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Received: 1 October 2019 Revised: 13 December 2019 Accepted: 19 December 2019

DOI: 10.1002/dta.2755


Beta2-adrenergic agonist clenbuterol increases energy

expenditure and fat oxidation, and induces mTOR
phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of young healthy men

Søren Jessen1 | Sara A. Solheim1 | Glenn A. Jacobson2 | Kasper Eibye1 |

1 1 1
Jens Bangsbo | Nikolai B Nordsborg | Morten Hostrup

Section of Integrative Physiology,
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Abstract
University of Copenhagen, Denmark Clenbuterol is a beta2-adrenoceptor agonist marketed as an asthma reliever but is
School of Medicine, University of Tasmania,
not approved for human use in most countries due to concerns of adverse cardiac
effects. Given its demonstrated hypertrophic and lipolytic actions in rodents,
clenbuterol is one of the most widely abused doping substances amongt athletes and
Morten Hostrup, Section of Integrative
Physiology, Department of Nutrition, Exercise recreational body-builders seeking leanness. Herein, we examined the effect of
and Sports, University of Copenhagen, August
clenbuterol ingestion on metabolic rate as well as skeletal muscle mammalian target
Krogh Building 2nd floor, Universitetsparken
13, DK-2100 Copenhagen. Denmark. of rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation and protein kinase A (PKA)-signaling in six
young men. Before and 140 min after ingestion of 80 μg clenbuterol, resting meta-
Funding information bolic rate and contractile function of the quadriceps muscle were measured, and
Anti Doping Denmark, Grant/Award Number:
blood samples as well as vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were collected. Clenbuterol
increased resting energy expenditure by 21% (P < 0.001), and fat oxidation by 39%
(P = 0.006), whereas carbohydrate oxidation was unchanged. Phosphorylation of
mTORSer2448 and PKA substrates increased by 121% (P = 0.004) and 35%
(P = 0.006), respectively, with clenbuterol. Maximal voluntary contraction torque
decreased by 4% (P = 0.026) and the half-relaxation time shortened by 9%
(P = 0.046), while voluntary activation, time to peak twitch, and peak twitch torque
did not change significantly with clenbuterol. Glycogen content of the vastus lateralis
muscle did not change with clenbuterol. Clenbuterol increased circulating levels of
glucose (+30%; P < 0.001), lactate (+90%; P = 0.004), insulin (+130%; P = 0.009), and
fatty acids (+180%; P = 0.001). Collectively, these findings indicate that clenbuterol is
an efficient thermogenic substance that possibly also exerts muscle hypertrophic
actions in humans. For these reasons, the restrictions imposed against clenbuterol in
competitive sports seem warranted.


doping, wada, muscle hypertrophy, muscle growth, anabolic

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Clenbuterol was marketed in 1977 as an asthma reliever,2 but due to

concerns of adverse cardiac effects, the drug is no longer marketed
Clenbuterol is a beta2-adrenoceptor agonist (beta2-agonist), which for human use in most countries. Nevertheless, clenbuterol is one of
also possesses moderate affinity for beta1-adrenoceptors.1 the most heavily abused substances among bodybuilders and amateur

610 © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test Anal. 2020;12:610–618.

