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journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495–503

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Research Paper

How do jet time, pressure and bone volume fraction

influence the drilling depth when waterjet drilling
in porcine bone?

Steven den Dunnena,n, Jenny Dankelmana, Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffsb,

Gabrielle J.M. Tuijthof a,b
Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

art i cle i nfo ab st rac t

Article history: Using water jets for orthopedic procedures that require bone drilling can be beneficial due
Received 4 March 2016 to the absence of thermal damage and the always sharp cut. Previously, the influence of
Received in revised form the water jet diameter and bone architectural properties on the drilling depth have been
20 May 2016 determined. To develop water jet instruments that can safely drill in orthopedic surgery,
Accepted 24 May 2016 the impact of the two remaining primary factors were determined: the jet time (tjet [s]) and
Available online 31 May 2016 pressure (P [MPa]). To this end, 84 holes were drilled in porcine tali and femora with water
jets using Ø 0.4 mm nozzle. tjet was varied between 1, 3 and 5 s and P between 50 and
70 MPa. Drilling depths Lhole (mm), diameters Dhole (mm) and the volume of mineralized
bone per unit volume (BV/TV) were determined with microCT scans.
A non-linear regression analysis resulted in the predictive equation: Lhole ¼ 0.22 * t0.18
jet *

(1.2–BV/TV) * (P–29) (R2 ¼0.904).

The established relation between the machine settings and drilling depth allows
surgeons to adjust jet time and pressure for the patient's BV/TV to drill holes at a
predetermined depth. For developers, the relation allows design decisions to be made
that influence the dimensions, flexibility and accuracy of water jet instruments. For a
pressure of 50 MPa, the potential hole depth spread indicated by the 95% confidence
interval is o1.6 mm for all tested jet times. This maximum variance is smaller than the
accuracy required for bone debridement treatments (2–4 mm deep), which confirms that
water jet drilling can be applied in orthopedic surgery to drill holes in bone with
controlled depth.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. den Dunnen), (J. Dankelman), (G.M.M.J. Kerkhoffs), (G.J.M. Tuijthof).
1751-6161/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
496 journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503

