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Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of a Compliant Journal Bearing

Considering Static and Dynamic Deformations of the Bearing Liner
Mustapha Lahmar a; Salah Ellagoune a;Benyebka Bou-Saïd b
Mechanical Engineering Department, Guelma University, Guelma, Algeria b Université de Lyon,

First published on: 23 April 2010

To cite this Article Lahmar, Mustapha , Ellagoune, Salah andBou-Saïd, Benyebka(2010) 'Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
Analysis of a Compliant Journal Bearing Considering Static and Dynamic Deformations of the Bearing Liner', Tribology
Transactions, 53: 3, 349 — 368, First published on: 23 April 2010 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10402000903312356


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Tribology Transactions, 53: 349-368, 2010
Copyright C Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

ISSN: 1040-2004 print / 1547-397X online

DOI: 10.1080/10402000903312356

Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of a Compliant

Journal Bearing Considering Static and Dynamic
Deformations of the Bearing Liner
Mechanical Engineering Department, Guelma University
BP 401, Guelma (24000), Algeria
Université de Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon
LaMCoS, UMR5259, F69621, France

In this article, the effect of both static and dynamic deforma- Since 1965, steady-state performance characteristics of com-
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

tions of the bearing liner on the dynamic performance charac- pliant journal bearings have theoretically and experimentally
teristics and stability of a water-lubricated, rubber-lined jour- been investigated by many researchers (1-16). However, dynamic
nal bearing operating under small harmonic vibrations is theo- properties have mostly been calculated by taking into consider-
retically investigated. To take into account the dynamic defor- ation only static-pressure–induced deformations of the bearing
liner—even for low-elasticity modulus materials such as white
mations of the bearing liner, the first-order perturbation tech-
metals and rubber materials. Indeed, the existing literature shows
nique is used to determine the eight dynamic coefficients for a
that studies on dynamic characteristics of compliant journal bear-
given excitation frequency value. The static and dynamic de-
ings considering dynamic-pressure–induced deformations of the
formation of the fluid/bearing-liner interface is assumed to be bearing liner are scarce.
proportional to the steady-state and dynamic fluid-film pres- A good survey on EHD investigations in both static and dy-
sures. It was found that the dynamic properties and stability of namic operating conditions of steadily and dynamically loaded
the compliant finite-length journal bearing are affected by sur- compliant journal bearings can be found in References (11, 12,
face coatings from soft materials. It was also shown that when 14).
dynamic deformations are considered in the calculations, the An example of a compliant journal bearing is the water-
dynamic coefficients depend on the excitation frequency, espe- lubricated rubber journal bearing that is used in many applica-
cially for higher values of this parameter. Moreover, the two tions, including stern tube bearings on ships, submarines, and hy-
cross-damping coefficients differ from each other, while the draulic pumps.
The rubber journal bearings reduce much noise and vibration
classical elastohydrodynamic (EHD) theory predicts them to
(acoustic emissions) compared with equivalent composite bear-
be equal, when the dynamic deformations are ignored.
ings. These bearings are resistant to abrasion caused by the pres-
ence of solid particles in the water. The use of water as a lubri-
cant provides efficient low-friction operation and a stable lubri-
EHD Lubrication; Compliant Journal Bearings; Static De- cant film due to the water’s incompressibility.
formation; Dynamic Deformation; Stiffness And Damping Co- Figure 1 shows a picture of a typical water-lubricated pro-
efficients; Stability; Perturbation Technique; Compressible Thin peller shaft bearing system. To promote the formation of a hydro-
Elastic Liner Model dynamic film between the propeller shaft and bearing, the lower
loaded half of the bearing is smooth, while the upper one incor-
porates longitudinal grooves for flow of the water lubricant. The
rigid outer shell is made of naval brass or nonmetallic composite,
The compliant plain journal bearings are the machine ele- which acts as the compliant liner rigid backing.
ments that consist of two components: a shaft in hard steel and a The first designs of these bearings had a plain bore, but this
bearing with a liner. Technologically speaking, the coated bear- was modified several times in order to improve the performance
ings are used in order to reduce the friction coefficient in the characteristics of the bearing.
boundary lubrication regime encountered mainly during the start There is another generation of marine bearings like straight-
and stop phases of machines. fluted bearings widely used today. The design of this type of bear-
ings consists of a number of rubber staves (load-carrying lands)
Manuscript received February 16, 2009
bonded onto the outer rigid shell and separated by flutes. These
Manuscript accepted August 25, 2009 flutes supply the bearing with water lubricant that enters at one
Review led by Waldek Dmochowski end of the bearing and leaves at the other one.


NOMENCLATURE th = thickness of the bearing liner, m

t˜h = relative thickness of the bearing liner, t˜h = th R
aεε , aεφ , aφε , aφφ = stiffness coefficients, N/m Ũ = complex amplitude of the dimensionless dynamic
Aεε , Aεφ , Aφε , Aφφ = dimensionless stiffness coefficients, deformation
C3 = static deformation of the bearing liner, m
Aij = aij ; (i, j ) = (ε, φ) U0
µωR3 L U
Ũ0 = dimensionless static deformation, Ũ0 = C0
bεε , bεφ , bφε , bφφ = damping coefficients, N.s/m
= dimensionless damping coefficients, Ũε , Ũφ = normalized dynamic deformations
 of the bearing liner,
Bεε , Bεφ , Bφε , Bφφ  
C3 Ũε , Ũφ = ∂∂εŨ , ε1 ∂∂φ

Bij = bij ; (i, j ) = (ε, φ) 0
µR3 L
W0 = static load applied on the journal bearing, W0 = Mg, N
C = bearing radial clearance, m
µω(R/C)3 X, Y = = displacement components of the journal center, m
C̃d = deformation coefficient, C̃d =   (X,Y)
E X̃, Ỹ = dimensionless displacements, X̃, Ỹ = C
E = Young’s modulus of the bearing-liner material,
z = axial coordinate measured from middle section plane of
the bearing, m
e = eccentricity, m
z̃ = nondimensional axial coordinate, z̃ = Lz
e0 = steady-state eccentricity, e=
0 |ObOj 0 |, m
ε = eccentricity ratio, ε = Ce
Fε0 , Fφ0 = steady-state hydrodynamic force components, N
ε0 = steady-state eccentricity ratio, ε= e0
g = gravitational acceleration, ms−2 0 C

h = fluid-film thickness, m φ = bearing attitude angle, rad  F 

= steady-state attitude angle, φ0 = Tan−1 − Fε 0
h̃ h
= dimensionless fluid-film thickness, h̃ = C φ0

h0 = static fluid-film thickness, m γ = excitation frequency ratio, γ = ων

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h̃0 = dimensionless static fluid-film thickness, h̃= h0

0 C γc = whirl frequency ratio (stability parameter), γc= νωc
h̃0min = minimum static film thickness µ = absolute viscosity of lubricating fluid, Pa.s
L = length of bearing, m G = shear modulus of the bearing-liner material, Pa
L0 = scalar compliance operator σ = Poisson’s ratio of the bearing-liner material
L̃0 = dimensionless compliance operator ν = excitation frequency, rad/s
M = mass of rotor per bearing, kg θ = bearing angle with the origin situated at the maximum film
M̃ = dimensionless mass, M̃ = MCωW
thickness, rad
Mc = critical mass of the rotor-bearing system, kg θc0 = static cavitation angle, rad
M̃c = dimensionless critical mass (stability parameter), ω = angular velocity of the journal, ω = 2πn/60, rad/s

