a wel conan emer and cctv td et However, 1 hink that al researchers mone that quaeatve Inui ‘on do have ceran procedures in mind when they engage areca. 1 ve esembled » check of fagures that {fee woulé make + ods ‘qualatve section compet. My quate chest, Me my quasistve decks, rues elements of cesgn ad the meade of det colton and analyse Tae 431 Genet _— Prov araterale fr ny ulate each wl ser ‘Suhing he resach pion pcp sn, conn empl ‘dentro row aie png ce) _—Desebe hee of culate sec) deg eg rie resech ie er my gay, cyt we plan aye deg wel itd a ae he problem, anv data catlecson _— Deceit) ail be sae. ~ ent pest ve bese ged incidental vw {nerd joer. _— neat parprts alo recat they, — ines te nebo pcp. — bith ype of pee sarling 0 be wed lan ite sent deroyabiscpaticpans- — deat hon te ppt il br Fo het ciety —indeate e yp oes be calleced gmp blot dts ‘ecto, _— Inca otf dar coco — erin te protects tere osoators eon wed rece Sine treme utenti be hd i eos oc Data ans Dias prepingthe ta (eosin tnt he gene procs dt nls easing though at nd wting amos eng ata, senso evap ee inertatng tbe he _ vce any sec aces incl nth hover aprach oho oeuchichs nied hoy eseape eae nl eodrg and etwas Disa th eof putt cs ane sla hal aralehe ‘a teg, ON iss he eof mpl cer reer arent hey ‘Se wad in thes andhow rpc ws ace wih cong faerie Dian aly sen 6, amber acing aguante en oly por out ral sat, ner ae Bld. _— ca es ae the esate eperencesand ol wil Intuence he nape ons, Ice and ore erphass on pearce-paten fatrcine and eng thout the choices rade by patent in roar dr procedures. We ae 1s secing increase ies personalized medicine, incorporating more Of the human element ino bilogel pepectes a we asics noeded teodkal verve, aching ol diverse pate poputns, and adhe hhwpals and ks a oqanatnal seas. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THIS CHAPTER “The portion Ihave aen eo urge mined mabode exarcher Yo become shied ia quartaeve, quads, and eed mets rscach, ng thse ails represen mixed ret cas Fata the develo ment oa ood mae! ethene projet. Cllaboraon creams repress food tartrate and recess to pe sae thet ‘Aterent meng! crertatone unde the guidance of eer eth Aine earch sls: Invunls wodking iniependeny cna mixed meth tds projector on «tam ond to lenow the fidamentl ofthe procs of cath The key componens of both quatatne and quanttave reach eed 0 be tusred as do tbe deta of wraig ethos secon for aa “olectn ae cts nals fx each fom of reaeoch Ini wa, 4 Sot mie methel ct cn be compo thar ef scl uaave nd qattave methods ADDITIONAL READINGS & Dn S.A nn), Aan WHO. Wing fs Tint uate oth Ram, 16 HP°86 a OORT Cot) G3) ater pry and mad Cog ome “py ht ef Ton Oe CSC Cocatan i. buh. Ne} Ce. ssa. seas iene Sta Wf Conk. Dy & Campbell. GOO, permet and qua i fr gn oe rest Woe aah Gab 2019, uAX0DA Cane sowie. Reeve fs wien ‘com [36 @ A.CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH problem from utile ales and mip perspectives. tn shor, uth {ive eat el yenendl ers ad reltoasbips, which are often ccd, ‘nile qultave vomits provide nalepe personat perspectives of nH ‘kale Both are wifi rete, and thelr combination ads up 10 not ‘nly more dl, but aie a more comple uademtandag tan what would Inte been provid by each database alone. This the loge bbind 2 ‘convergent design Ths, a a esl of wsng thls esr the mixed meth- fake researcher ean advance multiple pespectnes of even valdate one ‘itaace with the other he procures fr tng is design are seagorwar 1. Begg by colletng ant aralyang hese dau qu tate dats separately. 