fitness athletes seeking leanness, as evidenced by numerous reports abnormal electrocardiography (ECG), or disease deemed by the study
of clenbuterol toxicity as a consequence of misuse for anabolic pur- responsible medical doctor to infer a risk to participate in the trial.
poses. Further highlighting its misuse for performance enhance- The study was conducted in accordance with the standards set by the
ment, clenbuterol has accounted for more than 300 adverse analytical 2013 version of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by
findings (AAF) from routine doping control yearly since 2014.8 the regional research ethics committee of the Capital Region,
Clenbuterol is filed under “Anabolic Agents” in the S1-category Denmark (H-17011319). The study was registered in
on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s list of prohibited sub- (NCT03860870).
stances and methods, whereas other beta2-agonists appear in their The six subjects were (mean ± SD) 23 ± 5 years old, with a height
own category (the S3-category). Due to the classification of of 185 ± 6, and weight of 78 ± 8 kg.
clenbuterol as an anabolic agent, any amount of clenbuterol detected The study is part of a larger research project aiming to develop
in urine during doping control will result in an AAF. Exceptions to this strategies to detect clenbuterol abuse for doping control purposes. In
are cases where clenbuterol concentrations of <5 ng/mL are detected the present part, outcome measures that pertain to the physiological
in urine samples, which are classified as an “atypical finding”, and may response to clenbuterol are presented.
be traced back to meat contamination due to clenbuterol use in
In rodents, clenbuterol has been shown repeatedly to be a power- 2.2 | Study design and experimental procedures
ful anabolic and lipolytic substance,10-14 and on online bodybuilding
forums, clenbuterol is hailed for its purported ability to increase lean The study was an open-label trial. Subjects arrived at the laboratory in
mass while simultaneously decreasing fat mass. A progressive increase the morning after an overnight fast. The subjects rested in the supine
in daily dose from 40 to 120 μg in 4–6 week on/off cycles seems to position for 30 min before the resting metabolic rate was determined
be the most common strategy for doping with clenbuterol to purport- breath-by-breath by indirect calorimetry using a gas analyzer system
edly reduce side effects.15 Despite the prohibition of clenbuterol (Oxycon Pro, CareFusion, San Diego, CA, US) for 15 min. Blood pres-
usage in sports and the evidence of the anabolic and lipolytic effects sure was determined with an automatic sphygmomanometer
of clenbuterol in rodents, no studies have investigated the physiologi- (M7 Intellisense, OMRON, Kyoto, Japan) on the left upper arm and a
cal effects of this drug with respect to its purported hypertrophic and blood sample was drawn in a heparinized syringe from a peripheral
metabolic actions in healthy humans. venous catheter placed in the antecubital vein. Furthermore, a muscle
Here, we investigated the effect of clenbuterol ingestion on rest- biopsy was collected from the vastus lateralis muscle of the left leg
ing energy expenditure and fat oxidation, as well as on mTORSer2448 using a Bergström needle with suction.16 Prior to biopsy sampling, an
phosphorylation response in skeletal muscle in young men. We incision (3 mm) was made through the skin and fascia at the vastus
hypothesized that clenbuterol would elevate resting energy expendi- lateralis belly under local anesthesia (2 mL lidocaine without epineph-
ture and fat oxidation, while inducing mTOR phosphorylation in rine, 20 mg/mL Xylocain®, AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK). Then, con-
skeletal muscle. tractile function of the quadriceps muscle of the right leg was
determined, before 80 μg oral clenbuterol (Spiropent, Boehringer
Ingelheim International GmbH, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany) was
2 | METHODS administered with water. This dose of clenbuterol was chosen based
on the commonly administered dose among recreational athletes
2.1 | Subjects and ethical approval misusing clenbuterol for doping purposes.15 Subjects then rested in
the supine position for 140 min followed by the exact same proce-
Six male subjects were included in the study. Inclusion criteria were dures as described above.
healthy males aged 18–40 years with no known contraindications for After the final measurements, subjects received a sandwich and
anabolic drugs as well as oral and written informed consent. Exclusion stayed at the laboratory for another 3 h after which blood pressure
criteria were self-reported steroid abuse, ongoing use of prescription and ECG were evaluated by a medical doctor. Apart from slightly
medicine, heavy resistance training more than 2 times weekly, increased heart rate, no changes in ECG or blood pressure were

TABLE 1 Cardiovascular parameters and plasma K+ before (0 min) and after (140 min) ingestion of 80 μg clenbuterol

0 min 140 min Δ-change (95% CI) P-value

Heart rate (bpm) 51 (± 9) 71 (± 17) 19 (10 to 29) 0.002
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 115 (± 10) 120 (± 9) 5 (−1 to 10) 0.068
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 63 (± 5) 61 (± 8) -2 (−9 to 5) 0.472
Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) 80 (± 5) 80 (± 8) 0 (−5 to 6) 0.944
Plasma K+ concentration (mmol/L) 3.8 (± 0.1) 3.5 (± 0.4) −0.3 (−0.6 to 0.1) 0.156

Values are mean (± SD) unless otherwise specified.


