Tasleem (March 20)

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SALARY SLIP: March - 2020

Employee Code UG0024 Name Tasleem Merchant

Department Sales Designation Business Development Executives

Salary Period: ​01 March- 2020 to 31 March-2020

Leaves Adj. Closing

Opt Leave Balance 0 Against Opt. 0 Leave 0
Balance Balance

Loss of Pay 11 Days in Month 31 20

Earnings During the Month Deductions During the Month

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

Basic Salary 5732.00 Income Tax/ TDS 0.00

H.R.A. 2869.00 Provident Fund 0.00

Special Allowance 8349.00 E.S.I. 0.00

800.00 Professional Tax 200.00

Medical Allowance 1,250.00 Leaves 6742.00

Incentives 00.00 - -

(A) Total Earnings (B) Total Deductions

19,000.00 6942.00
(Rs.) (Rs.)

Net Pay for the Month (A-B) = 12,058.00

For Innovins Technologies Private Limited

HR Department

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Phone: +91 8793335888 | Email: hr@innovinstechnologies.com

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