Mil I 6866

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MIL-I-bôbb m 9 9 9 9 9 0 6 1339017 247 m

7 August i950



This s p e c i f i c a t i o n was approved by t h e Departments

OP the Army, the Navy, and the A i r Force f o r use of
procurement services of the respective Departments,
and supersedes t h e following specification:

18 September i946

This s p e c i f i c a t i o n c o n s i s t s of t h i s cover s h e e t and S p e c i f i c a t i o p AN-I-jOa,

dated 18 September 1946, without modification.

Copies of t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n may be obtained from the Comanding General, A i r

Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson A i r Force Base, Dayton, Ohio; o r the Comnding
Officer, U. S. Naval A i r Station, Johnsville, Pennsylvania.

When a request f o r t h i s Specification i s received by a sxppplying a c t i v i t y , it

w i l l be necessary t o a t t a c h t h i s cover s h e e t t o thE p e r t i n e n t s p e c i f i c a t i o n before

Ciis todian :
A i r Forca
Navy - m e r



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MIL-I-6866 4 4 9 9 9 0 6 L3340L8 1 8 3

.AN-I 3Oa -
18 September 1946
12 January 1945



This specification was approved on the

above date by doint action of the War
and Navy Departments, f o r use in the
procurement of aeronautical suppliea
and shall become effective immediately
upon issue.

A-i, This speclficatioriris drawn t o present general requinmonts governing
I_ inepecaon of the surfaces of mterials and parts by the fluorescent penetrant method
for discon$í.nuíties which may% hazmful t o the particular material or prt.

B-1, There are no other tipecifications applicable t o this s p e c i f i k t i o n ,

Gl, General.- The complete fluorescent penetrant inspection equipment shall be
subject t o the approval of t h e ProCaring Agency.
G2. Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Apparatus.- The apparatus used i n connec=
t i o n n i t h the fluoreecent penetrant method of inapection s h a l l be constructed and arranged
t o permit uniform, controlled operation.

G2a. Cleaning Apparatw.- The equipment f o r cleaning p r i o r t o the application

of the penetrant a h a l l provide a clean, d r y surface free from foreign materials which
might clog the suriace openings o r in themaelves r e t a i n penetrant and produce false
indications o r react w i t h t h e penetrant..
G2br Apparatus f o r Application of Fluorescent Penetrant,- The apparatus f o r t h e
application of the fluorescent penetrant s h a l l be designed f o r immersion, spraying, or
painting t h e material o r part so that a coating of penetrant l e applied t o the e n t i r e
surface t o be inspected,
G2c. Washing and Drying Apparatus.- The apparatus f o r washing and drylng p r i o r
t o inspection shall consist of suitable means f o r completely removing a l l excess penetrant
and accaapiíshing complete dryíng.
G2d. Equlpent f o r Visual &umhatIon.- A darkness booth or aimilar d a r h e e s
area with a properly f i l t e r e d black light source shall be provided t o obtain the mat
e f f i c i e n t inspection of material.

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/ -
I__ .
AN-I-30a -2 . .-_
(heptembery 1946) .

D-1, EZuorescen& Penetrant.- The fluorescen, penetrant shall provide contrast
suitable f o r the detection of a l l harmful discontinuities, have suitable penetrating
properties, be non-toxic and non-corrosive.
D-2, Developing Material,- The developing n s t e r i a l shall be highly o i l absorbent
and s h a l l not have any fluorescent properties.


El. Cleaning Before Test,- The surfaces of a l l materials and parts shall be
f r e e from grease o r other matter which might i n t e r f e r e with the proper application o r
distribution of the penetrant,

F-l. General,- Fluorescent penetrant inspection shall be performed i n such a
manner a s t o insure detection of harmful discontinuties i n any location, In addition
t o any f i n a l inspection that may be required, parts s h a l l % e presented f o r inspecton
prior t o any surface treatment of a type which w i l l close up surface openings, o r other-
wise i n t e r f e r e with acceptable fluorescent penetrant inspection as specified herein,
F-2, h o c e s s r - The general inspection procedure as specified belm shall be
used unless it can be demonstrated t o the Procuring Agency that an alternate procedure
i s equally acceptable f o r the intended purpose.