evident for any of the subjects. Then, subjects were asked if they had 2.6 | Quadriceps contractile function
experienced any side effects during the trial. A schematic representa-
tion of the study design is presented in Figure 1. The contractile function of the quadriceps muscle was determined as
described previously.19 Subjects were seated on a customized chair
with their right leg secured to a strain gauge (Vishay Precision Group,
2.3 | Resting energy expenditure and substrate Tedea Huntleigh, model no. 615) by velcro tape placed just above the
oxidation malleoli. The right leg was visually adjusted to 90 flexion. Subjects
were instructed to hold on to metal bars secured to the table during
Energy expenditure and oxidation of fat and carbohydrates were contraction. Prior to initiation of the test, self-adhesive electrodes
quantified using indirect calorimetry as previously described17 and (PALS Platinum, Model 895240, Axelgaard Manufacturing Co., Ltd
were calculated using the following equations deduced by DK, 8520 Lystrup, Denmark) were placed on the skin of the right
_ 2 + 1.1 × VCO
Ferranini:18 Energy expenditure = (3.91 × VO _ 2 )/1000– thigh above the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles at 25%
3.34 × 0.14 × body weight/1440. Carbohydrate oxidation = ((4.55 × and 75% of the distance measured between spina iliaca anterior supe-
VCO 2 – 3.21 × VO _ 2 )/1000–2.87 × 0.14 × body weight/ rior and the base of the patella.
_ 2 – 1.67 × VCO
1440) × 1000. Fat oxidation = ((1.67 × VO _ 2 )/1000– Each session consisted of a 3–4 s maximal voluntary contraction
1.92 × 0.14 × body weight/1440) × 1000. Energy expenditure is in under strong verbal encouragement with no visual feedback. When a
kcal/min, and fat and carbohydrate oxidation are in mg/min. plateau in torque production was reached, an electro-stimulation was
delivered to create a superimposed twitch (Digitimer, model DS7AH,
Welwyn Garden City, England). Another electro-stimulation was
2.4 | Skeletal muscle biopsy preparation applied 1 s following relaxation to create a potentiated twitch. Three
sessions separated by 1 min of rest were conducted.
Following collection, the muscle biopsy sample (~50–100 mg) was The strain gauge signal was received by an amplifier
washed in ice-cold saline to reduce blood contamination, and then (AD instruments, Octal bridge Amp, model ML228, Sydney, Australia)
frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in cryotubes at −80 C for later connected to a computer. Data were recorded at 1 kHz and analyzed
Western blot analysis. Prior to this analysis, the biopsy samples were in LabChart 7 (AD Instruments, v. 7.3.8, Sydney, Australia). The fol-
freeze-dried and dissected free of visible fat, blood, and connective lowing parameters were determined: Maximal voluntary contraction
tissue under a microscope. torque (MVC);Nm): highest torque during a maximal voluntary con-
traction; peak twitch torque (Nm): highest torque developed during
potentiated stimulation 1 s following relaxation from MVC; time-to-
2.5 | Blood analysis peak twitch torque: time from potentiated stimulation to peak twitch
torque; half-relaxation time: time from peak twitch torque to half of
After collection, venous blood samples were immediately analyzed in peak twitch torque. The distance from the base of patella to the mid-
a blood gas analyzer for determination of plasma K+, glucose, and lac- dle of the velcro strap on the ankle was registered and used to calcu-
tate (ABL 800 FLEX, Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). For deter- late torque in newton meters (Nm).
mination of plasma insulin and fatty acids, blood samples were The highest MVC and peak twitch value, and the lowest half
collected in Eppendorf tubes with 30 μL EDTA (0.2 M) and spun at relaxation time and time to peak twitch value from each time point
3000 rpm for 5 min, after which the plasma was collected and stored were used. Voluntary activation (VA) was calculated as described by
at −80 C until analysis. Plasma insulin concentrations were deter- Bachasson et al.,20 using the following equation: VA = [1 – (TSI/
mined for each subject with a commercially available Ultrasensitive TPot)] × 100, where TSI is the superimposed twitch on top of MVC and
ELISA kit (Ref 80-INSHUU-E10, Alpco, NH, US) and analyzed on a TPot is the potentiated twitch after relaxation. In the case where TSI
Multiskan FC microplate photometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, was delivered slightly before or after MVC, a correctional equation
US). Plasma fatty acid concentrations were determined for each sub- was used as described by Strojnik and Komi:21 VA = [100 – (Tb –
ject with a commercially available NEFA-HR(2) kit (Fujifilm WACO MVCpeak) × (Tb/MVCpeak)/TSI] × 100, where Tb is the torque immedi-
Chemicals, Neus, Germany) and analyzed on a Pentra C400 spectro- ately before TSI and MVCpeak is the highest MVC value without any
photometer (Horiba ABX SAS, Montepellier, France). stimulation.

