Ngako Et Al., 2003

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Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214

Pan-African tectonic evolution in central and southern Cameroon:

transpression and transtension during sinistral shear movements
V. Ngako a, P. Affaton b,*
, J.M. Nnange a, Th. Njanko c

Institut de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (IRGM), B.P. 4110, Yaounde, Cameroon
CEREGE, Europ^ ole de l’Arbois, B.P. 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4, France
Departement des Sciences de la Terre, Universit
e de Dschang, Cameroon
Received 28 February 2002; accepted 25 March 2003

Kinematic analysis of the central Cameroon shear zone (CCSZ) and its Sanaga fault relay, indicate early sinistral shear
movement (phase D2 ) that was later followed by a dextral shear movement (phase D3 ) during the Pan-African orogeny. The
correlation of tectonic events among the CCSZs, thrusting of the Yaounde Group and the deformation in the Lom Group indicate a
diachronous deposition history of these groups, where the Yaounde Group is pre-kinematic while the sedimentary and magmatic
rocks of the Lom basin are syn-kinematic. Sinistral shear movements along the CCSZ and Sanaga faults are correlated with
metamorphism and thrusting of the Yaounde granulites onto the Congo craton, on one hand, and to the opening of the Lom pull-
apart basin, oblique to the shear zone, on the other. Kinematic interactions between shear and thrust movements characterize
transpression, whereas interactions between shear and oblique normal fault movements characterize transtension. Resulting kine-
matic indicators show that the Lom basin represents a sinistral transtensional relay of the Sanaga fault. Greenschist-facies meta-
morphism in the Lom Group rocks dominantly affected by a monophase tectonic evolution were achieved during the late dextral
shear movements along the Sanaga fault.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pull-apart basin; Transpression; Transtension; Mono- and polycyclic evolution; Mylonite

1. Introduction the CCSZ, known so far as a major fault controlling the

structural evolution of the belt (Ngako et al., 1991;
Pan-African tectonic evolution in central and south- Toteu et al., 1991); (ii) correlation among the principal
ern Cameroon (Figs. 1 and 2) is characterized by thrust tectonic units such as Lom and Poli Groups with the
and shear zones that have intensely transposed early D1 Yaounde Group is not clear (Soba et al., 1991); and (iii)
structures, respectively (Ball et al., 1984; Nzenti et al., the relationship between the low grade metamorphic
1984, 1988; Nedelec et al., 1986; Ngako et al., 1991; units in the Lom basin (sub-greenschist to greenschist
Njonfang et al., 1998). The central Cameroon shear facies) and the high grade gneissic and migmatitic unit in
zone (CCSZ, Figs. 1 and 2), which is a major Pan- the basement needs to be investigated.
African crustal discontinuity, represents the boundary Except for the Poli Group, low grade metamorphic
between a northern paleo-active margin (Njel, 1986; rocks are only known at the northern edge of the Congo
Toteu et al., 1987; Toteu, 1990; Ngako, 1999), and a craton, where they define the sole of a reverse meta-
southern paleo-intracontinental domain (Nzenti and morphic suite with progressive increase of metamorphic
Tchoua, 1996; Nzenti, 1998). Current interpretations of grade from the greenschist facies at the contact zone of
the Pan-African evolution of central Cameroon raises the belt with the Congo craton, to the granulite facies
the following correlation problems at the regional level: and migmatites far north, towards the contact with the
(i) the southward vergence of the Yaounde Group is not CCSZ.
consistent with major dextral shear movements along Pan-African strain data from northern, central and
southern Cameroon (Fig. 2), and especially kinematic
Corresponding author. Fax: +33-4-9107-1398. relationships between thrusts, normal faults and shear
E-mail address: (P. Affaton). zones, show a complex tectonic history. This includes an

0899-5362/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
208 V. Ngako et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214

Fig. 1. Pan-African and Brasiliano shear zones in a pre-drift reconstruction (from Ngako, 1999). Shear zones: (a) Balche SZ; (b) Buffle Noir SZ;
(c) CCZS; (d) Sanaga SZ; (e) Pernambuco SZ; (f) Patos SZ; (g) Okene ZS; (h) Zungeru (or Birnin Gwari) SZ; (i) Kandi-Sobral SZ. Stratigraphic units:
(1) Cambrian to quaternary deposits; (2) Benue trough; (3) Pan-African monocyclic and polycyclic units; (4) cratons; (5) postectonic granites.
Kinematics: (6) Mean convergence and collision directions; (7) Direction and sens of nappe displacements; (8) Pan-African finite relative movement in
shear zones; (9) major thrust zones; (10) Massenya-Ounianga-Air suture zone. Local names: Ho, Hoggar; AI, Air; T, Tibati; L, Lom; WCB, West
Congolian belt; WN, Western Nigeria; CN, Central Nigeria; EN, Eastern Nigeria; NC, Northern Cameroon; SC, Southern Cameroon; OU,
Oubanguides; SLC, S^ao Luis craton (or S^ao Francisco). Location of study area.

