Project Evaluation Questionnaire

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• What are current developments in the product sector locally and internationally ? 01
• What are the current government policies in the sector ? 01
• What impact is the development in the sector expected to have on the economy ? 04
• Give a description of the product 04
a. Aggregates : 06
b. Autoclave cellular concrete products : 07
c. Fiber-cement products : 12
d. Prestressed concrete products : 14
e. Quicklime and dry mortar : 16
f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use : 17
• Give details information on the uses of the products and the users 18
a. For aggregates : 18
b. For autoclave cellular concrete products : 19
c. For fiber-cement products : 20
d. For Prestressed concrete products : 21
e. For quicklime and dry mortar : 22
f. For agglomerates and concrete ready for use : 22
 SUPPLY ANALYSIS Existing Producers/Suppliers
• Who are the current producers/suppliers, their locations and the capacities? 24
• Who are the consumers of the products? 25
• Indicate the quantity consumed month or year by the identified consumers 26
• What factors drive the consumption of the products? 27
• Who are your major customers? 27
• Lists of close substitutes to the produc 28

• What factors affect the pricing of the products? 29

• What are the current market prices of the proposed products? 29
• What is/are the proposed ex-factory price(s) of the product(s) for the project? 30
• What are the proposed marketing arrangements for the products? 30
• Lists of Distributors: 31
• Lists of known competitors and their rated capacities: 31

• Please provide the following for each product that forms basis of your revenue: 31
• Indicate the company’s working cap. Policy as follows 31
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS • Highlight the critical success factors for the project? 32
• Highlight the major risks of the projects as follows: 32

• What are current developments in the product sector locally and internationally ?
Humanity through its evolution has gradually used construction materials capable of offering comfort, aesthetics, flexibility,
stability, resistance and durability to the works carried out, agglomerates and concrete have responded to the need. all of these
requirements by offering properties never achieved before. They subsequently became hegemonic, thus eliminating all materials
previously widely used in the construction industry.
The industrial activity of building materials in Algeria continues its upward trend during the third quarter of the year 2021, with the
stability of sales prices, the demand for building materials has increased during this quarter. . More than 53% of those concerned
did not satisfy all the orders. The Algerian market for agglomerations, cellular concrete and ready-mixed concrete represents today
a strong potential given the economic growth and urbanization in the countries will generate considerable needs for these types of
products, in the medium and long term. term in particular with the launch of the infrastructure and housing construction program
is estimated at 1.6 million new housing units of all types for the 2021-2022 five-year term.

• What are the current government policies in the sector ?

• New legal framework for investment:
- Law No. 16-09 relating to the promotion of investment.
- The main objective of the new provisions is to simplify investment procedures thanks to a unified legal framework, to
encourage foreign investment and to strengthen the attractiveness of Algeria.
- Law No. 16-09 of August 3, 2016 on the promotion of investment. ( Official Journal n ° 46/2016)
Application texts governing investment Decree No. 17-100 of March 5, 2017 amending and supplementing Decree 06-356 of
October 9, 2006 relating to the powers, organization and operation of the National Agency for the Development of Investment.
Decree No. 17-101 of March 5, 2017 setting the negative lists, the eligibility thresholds and the terms of application of the
advantages to the different types of investment. Almost 150 activities are excluded from the investment benefits granted by the
state. This measure aims to reduce the fiscal effort made by the state, through the assumption of interest, tax exemption and
other incentives. The list includes activities deemed saturated as well as all assembly and assembly activities that do not meet
the integration rate set by the regulations in force. In the industrial sector.
Decree No. 17-102 of March 5, 2017 setting the procedures for recording investments as well as the form and effects of the
related certificate.
Decree No. 17-103 of March 5, 2017 setting the amount and methods of collecting the fee for processing investment files
Decree No. 17-104 of March 5, 2017 relating to the monitoring of investments and the penalties applicable for non-
compliance with the obligations and commitments entered into.
Decree No. 17-105 of March 5, 2017 fixing the terms of application of the additional operating benefits granted to
investments creating more than one hundred (100) jobs. ( Official Journal n ° 16/2017)
• Benefits granted to investments :
The general orientation of the Algerian investment mechanism can be summed up in the following formula: The more the
investment is of interest to the national economy, the more significant will be the advantages which will be granted to it.
These benefits vary depending on the location and nature of the investment.
They are organized into three major regimes :
o The general regime concerns current investment projects located outside the areas to be developed.
o The regime of areas to be developed (or derogatory) concerns current investment projects located in areas to be developed.
o The investment agreement regime concerns investment projects of particular interest to the national economy.
• Benefits granted under the general scheme
 Project setup phase:
- TVA exemption on goods and services not excluded,
- Exemption from customs duties on imported equipment that is not excluded,
- Exemption from transfer tax on real estate acquisitions 02
 Operation phase:
- Exemption for three years from the Corporate Income Tax (IBS),
- Exemption for three years from the Tax on Professional Activity (TAP) Benefits granted under the regime for areas to be developed
 Project setup phase:
- Exemption from TVA on goods and services,
- Exemption from customs duties on imported equipment,
- Exemption from transfer tax on real estate acquisitions,
- Reduced registration fee (0/00) for constituting acts and capital increases ,
- Possibility of partial or total assumption by the State of the expenses related to the works of infrastructures necessary for the realization of the
 Operating phase:
- Exemption, for ten years, of the Tax on Company Profits (IBS)
- Exemption, for ten years, of the Tax on Professional Activity (TAP)
- Exemption, for ten years, of the Land Tax (TF)
- Possibility of granting other advantages (deferral of losses and amortization periods).
 Benefits granted under the convention regime , Investments under this regime may benefit from all or some of the following advantages:
- Project set-up phase (for a maximum of five years):
- Exemption from duties, taxes, charges and other tax deductions on all goods and services imported or purchased locally,
- Exemption from transfer tax on real estate acquisitions and legal advertising,
- Exemption registration fees,  IBS: Corporate income tax All capital companies are subject to this tax. The tax rate on profits made in Algeria is 25%, it

