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In the partial fulfilment for the requirement of the project on the subject of
Law of Evidence of B.A.L.L.B (Hons.), fifth semester.







ENR NO.: 190101011 Assistant Professor (Law)

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This project has been made possible by the support of various people, my friends, family and
most importantly my respected teachers. I would like to extend a very sincere gesture of
gratitude towards our Evidence law teacher K.A Pandey sir for guiding me throughout the
development of this project and providing me with everything that was needed. I’m very
grateful to the library staff, my parents, my teachers, my seniors and my friend’s for helping
me throughout this time.


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1) INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………4

2) SYNOPSIS………………………………………………………………………………...5

3) SECTION 4………………………………………………………………………………..6

1). PRESUMPTION OF FACTS…………………………………………………………………..6

2). PRESUMPTION OF LAW……………………………………………………………………..7





7) CASE LAWS…………………………………………………………………………….14

8) CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………..16

9) BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………………..18

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The Evidence Act, identified as Act no. 1 of 1872, and called as the Indian Evidence Act, 1872,
has eleven chapters and 167 sections, and came into force on 1st September 1872. Spread Over
a period of approximately 140 years since its enactment, the Evidence Act has predominantly
retained its original form except certain amendments from time to time.

The origin of the concept of evidence can be traced back to the Ancient Hindu Period, for that
Hindu Dharma Shastra has to be referred. It has been laid down in the Hindu Dharma Shastras
that “the purpose of any trial is the desire to find out the truth”. Yajnavalkya says: “Discarding
what is fraudulent; the King should give decisions in accordance with the true facts.” With the
aim to discover the truth from the contradictory claims made by two parties in a case the Hindu
law giver took every possible precaution. Three kinds of evidences has be laid down by
Vasistha which are, Likhitam Sakshino Bukhti Parmanam Trividham Smritham i.e. Lekhya
(Document), Sakshi (Witnesses) and Bukhthi (Possession).

The term evidence was inherited from the Latin word ‘Evidera’, which denotes lucidity, clarity
in the display, and to prove the facts in question. In layman’s connotation, the evidence is a
piece of information that verifies the true nature of the contention. In Sir William Blackstone’s
words; the evidence mostly signifies anything which demonstrates, increases the transparency,
and ascertains the truth of the facts or points in issue either on one side or the other side.

Conclusive Presumptions/ Proofs can be considered as one of the strongest presumptions a

court may assume but at the same time the presumptions are not completely based on logic
rather court believes that such presumptions are for the welfare or upbringing of the society 1.
Besides, Section 3 of the Act defines evidence as; the collection of statements brought in
before the court, which proves or disproves the advanced arguments in relation to facts in
dispute. The term evidence includes both statements of the witness or witnesses in court i.e.
oral evidence, and documentary evidence. But it is a prerequisite to satisfy the principle of

The general definition of Conclusive Proof is a condition when one fact is established, then the
other facts or conditions become conclusive proof of another as declared by this Act. The Court
in its consideration shall regard all other facts to be proved, only if one fact of the case is proven
without any reasonable doubt. And if the other facts are proved on the basis of proving of one
fact that the court shall not allow any evidence contrary to other facts which are presumed as
conclusive proofs.

Section 4 IEA.
Section 3 IEA

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● To learn more about evidence law by reading section 3 and section 4.

● To try to under why is conclusive proof irrebuttable?
● Trying to find exceptional cases where irrefutability of conclusive proof was
● International perspective regarding irrefutability of an evidence is discussed.
● Studying some case laws regarding the topic.


Conclusive proof is rebuttable is certain cases. Even in various other countries this has


Purely doctrinal method of study.


Making conclusive irrebuttable seriously hampers the justice system in certain cases like
minimum age law or legitimacy of a child.


Can we show conclusive proof is rebuttable in a court of law?

Where else has this previously happened?


Law of Evidence by Batuk Lal.