2. Merge bing together the two datbsss. Thi can be done in ‘even nay: Afr the ress hve boon comple, the tee ‘on or infoxaces nw from tbe fo daabases can be brought together 4 dcasson where (ey ae anaes side by se. or ‘eairle, the Guana ress ry be repred fn, lowed by the quivers. A low-up dscuseen then ecu, compar. tng the reas fom the two aasbaves by dla hem ane ar the aber Called ade by aie eomparson- Ate pprecc e data ttanformation 0 asin coe ofthe databtes ino the ober form so at tiey can easly be compared Tor example, count oud the mide ofthe rmber fines theYaeusthemes pean he ta ‘Gerwed fc the quate anaiyes. ad hese nue valves cad [proce new vars tat re ete it the arate database Ih tanl yay io develop joint diplas that ary the cunniie rel gat the qultate rsa a table ora graph. Chapter 7 fees vo ae des abo ceaing and sng diese dopa. 5. Aer the resis Have Been merged, canine 1 wit extent the ‘quantitate roals are ceefrmed by the qnaliate vests (or vce Chapter 4. Basle and Advanced Moxod Metsads Destens @ 37 vera). I they fer, then explain why thse ferences oxcred Goa, lack o aid quunttive measur, ck of parle quetins to faite data compaoon), ‘he convergent dela s we“ for esearch who nee to gather th fons of data Whe they ar ne el Xt aes sen css bath forms ave brought ogee aed enables one ko gin ape pe tures of prcble fom several anos. However, challenging to cer ‘bet One challenge thet enarher ee tot withthe sme ease) ‘ramesiment on both te quant el alate den they ae merge the dia, hough ts purl constuction is esc ten ‘vedoked. Antes change stat Yeseurchers nee 30 KNOW ht merge the wo daaases Mey nd tobe familar wi the pocedies cf Creating joe diay o aking wee ss compara How to merge the two dataaves—ope nme sed one ten based sort itive ear teary escarben, Pure 1 shons sine digs fora convengen design. Tis reer lng wore researcher shoul! epi when they sa cere agers ofthe proce foe thtr design Tell ths design single-phase design ‘cats th ons dats ae cllacte athe sme tine, ‘The Explanatory Sequential Design ‘The inet ofthe explanatory sequent design f to study probern by beginning wth « quanitative strand (a strand sles to ele the | 28 @ A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH eactzative or quate component of study to both cli and ans Tyee data, and then to conduct quate evesrch o explain the unt tite reauks, Quanatine eal ye aati significance, confidence foveal, and leet sacs and provide the general outomes ef a shy However, hen we cain suc esl, we ef Jo not know tow dhe Fdings occured. Therefore, we engage in a qualtatwe phate 10 help explain the quant resexrch rss Hence, his design calla = explanatory cequental eign. Cok this design by folowing hese precedes 1. Colle ad stalyze quate dat in the Fest pase 2 Examine the rons of the quciatveenasis to deternine ‘what rls will need furer exploration inthe second, qulaive phase and 0) what questions ak partpars in hs qualitative hase 4: Cord quate dat colectin dsalys second phase hap explain the quanttatve ress 4, Dra inerocet bor how the pattie ests hap to expla the tara rt. “Te sregth ft dean ein hat hat ewo phases bull upon | ‘cacnethers6 tat there ae dsc. ely ergs staf of Con ‘the dex Hacaume cf this, he design i poplar among Hegineng mized method rvearchers and graduate certs. Wala poplar arog ‘euchow who have « quntifive Inckground, ecu the dy Beas waa quanttstve phar It challenging to cord, howe, beonse ftaes te w sapiene evo dst paves In sequence. Avother chal lenge 6 deterring which quartiave ess need fuer explanation. (Chice forthe researcher ince flew up om paripant mith cerein emogrphics, expanding the ines t9 expan impor vanables (Gr vatables i urea tured ou tobe sosigafcand, and locking, dosely at outer cases from the quantitate es» Chapter 4. Basi and Advanced Mixed Metbcds Designs © 39 igace 42 provides a simple diagram ofthe procedures lathe two Phase explnatiry sequential design “The Exploratory Sequential Design “Thc intn of the exploratory sequent design tos a problem by et exploring i hroagh qualia du cbecon and analysts Ais this fat ‘hase, a second pase elves king te quate els eed deveon~ Ing them nin mesures ce anew inure oF new nerves foe 3 fexperinent Tis second quantitive phase Is then followed by a hi To conduct his desig, fellow these procedures 1. ells nd analy the quate dit 2 une the remiss the qaatatne ana eg, the termes) and ws the ivormation to design » quaniave conpenen, ch 28 new measres, new insruments, of Pew intervention aces. “The tose tat the new guanine component saproves on at aeady salable (eg, a0 exiting snsranent) becuse & is rounded othe actual experiences of participant | 49 © ACONGISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH | Use the new quatane component an tnt it out This mens tat ‘he new mewurs willbe put nto at eit qnttate datibore ey mean dat the new Insturnent sete forthe vay ard sabi scones. Keay slso ea haa new emer placed to an experiential td sed as pr ofthe ictersenton (ot 8 vew pre and posttest measure) 4 The int ep, ther, 1 seport how the new component (o8, rears, nares, of aces) improves pon the exiting ot ‘of varates, provides 2 pew and beter conexalzed imtrumert, for ade bef aces Sno the ferenton $0 that enhances ‘he wodabity ofthe imervecdn. In adtion becuse he uals fhe dats re deewa from a mal sample inthe fact phase the ‘lth now qunrtatve emporer can provide sight eto whether fe lat quest resus can be encralzed we «age same 0 ee id arate pase ‘As you can se; hee ae tree mao sep nhs desig: al qualia twephase score qunttave phase, an th quanckve phase. eat fvespace dest Math tee pases, a80 becomes the mest fia of the the bane cenigne Lie the expiratory kequntal design, fi desig takes inet these phase are extended ot ne mich more than the ‘er base designs, Ths dedge i abo challenging o conduc because of the eificaly in tng qualate rem and ring them leo a new va: de, new nsuumer oa ney set of Intervention aces. ‘What con be taken fromthe qaakuave resus 10 fete hese pro ‘ewes! Qualitative els yell specific quote ren indiiuns codes a ‘apstion of quotes, and therses asthe collection cf codes. When ew ‘eames atc develope in tls design, themes could be tenatonel io ‘meaaures or varies When a aev instrument baoedc, the quoes cold become ems the coles, varubls; and the temes, sales When fe Inmevertion sctietes tecome he outcome of te quitatve pe, the _sciotiee cont be rece by bo codes and tenes A Tuer callenge ‘tthe dosgnwhen develop new esaunert oon 2 exis ‘ce based on the qualiatne eke isthe development ofa goed ina [nen wth song piychometie properties Ther are many cures for goed ‘sale development and istruert constuction (ex, DeVels, 2912. ave ‘so developed my ow Is of eps: 1. Review he neaure / obtain expert panel arcs 2. Senay posable tems Chapter 4. Basloand Adeanced Mixed Methods Designs « 41 2. Pretest em wth mal ample wang exploy for ara 44 conduc ean amalys ofthe ls Admini the survey 0 2 age sample 6. Camda confumatry facor arly of te ess. 7 se strata canton meng to kent ten arabes, Leak for evidence of construct vali ‘On te postive sie this des igor makes 2 sophiond mined smetods desig. Father, boc the ie pas is expiratory iis deg “Sci in maed method stds in udereloped courte and ses of sot ca), where the eases ann Som the we of Wester sea may lave Bee apptcfay and reece need # rt exloe what es ‘ses Wil wc in he serny A, resenches ereeable a amar at ‘quae reach le hie Sxgn cane kg wih « quate pace {dar To an exprstory sequent design e shown a Figute 4., ‘As you case, hs desig as tne connected psc ADVANCED DESIGNS ‘oT har sa the place wo bela w tii about ike eos dss 6 ‘to Went the tsi de in Your project. rom his Dak design, you then 9 heer sew pee Pou pun ner soo {44 © A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH “There are nay ways da agin of th proces fora interven- tion mized maths des. One simple Haeatin woul be postion he tonal ca ef, dning crater Uc exes, a shown in Fae ‘The Social Justice Design “The intent of sock asic desig 10 sty a problem within an overall tock ute amewore thar heads trou the mized meshed ody Several pesibe famewoke canbe found in mice ethos OI (oder Ion Ucrint oF mascuee), 4 ical or etnies, 2 Sec das KE lb Je Lfesgle erertation lens, or any conbetion of lemes, atthe center ofthese mined mchode mes would be a bale ‘dvign Convergent, exlanatcry sequal or explostory