2. Materials and methods

1. Introduction
2.1. Theoretical overview and experiment
Using water jets for cutting and drilling bone in orthopedic considerations
surgery can be beneficial due to the absence of thermal
damage in comparison to instruments that rely on mechan- A theoretical overview of waterjet settings is intro-
ical machining, such as drill bits or oscillating saws duced to define the expected correlations and to
(Schwieger et al., 2004). Furthermore, application of water determine the starting conditions of this study. The
jet technology allows flexible tubing to be used to transport machining capacity of a water jet is primarily deter-
mined by its velocity vliquid (m/s) and the total volume
the water. This enables the development of steerable or
of water Vtotal (m3) (Hloch et al., 2011; den Dunnen
compliant instruments for arthroscopic procedures to man-
et al., 2013b), which can be expressed by:
euver through complex intra-articular joint spaces in the sffiffiffiffiffiffi
human body that cannot be reached with rigid instruments. 2P
vliquid ¼ ð1Þ
Finally, a water jet never gets blunt, thereby providing a ρ
constant cut or hole in the bone over time. Potential uses in
orthopedic surgery that can benefit from water jet technology
π 2P
are debridement and drilling of osteochondral defects V total ¼ Ud2 U Ut ð2Þ
4 ρ jet
(Steadman et al., 2001, 2003), prostheses (re)fixations (Kraaij
et al., 2015; Honl et al., 2000a, 2003a) and drilling pilot holes in which P is the pressure (N/m2), ρ is the density of
for screw fixations (Bronzino, 2000). The focus in this study is the liquid (kg/m3), tjet (s) is the waterjet time and d
on bone debridement and drilling of osteochondral defects (m) is the nozzle diameter.
(microfracturing), where holes between 2 and 4 mm deep are The influence of the squared diameter on the dril-
drilled in articular bone (Kok et al., 2012; Becher et al., 2010). ling depth has already been established (den Dunnen
To ensure clinical safety, control over the drilling depth is
et al., 2013b). Analysis of the other parameters gives
that ρ can be considered constant leaving P and tjet as
a key factor, because exceeding a predetermined depth could
the machine settings that need to be investigated for
lead to unwanted damage to surrounding healthy tissue. To
their influence on the drilling depth in combination
this end, the influence of the primary water jet settings on with the bone structural properties. For homogeneous
the machining capacity should be known, since this allows bone or industrial materials, the influence of P on the
the creation of an inherently safe system that can guarantee cutting or drilling depth is linear up to pressures of
a certain drilling depth. So far, researchers have unveiled the 120 MPa (Honl et al., 2000a, 2000b; Mohamed, 2004;
effect of pressure (Honl et al., 2000a, 2003a, 2003b; Bach et al., Orbanic and Junkar, 2004). Therefore, two distinct
2007; den Dunnen et al., 2013a), impact angle (Honl et al., pressures were chosen for adequate determination of
2003a), pulse-time (Honl et al., 2003b), jet time (Bach et al.,
the magnitude of linearity. To ensure that holes are
actually drilled, 50 MPa was chosen as the lowest
2007), suspension (Honl et al., 2003a; Hloch et al., 2011) and
pressure, because the minimum pressure for penetrat-
abrasive-feed rate (Bach et al., 2007) for cutting in bone. In
ing bone tissue with pure waterjets ranges between 30
these studies, the structural properties of the bone tissue and 45 MPa (Honl et al., 2000a; den Dunnen et al.,
have not been addressed, although they are highly correlated 2013a; Honl et al., 2000b). Our previous research
to mechanical properties and thus the machinability with showed that a pressure of 70 MPa with a nozzle of
water jets. Therefore, the outcomes of these studies can only 0.4 mm and a jet time of 5 s results in drilling depths
be applied for the specific specimens that were tested. A of approximately 8 mm deep (den Dunnen et al.,
study that included the structural properties of the bone 2013c). This depth is sufficient for bone debridement
tissue showed that the volume of mineralized bone per unit treatments where holes less than 4 mm deep are
typically made (Steadman et al., 2003; Kok et al.,
volume BV/TV and the squared nozzle diameter highly
2012). Taking into account that jet times are selected
correlate to the drilling depth (R2 ¼ 0.90, po0.001) (den
shorter than 5 s, 70 MPa was set as the second
Dunnen et al., 2013b). During surgery, controlling the drilling pressure.
depth by altering the nozzle diameter would require an The drilling depth is not proportional to the jet time
instrument change, which compromises surgical workflow. (Bach et al., 2007; Orbanic and Junkar, 2004; Akkurt,
Other machine settings, such as the pressure and jet time, 2009; Pandey et al., 2012). The increase in drilling
can be adjusted externally at the pump, which is more depth is maximum after the jet-initiation, but
practical. Subsequently, for the development of a clinical diminishes as the jet time prolongs, since the inter-
water jet drilling instrument that is inherently safe, a quan- ference of the water jet and the water already present
in the hole becomes larger at an increased depth
tification of the influence is required of the primary factors jet
(Orbanic and Junkar, 2004; Ohlsson et al., 1992a).
time tjet and pressure P. Therefore, the goal of this study was
Research on the correlation between jet time and
to determine a mathematical description that can be used to drilling depth when drilling with pure waterjets is
predict the drilling depth based on the pressure, jet time and scarce. Overviewing research on pure waterjet cutting
BV/TV, which makes this equation suitable for any bone type and abrasive waterjet drilling (drilling enhanced by
since the primary bone structural property is accounted for. solid particles) in which the effect of jet time is
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503 497