In every civilized legal system we can classify the laws in two categories 1. Substantive Law
2. Procedural laws. The Law of evidence is one of the most important part of the procedural
law. The law of evidence plays a very important role in the effective functioning of the judicial
system. The law of evidence is an indispensable part of both substantive and procedural laws.
It imparts credibility to the adjudicatory process by indicating the degree of veracity to be
attributed to 'facts' before the forum. This paper enables the student to appreciate the concepts
and principles underlying the law of evidence and identify the recognized forms of evidence
and its sources. The subject seeks to impart to the student the skills of examination and
appreciation of oral and documentary evidence in order to find out the truth. The art of
examination and cross-examination, and the shifting nature of burden of proof are crucial
topics. The concepts brought in by amendments to the law of evidence are significant parts of
study in this course.

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As per the dictionary, the meaning of presumption is ‘an idea that is taken to be true on the
basis of probability’ or ‘the act of believing that something is true without having any proof’.
In the law of evidence, a presumption of a particular fact can be made without the aid of proof
in some situations. The invocation of a presumption shifts the burden of proof from one party
to the opposing party in a court trial.


“May Presume: The meaning of “may presume” is that Hon’ble court has discretionary power
to use his mind to presume as proved. It is upon the court that he will presume as proved any
fact. When the court has presumed any fact in favour of any party, such party will not be
bounded to prove but against whom it has been presumed as proved, he will have full right to

For example.

Every negotiable instrument is presumed that it is drawn for the purpose of good

There shall be continuity of things unless proven contrary like if a property is considered to be
an ancestral property, it shall be presumed that it is so until it is proven contrary to the
presumption (Chito Mahtoo v Lila Mahto4).



“Shall Presume: In the section where the word “Shall presume” has been used, the court has
to be presumed as proved, and the court has not any discretionary power in such sections but
against whom it has been presumed, has full right to rebut such presumption whether it is in
“May presume or Shall Presume”. Presumption wherever is always rebuttable.

For example.

Presumption as to abetment of suicide by a married woman within seven years of marriage

covered under Section 113A of Indian Evidence Act.

Section 4 Evidence act
Chito Mahtoo v Lila Mahto AIR 1991 Pat 186

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Presumption as to dowry death within seven years of marriage covered under Section 113B of
Indian Evidence Act”.5


“Conclusive Proof: When one fact is declared by the Evidence Act to be conclusive proof of
another, the Court must, on proof of the one fact, regard the other proved, and cannot allow
evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it. Conclusive presumptions are inferences
which the law makes so peremptorily that it will not allow them to be overturned by any
contrary proof, however strong. This is the strongest of all presumptions”. 6

“S. 41 lays down those final judgments in probate, matrimonial, admiralty or insolvency
jurisdictions are conclusive in certain respects”7.
“S. 112 lays down that if a person is born during the continuance of a valid marriage between
his mother and any man, or within 280 days after its dissolution, the mother remaining
unmarried, then, unless non-access is proved, it is a conclusive proof of his legitimacy”.8

“S. 113 lays down that a notification in the Official Gazette of a cession of territory to a Native
State is conclusive proof that a valid cession took place on the date mentioned in the

Likewise, S. 82 of the I.P.C. lays down that nothing is an offence which is done by a child who
is under seven years of age.

Similarly, under the provisions of the Companies Act, the Certificate of the Registrar of
Companies is conclusive evidence that each subscriber wrote opposite his name in the
Memorandum of Association the number of shares taken by him.

Or again, the statement in an Order of a Court is conclusive of what happened before the
Presiding Officer of such Court. In all these cases, no party before the Court is allowed to
produce any evidence to disprove or displace such a presumption.

Section 4 Evidence act
Section 4 Evidence act
Section 41 Evidence act
Section 112 Evidence act
Section 113 Evidence act

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Section 112 of the Evidence Act provides for the legal presumption as to the legitimacy of the
child born during the subsistence of a valid marriage or within a certain period after the
dissolution of the marriage provided the mother of the child does not remarry. This section is
based on the English rule that a child born out of wedlock should be treated as the child of the
man who was, at the time of the birth of the child, the husband of its mother. The presumption
raised under this section is conclusive proof defined under section 4 of the Act and there is no
option of rebuttable. However, this section was drafted when the scientific techniques of
determining paternity like DNA profiling were farfetched10.

