Asynchronous Activity 3

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Whether you think globalization has come to an end or not.

Trade Tensions: Big countries, like the United States and China, were having disagreements about
trade. This made people talk about what might happen to globalization in the future.

Protectionist Policies: Some countries started making rules to protect their own businesses more,
caring less about working together with other countries.

COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic messed up how things are usually done globally. It showed that
our systems, where everything is connected, can have problems. People started talking about
whether we should make things closer to home instead of depending on faraway places.

Geopolitical Shifts: Big changes in how countries work together were happening. This was affecting
how the whole world does business.

Even though there are challenges, the world stays connected, and people keep helping each other:

Talking and Trading Around the World: People and countries are still talking to each other and
trading things like toys, clothes, and food globally.

Using Phones and Computers: Thanks to phones and computers, we can easily connect with people
from other countries. This helps us share ideas, play games, and learn about each other.

Making Things Together: Many things we use every day, like phones and cars, are made by different
countries working together. This helps them save money and make things better.

Learning from Each Other: We keep learning from other countries—about their food, music, and
ways of doing things. This makes the world more interesting.

Helping Each Other in Big Problems: When there's a big problem, like a sickness or climate change,
countries work together to find solutions. Teamwork helps make the world a better place.

So, globalization is still happening because we continue to talk, trade, and work together globally.

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