squeal, but the mvestyice wuld che the socal sie Ins tapout the How would the lens be tfreaded thea tie suc For xan, 3 shown tn igure 5, v2 a0 2 mized methods soy wth an explanatory Seavert ane vin. Ost eared ty t many points inthe esgn a {specs of fein tion. The tcory is esubled atthe boning of he ‘Sn torns the type of research queatons ake, shapes the pes par Aispant Comer nds prsence ta bet ca cellcon andthe sporting (themes, and pomp cult actos charge—at te era Ue ay 1 tenet the ype of nse desn you plan on wg ne conser where ané ay you ae acing quatave dats tthe sy 2: nude the theo lent 1 norm macy GF a the patos inthe design 2: Conduct te sa. 4. Discus how the scl utiles helped adios de situation being sured. “The advantage of thi typeof desig tha the outcomes ate kuen- fd to Help 2 marginaizee grovp or cescvanaged indie The cll Forchange comes nthe na eton ofthe atc, whieh the recatcher talus atid about eceting socal jie Tie Jain populism coun tes around the nerd ie which fndiduals ive fa Sate of injustice tnd mangnalzaion, The challeeges in using thi design ie in deciding ‘what soc usc lens 1© use, How to tacorporae in mary pases {he sy, and how to tacide £m sich 3 Way tat € does 908 futher ‘marginalize itp. ‘The Multistage Evaluation Design ‘The tert ofthe maistage craton design ito conduct «sud over tie dat evaluates the sues fs proj o aces peered into stseting It called “mitseage’ because each ne of Is components cn ‘epecseat sige ty sail becomes erlustve wher te veal tert (Sto ewes the rent, valve, of worth of progr or ct of arele, Tee ‘cpus projec that conatte the overall evauaon dsgn can be quer Uhaie, qualatve, or mused methods As wit ober acvanced dis, Chatter 4. Basicand Advanced Med Methods Designs @ 47 uct she many pa qua td quate hu go ino developing ae srg, measures, plementng te PORE, spd conducting folown. ‘To conde this design, flow hee jrocetres 1, Netty wit progam nods to be ealted and the ex mas who wil eosice 2 Comer wh: tase dest seeded for the eration, Typical ‘enitaons begin wih 4 neede aes and an exphiatory ‘Septal gn 3. Wenily te sages ia he elation. These might ich & neds aseemncny theory ceneptankton, spefcaton cf easiest Iseumen, ttre othe prog uso the meses er sty ments ae low Wo bep expan the ream iesenerEaton es. {48 # A.CONGSE INTRODUCTION TO MINED METHODS RESEARCH 4. Determine at each phase whether qunettv or qualitative dats oe both wil be colesed ane analyzed 5 Conduct the evakitin, and revise the progam and name secs “Te srengt of the rukiphase craton design isin sytemaic precedes for documenting de success of program. Kan aol ear Imenbers win hive both quantenive and cuastve (or mized methods) {hk ielee a complex hype of desig, eondactet ver ine, that would he scen by funding agendas a ngaroue, mulated projec, ‘One calleage for using the ssiga that 4 stable for the ‘sngle”cecache: bat requires «teu to coodbet the dy (fen With the supper of sakcholdes) Pad. sig and tine fer researcher to engage In is type of prec ny be dificak. Aso, wean neers ne to be coosinated to facile tt working together and to ensure lay ‘hout the onerl evaaon gal ofthe projet. ally, one stage leads to another othe tam needs to conser how one tage contibutes to the next stage, This low of actives reques song, team leadership (see chapter 3. 4 HOW TO CHOOSE A DESIGN | would recommend tha you begin by Mentfyieg you basi devign To Select a tase design, would conser whether You plan to merge the fw catanes or cnet den. Tis wl ead down the pat 0 ether a ing the the sig, such as an experiment, social jntice lees, ofa long-term ‘evahudion clement. These factors wll push the base design into an aranced desi, ‘ter laces pay iw your tecson ca des. | woukl conser the sls sed oseotton that you tring «mined methods recat. our background rider in a stronger quantatne onenaten (eer ICU ‘pesonal interest or the discipline of your Rik, then | would urge yeu Cowan deg tat aus oth quant rescach (ean explantory ‘Seueri