Secretariat and Treasury Studies March 2017

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Treasury and Secretariat Studies


 The training was hereby conducted in the presence of Pastor Mano, Pastor J &
F Maphosa and Pastor Tererai as the leading and training team. The exercise
was done at Gweru Mkoba 1, Church site.

 Brief Board Objectives

 By end of 2017, increased church membership growth by 12%.
 - Increase church structures i.e. Gweru, Chivi, Zhishavane and Zaka,....
 - Each assembly to strive to secure it’s own stand.

 Administration
 All congregants in positions to be trained and/or be in possession of skills and
qualities, which well suit to positions they hold.

 Training and Development:

 In order to attain the board objectives necessary training and development
studies to be put in place and these were reviewed to be much primary concern
of the secretaries and treasurers.

Content of the Studies

 Church Administration:
 This was one of the critical parts of the presentation since much of secretariat
lessons were centralized to this concept. Church admin was described as the
guidance provided by church leaders, as they lead the church to use its spiritual,
human, physical and financial resources to move the church toward reaching its
objectives and fulfilling its purpose.

 The burning issues under this subject were as follows:
 a) There should be corporation in running the church activities
 b) Church is God and people; thus presenting the human element in partnering
with God.
 c) The church resources are limited and thus its administration is imperative.
(The nature of church resources needs critical attention in their management).
 d) Good church admin can lead to good management and ability discovery.
 e) Administration will take much time if the position holder is of limited skills
and ability thus much attention should be put forward when selecting the right
candidate for the job.
 f) Primary concern of church admin is members’ mutual relation as they reach
 g) Proper supervision on how the church function, i.e. purpose, objectives,
programs, organizations and human resources.
 h) All the candidates should possess or incorporate Administration skills.

 Purpose and Mission
 The MICC purpose and mission were properly clarified with the emanation of
the church traced back to foundation, i.e. relating the founder’s visions to
Christ’s will over the church. Mathew 6:13-19
 Emphasis was put forward that it is the purpose of church, which design its
organization, which in turn determines the fulfillment of the church’s mission.

 Develop Church Ministering Plans
 The secretaries should come forth with the best way of meetings,
teachings and reaching out to people.
 The plans should be compatible to the desired destiny.
 The plans can be basic operational, planning to the advance as well as
planning for annual and future developments.
 There should be transparency.
 Above all, Admins were encouraged to pray for what they want.
Treasury and Secretariat Studies 18/03/17

Record Keeping and Reporting

 Admins should first get the definition of a church member from the constitution
then record the church members.
 Record keeping is all form of capturing information, i.e. phone recording,
pictures & video captioning.
 Records should match the dynamic changes in the society.

Secretariat Duties
 Draft Agendas….get information from pastor in charge.
 Keep minute book up to date….proper minute book
 Report to the superiors if letters are needed.
 Submission of records, i.e. plan with pastor, draft charts & plans.
 Create database of ages, birthdays, and anniversaries
 Keep registers of the duties of the secretary.

Financial Administration-Treasury Management

 The key factor to proper treasury is transparency. Church funds only belong to
the church and therefore should not be put to any personal use anyhow.
 Also, another crucial fact is control and check with no overlapping of duties.

 Treasurer Duties
 Takes all tithes and funds for home keeping.
 Issue receipts for all the funds received.
 Keep monthly records
 Obtain approval by the Chairman before the board.
 Send the records to the chief treasurer

 Proper financial reporting

 The minutes should be available with all the signatories, i.e. Chairperson,
Secretary and Treasurer.

 Sources of Funds
 Tithes and offering
 Donations- In kind and in cash
 Pledges and Projects
 Submissions

 Budgeting systems
 The church can choose among the following proper budgeting systems
 1) Designated budgets: funding specifications e.g. evangelism, conference fees,
chairs, rentals.
 2) Unified budgets: no specification on funding system.
 3) Line Budgets: expenditures of item nature

The treasurers were taught to come up with a capital budget and this was done with
illustrations of financial statements examples. The meeting end and the delegates
were given platform to ask questions as well comment.


 Treasures should not complain to the congregation of how to raise the funds.
Being a treasurer means you have the capability to manage treasure and the
most valuable treasure in Church is God and people.
 It is high time for admins to create highly authenticated church websites,
properly managed facebook and whatsapp groups, computer on & offline
 Write down proper and clear plans especially for long-term commitments.
 Do all the activities in the approval of the pastor in charge.
 The admins should organize that after training studies they be issued with
certificates of attendance as well as certificates of competence where
 The activities of admins should always be in line with the top authority’s
5/4/2017 7:17 PM

 The training was really superb and right in time. Much of the positive drawings
from the meetings have already been stated in the previous sections.
 However, there was of lack adequate stationery such as handouts, books, pens,
 There was also lack of visual effects such as projectors especially for
diagrammatic presentations.
 Attendance poor
 Time management also proved to be a weakness amongst the trainees since
most failed to make in time as proposed in the notes of invitation.

 Treasures should have proper training budgets
 The participants should be supplied with stationery
 Meetings should be properly well communicated through the formal channels.
 Every member to adhere to the starting time.
 There is need to highlight the essence of centralization and decentralization.
 There need for cooperation, enforcement and consistency within the admin and
finance department
 All church members to work together in order to create a proper management
and admin.

Easter Conference theme: Time to love

National Acc Number: ZB-Bank, Masvingo Branch

4564-76 9669-200
 National treasurer cell: +263 771 554 283
 National Secretary General Cell: +263 772 321 901

MICC gravitating towards gravitas,…To God be all the Glory!!!!!

Combiled By:
Donald Hove
Gweru City Assembly Secretary
5/4/2017 7:17 PM

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