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Alfonso Jiménez Zárate

Jimmy Bruno cardenas Vidal

Teacher: Angie Lorena Porras Romero

Curso: Inglés

Ciclo: IV

Hello Maybelline and Jimenez
Hello Jimmy

Hi friends
How are you?

I´m fine, how about you?

I'm happy because tomorrow is my brother's birthday and you? I'm
tired because I'm working in a hotel

What do you do every day in the morning? take a

shower then I go to the gym

I get up at five o'clock to go running and you?

I cook breakfast and lunch to have free time in the afternoon Do you
like to cook?

Yes, i like to cook, what do you like to do in your free time? I

like to watch anime

I like to play video games and you?

I also watch anime and I like to draw the characters What are
you doing for your birthday on Sunday?

'm seeing my parents in the morning. We´re going to a restaurant for lunch.Would you like to
go to the restaurant for lunch? I'd
love to, but I can´t.

Sunday I can't because I am going to spend time with my partner.

Too bad, you don't sound very happy about spending time with your partner maybelline: well,
it's my partner

oh, no. What's he like?

e is white, tall and has a thin texture. And
how is your personality with him?

I am a very sensitive, affectionate and angry person.

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