- Exemption from Land Tax (TF). is reduced to 12.5% ​if the profits are reinvested. This rate is one of the lowest in the Maghreb.
 TAP: Tax on professional activity This tax, paid annually, affects the turnover achieved, excluding VAT. Its amount is
- Operation phase (for a maximum of ten years): calculated taking into account the reductions of 30-50% established by law. The tax is 2% deductible from taxable profit.
- Exemption from Tax on Corporate Profits (IBS),  TVA: Value added tax Sales made by companies are subject to the payment of VAT included in the sale price of the

- Exemption from Tax on Professional Activity (TAP), In products. This tax is deductible; however the principle of deduction is framed by conditions of substance, form and time
addition to these advantages, specified in the law. Currently, there are two VAT rates, a standard rate of 17% and a reduced rate of 7%. The taxation is
- The NIC may grant other additional facilities or advantages done in real terms and the withholding tax cannot be refunded, even partial.
to investments made in sectors of particular interest to the  TF: Property tax The taxable base of this tax is constituted by the rental tax value of the taxable property. The rate of the
property tax on built property is 3%, while for non-built properties located in non-urbanized areas, it is 5. % In urbanized
national economy. (National Investment Council (NIC)
areas, it varies between 5 and 10% depending on the surface. A reduction rate of 2% per year.
) 03
• What impact is the development in the sector expected to have on the economy?
- Our PROJECT aims to project a business plan which corresponds to the new economic strategy of the public authorities and
which will allow us to carry out our mission and to face as a priority : - The country's self-satisfaction in building materials.
- Reduction of the import bill for construction materials.
- Support for the strategic construction sector, develop new
construction methods.
- The diversification of the national economy.
- Job creation.
• Give a description of the product
 Our site has an area of ​318,100 M2 comprising a deposit of 80,000 M2 whose coordinates in UTM-North Sahara zone 31 :
Renewal date of the mining title (6092PXC): X 622 900 622 900 622 500 622 500 622 700 622 700
01/29/2025. Y 4 018 700 4 018 400 4 018 400 4 018 500 4 018 500 4 018 700
-The analysis report of our deposit:
• Test report N ° 1394/09: -Nature and reference of the sample =========== Limestone: From CA.09.06164 to CA.09.06168

- Density / Absorption coefficient / Porosity and water content :

Center for Studies and
Mass vol. Mass vol. Water content Coef.
Technological Services of the Sample code Porosity (%)
Actual (t/𝐦𝟑 ) Soaked (t/𝐦 )
(%) Absorption (%)
Building Materials Industry.
2.645 2.650 0.112 0.160 0.423
CETIM CA.09.06167
2.647 2.653 0.174 0.232 0.614
Mean 2.646 2.651 0.143 0.196 0.518
- Compression test :
Format Mass Simple compressive strength
Sample code
(cm) (g) Strength (kN) Constraint (Mpa) Mean (Mpa)
5×5×5 363.0 275.0 110.0
CA.09.06164 5×5×5 354.6 364.9 146.0 128.2
5×5×5 363.0 321.8 128.7
5×5×5 343.8 393.6 157.4
• Test results :
CA.09.06166 5×5×5 343.0 344.8 137.4 145.0
5×5×5 344.7 349.5 139.8
- Chemical test :
Chemical Contents (%)
composition SiO₂ Al₂O₃ Fe₂O₃ CaO MgO SO₃ K₂O Na₂O P₂O₅ TiO₂ PF
CA.09.06165 8.03 1.28 0.63 48.53 1.36 0.20 0.09 0.13 0.05 0.05 39.64
CA.09.06168 11.60 1.93 0.84 45.67 0.87 0.19 0.15 0.75 0.07 0.07 37.86

• The description of our products :

a. Aggregates.
b. Autoclave cellular concrete products (AAC).
c. Fiber-cement products.
d. Prestressed concrete products.
e. Quicklime and dry mortar.
f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use.
g. See with the research and development department of the German supplier the production of:
- Stone (shape and design / cutting system).
- Slate and natural stone panel / element.
a. Aggregates :
 The capacity of our Surface Miner is 1000T/H which will be distributed as follows : -Extraction (Pre-crushing).

• Mobile impact crusher (500T/H) : (secondary crushing) • All Coming Career (TVC) : (The rest of the extraction)

• Mobile screening plants : (Screening) • In bulk :

- Crushed gravel 0-25mm.

- Crushed gravel 3-8mm.
- Crushed gravel 4-8mm. - Fine sand <01mm.
- Crushed gravel 8-15mm. - Medium sand <04mm.
- Crushed gravel 15-25mm. - Sifted sand <07mm.
- Crushed gravel 25-50mm. - Washed sand.
• Big-bag packaging :
• In bulk :

• Gravel 15/25 • Gravel 08/15 • Gravel 03/08 • Gravel 0/03

• Dry packaging of 50kgs, 25kgs :
• And :
Washed sand

b. Autoclave cellular concrete products : - This section presents a variety of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
products. Aerated concrete blocks and panels are manufactured in our factory with advanced technology.
 BLOCKS: - Normal Blocks
• High dimensional accuracy (<1mm).
• Grip or tongue / groove profiling.
• Easy application for non-load-bearing structures.
• Great alternative to brick masonry.