F-2a. General Inspection Procedure.- The general inspection procedure shall be

a s follows:

(1) The parts t o be inspected shall be s u i t a b l y cleaned t o remove

a l l foreign material which might clog surface openings, r e t a i n
penetrant and produce f a l s e indication, or react In any way
with %he penetrant.
(2) When greater s e n s i t i v i t y i s required than it i s possible t o
obtain with parts and material a t room temperature, parts and/or
penetrant shall be heated t o a auitable temperature before
application of penetrant, Temperatures towhich parts are heated
shall cause no change i n chemical properties of material anà
shall not reduce physical propertioe below the minimum l i m i t s
specified by the Procuring Agency, The temperature of the heated
penetrant shall be within safe limits and s h a l l not adversely
a f f e c t inepoction q u a l i t i e s r
- _. (3) The fluoregcent penetrant shall be applied t o t h e piece by
c immersion, painting, or spraylng and a l l surfaces t o be
examlned shall be completely covered.

(4) Sufficient time shall then be allowed for penetration i n t o

all discontinuities, The aenaitivlty of the procesa i a
controlled largely by the length of time allowed f o r penetration
ao indicated i n paragraph on npenetration Tirnefi,
( 5 ) Penetrant shall be suitably m o ~ e dfrom a l l surfaces. Ernmination
under black l i g h t i s desirable a t this point t o determine whether
o r not a l l penetrant baa been removed from surfaces of parts,

(6) When greater contrast i s required, a wet develqping material shell

be applied t o the aurface of the part, If, however, a d r y developer

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AN-I-30a -3
(September, 1946)
(7) Parte shell be dried by suitable means, such as circulating
airr when parte are dried i n a hot a i r dryer o r by similar
means, excessive drying times shall be avoided t o prevent
evaporation of penetrant
(8) When greater s e n s i t i v i t y Is required than It Is possible
t o obtain with parts and materials a t room temperature,
parts shall again be heated t o a suitable temperature befom
inspection. A sufficient time i n t e r v a l f o r development of
. Indications shall be allowed before f i n a l inspection.

e (9)' Examination under black l i g h t shall then be made.
F-3. Marking,- Parts which have s a t i s f a c t o r i l y met the fluorescent penetrant
inspection requirements specified herein s h a l l be marked in one of the following waya i n
such a manner that the identification n1ll not be removed, smeared, o r obliterated by
subsequent handling,
P-3ti. Impression Stamping.- impression stamplng shall be used when permitted by
the applicable d e t a i l specification o r drawing, o r when tho nature of the part i s such as
t o provlde f o r impression stamping of part numbers o r other Inspectors' mrkings.
impression stamping shall only be employed i n t h e area adjacent t o the part number or the
Inspector's stamp,
F-3b. Etching,- where no provision i s ilunde f o r impression stamplng, etching
shall be employed using an etching î l u i d o r other means and a method of application
acceptable t o t h e Inspector, Etching shall be employed I n a manner arid location harmless
t o th part.
F-3o. Dyeing.- Where etamph# o r etching i a not applicable, identification shall
be by dyeing, Dyeing is not applicable t o parts where construction o r function precludes
i t s use, as in the case of certain types of completely ground o r polished balls, rollers,
pins o r bushings.
F-3d. Other methods of marldng shall be subject t o t h e approval of the Inspector.
F-30 . Identifying S p b o l s t
F-Je(1). When item are accepted by 100 percent inspection, each accepted item
shall be marked as followst
(1) When etching i a applicable, t h e l e t t e r "Fa backnard combined
with the l e t t e r "Pn shall be employedr
(2) When dyeing i s applicable, maroon d p (siniilar t o Cade N0.510,
maroon ArnpNav Airoraft Color Standards (Glossy) of acceptable
adherence shall be employedr
F-3e(2), When i t e m am accepted by neans of a sampling pmcBdtlre, each item of
u1 accepted l o t shall be marked a8 follows:
(1) when etching i a applicable, the l e t t e r nFn backwards combined
with the .letter nPn with a c i r c l e srourd them a h a i l be employad.

(2) When dyeing is applicable, yellm dye (sinilar t o Code No, 505,
Light T e l l a , o r AmpNavy Aircraft Color Standards (Glossy) of
acceptable adherenoe shall be employed.