MC ω2
c (•) = denotes differentiation with respect to t
c W0 ◦
(•) = denotes differentiation with respect to t˜, (•) = ω1 (•)
n = rotation velocity of the journal, rpm
[•] = square matrix
p = fluid-film pressure, Pa
(•)T = transpose of (•)
p̃ = normalized film pressure, p̃ = ω pR 2
µ0 ( C ) ∼ = on top of a variable denotes a dimensionless quantity
p0 = static pressure, Pa
= normalized static pressure, p̃ =
p̃ 0 0  0 2 Frames
µω R
0 C
(O,bX, Y, Z) = stationary rectangular coordinate system with origin at the
p̃ 0max = maximum static film pressure
bearing geometric center
Q̃ = complex amplitude of the dimensionless dynamic
(x, y, z) = local coordinate system of the journal bearing
(Ob, ε, φ) = rotating rectangular coordinate system with origin at the
Q̃ε , Q̃φ = normalized dynamic pressures,
   Q̃ 1 ∂Q̃  bearing geometric center
Q̃ε , Q̃φ = ∂∂ε , ε ∂φ

R = journal radius, m Abbreviations

S = Sommerfeld number, S = πW0 EHD = Elasto-Hydro-Dynamic
t = time, s JFO = Jakobsson Floberg Olsson
t˜ = dimensionless time, t˜ = ωt Im( ) = Imaginary part of ( )
Real( ) = Real part of ( )

Certain marine bearings are made from molded rubber staves In the present investigation, the governing equations relative
that, when assembled, form an uninterrupted cylindrical bore to this situation are established, and a numerical simulation is
bounded by a hard backing metal. The steady-state performance performed. We analyzed the effects of both static and dynamic
characteristics of this type of bearings have been investigated ex- deformations of the bearing liner on the stiffness and damping
tensively by several researchers, including Braun and Dougherty coefficients, critical mass, and whirl frequency of a finite-length
(11, 12). They have found that the liner compliance strongly af- water-lubricated rubber-lined journal bearing operating under
fects the maximum steady-state pressure and the cavitation zone small harmonic vibrations.
location, especially at high values of eccentricity and angular The first-order perturbation technique was used to determine
velocity. static and complex dynamic pressures developed in the fluid film.
Compliant Journal Bearing 351

Fig. 1—View of a typical water-lubricated propeller shaft bearing system.

The eight dynamic coefficients can be obtained by means of nu- the stationary X, Y, Z coordinate system is located at the center
merical integrations for a given excitation frequency value. The of the rigid bearing Ob. The circumferential coordinate θ is mea-
dynamic coefficients were used as input data for studying the lin- sured from the negative ε axis (line of centers). The journal with
ear stability of the rotor-bearing system. radius R is assumed to be rigid and rotates with a constant angu-
As a first approximation, the deformations of the thin elas- lar velocity ω about the Z axis. The static position of its geomet-
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

tic liner made from either compressible or almost incompressible ric center is defined by the steady-state eccentricity e0 = Cε0 and
materials were assumed to be proportional to the fluid-film pres- the steady-state attitude angle φ0 . The radial clearance when the
sures. The calculations were generally performed for the follow- journal and bearing circles are concentric of the rigid bearing is
ing cases: given by C, and the steady-state film thickness including the static
radial deformation of the bearing liner U0 is measured by h0 . The
1. rigid bearing liner; steady-state film thickness can be found using the cosine rule of
2. only static deformation; triangle (Ob − Oj 0 − M):
3. both static and dynamic deformations.
(R + h0 )2 = (R + C + U0 )2 + e20 + 2 (R + C + U0 ) e0 cos θ [1]

THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Expanding this equation, dividing by R2 , and neglecting

Figure 2 schematically shows the aligned compliant plain jour- second-order terms in h0 /R, C/R, e0 /R , and U0 /R yields
nal bearing at its static equilibrium position with an elastically
h0 = C (1 + ε0 cos θ) + U0 , [2]
deformed bearing liner where the undeformed (rigid) configura-
tion is represented by the circle of radius (R + C). The origin of where
(χ − 1) th
U0 = p0. [3]
(χ + 1) G

In Eq. [3], th is the thickness of the bearing liner, p 0 is the steady-

state hydrodynamic pressure,
z E
y G=
x 2 (1 + σ)
W0 is the shear modulus known as the Coulomb’s elasticity modulus,
and χ is the elasticity parameter depending on the Poisson’s ratio
σ (χ = 3 − 4σ for the plane strain elasticity problem, and χ = 3−σ1+σ
Ob Y for the plane stress problem).
Cε ω Assuming plane strain (i.e., χ = 3 − 4σ) and compressible ma-

terials case (σ < 1/2), the radial deformation field of a thin elastic
R liner fixed on a rigid backing can be calculated with a sufficient
accuracy by


Rigid journal
M U0 = σ0 p0, [4a]
where σ0 = (1+σ)(1−2σ)
, and E and σ are the Young’s modulus and
the Poisson’s ratio of the bearing liner, respectively. Eq. [4a] can
ε be rewritten as
U0 = L0 p 0 , [4b]

Fig. 2—Geometry of a compliant plain journal bearing. where L0 = σ0 tEh is a scalar compliance operator.

small amount of dissipation energy and leading to negligible vari-

ations of the viscosity with respect to pressure and temperature.
θ interface
Indeed, the thermal and piezoviscous effects are more significant
z in the case of very viscous fluids such as oils used in rolling bear-
x ings and gears applications that operate at very high pressures.
As we suppose a pinching lubrication process, the hydrody-
namic pressure p̃ (θ, z̃, t˜) must satisfy the following boundary con-
Ob Rigid journal Y
Cε (1) on the bearing sides,

.O ω
p̃(θ, z̃ = −1/2, t˜) = p̃(θ, z̃ = 1/2, t˜) = 0;

0 [8]
(2) the pressure is continuous and periodic in the circumferential
0 direction, i. e.,



fl u

p̃(θ, z̃, t˜) = p̃(θ + 2π, z̃, t˜);



(3) at the leading edge of the cavitation zone θ = θc (z̃), the pres-
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sure and its gradients vanish, i.e.,
∂p̃ ∂p̃
Fig. 3—Geometry of a rigid plain journal bearing. p̃ = = = 0. [10]
∂θ ∂z̃

