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Universidad politécnica de Tapachula

Ing. Agroindustrial

3er cuatrimestre


Evidencia de ensayo

Danahe Nicole Cárdenas Pinzón

25 de julio de 2023
The future is a term that many of us respect and aspire to. There are several beliefs about
the future, however, we will only be left with the doubt about what can happen and wait for
it to happen. Many people tell us that we will witness the end of the world, of humanity,
which terrifies us, others say that we will be able to witness the problems between
countries, or maybe how they solve everything.

Millions of people know what could happen in the future, of course, with a little science,
but what about us, what will happen to us, the only thing we can answer is that the future
is unpredictable.

Going to

In the future, my plan is to go to study my dream career, architecture; to travel around the
country with my boyfriend, while we observe the wonders that exist, to go to my own
house decorating it to my tasteI would be very happy to go to the park with my pets. I
would love to go to work in a job that I am so passionate about since I would like to settle
down for a long time; to go to practice my favorite sport which is basketball with my
friends and be in a glorious environment.


What inventions will there be in the future? What will be new? People will travel in their
flying cars and will have to use biofuels, the technology will be so advanced that it will be
so accessible that it may even be free, power will be a great dispute that will have world
wars, there will be so much pollution that it will be impossible to go home without an
oxygen tank and masks. Medicine will be at another level, probably there will be a cure for
cancer and it will be possible to help all sick people, all families will be happy, the houses
will be floating and all the people will have to climb with plotant ladders, we will be able to
defy gravity

All human beings are afraid of the future, we are terrified of what will happen to us, what
will become of us, however, it is part of life, even though it is unpredictable we do not let it
flow as it should, we will always make so many assumptions or ideas, playing guessing
games, but we just have to wait and whatever happens, will happen, and there will be no
way to avoid it.

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