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Ted Talks on ‘What global trade deals are really about”

See the video and submit your analysis on the talk and answer the following questions:

Is this right?

How does it affect really economic progress?

Global trade deals are like agreements between countries about buying and selling things from each
other. These deals have rules to make sure everyone is treated fairly. The goal is for all countries to
benefit and grow economically. They try to make it easier for countries to trade by removing
obstacles and taxes. So, it's like a set of rules that help countries trade with each other, and the idea
is that this helps everyone do better.

How It Affects Making the World Better:

More Choices:

When countries trade with each other, it's like opening a big market with lots of options. People and
businesses can choose from a variety of products and services from around the world.

Helps Economies Grow:

Trade deals can boost the economies of countries. When they sell more things to other countries,
they make more money. This money can then be used to improve things like schools, hospitals, and
other important stuff.

Bringing People Together:

Trade deals can also bring countries and people closer. By working together, countries can
understand each other better and build stronger relationships. This can help reduce conflicts and
promote peace.

Sharing Ideas and Cultures:

Trading isn't just about goods; it's also about sharing ideas and cultures. Countries learn from each
other, which can lead to new inventions, better technologies, and a richer global culture.

Fighting Poverty:

Trade deals can contribute to reducing poverty. When countries trade, they create job opportunities.
This means more people can find work and support their families.

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