design. f ou have an oknuion toward qultatve wear, ‘would sigpest at you cansies mow of an exploratory sequel xn Chapter4. Basic and Advanced Mixed Methods Designs « 49 that begin wth qualitative ressatch 1 woul ao asous wher you sls are roger in qansatve esearch than in palate, or vice vet, Finally 1 would resonrend tht you lok i the lature fe You! eld wo sce what ype of mixed methods designs af beng used. When say cllague and evewed mized methods expel invesigatons in ‘ie tau esearch Ne, we found meaty explanatory sequesal deg (Creswell & Zhang, 200) Wher Ihave paripste ln dacusons about ‘aned rods projects in the health senes 1 hve foul crete ‘sigs wih quae dts added before, dating cr fc the expect ‘Geeonll Fetes, Pie Gath, & Mora, 205. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THIS CHAPTER ¢ Te falling ae sre eames hw + In your int thinking abo sign for your eid nto dy, ‘conser one of he de bac designs. Probably the eastern ene ‘oe wouk! be te explanatory sequential ese, flowed by the ‘cavergent design. and then the explo septa eign Tis law design pore completed becaue i roqutee move pc in the sty and krequesa wie aay of il + Sut ticking about your dexign not fom the sano of ting (hat comes fis what cernes seco or emp (wheter Gala ne o quanti ns sree eps You prof, bu ater Ins on tr, wat you hope accomplish wh the dein and your quexions. Do you nee > eempare the tu dita fo ‘ergent desig? To explain qntre rene wh qualeatve date ‘oplanatrysequental design? To expone fot and then bul _qutntttve component © your study explo seer ei? + Afr deciding on your base desig, cone meter yu wil ad fears iat exten your basi design sto an advanced deg ‘you ad an expertent (or fservertion tal? A soca nc me {WOH A progam elation? + Choose your design bused on those fc the Hn (what you hope oaccmplal your bckgrownd aed sl level ante crs ‘aon toward design fund in your fed or spine 50 # A CONOSE INTRODUCTION TO MINED METHODS RESEARCH 4 ADDITIONAL READINGS. eso te mee mets desis, sce ‘Goel Wf Pa Ca¥ GI. Dani aod me tds Toad 0) Tons Oa, Ch SUC Regaing expert oie, se: nel. 012, Raat mics Peni comb, ad etn Reganting gnea evahasion dovgn, sm Ros PH, Una, MW, 8 Heenan, HH CMO, Aus A pone ‘spree Thetnand Oaks, CASA Regarding nsrumeat or sale design ee Deh G1 Sale depen Tweets nto). Tsnnd ‘oda co ance or god examples the pes of desk that I woud recent ce (Cera dss) WtncAcN-Bas Fala}, Lowber of ane doxtn ou Gece cgay cue ed gute we dona ‘in atc 08 30 Soe Sn Netlewns 8044 BP CROT) Scat’ perience in ad dct ‘ecam etna een hanced Aran athe) ‘Stich motte saan, 469-75 8 0 WPI TASLONOMESA Seam 7-151 nr amizronnwss ‘sea er dear. di © (0) Teng all wor of wus cat et bed class sah formal Md Abts arc 20), OMG Duniresmman 6 (acne enon cnn) Nag oc Sao S, Rcd, Vio. Jn, “i ist mtn itera rece thoy tach faa (Fed es oh 1 OF Oa IPSN, CHAPTER 5 HOW TO DRAW’A DIAGRAM OF PROCEDURES ‘TOPICS IN THE CHAPTER 4 Deteion and use of diagram in mixed methods each 4 Teal or erawing diagrams Borie ope in eawing «cag «Sample agri forte bao and advanced mined methods detns DEFINITION OF A DIAGRAM ‘Within the conten cf mined methods esearch, 4 lagram af procedures ‘sa figure that sued to comey te proces used in aed methods ‘desi I sces infomation about te data collection, de data ens, he inerpetation of awd. R maybe uma to atk about having 4 procedural agra in asad, but we do have dayne forte teones that we wee in sacs. When our procedures re comple at mined methods, whese dew ae rutile qunnetative and quate dita colleton and analysis eps help to have 3 wal agar opal {ogetber a of the comperents of the stacy. Added o thi that sed ‘methods might be had andertand cutee is new, and aa everiew ‘the procedures can be weft Intros ao ean 5 [52 @ A.CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MINED METHODS RESEARCH “THE USE OF DIAGRAMS ‘Arwund 2003, a io with Federal nding program office In 10 he Gvebpmae of diyzums for med methods prooadares Ths fcr Iced