These conditions, which were suggested in the early 1930s and

Note that Eq. [4a] is obtained from Eq. [3] by replacing the known as the Reynolds or Swift-Stieber cavitation conditions (18,
elasticity parameter χ and the shear modulus G with their ex- 19), can be satisfied in a direct manner if the Christopherson’s al-
pressions. gorithm (20) is employed. This algorithm has been successfully
For the rigid bearing liner (Fig. 3), Eq. [2] reduces to used for very long time (since the 1940s) in the simulation studies
of lubrication problems. However, the use of Christopherson’s
h0 = C(1 + ε0 cos θ). [5] algorithm leads to the determination of an erroneous boundary
The simplified compressible thin elastic liner model (Eq. [4]) has of film reformation (trailing edge of the cavitation zone). The
been successfully applied by several investigators for EHD anal- mass flow continuity is not fulfilled. It should be noted that the
yses of single-layered journal bearings (5, 6). Compared to the Reynolds boundary conditions [10] are very frequently used, giv-
finite element method, the main advantage of this model is its ing results comparable to those obtained experimentally or by us-
low cost of space memory and CPU-time consumption as well ing the conservation algorithms such as the JFO, Elrod-Adams,
as its easy implementation. However, the thin elastic liner model and Bayada cavitation models, with the exception of the value of
ceases to be valid when the bearing-liner Poisson’s ratio becomes the rate of flow (21-23).
greater than 0.4, i.e., for almost incompressible materials, and in In References (23), Dowson and Taylor presented an excel-
the case of thick liners. (See References (14, 16) for the detailed lent review of cavitation phenomenon in the hydrodynamic jour-
demonstrations about the derivation and the validation of thin nal bearings, where different cavitation models were largely dis-
elastic liner model.) cussed.
For isoviscous and isovolume lubricants such as wa- If the journal is excited into a simple harmonic motion of
ter, the pressure field under isothermal laminar flow condi- small amplitudes within the compliant bearing at frequency ν,
tion in the clearance space of the journal bearing (Fig. 2) the instantaneous eccentricity ratio and attitude angle may be ex-
must satisfy the unsteady-state Newtonian Reynolds’ equation pressed respectively as
(Eq. [17]): ε = ε0 + ε eiγ t˜ and φ = φ0 + φ eiγ t˜;
1 ∂ h3 ∂p ∂ h3 ∂p 1 ∂h ∂h | ε|  ε0 , | φ|  φ0 and i = −1,
+ = µω +µ [6] [11]
R2 ∂θ 12 ∂θ ∂z 12 ∂z 2 ∂θ ∂t
where γ = v/ω is the relative excitation frequency, and ε and
or its dimensionless form
    φ are complex amplitudes of eccentricity ratio and attitude an-
∂ h̃3 ∂p̃ ∂ h̃3 ∂p̃ 1 ∂h̃ ∂h̃ gle, respectively. The corresponding dynamic increment of di-
+ (R/L)2 = + , [7]
∂θ 12 ∂θ ∂z̃ 12 ∂z̃ 2 ∂θ ∂t˜ mensionless film thickness may be expressed as (24)
where h̃ = Ch , p̃ = µω(R/C) 2 , z̃ = L , and t˜ = ωt.
h̃ = h̃0 + h̃d + Ũd , [12]
The above assumptions used on the lubricating fluid and its
flow in the thin gap between the journal and the bearing are ap- where h̃0 = hC0 is the dimensionless steady-state film thick-
propriate for low-viscosity lubricants such as water, producing a ness including the steady-state deformation of the bearing-liner
Compliant Journal Bearing 353

ing, one can more precisely give the significance of small and its
2 Consequently, the instantaneous value of dimensionless film
i,j+1 thickness may be expressed as

h̃ = h̃0 + ( ε(cos θ + Ũε ) + ε0 φ(sin θ + Ũφ )) eiγ t˜. [13]

∆ i-1,j i+1,j
i, -1 The first and second terms on the RHS of Eq. [13] correspond to
0 the steady-state and dynamic components, respectively.
The instantaneous value of the dimensionless resultant film
j pressure is then expressed as

p̃ = p̃ 0 + Q̃ eiγ t˜, [14]

−1 where p̃ 0 is the dimensionless steady-state pressure, and Q̃ =
2 ∆
ε Q̃ε + ε0 φ Q̃φ is the complex dynamic increment of the film
pressure, where Q̃ε = ∂∂εQ̃ and Q̃φ = ε10 ∂∂φQ̃ .
Note that adding the dynamic deformations Ũε and Ũφ in Eq.
Fig. 4—Finite difference grid for the solution of the static and dynamic [13] gives a more complete expression of the film thickness than
Reynolds’ equations.
if only static deformation is taken into consideration.
The dynamic deformations are also calculated using the thin
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elastic liner model, i.e.,

(Eq. [2]), h̃d = ( ε cos θ + ε0 φ sin θ) eiγ t˜ is the change in fluid-
film thickness due to dynamic movement of the journal, and Ũε = L̃0 Q̃ε and Ũφ = L̃0 Q̃φ , [15]
Ũd = Ũ eiγ t˜ = ε Ũε + ε0 φ Ũφ eiγ t˜ is the dynamic deformation
caused by the dynamic increment of film pressure where
L̃0 = σ0 C̃d t˜h . [16]
∂Ũ 1 ∂Ũ
Ũε = , Ũφ = , In Eq. [16], C̃d = µω(R/C) 3
is the dimensionless deformation coef-
∂ε ε0 ∂φ E
ficient varying from 0 to ∞, and t˜h = th /R is the relative thickness
and Ũ is the complex amplitude. of the bearing liner.
Of course we suppose here that we are in the case of the ap-
plication of the principle of superposition. As we assume that we
are in small harmonic motion amplitudes and for the deforma-
tion in linear situation, we can consider this hypothesis reason-
NAL BEARING ( L = 0, 5)
able if we add the additional terms to h̃0 , i.e., h̃d + Ũd is small
compared to h̃0 . Of course with the help of nonlinear model- ε0 0.0962 0.5374 0.8349 Note

S 1.03540 0.1549 0.0345 (1)

1.03610 0.1559 0.0350 (2)
φ0 (deg) 84.03 56.07 33.03 (1)
84.07 56.22 33.59 (2)
AXX 1.004 2.154 6.585 (1)
1.100 2.140 6.467 (2)
Number of iterations

AXY 10.630 3.181 4.302 (1)
10.613 3.182 4.237 (2)
AYX –10.250 –0.886 0.837 (1)
–10.233 –0.887 0.757 (2)
400 AYY 2.157 2.002 1.961 (1)
2.144 1.994 1.901 (2)
300 BXX 21.149 5.867 7.383 (1)
21.133 5.874 7.434 (2)
BYX 2.112 2.093 2.020 (1)
2.147 2.085 2.061 (2)
BYY 20.703 3.110 1.314 (1)
20.694 3.117 1.372 (2)
M̃c 6.416 6.757 Stable position (1)
1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90
6.422 6.757 ” (2)
1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 γc 0.501 0.474 Stable position (1)
Ω 0.500 0.473 ” (2)

1 Published results from Reference (27).

2 Present work.
Fig. 5—Determination of the optimum value of the over-relaxation factor.

R (Q̃ε ) = − + − sin θ + +iγ cos θ+Ũε
2 h̃0 ∂θ 2 ∂θ
Parameter Symbol Unit Value h̃0 − sin θ + ∂∂θ Ũε
− ∂∂θ
(cos θ + Ũε ) ∂p̃
− 3h̃0
Bearing length L m 0.050 12 ∂θ
Journal radius R m 0.025    h̃0 
Radial clearance C m 50×10−6 Ũε
h̃0 ∂∂z̃ − cos θ + Ũε ∂∂z̃ ∂p̃ 0
Thickness of the bearing liner th m 0.010 + (R/L)2 , [18]
12 ∂z̃
Dynamic viscosity of lubricant (water at µ Pa.s 0.001
20◦ C) 3 (sin θ + Ũφ ) ∂h̃0 1 ∂Ũφ
(Q̃φ ) = − + cos θ + +iγ(sin θ + Ũφ )
Angular velocity of the journal ω rad.s−1 100 × π 2 h̃0 ∂θ 2 ∂θ
Young’s modulus of the bearing liner E Pa 0.9×109     
(Polyethylene high density at 20◦ C h̃0 cos θ + ∂θφ − ∂∂θ h̃0
sin θ + Ũφ ∂p̃
[28]) − 3h̃0
12 ∂θ
Poisson’s ratio of the bearing liner [28] σ — 0.35 
∂Ũ   h̃0 
h̃0 ∂z̃φ − sin θ + Ũφ ∂∂z̃ ∂p̃ 0
+ (R/L)2 , [19]
Substituting Eq. [13] and [14] into Eq. [7] and collecting the 12 ∂z̃
zero and the first-order terms for ε and ε0 φ, a set of cou-
pled partial differential equations in p̃ 0 , Q̃ε , and Q̃φ can be
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

obtained: ∂ h̃30 ∂ (•) ∂ h̃30 ∂ (•)

 (•) = + (R/L)2 .
∂θ 12 ∂θ ∂z̃ 12 ∂z̃
1 ∂h̃0
(p̃ 0 ) = , [17]
2 ∂θ

Fig. 6—Steady-state pressure distributions for rigid and compliant journal bearings, ε0 = 0.9.
Compliant Journal Bearing 355
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Fig. 7—Steady-state film thickness distributions for rigid and compliant journal bearings, ε0 = 0.9.