As per section 112 of the India Evidence Act, 1872, when a kid is brought into the world during
the substantial marriage and the spouse has not yet isolated from the wife through a separation,
the assumption of sex having occurred is raised until it is countered by proof and according to
the laws of nature, the husband will be the father of the kid. The court consistently decides for
the authenticity of the kid and against bastardy, impropriety and bad habit as wrongness will
in general imply that the lady was unchaste and the kid is a knave. It becomes important to
decide the authentic paternity of a kid to set up the legitimate heirship for the motivations
behind progression, authority, support, and so forth.

This segment can be partitioned into two sections first and foremost, that the kid was brought
into the world to the mother during the continuation of a substantial marriage between the
mother and any man and; also, if the kid is brought into the world inside 280 days (time of
development) from the day of disintegration of marriage and the mother of the youngster
doesn't remarry, it will be convincing evidence that the kid is the real offspring of this man
except if powerful non-access is demonstrated on piece of the spouse whenever the kid could
have begotten11.

The norm of evidence under section 112 is definitive verification which implies that the court
doesn't have the caution to raise assumption rather it's an impulse. The court will on
confirmation of one reality view the other truth as demonstrated and the court won't permit
giving proof to refute or discredit it. It implies that decisive verification is irrebuttable.
Notwithstanding, under section 112 the activity of definitive verification can be kept away from
by showing precise logical reports demonstrating non-availability or paternity however such
proof ought to be delivered before the assumption is raised. The court will any day depend on
precise logical proof as opposed to raising the assumption. The whole level headed of raising
the assumption was that there were no logical strategies that could determine the paternity of

Kamti Devi v. Posh Ram, AIR 2001 SC 2226
Chiluturi Venkateswarlu v. Chilukuri Narayana, 1954 AIR 176

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the kid when the Act was drafted however the equivalent isn't the situation in the present

The nature of conclusive proof as provided for under section 4 is distinct from that envisaged
under section 112 of the Act as the latter provides for an escape from the rigour of
conclusiveness. That is, if the parties can showcase that they have no effective access to each
other at the time when the child might have begotten, the conclusive presumption shall not be
raised. Here, the burden of proof is on the party that claims illegitimacy. The rationale is that
the child should not suffer because of the laches of the parents and hence by default legitimacy
is presumed. The words “access” or “non-access” refers to the effective opportunity of having
sexual intercourse, that is, no more than an opportunity of having intercourse13.

In accordance with the English Law, evidence as to the non-accessibility by the husband or the
wife of non-intercourse after marriage is inadmissible as such admissibility will bastardize the
child. This feature under the India Evidence Act, 1872 is however distinct than the English
law – it doesn’t render the evidence inadmissible either on part of the husband or the wife
instead the burden of proof in India oscillates between the two parties depending on the case
facts. In India, the party claiming he is not the father of the child can rebut the presumption
through accurate reports like that of DNA and RNA14.

The court, if there should arise such an occurrence, in Gautum Kundu v. Province of West
Bengal held that the court can't structure a blood test for DNA as an issue of standard as it will
bring about debasing the youngster and demonstrating the mother unchaste which isn't in
accordance with public profound quality and strategy. All things being equal, there should be
an extremely impressive by all appearances case wherein the spouse has demonstrated the non-
admittance to invalidate the assumption under srction 112 and from that point the court ought
to inspect the results of the test and in particular an individual can't be constrained to give a
blood test for DNA for what it's worth against the right to protection and right against self-
implication of the dad.

From there on, the court in the event of Kanti Devi moved above and beyond and held that
cutting edge logical headways like DNA (deoxyribonucleic corrosive) and RNA (ribonucleic
corrosive) were not considered by the lawmaking body while drafting the Act. These tests are
truly supposed to be logically precise. Yet, this test in itself isn't adequate to demonstrate the
wrongness of the youngster. For example, if the couple are living respectively in a substantial
marriage at the hour of origination and later the DNA demonstrates that the youngster isn't of
the spouse, the decisiveness with regards to the authenticity of paternity stays irrebuttable. It'll
be an impulse for the spouse to bear the parenthood of the youngster conceived. Thusly,
notwithstanding DNA profiling, it becomes significant for the party to demonstrate non-
admittance to the next party for intercourse.

