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iBST Year B – Satsang Session 1

Homework Assignment

BAPS History – Part 1

Direc ons: As we learned a brief overview of BAPS History from 1781-1830 in today’s Satsang session, let us
take some me to recall what we learned today. Please answer the ques ons provided below completely.

1. What was Bhagwan Swaminarayan doing from 1792-1799 and why?

In 1792 Bhagwan Swaminarayan left his home to

begin Kayan Yatra. He traveled for 7 years up to
1799. In 1799 he met Muktanand Swami in Loj.

2. Describe some of the societal improvements Bhagwan Swaminarayan made from 1801-1821.

In 1801 Bhagwan Swaminarayan stops the killing of animals for Yagna. He stops the
drowning of daughters in milk. And he stops from having wife’s killing themselves
when thier husbands die.

3. What important revela on did Bhagwan Swaminarayan make in 1820? Please describe it in detail.

In 1820 Bhagwan Swaminarayan was talking with Gupannd Swami and telling him the 6 reasons he came
to earth. Reason one was to spread true upasna and gnan. The 2nd reason was to explain his true
greatness. The 3rd reason was to spread Ekantik Dharma. The 4th reason was to liberate Bhaktimata
and Dharmadev to give happiness. The 5th reason was to liberate those that had been doing tap for years.
The last reason that Bhagwan Swaminarayan came to earth was to build mandirs, develop Shastras, and
est. a lineage of the great purush.

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4. During which me span (of the three me spans that were covered in the session) did Bhagwan
Swaminarayan build six mandirs? Please name the six mandirs.
From 1822 to 1828 Bhagwan Swaminarayan builds 6 mandirs. The first one is built in Anemdavad in 1822. The
2nd one is in 1823 in Bhuj mandir. In 1824 Vartal mandir is built. In 1826 Dholeda mandir and Juan Madir are
built. And then finally Gadhada mandir is mandir is built.

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