Note that the application of the first-order perturbation tech- Equation [22] expresses the steady-state Reynolds boundary con-
nique, which is considered as a superposition method, leads to a ditions by assuming that the perturbations due to the journal vi-
transformation of the transient Reynolds equation (Eq. [7]) into brations do not affect the active zone extent. The first-order dy-
three partial differential equations. It is also noteworthy that Eq. namic equations are therefore solved in the film domain itera-
[17] is a nonlinear equation because h̃0 depends on p̃ 0 , while com- tively defined by applying the Christopherson’s method in the
plex Eq. [18] and [19] are linear in Q̃ε and Q̃φ . stationary case.
The perturbation technique also transforms the boundary It is interesting to note that Eq. [22] is derived from Eq. [10] by
conditions of Eq. [8], [9], and [10], i.e., expanding the normalized pressure p̃ (θ, z̃) in a first-order Taylor
series in the vicinity of (θc0 , z̃0 ), i.e.,
p̃ 0 = 0 at z̃ = ±1/2, [20]

p̃ 0 (θ = 0, z̃) = p̃ 0 (θ = 2π, z̃), [21] p̃ (θ, z̃) = p̃ (θc0 + θ, z̃0 + z̃) ≈ p̃ (θc0 , z̃0 )
∂p̃ 0 ∂p̃ 0 ∂p̃ ∂p̃
p̃ 0 = = = 0 at θ = θc0 (z̃), [22] + θ+ z̃ = 0. [25]
∂θ ∂z̃ ∂θ 0 ∂z̃ 0
where θc0 is the stationary cavitation angle measured from the line Equation [14] can be written as
of centers.
p̃ = p̃ 0 + p̃ 1 , [26]
Q̃ε = Q̃φ = 0 at z̃ = ±1/2, [23]

Q̃ε (θ = 0, z̃) = Q̃φ (θ = 2π, z̃). [24] where |p̃ 1 | = |Q̃eiγ t˜| << p̃ 0 .
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Fig. 8—3-D representations of real and imaginary parts of complex dynamic pressures calculated for rigid and compliant journal bearings, ε0 = 0.9: (a)
Rigid bearing liner, (b) Static deformation, (c) Static and dynamic deformations (γ = 1).

Substituting Eq. [26] into Eq. [25], we obtain This relation shows that the Reynolds boundary conditions read
∂p̃ 0 ∂p̃ 0
p̃ 0 = = = 0, [28]
  ∂θ ∂z̃
∂p̃ 0
p̃(θ, z̃) ≈ p̃ 0 (θc0 , z̃0 ) + p̃ 1 (θc0 , z̃0 ) + θ p̃ 1 = 0, i.e., Q̃ε = Q̃φ = 0. [29]
∂θ 0
∂p̃ 0 The complex distributions Q̃ε and Q̃φ are obtained from Eq.
+ z̃ = 0. [27]
∂z̃ 0
[18] and [19], from which the eight dynamic coefficients in the
Compliant Journal Bearing 357

ε, φ coordinate system can be calculated by integrations: 10.00

2π 1/2
Rigid bearing-liner
Aεε + iγBεε = − Q̃ε cos θ dz̃dθ; Aεφ + iγBεφ

Dimensionless Sommerfeld number, S

0 −1/2
Compliant bearing-liner
2π 1/2
=− Q̃φ cos θ dz̃dθ, [29a]
0 −1/2
2π 1/2
Aφε + iγBφε = − Q̃ε sin θ dz̃dθ; Aφφ + iγBφφ
0 −1/2

2π 1/2
=− Q̃φ sin θ dz̃dθ,
0 −1/2
3 3
Aαβ = aαβ and Bαβ = bαβ ; (α, β) = (ε, φ) .
µωR3 L µR3 L
The first subscript of Aαβ denotes the direction of the hydro-
dynamic force, and the second one denotes the direction of dis- loaded
placement. For Bαβ , the first and second subscripts refer to the 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
component of the hydrodynamic force and the direction of the
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

velocity, respectively.
The dimensionless stiffness and damping coefficients in
Fig. 9—Variation of Sommerfeld number as a function of steady-state
the X, Y coordinate system can be calculated from the stiff- eccentricity ratio.
ness and damping coefficients in the ε, φ coordinate system
according to


= RT R, [30a]
AYX AYY Aφε Aφφ 1. Static governing equation:
(0) (0) (0)
BXX BXY Bεε Bεφ p̃ 0ij = aij p̃ 0i+1,j + bij p̃ 0i−1,j + cij p̃ 0i,j +1
= RT R, [30b]
BYX BYY Bφε Bφφ (0) (0)
+ dij p̃ 0i,j −1 − eij , [31]
where the rotation matrix is defined by
cos φ0 sin φ0    
R= . h30 3h̃20
h30 3h̃20
− sin φ0 cos φ0 ij
ij ∂θ ij ij

ij ∂θ ij
(0) ( θ)2 2 θ (0) ( θ)2 2 θ
aij = ; bij = ;
The dimensionless stability parameters (critical mass M̃c 2h30 h30 2h30 h30
2 + 2 (R/L)2 ij
2 + 2 (R/L)2 ij
and whirl frequency ratio γc ) of the journal-bearing system ( θ) ( z̃) ( θ) ( z̃)
can be determined at the threshold of instability by apply- h30 3h̃20
(R/L)2 +
ij ij ij
ing the Lund’s stability criterion (25). The procedure of cal- ( z̃)2 2 z̃
culation of the stability parameters is outlined in the next cij = ;
2h30 h30
+ 2 (R/L)2 ij
( θ)2 ( z̃)2
(R/L)2 −
ij ij ij
2 2 z̃
( z̃)
In the present investigation, the partial differential equa- (0)
dij = ;
2h30 h30
tions (Eq. [17], Eq. [18], Eq. [19]) are solved satisfying the ij
+ 2 (R/L)2 ij
( θ)2 ( z̃)2
corresponding boundary conditions by finite difference method  
with successive over-relaxation scheme. Because of the axial 6 ∂h̃0  
(0) ∂θ ij ∂h̃0 h̃0i+1,j − h̃0i−1,j
symmetry of the bearing, only the half bearing is divided into eij = ; and ≈ ;
2h30 2 h30 ∂θ 2 θ
Nθ × Nz equal rectangular cells with an area equal to θ × z̃,
+ 2 (R/L) ij ij
( θ)2 ( z̃)2
∂h̃0 h̃0i,j +1 − h̃0i,j −1
2π 0.5 ≈ ;
θ= and z̃ = . ∂z̃ ij 2 z̃
Nθ Nz
are the mesh sizes in the circumferential and axial directions, re- 2. Dynamic governing equations:
spectively (Fig. 4).
(ε) (ε) (ε)
Using the accurate central difference approximation for the Q̃εij = aij Q̃εi+1,j + bij Q̃εi−1,j + cij Q̃εi,j +1
pressures’ partial derivatives, Eq. [17], Eq. [18], and Eq. [19] be- (ε) (ε)
+ dij Q̃εi , j − 1 − eij , [32]
come the following:

