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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)

ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - iCreate April - 2018

SMS Based Remote Mobile Phone Data Access

Prof. Akshay Agarwal, 2Balkrishna Sapale, 3Darshana Pardeshi, 4Akhila Dodla,
Asst.Professor, 2,3,4UG Student, 1,2,3,4Computer Engg.Dept, Shivajirao S. Jondhle College of Engineering &
Technology, Asangaon, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract - To access the data remotely with the help of Android Mobile application into the web application. The basic idea
is to design as well as develop an Application which permits the user to browse through Mobile data like text messages and
contacts and allows them for uploading his data on to a remote server. Remotely operating the cell phone, the lost mobiles
information can be handled remotely. This system can access the information and also, can track the mobile phone. This is
useful for protecting the mobile phone and the information in the phone. The remote terminal allows user to access the
information and to send the remote SMS through web API and also to receive the SMS on web API from his target mobile.
The system facilitates user to have a backup data of his call logs, SMS, and contacts on server.

Keywords - Short Message Service (SMS); Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM); Global Positioning Service
(GPS); Remote Control; Text Message; General Packet Radio System (GPRS).

from another mobile phone via SMS commands.

I. INTRODUCTION1 2. SMS can also be retrieved from another mobile device
A cell phone to send and obtain text message, along with wide remotely [3].
coverage area, high reliability, high popularity, easy 3. Security functions such as lock the device when lost can
development, low expenditure and other characteristics using also be performed via SMS remotely.
Short message service (SMS) technology. Using GSM module 4. If in case the theft tries to change sim card the security
or network platform of brief message, messages can be feature like sending an SMS to registered mobiles numbers is
dispatched and acquired between the computer and the cell also provided [2]..
terminal. This paper has realized and designed a set of remote
SIM card‟s Address Book access system based on SMS
communication[2].The remote mobile cellphone facts access Android applications are composed in the Java
gadget can additionally be programmed to send unique SMS to Programming dialect. The Android SDK instruments assemble
predetermined number if any event. If mobile phone is not the code alongside any information and asset records into an
available at the moment and user need to call a person urgently Android bundle, a file document with an. ask postfix. All the
whose contact number is not available at that instant [5]. To code in a solitary. Apk record is thought to be one application
get that specific contact user have to go through very tedious and is the document that Android-controlled gadgets use to
process of calling home or where user‟s mobile is left and get introduce the application. Once introduced on a gadget, every
that contact number etc.[6]. The proposed remote mobile Android application lives in its own particular security
phone data access system project helps to simplify this sandbox: The Android working framework is a multi-client
problem. User has to send an SMS to owned mobile “get Linux framework in which every application is an alternate
contact” with the contact name and that contact will be client.
returned to the same number. The proposed system project As a matter of course, the framework relegates every
helps to simplify this problem. Contact can be retrieved using application an interesting Linux client ID (the ID is utilized
this application. just by the framework and is obscure to the application).The
Aims & objective framework sets consents for every one of the records in an
1. The aim of the project is to retrieve the Contact details application with the goal that exclusive the client ID doled out
to that application can get to them. Each procedure has its own
particular virtual machine (VM), so dedication in confinement

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - iCreate April - 2018
from different applications. As a matter of course, every ID can likewise organize to keep running in a similar Linux
application keeps running in its own Linux procedure. Android process and offer the same VM (the applications should
begins the procedure when any of the app symbol's parts likewise be marked with a similar declaration).
should be executed, at that point close down the procedure
An application can ask for authorization to get to gadget
when it never again required or when the framework must
information, for example, the contacts, message mountable
recuperate memory for other applications .In thus, the Android
capacity (SD card), camera, Bluetooth, and that's just the
framework actualizes the rule of slightest benefit. That is,
beginning. All application authorizations must be conceded by
every application, of course, approaches just to the segments
the client at introduce time. That covers the nuts and bolts in
that it required to do its work and no more. This makes an
regards to how an Android application exists inside the
extremely secure condition in which an application can't get to
framework. Whatever remains of this report presents the center
parts of the framework for which it isn't given authorization
structure parts that characterize the proposed framework. The
[3]. In any case, there are courses for an application to impart
manifest file in which the declaration of components and
information to different applications and for an application to
required device features for the proposed system is done.
get to framework administrations.
Assets that are separate from the application code and permit
It is conceivable to organize two applications to have a similar the proposed framework to smoothly advance its conduct for
Linux client ID, in which case they are to access documents. an assortment of gadget setups.
To ration framework assets, applications with a similar client
Table no.1: Comparative Analysis