Density Thickness (mm) Length (mm) Height (mm)

A-300: 50 -500 400 - 625 200 - 250
A-400: 50 -500 400 - 625 200 - 250
A-500: 50 -500 400 - 625 200 - 250
A-600 (Soundproofing): 50 -500 400 - 625 200 - 250
Dimensional accuracy: in accordance with EN 771-4 for the thin layer of TLMB mortar table 2

 BLOCKS: - Blocks U
- High dimensional accuracy (<1mm).
- SPECIFICATION : - Easy application for non-load-bearing structures.
- Great alternative to concrete pavement.

 BLOCKS: - Round
- Freedom and flexibility in interior design.
- High dimensional accuracy (<1mm).
- Easy application for non-load-bearing structures.
- Great alternative to brick masonry.
 PANELS: - Partition panels - Partition Panels are a superior building solution for all internal applications such as separation
walls, corridors or storage rooms in residential and commercial constructions. The entire non-load bearing structure of your
building can be developed with a single product which allows reliable and efficient construction for contractors. The
attractive SUPER SMOOTH surface results in an easy and cost effective finish. After skimming the joints, the wall is
directly ready for wallppering and/or painting.

• Standard length from 2.4 to 3 meters.
• Easy drilling, sawing and nailing.
• Time and cost efficient installation.
• SUPER SMOOTH surface.

A-600 A-800
Thickness (mm): 70 -150 70 -150
Length (mm): ≤3000 ≤3000
Height (mm): 600-750 600-750

Average Compression Resistance: 4,8 MPa 5,6 MPa

Thermal conductivity (λ-lambda): 0,16 W/mK 0,22 W/mK
Shrinkage due to drying: Does not exceed 0.20mm/m Does not exceed 0.20mm/m

Dry mass: 580 kg/m3 720 kg/m3

Design weight with reinforcement: 680 kg/m3 820 kg/m3

Total transport weight with reinforcement: 780 kg/m3 920 kg/m3

Dimensional accuracy: in accordance with DIN 4166 and DIN 4223.

 STRUCTURAL BEAMS LINTELS: - Lintels are special load-bearing reinforced products. They serve as beams to support the
weight of the wall (live, dead and wind) over window or door openings.
• Length up to 3 meters.
• High load-bearing capacity.
• SUPER SMOOTH surface.
• Installation on AAC/concrete/steel structure.
Density Thickness (mm) Length (mm) Height (mm)
A-600 (Standard): 100 -300 1000 - 2500 200 - 300
Dimensional accuracy: As per EN 77-4 for the thin layer of TLMB mortar table 2

 PANELS: - Roof and floor panels - Prefab Floor and Roof Panels are load-bearing reinforced products used in social and
commercial construction.
• Standard length of 4 - 6 meters.
• Thickness up to 30cm.
• Customized profiled side edges.
• Easy and fast installation.


 PANELS INDUSTRIAL WALL PANELS : -Prefab Wall Panels are a perfect solution to construct large FRONT SIDE FLAT

scale commercial and industrial buildings. They also pioneer the building materials market when it
comes to practical and durable construction. From giant distribution centers to new shopping malls,
walls protect valuable goods due to their outstanding strength and low heat absorption. Therefore,
the panels are also a proven firewall solution, superior to any alternative building material.
With only 25% of traditional concrete panel weight, panels allow for easy handling, reduced installation time and
effective labor allocation due to their simple installation system. The SUPER SMOOTH surface of the wall panels adds
to an easy and attractive finish.
• Standard length of up to 6 meters.
• Easy and fast installation.
• High load-bearing capacity.
• Perfect solution for industrial firewalls.
A-400 A-500 A-600
Thickness (mm): 150 -500 150 -500 150 -500
Length (mm): ≤6000 ≤6000 ≤6000
Height (mm): 600-750 600-750 600-750

A-400 A-500 A-600

Average Compression Resistance: 2,2 MPa 3,5 MPa 4,8 MPa
Thermal conductivity (λ-lambda): 0,11 W/mK 0,13 W/mK 0,16 W/mK
Shrinkage due to drying: Does not exceed 0.20mm/m

Dry mass: 400 kg/m3 500 kg/m3 600 kg/m3

Design weight with reinforcement: 425-475 kg/m3 525-575 kg/m3 625-675 kg/m3

Total transport weight with reinforcement: 575-615 kg/m3 675-715 kg/m3 775-815 kg/m3

Dimensional accuracy: in accordance with DIN 4166 and DIN 4223 Standars.
 UNSURPASSED FIRE RATING : - Firewall panels substantially outperform its alternatives, such as concrete wall elements. For
example, a 15 cm thick firewall made can withstand up to 6 hours of direct fire exposure. Wall panels do not burn, they are
classified as non-combustible, having a Euroclass of A1 (the highest possible) and have a ‘class 0’ (zero) surface spread of flame.
Installing firewalls significantly improves operational safety when it comes to protection against fire. Industrial warehouses,
storage areas, logistics centers and other constructions benefit significantly excellent fire protection properties. Standard
firewalls can withstand temperatures of up to 1200°C at least for 4 hours.
- Note: Fire resistance properties of firewalls depend on product thickness and
finishing type. Values can be found in following regulations from Europe and USA: BS
EN 1996-1-2, DIN 4102-4 and ASTM E-119.

Fire distribution in building without AAC wall panels Fire distribution in building with AAC wall panels

Fire resistance: Wall thickness 100 mm = More

than 90 min

 PANELS: - Cladding Panels

- Cladding Panels are unrivaled AAC
(Cellular Concrete) products when it comes to facade applications.
The product is extremely light and can be as thin as 35mm; it can
be applied directly to the exterior of any building.
• Standard length of 2 meters.
- SPECIFICATION : • Custom surface design.
• Additional thermal insulation layer.
• Direct installation on concrete / steel structures.