(φ) (φ) (φ) (φ) (φ)

Q̃φij = aij Q̃φi+1,j + bij Q̃φi−1,j + cij Q̃φi,j +1 + dij Q̃φi,j −1 − eij , [33]


h30 3h̃20 ∂θ p̃ 0
+ + L̃0
3h̃20ij ∂∂θ −6
ij ij ij
2 2 θ 2 θ
(ε) ( θ) ij
aij =  
2h30 h30
+ 2 (R/L)2 z̃)ij 2 + L̃0 −18 ij
+ 12iγ + 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
+ 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
( θ)2 ( h̃0ij ∂θ ij ∂θ ij ∂z̃ ij ∂z̃ ij

h30 3h̃20 ∂θ p̃ 0
− + L̃0
−3h̃20ij ∂∂θ +6
ij ij ij
2 2 θ 2 θ
(ε) ( θ) ij
bij =  
2h30 h30
2 + 2 (R/L) ij
2 + L̃0 −18 h̃0ij
+ 12iγ + 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
+ 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
( θ) ( z̃) ij ij ij ij

∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
h30 3h̃20 ∂z̃ 3L̃0 h̃20 ∂z̃
(R/L)2 + +
ij ij ij ij ij
2 2 z̃ 2 z̃
( z̃)
cij =  
2h30 h30
( θ)
2 + 2 (R/L)2 ( z̃)ij 2 + L̃0 −18 h̃0ij
+ 12iγ + 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
+ 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

ij ij ij ij

∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
h30 3h̃20 ∂z̃ 3L̃0 h̃20 ∂z̃
(R/L)2 − −
ij ij ij ij ij
2 2 z̃ 2 z̃
( z̃)
dij =  
2h30 h30
2 + 2 (R/L)2 z̃)ij 2 + L̃0 −18 h̃0ij
+ 12iγ + 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
+ 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
( θ) ( ij ij ij ij

−18 cos θi h̃0ij
− 6 sin θi + 12iγ cos θi + 3h̃20ij sin θi ∂p̃ 0
+ 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
cos θi + 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
cos θi
(ε) ij ij ij ij ij
eij =  
2h30 h30
+ 2 (R/L)2 ij
+ L̃0 −18 ij
+ 12iγ + 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
+ 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
( θ)2 ( z̃)2 h̃0ij ∂θ ij ∂θ ij ∂z̃ ij ∂z̃ ij

(φ) (ε) (φ) (ε) (φ) (ε) (φ) (ε)

aij = aij ; bij = bij ; cij = cij ; dij = dij ;
−18 sin θi h̃0ij
+ 6 cos θi + 12iγ sin θi − 3h̃20ij cos θi ∂p̃ 0
+ 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
sin θi + 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0
∂p̃ 0
sin θi
(φ) ij ij ij ij ij
eij =  
2h30 h30
+ 2 (R/L)2 ij
+ L̃0 −18 ij
+ 12iγ + 3h̃0ij ∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
+ 3 (R/L)2 h̃0ij ∂h̃0 ∂p̃ 0
( θ)2 ( z̃)2 h̃0ij ∂θ ij ∂θ ij ∂z̃ ij ∂z̃ ij

∂p̃ 0 p̃ 0i+1,j − p̃ 0i−1,j ∂p̃ 0 p̃ 0i,j +1 − p̃ 0i,j −1 
( )ij ≈ ;( )ij ≈ ; i = −1.
∂θ 2 θ ∂z̃ 2 z̃

Applying the successive over-relaxation algorithm, Eq. [31], Eq. [32], and Eq. [33] take the following form:
(k+1) (k) (0) (k) (0) (k+1) (0) (k) (0) (k+1) (0)
p̃ 0ij = (1 − )p̃ 0ij +  aij p̃ 0i+1,j + bij p̃ 0i−1,j + cij p̃ 0i,j +1 + dij p̃ 0i,j −1 − eij [34a]
(0) (0) (0) (0) (ε)
= (1 − ) Q̃ε(k)
+  aij Q̃ε(k)
+ bij Q̃ε(k+1)
+ cij Q̃ε(k)
i,j +1
+ dij Q̃ε(k+1)
i,j −1
− eij [34b]
(k+1) (k) (0) (k) (0) (k+1) (0) (k) (0) (k+1) (φ)
Q̃φij = (1 − ) Q̃φij +  aij Q̃φi+1,j + bij Q̃φi−1,j + cij Q̃φi,j +1 + dij Q̃φi,j −1 − eij [34c]

where k and are the number of iterations and the relaxation fac-
tor, respectively.
Different mesh sizes were tried, and a mesh size with 91 × 21
1. Select the input parameters of the problem
grid was adopted. This size gives more accurate results with a 
ε0 , R L,t˜h ,C̃d ,σ ,Nθ , Nz, γ, relaxation factors, convergence
rapid rate of convergence when the value of  is equal to 1.80.
criteria, and maximum number of iterations.
This optimal value, which is predicted by numerical experimen-
2. Compute the undeformed film thickness h̃0ij from Eq. [5].
tation, will always lie between 1.0 and 2.0 as shown in Fig. 5.
3. Initialize the iteration number n to 0.
The solution of elastohydrodynamic problem under static and (n)
4. Initialize the dimensionless static pressure field p̃ 0ij = 0 and
dynamic conditions is obtained by an iterative numerical proce- (n)
dure. The following steps are performed: the dimensionless static film thickness profile h̃ij = h̃0ij .
Compliant Journal Bearing 359

16 25

Rigid liner Rigid liner

Static deformation Static deformation

Static and dynamic deformations 20 Static and dynamic deformations




8 13



Highly Highly
loaded loaded
0 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

ε0 ε0
20 4.0

Rigid liner Rigid liner

Static deformation Static deformation
15 Static and dynamic deformations
Static and dynamic deformations



8 2.5



Highly Highly
loaded loaded
-5 1.0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ε0 ε0

Fig. 10—Fluid-film dimensionless synchronous stiffness coefficients as a function of steady-state eccentricity ratio, γ = 1.

5. Solve the zeroth-order equation (Eq. [17]) for the static pres- achieved, then increment the iteration number n by 1 and re-
sure field p̃ 0ij using the finite difference method with succes- turn to step 5.
sive over-relaxation scheme. The iterative process is repeated 8. Code the nodes for which the static pressure is positive and
until either the pressure convergence criterion is achieved or calculate the static pressure and film thickness derivatives at
the maximum number of iterations is exceeded. each node. This step is necessary to solve the first-order equa-
6. Update the dimensionless film thickness profile according to tions Eq. [18] and Eq. [19].
12. Calculate the steady-state hydrodynamic force components
  and the attitude angle by means of numerical integrations:
= h̃+
(n+1) (n) (n+1)
h̃ij 0ij L̃0 (1 − α) p̃ 0ij + αp̃ 0ij ,

where α is an under-relaxation factor that ranges from 0 to 1.