investigated on the kerf depth (depth of the cut), it is Limits of the values of parameters B to D can be set
adopted that the relation between jet time and drilling with data from previous research. The power func-
depth can be described best with a power function tion's exponent (B) of the influence of the jet time will
(Orbanic and Junkar, 2004; Ohlsson et al., 1992b) with be less than 1 due to its decreasing influence over time
an expected exponent between 0.4 and 0.95 (Bach (Bach et al., 2007; Mohamed, 2004; Orbanic and Junkar,
et al., 2007; Mohamed, 2004; Orbanic and Junkar, 2004; Pandey et al., 2012). C must be larger than 1,
2004; Pandey et al., 2012). To verify the high impact since water jets can penetrate even the highest den-
of the jet time on the drilling depth at the start of the sity bone which has a BV/TV value of 1 (Honl et al.,
drilling process and to determine the power of tjet, jet 2000a, 2000b; den Dunnen et al., 2013a, 2013b). D will
times of 1, 3 and 5 s were tested. be less than 45 MPa, referring to the highest minimum
For a general equation that describes the drilling pressure that is required to penetrate bone tissue
depth Lhole (mm) in bone for a given tjet and P, the (Honl et al., 2000a, 2000b; den Dunnen et al., 2013a).
mechanical properties of the tissue need to be incor-
porated in the form of the bone volume fraction (BV/
TV) (Hloch et al., 2011). An increase in BV/TV causes 2.2. Waterjet set-up and specimens
the tensile strength and Young's modulus to increase
linearly (Ulrich et al., 1999; Teo et al., 2007). These The waterjet experiments were performed with a
mechanical properties are of primary influence in custom made waterjet machine (den Dunnen et al.,
resisting the destructive power of a waterjet 2013b, 2013c) that allowed water pressures to be
(Tikhomirov et al., 1992). The correlation between the generated up to 72 MPa within 0.3 s with a maximum
drilling depth and the mechanical properties of the variation of 70.2 MPa (Fig. 1). Pressures were moni-
material is inversely proportional (Tikhomirov et al., tored at the nozzle with a KLPT-WH pressure trans-
1992). Hence, the value of BV/TV is assumed to affect mitter (Koppen & Lethem, Newark, United Kingdom).
the drilling depth inversely proportional on a linear Four fresh porcine tali and four femora were
basis for both jet time and pressure. Finally, a thresh- obtained from animal experiments and frozen directly
old value needs to be set in the equation that indicates after harvesting (Fig. 1). The specimens were thawed
the minimum power for the water jet to drill in bone. to room temperature 90 min prior to the experiment
In previous studies, the minimum values of pressure, using a 0.9% saline solution. The water jet drilling
jet velocity, energy density or penetration force have procedure was identical to previous experiments (den
been considered to indicate the threshold for various Dunnen et al., 2013b; den Dunnen and Tuijthof, 2014):
materials (Paul et al., 1998; Bitter, 1963, 1963; Hashish, holes were drilled with a sapphire nozzle of 0.4 mm
1989; Chillman et al., 2011; Hoogstrate, 2000; Liu, 2007). perpendicular to the tibial surface of the talus and
Since the pressure can easily be adapted in a clinical femoral condyles with a stand-off distance of 8 mm
setting, P is used to set a threshold. Integrating the (Fig. 1a). Tap water was used as a suspension for the
above theoretical considerations, a general expression jet. The experiment was performed underwater to
of the equation describing the drilling depth Lhole (mm) mimic arthroscopic surgery. Pressure of 50 and
for a given P, t and BV/TV can be formulated as: 70 MPa and jet times of 1, 3 and 5 s were tested. The
  size of the specimens allowed nine holes to be machined
Lhole ¼ A Utjet U C 
UðPDÞ ð3Þ in a talus and twelve in a femur. Consequently, each
machine setting was tested 14 times (Table 1).

Fig. 1 – (a) The nozzle is aligned to the bone to ensure correct positioning and stand-off distance using a 0.2 MPa jet. After
alignment the bone and nozzle are submerged. (b) Femur bone after water jet drilling. (c) Talus bone after water jet drilling.
498 journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503