Density Thickness (mm) Length (mm) Height (mm)

A-500 (Standard): 35 - 60 ≤2000 600

Dimensional accuracy: in accordance with EN 771-4 for the thin layer of TLMB mortar table 2

c. Fiber-cement products : - For facades, roofing and internal applications; fiber cement is heat-resistant and frost-
proof, non-combustible and resistant to termite infestation.
 Sheets (Panel) facades and fences : Available in a range of colors and formats. Fiber cement in plank form with a surface wood
pattern is a particularly popular choice. Fiber cement facades are an alternative to traditional render. They can also be installed in winter when
rendering is no longer possible.
FORMAT STANDARD Thickness (mm) 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30
2500 x 1200 2500 x 1220 2500 x 1250
Weight (kg / m2) 9 10,8 14,4 18 21,6 27 36 45 54
3000 x 1200 3000 x 1220 3000 x 1250
3050 x 1200 3050 x 1220 3050 x 1250  GROSS SIZES POSSIBLE ON REQUEST AND OTHER DIMENTIONS

- Finishes :

A wide range
of colors and multiple
formats that give free rein to
the imagination of architects.
Shortbread Etna Smooth Brushed G40 Scratched G24 Structured G16

 Internal plates : Fiber cement sheets provide excellent fire protection characteristics, are suitable for use in wet rooms and have an
impressively high level of stability in comparison to gypsum boards.
Flat sheets which offer unsurpassed properties in fire resistance,
dimensional stability, water resistance and acoustical properties can be used
in a wide variety of different applications.
•several shapes, textures and sizes.
- SPECIFICATION : •Internal lining in wet areas.
•Perfect base for ceramic wall tiles (backer boards).
•Fire resistance application in hospitals or kindergarden.
•Floors and ceilings.

 Corrugated sheets and roofing plates : Fibre cement sheets have been used for decades in roofing. The sheets are corrugated or
produced in the form of small slates. Available in various formats and colours.
- SPECIFICATION : •several shapes, textures and sizes.
•Corrugated sheets in many colors,
suitable for roofing.

d. Prestressed concrete products : Prestressed Concrete Elements (For frames): We combine AAC products with this
range of products in order to achieve 100% constructions (commercial / Tertiary and industrial / Collective housing).
 Prefabricated elements for industrial buildings: - Constructive system using reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete
elements, prefabricated in the factory and assembled on site to form portal structures. These sets also incorporate roofing, floor and cladding
elements. Suitable for the construction of industrial buildings.
• Fondation piles : Foundation piles are used to stabilize layers of soil and increase their ability to receive loads. The
concrete piles are driven into the ground until they reach a sufficiently load-bearing soil layer or rock layer. The loads of
the supporting structure are supported, on the one hand by the friction of the pile with the ground, and on the other hand
by the sharp pressure of the piles. Foundation piles are used in a variety of applications, from simple sheds to wind
turbines, including fruit growing and viticulture applications.
• Columns and beams : Prestressed concrete columns and beams offer very important advantages. These are
above all the most variable with regard to the dimensions and geometry of the element, which is all the more
important, since it is nowadays rarely built in a standardized way and exclusively with standard elements.
• T Supports : It is a T-shaped support made of precast concrete. The element has a constant section along the entire length. T-
brackets are used in different slab systems and in frame construction, as joists between different beams for all kinds of applications.
This support is used in the construction of private housing and commercial buildings, mainly for frames.
• Pre-stressed concrete elements : Prestressed concrete elements are finite elements in which prestressed cables
are integrated. The tension of the cables forces the concrete. Pre-stressed internal cables compensate for loads,
temperature effects or tensile forces that may appear later. Prestressed concrete elements can be manufactured with
different stress techniques.
• Ducts & gutters : These elements for pipes and gutters are used for drainage or to install cables and pipes. They can be
used with high loads. The systems for cables and gutters are easy to assemble and do not require any formwork on site.

• Column-bean construction: In column-beam construction, also known as frame construction, a load-bearing construction
consisting of columns and beams is first created. Then the non-load-bearing facades such as a curtain are hung in front of the
load-bearing construction, then the interior walls and ceilings are installed. The elements which are often one-storey high are
coupled to each other and sealed against the attacks of wind and humidity in the area of assembly of the elements.
This construction allows fast and profitable production with flexible and autonomous space planning.

e. Quicklime and dry mortar : In several countries high-quality lime is not available. Producers of AAC, sand lime brick, and other lime
products are in urgent need for high-quality lime.
The ideal lime for AAC production is “hard burnt” or “middle burnt”. This lime has a low reactivity (slaking time of 4 - 7 (12) minutes to reach a
temperature of 60 °C). The low reactivity facilitates consistent and slow rising of the AAC mix in the mould.
The ideal lime for sandlime brick and hydrated lime production is “soft burnt” or “middle burnt”. This lime has a higher reactivity (slaking time
of 1- 4 minutes to reach a temperature of 60 °C). The higher reactivity facilitates quick slaking and reduces volume and through-put time in the
reactor (sand lime) or slaking machine (hydrated lime).
Consistent burning of all lime stones in the shaft kiln, i.e. consistent distribution of heat inside the whole cross section of the kiln.
• Complete calcination of all lime stones.
• Combustion of sulphur particles (only possible at high temperatures).
Dry Mortar : A wide range of products as a result of simply mixing it with water. Dry mix mortar is part of today’s job sites and appreciated by
users all over the world. our line of dry mortar suitable for practically any request, such as:
• proprietary adhesive and mortars for aerated concrete
• glue mortar for ceramic wall tiles
• masonry mortar • In bulk :
• skim coat
• inside plaster
• outside stucco
• concrete
• floor screed
• Conditioning and packaging :