Karapaya Servai v. Mayandi, AIR 1934 PC 4
Caesar Roy, Presumption as to Legitimacy in Section 112 of The Indian Evidence Act Needs To Be Amended,
Journal of The Indian Law Institute, Vo. 54 No. 3 (2012) pp. 382-399 available at
Russell v. Russell, (1918) 57 S.C.R. 1

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Later in Shradha v. Dharmal the court held that family court can arrange an individual to go
through a clinical trial to set up wrongness yet can't urge this individual and such request will
not be viewed as disregarding Article 21, in any case, such request will be passed just when
there is a solid by all appearances case. If the individual will not go through assessment the
court can draw an antagonistic induction against him15.

The Indian Evidence (Amendment) Bill, 2003 proposed the recommendations of the
185th Law Commission Report with respect to section 112 of the Act so as to accept and
incorporate the changes with respect to scientifically accurate reports and statutorily make such
investigations with the consent of the parties. However, the same has not yet been incorporated
in the Act.

Standards of public strategy and public profound quality are reflected under area 112 through
the legitimate assumption of authenticity. The norm of assumption is decisive verification
which can be disproved simply by demonstrating non-access by the gatherings; such non-
access ought to be compelling and ought not be sufficient to offer a chance of engaging in
sexual relations. The verification of non-access depends on a solid at first sight proof
established on a solid dominance of proof and not only on the equilibrium of probabilities.

No other proof, including DNA profiling, is adequate to refute the assumption until and except
if non-access is demonstrated. The court as an issue of rule will consistently be leaned to bring
the assumption up for authenticity to keep away from bastardization of the kid and demonstrate
the mother unchaste. The Act is a dynamic and not static one and henceforth the experimentally
progressed strategies which were not considered at the hour of the drafting of the Act are
prescribed by the Commission to shape part of the Act and till then the foresighted translation
of the Apex Court is being clung to.

Mahendra Lomte, A Critical Analysis of Legal Presumption of Legitimacy of Child under Section 112 of the
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, International Journal of Law, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 50-52 available at

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Virtually any statutory classification can be seen as an irrebuttable presumption. A law
forbidding automobile driving by anyone under sixteen may be described as a conclusive
presumption that younger persons are unfit to drive—a presumption that is not universally true.
The irrebuttable presumptions doctrine was never applied to strike down an age classification,
but its reasoning would have served: the law arguably denied procedural due process by
denying an individualized hearing on the fitness to drive of a person under sixteen. For a brief
season in the mid-1970s, the Supreme Court was fond of this sort of analysis, but the infatuation
soon ended.


The principle was foreshadowed in United States in Chief Justice harlan fiske stone's
simultaneousness in Skinner v. Oklahoma (1942), which discredited an Oklahoma law
requiring the sanitization of three-time criminals. The Court laid on the equivalent insurance
proviso, however Stone contended that the law denied fair treatment by preventing a meeting
on the inheritability from getting the respondent's criminal attributes. He may have considered
the law an irrebuttable assumption of the inheritability of criminal characteristics of three-time
criminals. We can hypothesize that Stone idea the sanitization law was a nonsensical hardship
of freedom, however he was hesitant to restore considerable fair treatment so before long the
Court had attempted to lay that precept to rest16.

Stanley v. Illinois (1972) negated a law giving that the offspring of an unwed dad became
dependents of the government upon the demise of the mother. The law was assaulted on sex
segregation grounds, yet the Court got away from that issue, holding that the law disregarded
fair treatment by denying Stanley an individualized hearing on his wellness as a parent.

Also, in Cleveland leading group of training v. Lafleur (1974), an educational committee

demanded that a pregnant educator take maternity leave of a while before the normal birth of
her kid, and the Court kept away from the sex separation issue by considering the law an
irrebuttable assumption of unsuitableness to instruct during the long stretches of compulsory
leave. The disavowal of an educator's all in all correct to a conference on her singular wellness
was held to deny procedural fair treatment.

The Court's most grounded verbalization of the irrebuttable assumptions principle came in
vlandis v. kline (1973), which negated a state law decisively assuming that an individual who
was a non-inhabitant after entering a state school stayed a non-occupant (for educational cost

Skinner vs Oklahoma

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purposes) all through his school vocation. It abused fair treatment to deny occupant educational
cost rates based on this assumption which was "not really or all around obvious."