Table 1. – Summary of the number of holes that were and the error variance do not add up to the total
drilled for different values of pressure and jet time. variance. Instead, the 95% confidence intervals were
determined to provide insight in the potential spread
Jet time (s)/Pressure (MPa) Tali (n¼ 4) Femora (n ¼4)
in drilling depth for the given predictors and thereby
50 70 50 70 to indicate the significance and accuracy of the model.
A difference between the 5% and 95% confidence
1 6 6 8 8 interval of less than 2 mm is considered acceptable
3 6 6 8 8 to ensure a safe drilling depth for bone debridement
5 6 6 8 8 treatments, because no clinically significant difference
in cartilage healing was found for this variance
(Steadman et al., 2001; Kok et al., 2012, 2013). To find
2.3. Measurements the primary predictors that affect the hole diameter
and to which extent, a multivariate linear regression
The measurement procedure for determining the dril- analysis with backward selection procedure was per-
ling depth, hole diameter and BV/TV was identical to formed. BV/TV, tjet, and P were used as starting
previous studies (den Dunnen et al., 2013b; den parameters.
Dunnen and Tuijthof, 2014). Pre- and post-
experimental Micro-Computed Tomography (mCT)
scans were made of each specimen using a Scanco 3. Results
microCT 80 scanner (Scanco Medical AG, Brüttisellen,
Switzerland) with a spatial resolution and slice thick- The number of measurements used for the statistical
ness of 37 μm. The drilling depth and diameter were analyses were 71. 11 holes were excluded post-
measured in the post-experimental mCT scan with experimentally due to non-perpendicular alignment
ImageJ version 1.46 m (Abràmoff et al., 2004; of the jet to the bone (9 holes) or crossing holes inside
Schneider et al., 2012) and the Stack Alignment plugin the bone (2 holes). Two holes were excluded due to an
(Parker et al., 2010). Each measurement was performed engaging safety system of the pump which prevented
by three individuals and averaged. The local BV/TV of proper execution of the full drilling cycle. All tested
the drilling site was determined as follows: the post- machine settings resulted in the round-shaped holes
experimental mCT scan was registered to the pre- at the impact site (Fig. 1b and c) and a concave cavity
experimental scan with Amira version 5.3.3 (Visuali- in the bone (Fig. 2).
zation Sciences Group, Burlington, Miami, USA) and Fig. 3 provides the measured drilling depths as
the ImageJ plugin TransformJ Affine version 2.8.0 function of tjet, BV/TV and P. The non-linear regression
(Meijering et al., 2001). A cylindrical region of interest analysis to predict Lhole with predictors tjet, BV/TV and P
(ROI) at a drilling site with a height and diameter equal resulted in the following descriptive equation:
to the specific drilling depth and diameter was copied  
from the post-experimental scan to the pre- Lhole ¼ 0:217 Ut0:180
jet U 1:21 UðPMPa 29:0Þ
experimental scan using the ROI Manager in ImageJ. TV
A minimum of 2 mm in diameter was kept to ensure a R ¼ 0:904 ð4Þ
valid bone structure measurement (Harrigan et al., with Lhole in mm, tjet in seconds and PMPa in MPa.
1988). The cylindrical region of interest was used to Table 2 shows the small difference between the 5%
isolate the bone structure in the pre-experimental and 95% confidence intervals of the predictive model,
scan. A fixed threshold was applied to the reconstruc- especially when using a pressure of 50 MPa. The small
tion to create a binary image, which was processed in difference in outcomes indicate a strong consistency
the ImageJ plugin BoneJ version 1.3.3 (Doube et al., of the predictive model. Eq. (4) and the 95% confidence
2010) to determine the BV/TV. A further elaboration intervals are visualized in Fig. 4. The average mea-
how the BV/TV was determined can be found in den sured BV/TV of the tali and femora were 0.65 (SD 0.21)
Dunnen et al., 2013b. and 0.60 (SD 0.21) respectively. The major part of the
drilling process takes place in the first fractions of a
2.4. Statistics second. After that, the depth only increases with
tenths of millimeters per added second of jet time.
To correlate the drilling depth to the predictors P, tjet For the pressure to have an impact on the drilling
and BV/TV, a non-linear regression analysis was per- depth, a minimum threshold needs to be set of
formed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 for Windows approximately 29 MPa. After that, an increase of
(Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.). Eq. (3) was used for deter- 10 MPa results in a depth increase between 1.5 and
mining parameters A, B, C and D. Compared to a linear 2 mm. The BV/TV is inversely proportional on a linear
model, a non-linear model can take many different basis to the drilling depth. For each 0.1 increase, the
unstandardized forms. As a result, the consistency of depth decreases approximately 0.4 mm at 50 MPa and
the model cannot be expressed by a p-value. Addition- 0.9 mm at 70 MPa when jetting for 1 s.
ally, the coefficient of determination (R2) is also con- The multi-variate linear regression analysis with
sidered to be inadequate to assess the performance of backward selecting procedure to predict the hole
a non-linear predictive model (Spiess and Neumeyer, diameter (Dhole) resulted in the exclusion of the BV/
2010), because the variance of the regression model TV predictor due to insignificance, leading to the
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503 499

