Foundation of Values Education

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Thrust: A Challenge to Philippine Education

Why Values Education

In EDSA people power revolution starts the values education and moral recovery and nation building
Senator Angara, chairman of the senate Committee on Education once stressed the following
“We can only premise the development of our nation on solid education.” We will need money materials
and machine with which to improve our nation. However, we must have the most important vital ingredient
in any transformation endeavor and that means PEOPLE with commensurate skills, people with necessary
virtues, people who are willing to subordinate their selfish interest for the common good, people who are
guided by common vision, and people who are inspired by a sense of mission.
Curriculum deals with the developmental of Social, Moral and Spiritual Values, while the 1989
secondary educational development program includes values education as a distinct subject to serve as
the formal cognitive- based learning experiences for values clarification and development.

Chapter 3: Theoretical Foundation in the study of Values Education

Value - Qualities, characteristics, or ideas about which we feel strongly. Our values affect our
decisions, goals and behavior and belief of feeling that someone or something is worthwhile, values define
what is beneficial and what is harmful values are standards to guide your action, judgment and attitudes.
How do we develop our values?
 As defined by Brian Hall in his book, the personal discernment inventory published in
1980, value refer to the major priorities that one chooses to action and that creatively
enhance his life and the lives of those with whom he associates with it is therefore
something chosen from alternatives is acted upon, and enhances creative interpretation
and development of human personality. And it is because of this reason that values
education has been introduced to the educational system of the country, in fact, values
education now occupies one of the highest priorities.
 Truly, the relevance of country’s educational system lies in its ability to form an outlook, a
character and an orientation necessary to achieve the goal of nation building.

The process of valuing

According to Louis Rath – 7 aspects in valuing defined value of the process
of valuing as having 7 aspects and made it clear that unless all the 7 are present.
7 Aspects
-Can be divided into 3 categories

C – hoosing to choose
P – rizing
A – cting
1. To choose freely
2. To choose from alternative
3. To choose from alternative after such consequences
4. To cherish and be happy with the choice
5. To be willing to affirmed the choice
6. To actually do something about the choice
7. To act repeatedly to affirmed the choice publicly

Choice was considered w/ the consequences

Thomas Andres gave the ff. question to clarify whether or not a given thing is a value?
1. Was the value chosen from range of alternative that I was aware of?
2. Did I consider the consequences of alternative that I was aware of?
3. Is the value evident in my behavior? Have I acted on it?
4. Do I act on this value repeatedly in some fashion of through a variety of similar experience?
5. Am I happy and pleased with the choice?
6. Am I willing to state it publicly?
7. Does the value enhance and not impede the development of my emotional and spiritual being?

Therefore, values are major priorities that a person chooses to act on the creatively
enhances life of those who he associates, Our life are said to be motivated and guided by
values. Our goal is the things that we valued in life.

Values Originated – person consciousness

 Psychological theory – impact of Erik Erikson Theory.
 It will pause problem when the child’s undissolved the dilemma. Outbalanced
 He was relying to others. It will cause doubt to himself.
 Exploration – through their iniative.
Theoretical Foundation in study of Values Education

Values Skill in Development

Where does values originated? in a person consciousness.
1. Instrumentals Skills – ability with intelligent and dexterity that enables him to be professional and
Skill – ability to get job done

2. Interpersonal Skill – ability to perceived self and other accurately in ways that facilitate
communication mutual, mutual understanding and cooperation.
3. Imaginal Skill – ability to initiate new ideas and to take data beyond quantification and logic to the
Creating new ideas
4. System Skill – ability to see the various part of a system as they relate to the whole and to plant for
systematic change.

Characteristic of Values
According to Max Schener in this theory of values he gone 4 characteristics of values.

1. They are pure valuable a sense or qualities.

2. They are objective and transcend the sentimental perceptions to w/c they appeal.
3. They are hierarchically dependent aim own themselves with the perceiver.
4. They are always given in pairs.

Other property of values according to Thomas Andres

1. Value relative – Any value or good maybe varied as.

a. Good for what? things

b. Good for who? person
Value – can be related to cultural influences as well as historical change.
Is also relative to time.
2. Value is subjective – in any relation there are three things to be considered.

 That which is related to someone to some other things.

- It means “from which “
 That to which the former is related or referred. “To which “
 The basis of relationship between 2 terms as “from which “is related to the
term “To which”.

3. Value is Objective – value has on absolute character seems it has objectivity the independent
of new one appreciation or judgment. – something absolute.
4. Values is bipolar – value never goes alone buts its company by counter value with
contradictory positive value and negative value.
5. Value is Hierarchical

Philosophy of Human Being / Human Person

 The philosophy of the human person started when the methods of philosophy were applied
to find answer regarding the question and mysteries of human existence.
 The human person who is formerly and presently the inquiring subject became
simultaneously the inquired object.
 The object inquired or studied by the philosophy of human person ( the British philosopher
sir Karl Raimund Popper ( 1902- 1994 )

1. The physical world of nature

2. The internal word of ideas, thoughts and emotions
3. The social world of inter subjectivity

The basic structures of any system of knowledge can be conceptualized as composites of

three things:
1. First, I studied
2. Second, the procedure or the approach in studying the object
3. The output or the knowledge produced. The schema can be graphically presented as.
Is a living being that contains a real and existing power to direct its own development toward
fulfillment through perfect, unconditional and infinite truth, love, goodness, beauty, and unity and will do so
if all the proper condition are met.
Philosophy uses the tools of logic and reason to analyze the way in which human experience the world.
 The physical world of nature more properly belongs to the natural science, but the
internal world of ideas, thoughts and emotion, as well as the social world of inter
subjectivity belong to the jurisdiction of philosophy.
HUMAN NATURE – say affect with other being

Related Human Person

 MAN – humankind, humanity, mankind
 HUMAN- refers to one as species and animal
 PERSON – human being granted human should be recognized rights, responsible
and integrity.
 PERSONHOOD – refers state of being person
 HUMAN NATURE – refer character that distinguished human creator, considered
human person
Totality of an individual possessing
o Awareness
o Self – determination
o Capacity to react with other and with himself/ herself.

 Self-awareness – having clear perception with her thought and feelings.
 Rational being – we can able to reason out and think.
 Self-determination – capability of person to make choices and decision based on own
preferences, monitor and regulate their action and be good oriented.
 Free will – capability to choice course of action of various alternative.
 Consequence – it is a result or effect of action and condition.
 Dignity – a way of appearing or behaving that suggests seriousness and self – control the
quality of being worthy of honor or respect.
ShepherdVille College
Talojongon, Tigaon Cam. Sur
A/Y 2019-2020


Foundation of Values Education

For the first quarter of the 1st semester

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