7. Check  the static film pressure convergence criterion F ε0 1/2 θ c0 cos θ  
 =2 p̃ 0 dθdz̃, andφ0 = Tan−1 −F̃φ0 F̃ε0 .
 (n+1) (n) 
1   p̃ 0ij −p̃ 0ij  −5 Fφ0 0 0 sin θ
N i,j  p̃ (n+1)  ≤ 10 , where N is the total number of
nodes for which the pressure is positive. If convergence is not [35]

50 4
Rigid liner Static and dynamic deformations

Static deformation Rigid liner

40 Static deformation
Static and dynamic deformations




10 -1.0

Highly loaded
0 loaded
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

ε0 ε0


Rigid liner

Static deformation
Static and dynamic deformations


Rigid liner


Static deformation
Static and dynamic deformations 20

loaded 10
0 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ε0 ε0

Fig. 11—Fluid-film dimensionless synchronous damping coefficients as a function of steady-state eccentricity ratio, γ = 1.

13. Solve the first-order equations Eq. [18] and Eq. [19] by AXX BYY + AYYBXX − AXYBYX − AYX BXY
Aeq = ,
the finite difference method with successive over-relaxation BXX + BYY
scheme to obtain the complex dynamic pressures Q̃εij and (AXX − Aeq) (AYY − Aeq) − AXYAYX
Q̃φij . It should be noted that the calculations are performed γc2 = .
for each coded node belonging to the stationary active region
without vanishing the computed negative pressure terms.
The pressure convergence criterion is similar to that used for Note that there is dependence between dynamic coeffi-
the calculation of static pressure. cients and frequency ratio when the deformations due to
14. Calculate the eight fluid-film dynamic coefficients (Eq. [29] the dynamic pressures at the fluid-film–bearing-liner inter-
and Eq. [30]), from which the equivalent stiffness coefficient face are considered.
Aeq and whirl frequency ratio γc at stability threshold are ob- 15. Test the sign of γc2 : If γc2 < 0, then the equilibrium position
tained: is stable (26); otherwise, γc2 > 0. The dimensionless critical
Compliant Journal Bearing 361

mass is then calculated: (a) Rigid bearing-liner

Aeq 1000.00 98
M̃c = 2 . 7
γc 5

Dimensionless stability parameters

16. Test the calculated value of γc with γ: If γc does not coincide 100.00 98
with the estimatedγ, then set γ ← γc , and return to step 13
until convergence is reached with a sufficient accuracy, i.e., 2
  10.00 9 Mc
 γ − γc  8

 γ  ≤ 10 .
c 2

1.00 98
6 Line of half frequency γc
Based on the analysis described in the present article, a com-
0.10 89
puter code was developed to study the effects of both static and 7
dynamic deformations on the dynamic behavior of a compliant 3

journal bearing using the linearized theory. 0.01

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.01 0.10 1.00
Validation ε0

To validate the static and dynamic results obtained from the (b) Compliant bearing-liner considering
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

computer program, we compared the Sommerfeld number, atti- only the static deformation
tude angle, stiffness and damping coefficients, and the dimension- 1000.00 89
less stability parameters (critical mass and whirl frequency ratio) 6

for a rigid finite-length journal bearing (R/L = 0.5 andC̃d = 0.)

Dimensionless stability parameters
with those published by Constantinescu, et al. (27). The results 100.00 89

were obtained for three values of static eccentricity ratio (ε=

0 3

0.0962, 0.5374, and 0.8349). As can be seen in Table 1, the results 2

10.00 89 Mc
are in good agreement even at high values of static eccentricity ra- 7

tio. Furthermore, all dynamic results presented in (27) for R/L =


0.25 and 1 were recovered. 1.00 89

Line of half frequency
5 γc
Effects of Elastic Deformations on the Steady-State and 4
Dynamic Fluid-Film Pressures UNSTABLE
0.10 89
Table 2 shows the details of bearing geometry and operating 5
conditions of a sample problem investigated in the present study. 2

The dimensionless parameters calculated from numerical values 0.01

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

given in Table 2 are as follows: C̃d = 0.04, t˜h = 0.40, R/L = 0.5, 0.01 0.10 1.00

C = 2×10−3 , which are the deformation coefficient, the relative ε0

thickness of the bearing liner, and the aspect and clearance ratios (c) Compliant bearing-liner considering both
of the journal bearing, respectively. static and dynamic deformations
Figure 6 depicts the steady-state pressure profiles and con- 10.0
8 ~
tours calculated in the half bearing for a highly loaded journal 7 Mc

bearing operating at ε0 = 0.9. It is observed that the effect of the 5

Dimensionless stability parameters

bearing-liner elasticity leads to a spreading of the pressure distri-

bution in the circumferential direction of the journal bearing and

to an important reduction of the peak pressure inducing a reduc-
tion of the journal-bearing carrying capacity.
Figure 7 shows the fluid film thickness distributions obtained 9

for rigid and compliant bearings. In the rigid case, the film thick- 7
Line of half frequency
ness has a sinusoidal shape whose minimum value occurs at θ = 5

180 degrees regardless of the cross-section of bearing. The film 3

thickness profile calculated by taking into account the compliance UNSTABLE


of the bearing liner is different from that obtained in the rigid case
and presents maximum and minimum values at the midplane sec-
tion and the free edges of bearing, respectively. The increasing of 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.01 0.10 1.00
the film thickness at the midplane section of the journal bearing ε0
explains the pressure drop.
Figure 8 compares the real and imaginary parts of complex Fig. 12—Stability parameters as functions of steady-state eccentricity
dynamic pressures Q̃ε and Q̃φ calculated in the half bearing for ratio.

(a) Rigid bearing-liner

30 50
AXY 45
Dimensionless stiffness coefficients

Dimensionless damping coefficients

20 BYY


10 25




Highly loaded
Highly loaded
-10 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89
0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sommerfeld number, S Sommerfeld number, S
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

(b) Compliant bearing-liner (static deformation)

40 50

Dimensionless damping coefficients
Dimensionless stiffness coefficients



0 25




5 Highly loaded
Highly loaded
-40 0
2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 7 89
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sommerfeld number, S Sommerfeld number, S

(c) Compliant bearing-liner (static and dynamic deformations)

30 60

Dimensionless damping coefficients
Dimensionless stiffness coefficients

20 YX
AYY 40


5 20





Highly loaded Highly loaded

-20 -20
2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 2 3 4 5 6 789 2 3 4 5 6 789
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sommerfeld number, S Sommerfeld number, S

Fig. 13—Stiffness and damping coefficients as functions of Sommerfeld number, γ = γc.