following equation: Eq. (4) shows a difference between the 5% and 95%
Dhole ¼ 0:010U PMPa þ 0:064 Utjet confidence intervals of maximally 1.6 mm at 50 MPa and jet
  times between 1 and 5 s (Table 2). This is below the clinically
þ0:61 po0:001; R2 ¼ 0:36 ð5Þ
relevant set threshold of 2 mm (Kok et al., 2012, 2013). This
The mean diameter was 1.4 mm (SD 0.26 mm). Eq. result indicates that water jet drilling a safe technology for
(5) indicates that increasing the pressure by 10 MPa bone debridement treatments regarding depth control. The
will result in a 0.1 mm wider hole. Per added second of potential spread increases with circa 1.0 mm per 10 MPa of
jet time, the diameter increases 0.06 mm. added pressure. Per added second, the spread rises roughly
0.3 mm at 50 MPa and 0.6 mm at 70 MPa.

4. Discussion
4.2. Interpretation and verification results
4.1. Outcomes
The minimum pressure of approximately 29 MPa that needs
The influence of the jet time, pressure and the bone volume to be exceeded before any water jet drilling takes place (Eq.
fraction on the drilling depth were determined and provided (4)) is in accordance with previous research, where values
in a predictive mathematical description (Eq. (4)). Both tjet and between 30 and 45 MPa were found (Honl et al., 2000a, 2003a;
PMPa can be used to control the drilling depth provided the den Dunnen et al., 2013a). The relative large range of mini-
bone volume fraction is known. mum penetration pressures that was found in previous

Fig. 2 – MicroCT images of the holes created by a water jet in a femur (a) and talus (b). Bright white represents bone tissue. The
outer layers of the bone are more dense than the inner layers.

Fig. 3 – The drilling depths plotted against the tjet and BV/TV at 50 MPa (top) and 70 MPa (bottom).
500 journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503

research is caused by variations in bone type (cortical or Previous research performed pure water jet cutting or abrasive
trabecular), animal, impact angle, nozzle diameter and drilling. In this study, pure water jet drilling was applied (Fig. 5).
machining method (drilling or cutting). Additionally, in pre- Water jet cutting or abrasive drilling increase the potential
vious research the definition of penetration was not always penetration depth of a water jet, which increases the influ-
defined or bone tissue was examined with insufficient accu- ence of tjet on the depth. When water jet drilling, the water of
rate equipment. This may have led to overlooking shallow the incoming water jet has to come out through the same
(o0.5 mm) cutting or drilling depths in determining the
hole it created, causing turbulence and interference between
pressure threshold. The strength of the threshold found in
the incoming and outgoing flow (Fig. 5) (Orbanic and Junkar,
this study is that it is valid regardless any bone type, since
2004; Ohlsson et al., 1992a). Therefore, the incoming water jet
the BV/TV is included in the predictive equation. For example,
when water jet drilling will be less powerful than for water jet
a 30 MPa water jet directed at high density cortical bone (BV/
cutting, because when cutting the surplus water exits at the
TV of 0.9) can penetrate the bone tissue, but will result in a
other side of the material without causing interference. For
shallow drilling depth between 0 and 0.3 mm (95% confidence
interval). abrasive water jet drilling, solid particles are added to the
The exponent (B) of the jet time is 0.18 (Eq. (4)), which is water jet. The solid particles have a higher density than pure
considerably lower than the 0.45–0.95 range found in litera- water, which increases the energy that erodes the material.
ture (Bach et al., 2007; Mohamed, 2004; Orbanic and Junkar, Hence, the potential drilling depth is increased, thereby
2004; Pandey et al., 2012). The reason for this difference is to extending the influence of the jet time and thus increasing
be found in the different types of water jet machining. the value of exponent B.

Table 2. – Descriptive equation of drilling depth based on the jet time, pressure and bone volume fraction including the
predicted parameter values for the 5% and 95% confidence intervals.

Model Descriptive equation Example outcomes for different predictorsa

Tjet ¼1; P¼ 50; Tjet ¼ 5; P¼ 50; Tjet ¼1; P¼70; Tjet ¼5; P¼ 70;
BV/TV ¼0.5 BV/TV ¼ 0.5 BV/TV ¼0.5 BV/TV ¼0.5

5% Confidence Lhole ¼ 0:174 U Tjet 0:114 U ð1:13  TV

Þ UðPMPa 24:2Þ 2.8 mm 3.4 mm 5.0 mm 6.0 mm
interval model

Predictive model Lhole ¼ 0:217 U Tjet 0:180 U ð1:21  TV

Þ UðPMPa 29:0Þ 3.2 mm 4.3 mm 6.3 mm 8.5 mm
95% Confidence Lhole ¼ 0:260 U Tjet 0:247 U ð1:30  TV
Þ UðPMPa 33:8Þ 3.3 mm 5.0 mm 7.5 mm 11.0 mm
interval model

Potential spread 95% Confidence interval – 5% Confidence interval 0.5 mm 1.6 mm 2.5 mm 5.0 mm

These columns provide the depth values for the extremes in jet time (1 and 5 s) and pressure (50 and 70 MPa) that were tested for a given
bone volume fraction (BV/TV).