The irrebuttable assumptions convention was seriously scrutinized both inside and outside the
Court. It was precisely considered to be an equivalent security or meaningful fair treatment
regulation in camouflage, requesting the strictest kind of severe investigation of the need of
administrative orders. The Court doubtlessly couldn't refute all characterizations laying on
genuine suppositions "not really or generally obvious."

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One more irrebuttable assumption of law in India is section 82 of IPC. Section 82 of IPC
implies if a youngster under 7 years old does any demonstration, it will not be an offense. For
instance, an offspring of 6 years age while playing with his dad's pistol considering it as his toy
pulls the trigger and shoots neighbor youngster, this demonstration will not be an offense for
kid, as he had no clue about the idea of act. Court shapes a convincing verification if a kid
under 7 years old does anything since it can't be a wrongdoing.

A grown-up according to law is one who has arrived at the period of development this is
considered to change across different states. This age demonstrates the individual is
legitimately answerable for their activities and conduct. The time of greater part is the limit of
adulthood in law. The time of development is a legitimately fixed age which might vary
contingent upon the ward, it might likewise not compare with the genuine mental and
physiological development of the youngster. Subsequently it is relevant to take note of that the
period of development recommended isn't one ward on the physical and natural parts of people.

Setting up a base period of adolescent equity purview lines up with worldwide basic liberties
principles. Article 40 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
announced that all countries set a base period of criminal obligation beneath which no
youngster would be dependent upon formal prosecution17. This thrusts a mandatory obligation
not to expose without care, recklessly or thoughtlessly children who being at stage of infancy
may not possess requisite knowledge or understanding of all their actions.

The background of this sort of prescriptive law is found in nations like United States, where
the time of 1980's and 1990's was viewed as the jail blast and by 2000s the adolescent
imprisonment rate in USA was generally higher than in England and multiple times higher in
Japan. Following this regulation in a few wards, common and precedent-based law there has
been a meaning of the base age beneath which no kid can be presented to criminal arraignment.
Nations like Finland have a characterized least age of 15 which is 8 years over the period of
reason (15years). Nigeria a part condition of the UN isn't abandoned in such manner, The
Federal Child Right Act characterizes a youngster to be one who is younger than 18. Likewise,
in similar light The Children and Young Persons Law characterizes a kid as under 14 and a
youngster as matured 14-16. In southern states the Criminal Code sets the base period of
criminal obligation at seven and this isn't relevant in different areas where the Criminal Code
isn't in power. As for the offense of assault dissimilar to some other offense inside the Criminal

Elizabeth S. Barnett, Laura.S.Abrams, Cheryl Maxson, Lauren Gasen, Patricia Soung, Paul Caroll, Eraka
Barth, Setting a Minimum age for Juvenile Justice Jurisdiction in California, (2016)
<> accessed 8 November 2021

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Code, a base age is characterized for the commission of the offense, which is likewise
significantly the worry of this work. The arrangement concerning this is found under segment
30 of the Criminal Code and the conversation of the arrangement of this segment and its
suggestion continues in the ensuing piece of this work18.

Babukhan v State of Rajasthan, AIR 1997 SC 2960-:

In this case, Supreme Courts clarified, The term "presumption", in its largest and most
comprehensive signification, may be defined to be an inference, affirmative or
disaffirmation of the truth or falsehood of a doubtful fact or proposition, drawn by a process
of probable reasoning from something proved or taken for granted.

Minoti Anand v Subhash Anand, AIR 2011 Bom 61

In a matrimonial dispute, the marriage was said to have been performed according to Hindu
customs. Thereafter they married as per Japanese Custom and the registration certificate
showing their marriage under section 17 of the Foreign Marriage Act, 1969 was issued.

It was held by Bombay High Court that upon the factum of registration of marriage, the
solemnization of the marriage becomes a conclusive fact under section 14(2) of the Foreign
Marriage Act, 1969. Thus, under section 4 of the Evidence Act, no evidence with regard to the
fact that marriage was also solemnized under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 can be allowed

Nirmal Das Bose v Mamta Gulati, AIR 1997 All 401.

A marriage certificate issued under the Special Marriage Act, 1954 is conclusive evidence of
the solemnization of marriage under the Act and also of compliance of formalities and
signatures of parties and witnesses. The genuineness of the compliance procedure is a different
question. It remains questionable.