early sinistral shear movement within the CCSZ, ac- Eburnean (Paleoproterozoic) basement within the Pan-
companied by SSW thrusting onto the Congo craton African granitic batholiths (Penaye et al., 1993; Toteu
(transpression) and oblique extensional faults generating et al., 1994), while southern Cameroon mostly includes
the Lom pull-apart basin (transtension). Deformation Pan-African granulites, migmatites (Yaounde Group)
and metamorphism of the Lom Group are correlated and granites. The CCSZ and SF show complex faulting
with late dextral shear movements parallel to the shear which records Pan-African and post Pan-African reac-
zone. tivations (Ngangom, 1983). The Yaounde and Lom
Groups are considered for now as Pan-African litho-
stratigraphic equivalents (Soba et al., 1991; Penaye et al.,
2. Geological setting 1993). However, the Yaounde granulites, by contrast
to the Lom Group is more extensive and overlies the
The central and southern Cameroon domains display Congo craton from the Cameroon coastal region into
different structural styles characterized by shear and the Central African Republic, in the Oubanguide belt
thrust zones, respectively. The central domain shows (Poidevin, 1983; Pin and Poidevin, 1987; Rolin, 1992).
steep dipping structures bounded by two major N70°E The Yaounde and Lom Groups belong to the Central
shear zones: the CCSZ to the north, and the Sanaga Africa Pan-African belt which in this part of Africa is
fault (SF) to the south. Southern Cameroon is charac- the result of collision between the East Sahara craton,
terized by flat lying units thrust onto the Congo craton the Central Africa paleo-continent (including the Congo
(Ball et al., 1984; Nedelec et al., 1986; Nzenti et al., craton) and the West Africa craton (WAC) in the time
1988) and showing an increase of dip towards the central interval 640–600 Ma (Fig. 1, Ngako, 1999; Caby and
domain. Geologic units in central Cameroon include Boesse, 2001; Ferre et al., 2002).
V. Ngako et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214 209

Fig. 2. Structural map of central and southern Cameroon. (1) syn-D2 granites; (2) Lom; (3a) Poli Group and (3b) Yaounde Group; (4a) undif-
ferentiated gneisses and (4b) Eburnean basement relics; (5) Congo craton; (6) foliations S1-2 and stretching lineations L2 (after Jegouzo, 1984);
(7) major frontal thrust zone; (8) major shear zones, with indication of relative shear movement.

3. Structures and kinematic evolution of central Came- Koata mylonites (Mayo Daa river). They formed from
roon shear zones various gneisses, mainly biotite-amphibole or biotite-
garnet gneisses, and also massive or banded amphibo-
3.1. Central Cameroon shear zone (CCSZ) lites and granulites. These units are cross-cut by granitic
veins of different generations that include concordant
The CCSZ is a ductile fault striking N70°E, that and oblique pegmatitic veins. Banded amphibolites or
continues as far as the Gulf of Aden (Cornacchia and granulites show a regular decimetric layering marked by
Dars, 1983). This fault is also considered a pre-drift alternating feldspar or amphibole rich bands parallel to
extension of the Pernambuco fault in NE-Brazil (Fig. 1, the mylonitic foliation. This foliation strikes N60°E and
Louis, 1970; De Almeida et al., 1981). During the late shows vertical dip. Sinistral shear movements within this
Pan-African tectonic evolution, CCSZ was dextrally zone are indicated by: (i) F2 asymmetric folds consisting
reactivated (Ngako et al., 1991). However, the available of boudinaged granitic veins emplaced during simple
structural data in Cameroon (Soba, 1989) and in Brazil shear deformation, oblique to the layering (Fig. 3b);
(Archanjo and Bouchez, 1991) show evidence of both and (ii) preferred orientation of feldspar phenocrysts
dextral and sinistral displacements. Markers of these oblique to concordant syn-kinematic veins (Fig. 3c).
respective movements have tentatively been interpreted Fold axis and intersection lineation plunge 10–30° to the
as evidence for successive increments of a progressive south–west (Fig. 3c). This low dip angle of the fold axis
dextral shearing along the fault (Archanjo and Bouchez, suggests either an intensive shear movement resulting in
1991). However, field chronology of the deformation the total reorientation of fold axis in the shear direction,
phases presented in this study gives further evidence for or folding of a flat-lying foliation. In porphyritic veins,
sinistral and dextral movements, respectively. layering strikes either N60°E parallel to the mylonitic
The Koata region (west of Tibati, Fig. 3a), represents layering, or N90°E oblique to it. The geometric relation
an early mylonite zone sandwiched by late dextral shear between the mylonitic foliation and the flow layering
zones. This regional structure is evident on the aero- indicate sinistral shear movement during the emplace-
magnetic map of Tibati (Nnange, 1991) and it is a good ment of the vein (Fig. 3c). Indicators of dextral shear
indicator of a large scale heterogeneous deformation movements are also evident in the Mayo Daa outcrops,
during dextral shear deformation. Kinematic indicators such as asymmetric boudins in granitic veins cross-cut
characterizing early shear movement are visible in the by C 0 shear planes (Berthe et al., 1979), and mostly
210 V. Ngako et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214