25 Kgs 25 Kgs 50 Kgs 50 Kgs 25 Kgs 16 10/5 Kgs

f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use : it is a set of elements that contributes to the strength, to the stability we find; planelles,
solid materials, concrete blocks of chains, redevelopment streets and squares. the mixer of this production line has another outlet for ready-to-
use concrete. Ready-mixed concrete: is a noble building material. Composed at the time of its implementation, water, aggregates of various
sizes, colors and strengths and cement and possibly additives. It is a durable building material, it spends centuries without difficulty,

- Stone (shape and design / cutting system).

g. See with the research and development department of the German partner the production of : - Slate and natural stone panel / element.
(…In the research phase…) 17
• Give details information on the uses of the products and the users
a. For aggregates : Aggregates are essential for construction work as well as for the manufacture of building materials ;
 Use in Construction:
Public works and hydraulics: - The soil rectification layer and the track layer are composed of gravel and stone
with different grain size, The rock is also used in the construction of dams, and the soil repair layers.
- A mix (bituminous concrete) is a mixture of gravel, sand and bitumen-type hydrocarbon binder applied in one or Surface layers

more layers to form the pavement of roads, the runway of airports, other traffic areas.
Rolling layer
Binding layer

Base coat

- Aggregates are the raw material that makes up bridges, piles, gutters, sanitation, etc.
layer of seating
Foundation layer
Form layer

Building works: - A use of more than 70% in raw material for these openers. Support soil

- The aggregates in the building are used in the composition which forms the structure of the construction (slab, posts, foundation, platform ...)
 Use in manufacturing: layer of seating

- Aggregates are the raw material for the manufacture of bitumen, concrete, concrete blocks, tiles ...
All public works, road, shell, rail and hydraulic works companies.
Users :

All construction and production companies.

Factory for the manufacture of concrete elements, manufacture of tiles, engobage station, concrete batching plant.

 The capacity of our Surface Miner is 1000T/H which will be distributed as follows : -Extraction (Pre-crushing).

• Mobile impact crusher (500T/H) : (secondary crushing) • All Coming Career (TVC) : (The rest of the extraction)
• Mobile screening plants : (Screening) g.
- Crushed gravel. - sand.

 Quicklime and dry mortar production line.
 Production line for elements in AAC,FC, PC.
 Production line for agglomerates and CRU.
 Marketing: - Agreements with asphalt plants, concrete element
manufacturing plant, concrete batching plants and ETPH, ETB, ETF.
- Supply the secondary crushing
- Provide a water treatment and recycling station. - New form of sale (dry conditioner of 25kgs, 50kgs, Big-Bag…). stations.
Washed sand (Treatment by cycloning and washing).
b. For autoclave cellular concrete products : - BCA building (our construction system) is applicable to any type of building, covering all
variables of the local climatic zone and seismic activity.
- we work directly with their end users, which simplifies the build process. - All prefabricated building
materials come from a single source. This one-stop-shop concept simplifies the purchasing and
transportation processes on the job site. - All items arriving on site are waste free, there is no need to
cut on site. - Large AAC panels install easily, minimizing labor costs and construction times.
- The SUPER SMOOTH surfaces of the panels allow a fast and economical finishing. - The total lightness
of the entire building positively affects the foundation work. - Improving the thermal homogeneity of
the building helps to improve the microclimate and comfort in living and working spaces.

 Residential : Our construction system has a unique proposition in residential applications. So, when built up
to 4 storeys, it can provide a complete panel-based solution, eliminating all other structural building materials
like traditional concrete columns.
For high-rise buildings, the applications of partitions and cladding allow a faster completion of the construction
project thanks to the lightness and precision of the material.
Additionally, the use of AAC allows for a lighter overall structure, resulting in additional structural savings
(steel or concrete) of the building and lighter foundation requirements. AAC cladding panels can also perfectly
complement existing building structures, such as a steel or timber frame building, with AAC panels being used as
a non-combustible insulation panel providing comfort and safety pleasant environment
 Industrial and commercial : For industrial and commercial applications, AAC load-bearing panels can serve
as an all-in-one wall structure, eliminating the need for multiple layers of different construction and insulation
materials. Wall panels can be applied horizontally or vertically and be fixed to existing wooden, steel or
concrete columns.
AAC-based walls, floors and roofs are the first choice of building materials for many industrial warehouses and
shopping centers, due to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements for fire protection and reduced overall
delivery time of the construction project.
In addition, all BCA building elements offer superior thermal and acoustic insulation capabilities. These qualities
bring exceptional benefits to builders, developers and designers for all projects ranging from low rise industrial
and commercial developments to high rise buildings.
public procurement companies.
Users :

all building companies.