Copyright Naval Publications and Form Center Order Number: W2204989

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AN-L30a -4
(September, 1946)
0-1. Parts conta- m f a c e discontlnulties which in the opinion of the Inspector
o r as specified in other applicable d i r e c t i v e s may weaken o r decrease the d u r a b i l i t y of
the parte o r materials i n question ani thereby endanger the safety of the a i q h n e o r
personnel In case of failure, shall be rejected.
0-2. If a defect can be removed without affecting serviceability, the defect may
be removed ard the part resubmitted f o r fluorescent penetrant inspection upon t h e prior
approval o f t h e Inspectdr. Care hell be exercised i n the removal of defects t o insure
t h a t they are completely removed and not obscured by the floning of material,

11-1, Effectiveness of Equipnwnt and Procedure.- The effectivenees of the equlp-
ment and procedure ueed by the contractor i n performing fluorescent penetrant inspection
on a given p r t o r mterial shall be checked a t such intervals as may be deemed necessary
by the Inspector. Such checks shall be made by t e s t i n g pieces of t h e same material com-
parable i n size, shape, and hardness, t o the parts urdar ccnrrtruction and containing one
o r more known defects.
1-1, Penetration !Rhee- The following minimum penetration times are included f o r
guidance i n determining suitable penetration times f o r various materials and partsa
Recommended Minimum Penetration Time
t 1
t Metal Sand Castings Shrinkage Cracks I 20 1
a Metal Permanent Hold Casthgs,l Shrinkage Porositya 20 I
: and Metal Die Castings I Surface Porosity 1 20 1
2 a Cold Shuts ; 20 1
1 I 1 I
¶ 30 1

I a Cracke and Po m s t 20 1
Welds a Included B lu 1 1 a
a a
I* On All Above Heat m a t Crack8 30 I
a Orindix CmCkE a 30 1
Fatigue cracks 30 1
I 1
~ìastics a cracks 1
hZWdC8 Cracka and Poros-
i .
t &"I 1 1
Glass a Fine Gracia 1 30
a t Joint8 f
t 1 I
a andsu8 30
1 't t 1

1-2, information on the Amy-hyy Aircraft Color S t a n d a d s w i l l , be i d in


ArUip-Navy Aeronautical Bulletin

Copyright Naval Publications and Form Center
Ro, 166, Colorsj List of S t d a x d *1ILrcr& C'f0337.
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NIL-1-6866 = 7977706 1337022 604

AN-I-30a -5
(September, 1946)
1-3. Application t o Plastic Haterialst
I-3ae I n general maximm contrast has been found necessary f o r the succeasf'ul
detection of harmihil d l s c o n t l n t ~ f t l e sI n p l a s t i o materials ~.ndIt I s recommended that b
developing material be used i n connection n i t h t h e Inspection of such materials. In Vien
of the poeslble deleterious effect of certain cleaning compounds, penetrante, o r develop-
ing mriterlals on p l a s t i c i t e m , suitable tests should be made p r i o r to-.Awpection t o
Insure that these nraterlals nil1 not deleteriously affect theitems t o be inspected.
Caution must be exercised In using elevated temperatures f o r the Inspection of parta Piade
of t lie rmoplas t i c nat e r i a l s

I-&, Definitions;
I+, Black Light,= Black l i g h t i s a tenn popularly applied t o the i n v l s i b l e
radiant energy In that portlon of the ultra-violet spectrum j u s t bey0.4 the blue of the
v i s i b l e spectrum, It is t h e range between 3,200 and 4,000 Angstrom U r i i t s I n wave length,
14b, Fluorescence.- Fluorescence I s a tenn used t o describe the e f f e c t s produced
by certain chemical products which exhibit the property of emitting v i s l b l e l i g h t during
the activation by Black Light, These materials absorb the invisible energy, alter i t s
wave length, aid emit the energy In the form of l i g h t which i s visible t o the eye,
1-5, Superseding Data,- This specification supersedes AN Aeronautical Specifl-
cation AN-1-30, which superseded the current Issue of Navy Aeronautical Specification
M-589 f o r aeronautical use,
1-6, Publicationa,- When requesting publications, r e f e r t o both t i t l e ani number.
1-68, Sources,- Copies of AmpNavy Aeronautical Specifications m y be obtained
upon application t o t h e Commending Osneral, A i r Materiel Command, Wright .F;Feld, Dayton,
Ohio$ o r t o the Ckmmumilng Offlcer, Naval Aircraft Modification Unit, Johnsville, Pa,

/-- HûTICE: vhen G o m m e n t drawings, speoífications,

~ o r other data ara wed f o r pinpose other than
Sn coonection ath a definitelf relatad Gorernmsnt
procurement operatlon, the United States G o m m e n t .
thereby kicurs no responsibility no2 any obligation
whatsoever; and the f a c t that the Govenunent mJ
have foxnulatsd, furnished, or i n 6ny xay supplied
ths said drawings, speaiflaations, o r other data l a
not b be regarded by implication or o t h e r d s e ar
i n any manner licensing the holder o r my other
person o r aorporation, or c o n m m g any rightr or
pernlssl~nta nanuiacturs, we o r i e l l any patsntod
invention that nay i n any way be relatad thereto*

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