Fig. 3. Microstructures related to sinistral shear movement in the CCSZ (Mayo Nda, West of Tibati). (a) CCSZ in Tibati area, drawn from
aeromagnetic map (Nnange, 1991), and location of the study zone; arrows indicate late dextral shear movement; (b) granitic vein showing sinistral
asymmetric profile, low plunging axis and axial plane mylonitic foliation striking N60°E; (c) stereogram showing sub-parallel orientation (N60°E to
N90°E) of magmatic flow fabrics in early concordant and late cross-cutting granitic veins. These directions correspond to extension and shortening
directions, correlated to D2 and D3 respectively.

N60°E to N80°E veins cutting across pre-existing lay- orientation of the Lom Group to the shear zones and to
ering (Fig. 3c). These structural relationships indicate the Sanaga fault, and the position of the group within
that their emplacement took place during a north–south the overlap zone of en-echelon segments of the fault,
extension, different from that prevailing during the show that this group was deposited in a pull-apart
sinistral shear event, and the vein chronology clearly basin. Two main structural and metamorphic units were
indicates a later dextral shear movement in this zone. identified in these units (Soba, 1989; Fig. 4): a poly-
cyclic unit, intensely deformed and metamorphosed to
3.2. Sanaga fault staurolite-garnet micaschists, sillimanite-nodule gneisses
(known as ‘‘Lom bridge gneisses’’) and staurolite–chlo-
The Sanaga fault (Fig. 2) corresponds to a major ritoid mylonites; a monocyclic unit, metamorphosed
N70°E lineament determined by landsat remote sensing under greenschist facies, includes the ‘‘Mari quartzites’’,
in the south of the CCSZ (Dumont, 1986). At present, volcanoclastic sedimentary rocks (known as the ‘‘Betare
however, the Lom mylonites (Soba, 1989) are the only Oya schist’’), and polymictic conglomerates. The intru-
geologic evidence recorded for this fault. The oblique sive unit includes granites, monzonites and lamprophy-
V. Ngako et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214 211

Fig. 4. Structural map of the Lom Group (Soba, 1989, reinterpreted). Monocyclic units associated to grabens: (1) orthogneiss; (2) Lom volcanoclastic
series; (3) polygenic conglomerates; (4) Mari quartzites. Polycyclic units: (5) staurolite micaschists; (6) Lom bridge gneisses; (7) staurolite and
chloritoid ductile mylonites. Intrusions with uncertain structural position: (8) granites (G2 ?); (9) granites and monzonites; (10) metalamprophyres.
Inset: location of the Lom Group as an extensional relay zone between two en-echelon segments of the Sanaga fault; the opening of this basin
corresponds to sinistral shear movement along these major faults.

res which were mildly deformed during sinistral shear ing a southwest flow during sediment deposition (Soba,
movement. 1989).