research areas for the need of the man that controlled the
III. EXISTING SYSTEM all electrical devices remotely, anything from the home
This paper explains SMS based retrieval of data from any such as a security system, air conditioner, light, set top box
remote mobile as well as provide various security features such and so on[6]. The instance of remote control probability and
as locking the device via SMS, sending an SMS to registered the capacity of accomplishing it at a sensibly minimal effort
contact numbers in case of sim is changed by theft and have roused the need to investigate into it isn't just for modern
many more[7]. The Possible solutions in existing systems application yet in addition for home utilize or household
are User has to travel back to his home and access all utilize. Home remote security frameworks it is being a
missing information, User may call to his family member or fundamental these days and are winding up progressively
friends in case user know the place of mobile phone and access mainstream. The ability of controlling home apparatuses in a
that information[2]. Alternate solution will be to develop a remote form and remote have given an extraordinary
mobile application by which user can able to access all accommodation to numerous individuals throughout everyday
information from his mobile phone remotely. The new life. Through remote controller, individuals can do remote

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - iCreate April - 2018
activity without straightforwardly getting to the host of a home E.g.: get sms
like television, fan, washing machines, lamp and others [7] the
1234 get sms
presentation of the utilization of hand-held cell phones and
Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) brought the user can set a PIN number to secure the contacts from
development of separation correspondence at remote area. unauthorized access to be sent along with the syntax
This office for remote control of frameworks and machines; in which will be known only to the user. If Application will
view of this, inquire about uses take for example, a man on an match the PIN number, the syntax and then process and
adventure inside his auto recollects that he exited the Air will reply back. Contact can be retrieved using this application.
Conditioner (AC), ON when it should be OFF[6]. The typical E.g.:1234 get contacts (contact name/initial)
condition is to turn OFF and drive back or for the home
security. On and off activity can be and drive back or for the Also Recent Miss call can be retrieved using this application.
home security. On and off operation can be considered. But E.g.: get misscall
with the GSM mobile phone in the hand, one looks on
how the same could be used to effect control at any point VI. ALGORITHM
and time. The existing system was developed for hardware Step 1:- Install application
components. The existing system is the combination of Step 2:-Add 3 reference contact number
software and hardware components both. But the proposed Step 3:-Create system password or change password
system works for the only software components specifically Step 4:-Send msg to register number
it works with the data stored in user‟s mobile phone and Password get contacts Name
that is required in user‟s daily life. Password get miss call
Password get location
Password get sms
Most of the mobile users can‟t remember their all contacts as Password lock cell
they have a facility to save them in the phone book of their Step 5:-Check password
phone. This can be taken as advantage as well as a If password & get contacts equals to system password &
disadvantage. When user doesn‟t have his/her phone with Syntaxes
himself/ herself, he/she doesn‟t have access to the contacts Str.starts With("get contact"))) {
available in that phone [1]. It may also be possible that user Log.i("Nik", "Inside First If");
doesn‟t know where he/she left his/her mobile phone. In such if password equals system password
scenario, user will waste valuable time in finding for mobile temp1 += str.substring (password.length() + 12);
phone. If user forgets his/her mobile phone at unknown place, else
user may miss important phone calls or messages which can temp1 += str.substring (password.length() + 13);
cause delay in work. temp1 equals temp1.trim();
Log.i("Nik", "");
if password & get contacts equals to system password
The proposed system can be explained as that if user has contact equals getPhoneNumber(retval, context)
forgotten his mobile phone at home and he need to call a else
person urgently whose mobile contact number is not send toast ignore
available at that instant. To get that contact user has to go Step 6:-Contact retrieval
through very tedious process of calling home and ask go to Step5
someone to search for that contact and get that contact if true
number etc. The proposed system project helps to simplify if password & get contacts equals to system password &
this problem. Contact can be retrieved using this application. Syntaxes
E.g.: get contacts (Contact name) contact equals getPhoneNumber(retval, context)
The contact name which user wishes to need should write the
send toast ignore
way it is saved in user‟s contact list. If user wants multiple
Step 7:-SMS retrieval
contacts, then send the syntax along with the initial of the
go to step5 //Proper syntax
contact name and the application will return all the contacts
if true
starting from that contact initial. Unread SMS can be retrieved
Search unread sms
using this application.