Compliant Journal Bearing 363

100 100
9 9
8 8
7 Static and dynamic deformations 7 Static and dynamic deformations
6 6
5 Rigid bearing-liner 5
Rigid bearing-liner
4 4
Static deformation
3 3
Static deformation

2 2

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.1 1.0 10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
γ=ν/ω γ=ν/ω

12 100
Static and dynamic deformations 7
Static and dynamic deformations
Rigid bearing-liner 5
Rigid bearing-liner
Static deformation
8 3 Static deformation



4 10

0 3


-4 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.1 1.0 10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
γ=ν/ω γ=ν/ω

Fig. 14—Dimensionless stiffness coefficients as functions of relative excitation frequency, ε0 = 0, 5.

rigid and compliant bearing liners and ε0 = 0.9. As found under ters, namely the absolute viscosity of lubricant µ, the geometric
steady-state conditions, the elastic deformations also affect the characteristics of the journal bearing (R, L and C) and the oper-
maximum value of both dynamic pressures, and this effect is more ating conditions ω and W0 . It is clearly shown that the elasticity
pronounced when the dynamic deformations are considered in effect on the Sommerfeld number becomes significant when the
addition to the static ones. journal bearing operates at eccentricities greater than 0.80, i.e.,
when the journal bearing system is moderately or highly loaded.
Influence of Elastic Deformations on the Sommerfeld
Influence of Dynamic Deformations on the Dynamic
Evolutions of the dimensionless Sommerfeld number S (also
The graphical results were obtained for three cases:
commonly known as the load number) versus the steady-state ec-
centricity ratio for rigid and elastic bearing liners are depicted - rigid bearing-liner case (doted lines),
in Fig. 9. This number, which represents the inverse of the ap- - compliant bearing liner when only static deformation is consid-
plied load (S → 0 asε0 → 1), depends on several design parame- ered (dashed lines),

10 10.0
9 Static and dynamic deformations 8

7 Static and dynamic deformations
Rigid bearing-liner 6

Static deformation
5 Rigid bearing-liner
Static deformation


3 9

2 4

1 0.1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

0.1 1.0 10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0

γ=ν/ω γ=ν/ω

10.0 10.0
8 9
7 Static and dynamic deformations Static and dynamic deformations
5 Rigid bearing-liner 7
Rigid bearing-liner
Static deformation 6
3 Static deformation


9 3

4 2

0.1 1.0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.1 1.0 10.0 0.1 1.0 10.0
γ=ν/ω γ=ν/ω

Fig. 15—Dimensionless damping coefficients as a function of relative excitation frequency, ε0 = 0, 5.

- compliant bearing liner when both static and dynamic deforma- The stiffening effect shown in that same figure comes, in our
tions are considered (solid lines). opinion, from the additional pressure (fig. 8) coming from the dy-
namic deformation. The dynamic movement of the shaft creates
additional dynamic pressure leading to an increase of stiffness.
Figure 10 shows the variations of the four synchronous di- At high eccentricity, this phenomenon is counterbalanced by the
mensionless fluid-film stiffness coefficients with the steady-state extent of the positive pressure zone, and thus the maximum pres-
eccentricity ratio obtained for both rigid and compliant bearing sure magnitude decreases, and the pressure appearance is more
liners. It is observed that when the dynamic deformation is ig- flat.
nored, the effect of static deformation on stiffness coefficients is Note that the change of sign from negative to positive for
significant for eccentricities greater than 0.7. the cross-coupling stiffness coefficient AYX plays a significant role
Consideration of dynamic distortions changes the evolution in the stability of system. The figure clearly shows that the AYX
of the direct stiffness coefficients regardless of the running eccen- change of sign, calculated when both static and dynamic deforma-
tricity. tions are considered, occurs at an eccentricity ratio around 0.60.
Compliant Journal Bearing 365

Figure 11 shows the four synchronous dimensionless fluid-film CONCLUSIONS

damping coefficients versus the steady-state eccentricity ratio cal- According to the results obtained, the following conclusions
culated for γ = 1. It can be observed that the four damping coef- can be drawn:
ficients generally decrease with the journal eccentricity, i.e., when
the system is heavily loaded. 1. The elastic deformations affect the maximum value of both
Consideration of dynamic distortions changes the evolution dynamic pressures, and this effect is more pronounced when
of the cross-coupling damping coefficients whatever the running the dynamic deformations are considered in addition to the
eccentricity is. static ones.
Especially, the two cross-coupling damping coefficients’ val- 2. Consideration of dynamic distortions changes the evolution of
ues BXY and BYX differ from each other significantly when dy- the direct stiffness coefficients and the cross-coupling damping
namic deformation is taken into consideration instead of being coefficients, regardless of the running eccentricity.
equal as predicted by the classical hydrodynamic lubrication the- 3. The effects of dynamic deformations of the bearing liner on
ory (see the detailed demonstration in Appendix A) or by the dynamic performance characteristics and stability parameters
EHD approach when the dynamic deformations are neglected. It are nonnegligible, especially for high values of the operating
should be specified that the dynamic deformation might be one of eccentricity ratio and/or low-elasticity modulus bearing liners.
the main causes of the significant discrepancy between the values 4. The cross-coupling damping coefficients differ from each
of the two cross-coupling damping coefficients determined exper- other significantly when dynamic deformation is included.
imentally by other researchers (29). 5. It is observed that significant reduction of the instability
Downloaded By: [Lahmar, Mustapha] At: 18:03 23 April 2010

boundary can occur if the effects of both static and dynamic

deformations are considered.
Influence of Dynamic Deformations on the Stability 6. At high values of excitation frequency, the fluid-film dynamic
Parameters coefficients become nonlinear as functions of this frequency.
According to the obtained stiffness and damping coefficients,
the critical mass and the whirl ratio of the rigid rotor-bearing sys- REFERENCES
tem are determined and plotted in Fig. 12. These figures show (1) Higginson, G. R. (1965–66), “The Theoretical Effects of Elastic Deforma-
tion of the Bearing Liner on Journal Bearing Performance.” Proc. of the
variations of the aforementioned parameters against the steady- Symposium on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication, IMechE, London (UK),
state eccentricity ratio. It is observed that significant reduction of 180, Part 3B pp 31-38.
the instability boundary can occur if the effects of both static and (2) O’Donoghue, G., Brighton, D. K. and Hooke, C. J. K. (1967), “The Ef-
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 (•) = (•) + (R/L)2 (•) .
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= ηω (1 − 2φ ) p̃ dθdz, [A3]
(18) Swift, H. W. (1931), “The Stability of Lubricating Films in Journal Bear- −1/2 θ1 sin θ
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Fφ e, φ, ė, φ̇ F̃φ (ε, φ, ε , φ )
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(25) Lund, J. W. (1986), “Review of the Concept of Dynamic Coefficients for    
1/2 θ2
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= p̃ dθdz̃.
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(27) Constantinescu, V. N., Nica, Al., Pascovici, M. D., Ceptureanu, G. and
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Nedelcu, S. (1985), “Sliding Bearings,” Allerton Press: New York. Taylor series expansion around the static journal position (ε0 , φ0 ),
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145-147. fε Fε − Fε0
(29) Piteau, P. and Debailleux, C. (1990), “Banc d’Essais de Paliers: Mesure =
des Coefficients Dynamiques d’un palier circulaire,” Journées de la Société fφ Fφ − Fφ0
Française de Tribologie (S. F. T.), La tribologie dans les machines tour-   
nantes, Poitiers, France, April 4-5, 1990. ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ Fε
= e + φ + ė + φ̇
∂e ∂φ ∂ė ∂φ̇ Fφ
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ Fε
= ε + φ + ε̇ + φ̇
To demonstrate the property of symmetry of the rigid hy- ∂ε ∂φ ∂ε̇ ∂φ̇ Fφ
(ε=ε0 ,φ=φ0 ,ε̇=φ̇=0)
drodynamic journal bearings damping matrix, it is convenient to    
write the Reynolds equation (Eq. [6]) in the form aεε aεφ C ε bεε bεφ Cε̇
=− − [A5]
 3   3  aφε aφφ Cε0 φ bφε bφφ Cε0 φ̇
1 ∂ h ∂p ∂ h ∂p
R ∂θ 12µ ∂θ ∂z 12µ ∂z where
1 ∂h ∂Fε ∂Fε
= (ω − 2φ̇) + 2ė cos θ , [A1] aεε = − , bεε = − , ...
2 ∂θ ∂ε 0 ∂ε̇ 0

where are the fluid-film bearing stiffness and damping, respectively.