Emperor v Shrinivas, (1905) 7 Bom LR 969.

A court, where it "may presume" a fact, has the discretion to presume it as proved or to call for
confirmatory evidence of it, as the circumstances require. In such a case the presumption is not
a hard and fast presumption, incapable of rebuttal, a presumption juris et de jure.

Gitika Bagechi v Subhabrota Bagechi, AIR 1966 Cal 246.

Child Rights International Network, ‘Minimum Age for Criminal Responsibility in
Africa’ <> accessed 08 Nov 2021

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The court said that these presumptions are not peculiar to the Evidence Act. They are generally
used wherever facts are to be ascertained by a judicial process.

Where husband and wife were in love and led an amorous life for about eight years before their
marriage, both were sound in health and mind and after marriage lived together in a room for
months together and had privacy, the presumption was conclusive that consummation of the
marriage was an accomplished fact.

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In Tukaram v State of Maharashtra, This case was settled on thinking about current realities of
Mathura Rape Case and keeping in mind that mediating the case the Court defended the need
and necessities of such assumptions. The Court likewise clarified that Presumptions has a more
extensive degree as they don't just assistance the casualty in the quick preliminary yet it
additionally helps in provide guidance to the case. In this way such assumption can adequately
help the legal executive in giving fast and complete equity to the general public. As indicated
by Stephen assumption is compulsory, not tolerant assumption and particularly lenient is
managed in Section 90 of the proof demonstration. Tolerant assumption implies it is on the
court attentiveness if to accept to accept.

As per the report distributed by The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
(OJJDP), "Albeit the individuals who submit sex offenses against minors are regularly
portrayed as "pedophiles" or "hunters" and considered as grown-ups, comprehend that a
significant piece of these offenses are submitted by different minors who don't fit the picture
of such terms. In this report it was expressed that as per the police, adolescents comprise around
33% (35.6 percent) known to have submitted sex offenses against minors. Adolescents who
submit sex offenses against different youngsters are almost certain than grown-up sex guilty
parties to insult in gatherings and at schools and to have more male casualties and more
youthful casualties. A modest number out of adolescent guilty parties 1 out of 8 are more
youthful than the age of 12. As per another report it was expressed that the more youthful the
youngster casualty, the almost certain it is that the culprit is an adolescent. Adolescents are the
wrongdoers in 43% of attacks on kids under age six. Of these wrongdoers, 14% are under age
12. Insights report a ton of instances of assault offense submitted by minors yet this isn't
broadcasted as the situation of assault submitted against kid casualties by pedophiles or assault
submitted against grown-up casualties. As expressed by the OJJDP Research (supra) on
adolescent sex wrongdoers returns the greater part a century; be that as it may, little data about
these youthful guilty parties and their offenses exists. The inaccessibility of dependable report
and documentation of such adolescent offenses can be connected to the absence of thought
given to the chance of the event of this sort of occasion. The ramifications of the arrangement
of Section 30 consequently has a few broad outcomes than it appears to be probable. The
arrangement not just has unfavorable impact for the casualty who lives in this way in never-
ending dread realizing that her aggressor meanders aimlessly with next to no retributive or
rehabilitative means taken to discourage further behaves like those submitted against her. It
additionally puts an extraordinary likelihood of the sexual recidivism which could go right into
adulthood more terrible is the propensity of these minors to become grown-up pedophiles. The
even minded methodology needed for the legitimate administration of such event is guarantee
proper thought be made of the chance and ability of people beneath the age of 12 of carrying
out the offense of unlawful sexual relations as opposed to the position found in the surviving
Criminal Code relevant toward the South and at the event of such guaranteeing fitting measures
are taken. As against institutional techniques for treatment there exists non-institutional

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strategy for treatment of adolescent guilty parties in the idea of probation, whipping and fines;
and the creation of fit-people Orders.

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1. Indian Evidence Act.

2. Indian Penal Code


1. Law of Evidence by Batuk Lal.

2. Text book on Indian Evidence Act, KD Gaur.
3. Dr. Mohammad Nazmi- “Mohammadan Law”, 2nd edn. 2008, Central Law

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