Fig. 4 – The 5% (purple) an 95% (green) confidence intervals (CI) for tjet ¼1 s (top) and P¼ 50 MPa (bottom). The distance between
the CI surfaces in the graph represent the potential spread that can occur. At a pressure of 50 MPa and a jet time of 1 s, the
potential spread less than 0.5 mm for any BV/TV. An increase in pressure (top) and jet time (bottom) will result in a larger
potential spread. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503 501

Fig. 5 – Illustration of the difference between pure water jet drilling, cutting and abrasive cutting (cross sections). (a) For pure
water jet drilling, the incoming and outgoing flow interfere, causing the incoming jet to be impaired, which results in a
shallower depth. (b) For pure water jet cutting, the water jet passes through the object without interference of back splashing
water, which results in a deeper cut than for pure water jet drilling. (c) For abrasive water jet cutting, the water is primarily
used to transport the hard solid particles with a high velocity towards the material. The solid particles increase the machining
capacity due to an increased energy density that impacts the material.

The inversely proportional linear relation between the BV/ machine settings of a previous study created deeper holes.
TV and the drilling depth is in agreement with the applied Bone physiology dictates that the density at the center of
theory. A higher BV/TV increases the tensile strength and (articular) bone tissue is lower than the outsides (Fig. 3).
Young's modulus, resulting in a more difficult to machine Hence, for greater holes depths, the average BV/TV is less
material for water jets. This relation is linear (Tikhomirov than for shallow depths for the same drilling location. In this
et al., 1992). Parameter C in Eq. (3) has a fitted value of 1.2, study, talus bone decreased approximately 0.07 BV/TV per
which confirms that even the most dense bone having a BV/ added mm of depth. For femoral bone, this was 0.02. There-
TV of almost 1 can be drilled. This is in accordance with our fore, the relative shallow holes caused by the applied
findings and those of others (Honl et al., 2000a, 2003a; den machine settings in this study resulted in a higher average
Dunnen et al., 2013a). Parameter C also indicates the max- BV/TV.
imum differences in drilling depth that can be caused by a
varying BV/TV along the drilling direction. Hypothetically, the 4.3. Model performance
depths can differ up to a factor 6 for the extreme BV/TV's of
0 and 1. In this study, a maximum spread of 0.4 was found in The accuracy and significance of predictive Eq. (4) is more
BV/TV for a given drilling depth for both talus and femoral than adequate to ensure medical safety for bone debridement
bone. This spread in BV/TV was pursued to be maximal by treatments regarding drilling depth control. An increase in
drilling holes on the entire articular surfaces, including close both the jet time and the pressure results in a larger potential
to the edges. It is expected that in a clinical setting, local bone spread in depth (Fig. 4).
variances within one specimen is even smaller. The 5% and 95% boundaries for a given set of parameters
The average BV/TV of tali and femoral bone were 0.65 and (Table 2, Fig. 4) show a maximum potential spread of
0.60 respectively, which is higher than 0.59 and 0.37 found in approximately 0.5 mm for a 1 s jet time, and up to 1.6 mm
a previous study performed on similar bone (den Dunnen for a 5 s jet time when water jet drilling at 50 MPa. For bone
et al., 2013b). The reason for the discrepancy is that the debridement treatments, where holes between 2 and 4 mm
502 journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 62 (2016) 495 –503