∂h d () Note that (C ε, Cε0 φ) are the radial and tangential displace-
h = C (1 + ε cos θ) , = −Cε sin θ, and (• ) = , ments of journal center in the (ε, φ) coordinate system, and
∂θ dt  
Cε̇, Cε0 φ̇ are the radial and tangential velocities, respectively.
or in its dimensionless form,
According to Eq. [A4], we can write
1 ∂h̃ ε cos θ    
 (p̃) = + , [A2] fε Fε − Fε0 ∂ ∂
2 ∂θ 1 − 2φ = = ηω (1 − 2φ ) ε + φ
fφ Fφ − Fφ0 ∂ε ∂φ
h p z ∂ ∂ F̃ε
h̃ = , p̃ = , z̃ = , t˜ = ωt, + ε  + φ 
C µω (R/C)2 (1 − 2φ ) L ∂ε ∂φ F̃φ   (ε=ε0 ,φ=φ0 ,ε =φ =0)

d () 1  
() = = (• ), F̃ε
dt˜ ω − 2ηωφ [A6]
(ε=ε0 ,φ=φ0 ,ε =φ =0)
Compliant Journal Bearing 367

It is assumed that the perturbed pressure field due to small ampli- In the following, we will demonstrate that the cross-damping
tude journal motions about the equilibrium position (ε0 , φ0 ) does coefficients of hydrodynamic journal bearings with rigid-liner are
not affect θ1 andθ2 delimiting the active film region. So, the nor- always identical. According to Eq. [A10], we have
malized Reynolds equation [A2] is quite linear. In this situation, ⎧  
⎨ Bφε = −πS ∂F̃φ
the hydrodynamic forces do not depend on the angular velocity ∂ε 0
φ , i.e., ⎩ 2 cos φ0
Bεφ = − ε0
∂F̃ε ∂F̃φ where
= = 0,
∂φ ε =0 ∂φ ε =0 1/2 θ2
F̃φ = p̃ (θ, z̃, ε, ε ) sin θdθdz̃ [A12]
and Eq. [A6] becomes: −1/2 θ1
fε ∂ ∂ ∂ F̃ε and
= ηω ε + φ + ε  1/2 θ2
fφ ∂ε ∂φ ∂ε F̃φ ∂F̃φ ∂p̃
(ε=ε0 ,φ=φ0 ,ε =φ =0) = sin θdθdz̃. [A13]
  ∂ε −1/2 θ1 ∂ε
− 2ηωφ [A7] Taking into account the linearity of the Reynolds equation Eq.
(ε=ε0 ,φ=φ0 ,ε =φ =0) [A2] with respect to ε , we can write
Note that p̃ = p̃ 0 + ε p̃ 1 ,where p̃ 0 represents the nondimensional
      steady-state pressure field, and p̃ 1 represents the dynamic pres-
F̃ε F̃ε0 −W0 cos φ0
= = , sure field added to p̃ 0 for ε = 1. Equation [A13] becomes
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F̃φ F̃φ0 W0 sin φ0

(ε=ε0 ,φ=φ0 ,ε =φ =0)
1/2 θ2
which is the equilibrium equation of the journal, W0 being the = p̃ 1 sin θdθdz̃ [A14]
∂ε −1/2 θ1
applied static load in the X direction (e.g., the weight of rotor per
bearing). Note that p̃ 1 and p̃ 0 are the solutions of the following equations:
According to Eq. [A5] and Eq. [A7], the stiffness and dynamic  (p̃ 1 ) = cos θ, [A15]
coefficients can be expressed as
    1 ∂h̃ ε0 sin θ
ηω ∂F̃ε ηω ∂F̃ε  (p̃ 0 ) = =− . [A16]
aεε = − ; aεφ = − ; 2 ∂θ 2
C ∂ε 0 Cε0 ∂φ 0 From Eq. [A16], we can obtain
ηω ∂F̃φ ηω ∂F̃φ 2
aφε = − ; aφφ = − ; [A8] sin θ = −  (p̃ 0 ) . [A17]
C ∂ε 0 Cε0 ∂φ 0 ε0
η ∂F̃ε 2η η ∂F̃φ Substituting Eq. [A17] into Eq. [A14], we get
bεε = − ; b εφ = F̃ ε0 ; bφε = − ;
C ∂ε 0 Cε0 C ∂ε 0 1/2 θ2
∂F̃φ 2
=− p̃ 1  (p̃ 0 ) dθdz̃. [A18]
2η ∂ε ε0 −1/2
bφφ = F̃φ0 . [A9] θ1
Integrating by parts, we obtain
The dimensionless dynamic coefficients can be expressed accord-  
∂F̃φ 2 1/2 θ2 h̃3 ∂p̃ 0 ∂p̃ 1 3
2 h̃ ∂p̃ 0 ∂p̃ 1
ing to the definition = + + (R/L) dθdz̃.
∂ε ε0 −1/2 θ1 12 ∂θ ∂θ 12 ∂z̃ ∂z̃
C Cω
Aij = aij , and Bij = bij , [A19]
W0 W0
where (i, j ) = (ε, φ), A new integration by parts gives
or 1/2 θ2
⎡    ⎤ ∂F̃φ 2
=− p̃ 0  (p̃ 1 ) dθdz̃. [A20]
∂F̃ε ∂F̃ε ∂ε ε0 −1/2 θ1
⎢ ∂ε ε0 ∂φ 0 ⎥
Aεε Aεφ ⎢ 0 ⎥
= −πS ⎢     ⎥; According to Eq. [A15], Eq. [A20] takes the following form:
Aφε Aφφ ⎣ ∂F̃φ ∂F̃φ ⎦  
∂ε 0 ε0 ∂φ 0 ∂F̃φ 2 1/2 θ2 2F̃ε0
=− p̃ 0 cos θdθdz̃ = − .
∂ε 0 ε0 −1/2 θ1 ε0
⎡  ⎤ Consequently,
∂F̃ε 2 cos φ0
⎢ πS ⎥  
Bεε Bεφ ⎢ ∂ε 0 ε0 ⎥ ∂F̃φ 2πSF̃ε0
= −⎢   ⎥, [A10] Bφε = −πS = .
Bφε Bφφ ⎣ ∂F̃φ −2 sin φ0 ⎦ ∂ε 0 ε0
∂ε 0 ε0 Since
where 1
F̃ε0 = −W̃0 cos φ0 , andS = .
  2 πW̃0
µωRL R C 1
S= = we get
πW0 πW̃0
2 cos φ0
is the dimensionless Sommerfeld number. Bφε = − .

Thus, the cross-damping coefficients are quite identical: sin φ0 cos φ0

Aεφ = ; Aφφ = ; Bφφ = 2Aεφ ; and Bεφ = −2Aφφ .
(Bφε = Bεφ ). ε0 ε0
For the plain journal bearings (without axial groove), the [A21]
expression and the calculation of dynamic coefficients are sim-
plified because the pressure field does not depend on the atti- It should be noted that the pressure boundary conditions related
tude angle due to the circumferential symmetry. For this par- to the environment and to the flow of lubricant in the clearance
ticular case, and according to the relations stated above, we space of the journal bearing appreciably modify the values of the
have dynamic coefficients; some of them vanish or become negative.
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