F I G U R E 1 Schematic
overview of the study

2.7 | SDS page and immunoblotting 2.8 | Statistical analysis

The protein-specific content was determined by Western blotting Statistical analyses were performed in SPSS version 26 (IBM software,
as described previously.22 Briefly, freeze-dried muscle tissue Armonk, NY, US). Data are presented as means with standard devia-
(~2 mg dw) was homogenized for 1 min at 30 Hz on a shaking tions (SD). To estimate the effect of clenbuterol, a repeated measures
bead-mill (TissueLyser II, QIagen, Valencia, CA, USA) in ice-cold linear mixed maximum likelihood model was used with treatment as
lysis buffer (0.05 mol/L Tris Base pH 7.4, 0.15 mol/L NaCl, the fixed effect. Outcome statistics are presented as the mean effect
1 mmol/L EDTA and EGTA, 0.05 mol/L sodium fluoride, 5 mmol/L size with 95% confidence intervals and P-values to represent
sodium pyrophosphate, 2 mmol/L sodium orthovanadate, 1 mmol/L probability.
benzamidine, 0.5% protease inhibitor cocktail (P8340, Sigma
Aldrich), and 1% NP-40). The samples were rotated end-over-end
for 30 min at 4 C and centrifuged (18,320 × g) for 20 min at 4 C, 3 | RE SU LT S
after which the supernatant was collected. The protein concentra-
tion of each sample was determined with a BSA kit (Thermo Fisher 3.1 | Side effects
Scientific, MA, US). The samples were mixed with 6 × Laemmli
buffer (7 mL 0.5 M Tris-base, 3 mL glycerol, 0.93 g DTT, 1 g SDS Only two subjects reported side effects. One subject reported
and 1.2 mg bromophenol blue) and ddH2O to reach an equal pro- tachycardia and muscle tremor, while the other subject reported
tein concentration. An equal amount of protein was loaded in each tachycardia, dizziness and drowsiness. Heart rate increased by 38%
well of pre-casted gels (Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA, US). Samples (P = 0.002) after clenbuterol ingestion, whereas blood pressure and
from each subject were loaded on the same gel. Bands were visu- plasma K+ concentrations did not change significantly (Table 1). No
alized with ECL (Millipore, MA, US) and recorded with a digital changes were observed in ECG measurements, apart from elevated
camera (ChemiDoc MP Imaging System, Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA, heart rate.
US). Densitometry quantification of the band intensity was done
using Image Lab version 4.0 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA, US) and
determined as the total band intensity adjusted for background 3.2 | Resting metabolic rate
intensity. The primary antibodies used were mTOR (#2972, Cell
Signaling, MA, US), p-mTORSer2448 (#2971, Cell Signaling, MA, US), Clenbuterol ingestion increased resting energy expenditure by 21%
and PKA (#9621, Cell Signaling, MA, US). The secondary antibody (P < 0.001) and fat oxidation by 39% (P = 0.006; Figure 2). Respiratory
used was HRP goat anti-rabbit (Cat. No.: 4010–05, Southern exchange ratio (RER) and carbohydrate oxidation did not change sig-
Biotech, AL, US). nificantly (P = 0.181 and P = 0.946, respectively; Figure 2).

F I G U R E 2 Individual and
mean values for resting energy
expenditure (A), respiratory
exchange ratio (RER) (B),
carbohydrate oxidation (C), and
fat oxidation (D) before (0 min)
and after (140 min) ingestion of
80 μg clenbuterol. **Different
from 0 min (P < 0.01)

3.3 | Muscle PKA-signaling and mTORSer2448 3.5 | Skeletal muscle glycogen content
Glycogen content of the vastus lateralis muscle did not change with
Phosphorylation of mTORSer2448 increased (P = 0.004) by 121%, and clenbuterol ingestion (P = 0.648; Figure 4).
phosphorylation of PKA substrates increased (P = 0.006) by 35% after
clenbuterol ingestion (Figure 3).

3.6 | Plasma concentrations of glucose, lactate,

3.4 | Quadriceps contractile function insulin, and fatty acids

MVC decreased by 4% (P = 0.026) and half-relaxation time shortened Clenbuterol ingestion increased plasma concentrations
by 9% (P = 0.046) after clenbuterol ingestion, whereas voluntary acti- of glucose (+25%; P < 0.001), lactate (+87%; P = 0.004), insu-
vation, time to peak twitch torque, and peak twitch torque did not lin (+105%; P = 0.009), and fatty acids (+129%; P = 0.001)
change significantly after clenbuterol ingestion (Table 2). (Figure 5).