3.3. Structure of the monocyclic unit 3.4. Structure of the polycyclic unit

The monocyclic unit (Fig. 4) shows syn-schistose Two phases of deformation and metamorphism
deformation in greenschist facies. Schistosity planes are characterize this unit (Fig. 4); the most prominent is
generally trending N70°E, except in the Ndokayo area a strain-slip foliation formed during phase D2 . It is
(west of Wakasso), where they strike N120°E. This marked by microlithons with remnants of S1 foliation.
change of direction is linked to a regional asymmetric The metamorphic parageneses consist of garnet, stauro-
fold coeval with dextral shear movements (Soba, 1989). lite, chloritoid and sillimanite nodules which show a
Deformation is heterogeneous in the ‘‘schists’’ as shown complex metamorphic history for this unit.
by the occurrence of pre-kinematic massive and oriented
rock. Deformation in some massive rocks is indicated by 3.5. Structure of the intrusive bodies
boudinaged hinges of epidote layers that, in high strain
facies, have generated a pseudo-conglomerate. True Intrusive units of the Lom Group show heteroge-
conglomerates also exist in the group: they are poly- neous deformation; this consists of the juxtaposition of
mictic and show pancake shape pebbles indicating bulk undeformed and mildly to strongly deformed rocks be-
flattening of the rocks and high syn-schistose deforma- longing to a single intrusive body.
tion. The Mari quartzite in the eastern part of the basin The Wakasso (or Ndokayo) orthogneiss shows a
represents a thick sedimentary sequence slightly meta- progressive change from deformed to less deformed
morphosed and gently deformed by upright, open folds rocks. This gradient includes a zone with well preserved
with fracture cleavage. Primary sedimentary structures magmatic fabrics, followed by an intermediate zone with
are generally well preserved in these quartzites, and in- C_S fabrics which in turn is succeeded by a strongly
clude oblique cross-stratifications, anastomosing beds, deformed zone with phyllonites, characterized by S_C
flute-casts, load-casts and even currents marks indicat- fabrics (Fig. 5a and b). A low precision Rb–Sr isochron
212 V. Ngako et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214

compatible with sinistral shear movement (Fig. 5d).

However, planar fabrics are more prominent than linear
ones and consist of biotite, chlorite–biotite and musco-
The Meiganga orthogneiss, located to the north of
the Sanaga fault, shows N30°E shear bands and con-
cordant pegmatitic veins. Kinematic indicators, such as
progressive anticlockwise inflexion of the foliation from
N60°E to N30°E at the contact with the shear bands
indicate sinistral shear movement. Cataclasite bands
also mark shear zone contact with pegmatitic veins.
These bands suggest a later reactivation of the shear
zone at shallower structural levels. The strong obliquity
of these shear zones to those in the Lom Group suggests
the existence of nearby zones of synthetic shear.
The Kadei orthogneiss south of the Sanaga fault, in
the Ngoura area, shows N70°E metric mylonitic bands
dipping 60°N. These bands cross-cut a homogeneous,
equigranular granite that shows a discrete sub-magmatic
planar flow, anticlockwise rotated at the contact with
the shear zone. This planar fabric is also cross-cut by
N110°E foliation planes, oblique to the shear zone, and
the resulting interference defines microlithons (Fig. 5e).
Magmatic foliation dips 20°, with variable dip direction
and the mineral lineation plunges 5–20° towards N155.
These structures characterize syn-shear emplacement of
the Kadei orthogneiss which yielded a whole-rock Rb–
Sr isochron age of 621  15 Ma (Soba et al., 1991). This
age is equivalent to that of the Ndokayo orthogneiss
obtained by the same method at 614 Ma, and both
ages could approximate the timing of the sinistral
Fig. 5. Structure and kinematics of the Sanaga fault in the Lom re- shearing in central Cameroon.
gion. (a) Alternating C_S mylonites and undeformed granite in the
Wakasso orthogneiss; the angular relationship between C and S planes
is consistent with sinistral movement. (b) C_S fabrics indicating
sinistral shear movement in the Wakasso phyllonites. (c) Intercalation of 4. Interaction between transtension and transpression
an early mylonite band within the Djouzami phyllonites; both angular
relationship between mylonite and phyllonite foliations and sigmoidal Sinistral shear zones of central Cameroon (CCSZ and
tension gashes indicate a sinistral shear movement. (d) Chronology of SF) interacted with thrust and extensional relay, res-
tension gashes during progressive sinistral shear movement, showing
an early generation of veins, rotated parallel to the phyllonitic folia-
tion, and cross-cut by a later generation of N150°E veins. (e) N70°E
sinistral shear zone in the Kadei granite at Ngoura: sinistral shear 4.1. Shear and extension
movement is indicated by the progressive inflexion of magmatic flow at
the contact with the shear zone; this magmatic flow is also folded and Structural data in central Cameroon have revealed an
cross-cut by a schistosity oblique to the shear zone.
early sinistral history for the CCSZ and the SF; the
Ndokayo and Kadei orthogneisses were progressively
of 614  41 Ma was reported on this syn-kinematic emplaced during this relative displacement. This phase
granite (Soba et al., 1991). of deformation is followed by dextral movements along
Mylonites in the Djouzami granite (Lom bridge) de- the shear zones during late Pan-African orogeny. So far,
fine a N40°E shear zone alternating with obliquely the Pan-African dextral shear zones have been dated
trending intermediate bands with N70°E foliation. An- only in the Poli Group where they are coeval with the
gular relationship between respective foliations define emplacement of the Kogue granite at 590 Ma (Bes-
a S_C fabric consistent with sinistral shear movement soles and Trompette, 1980; Bassahak, 1988). The N50°E
(Fig. 5c). The intermediate band shows sigmoidal ten- shear zones of the Lom Group represent extensional
sion veins filled with quartz and chlorite consistent with relays, oblique to the Sanaga fault, and both structures
a shear movement. Several generations of cross-cutting define a transtensional structure similar to those de-
veins show anticlockwise rotation angles that are also scribed in other tectonic environments (Wilcox et al.,
V. Ngako et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 207–214 213