renovation and decoration company.
- Few building materials offer a combination of architectural scope and strong technical specification as convincing as fiber cement cladding and
roofing. Fiber cement combines strength with ease of handling and stylish versatile color options.
Fiber cement gains its impressive strength in a special manufacturing process where thin layers of fiber cement are laminated and compressed
under high pressure followed by air curing or autoclave curing.
A major advantage of fiber cement is its ability to resist all kinds of weather conditions. Frost and thaw, heat, hale or rain do not pose a threat
to fiber cement. Inside buildings fiber cement is applied as backer board in wet areas or for dry walls in heavy duty applications where fire
resistance and strength are the dominant requirements. Architects love fiber cement, elegantly finished with a wide range of colors to select
from. Sheets are easy to install and can be cut to any required dimensions or edge details.
- Fiber cement sheets are used for residential, industrial and agricultural applications.
Its appearance and advantageous characteristics make it the ideal Internal cladding
material for the following applications: Flat sheets which offer unsurpassed properties in fire resistance, dimensional
stability, water resistance and acoustical properties can be used in a wide variety
External cladding / façades / fencing
of different applications.
Flat sheets in various sizes and colors (coated, pigmented or painted), as lap siding
or planks, preferably with timber pattern have conquered many markets.
•internal lining in wet areas
•perfect base for ceramic wall tiles (backer boards)
•cladding / siding
•fire resistance application in hospitals or kindergarden
•ridges, eaves and soffits
•floors and ceilings
Fiber cement allows water diffusion in both directions. Water can be absorbed
•base for plaster / stucco
and easily be released. This results in convenient climatic conditions inside
Façade sheets are a durable alternative to stucco and
Roofing, corrugated roofing and façades
•can be applied even during heavy frost when stucco cannot be applied
Fiber cement has been used as a roofing material for decades. Here small sized
•can cover and protect exterior wall insulation
shingles / slates and corrugated sheets have proven to be the best choice.
•are used for exterior wall cladding of cottages and townhouses, beautiful (naturally
Different sizes and colors to meet the many individual requirements can be
looking) wood grain planks (sidings) and provide architectural beauty
found in the market.
- For the surface treatment of fiber cement, many options and colors are applicable.
public procurement companies. •shingles / slates, mostly highly compressed and painted, stand for architectural
Users :

all building companies. beauty

renovation and decoration company. •corrugated sheets, painted in numerous colors, may be used for external
finishing and fencing company. cladding or fencing applications
d. For Prestressed concrete products : Prestressed concrete can
be used in a multitude of constructions. Indeed, its use is facilitated,
- It may contain materials from industrial and domestic waste.
- The price of concrete is not the most expensive.
Thus, prestressed concrete is used in constructions, whether they are
simple and of reasonable size such as terraces, shelters, houses, or much
larger ones such as large buildings, buildings or bridges. Field of use of prestressed concrete
• Pushed bridges
• Cantilever bridges with prefabricated segments
• Cantilever bridges cast in place
• Girder bridges
• Cable-stayed bridges
• PSI-DP Upper or lower passages with prestressed slab
• VI-PP Viaducts with independent spans with prestressed beams
• PR-AD Beams prestressed by adhesion
• Beams, joists
• Honeycomb floor slabs
• Pre-slabs
• Beams and posts for frames
Prestressing by pre-tension
state-owned public works companies.

Users :
Public and hydraulic works companies.
Road and rail works companies.
e. For quicklime and dry mortar : The use of slaked lime dates back to the earliest ages of civilization. Common to many ancient peoples, it
was used for construction (concrete, concrete ...), for the development of coatings and mineral colors for the frescoes. The techniques have
continued and refined over the centuries. Lime can thus be used alone or bastarded (mixed with equal parts of cement) to make excellent
masonry mortars. Adherent, micro porous, it is the basic material for traditional two or three-layer plasters, stucco or tadelakt. Since drying is
always done from the outside to the inside, lime-based mortars harden slowly, over several weeks. This apparent constraint is in fact an
advantage, since it is thus possible to prepare large quantities without risk of deterioration of the mixture. Lime is also used in painting or in the
form of whitewash and can be combined with plaster to make decorative coverings and embossed ornamentation (cornices, friezes, rosettes,...).
there is adhesive mortar for every use: interior, exterior, floor, wall, ...
Benefits for the builder
• Usage for many kinds of construction material, such as autoclaved aerated
concrete (AAC), rock, calcium silicate bricks, masonry blocks, tiles, joints, etc.
• Application manually or with rendering/ plastering machines
• Available in paper bags or in bulk

f. For agglomerates and concrete ready for use : g.

ready-mixed concrete will be delivered directly to the site using concrete mixer trucks.
the regular shaped, extremely strong, inexpensive concrete blocks are mainly used for the
exterior walls of conventional constructions. It can be used alone, especially in the
construction of sheds, fence walls.
state-owned public works and construction companies.
Users :

all building companies.

renovation and decoration company, finishing and fencing company.
bca building uses a large quantity of this lime for the manufacture of AAC, FC, DM ..
 Autoclave cellular concrete products. (2000 𝐌𝟑 /D).  Quicklime and dry mortar. (1200T/D).

(30%) (70%)
 PANELS :  Bulk :  Packaging:
 BLOCKS : - Roof and Floor Panels. - In bags of 50 kgs, 25kgs 12.5kgs ..
- big-bag.
- Normal Blocks. - Industrial panels.  LINTELS :
- Blocks U. - Partition panels. - Structural Beams. - Our products will be essential for the installation of BCA
- Round blocks. - Facade panels. elements, floor and roof screeds, partition plasters, etc.
- Our products replace red brick, sandwich panel, BA13, ourdis ... - Several varieties according to grain size, density,
- Building with our products eliminates the use of formwork and right foot. compressive strength, adhesion ...

• Building without a supporting structure ?! … it's possible !

• Countless possibilities of finishing and decoration.
 Building in an  Individual house.
• A complete construction system from the cellar to the roof.
ecological and  Tertiary and industrial.
• An optimal indoor climate for sports and event halls.
 Collective housing.
sustainable way. • XXL walls (up to 12m without intermediate columns).
 Renovation.
• Smart solutions for the construction of industrial and utility buildings.
• Fast, ecological, efficient and economical construction system.

- Our prestressed products replace the metal framework in tertiary, - Our fiber cement products are used as interior and exterior
industrial and commercial constructions as well as reinforced concrete in finishes for all types of construction: residential, individual,
the construction of collective housing and individual houses. industrial and also in the agricultural sector.
 Prestressed concrete elements / Supports T.  Facade panels and fences.
 Honeycomb slab / Foundation piles.  Interior panels.
 Ducts & gutters.  Roof panels.