F I G U R E 3 Individual and mean protein content and phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) expressed as ratio of
phosphorylated (p-mTORSer2448) and total protein (A), protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation (C), and representative blots (B + D) from
before (0 min) and after (140 min) ingestion of 80 μg clenbuterol. A.u: Arbitrary units. **Different from 0 min (P < 0.01)

TABLE 2 Contractile function of the quadriceps muscle before (0 min) and 140 min after (140 min) ingestion of 80 μg clenbuterol

0 min 140 min Δ-change (95% CI) P-value

MVC (Nm) 277 (± 45) 265 (± 41) −12 (−22 to −2) 0.026
Peak twitch torque (Nm) 94 (± 23) 96 (± 17) 2 (−12 to 16) 0.764
VA (%) 97.8 (± 1.9) 97.8 (± 1.2) 0.1 (−1.1 to 1.0) 0.851
TPT (ms) 65 (± 14) 60 (± 7) −5 (−17 to 7) 0.343
HRT (ms) 47 (± 14) 43 (± 12) −4 (−8 to 0) 0.046

MVC, maximal voluntary contraction torque; VA, voluntary activation; TPT, time to peak twitch; HRT, half-relaxation time. Values are mean (± SD) unless
otherwise specified.

Likewise, infusion of the short-acting beta2-agonist salbutamol has

been shown to increase energy expenditure by 9–13%25,26 and fat
oxidation by 19%.25 The thermogenic actions of beta2-agonists there-
fore seem attributed to increased fat oxidation. The difference in the
magnitude of the response between beta2-agonists may relate to dif-
ferences in selectivity towards the beta2-receptor, as well as differ-
ences in efficacy and potency.1
The increase in energy expenditure observed with clenbuterol
supports the notion that clenbuterol may be used to reduce fat mass,
as also purported on several doping forums, which are available
through online search engines. In the present study, extrapolation of
the measured energy expenditure indicates that clenbuterol can
F I G U R E 4 Individual and mean values for glycogen content of
increase energy expenditure from approximately 2000 to 2400 kcal/
the vastus lateralis muscle before (0 min) and after (140 min) ingestion
of 80 μg clenbuterol day. However, care should be taken when extrapolating, as this calcu-
lation assumes that energy expenditure is increased by ~20% for 24 h,
4 | DISCUSSION when in fact the action likely diminishes within 24 h after ingestion. It
could reasonably be speculated that the increased metabolic rate after
The novel finding of the present study was that ingestion of 80 μg clenbuterol ingestion lasts longer than that of other beta2-agonists,
clenbuterol exhibited a thermogenic action, increasing fat oxidation, such as formoterol or salbutamol, due to the long elimination half-life
resulting in a net increase in metabolic rate. Furthermore, the present of ~25–35 h reported for clenbuterol27,28 compared with ~12 h for
study demonstrates that clenbuterol induces mTOR phosphorylation formoterol29 and ~3–4 h for salbutamol.30 Notwithstanding, the ther-
and PKA-signaling in human skeletal muscle. To our knowledge, this is mogenic action of clenbuterol likely translates into a reduction in fat
the first time the effect of clenbuterol ingestion on resting metabolism mass as also observed in rodents31,32 and purported within the body-
and muscle signaling has been evaluated in humans, despite the fact building milieu.15
that the drug has been misused as a doping agent for many years. We observed that clenbuterol effectively induced PKA and mTOR
The observed increase in metabolic rate after clenbuterol inges- phosphorylation in skeletal muscle. Given that the PKA-dependent
tion is higher than that reported after administration of other beta2- signaling pathway is the canonical signaling pathway associated with
agonists. Onslev et al.17 observed a 12% increase in resting energy the beta2-adrenoceptor, the observed increase in PKA substrate phos-
expenditure with inhalation of 54 μg formoterol and a concomitant phorylation with clenbuterol was expected and was consistent with
38% increase in fat oxidation, and Lee et al. observed increases of that observed for formoterol and salbutamol in human skeletal mus-
11–13% and 23–25% in resting energy expenditure and fat oxidation, cle.33,34 The increase of 121% in mTORSer2448 phosphorylation, how-
respectively, after the ingestion of 160 μg oral formoterol. 23,24
ever, was larger than expected, and may indicate anabolic signaling in