1973; Reading, 1980; Woodcock and Fischer, 1986; during sinistral shear movement (transtension). The
Sylvester, 1988). Therefore, this group was deposited in Lom Group is partly composed of sedimentary deposits
a pull-apart basin. Structural and metamorphic features and plutonic bodies related to this extension. Rb–Sr
of mono- and polycyclic units of the Lom Group suggest ages of syn-shear intrusions (orthogneisses), at 621 and
that these units may successively represent grabens and 614 Ma (Soba et al., 1991), could date the formation of
horsts formed during sinistral shear evolution (Fig. 4). pull-apart sedimentary sequences in the basin. The data
Monocyclic units deposited during the transtensional suggest the Yaounde Group is pre-kinematic, and cor-
event were gently folded during the late Pan-African relates with the Poli Group, dated at 830 Ma (Toteu
dextral shear movement. The polycyclic sequences et al., 1987).
within the group may be interpreted either as pre-kine- The occurrence of extensional basins synchronous
matic deposits, similar to the Yaounde Group, or as with compressional tectonics in the Pan-African belt of
remnants of a pre-Pan-African basement. The intrusive Central Africa is demonstrated for the first time in
units were probably emplaced during sinistral shear Cameroon, although such basins are well known in the
movements, and thus correspond to syn-trough mag- correlative Braziliano belt (e.g. Trompette, 1994). The
matic rocks. existence of Pan-African syn-kinematic basins, deformed
and metamorphosed during late-kinematic phase, raises
4.2. Shear and thrusting the question of the origin of extensional structures in
orogenic zones, and in particular in the major Pan-Af-
Tectonic evolution in southern Cameroon is charac- rican shear zones of Central Africa. This is the case for
terized by south–southwest verging nappes onto the the Ife-Ilesha basin of marine affinity in Nigeria (Affaton
Congo craton (Ball et al., 1984; Jegouzo, 1984; Nedelec et al., 1991). Such syn-kinematic basins also exist in the
et al., 1986). These nappes usually trend E–W and show Himalaya mountain range (e.g. China Sea) where their
northward dips of about 20–30° and N–S to N20°E origin is related to lateral extrusion accommodating the
stretching lineations. The metamorphism affecting these indentation of Asia by India (Tapponnier et al., 1986). A
nappes is characterized by a reverse regional gradient similar tectonic setting is advocated for Central Africa
consistently of increasing metamorphic grade from the (Fig. 1, Ngako, 1999) where the shear zone pattern re-
greenschist facies, at the base of the nappe, to the am- sults from an indentation process probably generated by
phibolites and granulites in its inner part (Nedelec et al., the collision between the eastern Sahara craton (inden-
1986; Nzenti et al., 1988). This metamorphic gradient is tor) and the Central African paleo-continent.
linked to the exhumation of high grade metamorphic
rocks during early thrusting and thickening of the crust.
Metamorphic climax has been estimated at T ¼ 750–800 Acknowledgements
°C and P ¼ 10–12 kbar (Nzenti et al., 1988), and
metamorphic zircons have been dated at 620  10 Ma The authors wish to address their warmest thanks to
(Penaye et al., 1993). This age is similar to that of sini- Kodjo Attoh and de Brito Neves whose comments and
stral shear zones of central Cameroon and constitutes a suggestions have considerably improved both the pre-
chronologic argument for linking shearing and early sentation and English of the original version of the
thrusting motions. Coeval movements and kinematic paper. Thanks to Jean-Jacques Motte and Christine
linkage between major shear and thrust motion are Vanbesien who have drawn most of the figures.
compatible with transpressive deformation models (Fig.
1; Harland, 1971; Wilcox et al., 1973; Woodcock and
Fischer, 1986; Sylvester, 1988), and suggest a N20°E
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