mist meio sdk, but sok Ut they were dificult to under sane becnite of he multiple componens of data collcion and unas. ‘Aer that conversation, ry cokes ad | began developing digas GF our mised melo procedues, and we have coninied to eaborte al devlep then ever ce. They have maple wes Grado ents ‘Gin beqge wih dic digrnn a they launch ite a lecasion about ete froposed ied macho stay. These dlagrans ae begining to appear fn mmad methods rma such ashe Saural of Med Metis Research ‘Thay oral being lncuded in sppitions oc tropes for fing, ad they become haf vane dire presentatons of mized methods sade tes ut conferences Tr sore dg summariae mach infomation in «shart space, sn ‘rave mip posses for applaion 4 TOOLS FOR DRAWING DIAGRAMS “To law a figure, you need a compu propane the figure to be publshed ce presented fo an audience Many med meds ecarchers ‘ee Rowen o do aire because of teense of placing atl os page. Others might use 2 werd rocesing progam, or een compose 3 Tegure usieg s opreadsben program Of couse, hee ave kn spect com- pes dwn Progra that might be weck ‘Defoe drawing your diagram necesarytoknow he ype of design fear you wil ncn in your ay and wher iis «basco adranced Gdxign Fore, using 1 retain system Gut i fam 19 mid meds teomuchers wil enhance our diagram, NOTATIONS FOR DIAGRAMS ln 199, Mone a the st autor to begin to specy fe notston system that he bocome pope ined eethods serch, ln Table 51, you cx Sex the hank notation ta hae developed serail employed unevenly fr mized ethos sds, but the ph sgn (©) and the sgh crow (P) have Became star feces sith the qoute and qulétve ‘Mee 1981, 200) Tween | leserpony [qian qa | Nena (901, 2005) D | comet rations | QUAN QUAL | Ners(i7, 205) ‘QUNN0UN | Wore 959, 200 methods are being adc get or ht ene flows te other Ths, hese sre 0 sym tat you ae ey to ence in ogra ess se some of te other yb, such as yppereae ites 1 inde poy ‘capaci ete quantitate or qualia arand of the dy and lowest leet to indicate es pro exempts Otser ayaini Ince paren these, wih ae used wo eabed Infmaon and bake, wih ada Individual suds wahin a sees sues The Mes of cng notion -s perp fallen out of vor recent yar ie ont simpy the a= grand mt chaser thr with formation ESSENTIAL FLEMENTS IN A DIAGRAM ick in 26, varhows, Crswel, ad Soe seme ey ies tha gue wha oes ito dlgram ive pats ac ett: 1 mm et show cleo cen fr th got ‘ive and cpualitative research, =“ ‘ie et shoe tpn pl of ac 4: cette wc elo nd ea as Seed geataby onl que vc Tos ees Stet ye pontine Sees 4. Pat nl ot met pf co na os Copen by nk ted ang ban di ets pu a (ther eee ae inperat 8 we |54 @ A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO MINED METIODS RESEARCH ‘Tile ‘The dagram o fgue need to have ate tat coneys the ype of dein being use For enampie, you might rae the tte ths way gute 1A Convergent Destin of ie Mixed Nets Saf Ale ‘cont smoking Beta, “This tile mensions the ype of dei as we ay he ey letento focus efne sme Vertical or Horizontal Orientation “The diagram can be cen ether very or hozetaby on the page ‘Typical the converge dig eden versal and soquertal deste te draw hooray We need to consider thei acience Fer these ‘igus to darniae what would be mest appropriate For example, met ‘hagas ceawa for staes io ferfary rin abel sence awn ‘erty to match the op-down sucture found these onaizons. Simplicity notes consideration is mbether to label the ioration i the oxes 5 "Data election” or Data nalfin” of include a more complee dscrip- ton, sch as“ntervew dita coleton” or “oteciew dita colecon wih 1 adeesons” Indias te 0 bed methods fen incode mere com ple infomation an drail the boxes #1 dagram. These vidas Inay hve ore cf conn” oxentiton othe drawing than 2 “mous ‘cetaton, ac develop the gram teil a much abu the corer cf the ay a the specie mehods procedures. ‘A icy Ken in drawing a ding i eto ovedeay. bat 0 keep 1 simple Hn spar. Thus, any ileestarows gots may Chepter 5 How to Draw a Diegram of Procedures © 55 Aiections