F I G U R E 5 Individual and
mean values for plasma glucose
(A), lactate (B), insulin (C), and
fatty acids (D) before (0 min) and
after (140 min) ingestion of 80 μg
clenbuterol. **Different from
0 min (P < 0.01)

the absence of exercise. To our knowledge, this is the first study to production, but not clenbuterol-induced decreases in force produc-
demonstrate that a beta2-agonist induces considerable activation of tion, suggesting beta2-receptor independent impairment of skeletal
the mTOR pathway in humans. Beta2-agonist-induced activation of muscle force production with clenbuterol.
the mTOR signaling pathway has been shown to be one of the main Because of the relatively large effect size of clenbuterol and low
mechanisms underlying the apparent ability of these substances to inter-individual variability, we were able to detect significant effects
exert their muscle anabolic actions in rodents.35 It should be noted of clenbuterol. However, inclusion of a placebo group would have
that the mTOR pathway may be activated in several ways, such as strengthened the study design. For example, a confounding effect of
protein ingestion or muscle contraction.36 However, our subjects fasting on plasma parameters could have been excluded. Neverthe-
were fasting until the second muscle biopsy was sampled, and MVC less, it seems unlikely that such marked differences in circulating insu-
measurements were only performed for the right leg, while the biopsy lin, fatty acids, and glucose should occur within the short span of the
sample was obtained from the left leg, making it unlikely that factors experimental day (~3 h). In fact, the opposite response of what we
other than clenbuterol ingestion confounded the phosphorylation observed in the present study would be expected from glucose and
response. Thus, our data indicate that clenbuterol is a potent activator insulin concentrations in response to fasting.49 As the study popula-
of mTOR-signaling in human skeletal muscle. tion was a homogenous group of young men, extrapolation to older
Clenbuterol has been reported to be an effective stimulant for skel- individuals may not be possible. Indeed, the response to beta2-ago-
etal muscle hypertrophy in rodents.10-14 In humans, skeletal muscle nists may be diminished in older adults50, as also observed in rodent
hypertrophy has been reported after chronic treatment with other studies.51,52
beta2-agonists,19,37,38 but only a few studies have investigated the In summary, the present findings show that clenbuterol is an effi-
effect of chronic clenbuterol treatment. Maltin et al. reported cient thermogenic substance that also induces muscle mTOR phos-
increases in muscle strength after 4 weeks of postoperative recovery phorylation, indicating that clenbuterol may exert anabolic actions in
with clenbuterol treatment (40 μg/day) compared with a placebo group, human skeletal muscle. Because these effects may translate into a
and Koeberl et al.53 reported increases in functional tests after 52 weeks reduction of fat mass and increased muscle growth, clenbuterol should
of clenbuterol treatment (up to 160 μg/day) in patients with Pompe dis- continue to be on WADA's list of prohibited substances and methods.
ease. While neither of these two studies demonstrated clenbuterol-
induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy, the increases in muscle perfor- ACKNOWLEDG MENTS
mance indicate muscular adaptation to clenbuterol treatment. The study was supported by a grant from Anti Doping Denmark. Fig-
Kamalakkannan et al. reported increases in lean muscle mass and mus- ure 1 created with
cle strength following 12 weeks of clenbuterol treatment (80 μg/day) in
patients with chronic heart failure. Notwithstanding, the side effects CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
and numerous case reports of cardiac events due to the misuse of Sara A. Solheim was employed by Anti Doping Denmark during the
clenbuterol demonstrate the associated health hazard for any athlete intervention and the preparation of this manuscript. Morten Hostrup
or amateur using clenbuterol for weight loss or muscle gain. and Glenn A. Jacobson have provided independent scientific reports
The glycogen content of the vastus lateralis muscle did not change in antidoping investigations involving beta2-agonists. Both authors are
with clenbuterol ingestion, which is in agreement with the observed funded by independent research grants from WADA that pertain to
increases in substrate availability from circulating fatty acids and glu- beta2-agonist pharmacology and physiology.
cose, as well as an increased concentration of insulin as also shown for
the selective beta2-agonist terbutaline.41 Increases in the plasma con- OR CID
centrations of lactate, glucose, fatty acids, and insulin are in agreement
Søren Jessen
with those observed after administration of other beta2-agonists.41,42
Sara A. Solheim
Notably, we observed that MVC declined upon clenbuterol Glenn A. Jacobson
treatment, which is in contrast to that reported for short-acting
Kasper Eibye
beta2-agonists. For salbutamol and terbutaline, the response seems
Jens Bangsbo
to be dose-dependent, with several studies reporting increases in Nikolai B Nordsborg
MVC after high-dose beta2-agonist administration,43-45 while some Morten Hostrup
studies administering lower doses have reported no effect on
MVC.46,47 The discrepancy between the decrease in MVC observed RE FE RE NCE S
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