deep are made in the bone tissue (Steadman et al., 2001, crucial that the bone's BV/TV is required preoperatively.
2003), a difference in depth of 2 mm does not affect the Imaging techniques such as regular Computer Tomography,
healing of the tissue (Steadman et al., 2001; Kok et al., 2012, Dual-energy X-Ray Absorptiometry, micro-Magnetic Reso-
2013). This 2 mm accuracy is provided when jet times nance Imaging and High Resolution Peripheral Quantitative
between 1 and 5 s are used with a pressure of 50 MPa. This Computer Tomography can be used to quantify the BV/TV
potential spread in drilling depth is also acceptable when (Gomberg et al., 2004; Kuhn et al., 2005; MacNeil and Boyd,
drilling pilot holes for screw-plate fixations. However, the use 2007; Waarsing, 2006). However, these imaging devices are
of a jet time of 5 s in combination with a pressure of 70 MPa is not widely available in hospitals, not routinely used as part of
not recommend for drilling blind holes in orthopedics sur- diagnostic protocols and are not always sufficiently powerful
gery, because the maximum variance can increase to 5 mm, to determine the local BV /TV of the predetermined surgical
which is more than two times higher than the set threshold spot. Also, the experimental water jet setup used in this study
of 2 mm. cannot be used in the operating room. Therefore, (Eqs. (4) and
The performance of Eq. (5) in predicting the hole diameter 5)are primarily suitable for developers of water jets instru-
is poor considering the relative spread that can occur in ments who can choose the machine settings within the
relation with the average diameter, hence the low R2 of limitations of their design.
0.36. However, in view of the absolute values, the maximum Some considerations regarding design optimizations are
spread that was found for a given machine setting is 0.6 mm. discussed. To reach a certain drilling depth, a high pressure
From a clinical point of view, this is not an issue and will not combined with a short jet time, or a lower pressure combined
significantly influence the healing capacity after a bone with a longer jet time can be chosen. Using a high pressure
debridement treatment (Kok et al., 2013). complicates the design of the pump and tubing, but mini-
mizes the total volume of water that is required which can be
4.4. Limiting factors beneficial to the patients' safety due to the reduced exposure
to xenobiotic substances. Using a long jet time requires a
Limiting factors could have influenced the results. Processing pump that can maintain a steady pressure for a longer period
(micro)CT scans to asses bone architectural properties always of time, but enables a better control over the drilling depth,
requires a “thresholding” step, to determine what grey level since the jet time affects the depth only marginally after the
and lighter tints are considered bone tissue and what is not. first second.
For this study, the threshold level was determined manually
and applied to all segmentations. The threshold can signifi-
cantly influence BV/TV measurements (Ding et al., 1999). 5. Conclusion
However, since the same threshold was applied to all seg-
mentations the relative influence of the BV/TV is accounted The depth of a hole when water jet drilling in bone is
for. One to one comparison of bone architectural properties correlated to the water pressure, jet time and the local bone
(such as BV/TV) to other studies is expected to give an offset. volume fraction of the bone. The most accurate results in
(Eqs. (4) and 5) are valid for their tested range of machine drilling depth (variation o1.6 mm) can be achieved by apply-
settings and the bone structural properties of the bone
ing a nozzle of Ø 0.4 mm, a pressure of 50 MPa and jet times
specimens. Regardless the strong performance of drilling
between 1 and 5 s. This predictive mathematical model
depth prediction of this descriptive model, extrapolating the
indicates that control over the drilling depth allows the safe
results outside the tested range can lead to invalid
application of water jet drilling in human bone.

4.5. Perspective
This study shows that water jet drilling has the potential to
This research is supported by the Marti-Keuning Eckhart
become a safe drilling method in orthopedic surgery with
Stichting and the Dutch Technology Foundation STW (Grant
respect to control over the drilling depth. The machine
number 10851), which is part of the Netherlands Organisation
settings that are to be used to achieve a specific drilling
for Scientific Research (NWO), and which is partly funded by
depth for an individual bone can be deduced from the
Ministry of Economic Affairs. The sponsor had no involve-
mathematical equation, as well as its potential expected
ment in the study design, analysis or interpretation of the
variance. In this study, an overall variation in BV/TV of
data. We are grateful to Mark Koster and Michiel van Breugel
0.4 was found per bone type for a given depth, but per
for their help in preparing and performing the experiment.
individual bone specimen the spread in BV/TV was approxi-
mately 0.2. If this latter value is assumed reasonable when
r e f e r e n c e s
performing a bone debridement treatment (e.g. BV/TV varies
between 0.5 and 0.7), this would result in a predicted drilling
depth between 1.9 (5% confidence interval BV/TV 0.7) and
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