 Prestressed concrete products.  Fiber-cement products.

SUPPLY ANALYSIS Existing Producers/Suppliers

• Who are the current producers/suppliers, their locations and the capacities?
a. For aggregates : . .
Producers Suppliers
Notre gisement GRAVEX GICA ENG Lafarge
location capacitie location
location capacitie
capacitie location
location capacitie
capacitie location
location capacitie
capacitie location
location capacitie
Bouira 400 T/H Bouira 200 T/H Bouira 200 T/H Bouira 200 T/H Bouira 200 T/H
The other suppliers do not have the same quality of deposit (different site) and also their capacity is less important than ours.
These competitor quoted in the table transforms the major part of their production in other materials.
b. Autoclave cellular concrete products. o We are the first producers of these two materials in Algeria.
o 70% of the raw materials come from our deposit which will be used after extraction and treatment,
c. Fiber-cement products. for the remaining 30% we go to the GICA and COLPA group which are close to our production site.
d. Prestressed concrete products. o Is a complementary product, use when applying our other products.
o 80% of the raw materials come from our deposit which will be used after extraction and treatment,
e. Quicklime and dry mortar.
for the remaining 20% we go to the GICA group which are close to our production site.
f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use. o Pour l'acier on va faire une convention avec EPE SIDER EL HADJAR Spa.

BCA building

 For our water need (27,75 m3/Hour) we have a borehole as well as an

Algerian water pipe (ADE) which we can supply.
 Gas is also available, we will need it for the second and third phase of
our project : - Power our oven.
- Power our gas turbines.

• Who are the consumers of the products?
• Raw materials
a. Aggregates • Finished products

 For our production line. (Raw material)

e. Quicklime and dry mortar.

For our production line.

(Raw material)
d. Prestressed concrete b. Autoclave cellular c. Fiber-cement f. Agglomerates and
products.. concrete products products. concrete ready for use.

 For our customers (consumers)  For our customers (consumers)

• Secondary crushing stations.
 For our customers (consumers) • Public and hydraulic works companies.
• Coating stations.
• Concrete plants. • Wholesaler of building materials ; Renovation and
• Wholesaler of building materials. decoration company, finishing and fencing company. bca
• Public and hydraulic works companies.
• Renovation and decoration company. building uses a large quantity of this lime for the
• Road and rail works companies.
• Finishing and fencing company. manufacture of AAC, FC, DM ..
• Chipboard and tile manufacturing plants.
 In our sales strategy for our products, you have planned to launch a production subsidiary which will be responsible for:
 Revive the failed micro construction companies that were started by the government under ANSEJ.
 Implementation of our construction industrialization systems.  NB: Our products will go through point of sale and merchant
 Study and follow-up, make agreements with other competitive companies.
25 to reach consumers.
• Indicate the quantity consumed month or year by the identified consumers
Consumer Products Quantity / year
• bca building. 1 800 000 Tons/Year
• Secondary crushing stations. 1 680 000 Tons/Year
• Coating stations. 480 000 Tons/Year
a. Aggregate :
• Concrete plants. 420 000 Tons/Year
• Public and hydraulic works companies. 600 000 Tons/Year
• Road and rail works companies. 600 000 Tons/Year
• Chipboard and tile manufacturing plants. 420 000 Tons/Year
• The business of realization of my associate. 243 750 m3/Year
• All building companies, wholesaler of building materials. 178 750 m3/Year
b. Autoclave cellular concrete products : • Renovation and decoration company. 81 250 m3/Year
• Finishing and fencing company. 146 250 m3/Year

• The business of realization of my associate. 19500 Tons/Year

• All building companies, wholesaler of building materials. 32500 Tons/Year
c. Fiber-cement products : • Renovation and decoration company. 39000 Tons/Year
• Finishing and fencing company. 39000 Tons/Year

• Public and hydraulic works companies. 97 500 m3/Year

d. Prestressed concrete products :
• Road and rail works companies. 32 500 m3/Year
e. Quicklime and • bca building uses a large quantity of this lime for the manufacture 97 500 Tons/Year
dry mortar : of AAC, FC, DM … 325 000 Tons/Year

• The business of realization of my associate. 43 334 m3/Year

• Public and hydraulic works companies. 108 333 m3/Year
f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use :
• Renovation and decoration company, finishing and fencing company. 65 000 m3/Year
• All building companies, wholesaler of building materials. 65 000 m3/Year
• What factors drive the consumption of the products?
 There are two types of factors . I- The internal factors are:
• The superior quality of our products as well as the innovation added to the construction in our country.
• Make agreements with all state organizations responsible for housing as well as construction.
• Our production subsidiary will set a good example on the good quality of our materials, we are helping design offices,
developers, architects, etc.
• Our logistics and distribution platform ensures the arrival of our products to consumers within a radius of 300KM from
the place of production and for this we have already asked the SNTF (national railway transport company) for which we
ensure the transport from the place of production to our points of sale, located in statically well chosen locations.
II- The external factors are:
• The speed of population growth in our country.
• The mechanisms put in place by our government as well as the Ministry of Housing to facilitate housing-oriented solutions
for our citizens.  faster.
• The evolution of the construction market.  Ecological.
• The products of the same range as ours are 100% import.  Economical.
• Need for new construction techniques to support the development of residential construction and others :  Insulating.