76 | IJREAM_SP180116 Special Issue on iCreate April -2018 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - iCreate April - 2018
if password & get sms equals to system password & str start
with get sms
Searching unread sms in msgbody
If sms equals to unread sms
Check sms length
len equals String.valueOf(csms.length());
if length is getter than 160 words
if csms.length() >= c
csms += "sms";
c = c + 160;
split msg & send
false then ignore
Step 8:-Miscall Retrieval
go to step5 // Proper syntax
if true
Select recent miscalls list
if password & get miscalls equals to system password &
contact equals get miscalls (retval, context) //Read Missed
else false then
Toast.makeText (context, "No new miss call found //No
Missed calls
Step 9:-Location Retrieval
go to step5 //Proper syntax
if true
Select recent Latitude & Longitude Figure 1: Flow of System
GPSTracker g =new GPSTracker(context); VII. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
In the current situation all peoples were using mobile devices.
Nowadays mobile phone is very important for everyone
String lo =
because all the information‟s are stored in a device [6]. If
mobile phone is unavailable at the situation and user needs
to call a person urgently whose contact number is
unavailable at that instant[8]. To get that specific contact user
sendSms(sender_no, lo);
has to go through very tedious process of calling home and
Step 10:-Mobile Lock
ask someone to search for that contact and get that
go to step5 //Proper syntax
contact number[5]. Sometimes it may isn‟t possible to retrieve
if true
the required contact.
password & Lock equals to system password & Syntaxes
lock the Device In this process, the user sends the message from any other
else person‟s mobile only [3]. If the second person uses the code
send_toast ignore to hack anything from that mobile, the hacker will be blocked
Step 11:-Retrieval Inserted sim card number from further use.
if mobile sim change
• GSM: Global System (or Standard) for Mobile, a
send new sim card number to step2
standardized international system for digital
contact equals new_sim(retval, context) //New number
telecommunication. Therefore, in this project the GSM is the
Step 12:- Exit.
type of wireless medium that is chosen.
Working of system:
• SMS: Short Message Service (SMS) is also called text or
texting messaging. SMS messages or „texts‟ are usually sent

77 | IJREAM_SP180116 Special Issue on iCreate April -2018 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Special Issue - iCreate April - 2018
from one mobile device to another mobile device but can also, which is simple to use and useful for retrieving data from
be sent from some home phones [9]. It is a quick and another mobile device (date can consist of contacts,
convenient way of sending a short message to someone. missed call alerts, etc.) as well as other security features
such as phone lock, location tracking ,etc. can also be done
• Android: Android is a mobile operating system
over SMS.
(OS) developed by Google, designed for touch screen
devices such as smart phones and tablets and based on the REFERENCE
Linux kernel.
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78 | IJREAM_SP180116 Special Issue on iCreate April -2018 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

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