would aot be recommended, andthe simple cnfpesicn of “kt colleen, dats ana and interpretation fr both the guantaive ‘nd quetaiveteand would be adic Single Page “The aga needs of ona ing page. Tis spmroch conserves spuce 2s well Zacens eacng the digrac. Having to keloe aows or Does Irom one page to sneer often config ‘Timeline 11 fen ep a tment ferent phases ofthe rescue: When ‘wll dt colecon cece? Dut analsh Inteaprcaion? The tele Io moms or days canbe plac ea aise dt cus alongside the bows ‘he diagram It helps readers as well asthe researcher undestne when the Phases oF the pret wi cue BASIC STEPS IN DRAWING A DIAGRAM 1, Selecta drawing program tse 2 Da the se desig tt yo plan on wing 2 convergent design, an explanatory desig, cron explorstory dni Use bone ck ‘ome data collections dat ana une ces to inst later {aon an we arows 1 nce the Bow of proved, 4 Adin feast sig a adeanced design, such aby placing «framework round the basic denn aed able fora Teatures 4, Add adden! tnfomation tm the daar: the ccd, tbe roc the isn the phates, and coker csi, fu He ‘VISUAL MODELS OF DIAGRAMS BY DESIGN {ick at Figure 5. w se dagrams ofthe the base dessa convergent ‘pare design, an explanatory sequential desig nd an eplatry seen: {al design. As you can se, each diagram consis of ones for dats cle ‘ee and dat aml od ce for tetexpectaon fr bo the qanstve a Chapter 5. How to Draw a Diagram of Procedures © 57 snd quate rach, noms inden the Boe of avis ad all dee agro we dann er cmreriens) bet fnkon Words aor In tbe dag heey deste the need seps heck deg gir 5.2 showing digrans ofthe avanced desis, poles wel ‘models for desing + mised math iervention sy, soc juice seedy or muhisage evaluation andy. Imo the bate design, we cana fetes that provide sda a- formation. Lok t Figure 33. tes gure Iss he procedures, presented 23 ‘ult alongside the mjor boxes. 1 ao lis the produc he mide ‘ofthe diagram, an cides a uneinesleng the cassie o he cng. A te cing tha ti i convergent sgh capeyec athe ton | ‘the dlagesmo select APA se format Phere «converge avg, ts sgh enti a single phase ds. ‘An explanatory seucaal Jes is shown in Figure 54 Heve we see ‘oto design wih bos, procedures ad prac that ete whe ‘ones. timeline, «twopasedetgatin. 28d 2 te ADDING PROCEDURES AND PRODUCTS IN DIAGRAMS ‘As shown in these digas, the procedures and produce ae corsa ‘wah bales pd he ansoee of formation dat cat be sete gel fhe. This means dt the scares seeds to consider what most pa ‘tant when deny wtih fermaton v0 mip} nthe ules pots “Tle 52 thssraes the rpes Of da thar ud epee he iagrams or bk qanttnive data cello and analysand quatstve ‘at collection sel analy. Procedures efor the sep ce metods the ‘escacher undertakes dosing cach phan ofthe ty, while product nd ‘Gee specie ccorcs that teu at cach age, Product ate e=pecaly epi wo fave m aaking repos w federal, sue, and pale ances shout the specie ouomes 3 project DRAWING ADVANCED DESIGNS DIAGRAMS ‘ten it hel wo see the bee den before dawn the ada espn For expe han mene sevice” design, the hase des img be the experment followed by ineriews © expan the experiment |G @ A CONCISE IVTRODUCTION TO MIXED METHODS RESEARCH Chapier 5. How te Draw a Diagram of Procedures @ 61 them forthe base dese, a susan Figure 55. This design would then he flowed by ame complete desgh tha indies procedure, Product, atmeine, ae pass, a down in Pye 56 which shows 32 ‘explanatory sequetal bate design enced within oo expert er vention design. The qualatve saad of le pet fallow the experiment and Ips teva the experiment ess RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THIS CHAPTER & {n conlusion, woud wecnmerend ats dagram atwaps be incu wah smn mathe std. The grim proves a wihal overview ofthe proces and helps readers wndomtand cornples fetes ofthe desig. Pare, have reviewed sore base furs in dawn Giese degarns Prodre Prec damaned |» Paribas Dane wi varie salen Basa callin

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