• Who are your major customers?


 bca building  CSCEC  Et autres entreprise privé.
• Lists of close substitutes to the produc
 Our products replace :

Metal frame

Sandwich panel TN 40

Brick, cinder block Alucobond BA13 / Placoplatre

Urdi Tile

Floor slab, tiles,

Marbre parquet plâtre

Plaster layer Coat of paint

• What factors affect the pricing of the products?
 Our project has an excellent autonomy, the prices of our products can be affected by:
- The price of competing products.
- The real estate market.
- The cost of our machines (100% of our machines are German).
- The cost of 30% of the raw material (70% of the raw material is in our deposit).
- The cost of transport and the burden of distribution.
- The production costs.
- The speed of our products.
• What are the current market prices of the proposed products?
Products prices - Exchange : 1€ =165 DA
• Metal frame 727,28 €/Tons
Products prices
• Sandwich panel 78,80 €/m2 • Brick 0,10 €/unity
• TN 40 15,15 €/m2 • cinder block 0,30 €/unity
• Alucobond 60,50 €/m2 • Marbre 51,50 €/m2
• BA13 / Placoplatre 6,67 €/m2 • Urdi 0,20 €/unity
• plâtre 77,50 €/Tons • Floor slab 14,54 €/m2
• Coat of paint 8,45 €/m2 • Parquet 23,03 €/m2
• Plaster layer 4,5 €/m2 • Tiles 0,28 €/unity
• What is/are the proposed ex-factory price(s) of the product(s) for the project?
Products prices
a. Aggregates 3,125 €/T
b. Autoclave cellular concrete products. 84,375 €/M3
c. Fiber-cement products. 337,500 €/T
d. Prestressed concrete products. 242,000 €/M3
e. Quicklime and dry mortar. 50,000 €/T
f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use. 53,613 €/M3

• What are the proposed marketing arrangements for the products?
• Our production site will include a sales department as well as a main point of sale, the other points of sale are located
approximately 300 km from our production site. Our wind points will be supplied via rail transport (provided by the SNTF).
• Our customers who do not have the means of transport are provided with delivery (delivery from the point of sale to the
• Our sales department aims for better coordination between construction companies, wholesaler of construction materials,
construction company…. And our points of sale.
• Conventions and exclusives will be available to all our customers, the latter will be differentiated by the quantity of products
purchased during the year.
• Make specific calls for tenders for public contracts.
• Lists of Distributors:
• we ensure the distribution a railway quay is planned on our production site.
• Lists of known competitors and their rated capacities:
• We will be the first producer in Algeria with the exception of aggregates and adhesive mortars, otherwise our competitors are importers.
• For the aggregates we will rely on the public market.
• And compared to adhesive mortars, there will be no marketing difficulties since the latter is used for the application of our other products.
• Please provide the following for each product that forms basis of your revenue:
Product Qty at full capacity Price Total
a. Aggregates 6 500 000 Tons/Year 3,125 €/T 20 312 500 €
b. Autoclave cellular concrete products. 650 000 m3/Year 84,375 €/M3 54 843 750 €
c. Fiber-cement products. 130 000 Tons/Year 337,500 €/T 43 875 000 €
d. Prestressed concrete products. 130 000 m3/Year 242,000 €/M3 31 460 000 €
e. Quicklime and dry mortar. 422 500 Tons/Year 50,000 €/T 21 125 000 €
f. Agglomerates and concrete ready for use. 281 667 m3/Year 53,613 €/M3 15 101 013 €
 N.B: Calculated on the basis of an average of 300 working days in the year in regime (3 × 8) with the exception of (f) which is in regime (1 × 8).
• Indicate the company’s working cap. Policy as follows:
Item Days of coverage (No.ofdays)
Cash at hand 2M E
Stock of raw materials (Foreign) NA
Stock of Raw Materials (Local) 30% of the maximum capacity per year = 1.95MTons
Work in Progress
Stock of Finished Goods Max ¼ full capacity of production = 1,625MTons
Account Receivables (Debtors) 4 months is 3M€
Account Payables (Creditors) 3 months is 5M€
• Highlight the critical success factors for the project?
 Strengths: The strengths of the company are listed as follows:
- The production of products does not emit any release into the environment, 100% of production waste is recycled as well as a recycling plant is provided at our
production site.
- Quality of irreproachable products (CE standard) and in clear competition with those imported.
- The company will have mastery of the technique associated with the quality of know-how, which will occupy a large place in the manufacture and finishing of the
manufactured products.
- 70% of raw materials used are in our deposit and are selected for their quality and their nobility and must provide well-being and comfort.
- Once the factory sets up the company will have a competitive advantage at the African level, it is the first that will produce aerated concrete.
- Establish production standards and quickly and easily set up daily, weekly, monthly and annual production monitoring.
- Our transport solution as well as a rail transport platform at our production site.
 Opportunities:  Strategic position and key success factors:
- Legislation favorable to the sector of activity. - The company's strategy is to diversify its activity; - The offer of products at very competitive prices;
- A subsidy with quarries for the supply of the raw material. - Good strategic capacity, in particular thanks to the technological level of the equipment used;
- Population growth is estimated at 1.92% per year. - Competitive situation in the medium and long term defensible by the quality-price ratio;
- The enormous development potential of the sector. - Increase its market share;
- The availability of the rest of the raw material at the local level. BCA building faces new market demands by regularly redefining its commercial strategy, its
- Growing market; diversification and its competitiveness to ensure the sustainability of its activities.
• Highlight the major risks of the projects as follows:
Business model based on long term agreements with majors players
New player on the market Spend more time on sells cycle
and customers (Cosider, SNTF…).
Bureaucratie Time waisting on business as usual Anticipation of all the bureaucratics processes by the project team
Currecy quotation Gap between real cost of material and the paid cost Pay banking insurance that cover that risk
New players Our project is highest technology in the market Keep business developpment on the top of the project

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